New York County Bans Unvaccinated Minors From Entering Public Spaces, A First In The US (Mary Greeley)

New York County Bans Unvaccinated Minors From Entering Public Spaces, A First In The US (Mary Greeley)

Vaccinations have so much poison in them and the goal is to KILL and depopulate or keep you so ill throughout life so Big Pharma makes trillions.

Amazon, Twitter and several others are scrubbing books off their sites warning people not to vaccinate. They are pushing their agenda and don’t want the truth out there. You tube is taking off videos warning people not to vaccinate and showing stats on autism because of vaccines.

They may not give DPT but they give TDAP! I got a booster shot as a kid the last year they gave it. I was so sick, I will never forget it. I was left with a huge boil on my arm and the scar to prove it. Now they get 69 shots as a kid according to cdc schedule. That is insane. I read Drs get the $40,000 minimum bonus per year giving vaccines. The more they give the more they make… follow the money trail.
I got chicken pox, measles, and mumps in that order separated by no more than 3 days each, with no ill effects at 60 now; and havent had a flu shot in 50 years-I never get the flu…
Do people not remember that the last measles “outbreak” on the east coast was CAUSED BY A KID WHO JUST GOT HIS MMR BOOSTER!!!!!!!!! or Dr paul thomas’s practice data that shows the ones who have the least shots spread LESS disease!!!!! It’s all about the $$$