Friends, if you have not noticed that these events are escalating at an ever-increasing rate of SPEED, I am concerned for your fate. Time is flying by and there is not much of it left. Please, if you have never experienced a relevant living relationship with our Heavenly Father, I pray that you will do all you can to get close to HIM. REPENT… which means turn from your current lifestyle and find out what pleases HIM.
We are getting so close to the end. I pray that you are awake. If you are not, WAKE UP!!! Please watch the videos below. GOD is revealing the truth to those who have ears.
So much is happening, I had to remove some of the older videos. You can still watch them, just click on the headline links. They just won’t load because of the number of videos included in this article.
Pope Francis has just moved against the United States to assert his will on how America’s borders will be operated by personally funding the caravans. No one, anywhere in the world, has the “right” to enter the borders of any sovereign nation. No one. We take in people when we can because we are a compassionate people, but entrance to the United States is not anyone’s “right”. So what should our response be to this obvious act of war by the Roman king of Vatican City?
Pope Francis has donated 500,000 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants.
From the moment Donald Trump became president of the United States, Pope Francis has been relentlessly attacking him personally and politically regarding illegal immigration. Pope Francis believes that illegals should have free access to the United States anytime they so choose, our laws regarding immigration notwithstanding. Now it has been revealed that the Roman pope has put his money where his mouth is, and has begun funding the migrant caravans that wish to illegally gain access to America.
This is a pretty bold move considering that the Roman pontiff is supposed to be a “man of peace”, but Jorge Mario Bergoglio is nothing of the kind. Remember that he is not only the pope of the Roman church, he is also the king of the Roman Vatican city-state known as the Holy See. Francis is a man of war, a man of conquest, and will not sit idly by and allow America to operate as a sovereign nation.
The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law.
Pope Francis has just moved against the United States to assert his will on how America’s borders will be operated by personally funding the caravans. No one, anywhere in the world, has the “right” to enter the borders of any sovereign nation. No one. We take in people when we can because we are a compassionate people, but entrance to the United States is not anyone’s “right”. So what should our response be to this obvious act of war by the Roman king of Vatican City?
Last week, the Vatican-run charitable fund Peter’s Pence announced that Pope Francis is sending a donation of $500,000 to South American migrant caravans seeking asylum in the U.S.
Satanic Globalist Pope Francis Sends Money to Support Migrant Caravans Trying to Enter U.S. by Thomas D Williams, Ph.D. for Breitbart
TDC Note – Just a reminder of where this agent of the enemy lives – a picture of his house behind one of the largest walls on planet earth. Just sayin’.
Pope Francis is sending a half million dollars to help migrants in Mexico who are trying to reach the United States, according to a report Saturday from Vatican News.
“Pope Francis has donated 500,000 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants,” the report declares.
The article notes that in recent months, “thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having travelled more than 4,000 kilometres on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.”
“Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the US border remains closed to them,” the text states.
The money is intended “to assist the more than 75,000 people who arrived in Mexico in 2018 in six migrant caravans,” the article states. These people “were stranded, unable to enter the United States, without a home or livelihood” and therefore the Catholic Church has hosted “thousands of them in hotels within the dioceses or religious congregations, providing basic necessities, from housing to clothing.”
The article laments declining media attention on the migrant caravans, which has reportedly resulted in decreased government and private financial aid to migrants.
According to Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, some of the migrant caravans marching toward the U.S.-Mexico border were organized by Honduran “leftist groups” and “financed by Venezuela” in order to challenge U.S. sovereignty.
Instead of putting up funds to help change conditions in their own countries, Pope Francis is incentivizing Central Americans to make the trek north to the United States – even if they don’t get in, between Soros and Francis, there’s money to be had for the effort.
Pope Francis has donated 500,000 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants.
US border closed
According to a statement from Peter’s Pence, “In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having travelled more than 4,000 kilometres on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the US border remains closed to them.”
Diminished aid and media coverage
In particular, the aid is intended to assist the more than 75,000 people who arrived in Mexico in 2018, in six migrant caravans. “All these people were stranded, unable to enter the United States, without a home or livelihood”, the statement reads. “The Catholic Church hosts thousands of them in hotels within the dioceses or religious congregations, providing basic necessities, from housing to clothing”.
Catholic missionaries provide relief to migrants in Mexico
Although a great deal of attention was focused on the caravans at the time, the Peter’s Pence statement notes that “media coverage of this emergency has been decreasing, and as a result, aid to migrants by the government and private individuals has also decreased”.
Transparent use of donations
The statement from Peter’s Pence insists that “a regulated and transparent use of the resources, which must be accounted for, is required before the aid is assigned”. It notes that thirteen projects have already been approved, with another fourteen currently being evaluated.
“Thanks to these projects”, the statement concludes, “and thanks to Christian charity and solidarity, the Mexican Bishops hope to be able to continue helping our migrant brothers and sisters”.
I am always interested in Learning. Join Me as I Screen Cast Myself Doing Research on Unique and Odd topics. In this video we will be discussing the fact that I was able to confirm that NBC did in fact allow a Fake image of a fake sick baby into one of its broadcasts. Half way through the video I found the original clip in this study.
These are not your normal batch of mιlιtary vessels headed off to the Sαudis. Does this batch stay stateside? We will explore here why that is a very likely scenario
If you think that following-the-money provides insights, you’ll probably conclude that something VERY BIG is embedded in this decision. Some background The FCC and other government regulatory bodies, in collusion with the big telecom industries, are ferociously pushing smart meters, 5G and the Internet of Things. This roll-out is not only happening in the US, but all over the world. The giant telecoms gush enthusiastically about how EVERYTHING will be connected. Learn More:…
The ‘patient’ Fed has been lamenting the “lack of inflation” for far too long. It is about to get its wish. American food merchants are struggling to import fruits and vegetables from Mexico as wait times at port of entries along the Mexico–US border have surged because of a shift in Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel away from the port of entries to remote regions of the border to fight illegal crossings. As a result, shipments of food have dramatically declined in recent weeks, and the result is an imminent spike in imported food prices in the coming months that could put a sizeable dent in consumer wallets. Fruit and vegetable importers that wholesale to grocery stores throughout the US, could inflate prices by at least 20% to 40% if the wait times continue, with avocado prices already soaring (see “Mexican Avocado Prices Explode By Most In A Decade After Trump Border Threat”). Learn More:…
(AUDIO PODCAST) MIAC #200 America’s Damaged Agriculture 2019: Look for Doubling Food Prices… David DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 channel on YouTube discusses societal changes as our Earth shifts to a cooler climate as the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum intensifies, a 400-year cycle in our Sun which will affect crop production, the economy and everyone on our planet. This is a timeline for what you can expect from now to 2023. •A look back at the mega floods that destroyed over 30 % of Americas stored grain and decimated the agriculture industry across the Mid-West •2019 planting season delayed in flooded areas •Tuber crops to avoid hail damage •Super nutritious crops, Kale, Brussel Sprouts and sweet potatoes •Sun drives Earth’s climate •Global carbon taxes •Emergency water supply and storing water •Liquid herbicides spread across the Mid-West flood areas, effecting new plantings •Midwest floods so devastating that insurers cannot pay out and asking for federal assistance •Nine million acres of farmland will not be planted in 2019 due to Mid-West floods If you want to support this broadcast click the link in the description box to The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire Upheaval: Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States
A valuable and appalling window into the technology the psychopathic “elite” have used their monopoly money to engineer our economy and skills into developing, sheds light on what ails us. Targeted nano-bio-tech for “hybrid cyborg, biological drones” mind control on individuals, sub-population targeting, and population wide operations. Nanoweapons operated remotely, energy weapons, weapons that mimic disease as well.
West Point Modern Warfare Institute 2018 – Dr. James Giordano – The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future – Chief of “Neuroethics” Studies Program, Scholar-in-Residence Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University
Human Drones. That’s right. Dr. Morgan discusses DREDs, mind control via DNA injections, remote control, directing your thoughts, consciousness, and actions. The technology currently exists. The plutocrats have directed and engineered our resources to this end. 5 months ago
YET ANOTHER SUMMIT OF RICH ASSES DECIDING HOW OUR LIVES SHOULD GO. If you don’t think these “Summits” affect your life… you better think again. You need to keep watch on what these people are saying and doing. This is so not right. These people are not elected by a vote of the people. Who gives them the right to determine our lives?
Time is expanding its annual “Time 100” franchise — a list of the 100 most influential people in the world — to a daylong summit held in New York City.
Time 100, which is in its 16th year, holds an annual gala to bring those on the list together; it also hosts other live events around the franchise. Last year, Time partnered with WeWork to host a series of fireside chats with Time 100 alumni at WeWork spaces around the country.
“The Time 100 is more than a list of the world’s most influential people. It is one of the world’s greatest leadership communities,” Dan Macsai, editorial director of the Time 100, told Publishers Daily. “Now that the TIME 100 is in its 16th year, with more than 1,000 alumni, Time has a unique opportunity to convene these individuals like never before.”
The daylong event will bring together leaders from past and present Time 100 lists across a range of sectors, including government, business, entertainment, health and science, as well as philanthropists, civic leaders and next-generation leaders, Macsai said.
Edward Felsenthal, editor-in-chief and CEO of Time, told Publishers Daily the summit represents the media company’s greater focus on its events business as a revenue stream.
“The Time 100 is a globally recognized franchise with extraordinary convening power, and we see expanding it as one of the biggest opportunities for our new company,” he said. “This is a major step in Time’s new chapter, and you can expect to see more events and extensions of existing franchises, along with exciting new ones, from us going forward.”
Confirmed speakers for the upcoming summit include Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi; screenwriter, director and producer Ryan Murphy; activist and #MeToo movement founder Tarana Burke; actor, AI expert Kai-Fu Lee; Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd; chef and activist José Andrés; activist, host and author Janet Mock; geneticist George Church; transplant surgeon Giuliano Testa; and biologist Pardis Sabeti; among others.
Additional speakers will be announced on April 18, when the new Time 100 list is revealed.
The audience at the Time 100 Summit will include students and leaders from local colleges and universities, Macsai said, as well as members of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program.
“Our goal is to bring together people who hope to change the world with those who are already changing it,” he said.
Cadillac and Citi are the sponsors of the summit.
Meredith Corp. sold the Time media brand to Salesforce owner Marc Benioff and his wife Lynn last September.
The staggering rate of store closures that has rocked the retail industry over the last couple of years is expected to continue in 2019, with roughly the same level of closures expected this year.
The caravans thought Donald wouldn’t dare – here they come.
The border crisis has gone beyond the breaking point. But what does that really mean?
It means that even with the wall being built and thousands of troops at the border, thousands of border jumpers are still getting in every day.
Without a complete wall, countless border jumpers can slip through. There aren’t enough soldiers or Border officers to stand watch.
So, Americans are taking up Trump’s call and doing their part to secure the border.
From Fox News:
An armed right-wing militia group operating along the U.S.-Mexico border posted several videos to social media this week, including one in which they held about 200 asylum-seeking migrants at gunpoint near Sunland Park, N.M., until U.S. Border Patrol agents arrived, according to a report.
After Dinner Ritual Melts Belly Fat Like Crazy (Try This Tonight)
An armed militia in New Mexico is doing what Democrats refuse: protecting our border.
Remember when Trump called for a human wall at the border? He called for whatever was necessary to stop the crisis, and wanted ordinary Americans to help out.
Do you think they deserve punishment—or a big thank you?
These men refuse to let border jumps run over their communities and insult our laws. To that end, they apprehended a whopping 200 migrants who snuck in.
Even with National Guardsmen providing support, there are still thousands of miles of undefended border.
Often, we hear about border jumpers crossing over into private property. Some border towns in New Mexico and Texas are being trampled by outsiders—potentially dangerous people.
Some of these places are run by Democrats who look the other way.
What can Americans do but fight to protect themselves?
The New Mexico governor is angry at the militia. She claims these men have no authority to arrest anyone.
Sorry, lady, but Americans have the right to protect their homes from invaders. If you are too cowardly or corrupt to do it, they will take the law into their own hands.
We might not be far from seeing militias take the fight to the border. It will get ugly, but this is what Democrats have brought us to.
Their corruption and inaction has left all Americans vulnerable. In a land with over 100 million firearms, do they really expect us to sit by and let this crisis continue?
If Congress had any brains, they would have funded the wall 2 years ago. But they didn’t.
And now we have a crisis.
American lives are at stake. If Democrats don’t do anything, other people will.
Its about damn time our American citizens come first. Housing for Americans and not illegal immigrants is one of the best things I have heard since the Muller Report. Keep America Great…
Ben Carson is one conservative liberals love to hate and they are going to really hate him now.
Carson, head of The Department of Housing and Urban Development, will enact a new rule that will stop illegal immigrants from scamming rules in place to stop them from accessing housing subsidies.
What most people do not know is that there are long waiting lists for subsidized housing and Trump wants those spots to go to Americans. Smart!
From The Washington Examiner:
“We need to make certain our scarce public resources help those who are legally entitled to it,” department Secretary Ben Carson said in a statement. “Given the overwhelming demand for our programs, fairness requires that we devote ourselves to legal residents who have been waiting, some for many years, for access to affordable housing.”
The new rule would disallow illegal immigrants from living in houses that receive subsidies from the department regardless of whether they were the direct recipient or not. Previously, rules allowed illegal immigrants to benefit from subsides by living with relatives who were citizens.“This proposal gets to the whole point Cher was making in her tweet that the President retweeted. We’ve got our own people to house and we need to take care of our citizens,” an official in the Trump administration told the Daily Caller.
“Because of past loopholes in HUD guidance, illegal aliens were able to live in free public housing desperately needed by so many of our own citizens. As illegal aliens attempt to swarm our borders, we’re sending the message that you can’t live off of American welfare on the taxpayers’ dime,” the official added.
The administration estimates about 32,000 households nationwide benefit from federal housing subsidies despite being headed by illegal immigrants.
From The Daily Caller: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will be proposing a new rule that further prevents illegal immigrants from taking advantage of public housing assistance, The Daily Caller has learned.
Section 214 of the Housing and Community Development Act prevents non-citizens from obtaining financial housing assistance. However, the presence of so-called “mixed families” has complicated the enforcement of the rule. Illegal immigrants have previously been able to skirt the restrictions by living with family members who are U.S. citizens and receive subsidized housing through HUD.
HUD intends to roll out a proposal over the next few weeks that prohibits any illegal immigrant from residing in subsidized housing, even if they are not the direct recipient of the benefit. HUD currently estimates that tens of thousands of HUD-assisted households are headed by non-citizens.
Families who are caught gaming the system by allowing illegal immigrants to stay with them either have to comply with the new rule or they will be forced to move out of their residence.
Households will be screened through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements, or “SAVE,” program.
Unlike other immigrants who arrived in America in decades past, the current migrants from the Middle East have no desire to become Americans, but rather wish to establish Muslim enclaves in this country where they can practice their religion, customs, and laws separate and apart from any sort of western culture which in many cases they view as an enemy. And with respect to the laws that are part of their faith, they expect those laws to supersede existing local, state, and federal laws when there is a conflict.
This is not going to work, but rather is a recipe for unrest. It is the height of arrogance and disrespect to demand entry to a country and then to demand that country change its customs and laws to suit. Imagine what would happen if a group of Roman Catholics or Southern Baptists from America were to move into Saudi Arabia, establish churches, and start evangelizing the native Muslim society. Never mind, they would never get far enough to try any of that before being arrested.
The drive to turn areas of America into Islamic communities continues unabated. More on page two.
Imagine a people from a foreign land arriving on our shores in numbers. These people are from a very different culture with laws and practices that are inconsistent with those of our nation. Not only are they unwilling to assimilate as previous waves of immigrants have, but they remain hostile to America and its culture and laws.
At the same time, they are quite willing to accept various forms of welfare including food and healthcare benefits. With their multiple wives, for example, they are aready in violation of the law, and they compound that be claiming some of their wives to be extended family and getting government benefits for them as well. They refuse to learn English, and demand that the public schools prepare meals consistent with their culture and religion.
Welcome to Dearborn, Michigan.
Dennis Michel Lynch is a journalist who recently made a video of his visit to Dearborn that illustrated what has just been described above. With over two million views, it is obvious that Mr. Lynch is making an enormous impact.
Watch the short video below and see what uncontrolled immigration coupled with bad policy hatched in the minds of those on the left have in store for a city near you.
Many Swedish families are fleeing to Eastern Europe, where strict border controls and a virtual ban on Muslim immigration keeps the people safe from what is being called the Islamic plague: rapists, criminals, terrorists, and economic parasites. After all, it was a Polish King (John III Sobieski) who saved Western Europe by defeating the Muslim invaders from the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Vienna in 1683.
Swedish police not only have their hands tied (arresting too many Muslims would make them ‘racist’), they lack the manpower to respond to all the calls for help that come in. Teachers in schools are regularly threatened with knives. Muslim No Go Zones seem to be everywhere and private homes are being firebombed by Muslim thugs. In Malmo, a migrant-dominant suburb, there are shootings nearly everyday. But the media do not report it. Women in malls and on subways are sexually harassed and threatened, but if Swedish men intervene, they fear being stabbed.
Update 4/24/19
Kanye West “YEEZUS” Easter Sunday, Sunrise Service at Coachella.
Dr. Rebecca, who is evaluating Kanye West’s mental state since his hospitalization, told reporters that the artist suffers from psychotic hallucinations and thinks he’s the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
Kanye West was handcuffed to a stretcher and hauled off to the UCLA Medical Center for a psychiatric evaluation, where he was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold as a preventative measure for his own health and safety.
According to doctors, West suffers from grandiose delusion, a pathology which is known to cause patients to believe they are someone famous, omnipotent, wealthy, or otherwise very powerful, like God.
“Mr West is disconnected from reality,” the psychiatrist told reporters. “He keeps repeating that he is the Son of Man and that he is forgiving us for our sins. He even asked repeatedly to be allowed to walk around the hospital so he could cure the sick.”
I am sorry, but I find this is very reminiscent of the voodoo rituals in Africa.
Several countries are developing nanoweapons that could unleash attacks using mini-nuclear bombs and insect-like lethal robots.
While it may be the stuff of science fiction today, the advancement of nanotechnology in the coming years will make it a bigger threat to humanity than conventional nuclear weapons, according to an expert. The U.S., Russia and China are believed to be investing billions on nanoweapons research.
“Nanobots are the real concern about wiping out humanity because they can be weapons of mass destruction,” said Louis Del Monte, a Minnesota-based physicist and futurist. He’s the author of a just released book entitled “Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat To Humanity.”
One unsettling prediction Del Monte’s made is that terrorists could get their hands on nanoweapons as early as the late 2020s through black market sources.
According to Del Monte, nanoweapons are much smaller than a strand of human hair and the insect-like nanobots could be programmed to perform various tasks, including injecting toxins into people or contaminating the water supply of a major city.
Another scenario he suggested the nanodrone could do in the future is fly into a room and drop a poison onto something, such as food, to presumably target a particular individual.
The federal government defines nanotechnology as the science, technology and engineering of things so small they are measured on a nanoscale, or about 1 to 100 nanometers. A single nanometer is about 10 times smaller than the width of a human’s DNA molecule.
While nanotechnology has produced major benefits for medicine, electronics and industrial applications, federal research is currently underway that could ultimately produce nanobots.
For one, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, has a program called the Fast Lightweight Autonomy program for the purpose to allow autonomous drones to enter a building and avoid hitting walls or objects. DARPA announced a breakthrough last year after tests in a hangar in Massachusetts.
Previously, the Army Research Laboratory announced it created an advanced drone the size of a fly complete with a set of “tiny robotic legs” — a major achievement since it presumably might be capable of entering a building undetected to perform surveillance, or used for more nefarious actions.
Frightening details about military nanotechnologies were outlined in a 2010 report from the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency, including how “transgenic insects could be developed to produce and deliver protein-based biological warfare agents, and be used offensively against targets in a foreign country. ”
It also forecast “microexplosives” along with “nanobots serving as [bioweapons] delivery systems or as micro-weapons themselves, and inhalable micro-particles to cripple personnel.”
In the case of nanoscale robots, Del Monte said they can be the size of a mosquito or smaller and programmed to use toxins to kill or immobilize people; what’s more, these autonomous bots ultimately could become self-replicating.
Last month’s targeted assassination of Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea’s ruler, was a stark reminder that toxins are available from a variety of sources and can be unleashed in public locations. It’s also been alleged by Russia’s Pravda paper that nanoweapons were used by the U.S. against foreign leaders.
A Cambridge University conference on global catastrophic risk found a 5 percent risk of nanotech weapons causing human extinction before the year 2100.
As for the mini-nukes, Del Monte expects they represent “the most horrific near-term nanoweapons.”
Nanotechnology opens up the possibility to manufacture mini-nuke components so small that they are difficult to screen and detect. Furthermore, the weapon (capable of an explosion equivalent to about 100 tons of TNT) could be compact enough to fit into a pocket or purse and weigh about 5 pounds and destroy large buildings or be combined to do greater damage to an area.
“When we talk about making conventional nuclear weapons, they are difficult to make,” he said. “Making a mini-nuke would be difficult but in some respects not as difficult as a full-blown nuclear weapon.”
Del Monte explained that the mini-nuke weapon is activated when the nanoscale laser triggers a small thermonuclear fusion bomb using a tritium-deuterium fuel. Their size makes them difficult to screen, detect and also there’s “essentially no fallout” associated with them.
Still, while the mini-nukes are powerful in and of themselves, he expects they are unlikely to wipe out humanity. He said a larger concern is the threat of the nanoscale robots, or nanobots because they are “the technological equivalent of biological weapons.”
The author said controlling these “smart nanobots” could become an issue since if lost, there could be potentially millions of these deadly nanobots on the loose killing people indiscriminately.
Earlier in his career, Del Monte said he held a secret clearance when he worked on Defense Department programs at Honeywell, ranging from missiles to satellites. He also previously worked on advanced computers at IBM and has several patents on microelectronics. In those roles, he led development of microelectronics and sensors.
It appears as though Illinois is working to force Trumps hand if he wants to be on their states 2020ballot. The state senate has voted to make that happen, though it still needs to get through the house and the Governor. I find this disturbing and sets the path for another very bad precedent.
Illinois is also considering similar legislation. But will it succeed? Washington Seeks to Bar TrumpFrom Ballot. Recently, the Washington state senate passed a bill that would remove President Trump’s name from the presidential ballot if he does not release his tax returns.
Sorry for the audio, the wind was not on my side! SSG. Douglas M. Ducote Sr. United States Army (Ret.) CEO Veterans United For Justice Veteran Law Enforcement Cohost Real World Witness
The Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar is facing backlash after her speech at a Muslim rights group’s event in which she described the 911 Al-Qaeda terror attacks as “something” “some people did.” She spoke at a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) fundraiser last month, where she called upon other Muslim Americans to continue to “make people uncomfortable” with their activism and presence in society. The Muslim Representative tells the Muslim audience to “raise hell” because she is tired of being a second class citizen. Here’s Ilhan describing the 911 Al-Qaeda terror attacks as “something” “some people did.” Ilhan also tried to blame President Trump for the New Zealand Mass shooting, saying he’s aware of his influence. Originally aired April 10th, 2019:
These people flood our nation claiming asylum from their home nation, but they want to make our nation like the one they supposedly fled. They are demanding their right to ignore our laws and enforce their own. They complain about how bad they have it here, while the US citizens pay for their food, clothing, housing, schooling all the way THROUGH college and child support for all their multiple wives and their children. WHAT??? They get free food and complain about it. Where did they get the idea that they were ENTITLED to free food??? When Americans are poor and have to use the food banks, they are thankful for what they get, no matter what is or how little. These people are arrogant, militant, violent and frankly should just go back to the land they love so much.
MINNESOTASTAN: Somali Muslim welfare queens demand sharia-compliant free ‘halal’ food
Many in the Somali Muslim community say finding a food bank that caters to their Islamic dietary restrictions is almost impossible.
(CUT THE CRAP! The quran says if there is no halal food available, you may eat whatever food you have)
UPDATE 4/21/19
This is very urgent folks. If you have friends or family in or around Sacramento, PLEASE WARN THEM NOW! They could have as little as 45 min to evacuate once the Dam Breaks!
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Thursday, April 18, 2019 – 12:06.
What Happens If the Dam Collapses?
The experts I speak with tell me, that in the event of a dam collapse, the water will come rushing out at 75 MPH. The water will be 30 feet high. Sacramento would be under water in less than hour. DWS says it would take two hours for the water to reach Sacramento. The point is largely irrelevant. The city could not be successfully evacuated within two hours. Almost two million lives are at risk.
If the dam collapses, the CALEXIT people will realize their goal of eliminating California’s contribution to the nation’s agricultural and world’s supply of food. The affected Central Valley is one of the top suppliers of fruits, nuts and vegetables in the world. Spot famines would result. Further 30% of America’s retail crosses Interstate 15 and that would be stopped immediately and this at a time when the retail collapse of America is already underway with the closing of 6,000 stores in the first quarter of 2019. This event could collapse our economy. And I want to stress that is a preliminary report. I have prepared a summary report below in the following. I will be publishing photos as they arrive and are converted in a publishable format.
A 24-year-old black man threw a 5-year-old white boy off a balcony at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota last week. Emmanuel Aranda allegedly grabbed 5-year-old Landen and threw him 40-feet off of the 3rd floor of the mall. The boy survived and the man was captured and is being held in suspicion of attempted homicide. Aranda had a history of mental health problems and had twice been ordered to stay away from the mall. A witness explained to CBS Minnesota what happened. Emmanuel Aranda’s uncle spoke with CBS. According to U.S. Census, there are at least 74,000 people who speak Somalian in Minnesota and there are an estimated 80,000 Somalis living in Minnesota. Most Somalians, Like Ilhan Omar are Muslims, but the liberal media forgot to mention that Emmanuel Aranda might have been Somalian, might have been Muslim, and that he was black. This incident happened a week after Ilhan Omar received backlash for her “raise hell” September 11 remarks. Liz is a first time caller out of Minnesota who wanted to ask Jesse about something she’s afraid of – immigration. Originally aired April 15th, 2019:
More revelation as to the background of this assailant! We should not be surprised as Minnesota has been overrun with Somali Muslims, demanding Sharia law for years!
Minneapolis — The man charged with throwing a 5-year-old boy off a third-floor balcony at the Mall of America told police he was angry at being rejected by women at the Minnesota mall and was “looking for someone to kill” when he went there last week, according to a criminal complaint filed Monday.Emmanuel Aranda, 24, of Minneapolis, is charged with attempted premeditated first-degree murder in Friday’s attack. The child plunged almost 40 feet and was fighting for his life in a Minneapolis hospital with head trauma and multiple broken bones.
Aranda has two past convictions for assaults at the mall, both in 2015, including one in which he threw a glass of water and glass of tea at a woman who refused to buy him something. Aranda at one point was banned from the mall.
Investigators say Emmanuel Aranda, who has violent roots in Chicago, tossed a 5-year-old stranger off a third story balcony at Minnesota’s Mall of America.
Hello everybody! A likely severe weather outbreak will occur on Wednesday and Thursday. With these storms expect hail and tornadoes. Details in the video. Stay Safe!
“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way… don’t be fooled!” This is what the Apostle Paul said over 2000 years ago to the Christians of his time. This is the time he described when he wrote to these believers. We are living in the time he was talking about. We’re here NOW! Apostasy is happening and guess what happens next!
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“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way… don’t be fooled!” This is what the Apostle Paul said over 2000 years ago to the Christians of his time. This is the time he described when he wrote to these believers. We are living in the time he was talking about. We’re here NOW! Apostasy is happening and guess what happens next!
This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. 2 years, 10 months ago
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, March 18, 2019 – 08:07.
There is an insidious plot to bring down America. Over the next several days, a series of articles and interviews are going to be released which will leave no doubt that there is a plot to bring down America and the main thrust of that plot is being financed in places like Humboldt County and it will be manifested through the CALEXIT movement in which major parts of California will become its own country and function as a protectorate under the United Nations. The globalists motivation lies in the fact that if they can exit California from the United States, the USA will collapse. California has about 40% of American retail running through the state. If California experienced widespread crop failure, it would bring famine to the USA and to various parts of the world who depend on California. If California were to become independent, the USA would collapse. The CSS and researchers like Paul Preston have discovered that there is a hierarchy for a planned collapse of California and subsequently the USA. The hierarchy can be simply expressed in the following:
If CALEXIT is voted into existence and the inevitable happens. Despite the fact that CALEXIT is reaping huge windfall from drug trafficking, child-sex trafficking, water theft (Pelosi) and gun running, the voters will not likely ever approve CALEXIT.
The Plan B for the CALEXIT crowd lies in what one would call “white genocide” committed by the cartels. Paul Preston had an embedded source at some of the CALEXIT meetings where it was discussed to commit white genocide against those of European descent. There are many that believe that the Vegas massacre was a beta test to that end. Keep in mind that the guns came from CALEXIT partners. This will be expanded upon in a future article. Certainly, all of the California Legislative action has been designed to expel from California middle-class white small business owners through extreme environmental regulations and high taxes. The drug cartels are rewarded because they believe they are going to control much of a present eight state region that they call Reconquista de Aztlan as compensation for the land lost during the Mexican War in the 19th century.
Many of us who have been researching this are convinced that Plan C has to do with using the Oroville Dam as a doomsday weapon. We are witnessing depraved indifference in managing the faults of the dam. The dam could kill up to 2 million people if it should break through neglect or through a false flag. The Chinese, who hope to occupy California for its agricultural prowess, as it could solve much of China’s food shortages, would be very unhappy because the agricultural rich farmland in the Central Valley would be destroyed if the dam fails. Regardless, the failure of the Oroville dam would accomplish what CALEXIT failed to do. Retail and agricultural exports would be reduced to next to nothing and the USA’s economy would collapse.
With a collapsed economy, the USA would be vulnerable to invasion or an economic absorption by the central bankers. Either way, this would be the end of Aerica.
Many of us have published facts related to this hierarchy. However, how these moving pieces fit together, have not been clear until now. AS the readers will discover the key players in this plot are Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, George Soros, HSBC Bank, The Bank of China, the Mexican consulate, numerous drug cartels, et al. And yes, we will be naming American politicians who are clearly part of this such as Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein and her husband Richard Blum, an Sen Rubio from Florida. What did he do? He voted against the National Emergency Declaration and he belongs to a church which is receiving illegal aliens and reportedly many of them are being trafficked. In fact, most of the Senators who voted against Trump have similar allegiances. Stay tuned, it is going to be a wild ride. In the meantime, Plan C may come sooner than expected. The Oroville Dam is in trouble, again!
Despite Spending $1 Billion, the Oroville Dam Is In Danger of Breaking AGAIN!
If one spends a billion dollars fixing a problem, one would expect results. However, that is not the case at the Oroville Dam.
The Oroville dam, the nation’s tallest, remains intact, but barely. The emergency spillway, which protects against the overflow of the dam when water levels are high, and seriously eroding as discovered on Sunday. The pipes supporting the spillway are failing. Paul Preston and myself related this exact same scenario as it was happening two years and a local sheriff evacuated 200,000 people.
Paul Preston has been to the site and has seen the pipes that are failing. As he said, the dam could break in the face of spring runoff or through the spreading of the leaking causing the dam to buckle.
I just hung up the phone from speaking with Agenda 21 talk show host, Paul Preston. Paul shared details about the situation that are not being shared by the corporate controlled media. Here is what I have learned. Paul Preston and Epoch Times visited the Oroville Dam this past weekend. The dam is once again leaking. The water levels are high and the risk of catastrophic failure, is once again a real possibility.
Worst Case Scenario
In the worst case scenario, one official said, an uncontrolled release from the dam could send a 30-foot wall of water downstream. Here are some details that Paul Preston has been able to learn would likely happen if the dam does fail.
1. In addition to the 30 foot wall of water, a 10 foot wall of water would engulf the entire valley below the dam in only a few minutes.
2. Where Paul lives, in Yuba City, the expected wall of water would be rampaging at a high rate of speed and maintain a depth of 10 feet.
3. Further downstream, lies Sacramento. Sacramento has a population of about 2 million people in the region. Further upstream in the Oroville area, authorities are having great trouble evacuating 200,000 people. How long would it take to evacuate 2 million? The rampaging wall of water that would hit Sacramento would be at least 5 feet high.
4. A warm, wet storm is expected on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. This could melt the snow and increase the pressure on the dam from snow melt and absolutely lead to a breach in the dam. Paul Preston and myself are very concerned that these coming strones, which are predicted to slam the Oroville are could break the dam. It is not a prediction, but it is a legitimate concern. And where are the California authorities, who are beholding to CALEXIT entities? They behave as if there is nothing to worry about. They don’t because they are being taken care of. Even if the dam holds through the predicted severe storms, there is still the Spring run-off to worry about.
Julian Assange's lawyer: "This precedent means that any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the United States for having published truthful information about the United States"
A new report reveals that our FBI officials may have been deeply compromised by a debunked Trump-Russia conspiracy theory and bogus “dossier.” Business Insider reported that James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, testified to Congress last year that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told him two members of President Donald Trump’s cabinet were open to invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office after he fired FBI Direc… #BREAKING#Top#FBI#Lawyer#Spills#the#Beans#on#the#Deep#State#Scheme#Against#Trump
It’s turning out that Jeh Johnson, President Obama’s last secretary of Homeland Security, is one of the more honest, apolitical figures in the former administration, as evidenced by his convincing, even-keeled responses to what’s going on along the U.S.-Mexico border. Calling the current crush of humanity along the border that the Trump administration is currently navigating “a crisis by any measure,” Johnson said in an interview Thursday anyone in Congress and the cable news commentariat who still denies that is just playing partisan politics. “This is, in my view, having owned this problem for three years, first, I know what a thousand a day looks like. I saw it myself at border patrol holding stations,” Johnson said. “I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. It must overwhelm the system,” he added. “I think we have to get away from Democrat vs. Republican, crisis vs. no crisis.” Johnson continued. “This is a crisis by any measure, and the solution inevitably is bipartisan. It has to be bipartisan. It requires a change in law.” Johnson, Obama’s DHS secretary from 2013 until the former president left office in January 2017, has regularly called the situation along the border a “crisis.” And he has just as regularly implored Congress to come together to help POTUS Trump solve the problems including ‘loopholes’ in our asylum laws. Last summer, during an interview with Fox News‘ Chris Wallace, Johnson also freely admitted that yes, the Obama regime also engaged in family separation along the southwestern border, because that was the court-ordered legal standard. Under him, DHS “expanded family detention” as well as detained some children alone, but added that he believed the decision “was necessary at the time.” Asked if he “handled” the situation “so well,” Johnson was sympathetic but adamant. “Without a doubt the images, and the reality, from 2014, just like 2018, are not pretty,” Johnson said. “And so we expanded family detention. We had then 34,000 beds for family detention. Only 95 of 34,000 equipped to deal with families. And so we expanded it. I freely admit it was controversial. We believed it was necessary at the time. I still believe it is necessary to remain a certain capability for families.” Johnson then repeated a contention he has repeated before, that we “can’t have catch and release.” “We can’t have catch and release,” said Johnson. “And in my 3 years, we deported or repatriated or returned over a million people.” Except now we do have catch-and-release again, thanks to Democrats in Congress refusing to step up and work with the GOP and the White House to fix the broken immigration system migrants and their handlers are exploiting. “We did not want to go so far as to separate families, but unless we deal with the underlying causes that are motivating people in the first place we are going to continue to bang our heads against the wall on this issue,” Johnson said. Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach as discussed a proposal he’s planning to pitch to Trump’s DHS about how to more quickly end catch and release. “One of the problems we have right now is because the system is so overloaded in terms of detention space,” he told Fox News this week, as reported by Breitbart News. “We’ve maxed out on the detention space we have. We have to think creatively and make additional space, because if we don’t then all these people who are claiming asylum — they suddenly make the claim and then they suddenly disappear into the fabric of the United States, never to be seen again,” he said. “My point was we should have processing centers either at U.S. military bases or other facilities where we bring in the thousands upon thousands of trailer homes that FEMA still has … let’s use them to solve this crisis so that we can keep people in comfortable living conditions but instead of just turning them loose and never to be seen again, let’s process their asylum claim quickly,” he continued. “I would think most people claiming asylum, if it’s a true claim, would want it to be processed quickly. Get it done and if they fail in their attempt to claim asylum, then put them on a passenger plane immediately and fly them back home,” noted Kobach.
Obama Is Not Going To Like What His Top Official Said Live On National Television
It’s turning out that Jeh Johnson, President Obama’s last secretary of Homeland Security, is one of the more honest, apolitical figures in the former administration, as evidenced by his convincing, even-keeled responses to what’s going on along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Calling the current crush of humanity along the border that the Trump administration is currently navigating “a crisis by any measure,” Johnson said in an interview Thursday anyone in Congress and the cable news commentariat who still denies that is just playing partisan politics.
“This is, in my view, having owned this problem for three years, first, I know what a thousand a day looks like. I saw it myself at border patrol holding stations,” Johnson said.
“I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. It must overwhelm the system,” he added.
“I think we have to get away from Democrat vs. Republican, crisis vs. no crisis.” Johnson continued. “This is a crisis by any measure, and the solution inevitably is bipartisan. It has to be bipartisan. It requires a change in law.”
Johnson, Obama’s DHS secretary from 2013 until the former president left office in January 2017, has regularly called the situation along the border a “crisis.” And he has just as regularly implored Congress to come together to help POTUS Trump solve the problems including ‘loopholes’ in our asylum laws.
Last summer, during an interview with Fox News‘ Chris Wallace, Johnson also freely admitted that yes, the Obama regime alsoengaged in family separation along the southwestern border, because that was the court-ordered legal standard.
Under him, DHS “expanded family detention” as well as detained some children alone, but added that he believed the decision “was necessary at the time.”
Asked if he “handled” the situation “so well,” Johnson was sympathetic but adamant.
“Without a doubt the images, and the reality, from 2014, just like 2018, are not pretty,” Johnson said. “And so we expanded family detention. We had then 34,000 beds for family detention. Only 95 of 34,000 equipped to deal with families. And so we expanded it. I freely admit it was controversial. We believed it was necessary at the time. I still believe it is necessary to remain a certain capability for families.”
He’s talking about these images:
Johnson then repeated a contention he has repeated before, that we “can’t have catch and release.”
“We can’t have catch and release,” said Johnson. “And in my 3 years, we deported or repatriated or returned over a million people.”
Except now we do have catch-and-release again, thanks to Democrats in Congress refusing to step up and work with the GOP and the White House to fix the broken immigration system migrants and their handlers are exploiting.
“We did not want to go so far as to separate families, but unless we deal with the underlying causes that are motivating people in the first place we are going to continue to bang our heads against the wall on this issue,” Johnson said.
Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach as discussed a proposal he’s planning to pitch to Trump’s DHS about how to more quickly end catch and release.
“One of the problems we have right now is because the system is so overloaded in terms of detention space,” he told Fox News this week, as reported by Breitbart News.
“We’ve maxed out on the detention space we have. We have to think creatively and make additional space, because if we don’t then all these people who are claiming asylum — they suddenly make the claim and then they suddenly disappear into the fabric of the United States, never to be seen again,” he said.
“My point was we should have processing centers either at U.S. military bases or other facilities where we bring in the thousands upon thousands of trailer homes that FEMA still has … let’s use them to solve this crisis so that we can keep people in comfortable living conditions but instead of just turning them loose and never to be seen again, let’s process their asylum claim quickly,” he continued.
“I would think most people claiming asylum, if it’s a true claim, would want it to be processed quickly. Get it done and if they fail in their attempt to claim asylum, then put them on a passenger plane immediately and fly them back home,” noted Kobach.
He noted that by quickly dismissing bogus asylum claims, as most of them are, and returning migrants home, word would spread in their home countries that the U.S. is no longer a pushover when it comes to gaining entry through the backdoor.
As for Johnson, he told the Left-wing sycophants at MSNBC last month that the border situation was had reached a “crisis.”
“A little bit of context here. When I was in office in Kirstjen Nielsen’s job, at her desk, I’d get to work around 6:30 in the morning, and there would be my intelligence book sitting on my desk, the PDB, and also the apprehension numbers from the day before,” Johnson said.
“My staff would tell you if it was under 1,000 apprehension the day before, that was a relatively good number, and if it was above 1,000, it was a relatively bad number, and I was going to be in a bad mood the whole day.” he continued.
“On Tuesday there were 4,000 apprehensions. I know that a thousand overwhelms the system. I can’t imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. So, we are truly in a crisis,” he urged.
Makenzie L Huber, Sioux Falls Argus LeaderPublished 5:40 p.m. CT April 12, 2019 | Updated 8:13 p.m. CT April 12, 2019
The massive tractor rocked back and forth as Scott Hamilton furiously switched gears. The machine was wedged in at least 30 inches of snow settled around his ranch.
“Well, gall dang it. I think I’m stuck,” Hamilton said. He switched to reverse, but it didn’t budge. “Yup. I am.”
The 54-year-old sighed, mumbled under his breath and switched gears again.
The snow was high enough to strand herds of cows and bury calves who were born just days ago on Hamilton’s ranch in Hitchcock, which was one of South Dakota’s hardest hit areas by Winter Storm Wesley this week.
Hamilton had been sleeping inside the tractor for days. His concern all week was for his 1,300 breeding cows and calves. He only got four hours of sleep Thursday night after checking on them every two hours.
Despite his best efforts, he’s already lost almost eight calves to the winter storm that rolled through the state Wednesday and Thursday.
It’s one of the worst spring storms he’s ever seen, Hamilton said, and when it passes, he, along with thousands of South Dakota ranchers, will dig through snowbanks to find potentially thousands of frozen calves buried under the snow.
And ranchers will lose just as many calves after the storm as they did in its wake, Hamilton said.
He expects his calves will be impaired by the conditions forced upon them in the blizzard. The mud from melted snow this spring could string the cattle out and cause pneumonia and other sickness.
Despite the physical, mental and financial stress Hamilton and more than 15,000 South Dakota ranchers endured after the April blizzard, the aftermath is a testament to their dedication and resilience.
“I guess it makes your beef taste a lot better because you appreciate what people go through,” Hamilton said.
For Rusty Blare, a 55-year-old rancher and farmer based 25 miles north of Winner, the blizzard might take away 25 percent of his gains and profit for the year.
The blizzard will stress out the calves and affect their overall production as they grow, their IMF, grade and general health. The storm was only 48 hours, but it’ll impact years worth of costs. It not only killed two calves, but it’ll delay planting season as well, he said.
“Throughout this year, we’ve lost about 12 calves out of 170 calves due to cold weather in February, the last snow storm, flooding and now this one,” Blare said. “They just came at you in waves.”
Gov. Kristi Noem stated in a press conference Friday that her staff is making sure farmers have the information they need to make “tough decisions” as they go into spring and the fields hopefully start to dry out.
“Every day that we push back planting, it impacts yields, it impacts their ability to pay their bills and so this is going to be tough. If folks were planning on corn in some areas and don’t get it planted by the middle of May, they may be planting more soybeans. It’s just another challenge that they’re going to have on top of them,” Noem said.
President Trump responded to reports Friday that his administration proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities by not only confirming the plan but saying it remains under “strong” consideration. Further, the president tweeted that relocating illegal immigrants to these districts should make the “Radical Left” happy. The comments came after The Washington Post first reported that the White House proposed sending the detainees to sanctuary cities twice in the last six months. The proposal was first floated in November amid reports of a large migrant caravan from Central America making its way to the southern border. The idea was again considered in February, amid the standoff with Congress over a border wall. #DonaldTrump#SanctuaryCities
They see nothing wrong with PANICKING PEOPLE about Measles, an innocuous childhood disease that is rarely deadly, yet they refuse to let the public know about this deadly fungus that kills 50% of the people who get it within 90 days of incubation!!!!
Today is the death of Freedom of Speech freedom of the press, freedom to tell the truth, freedom to expose corruption and liars, freedom of America. Today we truly become a totalitarian state.
Look at this world and you’ll see them removing our freedom and liberties that we took for granted in years past. Evil elements of mankind are working with the Adversary of our souls to bring about a world none of us will want to live in much longer. The boundaries of science and technology will be societies undoing.
Today has been an active day for earthquakes. Mid-level quakes have hit off the coast of California, As well as a series of quakes west of the Yellowstone Caldera. A Strong M6.8 Hit in Indonesia, with swarming in the region. You can find updated info at the links below!
The wild weather is not over yet. Another Mid-Level trough will bring the threat for Severe Weather this weekend across the deep south with a slightly negative tilt to the trough, very rich moisture with dew points in the mid 60’s to the low 70’s could bring a moderate risk threat for severe weather. The Biggest threats will be Large Hail, Damaging winds, Very Heavy rainfall that may lead to flash flooding, and Tornadoes, Some could be strong and long-lived. With high numbers of the lifted index, rich moisture available, high wind shear values are enough to issue Tor-Con Values of 5 to 7 for right now across the Enhanced and Moderate risk zones.
In unprecedented event 2 rare Bomb Cyclones formed over land within 30 days of each other both devastating the U.S. heartland bread-basket pointing to crop scarcity and rising food prices as prophetic signs of the coming famine of Revelation. Support this ministry so we can continue to share signs of Biblical prophecy to the world, donate here:…
In 1965, American radio host Paul Harvey gave an immense warning to the American people about the fate of the nation. “We Were Warned: Freedom to Chains” is a short film about the parallels between the warning Harvey gave over fifty years ago, and today with the Socialist influences in government and society.
Thanks to the overprescription of antimicrobial drugs and use of anti-fungicides in crop production, a relatively new germ that preys on people with weakened immune systems is rapidly spreading across the globe, according to the New York Times.
ALERT! It was with tears this Sunday morning that this very powerful prophecy was received by me. The Holy Spirit delivered five long pages of DETAILED information regarding the Three Days and Nights of gross darkness. According to this message, we will enter this time very soon. Nothing will stop this mighty move of GOD. Prepare while you have time and the light to see by.
Trump Reaches Limit, Issues New Executive Orders To Overrule Judicial Obstruction ———————————- President Trump has had enough. He has done his best to work with the Democrats and some rogue Republicans but to no avail. Because they won’t act to solve our problems, Trump has had to go it alone and some of Trump’s unilateral actions have been blocked. usually in error. But Trump is a fighter and he has a command of the bureaucracy now and knows how to beat it. Today he let heads rol…
We initially published this article with regard to Nancy Pelosi only. But it applies to any Democrat (or Republican, for that matter) who will not take action to protect our Border! Please enjoy. If you Google “Impeach Nancy Pelosi” you’ll come up with page after page of articles talking about Nancy Pelosi wanting to impeach Donald Trump. But almost nothing for the reverse, de…
China is engaged in a secret invasion of the US through unrestricted warfare. It’s not a military or army invasion, but an invasion of hearts and minds. I sit down with retired US Air Force General Robert Spalding, who advised the Trump administration on China policy. There’s more to learn on the China Unscripted Podcast with General Spalding!
UPDATE 4/7/19
I don’t watch award shows so I did not catch this myself. I heard Jonathan Kleck point it out in a video. Frankly, that certainly does appear to be a tsunami over the stage. Now we know that everything about these awards is part of the Magic Working. Every color every pattern everything. This seems to be calling in a HUGE tsunami. If you look at the photo you will see that this is not just a frame around the stage. The waves actually extend out into the audience.
Cataclysmic cycles… The NEXT End of the World. They can’t hide it anymore. Disclosure is coming. Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, pole shift, cataclysms, planet x, Nibiru, Nephilim, sun simulator, unexpected eclipses of sun and moon, lens arrays, resurrection, and much more…
What I’m sharing with you right now is very serious. According to a very reliable source, I have learned that Kirsten Nielsen, has ordered 700 Homeland Security agents to the border… as of yesterday!
WELCOME TO MARFOOGLE NEWS URGENT UPDATE: We are expanding the Marfoogle Network to serve the Foogle Family better! Given the nature of our viewer powered content (yes, that’s you), we can no longer rely on ads alone – just search demonetization, and you will see what’s happening across the networks. We are blessed to have the love, support, and generosity of the Foogle Family to grow. You can help the Marfoogle Network the following ways:
Plan to USE Nuclear Plants as Weapons of WAR Criminal Conspiracy Developing Investigation – Rothschild – EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California Rothschild’s Utility – PG&E Request to Recover Cost, from rate payers for Earthquake Study, WHY? EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California by Rothschild Developing Investigation: The Plan to USE nuclear plants, Worldwide, as Weapons of War Rothschild – EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California a West Coast Fukushima? IS Nuclear Armageddon a Plan? The Rothschild controlled utilities are claiming THEIR Nuclear Plants are no long sustainable and are not renewable sources of generating electricity, any longer. While decommissioning the nuclear plants sounds like a safe solution to divest from the nuclear “business” operations how will the nuclear waste be disposed and contained? Would you RE”LIE” on Rothschild not to NUKE us? It has been said that he nuclear reactors are vented on the weekends to terraform the Earth? Low levels of radiation increase the rate of cancers over time. Almost every nuclear power plant has been built on an earthquake fault. PG&E (Rothschild) is Currently ON Criminal Probation, which PG&E has now violated. Developing Investigation – Rothschild – EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California Rothschild’s Utility – PG&E Request to Recover Cost, from rate payers for Earthquake Study, WHY? EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California by Rothschild Developing Investigation: The Plan to USE nuclear plants, Worldwide, as Weapons of War
This year, the world commemorates the anniversaries of two key events in the development of the global monetary system. The first is the creation of the International Monetary Fund at the Bretton Woods conference 75 years ago. The second is the advent, 50 years ago, of the Special Drawing Right (SDR), the IMF’s global reserve asset. When it introduced the SDR, the Fund hoped to make it “the principal reserve asset in the international monetary system.” This remains an unfulfilled ambition; indeed, the SDR is one of the most underused instruments of international cooperation. Nonetheless, better late than never: turning the SDR into a true global currency would yield several benefits for the world’s economy and monetary system. The idea of a global currency is not new. Prior to the Bretton Woods negotiations, John Maynard Keynes suggested the “bancor” as the unit of account of his proposed International Clearing Union. In the 1960s, under the leadership of the Belgian-American economist Robert Triffin, other proposals emerged to address the growing problems created by the dual dollar-gold system that had been established at Bretton Woods. The system finally collapsed in 1971. As a result of those discussions, the IMF approved the SDR in 1967 and included it in its Articles of Agreement two years later.
Watch live as the Obama Foundation hosts a town hall in Berlin, Germany with President Barack Obama and hundreds of emerging leaders from across Europe. The town hall continues the conversation about the importance of community leadership and civic engagement — and how the Obama Foundation can support emerging leaders in their efforts.
Former U.S. President Barack Obama met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday, April 5, for private, closed door talks at the chancellery. Obama waved as he left alongside Merkel. Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said she has met repeatedly with ex-heads of state and government “with whom she worked together closely and well for a time.” He said the meeting has no implications for current German-U.S. relations. Asked whether it was a signal to President Donald Trump, with whom Germany has a sometimes-complicated relationship, Seibert replied: “I would firmly reject that impression.”
An absolutely devastating disease is wiping out herds of pigs all over Asia, and most people in the western world don’t even realize what is happening. Since it was first detected last August, there have been 116 officially reported outbreaks of African Swine Fever in China, and since that time it has rapidly spread to surrounding nations such as Cambodia and Vietnam. African Swine Fever is not harmful to humans, but the vast majority of the pigs that catch it end up dead. It spreads very quickly and there is no cure, and this outbreak has already driven global pork prices through the roof. If this crisis continues to escalate, we are potentially talking about a crippling blow to global food production. Learn More:……
INSIDE LOOK: QUARANTINE IN ROCKLAND COUNTY NY Senators Deny Religious Freedom; Rockland Residents Speak Out; Judge Overturns Ban. #WINNING#StandWithRocklandJews
Just when things looked like they could not get any worse for the people of Venezuela, it did. Natural disaster strikes and Russia begins building a “training base” in Venezuela while China deploys 100s of soldiers into the region
News 1 Day AgoUSA TODAY — Rob O’Dell and Nick Penzenstadler
Each year, state lawmakers across the U.S. introduce thousands of bills dreamed up and written by corporations, industry groups and think tanks.
Disguised as the work of lawmakers, these so-called “model” bills get copied in one state Capitol after another, quietly advancing the agenda of the people who write them.
More from USA TODAY
If corporations write a bill, should lawmakers have to tell you? Model…
Used car dealers didn’t want to fix deadly defects, so they wrote a law…
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A two-year investigation by USA TODAY, The Arizona Republic and the Center for Public Integrity reveals for the first time the extent to which special interests have infiltrated state legislatures using model legislation.
USA TODAY and the Republic found at least 10,000 bills almost entirely copied from model legislation were introduced nationwide in the past eight years, and more than 2,100 of those bills were signed into law.
The investigation examined nearly 1 million bills in all 50 states and Congress using a computer algorithm developed to detect similarities in language. That search – powered by the equivalent of 150 computers that ran nonstop for months – compared known model legislation with bills introduced by lawmakers.
The phenomenon of copycat legislation is far larger. In a separate analysis, the Center for Public Integrity identified tens of thousands of bills with identical phrases, then traced the origins of that language in dozens of those bills across the country.
Model bills passed into law have made it harder for injured consumers to sue corporations. They’ve called for taxes on sugar-laden drinks. They’ve limited access to abortion and restricted the rights of protesters.
In all, these copycat bills amount to the nation’s largest, unreported special-interest campaign, driving agendas in every statehouse and touching nearly every area of public policy.
Oh, so, for sure, let’s celebrate everybody except WHITE AMERICANS, Christians or JEWS.
During the month of April, Arab America (AA) formally recognizes the achievements of Arab Americans through the celebration of National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM). Across the country, cultural institutions, school districts, municipalities, state legislatures, public servants, and Arab Americans will engage in special events that celebrate our community’s rich heritage and numerous contributions to society.
“The time has come for Arab Americans to become pro-active regarding their contributions in the U.S. for over a century,” said Warren David, president of Arab America (AA); he went on to say, “This year, we are receiving a multitude of proclamations from school districts, municipalities, governors, and state legislatures. Moreover, one-hundred events are taking place across the nation–a testament to the contributions Arab Americans have made to America’s rich diversity.”
During a time of heightened hate crimes, bigotry, and misunderstanding towards the Arab American community, it is more imperative than ever to use education and information sharing to embrace our culture, dispel stereotypes, and empower the next generation of Arab American trailblazers.
Arab America has formed a national advisory committee of over seventy Arab Americans from over twenty-eight states to approach state legislatures, city councils, school board members and other public officials to issue NAAHM proclamations (see link above) and adopt AA educator curriculum kit, which is currently being disseminated to school districts across the nation. part of a month-long celebration.
The Educator’s Curriculum Kit highlights the history of Arab migration to America, geographic understanding of the Arab world, Arab American diversity in faith and language, interesting customs and traditions, issues affecting our community, and our many achievements in business, politics, education, and more. You can request a curriculum kit to be sent to a school district or individual school by contacting Dr. Amal David.
Arab America is committed to gathering and promoting the community’s events and stories through our website and social media platforms during this month of April. Every week, Arab America will feature cultural events taking place throughout the US on our events page, and share compelling success stories of Arab Americans on our blog page. Additionally, Arab America has compiled a resource guide listing resources and content regarding the Arab and Arab American identity and culture.
Arab America is also asking donors to sponsor a school or school district to receive our Educational Curriculum Kit. With close to 14,000 school districts and over 100,000 schools, we need the resources to get to as many schools as possible. Sponsor your school of choice and we’ll send a kit on your behalf. Help us reach out to as many students as possible. You can sponsor a school here.
April 30th Event in Washington DC
Arab America will host a cross-cultural event, National Arab American Heritage Month Commemoration 2019 in Washington DC, on April 30th, featuring Arab American leaders, government officials, and talented national artists. If you are interested to attend the event Click Here.
The following Congressional Representatives have confirmed attendance at the event:
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI)
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)
Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA)
Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA)
Congresswoman Deb Haaland (D-NM)
Arab America encourages members of the community, their friends, the media, educators, and public servants to join us in our formal recognition of April as National Arab American Heritage Month.
About Arab America
Arab America is a digital platform founded with the purpose of reinforcing an accurate image of the Arab American community and the Arab World. Arab America’s mission is achieved by disseminating the latest news, up-to-date events, and cultural and educational resources. With close to four million Arab Americans in the US, Arab America serves as a “bridge” bringing together the diverse communities of Arab Americans.
I wonder how many of the house and car owners not making their payments lost their cars in the floods, tornadoes, blizzards, and fires across the US. House likewise. Who can afford to rebuild their lives, find new living quarters, replace their vehicles AND make payments on the house and car they lost??? Can you believe how many homes and cars have been wiped out through the past few years? My heart goes out to those who are suffering and under these kinds of burdens. You and I could be among them in the very near future.
The health care system in the United States is among the most expensive in the world while still not providing even close to the best care for U.S. citizens. Millions of Americans have had to file for bankruptcy due to outrageous costs of medical care. Even individuals with health insurance are often taking on debt to afford co-pays, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Links to news sources discussed in the video are posted here:
Step 1: Use AI to make undetectable changes to outdoor photos. Step 2: release them into the open-source world and enjoy the chaos.
‘Worries about deep fakes — machine-manipulated videos of celebrities and world leaders purportedly saying or doing things that they really didn’t — are quaint compared to a new threat: doctored images of the Earth itself.
According to a report in the official magazine of its Defense Ministry, Russian “supersoldiers” are able to use “parapsychology” techniques to crash enemy computers, access the minds of foreign soldiers, and read documents inside locked safes — abilities they gained, according to the article, from telepathic dolphins they can now communicate with.
The report is almost certainly nonsense. But it does raise questions about the ambitions — and perhaps dysfunctions — of Russia’s military.
Telepathy Force
The report refers to the supposed super powers as “metacontact” and “parapsychology” — the latter a term often invoked to describe mental abilities that don’t quite hold up to the scientific method. Russia discovered those techniques, according to the article, by studying telepathic dolphins.
“With an effort of thought, you can, for example, shoot down computer programs, burn crystals in generators, eavesdrop on a conversation, or break television and radio programs and communications,” reads the article, according to Business Insider‘s translation.
Domestic Resistance
Business Insider also dug up an interview with the chairman of a commission on pseudoscience at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yevgeny Alexandrov, who dismissed the story to a Russian news outlet called RBK.
“All the talk about the transfer of thought at a distance does not have a scientific basis,” he said, adding that “there is not a single such recorded case, it is simply impossible.”
This is happening outside the United States, but you cannot deny that it is VERY RELEVANT to our security and our future. The world is getting smaller by the moment.
You cannot trust what you see, touch, taste and hear in this current world. Scientists using Technology have created madness. Much of what surrounds us is fake including our weather, the skies, the food we eat, etc. If you don’t know the Creator, you are in BIG TROUBLE! The Creator promised us signs in the sky, and they are working diligently to cover them up!
On February 25 2019 a mother took her two year old son to a naturopathic medicine clinic in Arizona because he had a fever of over 100. Upon learning he was unvaccinated the doctor instructed the mother to take him to the emergency room because she feared the boy could have meningitis. The doctor then called the emergency room at a Children’s Medical Centre to let them know the boy would be arriving…But after leaving the doctor’s office, the boy showed signs of improvement. He was laughing and playing with his siblings, and his temperature dropped closer to normal so Around 6:30 pm, the mother called the doctor to let her know the toddler no longer had a fever and she would not be taking him to the emergency room. This ultimately led to a swat team breaking down their door and forcefully removing their children to take them to the hospital for a check up. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest developments regarding an Arizona couple who had their children kidnapped from them by the state all “for their protection”. The bottom line is we are in fact winning the debate on the vaccine issue and so now they are moving to drastic measures, carrying out thug like tactics to initiate the stomping boot of the state on the faces of those who don’t comply.
SWAT teams headed to a local middle school on Friday, but it was thankfully all just a drill. The FOX 5 Drone flew over the full-scale SWAT exercise at Booth Middle School on Friday. Peachtree City Police was joined by Fayetteville and Fayette County law enforcement to practice with teachers and students on how to handle an active-shooter situation. Police said they tried to make the exercise as accurate as possible, even blaring unnerving alarms in the hallway. Police combined the training with demonstrations on police work, showing how a police K-9 brings down a bad guy. In addition to active shooting training, the school also conducted bus evacuations and tornado drills.
How exactly does a carbon tax influence the temperature of the planet? According to the minister of environment and climate change Cathrerine McKenna “As of today, it’s no longer free to pollute anywhere in Canada.” Starting today Ottawa will apply its carbon tax on fossil fuels in Ontario, Manitoba, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan where conservative-minded governments have been strongly opposing any sort of carbon pricing scheme for years now and they wont be going down without a fight! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest news regarding Canada’s federal carbon tax that is designed to line the pockets of the global elite while funding their agenda for an eventual one world government.
Donald Trump knows an EMP is coming to America but when? There has been many attacks on the electric grid, now mass system outages across the U.S causing flights to be canceled and delayed, Trump is also closing the Southern Border, a week before he signed an Executive order to prepare of an EMP threat. What is going to be affected from the flooding in the Midwest. crop loss and livestock losses are huge. There is a lot of work to do out there.
We have never seen anything like this before. According to satellite data that was just released by Reuters, “at least 1 million acres of U.S. farmland” were covered by water for at least seven days this month. That is an agricultural disaster without equal in modern American history, and yet the mainstream media is treating this like it is some sort of second class story. It isn’t. This is the biggest news story of 2019 so far, and people want to know what is going on. A few days ago, I posted a story entitled ‘“As Many As A Million Calves Lost In Nebraska” – Beef Prices In The U.S. To Escalate Dramatically In The Coming Months’, and it has already been shared on social media more than 145,000 times. Farming communities all over the central part of the nation now look like war zones as a result of all this flooding, but the media elites on the east and west coasts don’t want to write about it. And with more flooding on the way for the next two months, this crisis is only going to get worse. This is the time of year when farmers are gearing up to plant wheat, corn and soybeans, and now a substantial portion of our farmland will not be able to be used at all this year. According to Reuters, at least a million acres of farmland were covered by floodwaters for at least seven days this month, and that “will likely reduce corn, wheat and soy production this year”… Learn More:…
Interested in helping with cleanup? Email with your name, phone number and any equipment you may be able to bring to help with repairs & cleanup) Here’s the latest update on our local track (Raceway Park of the Midlands / I29 Dragway in Pacific Junction IA) was in the middle of the EXTREME flooding that occurred in Nebraska & Iowa in March 2019 – Here’s what it looks like 2 weeks later on March 31st – we’re hopeful that both tracks will be useable without too much work, but only time will tell. How did this happen? Our local track is about 1.5 miles from the Missouri river – The Missouri & many other connected rivers received a LOT of water from rain, snowfall & melting snow all in a few days causing levies & dams to fail in surrounding areas.
Welcome To Grand Supreme News Who We Are! We stand out against the fake media, we are republican, right winger, conservatives. We talk about many topics like biblical prophesy, political topics, breaking news & giving honest truth that the media twist. We got to a point where watching the news was becoming unbearable to watch, misleading people down a wrong path, we hope to give a voice to those afraid to speak out… we are silenced by the media and the news and it shouldn’t be like that. #MidWest#Flood#grandsupremenews
According to Agriculture Secretary Sunny Purdue, there “may be as many as a million calves lost in Nebraska” due to the catastrophic flooding that has hit the state. This is not a rumor, this is not an exaggeration, and this is not based on any sort of speculation. This number comes to us directly from the top agriculture official in the entire country, and it means that the economic toll from the recent floods is far greater than most of us had anticipated. You can watch Purdue make this quote on Fox Business right here, and it is important to remember that this number is just for one state. It is hard to imagine what the final numbers will look like when the livestock losses for all of the states affected by the flooding are tallied up. This is already the worst agricultural disaster in modern American history, and the National Weather Service is telling us that there will be more catastrophic flooding throughout the middle portion of the nation for the next two months.
FDA now requiring and flooded grain holding bins, facilities or warehouses that river water touched to destroy the grain, and cannot even be used for animal food. There will be no top vacuum to save dried untouched grain, the entire bin will be disposed of. Massive record floods move down the Mississippi toward the largest grain storage facilities in the USA which will be breached. Hoping the pumps can keep water out, but doubtful.
The record flooding of the Midwest could mean a reduction in the crops that will be harvested in the fall. The global warming crowd is now singing a tune about climate change because they were completely wrong. In this video, we will look at the real possibility of a climate shift that has moved the arctic regions south to our farmlands. Ofcourse you wont hear anything until the rich have taken care of themselves. Communities submerged my Midwest Flooding……