People we are living out the end days. Not the end of the world…the END OF GRACE. The end of the world as WE HAVE KNOWN IT. We are moving into the time of tribulation. The tribulation has already started for the millions of Bible believers around the world who are being tortured, raped, maimed and killed around the world just for their faith. Americans have always had God’s protection, until now. Because as a nation, we have turned our backs on GOD, he has removed his hand of protection from this Nation. We are now just as vulnerable to the plots and attacks of the Darkness as any other land.
HOWEVER, for those of us who KNOW AND ARE KNOWN BY HIM, we do not need to fear. Our GOD is well able to deliver us. Even if he does not deliver us from physical death, he will ALWAYS BE WITH US. NO MATTER WHAT WE GO THROUGH.
Now, know this, we are at WAR! FULL FLEDGED! 24/7 WAR! But we wrestle not with flesh and blood. Our warfare is spiritual. Our weapons are MIGHTY THROUGH GOD, for the PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS! We have armor and I suggest you put it on everyday. Our weapons are the SWORD/THE WORD of GOD, PRAYER, FASTING, PRAISE and WORSHIP.
I guarantee you the battle is won in PRAISE and WORSHIP! The devil is well aware of that and he is doing all he can right now to stop us from utilizing those weapons. He has made it impossible for many and almost impossible for some to even gather together for prayer, praise or worship, knowing full well that corporate prayer, praise and worship multiplies our efforts. Now he is making it illegal for us to sing, shout, praise, pray or witness in public. In short HE WANTS TO SILENCE US. ARE WE GOING TO TAKE THIS LYING DOWN?
Where do you STAND?
“Don’t let the Devil steal your PRAISE!!!……The Lord is about to do everything he promised you He would do in your life……This is the message I awoke out of a dream from God recently to give His people….Keep praise on your lips!!!…Praise is the ready position for this blessing!!” ~David E. Taylor ~
This group (Bethel Church) in San Francisco are taking a stand. I am so excited because they chose to stand on the Golden Gate Bridge. If you have been following my articles on the Golden Gate, you know that gate is a stargate/portal/connection to other dimensions/demonic entities. Wooo Whoo…. you go brother! This preacher (Sean Feucht) has started a movement/organization (Let Us Worship) to stand for our right to worship. PLEASE SIGN HIS PETITION!
Lord, let nothing keep us from praising You. Even the stones will cry out! (Lk 19:40)
Close to 400 people showed up to worship God at a service held on California’s Golden Gate Bridge last week in protest of Governor Newsom’s order to stop singing and chanting at houses of worship. Bethel Church’s worship leader, Sean Feucht, hosted the event as part of a movement he started called “Let Us Worship.” The movement was originally founded as a response to social media censorship of worship services that he led in what he called “places of trauma.”
Following the murder of George Floyd, Feucht and other pastors went to Minneapolis and St. Louis to pray and lead worship outdoors. They posted videos of the events on Instagram, which were quickly censored. Instagram stated the worship videos were “harmful” and didn’t meet their community standards. “Basically, they are blocking … any narrative except the one they want to push, which is strife, rioting and violence. And they wouldn’t cover the fact that people are coming together in these places of trauma and they’re bringing hope and bringing healing and bringing a restoration and reconciliation.” He said it got his group “fired up” to take a stand. So did Newsom’s ban on singing.
Feucht told The Stream that Newsom’s order to silence worship was hypocritical. “I would say [it is] hypocritical at best, given the fact that the state government largely endorsed the mass protest that included tens of thousands of people, and also included a lot of chanting and a lot of yelling. And I wasn’t against those, but I am against the hypocritical nature of not allowing the church to meet.”
So Feucht started “Let Us Worship.”The “Let Us Worship” petition has already been signed by over 20,000 people. Now Feucht is heading to the Nation’s Capitol. “I’ll be going to DC as we continue to mobilize against this infringement of religious liberties.” While there, he will meet with several U.S. Senators. In addition, Feucht is mobilizing moments of worship in specific and strategic places, like the one at the Golden Gate Bridge. . . .
Overall, the worship services have received positive reactions, not only from local people, but some in the media as well. The only real pushback Feucht has received has been from Christians posting online. “They’re just complaining about masks and [the] social distance thing. And I just find it kind of interesting that people are getting healed, saved and delivered, and their first thought is, well, ‘some people don’t have masks on.’”
‘The Church was Born for This’
Feucht said that these challenging times are reminiscent of the late sixties and early seventies. “I feel like we’re on the verge of another Jesus People movement and awakening, but I believe it’s going to take bold leadership from the church to get us to where God’s calling us to go. So I think now’s the time for bold leaders to rise up.” He added, “You know, our heart is just for people to see that we’re in really trying times, but the church was born for this.”
Feucht, along with pastors and faith leaders, will be traveling to Connecticut, New York and New Jersey to conduct worship events before heading back to California. They’ll then travel around California doing the same. Feucht says they need prayer for protection, guidance, open doors, favor, and resources as they travel. “Right now, we just feel like we’re just called to do this, go wherever He’s telling us. So we’re just trusting the Lord for those kinds of things.”
(Excerpt from the Stream. Article by Nancy Flory.)
The fervor to worship God free from government edict and societal persecution drove America’s earliest settlers across oceans and wild frontiers to this beautiful land to create a new nation built on a simple premise that all men are created equal and cannot be denied their inalienable rights to life and liberty.
But our freedom to worship God and obey His Word has come under unprecedented attack. Powerful politicians and social media giants have engaged in unchartered abuses of religious liberty, silencing the faithful, banning our voices, and outright attacking our God-given right to declare His goodness.
States across America, including here in California have shut down church services and even outlawed singing in church. Instagram and Twitter is censoring Christian voices every single day. And every hour that passes they grow bolder in their efforts to silence the faithful.
It’s time for the Church to rise up with one voice and tell our government leaders and the rulers of big tech that we refuse to be silenced!
If you are ready to take a stand against this unlawful censorship and discrimination,
And if you have been affected by the lawless actions of government or big tech, please tell us your story so we can share them!
If you’d like to do even more, help us get the word out to Christians across the nation, donate now CLICK HERE!

The ABCs of Praise
by Peter Doseck
Copyright 2010
excerpts only, view the whole PDF by clicking HERE
Praise is the voice of faith. It is the inward-to outward expression of what you truly believe. You can give lip service to something a thousand times and still not believe it, but when you allow it to pour forth from your heart in genuine praise, now you’ve got something you can build on.
In reality, redemption is all about you, but Christianity is all about Christ. You need to make loving, praising, and serving Jesus your number one desire, your ultimate goal, and your only reason for living. Make it all about Him, and He will make it all about you.
Supernatural Strength
Romans 4:20 says: “He (Abraham) staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.” Notice he was “strong in faith” when he gave glory to God. Praise not only gave expression to Abraham’s faith, but it also produced strength in him beyond his human capacity.
Psalm 8:2 says: “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings You have ordained strength because of Your enemies, that You might still the enemy and the avenger.” Jesus interpreted this verse for us in Matthew 21:16 when He said: “Yea, have you never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings You have perfected praise?”
Notice that Jesus used the words “perfected praise” where the psalmist used the words “ordained strength”. This shows us that they are one and the same. Praise and strength are fused together by God. He ordained the language of praise and gave it the capacity to produce a supernatural strength that will overcome and still every adversary in your life. You can literally quiet your storms using praise.
To still the avenger is more than just shutting him up; it’s putting a stop to him altogether. Praise makes the enemy hit the brakes and end his assault. It’s like putting him in a jail cell and throwing away the key. He no longer exercises authority over you, and he cannot win.
The devil knows how this works. He also knows his only shot at defeating you is to drain your strength by targeting your praise life. He knows he must shut down your active voice of praise in order for him to stand a chance.
So, he will try to get you to murmur instead of singing “hallelujah”. He will try to convince you to lie down and worry instead of shouting unto God with the voice of triumph.
Boxers use this strategy when they play “rope-a-dope” (leaning against the rope and tricking the opponent into wearing himself out throwing useless punches). Sometimes we wear ourselves out by murmuring and worrying instead of relying on the strength of praise to do the work for us.
Don’t let the devil gain an advantage over you this way. Don’t let him drain your God-ordained strength. Don’t murmur and worry instead of singing and shouting the victory. Don’t give the devil the satisfaction of making you weak.
Your enemies are God’s enemies. You may think God has no enemies, but in truth anything that opposes you is an enemy of God. Lack is His enemy, sickness is His enemy, depression is His enemy, and surely loss and death are His enemies. You must stay strong with active praise, and then you will prevail against every enemy of God in your life.
Mighty Weapons
1 Corinthians 1:26-27 says: “For you see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.”
The world puts no stock in spiritual things. They think faith is foolishness, and we are fools for believing, but we know God uses words of faith to release us from the captivity of unrighteousness and to cleanse us from the stain of sin. We know simple words of faith release the promises of God into our lives, transforming us into holy vessels ready for the Master’s use.
Praise, like faith, appears to the world to be mere words, but we know praise is a mighty weapon. It is the voice of faith, and it demands surrender of every enemy force. It sustains us, and it provides all that we need to cross the threshold of God’s promised outcome. Psalm 149:5-9 says: “Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hand; to execute vengeance
upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with
fetters of iron; to execute upon them the judgment written: this honor have all His saints. Praise ye the Lord.”
Notice the two weapons of war: praise and a two-edged sword. What is this sword? It is the Word of God, which is known as the sword of the Spirit. When you couple the Word of God with praise, you have an unbeatable combination. Praise is the expression of faith in the Word, and the Word provides faith to continue to praise. Together, they form an unending circle.
The “judgment written” also refers to the Word, the written promises, and the impending judgment of evil.
In court, a judge makes a sovereign decree. The accused cannot stop it, though in our system we do allow for an appeal. In God’s sovereign courtroom there is no appeal for the devil. Once your praise expresses your faith in God’s Word (His sovereign decree), the promise will come to pass.
When you offer up songs of praise and act on the truth of the Word, you stop the enemy from executing his will in your life. All the kings of the earth – the principalities and powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places – will have no right or power to overturn or ignore the decree. They must fall. They must bow. They must relinquish their hold on you.
The Real Enemy
Just as God fights through you, the adversary fights through the world system. In other words, persecution comes not only by demonic powers, but by people used by demonic powers. You must remember that you are not warring against the people, but you are warring against the evil powers behind them.
You can execute vengeance upon the adversary of your soul, even while you have mercy on the people being used by him. It’s a fine line to walk, but we must walk it carefully because Jesus told us to love our enemies, to pray for them, and to heap coals upon their heads (not a term of violence, but of offering comfort as when someone puts hot coals in a bed on a cold night).
You execute judgment on your true enemies, the principalities and powers, by keeping praise in your mouth at all times. Think back to …Paul and Silas were in chains in a cold, dark prison. When they praised God in the midst of this trial, they actually reversed the curse, and they turned the chains upon their true enemy. They had nothing against the jailer, but they forcefully bound the principalities and powers pitted against them.
In the darkest hour, in the inmost confined space, Paul and Silas did what was foolish in the eyes of men. They lifted their voices to praise God, and when they did God not only stilled the voice of the adversary, but He shackled him in his own wrought iron, and then God violently shook the foundation of the very place the adversary sought to hold.
God inhabits the praises of His people (see Psalm 22:3). He intervenes and holds court for us in the midst of a fiery furnace, or in the middle of a cold, dark dungeon. Wherever we are, He is there with us. And when we know He is with us, we can rest assured that He is well able to break us free from every binding force.
Praise is a mighty, mighty weapon!

Who Is On The Lord’s Side?
excerpts only view the entire document by clicking the link above.
Exodus 32:26 – Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord‘s side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
One of the things we will discover is that we must be on the Lord’s side, rather than trying to get him on our side. This may sound a little stupid or like splitting hairs, but when Joshua met the captain of the Lord’s host, the Lord Jesus Christ, before the taking of Jericho, Joshua asked him whether he was for them or against them. The angel of the Lord said in reply, Nay, but as captain of the Lord’s host am I come. We have people from all kinds of denominations, religions, walks of life, cultures, backgrounds who are trying to get together today. There is a big drive for everyone to get along, to compromise, to find common ground. Religions are trying to get along. The ecumenical movement is in full swing, as globalization increases, people from all over the world are coming together and attempting to forge peace and get along. The modern day tower of Babel. They say we are all one, and we all serve the same God, but in different ways, and all different ways and means are equally acceptable and valid. But the truth is that the only way we are truly on the same side, is if we are all on the Lord’s side. Paul said in 1 Corinthians that there should be no divisions, this is true. In Christ, there are no divisions… but we must be in Christ first. It is being truly saved by him, by him being in us and us being in him, that makes us truly brothers and sisters in Christ. We love him, therefore we love all those that are begotten of him via the new birth… all people who are saved are born again of the Spirit of God. People do want to be one, to get along, to be part of the world, to bring the world into the church, to have a bit of everything, but they want to do it in a humanistic way, not based on truth. There is one way, Jesus said he IS the way, the truth, the life, and the ONLY way to the Father. That’s pretty exclusive, everyone can come to Jesus, but he is the ONLY way to God, to heaven. And there are two sides, the Lord’s side or the devil’s side. You cannot wash your hands, you cannot not make a choice, as Jesus said, we are either for him, or against him. There is no middle ground. We are all one or the other, a sheep or a goat.
God doesn’t take sides, he is his own side. We have to get on his side. He doesn’t get on our side while we are living in sin, while we reject the truth, while we prefer the darkness to the light. Jesus is the captain, the mighty captain, the captain of our salvation, the captain of our faith. Hebrews says that we are to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. He starts it, he finishes it. It is easy to think that our self effort has done anything. But no. Jesus gives us our faith. It is he that is faithful. His name is FAITHFUL in the Bible. That’s why in Romans, the Bible says the righteousness of God is revealed FROM faith TO faith. It is his faith that matters. When will we learn that it is all about the Lord Jesus Christ. His blood. His cross. His sacrifice. His life. His intercession for us. He is the prophet, the priest, the king – the Christ, the Son of God. We need to get on God’s side. Our sins must be dealt with. We must be covered, cleansed and forgiven of our sins through the perfect sinless shed blood of Christ. The blood had to be applied to the doorpost for the death angel to passover in Egypt, and the true blood of Jesus which the story represents is what must be applied to our hearts for us to be saved, to be spared. Justice, mercy, and grace all meet in the person of Christ at the cross. He said, it is finished.
Psalm 47:1-5 KJ21
O clap your hands, all ye people! Shout unto God with the voice of triumph! For the Lord Most High is to be feared; He is a great King over all the earth. He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet.O clap your hands, all ye people!
The bible says to bring a clap offering Bring a clap offering. The Hebrew word – Taqa (Tah-Kah) means to clap, strike, to thrust, give a blow, blast, and it occurs more than 65 times. Taqa’ indicates energy and enthusiasm. Here all the nations are commanded to clap their hands and shout triumphantly to God. God has built into the human being an almost instinctive urge to clap and shout when victory is experienced.(This is more than just an exercise or a visual aid. There is actual real power in these actions. The spirit world is affected, and so the natural is affected when we clap and/or shout, it pierces through the air. Satan is the Prince of the power of the air, and the spiritual darkness feels the impact of those actions. We can’t fully understand or appreciate the extent of the impact with our carnal mind. But, trust me, it is powerful.)
All Ye people
Praise is not just for enthusiastic people – it’s for all God’s people, not just the enthusiastic but everyone! Learn how to bring praise to God: to clap our hands and shout unto God. Don’t miss out on bringing your praise to God!(I once had someone tell me that raising of hands, shouting and singing is all well and good for “people like me” because that is the way we are, but they are just not like that. They weren’t raised that way. Well, I told them. First of all…I was raised Catholic and we did not even whisper in church. So it neither comes naturally to me, nor is it how I was raised. Then I told them… I bet if Ed McMann showed up at your door with a huge check and told you that you had one the sweepstakes, you would be jumping up and down and screaming. Well, when I came to fully understand what JESUS CHRIST did for me at Calvary, whooo hooo, you can’t stop me from shouting. Oh Ya! For Sure, so much more than any sweepstakes award or any other thing this world has to offer. Those of us who KNOW who we are in Christ, yes, we shout and sing His praise, we raise our hands and dance for JOY! AND THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH!)
Shout unto God with the voice of triumph!
The biggest worship song is Darlene Zschech’s ‘Shout to the Lord’. It encapsulates worship – Your praise touching heaven, lifting God above all else, a shout of praise. Don’t be afraid to shout to the Lord! Develop your shout! If we want to see a breakthrough – we need to learn how to shout his praise because Praise comes before Breakthrough.Shabach (Shabar) means, ‘to address in loud tones,’ ‘to command,’ ‘to shout’. Christians have to find the voice of triumph – the voice of triumph is a prophetic voice. It’s a voice of faith. A voice that believes that in what God can do! Faith speaks. Faith shouts aloud!
Don’t let your voice be pulled into negativity.
Keep it up
Keep speaking life
Keep your voice in faithPsalm 150
Let everything that has breath praise the LordNo chorus is too loud, no orchestra too large, no Psalm too lofty for the lauding of the Lord of Hosts. – Charles Spurgeon
For the Lord Most High is to be feared;
He is worthy. Give him all the glory. Honour the Lord above all else, the awesome wonder of God. Praise lifts him up in our lives. Praise lifts him up in the church.Every good gift that we have had from the cradle up has come from God. If a man just stops to think what he has to praise God for, he will find there is enough to keep him singing praises for a week. – D.L. Moody
He is a great King over all the earth. He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet.
Only God can turn things around and bring the victory. Our victory is in him. As we praise him and lift him up, as we shout unto God with a voice of triumph, He can bring about a mighty victory. Gideon leads his small army to victory!
Psalm 148: 5 Let them praise the name of the Lord, for at his command they were created, and he established them for ever and ever— he issued a decree that will never pass away.
Put him in his rightful place. In praise we lift him up – and he deserves to lifted up! If you lift him up in your life and he can do wonders. Even Jesus could not perform miracles because of a lack of honour!
Praise honours God. Praise reminds us that God is our creator / God is big.
Being in Cambodia and Africa, you see the contrast. You realise that one of our big enemies in NZ is apathy! We have too many options and too much is focused on us and the enemy uses it to keep us busy and distracted.
Praise crashes through apathy! You don’t see apathetic people shouting out to the Lord! Let your praise kick apathy off your life!
When we start to praise, it lifts us out of the dramas of this life and it lifts our spirit.
When I start to praise… I feel a spirit of faith comes upon me. The weight of the world drops off, I feel that all these things are possible with God and I receive fresh vision.(When you feel the least like singing let alone praising God, that is when it is most needed and most effective. It is a sacrifice of praise. You sing, against your nature, because you KNOW it is what pleases GOD! God honors that praise and moves on your behalf to change your circumstance and change you!)
While each man held his position around the camp, all the Midianites ran, crying out as they fled
Praise is like holding your ground in the midst of a battle. It pushes back the darkness the surrounds, and blocks the attacks. Evil will not stick around if we’re praising our God, who will fight our battles for us. Praise contains the sound of heaven – the enemy will flee when there is an atmosphere of praise! Get Heaven into your world!
(Remember the bible says that GOD INHABITS THE PRAISES OF HIS PEOPLE!! Where God is there can be no evil, no darkness, no sin! If you need to win a battle…invite GOD in by opening your mouth and letting His praise pour out of you. Just see how fast the demons skedaddle.)
22 When the three hundred trumpets sounded, the Lord caused the men throughout the camp to turn on each other with their swords.
He’s the same God who won Gideon’s (and Joshua’s) victory, He can still do it today. Let’s find our praise / our voice of triumph! The greatest shout of praise
Matthew 27: 50 Then Jesus shouted out again, and he released his spirit. At that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, rocks split apart, and tombs opened
(God is the same, yesterday, today and forever! He is well able to deliver you. If you need some encouragement, go online and find some of the testimonies of the things GOD did for the Israeli army in their modern battles/wars for the Holy Land.)