The world has come to disdain the Word of God and to dismiss it as fantasy or worse. This is not something new. Pride has always been the downfall of humanity. Satan knows this well. He loves to puff humanity up and make them believe that they are so far above those who came before. OHH.. we are so much more sophisticated than that, we are so advanced. Look at what we have accomplished. Look how far we have come.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20
Beyond that though, God is so loving that he will never do anything without first warning His people.
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What is the Christian’s Response to Calamities.. ➤𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫(𝐬): David Wilkerson
This post is about three men who have gone above and beyond, in response to God’s prodding, to give the world a visual testimony of the mercy of God. These men have poured everything that they had into replicating NOAH’s Ark. Now, they are not crazy or stupid. These are very intelligent men, good hearted, strong, and obviously financially savvy. It is not cheap to build an ARK, and all the stuff that is inside. These are men who are convinced that God has called them to their labor of love. They are sincere and deserve respect and appreciation for the gifts that they have given the world.
If you have not seen my earlier related posts, check them out here:
For thousands of years, people have proposed many objections to Noah’s ark. Because of these doubts, most people don’t even believe that Noah’s ark was real, but think that it was just a made-up story. In this video, Calvin Smith from Answers in Genesis–Canada gives an extremely thorough overview of Noah’s ark that will challenge skeptics and encourage Christians. To see more episodes of The Genesis Account of Noah’s Ark, start your 7-day free trial of Answers TV: https://www.Answers.TV/the-genesis-ac… To see the life-size Noah’s Ark in Kentucky, visit the Ark Encounter:
Man Builds Full-Scale Replica of Noah’s Ark in Kentucky
According to Ken Ham, the structure, which sits on 800 acres, is 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 52 feet high. June 8, 2016 CLICK TO VIEW
Why Christian fundamentalist Ken Ham built a $100 million ark
A LOT of people thought he was crazy. Now “Aussie Noah” Ken Ham is a crazy guy with a $100 million ark.
May 23, 2016 – 11:57AM
HE’S been described as evangelist, an inspiration, a creationist, a Christian apologetic, dangerous religious fanatic, a science-denier and the Australian Noah.

Ken Ham used to be a Brisbane science teacher. Three decades on, he’s one of the most polarising and powerful religious leaders in America’s Bible Belt.H
Ham believes evolution is a fraud, the world is only 6000 years old and was created in six days, the Book of Genesis is historical fact and homosexuality is a sin.
Now, the founder and president of Answers In Genesis (AiG) has built a life-size Noah’s ark.
The privately funded $100 million monolith in Kentucky is seven storeys high, about 200m long and the biggest timber-framed structure on the planet.
Ham says Ark Encounter is “one of the greatest Christian outreaches of our era” and will attract up to two million Christians and non-Christians a year when it opens in July.
Call Ken Ham crazy if you like. Just don’t call him the messiah.
“This has been his obsession. A lot of people thought he was crazy. A lot of people still think he’s crazy, but now he’s a crazy guy with a $100 million ark,” Pennells says.
Ham’s critics say he’s a fanatic selling a dangerously mind-bending view of world history. His fervent supporters — and in Middle America’s conservative Christian Bible Belt there are many — believe he is Christian warrior in a spiritual war who can lead people back to a fundamentalist way of life.
When asked if he was a messiah, Ham, 64, didn’t quite bristle, but “he was taken aback”, Pennells says.

Biblical proportions: The ark dwarfs heavy equipment used in its construction. Picture: Channel 7
In a blog post, afterwards, Ham, 64, fired up.
“I’ve never in my life been asked anything like that. The Messiah is our Creator and our Saviour, Jesus Christ,” he wrote.
He said the blasphemous statement had come from one of his most vocal critics, Bill “the Science Guy” Nye, who says Ham is “scientifically illiterate” and challenges him at every turn to debunk his teachings.
The pair famously squared off in a fiery evolution versus creation debate which went viral two years ago.
“Bill Nye falsely accuses me of being “The Messiah” cause he doesn’t like me proclaiming the message of the Messiah,” he continued.
His ark may be a build of biblical proportions, but Ham isn’t the evangelistic, fire-and-brimstone personality you’d expect.
He advocates Biblical literalism. He genuinely believes Noah marched in those animals two-by-two, but Pennells says “he is a straight-talking Australian bloke from Queensland”.
“I wouldn’t even say he very charismatic. He’s an everyday bloke from Australia who believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible. It’s his rule book for life,” says Pennells.
“Every question Bill Nye raises, Ham’s reply is “there’s a book that explains that, it’s called the Bible.
“And in conservative America, he has found a lot of kindred spirits. That is a mainstream view over there, not a fringe movement over there — they are rooted in conservatism and their Christian roots.
“Whatever you think of what he says, he believes it and he’s got an army of people behind him who believe it too. In that scene, he’s a rock star.”
One thing beyond doubt is Ham’s business acumen.
He might have used the Bible and the cubit measurements chronicled in it as his instruction manual for the ark — but we’re betting Noah’s original didn’t include a 1500-seat restaurant and gift shop for tourists and shuttle-buses like Ham’s version does.
The back of the ark, which features a 1500-seat restaurant and gift shop. Picture: Twitter
“Someone said to me: ‘In America one of the biggest sins is not being good at business’. Ken Ham is not guilty of that sin,” says Pennells.
The ark has been very deliberately positioned in the middle of Kentucky, near the major interstate highway, and a 90-minute flight away for most middle Americans.
It’s Christian missionary strategy, with a 2016 twist.
“In the battle for souls in this era, you go big, Hollywood-style,” says Pennells.
The ark is the biggest monument in Ham’s multi-million religious empire — Ham is also an author, has a radio show, and is the darling of the Middle America homeschooling sector.
Those who work with Ham must sign a statement of faith, indicating they believe the same as AiG: in creationism, the earth is only 6000 years old, the Bible is fact, the lot.”
Ham says the ark is “the most wholesome, family-friendly God-honouring facility around”.
His critics say it is yet another monument to a belief they says is increasingly permeating the community as fact, and eschewing and mocking scientific fact.
Debate aside, the ark is impressive.
“No matter what you think of the guy, you walk through the bowels of that ark and you think this is phenomenal,” Pennells says.
No, it doesn’t float although when it began to rain during his tour, Pennells asked: “does this thing work?”.
Ham referred to Genesis in his answer.
Ken Ham Employs Rock Monsters to Build Ark Encounter
by Tim Chaffey on April 1, 2015
Ken Ham finally admitted that just as rock monsters helped build the Ark in the Hollywood movie Noah, so rock monsters have been sought to build the life-size Ark in Kentucky. Not many people have seen these rock monsters at the Ark site, but after someone caught them on video, I thought it was time to admit to everyone that yes, we are using rock monsters to build the Ark.
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Download File: wanted to have some fun at the expense of the egregious Noah movie released last year. This blasphemous film featured giant rock monsters(fallen angels trapped in rock) as the real heroes of the movie. They are the ones who built most of the Ark and ended up returning to heaven. At the same time, Noah is shown as a madman, and God is depicted as distant and vindictive. We published a detailed review of this awful film and several of our researchers participated in a webcast to discuss many of the errors in this film.
False ideas about Noah and the Ark abound in our culture. Skeptics mock the biblical account and spread numerous misconceptions, misleading undiscerning or unsuspecting people. Hundreds of children’s books and toys add to the confusion by using cute little arks and animals that make the biblical account seem like a fairy tale. Hollywood’s presentations of the Flood account have been abysmal. The 1999 Noah’s Ark miniseries put the account of Sodom and Gomorrah as taking place before the Flood and has Lot (who lived centuries later) lead some pirates in an attack on the Ark. Last year’s Noah movie was far worse. The recent Noah’s Ark movie on the UPtv network was a vast improvement from these other films, but it still had numerous inaccuracies that will end up misleading people about what actually happened.
These are some of the many reasons why the Ark Encounter, currently being built in Williamstown, Kentucky, is such an important project. This one-of-a-kind theme park is designed to counter the lies and misconceptions about the Ark and Flood that are so prevalent in our culture. This massive 510-foot-long structure will demonstrate that Noah’s Ark had plenty of room for all of the required animals—even using a worst-case-scenario approach that will likely overestimate the number of animals. Guests will learn some of the methods Noah may have used in constructing the Ark. Highly engaging and attractive exhibits are being developed to teach people the truth about our world’s history, recorded for us in the book of Genesis.
Ultimately, the global judgment of the Flood and the mercy God showed to Noah and his family will be used to remind visitors of the coming judgment and the truth that the Lord has once again graciously provided a way to be spared from the eternal consequences of our sin. According to God’s infallible Word, the Son of God died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3–4). Noah and his family entered the Ark to be spared from the physical destruction of the Flood. The only way to be spared from eternal destruction is to be in Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. (John 10:9)
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
On this April Fools’ Day, we remind you that it would be exceedingly foolish to reject God’s gracious offer of salvation (Hebrews 2:3). Those who continue in their rebellion against the holy Creator will face judgment. Call on the Lord Jesus Christ and receive His forgiveness and the gift of eternal life (John 3:16; Romans 10:13).
To learn more about how you can assist us in building this amazing project and to keep up with the latest news about the Ark Encounter, please visit
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The Ark Encounter is a massive 510-foot-long structure with a surprising amount of hidden details within. In this video, Ken Ham and Tim Chaffey reveal many artifacts in this renowned attraction that are easy to miss, but you certainly don’t want to. To see more content like this, start your 7-day free trial of Answers TV:…
Johan Huibers
Man Finishes Constructing Noah’s Ark After 19 Years

Like many of us, Johan Huibers has always loved the story of Noah’s ark. He began reading the biblical story to his children in the 1990s, and the Dutch father soon decided it would be cool to build the ark himself.
“It may sound scary, but I believe everything written in this book, cover to cover,” he said while pointing at a copy of a translation into Dutch of the Hebrew Bible. “This is a copy of God’s ship. It only makes sense to take it to God’s land.”
In 1993, Johan decided to start building the ark in his free time. It took him thirteen long years, but in 2006, he was finally finished with his modern version of the ark!
While Johan was proud of himself, he was still not totally satisfied, as his ark was only half the size of Noah’s. He realized that he had a lot more work to do, and that he could not do it alone, so he hired a team of amateur carpenters to help him.
In 2012, 19 years after he started this journey, Johan’s ark was finally complete!
Though he believes he spent $1.6 million on the ark, he admits it is not perfect, as his team is not made up of professionals.
Nevertheless, experts believe his ark is what Noah’s would have looked like, as Johan followed the exact description of the ark that is in the Bible. It is also believed to be seaworthy, and though Johan planned to sail it to Israel, the one problem is that it has no engine. Johan’s initial plan was to rent tugboats to sail it.
Johan is now planning to rent his ark out to various cities, so you may get to see it for yourself in a city near you too!
Johan Huibers’ full-scale replica of Noah’s Ark. (Ceinturion/CC / Rex Features/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
DORDRECHT, Netherlands – Just as the first storms of winter roll in, Dutchman Johan Huibers has finished his 20-year quest to build a full-scale, functioning model of Noah’s Ark — an undertaking of, well, biblical proportions.
Huibers, a Christian, used books 6-9 of Genesis as his inspiration, following the instructions God gives Noah down to the last cubit.
Translating to modern measurements, Huibers came up with a vessel that works out to a whopping 427 feet (130 meters) long, 95 feet (29 meters) across and 75 feet (23 meters) high. Perhaps not big enough to fit every species on Earth, two by two, as described in the Bible, but plenty of space, for instance, for a pair elephants to dance a tango.
Huibers looks up to the sky when showing journalists the inside of the replica. (Peter Dejong/AP)
Johan’s Ark towers across the flat Dutch landscape and is easily visible from a nearby highway where it lies moored in the city of Dordrecht, just south of Rotterdam.
Gazing across the ark’s main hold, a huge space of stalls supported by a forest of pine trees, visitors gaze upon an array of stuffed and plastic animals, such as buffalo, zebra, gorillas, lions, tigers, bears, you name it. Elsewhere on the ark is a petting zoo with actual live animals that are less dangerous or easier to care for — such as ponies, dogs, sheep, and rabbits — and an impressive aviary of exotic birds.
“This boat — it’s amazing,” said Alfred Jongile, visiting from South Africa with his Dutch wife.
For Huibers, a builder by trade, it all began with a nightmare he had in 1992, when the low-lying Netherlands was flooded, as it has been many times throughout its history.
Interior view of Huibers’ Noah’s Ark replica. (Peter Dejong/AP)
Huibers thinks that new floods are possible, not least due to global warming. He cites a New Testament passage prophesying that “the cities of the coast shall tremble” near the end of times.
But he’s not worried the whole Earth will ever be flooded again. In the Bible, the rainbow is God’s promise it won’t be.
“I had a call from American television,” he says, laughing. “This has nothing to do with the end of the Mayan calendar,” he said.
Huibers poses with a stuffed tiger in front of the replica. (Peter Dejong/AP)
He said his motivation is ultimately religious, though. He wants to make people think what their purpose is on Earth.
“I want to make people question that so that they go looking for answers,” and ultimately find salvation through God and eternal life, he said.
Johan’s Ark also contains a restaurant on the topmost level and a movie theater capable of seating 50 people. Around the edges of each level of the craft are displays on ancient Middle Eastern history and dress, scenes from the life of Noah, and games for kids, including water pumps and a system of levers to lift bales of hay.
Huibers shows journalists the inside of his Noah’s Ark. (Peter Dejong/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Down below there is a honeycomb system of hatches, each opening into an area where food could be sealed in for long-term storage.
There is an outdoor space near the stern with a dizzying series of stairwells. Walking around, Johan points out features such as the curvature of the upper deck, which he said would have been used to collect rainwater for drinking, as well as for letting animals such as horses out to exercise where they could run around.
Another visitor, Martin Konijn, said he was impressed with the level of detail.
“You might know the story of Noah, okay, but if you see this you begin to get an idea of how it would actually have worked in practice.”
Models of animals are seen in the replica. (ROB KEERIS/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Huibers says he’s considering where to take the floating attraction next, including European ports or even across the Atlantic — though the latter would require transport aboard an even bigger ship.
But Huibers is also working on a new dream, perhaps even more unlikely than the first one: he wants to get Israelis and Arabs to cooperate and build a water pipeline from the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea.
“If you have faith, anything is possible,” he says.
Before the flood: Take a tour of a Noah’s Ark replica in virtual reality
God creates man. Man abandons God. Man creates an ark. God wipes the world clean with a torrential flood.
But Dutchman Johan Huibers doesn’t think the world was ever fully cleansed. “We’re living in the end of days,” he says, so he built a replica of the Noah’s biblical ship to save us from our transgressions — sort of. Now, three years after its completion, Johan’s Ark is available to experience in virtual reality through Bible VR, an app that lets users experience live-action renditions of biblical events.
Huibers’ pinewood ark is immense. Its hull it 95 feet wide and 75 feet tall, five decks high and longer than a football field, with a capacity for more than 5,000 people. It may not be big enough to carry Noah’s cargo but seems sufficient for the hundreds of thousands of fans who have visited it so far. Still, Huibers and the team behind Bible VR wanted to bring the ship to an even wider audience

“We believe in sharing the Ark experience with people around the world,” Director and co-founder of FigTree VR Pearry Teo told Digital Trends, “especially for those who may never have the chance to visit the Ark in real life. Traditional videos and pictures give merely a peek at what an amazing experience it is to be in the ark, and VR helps us accomplish that.”
There are not a lot of options available for faith-based VR experiences but Teo thinks the medium is a great way to share biblical stories because it puts users the midst of an event they would otherwise only ever read about.
“VR opens up new doors to learning,” he said, “making it easier if the experience is enriching, enjoyable, and safe which fosters higher level of engagement and understanding. And because VR is unique for each experience, it helps improve retention and recall making it suitable for different learning styles. This is where we believe we can help keep faith, values, and tradition alive through virtual reality.”
Bible VR is available for free on Google Play and iTunes.
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Part 3: Johann Huibers, a born-again Christian, spent 20 years building the replica.
Sir Aad Peters

6/4/2021, 9:32:20 AM

Ark grounded by flood of bureaucratic requests
“The Ark needs to move…this Old Testament ship with the Tree of Life and He who brought forgiveness on board needs to be in motion again,” he wrote on Facebook.
Documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information request by the Ipswich Star, reveal the MCA has ruled it cannot release the Ark until it has a load line certificate and papers to show it meets anti-fouling laws.
Mr Peters tried to get the vessel towed in March by asking authorities to issue a certificate for a one-off voyage. The MCA, however, told his agents that it was not possible to exempt the Ark from international rules as it was not registered in the UK.
As of January 2021 the detention of the vessel had cost its owners £12,132, and it has been incurring £500 daily fines since April 1.
Mr Peters’s agents had argued that the vessel was designated by the Dutch maritime authorities as a “non-certified floating object” which means it did not have to comply with international regulations.
But the coastguard also wants to see evidence that the Ark complies with international rules banning hulls from being treated with anti-fouling paint which contains chemicals harmful to wildlife.
Emails from coastguard bosses, seen by the Ipswich Star, raise “serious concerns” about the condition of the vessel, including the fact it is 61 years old.
“We do have concerns about this vessel and we cannot rely on the grace of God that it can be safely towed to Holland,” the emails read.
It is understood the Dutch Government is lobbying the UK Foreign Office and the Department of Transport on the issue.
A spokesperson for the MCA said: “The vessel, Noah’s Ark, will remain detained until all the deficiencies have been put right and a MCA surveyor is invited to check they’ve been corrected.”
Mr Peters, who is now back in the Netherlands, has described his Ark as “a message of hope” and “an educational and cultural celebration of many of the Bible’s legendary stories”.
His spokesperson said: “The requirement to obtain full registration and the required certificates was and may not be achievable within the required timescales and would incur unreasonable costs and time delays to the vessel.
“Towage plans have now been made for the Ark to return to the Netherlands and the vessel is still awaiting towage approval to depart from the UK.
“Owners have been continuously seeking a means (of release) and (permittance) to be towed on a single voyage from the UK to the Netherlands, with an agreed towage plan.”
Just as well nobody ever asked Noah for an agreed towage plan, or for that matter a load line certificate, after the man himself loaded a male and female of every animal onto his Ark on being warned of the devastating flood to come.
Fortunately it didn’t happen to the original because – if the Bible is to be believed – none of us would be around to tell the tale.
A giant replica of Noah’s Ark has been impounded and is racking up fines of £500 a day on Ipswich’s waterfront after the UK authorities said it did not have the correct paperwork.
The 230ft long floating museum, full of sculptures of biblical characters, arrived in November 2019after being towed across the North Sea from the Netherlands.
The attraction, which has welcomed more than 15,000 visitors, had been due to leave in March 2020 but has been stuck for 18 months after the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) said it was not seaworthy.
Now, the Department of Transport is in discussions with Dutch authorities to find a way for the ship to be released.
The owner of the replica Ark, Dutch TV and theatre producer Aad Peters, is desperate for it to be allowed home.
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Come visit the ark in
Zeewolde, Tulpeiland Arkmuseum
NOAH’S ARK is the world’s only floating exhibition of Bible stories.
Created from the fertile brain of Dutch TV and Theatre producer Sir Aad Peters, The Ark is a half-sized replica of Noah’s original boat and an educational and cultural celebration of many of the Bible’s legendary stories. From Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Goliath and countless more, this quirky, creative, and extraordinary space is an experience visitors will never forget.
Covering 2,000 square metres and 4 floors, the biblical stories are brought to life through an array of unique wooden carved sculptures, the centre of which is the tree of life growing 12 metres up through the middle of the ship.
No matter what you believe, the Ark creates a talking point for visitors to reflect on and discuss their own experiences, often finding common ground on stories shared between people with or without faith. In the ten years since the boat was created over half a million visitors, including many schools have launched their own education projects based around the themes on The Ark.
For millennia, Noah’s Ark has been the symbol of hope. Aad Peters has already taken his Ark and the message of hope to the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Norway and for the first time has brought it to Britain.
LOOK: Pictures show stunning hidden world behind the doors of the ark at Ipswich waterfront

Oliver Sullivan
Feb 7, 2020
LOOK: Pictures show stunning hidden world behind the doors of the ark at Ipswich waterfront

Oliver Sullivan
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Dutchman Aad Peters has brought his replica of Noah’s Ark to Ipswich docks for three months Picture: NEIL DIDSBURY – Credit: Archant | The 70m vessel, a replica of Noah’s Ark, is owned by Dutch TV producer Aad Peters. It tells Bible stories through wooden sculptures Picture: NEIL DIDSBURY – Credit: Archant |

From the outside, it is a dark, towering ship looming in front of the clouds in a cold, blustery dock.
But inside – thanks to the equally quirky and impressive mastermind of Dutchman Aad Peters – there is something quite different.
No stranger to storytelling, the artist, television and theatre producer attempts to question the way people look at fact and fiction in his floating museum – posing the idea that anything is possible.
From wooden statues of Noah riding a scooter with a ram’s head for handlebars, King Solomon brandishing his sword and a live snake and Koi Carp, Mr Peters eccentric way to tell the story of the bible is as striking as it is thought-provoking.

Mr Peters added: “I felt it’s sad that these stories aren’t there anymore – I’ve worked in more than 60 countries, and if you know you’re own story it’s much easier to talk to other people who have their own. I am as story teller, and this is a story ship.”

Split across four floors, the museum is not affiliated with any religious group – instead, according to Mr Peters, giving people the choice to believe whatever they want to believe.He said: “I don’t go into the religion, I go into the stories and let the stories do their job.
For me, religion is something very personal, but a story is a story – here we separate the two different things.”
Built in 2010 by carpenter and evangelist Johan Huibers, the ark is built to half the size of the specifications in the bible, and proved a tricky task to transport to the UK last week.
Mr Peters said: “This is the only floating ark in the world and it is extremely beautiful – but more than that it is an opportunity to bring people together and simply discuss life.”

Having previously been to Germany, Denmark and Norway, the boat has again been hot in the public eye.
Local businessman Kevin Barber said: “This is a great opportunity show how aspirational Ipswich is as a town. Not only will it help our community, it will also help our local economy which is a fantastic thing.”
Adult tickets are priced at £16.50, with children between four and 14 at £9.50 and discounts available for family tickets. A further 20% discount is available on Mondays.
The ark is set to remain at its spot at Orwell Quay for three months.
One of the quirky displays inside the huge 70m vessel, a replica of Noah’s Ark, which has docked in Ipswich for three months Picture: NEIL DIDSBURY – Credit: Archant
Noah’s Ark in a Double Rainbow!
A few months back the floating replica of Noah’s Ark arrived at the Ipswich Marina where we live in the UK. Today we had a very sudden, heavy and short downpour of rain while the sun was still shining. I looked outside and saw and incredible sight… Noah’s Ark caught within a double rainbow.
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Now that you have had a chance to look at these ARKs, perhaps you have a stronger belief in the Word of GOD and narratives written within it. Perhaps you also have a better understanding of what it took to build the Ark, to maintain the provisions for the people and animals inside it. Perhaps you can appreciate that it was GOD who brought the animals to the ARK and it was GOD who kept the peace on their voyage. Perhaps you can also appreciate that it took some pretty strong FAITH to get on the ARK, knowing there was no rudder or any other way that anyone inside the ARK could guide it or control it. They were completely in GOD’s HANDS!! I hope that you are starting to see that GOD’s HANDS is the SAFEST PLACE FOR ANYONE AT ANYTIME. I hope that you are coming to see that you can count on HIM.