What does your life say about you? Who or what are you emulating? If someone looked into your life, what would they learn from your behavior? From your speech? For the choices you make?
Humans by nature are constantly developing and learning from those around them. We seek out those we want most to be like. This begins from the earliest moments of our life as we observe our parents and siblings. We imitate/emulate their expressions, their behaviors and their values. As we mature we look for role models that align with our inner most desires and world view.
So, again, I ask you… what does your life reflect? Who are you emulating? If someone looked into your life what traits, characteristics, beliefs, actions, and values would they find?
Who or what is the your life modeled after? Who or what do you aspire to be like?
Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. John 13:16-17
Children of GOD |
Children of the Devil |
Holiness Wisdom Truthfulness Love Goodness Faithfulness Mercy Kindness Patience Justice Righteousness Grace Humility Empathy Servant’s heart Purity Honesty FAITH TRUST HOPE Respect Honor |
lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, bloodthirsty, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: |
A nation is the sum of it’s parts. There is no getting away around it.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29:2
While the USA was a predominantly Christian Nation, we lived in peace. No, we were not a perfect nation. Not everyone who lived in the USA in line with the will of GOD. But, the majority, was at least trying.
Now, we have been invaded by foreigners. They are taking over the land. They have brought with them their pagan deities and their pagan practices. THE EVIDENCE IS CLEAR AND IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Look at our nation it is in CHAOS. ALL MORAL VALUES have been thrown in the dungheap. NO ONE HAS RESPECT FOR ANYTHING OR ANYONE anymore. LIFE, Life itself is considered as nothing.
In today’s society, idolaters are not afraid to openly declare their allegiance. They are brazen and unabashed.
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That is how we got to the place where something like this can happen:
Colorado’s New Law for Abortions Up to Birth Calls Women “Pregnant Individuals”

Legalizing abortions up to birth is absolutely evil, but Polis supposedly signed the bill to advance women’s rights.
“In the State of Colorado, the serious decision to start or end a pregnancy with medical assistance will remain between a person, their doctor, and their faith,” Polis said. “No matter what the Supreme Court does in the future, people in Colorado will have a right to choose.”
Yet the bill never mentioned the word women. In fact, the new law is a slap in the face to women, as it refers to them merely as “pregnant individuals.” As HotAir writer Ed Morrissey noticed:
The new law goes out of its way to pander to wokery, too. Its reference to “pregnant individual[s]” is both nonsensical and superfluous to a bill legalizing abortion until the final contractions. The words “woman” and “female” don’t appear once in the text of the bill, and the word “women” only appears in the citation of Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the case by which the Supreme Court might overturn Roe v Wade. For a law that supposedly involves removing oppression from women, females have been oddly erased from this issue in Colorado. As have babies, for that matter.
The law puts Colorado on par with the worst nations of the world when it comes to abortion.
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This law goes way beyond Roe or even Casey in its reaction to the potential reversal that may come in Dobbs. It strips rights from babies at all stages of pregnancy, even at viability, where Casey attempted to draw the line. It’s as radical an abortion-legalization law could be, on the extremes not just in the US but in the entire world, where only seven nations outstrip or match the US in abortion legalization — and that’s in the Casey context.
So congratulations, Colorado … you’ve put yourself on par with North Korea and China when it comes to human rights.
The new law declares abortion to be a “fundamental right” under state law and denies all rights and legal protections to any “fertilized egg, embryo or fetus” up to birth. It also prohibits cities and municipalities from banning abortions through local ordinances such as others have done through the Sanctuary City for the Unborn movement.
Pro-life leaders warned that the legislation also jeopardizes one of the only abortion regulations left in Colorado: its parental notification law for minors.
In March, Republican lawmakers fought against pro-abortion House Bill 1279 in record-long debates, but they did not have enough votes to block bill. Democrats control the Colorado Legislature by a strong majority, and the bill easily passed both houses in March.
Pro-life, Republican, evangelical Christian and Catholic organizations all urged lawmakers to reject the bill. These included Catholic Archbishop Samuel Aquila of Denver, who testified against the bill in a state Senate committee.
“We take the gift of life seriously because each human being is a unique creation of God the Father,” Aquila said. “… The government’s only duty and task is to recognize the right to life and to protect life, if it is truly a just government.”
Students from Colorado Christian University also testified against the bill in front of a state House committee in March.
“Each person is made in the image of God,” student Emily Downs told the committee. “We want to support everyone involved in this situation: baby, mom and dad.”
Democrats crafted the bill in response to the likelihood that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade later this year and allow states to protect unborn babies from abortion again. They also expressed anger that Texas has been allowed to enforce its heartbeat law, which protects unborn babies from abortions once their heartbeats are detectable and already has saved thousands of lives.
According to the Colorado Catholic Conference, the law:
- Allows on-demand abortion for the full 40 weeks of pregnancy;
- Allows abortion discrimination based on sex, race, or disability;
- Could remove the parent notification requirement if their minor has an abortion;
- Enshrines in law that “a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent or derivative rights under” state law;
- Prohibits regulation of abortion based on the health of the woman or her baby.
Colorado is very liberal politically, and pro-life advocates have had a difficult time passing any pro-life laws there. The state legislature even has rejected fetal homicide laws to punish criminals who kill unborn babies in situations unrelated to abortion.
It is one of the few states with no limits on abortions, and abortionists there openly advertise abortions in the third trimester. In 2020, state voters rejected a ballot measure that would have protected viable, pain-capable unborn babies by banning late-term abortions after 22 weeks of pregnancy.
Listen to me people, Hosea is an Endtime prophet. If you are unfamiliar with the Book of Hosea, I strongly suggest you read it…read it to digest it. There is a wealth of information for us today within it.
Each of the following articles are stuffed with information and truth, I recommend you read the entire articles by clicking the title link. I have only pulled excerpts from each one for the purpose of this post.
“We Become Like the God We Love and Serve”
Hosea 9:1-17
Hosea was a prophet for the people of Israel for over twenty-five years. During that span of time Israel was experiencing prosperity and enjoying the good life.
That wasn’t the problem.
Israel had turned their focus off God and put their focus on the events and things that society was doing around them. They stopped loving and serving God and started loving and serving prosperity, fun, and enjoyment.
Easy enough to do when most of the people around you are doing it. Most of the people around the Israelites were doing it too.
When does compromise begin?
Chapter 9 begins with Hosea reminding the Israelites that because of their compromise, judgement was on the way.
The Israelites had bought into the idol worship around them. They began practicing idolatry on the threshing floor, the place where grain was processed. Their neighbors did this and their harvest was helped, so it couldn’t hurt to give it a try, right? Like a slap in the face as far as God was concerned. The results would be a curse from God for their harvest and winepress. Neither would prosper.
God had had enough. The Israelites weren’t listening to the prophet, they weren’t following what was written on the scrolls for guidance. They had made a covenant with God and forgotten all about it.
So not only would God curse their grain and grape harvest, He would send them into exile where they wouldn’t have enough bread or food to sacrifice to the Lord because they would barely have enough to keep them from starving.
Hosea’s prophecy continued in verses 5-9, to tell the Israelites not only were they going to be exiled but while in exile, since they did not honor the Lord during their feasts of plenty, they would not be able to honor the feasts while in exile.
And what did Hosea hear back to his proclamation? Everyone called him a fool, as if he was crazy. Remember, Hosea was proclaiming these things during Israel’s time of prosperity and happiness. Repentance was the last thing on their minds and having it come up was scoffed. I feel for the prophet.
He was definitely in the minority and his message did not immediately sound like joy and merriment. Notice how prosperity and God’s blessing had been twisted. The Israelites thought since they were in the midst of prosperity, that was proof of God’s blessing.
Daily they did not follow God’s direction.
They substituted pagan practices for God’s practices and rather than focusing on how they got there,
they focused on the final product,
so God had to have been the one who helped them prosper.
Notice, Hosea was seen as the fool.
However, in verse 9, Hosea claimed that in his day, things in Israel were as bad as they were in the days of Gibeah, which were described in Judges 19 as horrific crimes of perversion and violence.
Hosea reminisces in verse 10 when God fondly remembers the days Israel was faithful and fruitful to Him. Hosea uses a poetic metaphor, Israel was once something special to God as if someone traveled through the desert and found luscious grapes along the way.
That day was gone.
Hosea compares the Israelites behavior to the sin they had while at Baal Peor, in Numbers 25, which was associated with sexual immorality and idolatry.
Even more importantly Israel loved their disgraceful idols, so much so, they became like them.
This transformation of allegiance didn’t happen overnight.
Time has a way of sneaking up on us.
When does compromise begin?
For Israel, Hosea warns them in verse 11 -13, their fruitfulness was about to stop. Israel needed to prepare for their barrenness and bereavement. The direct results of rejecting God. Hosea begins an angry prayer against those that had been mocking him in verse 14,
Out of mercy, Hosea prays that God would give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. Knowing the coming judgement, Hosea was asking God to give them as few children as possible so at least their children would not have to endure the coming judgment.
In verse 15, Hosea mentions the city of Gilgal which was a center of idolatry in Israel. At one time, this city was the very place where prophets were trained under Elijah and Elisha, you can read about it in 2 Kings chapter 2 and 4. Not so in Hosea’s day, as mentioned before in Hosea chapter 4, verse 15 and will be mentioned again in 12:11.
The disgrace presented in God’s house and in His land was going to be punished with eviction from His house and His land.
Makes sense.
God would also counteract the very wickedness they had committed. One of the major reasons the Israelites went after the idols like Baal (God of Child Sacrifice) and Ashtoreth was because they were following the actions of those around them who believed those gods would bring fertility and fruitfulness. God reminds them who was really Lord over the womb and turns any fruitfulness into barrenness.
This might seem like a harsh response from a loving God, but remember, this was the exact thing God promised under the terms of the Old Covenant, Deuteronomy 29:24-28, The Message,
“All the nations will ask, “Why did God do this to this country? What on earth could have made Him this angry?”
Your children will answer, “Because they abandoned the Covenant of the god of their ancestors that He made with them after He got them out of Egypt; they went off and worshiped other gods, submitted to gods they’d never heard of before, gods they had no business dealing with. So God’s anger erupted against that land and all the curses written in this book came down on it. God, furiously angry, pulled them, roots and all, out of their land and dumped them in another country, as you can see.”
Good grief! This wasn’t the first time God’s anger caused His people to go into exile. You would think they would learn.
What about today? Evangelical Christians often don’t think of God getting angry and responding that way. I’m not sure why, the first place God described himself, in Exodus 24:6-7, He said He was, “Slow to anger,” not “Void of anger.”
You Become What You Worship | Shepherd Thoughts
Reflective Creatures
According to Genesis 1:26, you are made in the image and likeness of God. The word image (צֶ֫לֶם) refers to something like a carved statue and the word likeness (דְּמוּת) refers to something like a pencil sketch. In both cases, these words describe one thing that in turn resembles something else, though not entirely. Just as both a granite statue and a charcoal drawing of a lion will look like a lion, even so has God designed you as a human being to resemble his creative, loving, and holy nature. To be sure, he intends for this to be the case in more than a visual way. He intends for you to resemble him in social, emotional, intellectual, and – most of all – spiritual ways as well. In other words, God has made you to reflect him.
Because of sin, you and I fall short of God’s intention and we do not reflect his nature as he desires or deserves. In our failure, however, we do not cease to be reflective. When we cease to reflect God’s good nature, we end up reflecting the nature of another god instead. Jesus explained this bluntly when he said, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do” (John 8:44).
Misplaced Worship
When you refuse to emulate God as he desires, then you also refuse to worship him as he deserves. Even so, when you make this choice you do not cease to worship. You only change the object of your worship. God made you as a worshipful and reflective being. This means that you not only will worship someone or something, but you must worship. What’s more, whatever you choose to worship, that is what you choose to become. That is what you choose to emulate. That is what you choose to reflect.
The Influence of Idols
Referring to idol worship, Psalm 115:8 says, “Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them.” Psalm 135:18 later repeats this fascinating observation. Together, these lines of Hebrew poetry from the Psalter reveal that you become like the gods you worship. That which you choose to worship, whether God (the right choice) or someone or something else which he has created (the wrong choice), will strongly influence the kind of person that you become. Greg Beale says, “We resemble what we revere, either for ruin or destruction.”
Becoming Like Cows
To illustrate this inescapable dynamic, pause to consider two examples from the Old Testament. When Israel turned away from the LORD in the wilderness to worship a golden calf instead, Moses portrayed them as people who “turned aside quickly out of the way” (Exo 32:8). He also described them as “stiff-necked,” meaning difficult and stubborn (Exo 32:9). These portrayals resemble the the undesirable and difficult characteristics of cattle and they appear throughout the Old Testament, from the golden calf debacle and beyond. Centuries after that event, the prophet Hosea said, “For Israel is stubborn, like a stubborn calf” (Hos 4:16).
Becoming Like Nothing
As another example, consider how the the LORD describes Israel’s choice to worship Baal
29 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.
2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
3 Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father: but he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth his substance.
, the Caananite fertility god, after they had settled into the land of Palestine. 2 Kings 17:15 reads, “Thus says the Lord: ‘What injustice have your fathers found in me, that they have gone far from me, have followed idols, and have become idolaters?’” The prophet Jeremiah later says, “They rejected his statutes and his covenant that he had made with their fathers, and his testimonies which he had testified against them; they followed idols, became idolaters” (Jer 2:5). The recurring phrase, “they followed idols and became idolaters” translates a word (הֶ֫בֶל) which means “vanity, emptiness, or nothing” as “idols.” Knowing this, you can translate this phrase as “they followed nothing and became nothing.” Though this is an awkward translation to read, it conveys the essence of this statement very well. Through this, we see once again that Israel became like the god they worshiped. Having worship vain and worthless idols, they became vain people living worthless lives as a result. (I say, it goes a step further even than that, because they worship death which is nothing, they become as nothing. Meaning, for them LIFE is meaningless. They can kill their babies, because they do not consider life as a precious gift from GOD. They can sacrifice humans, because life is nothing to them. They totally devalue the gift of life and therefore even their own life is nothing.)
A Downward Descent
In the New Testament, Paul describes a similar problem as he portrays what happens when people refuse to worship the one, true Creator God as he deserves and desires (Rom 1:18-21). When they do this, they end up worshiping other people and creatures from the animal kingdom instead (Rom 1:23). He describes this as exchanging “the truth of God for the lie” and “worshiping and serving the creature rather than the Creator” (Rom 1:25). As a result of this foolish choice, they end up thinking and behaving like animals (Rom 1:24, 26-32).
This highlights a fascinating contrast. When you choose to worship the one, true Creator God, then you move in a forward direction and change in an upward way, reflecting more and more of the noble, holy, and loving nature of God. But when you choose to worship other human beings, animals, and lower aspects of God’s creation, then you move in a downward way, reflecting less and less of the character of God. Notice this downward progression, for instance, in the way that Paul describes man, then birds, then four-footed animals, then creeping animals (Rom 1:23).
So the question before you today is, “Who or what are you worshiping?” Are you worshiping God? Or are you worshiping someone or something else as you do lip service to God or reject him entirely? Regardless of how you answer, however, one thing is true in either case. You are becoming like the god(s) that you worship.
S2:E24 – You become like what you worship – Matthew Clark
In the West, at least where I grew up, we usually thought of idols in abstract terms. For instance, popularity or career may become an idol. In many places around the world though, the more concrete idolatry persists. Someone literally makes a little cast metal or plastic figurine that is placed in a certain room on a shelf where incense is burned to it and offerings and prayers are made. This is very common around the world to this day.
It might be worth outlining quickly how idolatry works, and I’ll start by mentioning something that, even though I’d grown up in church, I had never noticed till I was in my twenties when it was pointed out to me. That is, the difference between the first two of the ten commandments. The first commandment is “No other gods”, and the second one is “No idols.” Isn’t that fascinating? Why in the world are “No idols” and “no other gods” two separate commandments? Doesn’t that seem redundant? But it’s not.
I think that, yes, every idol is a false god, but not every false god is necessarily a tool used for the practice of idolatry. Here’s what I mean – Idolatry is a specific practice. In the ancient near east, idolatry was based on the belief that the gods were not good or reliable, and the only way to get them to do the right thing (or whatever you wanted them to do) was to either bribe them with offerings or twist their arm with magical procedures by which you might bind them to your will. Idolatry, then, is a particular set of practices all based around the premise that a human can exercise power over the gods. In other words, it’s a system of god-manipulation.
Idolatry gets its own prohibitive commandment because God is saying two things: 1) I’m the real God; you can’t bribe, bind, or manipulate me. Don’t even bother trying. 2) You don’t need to, because I’m good and trustworthy already. I have your best interests in mind even more than you do.
Idolatry is a source of deep anxiety, because it’s based on trying to get help in an uncertain world from gods who are unreliable and who don’t really love you anyway. Can you imagine what a relief that second commandment was to those people worn out by the anxiety of idolatry?
,,,This kind of thing is still popular today in “name it and claim it” and “word of faith” movements, where it’s taught that enough faith and the right words can create reality or get God to do this or that. It’s the same old idolatry dressed up in new clothes, even clothes that look, at first, to be Christian clothes.
It may seem silly, but saying, “In Jesus’s Name” at the end of a prayer doesn’t bribe or bind the real God at all. We have zero leverage, no bargaining chips with God, we depend entirely on what Paul calls in Ephesians “God’s good pleasure” to save us. The only reason God listens, cares for, and saves us is because he wants to. He’s simply good and loves us, and we can trust him.
So, Jesus shows up in the flesh. He has eyes that see, ears that hear, and a mouth full of breath and words of life. And he is realistic about the situation he’s entered into; he knows many of the people he will speak to have already been worshiping blind, deaf, and mute idols for so long that they’ve become blind and deaf to reality themselves with mouths that say “more and more about less and less.” When he teaches he tugs on this thread of an idea that is woven all through Scripture, this anti-idolatry motif, when he says, “If you have ears, listen; if you have eyes, look closely.” He’s inviting them to worship him, to “ascribe to the Lord the greatness due his name.” If they will do this, they will be healed and become like him. They too, like Jesus and in him, will have eyes that see, ears that hear. Because you become like what you worship.
We make idols that are less than us and we become lessened to their likeness, but God created images like himself, which he fulfills at the incarnation and goes on to raise them to his likeness. Or as Lewis put it, “The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.”
To fix our eyes on him gives us back the eyes we had lost. To listen to him gives us ears again. To worship anything or anyone other than Jesus, dehumanizes us. To worship Jesus makes us like him, fully alive and fully human
You Become Like What You Worship | Bible.org
You Become Like the God(s) You Worship (14:6) · Jon …
It is a law in this orderly universe, that we will inevitably become like the person we worship and admire. We know that from experience. We also see it corroborated and confirmed in Scripture:
Then with unveiled faces we can all behold as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord. And we become changed into His likeness, from glory to glory, through the Spirit of the Lord working in us ( 2 Cor 3:18, Norlie).
This is how the Spirit works. He brings us the truth. He brings us the picture of God. He brings us all the evidence of Scripture. We look at the picture. We like what we see, and it changes us.
The same principle works in the other direction as well: “Those who make them [idols] will be like them, and so will all who trust in them” (Psa 115:8, NIV). It is inevitable that we will become like the person or the object we worship and admire. If we regard God as arbitrary, exacting, vengeful, unforgiving, and severe, we too will become like that. History has borne out the truth of that, hasn’t it?
…How absolutely essential, then, that we have a true picture of our God. The hazard of a false picture, if we prefer it, is that we will become like that.
…How very sad it is that God’s offer of perfect healing should be seen as a very forbidding and burdensome requirement. It is the cause of much anxiety and fear, and sometimes even the subject of heated criticism and debate. As our Physician Father, God has offered to make us completely well and to completely heal all the damage done. Our part is not to heal ourselves. Our part is to cooperate. As Jesus said to the paralytic at the pool, “Would you like to be well? Would you like to be made whole?” John 5:6.
We Become What We Worship – Desiring God
In whole-life worship of God, our minds are being transformed, and we are being conformed to the image of Christ (see Colossians 3:10). In the act of idolatry, as a heart worships a created image, it is being conformed to the world in its unnatural twistedness (see Romans 1:18–27). And God is not passive in either process.
Beale’s point is that our worship and our affections right now are pointers to a future trajectory. Our worship is either aimed at our ruin, or our worship is aimed at our restoration, but it is aimed in either case. We are becoming what we worship. Thus the process of sanctification is the gracious redirecting of our worship and affections away from worldliness and toward God’s image in Jesus as we are conformed to that image (see 2 Corinthians 3:18).
You Become What You Worship – pursueGOD.org
Key Points:
- When something becomes an idol in your life, it replaces God with an alternative end goal.
- The more you idolize something, the more it rubs off on you.
- Christ brings us life and can free us from our idols.
We Become Like What We Worship – Capturing Christianity
“Because here’s something else that’s weird but true: in the day-to day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship — be it JC or Allah, be it YHWH or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or the Four Noble Truths, or some inviolable set of ethical principles — is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive. If you worship money and things, if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough. It’s the truth. Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly. And when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally grieve you. On one level, we all know this stuff already. It’s been codified as myths, proverbs, clichés, epigrams, parables; the skeleton of every great story. The whole trick is keeping the truth up front in daily consciousness.
“Worship power, you will end up feeling weak and afraid, and you will need ever more power over others to numb you to your own fear. Worship your intellect, being seen as smart, you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out.”
We become what we worship, either for restoration or ruin. This is what it means for God to be holy, to be jealous, zealous for His people, caring about us as His image bearers and wanting us to flourish in right relationship with Him, others, and the rest of the created order. And the really tough thing about it all is something Jesus would later tell us, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” (Matt. 6:24)
There are no split allegiances here. You cannot give part of your life away to God and another part to money or power or fame or beauty or anything else. God does not ask for our partial devotion, He claims all of us as His and His love extends so far that He wants us to claim Him as wholly ours.
I have read numerous times that there is a Christian tradition that speaks in terminology of becoming more or less human. In worship, we are transformed and in being transformed we either become more human or less so. I cannot cite a reference to confirm this, but I think it gets at something important. There is a sense where by worshipping God and being conformed into the image of His Son by the work of His Spirit that we become more real. Before I became a Christian and I was chasing after fame in sports and worrying about making a name and earning a lot of money, there is a sense in which I was becoming less real. I was slowly fading out of existence, almost becoming ethereal.
There may be many who are called gods, but there are only two spiritual forces at play. There is the Creator who is LOVE, LIGHT, TRUTH and HOPE and there is the force of DARKNESS, rebellion, evil, and DEATH, represented by the DEVIL/SATAN/LUCIFER.
a liar (John 8:44);
a deceiver (Rev 12:9; 20:7)
a gossiper (Gen 3:1);
a murderer (John 8:44)
an oppressor (Luke 10:38)
a schemer (2 Cor 2:11)
evil from the beginning (1 John 3:8)
has perfected his evil across the ages of men. (Luke 4:13).
cunning (Gen 3:1)
(1) Independent (self-existent): Psalm 115:3, John 5:26; Romans 11:35-36
(2) Infinite: Psalm 90:1-2, Psalm 33:11; 93:2; 145:13; Hebrews 1:8-12;
(3) Eternal: Genesis 21:33; Nehemiah 9:5-6; John 8:58; Revelation 1:8
(4) Incomprehensible (beyond human understanding): Job 36:26; Isaiah 40:18-26; Matthew 11:27;
Romans 11:33-34
(5) Supreme (pre-eminent): Colossians 1:15-19; Exodus 15:1, 11, 18; Revelation 19:11-16
(6) Sovereign: Isaiah 46:10; Psalm 135:6; Daniel 4:35; Ephesians 1:11
(7) Transcendent (above and beyond man): Job 37:23; Exodus 33:20-23; Psalm 104:1-4; Isaiah
40:21-26; 1 Timothy 6:15-16
(8) The One and Only God: 1 Corinthians 8:6; Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:21-22; 1 Timothy 2:5
(9) Majestic: Exodus 15:6, 7, 11; Job 37:22; Psalm 8:1, 9; Jude 25
(10) Present everywhere: Jeremiah 23:23-24; 2 Chronicles: 2:6; Psalm 139:7-16; Acts 17:27-28
(11) All-knowing: 1 Kings 8:39; Psalm 139:1-6; Proverbs 3:19-20; 1 Corinthians 2:10
(12) All-powerful: Genesis 18:14, 1 Samuel 2:6-7; Psalm 18:13-15; Revelation 19:6
(13) Unchanging: Psalm 102:27; Malachi 3:6; James 1:17; Hebrews 13:8
(14) Wrath: Psalm 7:11; Deuteronomy 29:28; Isaiah 13:13; Romans 1:18, 5:9, 9:22; Revelation
(15) Jealousy: Exodus 34:14; Deuteronomy 4:24; Nahum 1:2; Zechariah 8:2; 2 Corinthians
Dr. Kevin Meador © 2005
Life by the Spirit
13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever[c] you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
The meaning of IMAGE is a visual representation of something. How to use image in a sentence.
The meaning of LIKENESS
1. The quality or state of being alike:
2. Something closely resembling another:
“God is Spirit, and they that worship him must worship in spirit [in the image of
God] and in truth” [in the likeness of God] John 4:24Remember where Paul says. Our faces, then, are not covered. We all show
the Lord’s glory, and we are being changed to be like him. This change in us brings
ever greater glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined us from the
beginning to share the likeness of his Son. Romans 8:29
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
Understand, when we no longer recognize that we are made in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of GOD who is the soul source of our Rights, we surrender our rights. They already have declared that babies in the womb are not human and therefore not entitled to ANY rights. They have shown that pregnant women are no different than any other pregnant entity/individual that can mean anything… aliens? animals? AI robots? plants?
Check out this post:
They already have declared that they want AI robots to be considered equal to humans, and they have declared that humans are nothing but animals. So, it is no wonder that they do not see us as having ANY RIGHTS.