ANYONE who believes that they can send equipment hundreds or more lightyears away to send back pictures in real time of what is happening in space, is a FOOL! My goodness people, they can’t even keep the TV, phones, or computer online hear on earth!! WAKE UP!
THEIR ENTIRE PURPOSE in all of it was to turn you from TRUTH/GOD and get you to accept DEMONS/LIES.

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Surely you did not fail to recognize the symbol used to promote “awareness”.
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The Gamma Symbol is actually the center of all their agenda. How cleverly that managed to get millions of people to wear it over their heart!
It started out with cancer awareness but now this symbol is used for awareness of all kinds. Including autism, violence, diabetes, veterans, etc.. You can find this symbol everywhere! Though most are not aware of its true meaning…the symbol still represents its original root. |
The first Gamma symbol in this series contains several masonic/ witchcraft/ satanic symbols. 1) The Triangle, 2) the yin and yang 3) the Flur de Lis. The next two symbols contain the symbol for nuclear power/energy/accident. All three contain the single eye/all seeing eye.
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What are Gamma Rays? – NASA
For more information visit the Easy Biology Class at the link below:
Link: Difference between Alpha, Beta and Gamma Rays – Comparison Table
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If you have been keeping up with what has been happening in our world you should be aware of CERN and all the other COLLIDERS across the earth, of all the so called Telescopes mushrooming everywhere, of all the nuclear developments including the artificial suns developed by multiple countries and all the “space” “cosmic” “astro” projects being carried on not only by our government and all other governments but even by private corporations and individuals. Believe it or not ALL these things are related! All of them directed by the Fallen Angels who are orchestrating all activities in order to execute their agenda. Time is running out and they have a deadline. That is why you see all the craziness that escalates by the minute.
Keep all that in mind as you read the rest of this post. Look for the signs, symbols and clues. As you read the definitions and explanations laid out here see if you can discover for yourself the TRUTH of what it all means. Ask GOD to show you, to reveal what is hidden. Understand that NOTHING the authorities, governments or media tell you is true!! NOTHING! They are covering up, concealing the truth from you.
Gamma ray – Wikipedia
A gamma ray, also known as gamma radiation (symbol γ or {\displaystyle \gamma }), is a penetrating form of electromagnetic radiation arising from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. It consists of the shortest wavelength electromagnetic waves and so imparts the highest photon energy. Paul Villard, a French chemist and physicist, discovered gamma radiation in 1900 while studying radiation emitted by radium. In 1903, Ernest Rutherford named this radiation gamma rays based on their relatively strong penetration of matter; in 1900he had already named two less penetrating types of decay radiation (discovered by Henri Becquerel) alpha rays and beta rays in ascending order of penetrating power.
Gamma rays from radioactive decay are in the energy range from a few kiloelectronvolts (keV) to approximately 8 megaelectronvolts (~8 MeV), corresponding to the typical energy levels in nuclei with reasonably long lifetimes. The energy spectrum of gamma rays can be used to identify the decaying radionuclides using gamma spectroscopy.Very-high-energy gamma rays in the 100–1000 teraelectronvolt (TeV) range have been observed from sources such as the Cygnus X-3microquasar.
Natural sources of gamma rays originating on Earth are mostly a result of radioactive decay and secondary radiation from atmospheric interactions with cosmic ray particles. However, there are other rare natural sources, such as terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, which produce gamma rays from electron action upon the nucleus. Notable artificial sources of gamma rays include fission, such as that which occurs in nuclear reactors, and high energy physics experiments, such as neutral pion decay and nuclear fusion. (Artificial Suns are created using nuclear energy. The newest and largest ones us Fission and/or Fusion. We have no idea how long governments and scientists have been working on these projects, because they do not tell us! When they are discovered, they LIE about it!)
Gamma rays and X-rays are both electromagnetic radiation, and since they overlap in the electromagnetic spectrum, the terminology varies between scientific disciplines. In some fields of physics, they are distinguished by their origin: Gamma rays are created by nuclear decay, while in the case of X-rays, the origin is outside the nucleus. In astrophysics, gamma rays are conventionally defined as having photon energies above 100 keV and are the subject of gamma ray astronomy, while radiation below 100 keV is classified as X-rays and is the subject of X-ray astronomy.
Gamma rays are ionizing radiation and are thus biologically hazardous. Due to their high penetration power, they can damage bone marrow and internal organs. Unlike alpha and beta rays, they easily pass through the body and thus pose a formidable radiation protection challenge, requiring shielding made from dense materials such as lead or concrete. On Earth, the magnetosphere protects life from most types of lethal, cosmic radiation, except gamma rays, which are absorbed by 0.53 bars of atmosphere as they penetrate the atmosphere.
Gamma rays cannot be reflected off a mirror and their wavelengths are so small that they will pass between atoms in a detector. (So, apparently, there is no way to detect these waves, so we don’t know when they are being used on us or our environment.)
History of discovery
The first gamma ray source to be discovered was the radioactive decay process called gamma decay. In this type of decay, an excited nucleus emits a gamma ray almost immediately upon formation.[note 1] Paul Villard, a French chemist and physicist, discovered gamma radiation in 1900, while studying radiation emitted from radium. (Particle Accelerators and Colliders began to be created at that time) Villard knew that his described radiation was more powerful than previously described types of rays from radium, which included beta rays, first noted as “radioactivity” by Henri Becquerel in 1896, and alpha rays, discovered as a less penetrating form of radiation by Rutherford, in 1899. However, Villard did not consider naming them as a different fundamental type.[1][2] Later, in 1903, Villard’s radiation was recognized as being of a type fundamentally different from previously named rays by Ernest Rutherford, who named Villard’s rays “gamma rays” by analogy with the beta and alpha rays that Rutherford had differentiated in 1899.[3] The “rays” emitted by radioactive elements were named in order of their power to penetrate various materials, using the first three letters of the Greek alphabet: alpha rays as the least penetrating, followed by beta rays, followed by gamma rays as the most penetrating. Rutherford also noted that gamma rays were not deflected (or at least, not easily deflected) by a magnetic field, another property making them unlike alpha and beta rays.
Gamma rays were first thought to be particles with mass, like alpha and beta rays. Rutherford initially believed that they might be extremely fast beta particles, but their failure to be deflected by a magnetic field indicated that they had no charge.[4] In 1914, gamma rays were observed to be reflected from crystal surfaces, proving that they were electromagnetic radiation.[4] Rutherford and his co-worker Edward Andrade measured the wavelengths of gamma rays from radium, and found they were similar to X-rays, but with shorter wavelengths and thus, higher frequency. This was eventually recognized as giving them more energy per photon, as soon as the latter term became generally accepted. A gamma decay was then understood to usually emit a gamma photon.
Natural sources of gamma rays on Earth include gamma decay from naturally occurring radioisotopes such as potassium-40, and also as a secondary radiation from various atmospheric interactions with cosmic ray particles. Some rare terrestrial natural sources that produce gamma rays that are not of a nuclear origin, are lightning strikes and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, which produce high energy emissions from natural high-energy voltages. Gamma rays are produced by a number of astronomical processesin which very high-energy electrons are produced. Such electrons produce secondary gamma rays by the mechanisms of bremsstrahlung, inverse Compton scattering and synchrotron radiation. A large fraction of such astronomical gamma rays are screened by Earth’s atmosphere. Notable artificial sources of gamma rays include fission, such as occurs in nuclear reactors, as well as high energy physics experiments, such as neutral pion decay and nuclear fusion. (Exactly what they are creating with Colliders and accelerators, and fusion/fission artificial Suns. They are creating astronomical opportunities by shooting electromagnetic waves, heat waves, and sound/frequency waves into the atmosphere and ionisphere!)
A sample of gamma ray-emitting material that is used for irradiating or imaging is known as a gamma source. It is also called a radioactive source, isotope source, or radiation source, though these more general terms also apply to alpha and beta-emitting devices.Gamma sources are usually sealed to prevent radioactive contamination, and transported in heavy shielding.
Particle physics
Gamma rays are produced in many processes of particle physics. Typically, gamma rays are the products of neutral systems which decay throughelectromagnetic interactions (rather than a weak or strong interaction). For example, in an electron–positron annihilation, the usual products are two gamma ray photons. If the annihilating electron and positron are at rest, each of the resulting gamma rays has an energy of ~ 511 keV and frequency of ~ 1.24×1020 Hz. Similarly, a neutral pion most often decays into two photons. Many otherhadronsand massivebosonsalso decay electromagnetically. High energy physics experiments, such as the Large Hadron Collider, accordingly employ substantial radiation shielding.[citation needed] Because subatomic particles mostly have far shorter wavelengths than atomic nuclei, particle physics gamma rays are generally several orders of magnitude more energetic than nuclear decay gamma rays. Since gamma rays are at the top of the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of energy, all extremely high-energy photons are gamma rays; for example, a photon having the Planck energy would be a gamma ray.
Other sources
A few gamma rays in astronomy are known to arise from gamma decay (see discussion of SN1987A), but most do not.
Photons from astrophysical sources that carry energy in the gamma radiation range are often explicitly called gamma-radiation. In addition to nuclear emissions, they are often produced by sub-atomic particle and particle-photon interactions.Those include electron-positron annihilation, neutral pion decay, bremsstrahlung, inverse Compton scattering, and synchrotron radiation.
The red dots show some of the ~500 terrestrial gamma-ray flashes daily detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescopethrough 2010. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.
Laboratory sources
In October 2017, scientists from various European universities proposed a means for sources of GeV photons using lasers as exciters through a controlled interplay between the cascade and anomalous radiative trapping.[6]
Terrestrial thunderstorms
Thunderstorms can produce a brief pulse of gamma radiation called a terrestrial gamma-ray flash. These gamma rays are thought to be produced by high intensity static electric fields accelerating electrons, which then produce gamma rays by bremsstrahlungas they collide with and are slowed by atoms in the atmosphere. Gamma rays up to 100 MeV can be emitted by terrestrial thunderstorms, and were discovered by space-borne observatories.This raises the possibility of health risks to passengers and crew on aircraft flying in or near thunderclouds.[7]
This is very likely the reason for all the crazy lightning we have been witnessing worldwide. Now that the elite have learned to control lightning they are using it for whatever they please. Especially for creating gamma rays to create energy.
The most effusive solar flares emit across the entire EM spectrum, including γ-rays. The first confident observation occurred in 1972.[8]
Solar Flares are another thing that we had never even heard of before but suddenly we find them occurring with greater and greater frequency. If indeed that is what we are witnessing. There is no telling because they can make anything appear in the skies and we have no way to know what is real and what is artificially created by the “MAGICK of SCIENCE” or should I say WITCHCRAFT?.
Cosmic ray
Extraterrestrial, high energy gamma rays include the gamma ray background produced when cosmic rays (either high speed electrons or protons) collide with ordinary matter, producing pair-production gamma rays at 511 keV. Alternatively, bremsstrahlung are produced at energies of tens of MeV or more when cosmic ray electrons interact with nuclei of sufficiently high atomic number (see gamma ray image of the Moon near the end of this article, for illustration).
Pulsars and magnetars
The gamma ray sky (see illustration at right) is dominated by the more common and longer-term production of gamma raysthat emanate from pulsars within the Milky Way. Sources from the rest of the sky are mostly quasars. Pulsars are thought to be neutron stars with magnetic fields that produce focused beams of radiation, and are far less energetic, more common, and much nearer sources (typically seen only in our own galaxy) than are quasars or the rarer gamma-ray burst sources of gamma rays. Pulsars have relatively long-lived magnetic fields that produce focused beams of relativistic speed charged particles, which emit gamma rays (bremsstrahlung) when those strike gas or dust in their nearby medium, and are decelerated. (This is the reason LA PALMA is their center, because the Milky Way can be seen and accessed so easily there, giving them their best opportunity to utilize the gamma ray technology. That is the reason for the Volcanic activity during the season that Milky Way is in place, the dust, gas and ash, increases the energy they can create!)
This is a similar mechanism to the production of high-energy photons in megavoltage radiation therapy machines (see bremsstrahlung). Inverse Compton scattering, in which charged particles (usually electrons) impart energy to low-energy photons boosting them to higher energy photons. Such impacts of photons on relativistic charged particle beams is another possible mechanism of gamma ray production. Neutron stars with a very high magnetic field (magnetars), thought to produce astronomical soft gamma repeaters, are another relatively long-lived star-powered source of gamma radiation.
Quasars and active galaxies
More powerful gamma rays from very distant quasars and closer active galaxies are thought to have a gamma ray production source similar to a particle accelerator. High energy electrons produced by the quasar, and subjected to inverse Compton scattering, synchrotron radiation, or bremsstrahlung, are the likely source of the gamma rays from those objects. It is thought that a supermassive black hole at the center of such galaxies provides the power source that intermittently destroys stars and focuses the resulting charged particles into beams that emerge from their rotational poles.When those beams interact with gas, dust, and lower energy photons they produce X-rays and gamma rays. These sources are known to fluctuate with durations of a few weeks, suggesting their relatively small size (less than a few light-weeks across). Such sources of gamma and X-rays are the most commonly visible high intensity sources outside our galaxy. They shine not in bursts (see illustration), but relatively continuously when viewed with gamma ray telescopes. The power of a typical quasar is about 1040 watts, a small fraction of which is gamma radiation. Much of the rest is emitted as electromagnetic waves of all frequencies, including radio waves.
A hypernova.Artist’s illustration showing the life of a massive star as nuclear fusion converts lighter elements into heavier ones. When fusion no longer generates enough pressure to counteract gravity, the star rapidly collapses to form a black hole. Theoretically, energy may be released during the collapse along the axis of rotation to form a long duration gamma-ray burst.
Gamma-ray bursts
Notice the rings… a very popular satanic/freemason/magick/mind control symbol. The rings and coloring in these photos are very similar to what we saw on the stage at the ASTROWORLD event with Travis Scott where all those demons were released
Bear in mind that the bible tells us that stars are angels/entities/spirits. They are not big pieces of rock flying around in the sky. They are spirits and they are able to take on any form that they please. They are all going to be falling from the sky here very soon, if they have not already begun to do so. That is what the bible says. ALL the stars in heaven will fall
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See also: Gamma-ray burst
The most intense sources of gamma rays, are also the most intense sources of any type of electromagnetic radiation presently known. They are the “long duration burst” sources of gamma rays in astronomy(“long” in this context, meaning a few tens of seconds), and they are rare compared with the sources discussed above. By contrast, “short” gamma-ray bursts of two seconds or less, which are not associated with supernovae, are thought to produce gamma rays during the collision of pairs of neutron stars, or a neutron star and a black hole.[9]
Gamma spectroscopy is the study of the energetic transitions in atomic nuclei, which are generally associated with the absorption or emission of gamma rays. As in optical spectroscopy (see Franck–Condon effect) the absorption of gamma rays by a nucleus is especially likely (i.e., peaks in a “resonance”) when the energy of the gamma ray is the same as that of an energy transition in the nucleus. In the case of gamma rays, such a resonance is seen in the technique of Mössbauer spectroscopy. In the Mössbauer effect the narrow resonance absorption for nuclear gamma absorption can be successfully attained by physically immobilizing atomic nuclei in a crystal. The immobilization of nuclei at both ends of a gamma resonance interaction is required so that no gamma energy is lost to the kinetic energy of recoiling nuclei at either the emitting or absorbing end of a gamma transition. Such loss of energy causes gamma ray resonance absorption to fail. However, when emitted gamma rays carry essentially all of the energy of the atomic nuclear de-excitation that produces them, this energy is also sufficient to excite the same energy state in a second immobilized nucleus of the same type.
Gamma-ray image of a truck with two stowaways taken with a VACIS (vehicle and container imaging system)
Gamma rays provide information about some of the most energetic phenomena in the universe; however, they are largely absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere. Instruments aboard high-altitude balloons and satellites missions, such as the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, provide our only view of the universe in gamma rays.
IF you can’t see it yet, let me assure you, this is EXACTLY what they have been playing with at CERN. They have gone far beyond all that now. The technology that they have developed most people would never be able to get their minds around. This is very dark and sinister stuff. What they are playing with is far more dangerous than those who believe themselves to be “experts” can even imagine!
Gamma-induced molecular changes can also be used to alter the properties of semi-precious stones, and is often used to change white topaz into blue topaz.
This is another thing that the elite seem to be focused on. GEMS, PRECIOUS METALS, ROCKS and SAND/Crystal. Just like the Magicians of old! This is one thing they were really excited about with the Volcano on La Palma, the gemstones that were left behind by the lava.
It is almost like the fallen angels believe that the one with the “most toys/ treasure” at the end wins!! I guess maybe because we are told that Heaven is made of precious metals and gems. It is very likely that they hold some power in the realm of the Spirit.
Non-contact industrial sensors commonly use sources of gamma radiation in refining, mining, chemicals, food, soaps and detergents, and pulp and paper industries, for the measurement of levels, density, and thicknesses.[12] Gamma-ray sensors are also used for measuring the fluid levels in water and oil industries.[13] Typically, these use Co-60 or Cs-137 isotopes as the radiation source.
In the US, gamma ray detectors are beginning to be used as part of the Container Security Initiative (CSI). These machines are advertised to be able to scan 30 containers per hour.
Gamma radiation is often used to kill living organisms, in a process called irradiation. Applications of this include the sterilization of medical equipment (as an alternative to autoclaves or chemical means), the removal of decay-causing bacteria from many foods and the prevention of the sprouting of fruit and vegetables to maintain freshness and flavor.
Health effects
Gamma rays cause damage at a cellular level and are penetrating, causing diffuse damage throughout the body. However, they are less ionising than alpha or beta particles, which are less penetrating.
Low levels of gamma rays cause a stochastic health risk,which for radiation dose assessment is defined as the probability of cancer induction and genetic damage.[14] High doses produce deterministic effects, which is the severity of acute tissue damage that is certain to happen. These effects are compared to the physical quantity absorbed dose measured by the unit gray (Gy).[15]
Gamma Rays | Science Mission Directorate

Physicists Create Mini Gamma-Ray Burst in the Lab
An international team of physicists has created the first small-scale replica of gamma ray bursts in a laboratory, opening up a whole new way to investigate the properties of these mysterious flashes of intense high-energy radiation that appear from random directions in space. The results are published in the journal Physical Review Letters (arXiv.org preprint).

This illustration shows the ingredients of the most common type of gamma-ray burst. The core of a massive star (left) has collapsed, forming a black hole that sends a jet moving through the collapsing star and out into space at near the speed of light. Radiation across the spectrum arises from hot ionized gas in the vicinity of the newborn black hole, collisions among shells of fast-moving gas within the jet, and from the leading edge of the jet as it sweeps up and interacts with its surroundings. Image credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
Live Science
What are gamma rays?

This all-sky image, constructed from two years of observations by NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, shows how the sky appears in gamma-ray light. (Image credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration)
Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is transmitted in waves or particles at different wavelengths and frequencies. This broad range of wavelengths is known as the electromagnetic spectrum. The spectrum is generally divided into seven regions in order of decreasing wavelength and increasing energy and frequency. The common designations are radio waves, microwaves, infrared (IR), visible light, ultraviolet (UV), X-rays and gamma rays.
Gamma rays fall in the range of the EM spectrum above soft X-rays. Gamma rays have frequencies greater than about 10^19 cycles per second, or hertz (Hz), and wavelengths of less than 100 picometers (pm), or 4 x 10^9 inches. (A picometer is one-trillionth of a meter.)
Gamma rays and hard X-rays overlap in the EM spectrum, which can make it hard to differentiate them. In some fields, such as astrophysics, an arbitrary line is drawn in the spectrum where rays above a certain wavelength are classified as X-rays and rays with shorter wavelengths are classified as gamma-rays. Both gamma rays and X-rays have enough energy to cause damage to living tissue, but almost all cosmic gamma rays are blocked by Earth’s atmosphere.
Gamma-ray sources and effects
Gamma rays are produced primarily by four different nuclear reactions: fusion, fission, alpha decay and gamma decay.
Nuclear fusion is the reaction that powers the sun and stars. It occurs in a multistep process in which four protons, or hydrogen nuclei, are forced under extreme temperature and pressure to fuse into a helium nucleus, which comprises two protons and two neutrons. The resulting helium nucleus is about 0.7 percent less massive than the four protons that went into the reaction. That mass difference is converted into energy, according to Einstein’s famous equation E=mc^2, with about two-thirds of that energy emitted as gamma-rays. (The rest is in the form of neutrinos, which are extremely weakly interacting particles with nearly zero mass.) In the later stages of a star’s lifetime, when it runs out of hydrogen fuel, it can form increasingly more massive elements through fusion, up to and including iron, but these reactions produce a decreasing amount of energy at each stage.
Another familiar source of gamma rays is nuclear fission. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory defines nuclear fission as the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two roughly equal parts, which are then nuclei of lighter elements. In this process, which involves collisions with other particles, heavy nuclei, such as uranium and plutonium, are broken into smaller elements, such as xenon and strontium. The resulting particles from these collisions can then impact other heavy nuclei, setting up a nuclear chain reaction. Energy is released because the combined mass of the resulting particles is less than the mass of the original heavy nucleus. That mass difference is converted to energy, according to E=mc^2, in the form of kinetic energy of the smaller nuclei, neutrinos and gamma rays.
Other sources of gamma rays are alpha decay and gamma decay. Alpha decay occurs when a heavy nucleus gives off a helium-4 nucleus, reducing its atomic number by 2 and its atomic weight by 4. This process can leave the nucleus with excess energy, which is emitted in the form of a gamma ray. Gamma decay occurs when there is too much energy in the nucleus of an atom, causing it to emit a gamma ray without changing its charge or mass composition.

Gamma-ray astronomy
One of the more interesting sources of gamma rays are gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). These are extremely high-energy events that last from a few milliseconds to several minutes. They were first observed in the 1960s, and they are now observed somewhere in the sky about once a day.
Gamma-ray bursts are “the most energetic form of light,” according to NASA. They shine hundreds of times brighter than a typical supernova and about a million-trillion times as bright as the sun.
According to Robert Patterson, a professor of astronomy at Missouri State University, GRBs were once thought to come from the last stages of evaporating mini black holes. They are now believed to originate in collisions of compact objects such as neutron stars. Other theories attribute these events to the collapse of supermassive stars to form black holes.
In either case, GRBs can produce enough energy that, for a few seconds, they can outshine an entire galaxy. Because Earth’s atmosphere blocks most gamma-rays, they’re seen only with high-altitude balloons and orbiting telescopes.
Dangers of Gamma Rays – HRF
Gamma rays are also popularly known as gamma radiation. This is just one of the seven classifications of radiant energy that compose the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic energy travels across space in the form of waves. Gamma rays have a short wavelength which means that is also has excellent energy. This makes the gamma rays as the most powerful among other electromagnetic waves. Gamma rays have the same characteristics to X-rays. These strong electromagnetic waves are naturally occurring and they traverse the universe in great distances. Gamma rays have a lot of benefits to mankind. However, you also have to pay attention to the dangers of gamma rays.
What Are They Used For?
Gamma rays are used in treating serious health problems such as cancer. Radiation oncology or radiation therapy makes use of the gamma rays to control or kill malignant tumors in a patient’s body. Gamma radiation damages the DNA of cancerous cells. This will help in slowing down the reproduction of cancer cells or killing them. Gamma rays can be considered as an effective way to treat cancer. However, the use of these powerful forms of energy does not focus mainly on destroying cancer cells as healthy cells are also killed through the process. When healthy cells are also destroyed, there may be possibility for side effects to happen.
One of the most horrific dangers of gamma rays comes when these strong forms of energy are utilized in large doses. Gamma rays can alter or harm healthy cells in the body. As a result, tumors or cancerous cells may continue to grow. Gamma rays are also the energy which is involved in some of the most tragic accidents. The accident that occurred in the Fukushima nuclear power plant which is located in Japan is associated primarily with these gamma rays. This incident also led to the horrific earthquake that happened in 2011.
Another accident that is related strongly to the utilization of gamma radiation is the Chernobyl Reactor accident in Ukraine. Particles that emit gamma rays must be taken care of properly to avoid harmful effects to both the environment and humans. The accidents that were associated with gamma radiation have contaminated the environment that is why people must always be cautious.
Gamma rays are undeniably providing significant advantages most especially to the field of medicine and technology. These rays are now widely used in industrial and commercial purposes. Gamma radiation is widely used in medical scanning and in scanning cargo containers. It is also used in food irradiation which is considerably a safe and effective means to secure the safety of food for consumption. (WHAT??????? SAFE? According to who?)
Other Information
In addition , gamma radiation is also used in exploring the universe. This is truly a useful component that will help mankind to discover breakthroughs. However, authorities must be very careful when handling such strong forms of energy. They must create and implement rules on how to make use of this energy. It is highly vital in order to prevent contamination from happening. It is also necessary that everyone knows about the dangers of gamma rays. Exposure to such a strong from of energy is proven to give harmful effects to anyone.
They have more toys and gadgets and dirty tricks than you could ever dream up in a million years! AND, they are READY TO USE THEM. In their minds they not only have everything in place, but TIME IS UP!! They know better than any theologian that GOD is about to make a serious move. Their time is up. It is NOW or never.
First full-scale hybrid floating wind and wave energy platform bound for Canary Islands

Danish renewable energy technology company Floating Power Plant has secured a location to deploy its first full-scale hybrid floating wind and wave platform at test facilities off the coast of the Canary Islands in Spain.
Floating Power Plant (FPP) has built a floating platform that plays host to both a single wind turbine and a wave power device.
Each platform is able to accommodate a wind turbine measuring from 4MW all the way up to the industry leading 15MW, and also supports between 1MW and 4MW of wave power, depending on the local wave resources.
Anchored using standard turret mooring technology commonly used by the oil & gas industry, the platform is able to rotate 360-degrees in order to face the incoming waves.
FPP has tested its product using the P37 prototype, which is the only wave and wind device in the world to have produced joint power to the grid in a real-world offshore environment.
FPP has also worked with French-American oil & gas company TechnipFMC to develop a solution that integrates hydrogen production, to utilise excess power to produce hydrogen via electrolysis which can then be stored and later used to generate power via fuel cells when there is too little wind or wave generation.
Fragments of energy – not waves or particles – may be the fundamental building blocks of the universe
on December 6, 2021 at 2:05 amField theory describes the universe as energy flowing along unending lines. With this perspective, it is possible to define a new fundamental. Matter is what makes up the universe, but what makes up …
Fourth Wave Energy Inc. Signs Merger Agreement to Acquire EdgeMode
on December 6, 2021 at 3:00 amFourth Wave Energy, Inc. or the (“Company”), (OTCQB: FWAV) announced today, that the Company has executed an agreement under which it will acquire EdgeMode in a reverse triangular merger. The ..
Carnegie’s wave energy technology may get gig in Scotland and Spain
on December 7, 2021 at 6:34 pmCarnegie Clean Energy’s Australian wave energy technology selected to compete in round one of a program designed to advance global wave power industry.