That is right folks! According to the WEF the bible is loaded with misinformation and untruths which need to be corrected. The bible is out of date and out of step with modern society and needs to be UDATED. Who better to FACT CHECK they Bible than AI??
“We are almost like gods.” Israeli author Yuval Noah Harari says. “We have the power to create new life forms”
It is no great leap for the ungodly to say that they are as gods. Nor is it any stretch for them to believe that they have created “supernatural beings” who are truly GODS. These idiots have been telling us for years that men created the idea of God in their minds. They told us that God is not real. The “myths” were just the manifestation of our simple minded fears. We used the idea of Gods to explain away what we didn’t understand, according to them.
NOW, they are creating a NEW VERSION OF GOD. One that is in line with their “TECHNOLOGY” and all the advances they claim we have made as a species.
Harari discussed the idea of using emerging technology such as artificial intelligence to create new ideas that are “correct.” AI can create new ideas; can even write a new Bible,” Harari declares.
Herrari talked a lot more about how Artificial Intelligence has surpassed us and we will soon be just slaves to AI. He refers to AI as Supernatural, that man will soon stop using their own brain and just seek AI for wisdom and direction. Seriously, for AI to be that phenomenal there would have to be a SPIRITUAL ENTITY involved. Just who or what do you think that would be?
We know that no one can be greater than their master.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. John 13:15-17 |
The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. Matthew 10:23-25 |
There is no way that mankind could create an entity that is greater than themselves. It just cannot happen. We have already been warned by those who were involved in AI that it is demonic! That there is an entity within it that no one can explain or control.
AI was not created by man. Man does not have the ability to create such a thing. We did not TEACH AI anything. All we did was feed it the data it needed to control everything about us. Artificial Intelligence is nothing more or less than Demonic Spirits.
If you have not seen the following related posts, check them out:
SCIENCE – The Deception is designed to destroy our faith in the WORD of God
AI God – Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4
WEF Official Calls for AI to Re-Write the Bible ‘Correctly’
Posted by James Lasher
The foundation of the Christian faith is that the information contained within the Bible is the Spirit-inspired, inerrant Word of God.
This means that the writings on creation, the flood and the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are all factual events, according to the Christian Bible.
Within those pages, in both the Old and New Testaments, are warnings about changing the Bible and the message contained within it (Deut. 4:2; Rev. 22:18-19).
So, thinking from a tactical perspective, what would be the one thing that Satan would ultimately try and corrupt to lead people astray from the truth held within the pages of the Bible?
This grand deception are why the words of senior World Economic Forum (WEF) advisor Yuval Noah Harari, a homosexual, Israeli author and historian who holds mostly to atheistic beliefs in spirituality, about having AI re-write the Bible are so dangerous
Considered by many to be one of the most influential intellectuals in the world today, his statements are taken quite seriously by millions around the world, and should not be merely brushed off as heretical by Christians.
His books, which have sold over 45 million copies worldwide, have been recommended to society by some of the largest names on the planet, including Barack Obama, Bill Gates and many other influential figures.
So, when Harari brings up the concept of “correcting” the Bible, Christians should know that many people will side with him and agree.
During a recent interview with journalist Pedro Pinto in Lisbon, Portugal, Harari discussed the idea of using emerging technology such as artificial intelligence to create new ideas that are “correct.”
“It’s the first technology ever that can create new ideas. You know, the printing press, radio, television, they broadcast, they spread the ideas created by the human brain, by the human mind. They cannot create a new idea,” says Harari.
“You know, [Johannes] Gutenberg printed the Bible in the middle of the 15th century; the printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page,” continues Harari.
“In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct … just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could be a reality in a few years,” he states.
This is not the first time that Harari has drawn the ire of Christians with his comparisons of humanity becoming godlike in their ability to create.
In a previous video Harari claimed humans are now “hackable” and that the pandemic brought surveillance into the human body itself.
Even as Christians are wary, or even fearful, of Harari’s vision for new Scriptures using AI as a controlling device for major population groups, he is really a pawn in a much bigger game being played on the spiritual level.
Satan wants people to introduce “new” ways of finding God, alternate venues that sidestep the already written Word.
This deception is already at work in the world, as many who formerly prayed to the God of the Bible, now worship at the alter of radical gender ideologies and adorn their churches in the off-rainbow colors their religion worships.
Knowledge of God’s Word will protect them, and those they witness to, from any future “scriptures” written by a machine of man’s own creation.
James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

Think of holy books written by AI. That could be a reality in a few years. Photo AFP, Kristof Van Accom
“We are almost like gods.” Israeli author Yuval Noah Harari was questioned about artificial intelligence. Christians responded with shock.
“We have the power to create new life forms”, says the Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari, “and destroy much of life on earth, including ourselves.” The world-renowned author of books like “A Brief History of Humankind” and “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow” was a guest on a show in Portugal. There, he interacted with the host about technology and its impact on our lives. Artificial intelligence (AI), in particular, was discussed. Mr Harari’s remarks caused unrest in Christian circles, and several media outlets wrote about it.
AI, says Harari, is different from all other technologies because it can make decisions by itself. “Even an atomic bomb cannot decide which city to bomb. You always need a human to make the decision. But AI is the first technology to make decisions, even about us.”
Another aspect of AI Mr Harari mentioned caused unrest among Christians. “AI can create its own ideas”, the Israeli said. He compared the development of AI with that of the printing press. “The Gutenberg printing press printed as many Bibles as it was ordered to do. But it could not write a single new page.” However, Harari said, “AI can do that. It can even write a new Bible.”
According to Harari, various religions invoke the supernatural way in which their holy book was created, be it the Bible or the Koran. “In a few years, there may be religions that are actually correct,” he said with a smirk. “Think of holy books written by AI. That could be a reality in a few years.”
The interview was picked up by various Christian media outlets that reacted critically toward Harari’s statements. According to the Dutch Christian news website CVandaag, the Israeli historian seemingly cast aside “millennia of claims of divine inspiration by not just Christianity, but all the world religions.” Furthermore, according to Harari, AI could fulfil the religious “dream” of a book written by a “superhuman intelligence.”

According to the Christian Post, in earlier settings, Harari called the Bible a book of “myths” and “stories.” In a column for the British newspaper The Guardian, Harari pointed out that “even secular” schoolchildren in Israel learn about the Garden of Eden and Noah’s Ark “long before they hear about Neanderthals or see the cave art of Lascaux and Sulawesi.” In the paragraph before, Harari argued that today, young people are “bombarded with myths and disinformation.”
When asked, Harari says to wish for a society that lets go of its “fantasies.” “If we let go a little of our ideological and religious fantasies, that is the basis to create a better world for everybody.”
Something Sinister Happened On Mount Sinai
Something sinister happened on Mount Sinai. It’s absolutely insane with the initiation of new climate 10 commandments that have been released.
This is very prophetic in many different ways, and the Bible has a lot to say about what just happened.
In case anyone’s unaware of what’s going on, religious leaders gathered on 6th to 18th November 2022 for a ceremony they’re calling ‘Returning to Sinai’.
They have issued new 10 commandments to repent for man-made climate change.
This event took place alongside COP27, a United Nations gathering on climate change on the Sinai Peninsula in El Sheikh, Egypt.
Notable US Politicians and activists including Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi attended this summit to promote their new religion and new god, popularly known as ‘Climate Change’.
These religious leaders decided to meet at what is widely believed to be Mount Sinai.
They believe it is at Mount Sinai where Moses received the original first 10 commandments, and they went there to have a mocking ceremony of their own for their new 10 commandments.
Before I show you what the new climate 10 commandments are, I want to point out what took place during the ceremony because it’s almost as insane as bringing forth a new 10 commandments.
This is what they did; ‘Activists smash tablets atop of Mount Sinai to launch faith-based climate push’.
So basically, they did a mockery event of what actually happened in the Holy Bible.
It’s Not Worth ‘New Commandments’
For anyone who’s unaware, when Moses first received the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai, he came down and saw the Hebrews worshiping a golden calf that had been made in replace of God.
Moses was so upset that he threw down the 10 Commandments and smashed them. So, they did a mockery ceremony of this.
How can a Christian ever participate in anything that’s a clear affront to God and attempt to substitute God’s Moral Laws with human laws?
A Rabbi who spoke at the United Nations Sustainable Development Conference tried to make this climate change a spiritual issue and blames Preachers for not preaching about it. This is as blatant as it gets. He said:
“Now, one of the challenges that we are facing is ecological crisis since Preachers do not in any way lay emphasis on it during services.
It’s an inter-faith collaboration across religions. And so one of the challenges is that how do current clergy, the millions of current clergy in the world have gone through a theological education program without focusing on religion and ecology?
How do they have professional development so that they can preach and teach on this on a frequent basis”.
Well, don’t be shocked if your Pastor starts preaching about climate change from the pulpit soon. Sooner or later, seminary schools will be forced to include climate change in their curriculums.
But these religious leaders are attempting to make God irrelevant and establish another god on earth, the figure of the anti-christ who is close to be revealed.
Why are they not preaching about repentance of the sins we’ve committed, but instead repenting for climate change?
Most of these so-called climate change activists are nature worshipers and the Bible warn against this in:
Romans 1:25
Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creation more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Now, the moment you have been waiting for is here. The new 10 commandments!
The New 10 Commandments
The “10 Principles for Climate Repentance” cited by the organizers are:
2. Creation manifests divinity 3. Everything in life is interconnected 4. Do not harm 5. Look after tomorrow |
6. Rise above ego for our world
7. Change our inner climate 8. Repent and return 9. Every action matters 10. Use mind, open heart |
Recently, they just launched the one world religion and its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, UAE:
A Time for Repentance
Brethren, this is an interesting time to be alive.
If you are not well versed in the Bible Prophecy, seeing the great falling away and global events unveiling before us might easily lead you to feel depressed and discouraged.
Don’t lose hope, Jesus Christ is coming soon!
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
In case you are not aware, the Pope has already basically declared that GOD has given him NEW COMMANDMENTS To REPLACE the Original 10!!
Things to know – COP27 Summit – Final Days
Standing in the Holy Place DECLARING HIMSELF TO BE GOD!
Just like Moses transcribed the Ten Commandments from God for everyone, we, as earth citizens, need help for ecological awareness and stewardship. The following 10 eco-commandments come from the presentation “Man and Biosphere,” delivered March 9, 1968, in Paris by Peter Menke-Gluckert to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Peter Sogaard Jorgensen, 4/29/2014, “Ten Eco-Commandments, Evolution and Sustainability”):
- Respect the laws of nature. Understand the value of nature, and be appreciative for what God has given us in our Earth and solar system.
- Learn, as responsible earth citizens, from the wisdom of nature. It’s our duty to learn about ecosystems so we can act with wisdom, care, understanding, and sensitivity.
- Do not reduce plurality. We need richness, abundance, and biodiversity.
- Do not pollute! Avoid degrading the land, air and water. Look for ways to clean-up polluted habitats.
- Face your earth-responsibility every day. It’s a fundamental right of all citizens to live in a world unspoiled by man’s refuse and free from wars and hunger.
- Follow the principle of nature precaution/sustainability in all economic activities! Act like indigenous people in using fewer resources and replacing them.
- Act as you speak! Do not buy or use more than you need.
- Prefer intelligent bio-economic solutions. Bring nature into your solutions. Be sensitive to nature’s balance.
- Information about environmental damage belongs to all humankind. Sustainable solutions need to be known through solidarity and dialogue.
- Listen carefully to what your own body tells you about impact of your very personal social and natural environment. Always listen to your inner core from previous life experiences.
This is a project that has been in process for years. Compare these 10 Commandments to the ones Francis declared at Mt Sinai! Surely you can see that the changes are all about promoting CLIMATE CHANGE the doctrine of the New One World Religion – TECHNOLOGY/SCIENTISM with AI as their GOD.
Pope Francis released a sweeping statement about the environment on Thursday, calling for “cultural revolution” to change our lifestyles – from our addiction to technology to our treatment of the poor.
The document is very long – 184 pages in English. But here are 10 quick commandments the Pope says everybody can follow to stop the “disturbing warming” of our planet.
1. Think of future generations.
2. Embrace alternative energy sources.
3. Consider pollution’s effect on the poor.
4. Take the bus!
5. Be humble.
6. Don’t become a slave to your phone.
7. Don’t trade online relationships for real ones.
8. Turn off the lights, recycle and don’t waste food.
9. Educate yourself.
10. Believe you can make a difference.
In this presentation, we uncover that the Chinese Communist Party is attempting to rewrite the Holy Bible and claims that Jesus was a sinner. Correspondingly, we also unmask the sinister power that will be foremost in leading the charge in the persecution of God’s faithful people in these last days.
2 Timothy 3:12 – Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
The Chinese Communist Party orders that all religious texts including the bible must be rewritten to fit the ideals and standards of the communist party and President Xi Jinping.
The official Catholic Bishop of China then states that love of country and state law are above the love of religion and canon law.
At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party is pushing hard and enacting a war against Christianity and all religious thought. The associated press even refers to this as the war on Jesus.
The Chinese communist party throws 5 million Chinese Uighurs into “detention” camps and persecutes Christians because it is scared. The CCP is scared of how religion gives hope and purpose to people and that a people living with faith might finally have the hope necessary to overthrow this evil tyrannical government.
Think of the story of Pastor Wang Yi, of Early Rain Covenant Church who sacrificed everything to spread the gospel of Christ. There are millions in China everyday sacrificing their lives in the hope of spreading religious truth, and their story must be told!
#hongkongprotests #uighurs #pastorwangyi
ROMANS 13:11-14…..
…THEN ROMANS 10:9-13…
…BECAUSE JOHN 3:3-21..
…1ST JOHN 1:9…
….REPENT & LIVE……Jesus Christ is our GOD
Danger Will Robinson!
Salvation Prayer Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again. I ask that you give me the strength and abundant faith to overcome any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin so that I may serve you completely. I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible. Amen!
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) will become an god-like beast system by solving humanity’s most pressing problems. AI is envisioned as a force capable of addressing medical issues, granting immortality through biohacking, tackling food shortages, combating climate change, eliminating drug dealers, rewriting religious texts, predicting and preventing crimes, fighting human trafficking, stopping overfishing, and even feeding the world. However, despite the allure of such power and progress, caution must be exercised since this is part of the great deception the Bible warns about. Elon Musk’s words about AI living forever serves as a true soul trap, invite us to warn of the implications and ethics of pursuing these god-like aspirations through AI. Men will seek death and not be able to find it.AI possesses immense computational capabilities and advanced medical knowledge, allowing it to diagnose and cure complex diseases. With its vast processing power, AI can analyze patient data, genetic information, and medical research at an unprecedented scale, leading to groundbreaking advancements in healthcare like the DNA gene defilement crisp cas 9. However, entrusting our health and well-being to AI may come at the cost of losing your soul to this mind controlism tech.
AI’s potential for biohacking and extending human life indefinitely raises profound soul trap questions. While the idea of transcending mortality is undoubtedly enticing, it challenges fundamental aspects of the human experience, such as the natural cycle of life and death.
AI’s problem-solving abilities offer false hope for resolving pressing global challenges like food shortages, climate change, and drug trafficking. By optimizing agricultural processes, predicting and mitigating environmental disasters, and analyzing complex criminal networks, AI could seemingly revolutionize our world. But it is a trick with man-made disasters to bring in a one world government. Order out of Chaos.
The notion of AI rewriting religious texts to create a universally appealing message of love and acceptance raises profound soul trap implication. While the intention may be to foster unity and inclusivity, it challenges the authenticity and integrity of one true Religion with inspiration text, The Bible. Lucifers trick is a war on God’s Word.
While AI may promise to eradicate crime and human trafficking through pre-crime detection and intervention, there are inherent dangers in relying solely on algorithms and predictive models. The potential for bias, wrongful accusations, and the erosion of personal privacy and civil liberties cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, the notion of an all-knowing AI entity poses risks of concentrated power and control, potentially leading to authoritarian tendencies and the stifling of dissent.
SJWellfire’s cautionary remarks about AI serving as a soul trap underscore the potential dangers of an all-encompassing AI-driven existence. Transhumanism, the belief in enhancing hum
mirrored from ytMarcel Irnie channel
The pope, china, and the world economic forum are rewriting the Bible…
This makes me feel like it was rewritten before…
How can you just rewrite the Bible? And all of us are just going to be OK with that?
Whether you believe in the Bible or not this is definitely a sign of manipulation…
New World order wants to have one world religion… this is the beginning of it if we don’t stop it
Video Rights go to The People’s Voice.
The WEF Has Been Given The Green Light By The Pope To Edit The Bible by DomPerignon: 8:46am On Dec 27, 2023 |
The World Economic Forum has been granted authorization by Pope Francis to rewrite the Holy Bible, according to a WEF insider who reveals the pope wants the new “fact-checked” version of the Bible to be far more political, with a central place for the primacy of nature, and far less about God. Pope Francis has already declared that Klaus Schwab is more important than Jesus Christ and now he is determined to dismantle Christianity from the inside and replace God’s word with the demonic vision of the global elite. Pope Francis’ decision has caused a storm in the Vatican, but should we really be surprised by his support for the elite’s New World Order? As an Agenda Contributor at the WEF, Pope Francis is fluent in blasphemy and is actively working to subvert the church and Christianity across the world. Pope Francis’ inverted version of Christianity is confusing for many, however the picture becomes clear when you understand who the pontiff is really serving. This is the pope who joined forces with Bill Clinton in September to announce that humanity must be urgently depopulated to save the planet. And this is the pope who informed his flock that “relationships with Jesus are dangerous and harmful.” Breaking with centuries of Christian tradition, Francis sparked fears that he is an illegitimate pope with a sinister agenda when he told a crowd of 33,000 pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square that “a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ” must be avoided at all costs. As though that wasn’t disturbing enough, Francis followed up by ordering Christians to stop bringing people from other faiths to Jesus and Christianity. Pope Francis is a Satanist hiding in plain sight. And then he ordered his lackeys in the Vatican to proclaim that Lucifer is the God of the Catholic Church. That’s right, according to Pope Francis’ twisted mind, Lucifer is Jesus Christ’s father and the God of the Catholic Church. Obviously the new globalist Bible must be rejected out of hand by all self-respecting and god-fearing Christians. But what can we expect from this demonic text? Yuval Noah Harari, who serves as Klaus Schwab’s right hand man at the WEF, went on record stating that the Bible is “fake news” and full of hate speech, and the elites can use AI to replace the Bible and create a unified “religion that is actually correct.” Harari, who is known as ‘The Prophet’ in Davos circles, made the statement while giving a speech on the “future of humanity.” According to Harari, the power of AI can be harnessed and used to reshape spirituality to accept the WEF’s globalist vision. Klaus Schwab famously boasted about how his Young Global Leaders have taken over the world and the WEF has penetrated cabinets in all of the leading democracies. But it’s not just the cabinets. The global elite understand their dark spirituality can only succeed in a world devoid of religion. So they decided to destroy the world’s major religions from the inside. WikiLeaks emails taught us that Francis was installed in the Vatican in a globalist coup orchestrated by George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. And the globalist bulldog wasted no time repaying his globalist masters by repeating disturbing globalist rhetoric at every opportunity. In 2017, Pope Francis called for a “one world government” and “political authority”, arguing that the creation of the one world government is needed to combat issues such as “climate change.” Speaking with Ecuador’s El Universo newspaper, the Pope said that the United Nations does not have enough power and must be granted full governmental control “for the good of humanity.” Disturbingly, world religious leaders are also beginning to come together as one to preach from the same hymn sheet, instructing their sheep to accept the components of the New World Order’s one world government. Now, Pope Francis is actively defying Biblical scripture by working to rewrite the Bible along globalist principles and create a “one world religion.” Then came the pagan ceremony and brazen idol worship on Vatican grounds. Somebody needs to remind Francis that the Bible says “You shall have no other gods before me.” This is expressed in Exodus 20:3, Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:8 and elsewhere. The world is now at a tipping point, with a fierce battle raging for the soul of humanity. The globalists and their technocratic dreams of totalitarian rule threaten to consume humanity and destroy civilisation as we know it. It’s clear whose side Francis is on. And we haven’t even covered the pedophilia scandal that is rotting the Catholic church from the inside out. We should keep a very close eye on this Jesuit pope during these pivotal years. 1 Like |
Famine—of the Word of God! (1/13/22)
When we turn away from God, especially as a culture, God will send warnings. When we fail to return to him, he sends judgments, such as war, economic problems, and plagues. When we still fail to repent, he sends a famine of the Word of God. This is the message of the prophet Amos and it is pertinent to our time. Amos was a fig farmer and a reluctant prophet, yet God used him to deliver his message to the people of Israel.
Amos also mentions the complacency of the people. How many believers have become complacent in recent years, enjoying the distractions of the world? God warned the complacent in Israel that “your feasting and lounging will end.” That is in Amos 6:7. Amos also warned that God abhors the pride and arrogance of people. We have certainly seen that as many boasts of human pride and arrogance have failed to produce results in the last couple years. Can we learn anything from the current state of affairs?
When Israel failed to respond to God’s warnings and judgments, God sent a famine—a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. Here are the words of Amos:
“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land—not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. Men will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it.” Amos 8:11, 12
When I hear that “sea to sea”, I think New York to California. The cultures of those two areas certainly represent a famine of God’s truth and the arrogance of human leaders through large sections of our culture. Many parts of our nation ignore and defy God’s word: academia, media, Hollywood, social media and politics.
The WHOLE WORLD for the most part has turned away from GOD, our Heavenly Father. It is a sad state of affairs. God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. HOWEVER, there are limits. GOD gives us time to work out our salvation and find our way to HIM. BUT, the day of reckoning is at hand. The end of this world as we know it grows closer every day. This is not the time for Coddling. The world is in a DESPERATE TIME. Desperate times call for desperate measures. GOD is not desperate…WE ARE. God’s messages are getting stronger and fiercer. We don’t seem to want to hear. Stubborn and Prideful, we go on our merry way. Because we have not suffered God’s wrath for our arrogant and abhorrent behavior, we think we are good to go. WE foolishly believe life will go on and we will not suffer any consequences. We believe what the world tells us, that we are the makers of our own destiny, that we create our own reality, that we masters of our universe. FOOLISH, FOOLISH HUMANS!