How Quickly and Easily they take our Freedom
Young, naïve and eager to please, my abusive husband had me convinced that it was all my fault. I thought I was all alone. When others advised me to just get out of the relationship, I was convinced that they just did not understand. When I finally got into group therapy for abused women, I was shocked. I heard my story, word for word, coming out of the mouth of all the women in the room. It was like someone had written a book giving exact instructions on how to be a successful abuser, even down to the script of what to say.
Of course there is not a written manual for abusers. But the spirit behind all abusers is the same spirit. The abusers are oppressed or possessed and driven to do and say the things they do.
Well, forks, let me tell you, this does not only apply to individual relationships. There is a hierarchy of demonic spirits. Some over individual’s, some over houses, some over streets, some over neighborhoods, some over towns, some of metroplexes, some over counties, some over regions, some over states, some over nations. They all answer to the same boss and they all have their orders. There are spirits working to spread tyranny. They are all working together and they have a script. Don’t believe me? Just listen to these testimonies and take them as a WARNING! These spirits are extremely active right here in our beloved country. YOU are on the very brink of loosing EVERYTHING!
Sometimes you are so deeply immersed in your own environment/family dynamic/survival mode that you are not able to see the truth of your own situation until you hear it through the testimony of a stranger who has been through the similar experience.
“America is the best country in human existence”
North Korean Escapee’s Dire Warning for America
Immigrants Who Escaped Socialist Countries Warn the U.S.
I met Reina Howard through her son Alvaro Watson. I met Alvaro through my work as a journalist with AXcess News.
As a journalist, I am always looking for interesting people doing extraordinary things to interview. I came across Alvaro’s Facebook page on his Temple University student group. The group had the mission of fostering free speech and critical thinking on campus.
After interviewing Alvaro, I ended up doing a four-part series on him and the original Purpose Group. You can read about this extraordinary young man in that series first published in March, 2011 here.
I have since come to know where Alvaro gets his passion, courage, and intelligence – his mother.
Reina was born in El Salvador to her American father and Salvadoran mother. She is married and has one grown up son, Alvaro, and two step children.
Presently she is working on her Master degree in Professional Counseling. Her interests include politics, gardening, crocheting, drawing, painting, cooking, walking, dancing at home for exercise, and writing.
Reina came from El Salvador in the late 1980s during a time of severe political turmoil and attacks from the Communists guerrillas to the population and financial targets that would devastate the economy.
She is a new Contributor with the new Reina expressed, “When readers get to know about why I left El Salvador, they will also understand why I am so passionate against agendas that pretend to care for the poor but enslave entire nations.”
She notes, “First they do it through indoctrination and then radically transforming the system when people finally see those changes as okay and acceptable.”
She believes, “My experiences would help American women to have a clearer view of the importance of their participation in politics and in the coming elections.”
She explains why women must understand the power of politics in her first article “Why Politics Must Matter to Everyday Women.” She details the realities of life she experienced under a socialist country as a warning to Americans:
- Ended my mother’s small business in El Salvador.
- Affected the budget of the university where my father worked reducing his income to a small pay check every few months.
- Created class warfare.
- Increased anti-American sentiment.
- Led people to want to remove free enterprise and individual rights to create “equality.”
- Politics made business owners move to other countries and stopped job creation where these businesses started.
- Increased taxes on everything possible including some groceries.
- Redistributed land and wealth in the name of social justice and income equality.
- Persuaded some that killing business owners was okay to punish the wealthy and anyone who had more than what they had.
- Isolated entire nations keeping them in poverty and without freedoms.
- Changed health care systems to become socialized and promised people medical care for everyone, but instead many died while waiting for government approval to see a doctor or to have a test.
- Caused some to be without or not enough food.
- Took away from parents the freedom to choose how they would educate their children.
- Took away their religious freedoms.
- Imposed dictators indefinitely.
- Produced the exodus of people escaping their own countries while others less fortunate remained captive.
She is one of many immigrants to the U.S. who have escaped from living under socialist or communist political philosophies who now warn those in the U.S. who hail this for America.
Here is Reina Howard’s personal story of her escape to the U.S. in her own words.
My father was an adventurous American chemist and my mother a lively Salvadoran whom worked in accounting. She was also an entrepreneur with at least two different kinds of businesses – and did well in both.
El Salvador has been shaken through history, not only by earthquakes, but also by political uproar.
In the search for answers to alleviate poverty and suffering, some people adopted the concepts of social justice and redistribution of wealth. This was promoted by the religious left in the form of the theology of liberation and imparted in schools and universities as social justice.
This manipulated the needs of people, and the agents of class warfare created the environment which would advance their agendas by increasing the hate among different groups in the Salvadoran society.
In the late 1970s the country was at a sweltering point; secular and religious leftists were harvesting the fruits of the indoctrination of the masses. They recruited and forced those who refused to join them to become members of their guerrilla groups which had been organized in cities and in the country side.
Now good people in need, who had been convinced that a Cuban-style revolution was the answer to social problems and poverty, were armed and had been trained to terrorize those who had more than what they did.
They kidnapped and assassinated national and foreign business men, placed explosives in public transportation, took radio stations hostage, and passionately expressed their hate for Americans and Capitalism.
In this environment, my parents thought it was time to leave. The bulletins from the American embassy in El Salvador sent to American citizens were telling them the same – leave or stay at your own risk.
The attacks from Communists terrorists, in the name of social justice, created political instability. There was an exodus of foreign companies that provided jobs for Salvadorans. Salvadoran business owners were bankrupted and the economy devastated.
The university where my father taught chemistry paid him every few months instead of monthly, and the small business my mother had where I worked with her was almost non-existent. All that my parents could do, even when they could not afford it, was to send their children to the United States one by one.
This was very difficult for them since they did not know when they would see each other again. I was the third one who was supposed to leave, and the week before I left the Capital, San Salvado was violently shaken due to an earthquake.
I cannot describe my sadness at having to leave under such terrible circumstances. It is hard to express my grief at having to leave my son with my parents for about ten months.
My son was a little boy, and I had never been away from him. My mother convinced me leaving was the best option if I wanted to save my son from having to stay permanently in El Salvador. I felt I was leaving part of me – my son and my little boy.
The American Embassy told me I could not bring him with me, because he was not an American citizen. They said I needed to come first to the U.S. and find a job to support my son and then bring him as a permanent resident. That is what I did.
During my first months in the U.S., and for many years after, I had nightmares about losing my son and not being able to find him. I missed him agonizingly.
As some of you already figured it out, I was a single mother. I did not speak English. I just did not know what I was going to do for living and to provide for my son.
As many women, without education or who do not speak English do when they come to the States, I started to look for houses to clean. My first customer had asked me how much I would charge for cleaning. My younger brother whom had been in the U.S. a few months translated for me.
He translated what I had said – $5.00 an hour. I did not calculate my charges very well. I cleaned the lady’s house in an hour since it was not too big. I vacuumed, dusted, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the one small bathroom with a bath tab, and pressed two of the lady’s nurse uniforms.
I received what I asked for which was $5.00 for this day. I quickly learned I needed to charge by the job and not by the hour. After the unforgettable $5.00 house cleaning, I changed how I charged for my work.
One of my next jobs was working at the home of a Texan family who owned a cattle company. They paid me very well. Impressed with my performance, they also offered to have me clean their cattle company’s offices. I happily accepted the offer.
Now I was able to send to my parents what they needed to pay for the application for my son to come to the U.S. as a permanent resident. I could show the immigration authorities that I could support him.
I was reunited with my son almost a year later. This gave me even more desire to continue to work hard and at the same time brightened my life again and made me very happy.
In addition to working for this Texan family, I also worked for a Texan chain of grocery stores where I worked in different departments and later was accepted at their school of retail management.
Completing this program was one of the first experiences of accomplishment I felt after coming to the U.S. The very first accomplishment was bringing my son to be with me.
During the time when I was working at different stores of this chain, I also attained my GED. I began to take classes at a community college.
Later, I decided to work in a different line of business and began to work as a beauty consultant for Estee Lauder. My son Alvaro learned English very fast and excelled in school. He became my English teacher.
I have been married for almost twelve years, and I have two stepchildren.
My son Alvaro received his bachelor degree, and a year later I received mine. Presently we are both working on our Master degrees.
We often tell others how grateful we are. We are thankful to God first and second to the U.S. which gave us an opportunity to start again after having to leave El Salvador.
Due to political instability and the terror Communists groups created in order to advance social justice and socialism, I left El Salvador without knowing how I would start again.
But thankfully, God sees the “big picture”, and He knew we would thrive and love this land. He knew we would defend it when our country needs its citizens to stand up the most for freedom – giving God the glory for utilizing for good every difficulty I have had and every tear I have shed.
Maximo Alvarez, a Cuban immigrant who came to America over 60 years ago after escaping communist Cuba, issued a powerful warning to Americans during a round table with President Donald Trump last week, saying that the political Left in America today are “communists,” and that they are trying to destroy the nation.
Alvarez, president of Sunshine Gasoline Distributors, praised the president during the event and expressed overwhelming gratitude for the opportunity that living in the U.S. has afforded him.
During the speech, Alvarez said that he remember murderous dictator Fidel Castro’s promises “that we hear today about free education and free health care and free land.”
“My God, no freedom,” Alvarez continued. “But he never said that until after he was in power, got rid of all the police, got rid of all the military – been there for the last 60 years and counting. And he destroyed each and every one who helped him.”
Alvarez said that his father told him, “Don’t lose this place because you’re never going to be as lucky as me. Because if you lose this place, you have no place to go.”
“So with that, please keep that in mind,” Alvarez continued. “And please, people, explain that to our young people who are demonstrating out there. Don’t be useful idiots. Please understand what’s happening in our country. See what happens to our parents and see what is happening to America today.”
If you’re worried for our country, please share this speech with everyone you know.
— Jeffrey Marty (@Jeffrey_Marty) July 12, 2020
Look at the people in this table. Look at our backgrounds. Just think that in 1961, as a 13-year-old, by myself, on my way to Spain. I wasn’t even coming here. I arrived in this great country and almost 60 years later, I’m sitting next to the President of the United States talking about the American dream. The only country in the world, no other country in the world that you can start a business from the trunk of your car and within a very few years with hard work, commitment, and all the core values that we learn from this very culture of ours, we can become very important to our future. We can become those people who make the next generation better than the one before. This is the only country. Why do you think you had to close the borders?
Because everybody in the world wants to come over here. Nobody’s ever forced to come over here. We come over here, in my case because my parents chose that I would not be indoctrinated by the communist country, by the totalitarian country, by the totalitarian regime. They don’t educate children. Absolutely not. And this is something that we need to understand. What is happening in our backyard today, I experienced as an 11-year-old. I remember vividly all the promises that a guy named Castro gave, and how 99% of the people swallowed the pill.
It took many years later, after I read somebody named Saul Alinsky, that I realized that all those people were nothing but useful idiots. I remember Castro while in the mountains being interviewed and asked if he was a communist. He went crazy. “‘I dare you,’ he says,” [foreign language 00:00:31:12]” [a] Roman Catholic. Educated by the Jesuits, he was. “How dare you! We even have a priest in the mountains.” We used to have priests in the mountains. I remember, I was in Marist Brothers, Christopher Columbus here for those who don’t. And I remember the Brothers, the Marist Brothers used to send young kids to the mountains because it was the second coming of our Lord. He was going to save Cuba. I remember how he promised to the farmers, to the [foreign language 00:31:48] that you’re going to own the land. I remember all the promises that we hear today about free education and free health care and free land.
My God, no freedom. But he never said that until after he was in power, got rid of all the police, got rid of all the military – been there for the last 60 years and counting. And he destroyed each and every one who helped him. The Catholic church, everybody. And why do I know that? Because I happened to come to this country with a very last nine cloister nuns from Convent Santa Clara, because he had taken over the convent. And I was on my way to Spain, I wasn’t even coming here, because I was going to join my brother, who my parents had already sent a few months before because he was in the age where the government will take him for indoctrination purposes.
My dad, who had experienced the same thing coming from Spain at the turn of the century, running away, not from socialism, communism. He knew better. I remember when he used to tell my mom, “Fefa, this SOB’s a communist.” My mother says, “Luca, how can you say that? He’s Catholic. Look, he’s [wearing] …” He had rosary beads all over his neck. It just so happened that when I was on my way to Spain to meet my brother, I was going to go to the Marist Brothers in La Coruna, Spain. Same brothers here at Christopher Columbus, by the way. My brother died, and I was kept in this country. Greatest blessing I ever had. But imagine what happened to mom and dad.
One day, you lose both kids. This is a family who had never been involved in politics. My father came at age 18 from Spain, running from communists. By himself, never went back. After a long, long life of sacrifice, when he was about to enjoy the fruit of his labors just like a president that is helping us today, because he could have been just having a good time, one of his many beautiful golf courses. But no. But yet he gave up enjoying the fruit of his labors to do this. So did my dad, that’s why I love you. Exactly the same. So when they’re about to do that from one day to the next, they end up in this country with the shirt that he was wearing on his back. And they did maximum, have been here already for years. But thank God for Pedro Pan.
Talking about socialism, Catholic church, 14,000 kids who came like me in this country without parents. And we were provided an opportunity. This is what makes our country great. They didn’t give me free nothing, they gave me the opportunity. That is the most valuable thing in the world. Now, when I said they didn’t give me any free something, please understand that at 13 years old, I had to be provided with a home, had to be provided with food, and an education. That is socialism, that’s Americanism, that’s the America that these people are trying to destroy today by using funny terms like socialism. They’re not, they’re communists. Don’t ever forget that. I know our president understands that because he knows, he’s been all over the world. And you’re surrounded with great people, very loyal people, and we have our back.
I remember the first time I gave little speech about something like this, tell him about I came from Cuba, blah, blah, blah. I remember this was around October 2016. I thought you were a little crazy for the sacrifice you were about to take, but I predicted that we were going to elect you in November, and I was going to see you in the White House in January. Thank you very much. Because of the situations right now, I cannot give you hug. Otherwise, thank you very much. And I going to leave you with one last thing. Never forget about my dad who only had a sixth grade education, but I think he was the greatest philosopher I ever met. He used to tell us how lucky he was because he was able to come from Spain to Cuba. And then he came from Cuba to United States. And he saw me graduate from college, and that was the biggest prize he ever had. And he said, “Don’t lose this place because you’re never going to be as lucky as me. Because if you lose this place, you have no place to go.”
So with that, please keep that in mind. And please, people, explain that to our young people who are demonstrating out there. Don’t be useful idiots. Please understand what’s happening in our country. See what happens to our parents and see what is happening to America today. Mr. President, thank you very much. And thank you for your hard work.
Venezuelan Activist Warns Americans: ‘You Need to Guard Your Country’

Venezuelan activist Elizabeth Rogliani Otaola has gained quite a bit of attention for a video in which she warned Americans as protesters and rioters continue tearing down statues around the country.
Otaola said she has “already lived through” what is beginning to happen in the U.S.
“When I was living in Venezuela, statues came down, Chavez didn’t want that history displayed, and then he changed the street names, then came the [school curriculum], then some movies couldn’t be shown on certain TV channels, and so on, and so forth,” she explained. “You guys think it can’t happen to you. I’ve heard this so many times. But always be on guard. Never believe something can’t happen to you.”
“You need to guard your country and your society, or it will be destroyed,” Otaola continued. “We didn’t believe it could happen to us, most Venezuelans. Cubans warned us, and we were like, ‘We’re Venezuelan. We know what freedom is like. That’s not gonna happen here.’ Yet, it happened. And there’s clearly a lot of people wanting to destroy the U.S.”
During an appearance Tuesday night on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle,” Otaola warned it will not just be Confederate statues that are torn down. “Just wait and see,” she told host Laura Ingraham.
There’s already evidence to suggest she’s right. Protesters and rioters in Washington, D.C., are vowing to destroy and tear down a statue of former President Abraham Lincoln known as the Emancipation Memorial, which was paid for by freed slaves and dedicated in 1876 by former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass. And in Milwaukee, protesters tore down a statue of Hans Christian Heg, a journalist, soldier, and staunch anti-slavery activist, and threw it into the water.
Venezuelan Activist Elizabeth Rogliani Otaola Issues Dire Warning on Leftist Revolution
“This is a slippery slope,” she said. “The next thing is gonna be all the symbols of the United States, founding fathers are gonna be attacked, religious symbols are gonna be attacked, and probably museums. I mean, anything can be attacked if you just let it happen.”
Ingraham showed Otaola a clip of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), who described the destruction all around the Empire State as a “healthy expression” and said he doesn’t believe protesters and rioters have “overdone it.”
“It’s a healthy expression of people saying let’s get some priorities here and let’s remember the sin and mistake that this nation made and let’s not celebrate it,” the governor said.
In response, Otaola totally disagreed with Cuomo, arguing what we’re seeing taking place around the U.S. is “a cultural revolution” and an “attempt to change the identity of the country.”
We are about to experience a worldwide attack on Christianity. They will be throwing Christians in prison and confiscating bibles. You can take that to the bank. The NWO has just proclaimed their One World Religion and Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMaschiah IS NOT IN IT!! Anyone sharing the truth of the Bible or their own personal testimony of what they KNOW of Jesus Christ will be imprisioned and/or tortured/ and or KILLED.
Canadian pastor jailed for holding church during COVID welcomes pardon, blasts Trudeau
The video is available on the website. Click the Title above to view it.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski is running for office after arrests for keeping church open during pandemic
Canadian pastor arrested issues dire warning, ordered to parrot COVID experts
Pastor Artur Pawlowski speaks out, says ‘they’re so terrified of the truth’ on ‘The Ingraham Angle’
A clergyman from Alberta, Canada, who was repeatedly imprisoned after not closing his church praised a plan from the province’s new premier to pardon and compensate those arrested and fined over COVID-19 protocols.
“It’s a step in the right direction, but I would like to see it being done,” Pastor Artur Pawlowski told Fox News Digital in a phone interview.
Pawlowski, who is now running for political office after becoming leader of the Alberta Independence Party in September, has endured multiple dramatic arrests during the pandemic, including once in the middle of a busy Calgary highway on his way home from church and again on the tarmac of the Calgary International Airport after a speaking tour in the U.S.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, who was sworn in on Oct. 11, is the first Canadian leader to apologize for discrimination against the unvaccinated in Canada, which has seen some of the strictest COVID-19 mandates in the world.
In a Saturday speech at the United Conservative Party’s annual general meeting, Smith noted that the pastors who were arrested in the province ”come to top of mind” when she thinks of people who were unfairly penalized for disobeying the country’s COVID rules.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski is arrested by Calgary police in the middle of a highway on his way home from church on May 8, 2021. (Artur Pawlowski)
Crackdowns on the clergy in the generally conservative province of Alberta have made international headlines. Police barricaded churches and jailed multiple pastors, including Pastor Tim Stephens, who was arrested after a police helicopter reportedly found his Calgary congregation gathering outside.
Stephens’ multiple arrests in front of his young children prompted Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., to urge the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) to consider adding Canada to its watch list. The Ohio State Legislature passed a resolution echoing Hawley’s sentiment.
Earlier this year, Pawlowski spent 51 days in jail after being arrested following a speech to truckers who were blocking the U.S. border crossing in Coutts, Alberta, in protest of Canada’s vaccine mandate. The pastor told Fox News Digital after he was released that he was abused and humiliated by prison authorities, and that some guards tried to convince other inmates to hurt him, but that they refused.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski is arrested at his home on Feb. 8, 2022, shortly before he was slated to speak to truckers on the U.S.-Canada border. (Artur Pawlowski)
Many of the charges against Pawlowski were dropped in June upon his appeal, but he still has outstanding fines totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars for keeping his church open and feeding the homeless in defiance of the government.
Pawlowski, who worries that Canadians have become complacent about what he says is growing tyranny in the country, said he never would have come to Canada after growing up under communism in Poland if he had known what he would have been facing.
“You’re not allowed to question governments, you’re not allowed to question the mainstream media, just like during my childhood when I was growing up behind the Iron Curtain in Poland under the boots of the Soviets,” he said.

A sign calls for the freedom of Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Times Square in New York City, New York. (Firebrand Action and Media)
Noting that some tactics in Western democracies today are “identical” to what he experienced growing up in a communist country, he said, “It’s the same fear and terror, censorship, deplatforming. You will lose your job, you will not get a job. So this is still happening here.”
Pawlowski parried potential arguments from those who would object to a pastor getting involved in politics by pointing out that North American democracy was founded in part by politically active members of the clergy, and noted that Alberta specifically prospered under former premiers William Aberhart and Ernest Manning, both of whom were pastors.
“I am a Canadian, a free Canadian; free to worship as I see fit, free to stand up for what I believe is right,” Pawlowski said. “Should we throw all of that out and move to Saudi Arabia? I think Justin Trudeau would fit in perfectly over there. Or maybe North Korea would be better for him. He loves dictatorship. I’ll buy him a ticket. Go, please enjoy it.”

Pastor Artur Pawlowski offered to buy a ticket for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to move to Saudi Arabia or North Korea, where he said he might feel more at home after publicly expressing admiration for China’s government. (Dave Chan/AFP via Getty Images)
Despite praising her rhetoric, Pawlowski expressed skepticism that the new premier will follow through on her promises, especially since several of Smith’s cabinet ministers served in the previous administration, including some people he alleges were intimately involved in persecuting him.
“As much as I like that she apologized publicly, I don’t think she has the boldness and the courage to actually do what’s right to go after the villains,” Pawlowski said. He claimed he has not yet been offered the opportunity to sit down with Smith, but welcomed a meeting with her.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith reacts with a smile after she lost the provincial election in High River, Alberta, on April 23, 2012. (Reuters/Mike Sturk/File Photo)
“What the government did to us, I can only compare to what is happening in some totalitarian nations, and I hope that she keeps her word,” he said.
The premier’s office did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment by time of publication.
This next item should scare the hell out of every one of you. The USA already holds more prisoners than any other nation in world by far. Medical tyranny is one of the main ways the Elite plan to take our freedoms. You had better believe that hospitals will soon be no different from prisons. No matter what… they have plenty of both!
This is a long video, but he shares some very great insight and experiences. Well worth the time. Stay through to the end.