I have no idea how many people have actually seen the video of that American Airlines passenger who demanded to be let off the place because the man next to her was “not real”. Maybe you have seen it, maybe you haven’t. Today, we are going to take a look at what happened in the text of other similar events and see what you think.
First we will look at the original video in full. Realize that the camera angels do not really allow us to see much other than the lady herself, some of the crew of the plane and some of the other passengers as she passes by them. We do not ever get a view of the person she says is “not real”.
Every witness that I have heard states that the “not real party” NEVER said a word the entire flight. If he was communicating with her it was non verbal. Or perhaps telepathic. She may have been terrified by something she saw, as in maybe shapeshifting. Strange eye configurations or facial distortions or maybe claws manifesting or something like that. It is clear that no one else saw what she saw. Not unusual considering seating on a plane. It is hard to see over the seats and passengers are packed in like sardines.
There is a very good reason why I am taking the time to work on this post. There is something here that everyone need to recognize and consider.
AS our world gets wilder and wilder, crazier and crazier and more and more chaotic, we need to be mentally prepared for some of the things that we will be seeing and experiencing. So, hold on to your hat and keep your mind open as we delve into the craziness.
There have been some other people who have come forward and shared what they saw or experienced on the flight. Some of them have been proven to be fakes. Some stories I have heard are to ridiculous to post. For instance one guy claiming to be the man in question and stating that she was reacting to seeing the size of his sex organ. That is how ridiculous some the stories have gotten.
Not only do we have to think about people who truly have emotional or medical problems but we have to begin to recognize that there are demonic forces at work and with all the witchcraft and pagan practices you will be seeing more and more of this type of events/occurrences.
People who are demon possessed do not even know it. When the demon takes over they are pulled back out of the way as the demon uses their body to commit whatever actions and speak whatever madness they choose. Sometime the person is aware and sometimes they have no clue, when the come to themselves they have no recollection of what occurred because they were not there.
When you see people behaving in outlandish ways it is easy in this “modern time” to just chalk it up to mental illness or the influence of drugs. It is debatable whether or not everything “psychology” labels as “mental illness” isn’t just the influence of demonic forces. It is even debatable that when someone takes drugs, they open themselves up to demonic forces and so the crazy things they do under the influence of drugs are just the manifestation of demonic forces.
In ancient times, before “psychology’s explanations for the unexplainable, people assumed the root cause to be demons/jinns/evil spirits/gods and/or goddesses/fairies, etc.
During the time of GRACE, when Christianity was the major influence we were protected from much of that kind of madness. It was limited really to those places that were more highly occupied by pagans and practicers of the dark arts. Which of course we have always had with us. But now, when the greater portion o the world has turned its back on GOD and turned to indulging in all manner of sin and embracing their dark side paganism has risen as well as the practice of the magick arts. DEMONS/SPIRITS have been invited back into our realm on a regular basis. And we will suffer the consequences. The world is already seeing manifestations but soon we will see a flood of EVIL like has never been seen before or will be again.
Justin Bieber Has Morphed Into A Reptile (Appaz) | MTV News

Jay-Z Caught Reptilian Shapeshifting On Flight To LAX
Dozens of United Airlines passengers claim they saw Jay-Z shapeshift into a reptilian as the rapper and music mogul travelled between New York City and Los Angeles on Friday.
One witness, writing about the experience on Twitter, said “the shit hit the fan in business class” when Jay-Z “lost control” and began shapeshifting in front of the other business class passengers. “V scary. He kept changing shape. He knew more and more people were watching and he got angrier and angrier when he couldn’t stop.”
Now, imagine that you have just taken off from the airplane and are strapped in you seat when you SEE one of these creatures MANIFEST right in front of YOU! How would you respond? What would you do?
I can tell you right now that GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD. Nothing can stand against the POWER OF GOD.
However, I can also tell you from experience, that if you try to take down a demonic spirit large or small in your own right and strength, they will laugh in your face and you will end up hurt.
The demons know who is under the blood, who is prayed up, who is walking by the spirit. They know who knows how to fight in the spirit.
It takes time with GOD and time with the HOLY SPIRIT to develop your SPIRITUAL WARFARE SKILLS. I suggest you get on it!!
FEAR is their greatest tool and your downfall. We fear what we don’t understand. Get to know about spiritual warfare. Get to understand how your enemies work. Be prepared!
I believe fear is what motivates the ones who subject themselves to demons. They are afraid because the demons demonstrate their power. Some are convinced that their money and fame and position is the only thing that makes their life worthwhile and they are AFRAID of losing those things. Some are afraid of what men and women who are demonized can do them. They have seen the torture, the sadistic and horrifying things these folks have done to others. Some are afraid of the demons themselves, they have been terrorized by them.
What they fail to know, is that as long as you have breath, you can be set free. You can turn your heart, soul, mind and body to GOD. He will keep you, protect you and provide for you. As long as you are covered in the blood and living for GOD, the BATTLE BELONGS TO HIM. You just have to show up in God’s armor!