Update Added 1/14/25
California, the “LAND OF FRUITS and NUTS! That is a well- known phrase applied to most areas of California, not JUST to LA. California is the land of fruits and nuts not just because the grow so much of our produce. There are a lot of zany, crazy and nutty people living there. Especially in the Los Angeles area. You just have to walk down the street and you can see them.
California is the most liberal, experimental and controversial State in our nation. All kinds of intellectual, spiritual, political, medical, military and educational experiments go on in that state. Every wild and crazy bill originates in California.
People are watching what is happening with the fires, the earthquakes, the tsunami threats and they are trying to understand why all this is happening. Some people are saying that it is the Judgment of God being poured out on this rebellious State.
Today we are going to look specifically at the Los Angeles area. Not in an effort to prove that the area DESERVES what is happening. But, to show that indeed there is a case that the spiritual debauchery and rebellion that has been going on there has its natural consequences. California is a place where GOD is greatly shunned and even challenged.
However, as I said Los Angeles is not the only area where this is true. In truth California is not the only area. Though historically California has played a leading role in the downfall of our nation, the whole world is guilty.
Judgment is coming! If you dance to the music, you have to pay to the Piper. The world has been living under God’s grace. He has been very patient. He has a plan and a timeframe. He is allowing for ALL who are meant to come to come. Once we reach the expiration date…it is over. All who have chosen to rebel and refuse his Salvation will suffer. They will die the first and second death.
As you review the following information, articles and videos, I hope you will contemplate the condition of your own spirit. It is not too late to get right with GOD. You can be assured of eternal life and avoid the evil that is about to fall upon the Earth.
Now some will point out that these disasters are being created by the people in power. Which is very likely the case. However, God warned us that destruction was coming. He did not say whether it would be by HIS hand or by the works of the Kingdom of Darkness. Either way…nothing happens unless GOD allows it. So, don’t get caught up in stupid details and foolish arguments. FOCUS on GOD and your relationship with HIM. Nothing else really matters.
As you see all these things that are happening in Los Angeles, recognize that these same things are happening in your city, town, state, nation. Don’t kid yourself into thinking things are different where you live. DARKNESS is getting DARKER EVERYDAY! The world is ONLY going to get worse and worse from this point on. The devil knows his time is short. He wants to take every soul he can to Hell. If he can’t convince you to join him, he will KILL YOU to prevent you from turning to God.
“Los Angeles begins to face ‘apocalyptic’ devastation as wildfires continue to burn” (PBS). “It feels apocalyptic: Californians on the loss and devastation from LA wildfires” (Guardian). “Economic loss from L.A. wildfires could top $50 billion, making it one of the costliest U.S. natural disasters” (LA Times). And in the rest of the US, “Biggest snowstorm in years shuts down travel across southern US” (Accuweather), what’s wrong with this picture? Welcome to the world of weather warfare. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
Atmospheric frequency transmissions are a primary method with which the geoengineers can manipulate atmospheric pressure zones and thus surface wind directions and velocities. These transmissions form very specific patterns in aerosol laced cloud canopies and haze as the video capture below clearly reveals.
Cloud patterns directly over the LA fire zone on January 7th and 8th, the days the fires started and accelerated. Your thoughts?
Alarming satellite captures reveal frequency transmission impacts on aerosol cloud canopies over the LA firestorm zone. “APOCALYPSE: Fire chief warns LA wildfire is worst case scenario” (Fox News). “Weather Whiplash Fueling LA’s Wildfire Could Make It Costliest in History” (Science Alert). For over a decade and a half Geoengineering Watch has warned of the coming firestorms, worse is yet to come. Climate disruption operations must be fully exposed and halted, that effort will take all of us.
In the Bible, fire is often a symbol of God’s presence, power, and judgment. “Fire from the LORD” specifically refers to instances where God manifests His divine will or judgment through fire.
An official i the Los Angeles area gave a press briefing while wearing an UPSIDE DOWN Crucifix! Humility or Satanic? Brief video below.
So, we’re supposed to believe what this lady says about the California Wild Fires while she’s wearing an upside-down cross around her neck?! pic.twitter.com/6TCrUnGIOf
Original Credits: Glink [from youtube] Original Title: “The Dark Reality of Los Angeles” Original Description: We’ve all heard about the problems of Los Angeles, but I wanted to see it for myself. Beneath the veneer of Hollywood and entertainment lies a dark reality we are often blind to. The first part to a new docu-series Im working on about the Promised Land of Los Angeles. 00:00 Intro 02:28 Trouble In Paradise 04:11 American Idol 10:06 Veterans of War 17:10 War On Poverty 23:00 A House, Not A Home 26:42 With Open Eyes 27:34 Outro Intro song: https://youtu.be/Ig-4StuBfSE Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNTq… The G-Links: twitter.com/GlinkLive Twitter, where I publish all my hot takes and dank memes reddit.com/r/glink/ Reddit, nobody uses this, but you can post memes here instagram.com/glink_between_worlds/ Instagram, this is where things get real a e s t h e t i c https://discord.gg/xtwYypf My Discord, only for REAL gamers patreon.com/Glink Support me on Patreon and be included in Q & As, audio updates, discord roles, and credits at the end of my videos teespring.com/stores/shop-glink Want to look fly while supporting my channel? Buy a T-shirt or poster here, all designs are custom made and completely original, not mention tasteful and artistic youtube.com/channel/UChJT4Jg89AHMyybc… Gush – the podcast where me and Slush share stories with bold creators and brave influencers
Deranged parents who want their kids to be castrated are suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. Jeff Younger is here to talk about his quest to save his son from his ex-wife’s child abusing ways. GOP mega donors don’t want states like Texas to classify gender transitioning as child abuse. A Texas court allowed Jeff’s ex-wife to flout state law and abscond with his son to the genital mutilating state of California. Woke parents who want to advance their social status in liberal society are forcing transgenderism on their kids. Transgenders have a suicide rate of 40%. Suicide is an act of violence against one’s self. If a person is willing to commit violence against themselves then they are more likely to commit violence against the public at large. Transgenders have been lied to and told the unaccepting public is the source of all of their problems. So, it should come as no surprise they are now turning into violent terrorists who want to shed the blood of Christians. Propaganda has perhaps never been more successful than it is today. The propaganda has been so successful that in some places it is now acceptable to castrate little boys in America. The Trans movement is the most dangerous movement in the history of the western world. Stew Peters Network 533k Followers 6 Hours Ago https://rumble.com/v2hmrha-evil-california-law-legalizes-kid-mutilation-crazed-ex-wife-abuses-boy-urge.htmlhttps://rumble.com/c/StewPeters
California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a controversial new law regarding judges’ discretion on whether or not to add individuals to the state’s sex offender registry who have committed sodomy with minors.
California law permitted judges to decide whether to place a man on the sex offender registry if he had consensual intercourse with someone 14 to 17 years old and was not more than 10 years older than the other person. However, that discretion only applied to vaginal intercourse, which LGBT advocates, including the author of the new bill signed into law Friday, argued was discriminatory toward gay men.
Proposed legislation in California would “decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth,” reports the California Family Council (CFC), a Focus on the Family-allied organization.
CFC President Johnathan Keller stated, “For years, pro-life advocates have argued there is no moral difference between ending a child’s life days before birth or days after birth. California’s pro-abortion legislators now seemingly agree.”
Keller called Californians to fight the legislation, AB 2233, saying, “A political culture that justifies killing millions of children in the womb is now declaring open season on unwanted newborns. Every Californian must oppose this heinous bill.”
The Legislature finds and declares that every individual possesses a fundamental right of privacy with respect to personal reproductive decisions, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.
Accordingly, it is the public policy of the State of California that …
Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.
“Postpartum care” refers to care after birth, with no real time limit, so it could possibly refer to months after the birth. Dictionary definitions of “perinatal” (the time around birth) differ; usually the term refers to five months before and one month after birth – but the time period could be even longer.
What AB 2223 means is that no “person” will be subject to any penalties related to an infant’s death – even up to a month after birth, but possibly even longer. (The bill insists that it’s not women who give birth, but “persons.”)
And if an infant dies – inside the womb or after birth, and the mother contributed to the death through substance abuse, neglect or attempts at self-induced abortion, she cannot be prosecuted. The bill forbids county coroners, who typically investigate such deaths, from doing so.
CFC offers the testimony of a number of legal experts who concur that the bill allows infanticide. Here are three of them:
AB 2223 is not only a pro-abortion bill – it removes all civil and criminal penalties for killing babies born alive under any circumstances. The bill expressly authorizes any person to facilitate late-term abortions and infanticide without legal repercussions. Life Legal condemns the use of euphemisms like “personal reproductive decisions” and “reproductive justice” to justify and encourage the killing of babies in and outside the womb.
Attorney and Chief Executive Officer Alexandra Snyder of the Life Legal Defense Foundation
California lawmakers have crossed a red line by seeking to legitimize the killing of hours-old and even week-old infants. This is not about expanding abortion rights; this is a degree of evil that the overwhelming majority of Americans, regardless of how they identify politically, cannot stomach. We will be working to defeat this insane and diabolical bill.
Attorney Matthew McReynolds with the Pacific Justice Institute
AB 2223 seeks to legalize the killing of babies in California after birth. Depending on how the term “perinatal” is interpreted by the courts, this bill legalizes the infanticide of children several weeks after their birth and possibly as late as their first birthday. If this barbaric bill is enacted, there will be no criminal or civil liability for the mother or those who assist her with killing her baby post-birth.
Attorney and President of the National Center for Law and Policy Dean Broyles
The bill comes from the extremely radical California Future of Abortion Council, which is promoting nine different pro-abortion bills. The Abortion Council is a coalition of 40 pro-abortion organizations, “with the support of California’s governor and legislative leadership.”
It was “convened to identify barriers to abortion services and recommend policy proposals supporting equitable and affordable access to abortion care for Californians and all who seek care here.”
In December, the Abortion Council released a report containing 45 policy recommendations, such as paying for women – even from out of state – to be able to obtain an abortion more easily in California, “including the cost of the medical service, distance to the nearest available provider, gas or other transportation needs, lodging, childcare, lost wages due to lack of available or usable sick time, and other necessities such as food during travel.”
The California legislature is looking to be an abortion destination state if and when the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
Legislators are also working to make California a state where infants can be killed after they are born.
LANCASTER (CBSLA.com) — It’s June 6, 2016, for most Angelenos, but for members of the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles, Monday is a very special day.As part of a commemoration of 6/6/16, Satanists have announced plans to perform an “introductory Satanic ritual” by using GPS technology to outline a five-pointed star – also known as a pentagram – around the city of Lancaster, according to a press release from the Temple.A copy of the “The Seven Tenets” – which the group says “reflect(s) the core beliefs of The Satanic Temple” – will also be presented at City Hall at around 3 p.m., according to the group, which reportedly has about a dozen members.The group says the ritual is a “symbol of protection from evil” and “represents a solemn promise” to Lancaster residents.”We will stand with the good people of The City of Lancaster and struggle for our constitutional right to individual liberty, freedom of expression, and the separation of church and state in your community,” the group said in a statement.
If you’re into devil worship, June 6 is a big day. It’s 6/6/16 — ever so close to 666, the so-called “number of the beast” that signifies Satan — and the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles plans to pull out all the stops in celebration.
That Monday it plans to announce “its presence in the city of Lancaster, California, with an introductory Satanic ritual,” according to a press release posted this week to the group’s website. What, exactly, that ritual will entail is unclear. But if you’re looking for rabble-rousing and chaos, the statement from the group seems to indicate that won’t be the case.
“Our mission is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people. In addition, we embrace practical common sense and justice,” it reads. “As an organized religion, we feel it is our function to actively provide outreach, to lead by example and to participate in public affairs where so ever the issues might benefit from rational, Satanic insights.”
The 12-member group told LA Weekly its schedule is a secret but that the appearances are geared toward raising awareness of its religion.
“We will be hitting five different points around the city, performing various rituals,” organizer Thuc Nguyen said to LA Weekly about the group’s plans. “When we’re finished it will all connect together for the magic hour around sundown.”
According to the group’s statement, its planned actions are also political in nature. The statement read: “The pentagram is a star with five points. Using GPS technology we will place the five points of the star so that the pentagram will encompass your entire city. When all of the points are in place, the pentagram is completed. Drawing this symbol around your city represents a solemn promise from us, the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles. We will stand with the good people of the city of Lancaster and struggle for our constitutional right to individual liberty, freedom of expression and the separation of church and state in your community.”
The group will also be in Lancaster — about a 75-minute drive from Los Angeles — to support Steve Hill, a local Satanic Temple member running for state Senate. It also plans to deliver to city officials a copy of “The Seven Tenets,” which “reflect the core beliefs of the Satanic Temple.”
EDITOR’S NOTE: The LA WEEKLY reports that the Satanic Temple plans a pentagram ceremony on this coming June 6th – 6/6/16 – over the city of Lancaster just north of LA. The digital magazine thinks it’s all fun and games but nothing could be further from the truth. The tide of darkness in this nation is rising almost faster than you can track it. The world is being prepared for the arrival of Antichrist.
It’s also when the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles has scheduled festivities for a revered day in the diabolic community — 6/6/16. The group, which has 12 members, says it’s heading to Lancaster on June 6 to take part in a “satanic ritual,” according to a statement. The schedule is secret, but the appearances will be designed to raise awareness of the religion, organizer Thuc Nguyen told us.
Co-organizers also include William Morrison and Ali Kellogg, Nguyen said. Members of the sect also will be in Lancaster to support local Steve Hill, billed as the first Satanic Temple member to run for public office around these parts. He’s vying for a state Senate seat.
“We will be hitting five different points around the city, performing various rituals,” Nguyen said. “When we’re finished it will all connect together for the magic hour around sundown.”
A statement from the temple explains the fun in more detail:
The Pentagram is a star with five points. Using GPS technology we will place the five points of the star so that the Pentagram will encompass your entire city. When all of the points are in place, the Pentagram is completed. Drawing this symbol around your city represents a solemn promise from us, the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles. We will stand with the good people of the City of Lancaster and struggle for our constitutional right to individual liberty, freedom of expression and the separation of church and state in your community.
Members also plan to deliver their Bible, so to speak, The Seven Tenets, to Lancaster city leaders. SOURCE
On June 6, 2006, the Church of Satan held the first public ritual Satanic Mass in 40 years at theSteve Allen Theater in the Center for Inquiry in Los Angeles. The date corresponds to the number of the Beast, 666, from the biblical Book of Revelation. The ritual, based on the rites outlined in The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals, was conducted by Reverend Bryan Moore and Priestess Heather Saenz.[58]
The event was by invitation only, and over one hundred members of the Church of Satan from around the world filled the theatre to capacity. Many members of the Church of Satan were interviewed by the BBC with permission
6-6-06 : The Official Church of satan Satanic High Mass On June 6, 2006 C.E. we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the Church of Satan at the Center for Inquiry
6-6-06 : The Official Church of satan Satanic High Mass On June 6, 2006 C.E. we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the Church of Satan at the Center for Inquiry West’s Steve Allen Theatre in Los Angeles. The first Satanic High Mass was performed, inspired by the rituals of our founder, Anton Szandor LaVey. The rite included workings for compassion, the prime celebrant and bestower of campassion being Reverend Bryan Moore, lust evoked by Priestess Heather Saenz – assisted by the Reverends Entity, and destruction summoned by Magister Diabolus Rex – with a special condemnation of fanatical theism proclaimed by Magister Robert Lang. Each celebrant accepted formal requests by three congregants, nine in total. The ritual was capped by a benediction upon the congregation by Magus Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest. Heightening the emotions was the live score by LUSTMORD, available as an album titled Lustmord Rising (06.06.06).
Over 100 members of the Church of Satan coming from around the globe filled the theatre to capacity. These passionate people were part of the proceedings which were inspired by the film THE BLACK CAT starring Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff who played a brilliant modern architect and High Priest of Satan. The film depicted the Satanists as being wealthy and powerful and they arrived to celebrate the Rites of Lucifer dressed in formal evening attire. Their chamber was expressionistic, wrought with angled crystals. And so we conjured a similar decor, though the lighting was inspired by the works of Mario Bava. To complete this total environment, attendees were enjoined to dress formally, just as was done in the film, and our members rose to the occasion by donning colorful personalized attire, their sartorial splendor proper for the aristocracy of the outstanding that comprises our membership. An inside joke from the film was that the Latin words sonorously intoned by Karloff were in fact taken from an ancient botany text. Reverend Moore, in superb mimicry, speaks this text as a further nod to that most effective movie.
And we filmed these proceedings, which were introduced with warmth and humor by our High Priestess, Magistra Peggy Nadramia. For the first time we now make the film available for public viewing, to mark this Halloween night over four years after that fateful gathering. We have removed the nine formal requests to honor the privacy of those who made them, and the film begins after Magistra Nadramia’s speech.
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When there are violent acts performed and blood is shed, demonic spirits gain access to the ground where these occur. What humans experience in the area following such acts is ‘spiritual activity” demon spirits occupying/possessing and using the area as a portal for coming and going. Humans believe them to be the spirits of the people who died there… but this is not the case. Those spirits have gone on to their destined locations. The demons are spirits that are condemned to walk the earth. The bible says that when blood is shed in a violent way, that blood cries out to GOD. That ground needs to be redeemed, taken back from the enemy.
There are many seemingly normal places in this world. But hidden behind that vale of normalcy, can lie many, many secrets. This is the tale of one such place. And this tale intertwines history with myth and first-hand accounts of experiences and more. From strange cryptid encounters to bizarre cult rituals and UFO sightings. There is much to uncover within. So join me as we decode the untold story of black star canyon, here on mystery archives. Black Star Canyon is a popular trail in Orange County, California. If you live in the area you know what I’m talking about. It’s commonly known as the most haunted place in the entire state. Even skeptics like me get the creeped out about that canyon. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe! Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mysteryarchives Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mysteryarchives Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/55gnTQCSVStabGzALQepxR X: https://x.com/archives_yt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysteryarchivesyt/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mysteryarchives
“Limestone acts as a conduit between the physical and spiritual realms, facilitating the flow of energy and enhancing our metaphysical experiences.” – Crystal Healing Expert In addition to its grounding qualities, limestone also carries a profound spiritual significance.
Belgorod city (Russia) | Фотографии Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? Is there any truth in our media? Is it really possible that governments are perpetrating false flag disasters on their own people to promote their agenda? Are the Russians really standing for GOD and truth? Are the Russians really … Click Here to Read More
Manly P Hall
Los Angeles has had a thriving esoteric undercurrent since the early 20th century.
The Philosophical Research Society housed one of the world’s leading collections of alchemy, esoterica, and hermetica. Nestled in the neighborhood of Los Feliz, it was frequented and supported by a few prominent people in Hollywood.
It wasn’t the only esoteric society embraced by Hollywood. The nacent film industry brought artistic people from all over the world to Los Angeles—people with open minds and new wealth—who supported a variety of spiritual teachers like Yogananda, “exotic” philosophies like Buddhism, and esoteric societies. But Theosophy had perhaps the greatest influence on early Hollywood.
Blending Eastern and Western spiritual concepts, Theosophy encouraged outdoor exercise, vegetarianism, and art: a lifestyle attractive to Hollywood stars, including Charlie Chaplin and writer L. Frank Baum. Theosophy became a cultural force, sponsoring music and theatre. Its most popular event, an outdoor pageant called “The Light of Asia,” was so successful that it led to the creation of the Hollywood Bowl in 1918.
Hollywood Landmarks With Occult Origins
The Hollywood Bowl wasn’t the only L.A. icon to have occult inspirations: the Bradbury building was designed with the help of a ouiji board, and the Los Angeles Central Library was conceived as a “temple of illumination,” incorporating Egyptian and mystical symbolism.
Photo Credit Ok, just a quick intro. I started out just looking into the fire at Fisherman’s Wharf because I am currently working on an article about San Francisco. Wow, did I open a door. So much to research. I am worn out. This is a timely item so I felt lead to get it … Click Here to Read More
Samhain November’s Fire –Mikah Kraag – Oct 18, 2015 Oct 30 – Nov 1 Samhain, the fire festival that marks the beginning of the dark half of the year, is situated between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. wikipedia The ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which was celebrated in the British Isles on a … Click Here to Read More
Jesus says Beelzebub is Lucifer. (Luke 11:17-22) ‘Baal’ has different pronunciations in different places. So, you will see Baal, Bel in Babylon, and Beel in the land of the Philistines – Canaan. Beelzebub was a Philistine god, that the Jews hated. It means Baal Master, or lord of the flies. A rose by any other … Click Here to Read More
Southern California is as far as you can get in the contiguous United States from the puritanical roots, restrictive social norms, and old money of cities like Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. Los Angeles is nearly 2,700 miles from Washington DC, and the watchful eyes of the federal government. California is the westernmost destination of the American frontier, a land rich in natural resources like oil. A place you go to reinvent yourself. An area with a long, sometimes sordid history of new religions, experimental spirituality, far-out cults, and psychedelic occult activity.
From the financial and cultural behemoth of Scientology to the psychotic folkies of the Mason gang and the sex-crazed, psychedelic vegetarians of the Source Family and their messianic leader Father Yod, the occult in Los Angeles wears a number of guises. Yet each of these groups, and the history, mythology, and dogma associated therewith, was born of countercultural tendencies. L. Ron Hubbard didn’t want to pay taxes. Edith Maida Lessing, who founded the Mount Helios cult compound in Glassell Park, “declared free love would replace marriage, believed in communal ownership of property, and boasted that she had control over more than 1,000 men”. Carlos Castaneda, an anthropologist at UCLA, claims to have met an indigenous Mexican shaman at a bus stop in the southwest who had the ability to manipulate time and space, and taught him, among other things, kung fu and how to take peyote.
Scientology has attracted so many members it’s frequently described as a legitimate religion, not a cult. According to CNN, there are at least hundreds of thousands of practitioners. The Church of Scientology claims that number is in the millions, with 167 missions and more than 10,000 churches spread across the globe. However, many believe these stats to be vastly inflated. Whether any religion qualifies as an occult organization is a debate for another day. Merriam-Webster defines occult as “matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them”, a definition that could very easily apply to any and all religious beliefs. So, potato potahto.
A native of Nebraska who also spent time in Montana as a child, Hubbard moved to California after service in World War Two. Scientology’s beliefs are perhaps most succinctly described by a South Park (watch the clip above and click through to the playlist that appears in the upper right corner) episode in which the whole system of apes with alien souls and ancient volcanoes is explained . Hubbard, a science fiction writer, has a background rooted in California occult circles. Before his rise to power, Hubbard lived for a time with Jack Parsons in Pasadena. The pair took part in the “Babalon Working” ritual in the hopes of bringing forth a goddess through a creative combination of chanting, parchment paper, and semen. Their relationship imploded when Hubbard stole Parsons’s mistress, his boat, and $20,000 of his savings.
Hubbard’s son accused his father of fraud, drug use, black magic, and Satanism, and talked of how the organization is a business that used religion as a way to evade taxes. According to Hubbard’s wife, he once said: “The only way to make any real money was to have religion. That’s essentially what he was trying to do with ‘Dianetics.’ Get a religion where he could have an income and the government wouldn’t take it away from him in the form of taxes.” In 1993, the Church of Scientology won a decades-long battle with the IRS to be fully tax exempt, and the case was extremely bizarre. For instance:
“Scientology’s lawyers hired private investigators to dig into the private lives of I.R.S. officials and to conduct surveillance operations to uncover potential vulnerabilities, according to interviews and documents. One investigator said he had interviewed tenants in buildings owned by three I.R.S. officials, looking for housing code violations. He also said he had taken documents from an I.R.S. conference and sent them to church officials and created a phony news bureau in Washington to gather information on church critics. The church also financed an organization of I.R.S. whistle-blowers that attacked the agency publicly.”
In this post we will dive deeper in the relationship between the three Rocketeers and the development of Scientology on the foundation of EVIL, and the birth of the Space Program on the foundation of pagan ritual, sacrifice and worship of demonic spirits. How the world was launched into the BEAST TECHNOLOGY that MOLDS AND … Click Here to Read More
scientology.org Description The Sea Organization or Sea Org is the senior-most status of staff within the Church of Scientology network of corporations, but is not itself incorporated. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Sea Org was started as L. Ron Hubbard’s private navy, and adopted naval uniforms and ranks. Wikipedia Founder: L. Ron Hubbard Headquarters: Gilman Hot Springs, … Click Here to Read More
Often there are mysteries going on around us about which we are oblivious. One must understand that there are forces at work hellbent on our destruction. There are humans who are dedicated to the cause of a global government free of what they consider the laws and judgement of Almighty God. They are inspired and … Click Here to Read More
Rocket Scientist Jack Parsons Used His Mansion As A Hub For Occult Practice, Inviting Esoteric Orders, Witches, And L. Ron Hubbard To Take Up Residence
Jack Parsons was a rocket scientist whose pioneering work and role in the formation of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory were instrumental in the space race. Throughout the ’30s and ’40s, Parsons was also a devotee of the occult, performing sex magick rituals in his attempts to summon deities. When L. Ron Hubbard was living with Parsons before the founding of Scientology, Parsons had Hubbard sleep with his wife as part of one such ritual.
Parsons was taken with the occult as a young man, after witnessing a Gnosis Mass performed by Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), an occult society co-founded by an Austrian esotericist and a German tantric occultist. The ritual, described: “On a black and white stage stood an altar embossed with hieroglyphic patterns, a host of candles and an upright coffin covered with a gauze curtain out of which the group’s caped leader would appear. Poetry was read, swords were drawn, breasts kissed, and lances stroked. It was a highly charged sexual atmosphere. Wine was drunk and cakes made out of menstrual blood were consumed.”
Not long thereafter, Parsons became an adherent of Thelema, a religion created by English occultist Aleister Crowley (and which was practiced as scripture by the members of Ordo Templi Orientis). He bought a mansion in Pasadena and used it as a new hub or OTO operations in Los Angeles. Witches and fellow scientists moved in with him. He was known to answer the door with a snake wrapped around his shoulder, and brought secretaries from the laboratory back to his place for drug-fueled ritualistic debauchery. Eventually Hubbard moved in, and the pair tried summoning a goddess. As author George Pendle writes: “For weeks the two of them engaged in ritual chanting, drawing occult symbols in the air with swords, dripping animal blood on runes, and masturbating in order to ‘impregnate’ magical tablets.”
Parsons died at 37, ripped apart by an explosion in his home laboratory.
Charles Manson Used Bizarre Occult Teachings To Turn The Hippy Dream Of A New World Into A Murder Spree
Charles Manson’s troubled childhood is well-documented. In broad strokes: he never knew his father, his mother was 16 when he was born and landed herself in jail not long thereafter, he lived with an aunt and uncle for a few years before spending most of his adolescence and young adulthood in reform centers and jails for a slew of minor crimes. In 1967, at age 33, Manson was released from prison and moved to San Francisco, where he anointed himself a messianic figure and began his occult preachings, which foretold of a race war that would destroy America and leave Manson and his devotees, whom he referred to as the Family, in an advantageous position to rise ot power. The counterculture explosion that took place in the summer of ’67 created just the right environment for Manson’s message, and he attracted a following.
Around this time, Manson, who was also an aspiring musician, met Denis Wilson of the Beach Boys. He then relocated his Family to the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles County, setting the scene for the Manson Family Murders. Between August 8 and 10, 1969, Manson’s followers murdered seven people at his behest, including pregnant actress Sharon Tate, wife to filmmaker Roman Polanski. One of Manson’s followers even tried to assassinate Gerald Ford, then President of the United States.
UCLA Anthropologist Carlos Castaneda Started The New Wave Movement After Experimenting With Psychedelics At The Behest Of A Shaman He Met At A Bus Stop
Los Angeles’s reputation for new age religions and seeking truth and divinity through the use of psychedelic drugs can be more or less totally attributed to Carlos Castaneda. Castaneda was born in Peru, though he told people he was from Brazil. He arrived in Los Angeles in the early ’50s to study anthropology at UCLA. He spent the 17 years living in obscurity. At some point during this time, according to Castaneda’s account, while at a bus stop in the southwest, he met Don Juan Matus, a Yaqui (indigenous Mexican) mystic who claimed, among other things, the ability to manipulate time and space. Castaneda became a pupil of Don Juan, and in 1967 submitted a manuscript entitled The Teachings of Don Juan to the University of California Press in Los Angeles. The book was published in 1968, and became a bestseller around the world. Castaneda wrote a total of 10 books, which are attributed with starting the New Age movement and invigorating interest in using drugs like peyote to achieve religious experiences.
“Mr. Castaneda spun extraordinarily rich, hallucinogenic evocations of ancient paths to knowledge based on what he described as an extended apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian shaman named Don Juan Matus. His 10 books, etched in layer upon layer of psychological nuance and intrigue, became international best sellers translated into 17 languages and were credited with helping to usher in the New Age sensibility and reviving interest in Indian and Southwestern cultures.”
A typical passage from Castaneda’s writing, quoted from Don Juan: “We men and all other luminous beings on earth are perceivers. That is our bubble, the bubble of perception. Our mistake is to believe that the only perception worthy of acknowledgment is what goes through our reason. Sorcerers believe that reason is only one center and that it shouldn’t take so much for granted.”
Castaneda was frequently accused of inventing Don Juan Matus, or at least of making up the shaman’s teachings. Rather than defend himself or provide evidence, Castaneda lived in Los Angeles in total anonymity, refusing to be photographed and never making public appearances. By the end of his life, he was such a recluse his death wasn’t public knowledge until two months after it happened.
Former Stuntman Father Yod Took 14 Wives, Started A Psychedelic Egalitarian Commune In The Hollywood Hills, And Ran A Very Successful Health Food Restaurant
Jim Baker was a retired marine and Hollywood stuntman who rechristened himself Father Yod, took 14 wives, fronted a fully improvised psychedelic band, and used a cocktail of occult philosophy to lead his disciples in the Source Family. The Family was entirely sustained by a health food restaurant on Sunset Boulevard also called The Source (which appears in Annie Hall), and from which Father Yod recruited for his family, in part using his music (his group was the restaurant’s house band). The Source was frequented by everyone from dirty hippies and drugged out wayward youth to Andy Warhol and John Lennon (no word on whether Father Yod’s music influenced Lennon).
The Source Family flourished from 1972 until 1977, and moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco and Hawaii. In Los Angeles, the Family lived in a mansion in the Hollywood Hills, where they donned flowing robes, partook in sex magick, and lived by ancient mystic traditions. Members of the Family shared everything, and each was allowed to participate in Father Yod’s band. They didn’t drink, and referred to marijuana as “the sacred herb”. A typical day-in-the-life of a Source Family member, according to Isis Aquarian, one of Father Yod’s wives, went something like this:
“We would get up, and do some yoga stretches and some breathing. We usually had a pool wherever we would live, so we would just kind of dip into the cold water, which was very refreshing, and get dressed, have a cup of coffee and wait for morning meditation, which was our morning class. We always greeted the sun wherever we were. We would go outside and watch the sunrise and then we would start our day. People would either go and work at the Source or we would do our duties around the house, or whatever business energies were happening. The band would go into the band room and try different things—you know, make a few more albums. We had artists. We all were a thread that made up that tapestry, and everybody had their part that they did.”
Sex was sacred, and seen as the creative force of the universe. It was governed by strict rules, there were never orgies, and no one was ever expected to do something with which they were uncomfortable. As for Father Yod’s teachings, Isis Aquarian explains:
“We took from everything. We took from every religion. We took from past lives. We took from the mystery teachings. We took from the yogis. We took from the Buddha. We took from whatever made sense and worked to us and distilled it into our own uniqueness. There is one concept that I do want to tell you about because many people do say, Well, how did you see him as god? That’s very confusing to a lot of people, but to us it was not confusing because we saw each other as god. We saw the god and goddess in each of us at a time when that concept wasn’t really popular, or it was misunderstood. That’s how we saw Father, and that’s how he tried to get us to see each other, and that was our evolution from being just a human to a spiritual being.”
“[T]hey gave so much to the community of Los Angeles. In the early 1970s we had some of the greatest culture on the planet being produced here: films, music, art, and literature. And many of the people responsible for it hung out at the Source Family restaurant. Frank Zappa and all of those Laurel Canyon musicians who lived close by came into the restaurant all the time. To me, the Source Family represents a time in Los Angeles when the city was at its very coolest. Not since the 1910s and the 1920s had spiritualism and esotericism been so prevalent in this city.”
Experimental Filmmaker And Los Angeles Native Kenneth Anger Explored The Occult On Celluloid And In Life, Working Closely With Witches Such As Marjorie Cameron
Avant-garde filmmaker Kenneth Anger was born in Santa Monica in 1927, when there was basically no downtown Los Angeles skyline, Grauman’s Chinese Theatre had vacant lots on either side of it, Inglewood looked like a small town in the Midwest, and you could park your Model T on Santa Monica Pier. He in essence grew up with the city. Given the esoteric and occult nature of his films, it’s no surprise Anger was involved with some of LA’s most well-known eccentrics.
Anger directed a number of short films staring Marjorie Cameron, wife to occultist and rocket scientist Jack Parsons, who, along with Parsons, was involved with the The Gnostic Mass at the Church of Thelema, participated in sex magic rituals, and knew L. Ron Hubbard in the pre-Scientology days. Cameron was also a painter and, allegedly, a witch. An interview with Anger in the Guardian reads:
“‘She was extraordinary – a genuine witch,’ Anger says matter-of-factly. ‘She had powers. Unusual powers. Extra powers. She kind-of knew things before they happened. She loved a full moon.’
During their time living together, Anger was able to observe Cameron at work; she painted Anger as Saint Sebastian nailed to the ground with swords. ‘She considered them talismans. In her lifetime she never sold anything. She didn’t want to be a commercial artist. She had a couple of gallery shows but insisted they were not for sale.’
Mysteriously, Cameron destroyed much of her work. ‘If she destroyed some of them, it was for magical reasons that [she] consigned them to the flames. Of course, this sounds insane. If I’d been there I’d have tried to stop her. But it was her business she wanted to do that.'”
In the 1960s, Anger met fellow Aleister Crowley obsessive Jimmy Page, of Led Zeppelin, and asked him to contribute music for Anger’s Crowley-inspired cult classic Lucifer Rising. Page agreed but never finished the music, which led to Anger putting a curse on him. Anger also worked with Rosaleen Miriam Norton, known as the Witch of Kings Cross. His 1954 short film The Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome starred, and was partially shot at the home, of part time actor and full time eccentric and self-described warlock Samson DeBrier, who hosted sensual salons at his Georgian house in Hollywood, where regular guests included Jack Nicholson, Stanley Kubrick, James Dean, Jane Fonda, and even Igor Stravinsky. Anger was also friends with a member of the Manson Family at the time of the murders.
A Russo-German Mystic From Tehran Arrived In Los Angeles In 1916 To Spread The Teachings Of An Ancient Zoroastrian Prophet
On Saturday, January 3, 1920, the LAPD raided the Temple of the Sun, meeting place of what the Los Angeles Times described as the “the Mazdaznan cult of ‘sun worshipers'”. On January 7 of that year, the LA Timesran an article entitled “Child Witnesses Missing in Mazdaznan Cult Sex Case”, which reads in part: “The five children, against whom Hanish is said to have committed unprintable acts, were sought in vain Monday”. Hanish here refers to Otoman Zar-Adusht Hanish, founder of the neo-Zoroastrian cult Mazdaznan, which he ran from a house in Arlington Heights, in central Los Angeles, for about 20 years. Nothing is known for certain about Hanish before he began his religious movement in Chicago in 1900, before moving to Los Angeles in 1916, but it’s believed his real name was Otto Hanisch, and that he was born to a German mother and a Russian father in Terhan, Iran, in the mid-19th century.
Legal charges against Hanish were eventually dropped, and he lived the rest of his life in relative quiet, although acolytes, known as electors, helped spread his teachings to Europe, where they were accused of being racist and anti-Semitic (and also, ironically, banned in Nazi Germany). As for his occult teachings, Hanish claims to have become a member, while in Iran and/or Tibet (the history of Mazdaznan is a bit confusing), of a secret order that taught him the ancient secrets of a Ainyahita, a prophet whose teachings preceded Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra) by 3000 years, dating her to about 3500 BCE. According to Hanish, these teachings formed the basis of all major monotheistic religions; he described them as “the eternal religion that stands behind all religions”. He spoke of making Earth a garden once more, in which man would coexist with God, and of the importance of breathing exercises. He was also a vegetarian, who “carefully taught the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of diet, menu-making, food preparation, food care, and all relating to the subject. Frequent simple ‘banquets’ were demonstrations to the students.” A deep dive into his beliefs reveals a strong sense of mysticism and esotericized folk beliefs.
Hanish’s followers make a number of claims about him, including that he was the first person in America to drive a car, and that Henry Ford and Thomas Edison were disciples of Mazdazan.
In 1975, David Bowie moved to Los Angeles and took up residence in the home of Deep Purple bassist Glenn Hughes. As it turns out, Hughes lived in the former home of Leno LaBianca, who, along with his wife Rosemary, was murdered by the Manson gang a few days after Sharon Tate and four others. While living with Hughes, Bowie intentionally kept himself in a permanent state of cocaine-induced psychosis. As Bowie biographer Marc Spitz writes:
“Hughes was, at the time, leading a somewhat debauched lifestyle but soon realized his new best friend was taking such decadence to extremes uncommon even for a rich rock ‘n’ roller. Unlike Hughes, Bowie was not ingesting blow for the fun of it. He remained awash in a state of neurosis and fears and obsessed with using occult black magic to attain success and protect himself from demonic forces. A self-induced cocaine psychosis was, addiction aside, maintained in part because it was a mental instability he could control, unlike the one he was convinced was still encoded in his DNA…”
Spitz goes on to reference members of Bowie’s family who suffered from mental health issues Bowie feared would also consume him. To protect himself against evil forces, Bowie drew pentagrams on surfaces throughout the house and collected books on witchcraft, white magic, and black magic. Hughes speaks of Bowie’s state of mind at the time: “He felt inclined to go on very bizarre tangents about Aleister Crowley or the Nazis or numerals a lot. It’d leave me scratching my head. He was completely wired. Manically wired. I could not keep up with him. He was on the edge all the time of paranoia, and also going about things I had no friggin’ idea of what he was talking about.”
A Pre-Hippy, Pseudo Communist Free Love Cult Flourished In A Tent City Called Mount Helios In Glassell Park During The Early 1920s
In the heady jazz days of 1921, Glassell Park was a sparsely populated hinterland northeast of downtown Los Angeles. In that year, a woman named Edith Maida Lessing was arrested. According to a contemporary newspaper account, she was charged with “criminal syndicalism” on account of being the “so-called ‘high priestess’ of an alleged love-cult said to have flourished at her ‘Mount Helios’ colony in Glassell Park.” Los Angeles Magazine describes Mount Helios as a “ramshackle compound of tents and shacks” and attests “Lessing declared free love would replace marriage, believed in communal ownership of property, and boasted that she had control over more than 1,000 men. She was imprisoned in 1922 for sending obscene material through the mail”.
Pasadena’s Devil’s Gate Has A Muddled History Of Supposed Evil And Occult Activity
The devil’s gate is a feature of the Devil’s Gate Dam in Pasadena, erected to control the flood waters of the San Gabriel mountains. Behind the gate is a concrete tunnel covered in graffiti that is either a portal to hell or “a concrete dead end“, depending on your beliefs. The idea that area is cursed goes back to the indigenous Tongva people, who allegedly saw the face of the devil in the surrounding rock formation stayed away from it (why indigenous people were seeing the face of the Christian devil remains unexplained). In more recent lore, Aleister Crowley supposedly recognized the occult power of the location and, according to some, say the activities of Parsons and L Ron Hubbard opened a hell portal in the area (why Crowley would say this when he believed Hubbard was a fraud remains unexpelained). Jack Parsons was attracted to the place, using conduct early liquid-fuel motor tests on Halloween of 1936 (and not to partake in any of his occult rituals). At least four children went missing in the area in the 1950s. In the 21st century, most visitors to the Devil’s Gate are those with an interest in the occult or paranormal.
The Curse Of Griffith Park Began In The 1860s, When A Nefarious Politician Tricked A Dying Man Into Ceding His Land To Him
The curse of Griffith Park began long before the land was gifted to the city of Los Angeles. In the mid 1800s, the area was a ranch belonging to Don Antonio Feliz, a bachelor who lived on the land with his niece, Petronilla. As Feliz lay dying of small pox, local politician Antonio Coronel, along with his lawyer, convinced the wealthy man to agree to the terms of a new will that saw all his land left to Coronel. According to legend, a stick was affixed to Feliz’s head and moved back and forth to force him to nod in agreement to the will. In response, Petronilla cursed the land, saying “The substance of the Feliz family shall be your curse! The wrath of heaven and the vengeance of hell shall fall upon this place.”
“Coronel swiftly ceded the property to his lawyer, who was shot and killed while celebrating the sale of the land’s water rights. The next owner attempted to turn the ranch into a dairy business, but the cattle sickened and died, and grasshoppers and fires demolished the crops. During the tenure of its last owner, Griffith J. Griffith, a lightning storm brought down huge stands of trees and sent a wall of water cascading through the canyons, ruining much of the ranch. According to the book Victorian Los Angeles, ranch hands claimed they saw Feliz’s ghost riding the waves down a hillside, cheering his successor’s demise.
Afterward, Griffith would only visit the property during the day, and in 1896 — apparently having decided that the land was more trouble than it was worth — he donated it to Los Angeles as a Christmas present.”
In 1933, 29 people died in a wildfire in the park. In 1976, a couple was crushed to death by a tree while boning on a picnic table. In 2012, hikers found a severed head in a plastic bag.
God never lets me miss anything that is important! I have a terrible fault. I get too focused. When I am researching or creating something… I am so intensely focused I often forget to eat or sleep. Yet, God always make sure that I stay up on what is going on and He leads me … Click Here to Read More
A city like Los Angeles deserves to have one of the most stunning city halls in the United States.
It’s fair to conclude that this magnificent building in LA fits this description as it has become a symbol of the city in multiple ways.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the most interesting facts about Los Angeles City Hall, arguably one of the most amazing Art Deco buildings ever constructed.
1. It’s located in the Civic Center of downtown Los Angeles
The building as seen from Grant Park / Visitor7 / Wiki Commons
Los Angeles is the second-largest city in the United States after New York City and has a population of nearly 4 million inhabitants within its city limits.
The metropolitan area of LA is even home to over 13 million inhabitants, making it by far the largest urban area in California.
Los Angeles City Hall is the place where the city is managed. Here you can find the Mayor’s office and the offices of the Los Angeles City Council and these are housed in an incredible structure.
The building is located in the Civic District, an area full of government buildings in downtown Los Angeles. It’s bounded by Main, Temple, First, and Spring streets, and it faces an urban park known as “Grant Park.”
The site, which was actually just a minuscule portion of an extraordinarily ambitious civic complex that would have remade a large swath of downtown, including the Plaza, included all of the Temple Block, where the brothers Jonathan and F.P.F. Temple constructed some of the earliest substantial brick commercial structures between 1857 and 1871. Source
2. The building was constructed in the late 1920s in the Art Deco style
Detail of the building’s architecture / Craig Baker / Wiki Commons
The building was designed by John Parkinson, Albert C. Martin, Sr., and John C. Austin, three of the most renowned architects in California in the early 20th century.
Austin designed the iconic Griffith Observatory while Parkinson designed the Memorial Coliseum. Martin used his knowledge of reinforced concrete construction to build this tall landmark in LA.
The base of the structure integrates Neoclassical architecture while the distinctive tower incorporates the Art Deco style that was popular at the time.
Los Angeles City Hall was completed between 1926 and 1928, just before the start of the Great Depression, and officially inaugurated on April 26, 1928.
According to Urban Legend, during the construction of the building a construction work fell from the 13th floor and was killed. It is believed that his Ghost Haunts the building and has led to reports of Ghostly Apparitions in and around the building.
Los Angeles City Hall has also seen its fair share of political scandals and corruption. The building itself became a hub for questionable dealings and back room politics giving rise to reports of shady characters and secret meetings. SOURCE
Some believe so. California Haunted Houses claims the century-old building has several haunted floors, including apparitions reportedly spotted on security cameras on the 28th floor. According to Curbed, the spirit of an old-fashioned gentleman is supposedly known to haunt the bathrooms and disrupt City Council meetings. Source
The city hall in 1931 / Wiki Commons
3. It was the tallest building in Los Angeles until the year 1964
This amazing city hall dominated the Los Angeles skyline for several decades, and there’s a specific reason for that.
The tower reaches a height of 138 meters (453 feet), a number that not only makes it a skyscraper but also the tallest building in Los Angeles until the year 1964.
That’s remarkable because the city was already booming during this period.
The reason was a height limit for buildings imposed by the LA City Council until the late-1950s which limited the construction of buildings to just 46 meters (150 feet).
LA City Hall features 32 floors and boasts a total floor area of 79,510 square meters (855,800 square feet), quite a huge building indeed.
4. A $135 million renovation made it earthquake-proof in the early 21st century
The risk of a devastating earthquake flattening parts of the city is very real in Los Angeles. San Francisco, for example, has suffered from several devastating calamities in the 20th century.
The only option for this iconic building in Los Angeles was to conduct a project referred to as a “Seismic Retrofit.” This is a modification to existing buildings to make them able to sustain severe earthquakes.
The project was completed between 1998 and 2001 and cost a whopping $135 million.
This kind of money not only made it the tallest base-isolated structure in the world but also allows the building to sustain earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.2 on the Richter scale.
The city of angels, wheatgrass shots, and impossible parking, also known as Los Angeles hosted its annual installment of the Conscious Life Expo. Anyone with an open mind and an open wallet was welcome to dip their toes (or antennae) into the waters of spirituality.
This year’s expo kicked off with a keynote speech from an interstellar being who ascended thousands of years ago from an ancient alien civilization. “I know I look a lot like a human, but that’s the idea,” Viviane Chantrouse said, addressing the patchouli-scented crowd.
Human-passing aliens aside, the annual conference offers a variety of ways to achieve higher consciousness. You can get your aura photographed, chill in a Quantum Healing Chamber, or communicate with a sentient cactus regarding the impending plant uprising. It’s truly a choose-your-own-adventure of spiritual exploration!
In the ballroom of the LAX Hilton, Joshua Reff demonstrated his super-sized tuning forks that sell for $1,111, $2,222, and $3,333 (see what he did there?) His prices may make you question your stance on human sacrifice, but remember spiritual enlightenment doesn’t come cheap. I believe it was Gandhi, or perhaps Marianne Williamson who said, “cash is king.”
“You don’t have to take your clothes off to take a sound bath. I know that now.” – “Moon Star Jenkins”
“I went to the Conscious Life Expo in LA and, let’s just say, my third eye saw things it can never unsee,” quipped frequent expo attendee Trevor “Avocodo” LaGrange. “I can’t pay my rent, but I bought enough praying mantis-shaped crystals to pave a road to another dimension.”
Whether you’re an ancient Mayan priestess, a psychic shaman with an intergalactic stepdad, or just financially irresponsible, the LA Conscious Life Expo is a Shangri-la for the gullible. There’s even a special booth (bathroom stall) just for skeptics, where you can roll your eyes in peace and wonder how a Himalayan salt lamp can cost $2,000.
Feb 20, 2023 · Some of the strange things seen during the 2019 Alien Con at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles on June 22, 2019. AlienCon returns to the Pasadena Convention Center March…
Feb 19, 2024 · Moore shared the stage with Asil Toksal, a former advertising executive turned channeler, and Viviane Chauvet, a Phoenix-based woman who claims to be a member of an ancient alien race sent to…
May 23, 2024 · Dubbed as the largest UFO conference in the world, the 10th annual Contact in the Desert returns to California next week. Should you lose FOX 11’s over-the-air broadcast signal, you can still watch…
Find tickets & information for ALIEN EVENT 2025 LOS ANGELES. happening at Sonesta Los Angeles Airport LAX, Los Angeles, CA on Fri, 04 Apr, 2025 at 09:00 am. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information.
3 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
10But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.
18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
UPDATE ADDED 6/30/23 Well, my friends, you and I should say thank you to Barack Obama for keeping his word. Our Country has gone through so much CHANGE I don’t even recognize it. This is certainly not the USA in which I grew up. I was amazed at the time that people could not see … Click Here to Read More