TRUTH in REPORTING?? Or Deception and Manipulation?

Just like every other event of this type, we will NEVER know the TRUTH.  Our world is so wrapped up in deceptions, secrecy and CONSPIRACY that the truth cannot be discerned except by the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Any fool with half a brain still functioning can see that there is enough evidence to show that this was not a single crazed shooter.  This was a well planned an poorly executed deliberate attempt to take out DONALD TRUMP.

There are so many holes in this story and so many twists and turns in the investigation.  However, today we are going to just focus on the “ALLEGED SHOOTER”.

The first thing I want you to really consider is WHY they continue to show photos of this person at a very young age.  They want you to see him as a thin, shy, youth.  When in actuality he was a very healthy, sturdy, militant and angry man.

Ask yourself why the BRITISH commentary had a video of the shooter declaring his hatred for Donald Trump almost immediately.  And they it was taken down and several videos were posted debunking it.  However, it turns out to actually be Thomas Crooks.

I will pose a few more obvious questions as we work our way through this post.  It is not a long post so relax.

Here is the way the media continues to present the “alleged shooter” Thomas Crooks.  Even when the very same videos show the current photos of him either on their video thumbnail or elsewhere within the video.

This next video does not show the shooter but does give you very clear imagery of the area where the shooter stood and the surrounding area.  Very helpful.

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