TAGS: RFID MICROCHIP,NEUROLINK, VeriChip, GRAPHENE, NANOTECH, 666, FOREHEAD OR HAND, Forced Implants, Internet of Things, BiChip, Satanic Church, Satanic Temple, government officials, tech industry leaders, scientists, biohackers, transhumanist figureheads, Genetic Ancestry, Vaccinations, Clinical Trials, Adverse Effects, ASTRAZENECA, God Gene, VMAT, New World Order, Bill Gates, ID2020, Luciferase, FUNVAX, COVID19, Conspiracy, PFIZER VP
Jul 25, 2012
IF you have not seen my post on the RFID Chip, check it out:
It’s in The Blood – Part 9 of 11 – RFID Chip, What’s it to YOU?
Jesus lives and He is in control of all events taking place in our world. In the days ahead He will be the only safe haven available if you expect to survive the things coming upon the earth. What will you do when confronted with demonic entities intent on destroying you? Without Jesus you will perish. My goal with this blog is to prepare you for what is coming, to guide you into eternal safety, and to help those souls in peril to realize their need for Jesus and His freely given safety net.
ALERT!!! FORCED IMPLANTS RFID Chips and 666 Tattoo
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
The mark is being promoted in the following manner to the world; safety and protection for you and your family.
- Requires RFID implant first
- If refused by these people they are killed
- When chipped the people lapse into unconsciousness and then awake under complete control via the chip by anti-christ’s enforcers.
This has been ongoing quite some time in the Philippines. The video next by Rev Michelle Hopkins contains closed caption during the first half for those of us who only speak English.
Chip Device small as a grain of rice
Biometrics RFID Chip next to a Euro Coin
Human Chip
Chip Device
The Human-chip Implant
Many people had a grandmother or mother that told their family that Christ Jesus is coming back to this earth again. And when he comes he is taking all the Saints which are the holy and sacred people of God that received Christ into their hearts and minds. Do you think that Christ will accept you into Heaven, if you have the “Verichip Implant” under your skin? My grandmother also told our family that those people who receive the Human-chip will not inherit the Kingdom of God. My grandmother was one of the good influences in my life. Since I was a small child we attended church together, went shopping together, and read the Holy Bible together. I miss her a lot, but I know she is in a way better place than this Earth realm. The Preachers use to say that in the last days, things would get worst in the world.
My grandmother did not live to see that we have a black President; Barack Obama. She would have been so excited. A lot of people voted for Mr. Obama, and for many people, it’s not about black or white. Some people voted for him because he seemed to be very intelligent, and he actually has a vocabulary, (compared to our last President, George W. Bush). Knowing what I know now, we all need to be alert about whom which we put in political office. A person should be also put in political office because of their morals, intentions, and righteous beliefs for this country.
The chip device is being implanted in dogs, to help find them when they are lost. Now they are thinking about using the Verichip/RFID chip in children for the same reason; to help find them when they are kidnapped or lost.
Government Deception
It’s been said that the Biometrics, Verichip, RFID chip is a GPS tracking device for the government/police to keep track of a human’s where-a-bouts (locations), among other reasons. Many people believe the “human chip” is making humans rely on the government for trust and protection. When actually “In God we trust, and He is our protection.”
New World Order
Many people know way more about this “Verichip” implant; note that they have many names for this chip device. It’s to the point of making humans into robotics, to a certain degree, if you really think about it. They can’t make robots do what humans do fully; no one can imitate what God created and that’s humans and the earth. There is a major amount of knowledge to obtain about this GPS chip device. I don’t know all that much about it. As you read this article we probably know the same amount of information about it right now. There are tremendous question raised about this new world order “human chip device.” So do your research, the NWO New World Order is in our faces. Whether we expect to believe it or not, it’s still here in different forms, especially through the media.
Jobs Taken Over by Computers!
Once this Bible prophesy is in action (the human-chip implant) there will be a decline in many jobs. Think about it, there may be no more use for many occupations such as: Security Guards, Store Cashiers, Medical Records Clerks, Toy Warehouse Workers, Librarians, Banks, and of course credit cards won’t be needed.
It’s obvious the list of jobs taken by the human-chip device will increase. We all know when there are less employees, the corporations can keep more money for their own families.
Pets and Children Micro chipped
Some pet owners already have this chip implanted in their pets, just in case they get lost. I read that the government wants to experiment with using the “chip device” in children, to help upgrade the “Amber Alerts.” Many Christians hope and pray that people unaware will not accept this human-chip out of fear or any other AntiChrist reasons.”
Jan 13, 2010

No need for the RFID chip today – your smartphone, credit cards and other personal electronics do the job
2 years, 4 months ago
Watch this video – Human Microchip – New World Order
Bible Scripture
The Image
He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Revelation 13:15-18
♥ Do you believe this is Bible prophesy and it has to happen? ♥
Don’t Receive the “Human Chip Device” in Your Body
Since this is a computer chip and it’s implanted under someone’s skin. Then how can they prevent it from getting a virus, like a computer does? Or could it be used as a remote control while it is in the human body? Does this mean people with the chip device could become a “walking credit card?” Then the government can track their every move, especially if they refuse to make payment of anything they own, just like a credit card. Actually that seems very EVIL.
In God We Trust
But I believe God (Jehovah, Christ, and the Holy Spirit) one-in-the-same will protect us, the ones who refuse to take the chip device. The same way he protected the Israelites in Egypt, by parting the Red Sea for them to escape and harming their enemies (Pharaoh and the Egyptians, in that time). The Lord is my light, and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life: of whom shall I be afraid. (Psalm 27:1).
Some people wonder about this new world order chip device that government is going to push on the American citizens. They have a couple of names for that human chip, (there may be other names for the chip): 1.”Verichip”, and 2. “RFID CHIP”. What do you think about this chip that the government is using in people? Could this be the same “Mark” in the skin the Holy Scriptures speak of?
The devil is not going to let people know that he is the devil in certain situations, of course he will be clever in deceiving people. The devil/enemy is actually known by his intentions (his agenda). They can get people to accept the human-chip device by convincing them that the government want to reduce the use of paper (to save trees) and medical files in the hospitals, and strictly use technology (computer-chip implant) instead.
Humans were not created to be controlled, but humans were created to have free will. Just like you have a free will to accept Christ in your heart, which isn’t an Earthly law. Make a choice to say No to the human chip implant; we are not dollar signs or the property of the government, but we are God’s property.
Wear RFID chip on the body
GPS Device in Humans – Poll
Mark of the Beast is now PUBLIC
© 2011 Brinafr3sh
United States
01/21/2016 09:18 PM
This is so evil... They have pin pointed the part of our brain that is stimulated when we read the Bible, hear about God or practice our faiths. They have Created a Virus which they intend to spread through Vaccinations and the RFID Chip which is the Mark of the Beast. This is why those who take that RFID Chip will lose their souls. Because the virus will eliminate their desire to seek God. Will eliminate their desire to Repent. They will no longer have the Desire for God. DO NOT TAKE THAT CHIP and DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINATIONS!! I don’t care if you are told that it is now mandatory!! You cannot allow your children to be chipped. You cannot allow your children to be Vaccinated. YOU MUST LISTEN TO JESUS or you will lose your soul PERIOD... Please watch this video.. In the beginning 4 minutes its a bit repetitive as this man is trying to make the point but after the 4 minutes.. you get into the meat of this… scary stuff but FACT all the same. Continue to pray for everyone because so many will take that Mark, thinking they can over come it… but that would be IMPOSSIBLE. God help us all…
The GOD-GENE anti God virus:
Hal Turner Radio Show – “They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel God; My Soul Is Dead” AstraZeneca Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials after Second Volunteer “Develops Neurological problems”

The release comes after a second vaccine test volunteer “Developed neurological problems.” According to sources who claim to be familiar with the vaccine trials, the second volunteer suddenly started saying “They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God anymore – my Soul is dead” after the vaccine.
The following BITCHUTE VIDEOS are all covering the same topic so you will hear a lot of repetition, but each one has something or its own to offer.

Your soul is not going to be the only thing dead. You will be also sooner than you think. You must have been brain dead to participate in an experimental drug trial. So you sold your soul for $1200 bucks and got the mark of the beast? As an added bonus you screwed up your health? 2 months ago

Bill Gates Vaccine Depopulation:
Ultimate Corona:
Enlightening Conspiracy:
Hello welcome to Truth of Jesus Christ. Here you will find reviews on certain doctrines of Christianity, reviewing the glory of Christ, exposing false doctrines and the lies of this world, and connecting ourselves to God.
I’m a Non Denominational Christian National Socialist, KJV user, Young Earth Creationist, Flat Earther, Holocaust denier. 11 months, 1 week ago

#MarkOfTheBeast #PleaseShare #ThumbsUp
THIS IS GENETICIST & Author DEAN HAMER..https://youtu.be/3vOmndsCStw
~Important Role THE GOD GENE Plays Is To Provide Pure Humans w/An Innate Sense Of Optimism
~Psychologically, Optimism Provides The Will To Live & Procreate
~Physically, Optimism Promotes Better Health & Quicker Recovery From Disease
CERTAIN AMERICANS TRULY BELIEVE GOD, expressing a conviction that has existed since the beginning of recorded time & is shared by MANY around the world. In his Book, THE GOD GENE, Dr. Dean Hamer reveals that this inclination toward BELIEF Or religious faith is no accident; it is in good measure due to our genes. In fact, he argues, SPIRITUAL BELIEF may offer an evolutionary advantage by providing humans w/a sense of purpose & the courage & will to overcome hardship & loss. As a growing body of evidence suggests, belief also increases our chances of reproductive survival by helping to reduce stress, prevent disease & extend life.
Hamer shows that new discoveries in behavioral genetics & neurobiology indicate that humans inherit a set of predispositions that make their brains ready & eager to embrace a higher power. By analyzing the genetic makeup of over a thousand people of different ages & backgrounds then comparing their DNA samples against a scale that measures spirituality, Hamer ACTUALLY identified a specific “GOD GENE” that appears to influence spirituality.
Popular science at its best, THE GOD GENE is an in-depth, fully accessible inquiry into the cutting-edge research that is changing the way we think about ourselves, our world & our culture. Written w/balance & integrity, without seeking to confirm or deny the existence of GOD, THE GOD GENE brilliantly illuminates the mechanism by which belief itself is biologically fostered. His book bridges the gap between science & religion & one that will appeal to the readers of Genesis & Genome alike.
Why is SPIRITUALITY such a powerful & universal force? Why do so many people believe in GOD Or things they cannot see, smell, taste, hear nor touch? Why do people from all walks of life, around the globe, regardless of their religious backgrounds or TMH GOD or the particular god they worship, value spirituality as much as, or more than, pleasure, power or wealth?
He argues that the answer is, at least in part, hardwired into our genes. SPIRITUALITY is one of our basic human inheritances. It is, in fact, an instinct.
At first, “instinct” may seem to be a peculiar word to pair w/SPIRITUALITY. We usually think of instincts as automatic, unconscious reactions or behaviors that are performed without thought or training. Birds know to fly south for the winter by instinct. Blinking your eyes when someone takes a swing at you is an instinct. A newborn baby learns to suckle at her mother’s breast by instinct, not because she has been taught. It is instinctual to become aroused when presented w/a sexual stimulus. By contrast, spiritual behaviors such as meditating in the lotus position or taking communion are neither automatic nor unconscious. They are highly deliberate & culturally learned activities.
He doesn’t contend that SPIRITUALITY is a simple instinct like blinking or nursing. But argues that it is a complex amalgamation in which certain genetically hardwired, biological patterns of response & states of consciousness are interwoven w/social, cultural & historical threads. It is this interdigitation of biology & experience that makes SPIRITUALITY such a durable part of the fabric of life–a rich tapestry in which nature is the warp & nurture is the woof.
In The GOD GENE, He proposes that SPIRITUALITY has a biological mechanism akin to birdsong, albeit a far more complex & nuanced one: that we have a genetic predisposition for SPIRITUAL BELIEF that is expressed in response to & shaped by, personal experience & the cultural environment. These genes, He argues, act by influencing the brain’s capability for various types & forms of consciousness, which become the basis for SPIRITUAL Experiences.
The term “GOD GENE” is, in fact, a gross oversimplification of the theory. There are probably many different genes involved, rather than just one. Environmental influences are just as important as genetics. Finally, SPIRITUALITY, in its broader meaning, is about much more than BELIEF in TMH GOD or a particular god…
#FunVAC #AntiChrist #AntiVaxxers 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Astra (weapon)

ze definition: 1. a pronoun sometimes used instead of “he” or “she” because it does not show a particular gender…
Relative Pronouns
So, the ZE in this case is a Relative Pronoun as in (Astra) Weapon that
neco (Latin) Origin & history
From Proto-Indo-European *neḱ- (“perish, disappear“); see also Middle Welsh angheu (“death“), Breton ankou, Old Irish éc, Latin noxius (“harmful”), Latin noceō (“I hurt, harm“), Latin nex (“murder, violent death“) (as opposed to mors), Ancient Greek νέκυς (“a dead body“) and νεκρός (“dead“), Old Persian 𐎻𐎴𐎰𐎹𐎫𐎹 (vi-nathayatiy, “he injures”), Avestan (“disappears”), (nasu-, “corpse”), Sanskrit नश्यति (naśyati, “disappear, perish“).
Verb – neco (vowels are interchangeable so this could be written NECA)
- I kill, murder, especially without physical wounding such as by poison or hunger
- (figuratively) I thwart, check
When it is all put together ASTRA ZE NECA = WEAPON THAT KILLS!!!

This has been on my mind for a few months so I thought I’d share. Individually these things are bad enough, but collectively…they’re insidious. Things are all coming together and making complete sense. It’s all part of a bigger plan, a much bigger plan to remove our humanity!
#transhumanism #populationcontrol 8 months ago

The rest of these videos are not related to the issue of KILLING GOD. They contain other important information related to the Vax being the MARK OF THE BEAST.
To Watch This Video on BITCHUTE: CLICK HERE
Enzyme that will make Bill Gates’ vaccine microchip implant work is called LUCIFERASE
Part of the plan for vaccination against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is to inject people with syringes that contain implantable “quantum dot” tattoos, which we reported are a type of microchip that would seem to constitute the Mark of the Beast. And further proof of this comes in the form of the enzyme that Bill Gates has chosen to make it all possible, which has been ominously dubbed “luciferase.”
“And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:9,10 (KJB)
Over the past few weeks, we have shown you a massive project by Bill Gates that is so all-encompassing that it quite nearly beggars belief. That expression is an Old English term which means something that is so unbelievable that it nearly cannot be believed. The Edomite Communist gulag camps in the Christian Holocaust is a great example of that. When the films of this came to light, it was hard to comprehend such a thing.
Roll on to 2020.
According to reports, luciferase will activate these quantum dot “microneedles,” as they are also called, effectively delivering the so-called vaccines into people’s bodies. This “near infrared bioluminescence enzyme luciferase” is what will make the Gates vaccines readable through special mobile device apps that will scan the injection site and identify the “digital certificates,” or proof of vaccination, that Gates and others have been publicly announcing in recent days.
With the help of luciferase, a person’s proof of vaccination will be readable in perpetuity long after he or she was injected with a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). If a digital certificate is present, in other words, that person will be allowed to enter a store to buy food or fly on an airplane. If it is not present, then that person will presumably be turned away and told to go get vaccinated if he or she wants to participate in society.
It becomes clearer with each passing day to those of us who are Bible believers that we are living in a very unique time period. So unique, in fact, that we just might be witnessing the kingdom of Antichrists (plural) and the Mark of the Beast system being assembled before our very eyes.
Implantable Microsoft digital ID microchip bears the patent #060606
The sudden rise of Bill Gates and his plans for global vaccine domination are not going unnoticed, even by many in the mainstream media. His agenda is rapidly coming to fruition as states all across the country bait the public into accepting a “new normal” where contact tracing, protective wear, and mandatory vaccination are requirements to participate in the new one world order that is unfolding before our very eyes.
Taking all of this into consideration, it becomes clear that the new world order has arrived. And every individual will be forced to accept this implantable tech, or else be barred from participating in it. This means no job, no food, and no social interactions of any kind unless you agree to take this collective Mark of the Beast in all of its many components.
I went to Google and did a search with the word “luciferas” and there were many sites that came up, including government sites. So, this is no Conspiracy Theory, it is a Conspiracy Fact. It’s a fact that this is happening and it’s a fact that it’s a conspiracy.
You must make your choice: to receive the Mark of the Beast or to be a follower of Christ! There is no middle ground.

https://youtu.be/3Ugq-F-Vhbo 1 year, 1 month ago

MAG UNDILUTED TRUTH: https://youtu.be/CEPwYN-CFTQ 1 year, 1 month ago
Though there have been numerous reports that this jab is activated in stages, people think that because they don’t die immediately or experience some earth rattling consequence immediately, that it is safe and not the MARK of the BEAST. NOT SO LITTLE LAMBS!!
5G has not even been turned on and turned up yet. Much of the world has not been equipped with the towers yet.
Once everything is in place, the 5G is in full swing and the Graphene has been fully activated…you will no longer be human!! Your body will be a full fledged computer that responds to every command. Your BRAIN and every thought and imagination will be controlled. Every organ in your body will respond to orders. Every cell in your body will have a new DNA sequence. THEY WILL OWN YOU BODY AND SOUL!! FOR ETERNITY!