RESTORED: 3/7/2020; RESTORED 7/27/23
UPDATE: 11/19/2021; 1:47:04 AM – More Spiritual insights into this demonic ritual
We are going to settle this once and for all. There has been a great deal of protest from Travis Scott supporters. It seems that many of you are unable or unwilling to see the truth. Many of you want to justify it all as just publicity seeking marketing. You claim that it is all just for show. That this kind of outrageous behavior sells tickets.
Well, granted it sells. And why does it sell?? Because the world is full of immoral, ungodly, rebels. That is the nature of humanity without GOD, due to the FALL of man.
The truth is as plain as the nose on your face. We are well past the days when the evil and dark souls hid from the light. In today’s world, the lie has become the truth, the darkness has obliterated the light, and there is only lawlessness and evil in the human heart.
Those who love the truth are few and far between. A remnant. The rest of the world wants to wipe us out, because indeed we are standing in their way. Only those who know and love GOD can see and hear the truth.
These people make no bones about where they stand, who they serve or their intentions for you. They declare it all the time in word, deed, symbolism, numbers and images. This is not something made up by haters, or Conspiracy Theorists. We are showing you the truth from their own mouth and/or hand.
I dare you to pray and ask the LIVING CREATOR GOD IN HEAVEN to open your eyes, ears, heart and mind and SHOW YOU THE TRUTH before it is too late.
I have already posted on the Concert in the two posts shown below if you have not seen them check them out:
UPDATE: 11/19/2021; 1:47:04 AM
Streamed live on Nov 12, 2021
UPDATE: 11/15/2021
Nov 11, 2021
UPDATE: 11/14/2021; 8:33:21 PM
UPDATE: 11/14/2021; 6:17:52 PM
Let me just remind everyone, that the concert was totally in breach of the CAPACITY Laws, at an event that involved a large amount of Pyrotechnics. It was reasonable to expect the POLICE to shut it down as a fire hazard. There is no way those people would be able to get out if a fire had broken out. So on that alone, the Police were negligent. In my opinion.
But politics. Travis is well connect with the people of power, he brings a lot of money into Houston. More importantly, he brings a lot of souls to the dark side and contributes to the CHAOS the elite are desirous to create.
Houston police say no need for outside probe of Astroworld deaths excerpts only, read the full article by clicking the title link. Molly Hennessy-Fiske
“We’re nowhere right now,” Finner added. “I’m not against the independent investigation when it’s warranted. It’s not warranted right now.”
I think that by the show of people who have come forward with their tragic stories of what happened at that concert there is a consensus for a broad and deep investigation and even reason to stop any more of these events from occurring until there is a proper plan in place that GUARANTEES PUBLIS SAFETY!
…“We are confident that the facts will demonstrate that the care we provided followed the appropriate protocols and operating procedures that were in place,” said Juda Engelmayer, a spokesman for ParaDocs Worldwide Inc., which provided medical services at Astroworld, adding that staff were prepared for the large crowd with ample medical supplies and complied with local officials, relaying emergency calls to 911.
Critics have been calling for an independent investigation into the Friday festival after eight people died — ages 14 to 27 — and scores were injured in the melee. Two remained hospitalized in critical condition. More than a dozen lawsuits have been filed by victims who alleged wrongdoing.
“How does a police department investigate itself?” said Houston lawyer Tony Buzbee, who’s representing the family of a 21-year-old man who was among those killed.
UPDATE: 11/14/2021; 5:55:08 PM
WE already know that the Police were doing NOTHING to stop the madness at AstroWorld. Now we are going to hear from the Houston Fire Department, who by the way never even got a call from the event.
Foks, when the police stand down, when the numbers of dead and wounded are covered up, when the witnesses are belittled or told to be quiet, when the FIRE DEPARTMENT silenced, when the MainStream media paints the picture that the elite want you to see and to HELL with the TRUTH… what do you call that??
This is not theory folks. THIS IS CONSPIRACY!
‘This is when it all got real’: Houston Fire Dept. logs show Astroworld Festival chaos in real-time
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — Minute-by-minute logs written by Houston firefighters as the Astroworld Festival fell into chaos detail for hours the loss of control, and at times dangerous conditions, at the festival.
The logs, obtained Thursday by 13 Investigates, were written by the Houston Fire Department, who took detailed notes as they listened to active radio calls as early as 6:50 a.m. Friday, more than 15 hours before rapper Travis Scott was set to perform.
13 Investigates obtained those handwritten activity log entries written by personnel inside HFD’s Incident Command. The log got more chaotic as the day went on, from a lieutenant requesting “riot equipment” at 8:15 a.m. to damaged fences and later reports of an “individual with crush injury/difficulty breathing” at 9:18 p.m.
The Houston Police Department is investigating what happened at the concert that left nine people dead and hundreds more injured. HPD Chief Troy Finner said this week that he doesn’t want to get into the timeline of events since it is still under investigation.
RELATED: 13 Investigates looks at warning signs leading up to Astroworld Festival tragedy
The city documents 13 Investigates obtained reveal the first detailed look at how and when law enforcement and first responders reacted before and during the concert.
The logs indicate event organizers and security lost control of the crowd before the gates even opened at 10 a.m. It also shows a lack of control throughout the day as 3,000 to 5,000 concert-goers bypassed security checkpoints, and two to five people climbed on the roof of an annex.
At 4:54 p.m., the logs show “HPD reports of dangerous crowd conditions” at one of the stages.
Despite hours of chaos that day, for at least one official, it wasn’t until 9:28 p.m. – after Scott took the stage – when there was a major shift
“This is when it all got real,” the HFD official wrote.
Two minutes later, the Houston Police Department reported “multiple people trampled, passed out at front of stage,” while “security is remaining to rear of stage.”
Scroll through the interactive timeline below for a detailed look at HFD’s real-time response before and during Astroworld On mobile device? Click here for a full screen experience.
It was around that time that HPD commanders told Astroworld leadership to shut down the event, HPD Chief Tory Finner said this week.But for nearly 40 minutes, the performance continued.
During that time, there were five calls to 911 about “unconscious persons” as well as “multiple persons down in the crowd” and “reported cardiac in progress.”
As HFD listened to distressed call after distressed call, the agency said it acted on its own and sent first responders to the scene despite never hearing from organizers.
On Friday, Alex Hilliard, of Hilliard Martinez Gonzales LLP, said by the time the gates opened the morning of the festival “everything was out of control.”
“The logs only detail a tragic timeline of understanding and knowledge from these corporations that people were dying and that steps should have been taken to shut the concert down and nobody did anything,” said Hilliard, who is representing victims in a lawsuit against Live Nation.
Live Nation, the event’s organizer, previously said in a statement to ABC News, “We continue to support and assist local authorities in their ongoing investigation so that both the fans who attended and their families can get the answers they want and deserve.”
For the latest investigations, follow Ted on Facebook and Twitter.
Did you provide security or medical support during Astroworld? Contact us using the form below. (On mobile? You can open our form by tapping here.)
UPDATE: 11/14/2021; 12:07:33 PM
Travis Scott encouraged and even demanded that the fans get rowdy, unruly and violent. When police tried to intervene during a violent incident, Travis got violent with the Police. According to witnesses Police in the arena were not doing anything about the crime going on. Since we know the police did nothing about the fact that the crowd was already way over capacity (therefore dangerous) and already out of control before Travis even started, and since witnesses said the police were not doing anything about the obvious and out in the open uses of drugs like cocaine, and since the police were said to be just standing around watching the show and taking selfies, one has to discern that the police were very likely given orders to stand down.
UPDATE: 11/13/2021; 10:17:59 PM
Travis Scott concert was a SATANIC ritual
UPDATE: 11/12/2021;12:09:01 AM

Video By: Frank G. / 3 days, 14 hours ago

2 days, 4 hours ago
Travis Scott said in a past interview he is all about the blood – Fans giving their bodies – Ritual

1 day, 9 hours ago
NorbzWorld view on Travis Scott’s Totally Demonic Street Theatre ‘AstroWorld’
ALL concerts are frequency programming (all big ones, indy bands and local jams are hit/miss, most are innocently just trying to get heard and share their music), ALL big festivals are demonic, even when (ESPECIALLY WHEN) it’s a ‘love festival’ or EDM fest or RaveSTock or WoodStock 2.0
They prey on that stuff a lot, but even MORE so on the urban culture as it’s already primed for evil see evil, it’s already destructive, THAT program is already running so well and so deep they don’t have to do much, most kids are already receptive to and LOVE the fukt up frequencies, messages, spells, symbols, logos, personas, imaging, and are literally under a fukn spell.
So that parts a given, ‘astroworld’ and any other festival, is bound to have extra ambulances/police as deaths are actually ALWAYS expected, but usually from overdoses not from rushes of people, and the overdoses go under the radar compared to this.
Anyway, when I first started to take this story in, it seemed plausible that the whole thing was just oversold and a big horrible thing happened, however once I took in all the layers, the line-up, the branding treatment, and the outcome, this was a total demon fest and these concert goers just got a damn hot dose of the worst frequencies, coupled with a traumatic experience, which makes the elite just salivate and giggle as they harvest that collective fear.
Stay aware, stay awake, stay blessed everyone.
More Love,Norbz.
UPDATE:11/11/2021; 2:40:43 PM
UPDATE: 11/11/2021
Folks, you need to understand that this is SO MUCH BIGGER THAN TRAVIS SCOTT. Travis Scott is just a puppet. Just like Obama, and Hillary an Trump and all of the major “STARS” of Hollywood and the Music Industry. Travis did not get to the position that he enjoys with out the backing of the RULING ELITE. NO ONE gets to a position of power and/or influence without the approval and support of the Elite. This was indeed a ritual. It was a ritual sanctioned and ordered by the elite. That is why it is being covered up and why TRAVIS is being protected. Likely he will not suffer any repercussions, unless they decide use him as a scape goat.
This SATANIC RITUAL is one of thousands of rituals played out before you every day. They are conditioning you to accept the NEW WORLD ORDER and TRANSHUMANISM. CHAOS is the name of their game right now. Travis is a tool they are using to raise the level of frustration, anger and rage in the young people. RITUAL SACRIFICE is a major part of their world. SOUL STEALING is as well. There were many souls stolen at this event. That was the whole purpose of it and they made that very clear in their promotions.
If you are like me and have no interest whatsoever in this type of “Music?”, you probably never even heard of Travis Scott. However, it appears that he is the most influential “artist?” in the eyes of the young people. Or at least that is how he is being promoted by the ruling class for whom he is providing this service and the venue for accessing the minds and spirits of our children.
It ought to shake you up and put the fear of GOD in you that this is the kind of garbage that is filling the hearts and mind of our young.
In case you had any doubt this man considers himself your GOD/Idol, this larger than life idol of him standing at the fairway, along with the humungous replica of his head you have to walk through to get into the concert ought to make it pretty clear.
The Following video is presented by a Pagan. I post it here so that you can see these things from a Pagan perspective and understand what they believe.

It should not have surprised anyone that Travis Fans ripped through all the gates and stormed the arena without tickets. That is what HE encourages them to do. The even was already sold out at beyond capacity. People paid hundreds of dollars for their tickets which were meaningless. Now they want to raise the prices in effort to avoid this in from happening again? Does that make sense? The problem did not lie with those who paid for the privilege of suffering injury, pain and even death.
It should be no surprise to anyone that Travis fans have no regard for rules or authority.
He has a reputation for rowdy concerts
Scott’s high-energy performances are synonymous with mosh pits and crowd surfing. In 2015, the rapper compared his shows to professional wrestling, telling GQ, “I always want to make it feel like it’s the WWF or some (expletive). You know, raging and having fun and expressing good feelings is something I plan on doing and spreading across the globe.”
But sometimes the raging can go too far. Often times, the rapper encourages it. Scott has been arrested at least two times for inciting riots and disorderly conduct at his shows.
In 2015, the rapper was arrested after encouraging fans to jump security barricades during his Lollapalooza set, which was promptly shut down. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year of probation, according to Billboard.
In 2017, Scott was charged with inciting a riot, disorderly conduct and endangering the welfare of a minor after he encouraged concertgoers at the Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion to rush the stage, injuring a security guard, a police officer and several others. He pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and the other charges were dropped, according to the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette. He was ordered to pay court fees and restitution to two injured people.
To watch the video above click the link to go to the SUN webpage: CLICK HERE The video will be at the bottom of the article. If you watch just the first part of the video you will see the crowd storming the gates, but listen to what the gentleman says. He says at the start of the mass casualty incident, when it was triggered, and then again he says an the mass tragedy incident was “TRIGGERED”.
Here is another video containing the same video clip of the man saying the Mass Casualty incident was TRIGGERED. To view it click the title link below. Advance to minute 1:02.
This event should have been shut down by authorities before Travis even hit the stage. NO ONE ELSE is allowed to continue an event that is that dangerous simply for the number of people in the arena. Especially where pyrotechnics are being employed. What if there had been a fire?? ALL THOSE PEOPLE WOULD HAVE DIED!!
The media keeps saying 50,000 people, but there were at least 100,000 tickets sold and God only knows how many thousands of gate crashers!!

Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival attendees trampled in …
UPDATE: 11/10/2021; 7:31:31 PM
Premiered 8 hours ago; 11/10/2021
Review of Travis Scott satanic ritual concert.
Nov 8, 2021
How does this ritual on Nov 5th relate to the plans of the NW0? Why were there heart att@cks among the young at that show? Deep dive into the questions regarding what really happened, and a last call and patient explanation to turn away from the false idols that are created to destroy you.
The following account is the first eye witness testimony video I viewed when I saw the headline pop up on youtube.
Nov 6, 2021
It is hard to get your head around how terrifying and devastating the experience had to be for those who suffered through it. Hard to imagine people plowing through and trampling on the other fans, even girls and little children. Listen to the tale of this 9 year old boy.
Nov 8, 2021
That person has the blood evidence of trampling on his fellow Travis fans and feels no remorse. Proudly displays it for all to see. Then, has the gull to ask twitter friends to send him donations to buy new shoes!!
Astroworld EMT Says Radios Weren’t Working Over Travis Scott’s Loud Music: ‘I Called For Help So Many Times’
One of the EMTs who worked Travis Scott‘s Astroworld Festival is speaking out about the event-turned-horror show that left 300 fans injured and 8 dead.
Taking to TikTok, user @remi.rich addressed all the problems he faced when trying to help unconscious and passed-out fans during the concert, which took place in Houston, Texas, on Friday.

“The radio wasn’t working. The music was way too loud,” he revealed. “I had called for backup and for help so many times and it was just not going through.”
@remi.rich — who does not disclose his real name — went on to describe the scene as he pushed his way through the crowd finding one unconscious concertgoer after another.
“A couple of people grabbed onto us [he and his partner] and grabbed my shoulders and said ‘hey there’s a girl passed out here.'”
When the medics got to the unconscious female, they were told she’d been that way for 10 minutes. “She has no pulse, no breathing which means she could have not been breathing with no pulse the whole 10 minutes… no oxygen to her brain,” he recalled.
That was a “huge mistake,” he recalled. “I had no clue what I was getting into.”
‘Some of these medical staff had little to no experience with CPR – didn’t know how to check a pulse, carotid or femoral,’ Eskins shared on Instagram.
+35View gallery
A concertgoer said the emergency crew on hand were not prepared to respond to an emergency of such a magnitude, adding some didn’t know how to do CPR or check for a pulse. Source

4 days, 3 hours ago
In this video we will take a deeper look into the event that occurred on November 6, 2021 at Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival. In doing so we will discover the TRUTH behind this satanic ritual blood sacrifice.
‘I Can’t Teach Anybody Anything, I Can Only Try to Make Them Think’ – Socrates’The Truth is Learned, Never Told’ – Out of Shadows 2020Systematic Planned Satanic Demonic Witchcraft Ritual Sacrifices in Plain Sight Exposed…Note: And who is gonna be kept responsible for the people who died here?
Nov 8, 2021
Shocking moment Houston cops drop unconscious woman on her HEAD while pulling her out of Travis Scott crowd crush: Video emerges of distraught fan begging crew to stop show because ‘someone had died’
A woman carried from Travis Scott’s doomed Astroworld concert by stretcher was dropped on her head by police trying to evacuate victims from the show, while fans implored stagehands to stop the performance as the death toll began mounting.
Video shows the unidentified woman, who appears unconscious, sliding off the stretcher and landing on her head as overstretched rescuers rushed to help those injured after fans stampeded the stage Friday, killing eight people.
Onlookers gasped in the video, posted on Twitter, as the woman crashed to the pavement.
Meanwhile, another video shows fans begging the stage crew to halt Scott’s performance, screaming: ‘There is somebody dead in there. There is someone dead.’
Crew members appeared apathetic and ignored fans in the video posted to TikTok, which shows a cameraman continuing to operate his equipment as fans beg him to help.
An unconscious woman, who was injured after the crowd stormed the stage, is seen lying on the ground after she is dropped from a stretcher
She slid off the bed as Houston police were carrying her away from the deadly concert
Shocking video shows a woman imploring a cameraman to stop the show, telling him ‘There is somebody dead in there’ The crew member dismisses his concerns as he continues filming
Another fan jumps on stage and screams ‘stop the show’ as the death toll began mounting during rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld performance in Houston, Texas on Friday
Rapper Travis Scott was reportedly ‘beside himself’ after learning eight people died and others were injured during his performance Friday during the Astroworld festival in Houston, Texas
‘Stop the show,’ another fan cried.
Video circulating on Twitter shows fans begging the rapper to stop performing and chanting ‘stop the show’ as concertgoers were being knocked down and crushed by other attendees.
‘Fans were recording the concert and people doing CPR. Fans were yelling at the stage crew around us, saying stop the concert, people are dying. No one listened,’ ICU nurse and concert attendee Madeline Eskins told Rolling Stone.
TO ENTER THE TRAVIS SCOTT AREA OF THE FESTIVAL YOU HAVE TO PASS THROUGH THE REPRESENTATION/IMAGE OF HIS MOUTH. So, symbolically you are offering yourself to be consumed by Travis Scott. You will come out the other side of his head through the mouth of his SKULL. Representing passing from LIFE INTO DEATH.
TRAVIS’ shirt he wore at the Concert show humans colored blue walking through a door and turning into red demons with horns. Remember that blue is the color people turn when they die. Many people said that people in the crowd were turning blue from lack of oxygen.
I am sure that if you are a doubter you will probably dismiss these next two videos. I encourage you not to pass them by. The spirit realms is very real! Much more real than anything you can see, taste, smell, or touch. The spirit realm is the source of all things. There are good spirits and bad spirits. GOD TELLS US TO TEST THE SPIRITS.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error. 1 John 4
Spirits were very clearly present at the AstroWorld Concert, and not just a few that were caught on tape. The spirits were active inside of every one who was actively participating in the ritual taking place. Just by being present you made yourself open to demons. If you were raging…they were driving your rage!!
Whether they were fully possessing you or just manipulating you from the outside…you were under their control! If you fortunate enough to escape their control and recognize the evil that was present, YOU BETTER THANK GOD!! Turn your back on Travis and all who are into the same stuff. Walk away from that kind of music/amusement. (by the way Muse(s) are demons and that is the origin of those words.)

2 Strange creatures caught during Travis Scott’s Astroworld – Demons – Reptilians – Aliens – Ghost – Weird even as a hologram or on the screen they pass as people are dying & he chants yea
Nov 8, 2021
Nov 8, 2021
- “Astro” of UB40 Dies Right After Astroworld Tragedy
- Obvious Clue Connecting Travis Scott to Shawn Rhoden
- Bodybuilder Shawn Rhoden Dies @ 4
In case you did not know the current catch phrase “We are All in this Together” or “we go one, we go all” is not new. It is ancient. It is a throw back to the Tower of Babel. But, it goes back even farther than that to the FALL of the Angels and their pact to pollute the seed of mankind.

Travis Scott’s UTOPIA MOUNTAIN created a Living Hell for many of his fans Last night.
You gotta wonder why in the world was that set built to so elaborately create the imagery of a volcanic eruption?
And why the imagery of the Phoenix Rising up out of the flames?? It is all part of their Magick spell casting. The Great Work, bringing their dasterdly plans into fruition. It is very much like the “Rain Dance” or the “Buffalo Dance” or the “Bear Dance”. The Magical Mystical Dark Demonic War Dance of the Illumined.
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According to fans who were at the concert, that flaming PHOENIX flying in at the beginning of the concert, was Travis Scott!!
After the Phoenix, we see an owl appear. Apparently, Drake who was also part of the concert that night, is known as the OWL MAN.
Drake notoriously praises his brand OVO as the forefront of everything Drake. OVO stands for October’s Very Own
it was Drake who first began associating the OVO logo with the owl animal, but long before the OVO brand mascot, was the ritualistic idolatry by what could be described as a mad man’s obsession with a cult symbolic owl, from owl necklaces to giant owl stage screens, Drake is a man in love with the owl. But more specific, his love and deliberate choice of the 11th century Egyptian hieroglyphic for the letter M.DRAKE
It should be noted here that rapper Drake was once sued by a jeweler named Michael Raphael, who filed a lawsuit claiming OVO was knocking off replicas of a diamond studded gold owl, that he created for them. However OVO’s defense was that the symbol ‘is based on an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph’, asking the judge to drop the case. This not only showed Drake’s awareness of his choice of owl, but revealing his mad obsession for an owl, is in fact, a symbol for the great golden solar bull cow.
jeweler claims he created a $50,000-diamond-studded platinum owl pendant for Drake
I mean, the man’s mascot is an owl for Christ’s sake
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The Stage was made up primarily of this form that greatly resembles a volcanic mountain. It morphs throughout the entire concert by means of lights, pyrotechnics and colors.
Since this concert is occurring at the same time that most of the world is anticipating a MEGA TSUNAMI to come out of the Volcano in La Palma, it is not unreasonable for people to put the two together. Is this a prediction or is this a MAGICK SPELL designed to create or at least help to bring about the very disaster it seems to portray?
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It seems to me that what is represented in this series of images is the eruption of the La Palma volcano and it subsequent explosion leading to the tidal wave that wipes out the East Coast of the USA. Those buildings don’t look like the ones on the Canary Islands.
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The Portal is open, the GIANT DEMON above is working his hands in magic motions, the spiral is turning the lights are flashing, there is smoke, flames, lightning, fire crackers, demons of various shapes and colors, some kind of green mass, is the nuclear or sodium dioxide? Those who have been moved into a trance like form either through drugs, or music, or ecstatic dance, or anger, or pain, are transported spiritually into another realm.
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Now that you have seen all the images, go back through them and see how many demonic entities you can spot in the photos.
Travis Scott’s ‘Astro World’ concert
Travis Scott’s ‘Astro World’ concert became a horrific scene of death and chaos. Ominously, the event’s campaign is covered in occult imagery, and reveals a Saturn Assault Death ritual. A dart punctures the All-Seeing Eye, and Travis encourages the crowd to rush toward the Eye’s Gateway.

‘Utopia Mountain’ was obviously attached to the All-Seeing Eye, representing YHWH El (God), all of which is demonized for programming/conditioning of the ignorant masses.
Travis whipped the crowd into a frenzy directed them to rush against the Eye. Total chaos broke out and 8 people perished with hundreds injured. So much for war against God. Travis wore a shirt on stage which bore the image of the dart in the punctured Eye. Owl-man Drake showed up too.
This is promotion of the spirit of Lawlessness and Antichrist by Travis and his ignorant victims.

Travis shirt featured the symbol of Jupiter, matching the planet Jupiter on the top left poster!!
Jupiter is connected to Travis’ dart, which attacks the All-Seeing Eye of God/YHWH as Saturn!!
This matches the THOUSANDS of other codes found all throughout Masonic media propaganda!!

Hello candleman. Hope you’re well. I’d like to offer a friendly challenge to one of your interpretations of the above.
When observing the needle dart puncturing the all seeing eye, I initially perceived it as Saturn, with the needle shaft/end representing the rings when viewed horizontally, and the “wings” of the needle representing the body of the planet Saturn.
Wouldn’t that make more sense than it being Jupiter? Would appreciate your perspective

For those of us trying to connect all these dots, could you please explain what a Saturn Assault Death ritual is?

And the dart in the eye. What symbolism is that mimicking? Is there a particular occult symbol that has a dart and an eye? How is Jupiter connected to the dart? Please help me understand deeper

Go to the sub’s search bar and type “films” and study the quick breakdowns of the most iconic films. All of these link to 9/11/2001, the Great Freemasonic Ritual omen signaling the imminent Day of The Storm (“Alien” Invasion)
The agenda is always the same, and the symbolism is always present.
The truth will surprise you: the Saturn Assault is the great attack against YHWH El (God) following the Day of The Storm, when he returns over Earth with his forces from the concealed primeval Zion Cube.

Does anyone play fort nite? I don’t know much about the Saturn stuff but seeing all the Astro stuff and reading this/ other things prior has got me curious. I’m older lol and yes I do play video games one is fn. There is now a part of the map with cubes in the center of the map (cubes have been the topic this season) and there’s a ball above the cubes (looks like a planet/ sun from far away) among others strange things. Any possible explanation or am I just reaching and it’s all just nonsense?
Notice the dart on the upper right, maybe they were using blow darts to shoot the people with drugs as was reported?
Perhaps! They were scaring people to create a stampede towards the Eye Tunnel on the stage. It was a classic Saturn Assault Death ritual.
This may be a tactical reference to the Corona pandemic vaccines, and “I Can’t Breathe”?
All while rushing towards the All-Seeing Eye gateway with flames of YHWH’s Saturn Apocalypse.

Are you unaware that Scott has bin using occult imagery for most his career? He is trying to be provocative for attention. Your post shows what he is doing works. It’s an effective gimmick. Far from the first artist or music genre to figure that out. Robert Johnson one of the godfathers of the Blues by the mid 1930’s would say he sold his soul to the devil for his skills as a bluesman. It was an affective pitch as many have never even heard his music, but have heard the legend of him trading his soul for his guitar skills. Black Sabbath, DMX, Jay Z, Rihanna and more all have for the same reason used occult images.
I respectfully disagree. This bad boy is initiated. You can detect it from the telltale usage of key symbols and his mastery over them. The entire entertainment industry is saturated with these initiated influencers and the secret NWO cabal’s handling of them.

Always dancing and making up words while the suffering takes place, turning once inhabitable and civil social communities into a place of decline to bring and open lower levels of the world. A showing of shit can only be described of these rituals by those from the most depraved areas of the darkest city culture to create and act out depictions of the lower hells. It’s sad how they influence consumer culture, are all over social media and procreation methods of future generations and it’s worrying due to the lower levels of human brain function they exhibit and pass along

Mar 13, 2019
Something Extremely Dark Happened at Travis Scott’s Deadly “Astroworld” Festival
Travis Scott’s “Astroworld” festival ended up killing at least eight people. However, the show never stopped. Quite to the contrary, it was a crescendo of dark imagery which was described by some as “knocking on the gates of hell”. Here’s a look at the insanity that was Astroworld 2021.

Reports emerging from the Astrowold festival, which took place in Houston on November 5th, are horrifying. Travis Scott’s concert, described as “dark and hellish” by people present, was the site of at least eight deaths and countless injuries. Throughout the entire time, and despite pleas from the public, the show never stopped. As Travis performed in front of a background that was described by some as “the gates of hell”, lifeless bodies were being carried away by security.
Soon after the concert, social media was flooded with accounts by concertgoers who felt a “dark energy” throughout the event which prompted many to declare that the entire thing was a satanic ritual sacrifice. These suspicions were only amplified when reports emerged that several people in the crowd (and at least one security guard) were “pricked” by a needle. Not only did these people get injected with an unknown drug, but these assaults prompted panic in the crowd which lead to people fainting and getting trampled.
Here’s a look at the insanity that was Astroworld 2021.
Eerie Promotion
Over four years ago, I published the article How Travis Scott Got Recruited by the Industry, where I explained how the symbolism surrounding him changed drastically after he got involved with the Kardashians. Since then, things only got darker and more satanic. Weird fact: The festival took place on Kris Jenner’s 66th birthday.
Fast forward to a couple of days before the Astroworld festival 2021: Scott releases the song Escape Plan. This is the top comment on YouTube.
Indeed, those who died at Astroworld literally could not escape it.
This is the art that accompanied the song.
Spoofing the Weekly World News’ infamous “bat boy” cover, Scott’s art contains the eerie words “The True Dystopia is here!” and “When the end arrives its really the beginning”.
The promotion surrounding the Astroworld festival is all about death and portals.
People are being sucked into “another universe” under the watchful eye of the occult elite. Sadly, this is exactly what happened at the actual festival.
This image promoting the event is similarly eerie: The eyes of the elite watching over this epicenter of dark vibrational energy that was the Astroworld festival.
As you’ll see, there was really “dark vibrational energy” going on at that festival.
The Astroworld festival took place on November 5th, which is a few days after Samhain – the ancient festival of death and sacrifice. (The Day of the Dead is observed on November 2 each year. It follows on from All Hallows Eve on October 31 and The Day of the Children and All Saints Day on November 1 where the Catholics honor the dead. )
The week around November 1st is known to be the time of the year when the “veil” between this world and the “underworld” is the thinnest. In occult circles, Samhain is still observed and it is celebrated with animal and human sacrifice. (It is also the time when the worshipers of death celebrate the conquering of light by darkness as winter moves in and the days become shorter and the nights are longer and darker.)
A screenshot from the Satanic Cult Awareness document found on the Office of Justice Programs website. It describes the occult activities happening around Samhain.
In this article about Samhain, a druid states:
Samhain is a time when the doorway to the “other world” is open and we can commune with the dead—a time of divination.
Appropriately enough, everything about Astroworld is all about a “doorway to another world”.
The show began with a fiery, hellish mountain inside which a giant eyeball gazes at the public. (The mountain is also covered with eyes. The single eye in the center represents the ALL Seeing Eye of Horus. The other eyes are the surveilling eyes of the elite, they are watching everything and everyone.)
Throughout the show, that hole in the mountain turns into a spirally portal.
Inside that “portal” was sometimes written: “See ya on the other side”. Eerie.
Travis Scott was wearing a shirt depicting a person entering a “portal” and emerging transformed. (It actually shows a line of blue people (blue meaning spiritually dead, and coming out in the form of demons.)
It did not take long before the show turned into chaos as crowd movement caused people to faint and get trampled.
A police vehicle transporting a dead or injured person attempts to leave the venue.
Although fainting is not uncommon during these events, Astroworld turned into carnage. As more people got hurt, people requested for the show to stop, but it never did.
In this disturbing video, people attempt to get the attention of festival staff, yelling “stop the show” because “someone is dying” … to no avail.
— Barb Status (@barb_status) November 6, 2021
Amidst this mayhem, people in the crowd got injected with an unknown substance using a needle, including a security guard who got pricked in the neck.
TMZ reports.
The Houston PD’s Chief, Troy Finner, just confirmed what we’d been told … namely, that at least one person had been injected with something via needle — and there well may have been more.
Chief Finner said a security guard working the event felt a prick in his neck by an unknown assailant while he was trying to restrain a citizen — and he quickly fell unconscious. Finner says the guard was revived by use of NARCAN … and that medical personnel did, indeed, see something on his neck that indicated he’d been stabbed with a syringe.
Finner also said some people had been trampled, so it appears there was a mix of reasons why people were injured/passing out … and perhaps why some died. The total number of people who’ve passed away remains at 8, and autopsies are underway to determine the causes of death for each. (…)
What many will be looking for here is whether there’s any evidence to suggest the 8 people who’ve died thus far might’ve been triggered into cardiac arrest via outside influence or a third party … namely, a would-be culprit who was allegedly going around and injecting folks with a syringe.
At one point, people were actually chanting “stop the show”.
Fans urged and pleaded with Travis Scott to stop the #ASTROFEST show amid the mass casualty event. He continues to sing. pic.twitter.com/xsBdX2Ew3x
— Drama For The Girls (@dramaforthegirl) November 6, 2021
But the show never stopped. In fact, it was a crescendo of hellish, occult elite imagery.
At one point, the mountain was filled with creepy eyes watching over as people were literally dying.
Towards the end of the show, giant hands appeared over the portal. That’s not right.
Lots of Travis Scott fans left the show traumatized and utterly convinced that they’ve witnessed something demonic.
Here’s is an account from a fan who attended the show and witnessed several unconscious or dead people. He also mentions the fact that people VIP section – which contained celebrities and people who paid thousands of dollars for a ticket – were witnessing the mayhem in complete safety … and did not want to see injured people in their section. That’s some Squid Game VIP-type stuff.
In Conclusion
Everything surrounding Astroworld 2021 was dark, eerie and the foreboding was just disturbing to the core. Accounts from people who experienced the show live mention weird “vibrations” that could be heard throughout. Throughout the show, a loud, unsettling synth kept playing over Scott’s songs which gave a chilling, horror-movie quality to the performance.
In short, the fact that the last moments of at least eight people took place in this nightmarish setting, in front of a literal portal to hell, is a thought that is difficult to fathom. However, this is exactly the type of energy sick, occult-minded individuals seek to generate and harness through mega-rituals.
Was this show purposely manufactured to turn into a human sacrifice event during the Samhain week? Difficult to say. However, one thing is for sure: When everything is done to make an event as dark and demonic as possible, dark and demonic things happen. Don’t get sucked into that portal.
Astroworld: Travis Scott’s Occult Themed Mass Casualty Festival
(Chaz Anon) Travis Scott is an uber-famous rapper who is not only known for his music but also his mega-celebrity relationship with the youngest of the Kardashian witches of the West, Kylie Jenner. He began his career behind the scenes, producing music and collaborating with Kanye West, Jay-Z, and Madonna. And like most of the mainstream rappers today, he also appears to be heavily into occultism, with plenty of evidence found in his music videos and the artwork associated with his Astroworld Music Festival.
Going through the CERN like portal to HELL

Travis Scott the Monarch Mind Controlled Slave

Travis is now Illuminated by Lucifer
According to Vigilant Citizen, “Scott has been recruited to promote the elite’s MK Ultra symbolism to his hordes of young fans. When a new artist shows talent, charisma and star potential, it doesn’t take long before they get recruited by the elite. Afterwards, their work becomes “tainted” with their agenda.”

Kylie Jenner’s Blood Sacrifice
What is Astroworld? Who is Travis Scott? And other things to know about the incident
(CNN)At least eight people were killed and many others injured after a crowd surged forward while rapper Travis Scott was on stage at the Astroworld Festival in Houston on Friday night.
The incident occurred when the crowd surged toward the stage, crushing those at the front who were unable to escape, local fire chief Sam Peña told CNN Saturday morning. That sparked panic, and the situation worsened and overwhelmed security personnel there, he said.Astroworld issued a statement on Instagram on Saturday morning that said: “Our hearts are with the Astroworld festival family tonight — especially those we lost and their loved ones.“We are focused on supporting local officials however we can. With that in mind the festival will no longer be held on Saturday [..] Thank you to our partners at the Houston Police Department, Fire Department and NRG Park for their response and support.”Here’s what you need to know about Astroworld and Travis Scott:Who is Travis Scott?
Travis Scott is a 30-year-old US rapper, singer and record producer from Houston, Texas. He is best known for his 2018 album “Astroworld” — which the festival is named after. He is a popular artist and has previously collaborated with other prominent rappers including Drake, Young Thug and others. He shares a child with Kylie Jenner and the couple are expecting again.What is Astroworld?
Astroworld is a music festival founded by Scott and held in Houston on the former site of Six Flags Astroworld — this year is its third iteration, as it was canceled last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The festival was first launched by Scott in 2018, the same year that the studio album of the same name was released, and the original line-up consisted of performers such as Post Malone, Metro Boomin, Lil Wayne, Scott himself and others.Enter your email to subscribe to the CNN Five Things Newsletter.close dialogThe 2019 version of the festival came with an expanded lineup, included more genres such as reggaeton and hard rock and was headlined by artists including Gucci Mane, Rosalia, Migos, Pharrell Williams and Megan thee Stallion.After the cancellation of the 2020 event, Scott collaborated with Epic Games to provide a virtual Astroworld themed event in the video game “Fortnite.”The 2021 iteration of Astroworld was described as including a new creative theme called “Open Your Eyes To A Whole New Universe” which would “bring back the beloved spirit and nostalgia of the legendary and now-defunct amusement park — AstroWorld — that Scott visited countless times as a child,” according to a press release on the festival from October.A portion of the proceeds from Astroworld were due to be donated to the festival’s official charity partner, Cactus Jack Foundation, which was founded by Scott to “empower and enrich the lives of youth by providing access to education and creative resources to ensure long-term success.”Why Houston?
Houston is Scott’s home city, and is where Six Flags Astroworld — an amusement park — was once located. That closed in 2005 and Scott named his third album after the theme park.Who was set to perform?
The 2021 lineup included SZA, Tame Impala, Bad Bunny, Earth, Wind & Fire, 21 Savage, Baby Keem, Chief Keef, Master P, BIA, Don Toliver, Young Thug and more.In 2019, there were 50,000 attendees at Astroworld and 100,000 tickets went on sale for the 2021 festival — the tickets for this year’s iteration sold out within 30 minutes of launching. In previous years, the festival was a one-day event, and the 2021 version was supposed to take place on November 5 and November 6.Have there been problems with Astroworld before?
Three people were trampled and hospitalized in November 2019 as thousands rushed to get into the Astroworld Festival. They were all sent to the hospital with leg injuries, and the event continued as planned.

Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode I welcome Author Troy McLachlan to discuss the Electric Universe and it’s role in creating parasite predator class of elites that are Saturn Worshipers. This episode fills in some many gaps in the big picture. Troy McLachlan states his case for the Mt. Rushmore of Tin Foil Hat. Thank you so much for your support.
Oct 2nd: Morris Plains, NJ- Sam Tripoli is headlining the Dojo Of Comedy

About Today’s Guest:Troy McLachlan returns after 7 years, to discuss the revised and expanded version of his classic book, The Saturn Death Cult. He has since written a few others, including The Purple Dawn of Creation: A Journey To A Time Before Time Began and Donald Trump: An American Jehu.Source: TheHighersideChats
We are all explorers trying to find ourselves…Some people around you will not understand your journey. They don’t need to; it’s not for them.

yes the t.v. talks to you it is a living entity the people in the t.v. are watching you

What type of person belongs to the Saturn Death Cult? Could Prince Phillip’s comments to charity ladies be any indication? When billionaires like Hilton and Rothchild get married can we see this cult’s obsession with the “Golden Age”? Troy McLachlan lays out how the ancient past laid the foundation for a group of greedy slave masters convinced the world to create an Utopia for them upon the seat of our backs. Learn how this relates to the Eye in the Pyramid and the Electric Universe.
The mainstream leads us to the acceptance of Trauma-based Mind Control. Can we achieve a new Golden Age with exploration and expansion of our minds? What is the simple truth about money and how are the Banking Elite riding on our backs, treating us as slaves, and creating the Myth of Authority? Are The Elite actually in control? How much power does the Common Man hold? Mind control comes straight through Hollywood and the Black Dahlia case is an early example of Satanic Ritual Abuse and the conclusion that Serial Killers as “Fall Guys” for the Baby-Eating Elite.
Troy McLachlan is a British national brought up in New Zealand and earned a bachelor’s degree in Asian and American politics before embarking on an advertising and television/film industry career. Inspired by the cosmology of the Electric Universe hypotheses and its ability to provide rational and natural explanations for the mythological record, Troy recognized that the god Saturn plays an important role in some of the world’s more deviant esoteric traditions. He wrote the website and kindle-book “The Saturn Death Cult” as an attempt to forge a link between the implications of “Saturn Theory” and its detrimental effect on the beliefs of certain Saturnian-based occult groups and agendas.