TAGS:  Calendars, Gregorian, Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Mesopotamian, Hebrew, French, God’s Calendar, Calendar Restored, TRUMPETS, TABERNACLES, Yom Kippur, the Rapture, The Second Coming, The Zodiac, Signs in the Heavens, Solarium, Astronomy, Astrology, TIME, Seasons, Appointed Feasts, Jesus Christ, Resurrection, Judgement, Babylon, Israel, New Moon, Elohim, Planetary Systems, Stars, 12 Tribes, God’s Light, God’s Forgiveness, Repentance, Enoch, New Jerusalem

Everyone is talking about the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset, which is not at all in the best interest of anyone but the elite.  That is not the RESET that I am addressing today.  I am calling everyone to RESET their CLOCKS TO GOD’s TIME!!!

This is one of the most exciting posts that I have ever been blessed to post.  Such wonderful GOOD NEWS!  Our Heavenly Father is opening more truth to us.  You must understand that timing is everything.  God will not reveal certain things to us until just the right time.  It is for our protection and to prevent His enemies from interfering.

Since my walk with HIM began, He has made it clear that EVERYTHING that I had ever been taught was a lie!! Let me tell you, that really throws you off balance.  It is hard to deal with NOT KNOWING what or who to trust and what to believe.  Since then, I have lived by one policy… IF I DON’T hear it from GOD HIMSELF, I will not believe it.

We are living in a time when everything is suspect.  Nothing we hear, see, smell, taste, feel can be trusted.  The deception runs so deep and technology is so advanced they can fool us.

One thing that I have been struggling with since I began my walk with Him is the holidays. Now, He has whown me that all the so called “Christian” holidays are pagan and we are not to practice them.  I know that HIS APPOINTED FEASTS are the only Holidays that should matter to us.  However, when are they?  I have not been able to determine that.

Another thing that I have learned is that TIME and the SEASONS have all been changed/perverted.  That should not surprise us.  God’s word tells us that the ANTICHRIST will seek to change TIMES AND SEASONS, and LAWS.  The method of keeping time has been perverted since way back in the beginning.

This creates a problem, because GOD gets very offended if we celebrate his feasts on the wrong days.

I have looked at just about every attempt that has been made to re-establish God’s Calendar.  All of them seemed to me to be so complicated and confusing.  I know that GOD does not confuse us.  He does not make things hard.  In fact he created the calendar to help us understand his plan and know the times and seasons.

GOD created TIME.  This earth we live on is temporary and has a set expiration date.  When we followed GOD’s timekeeping we were on solid ground.  But, the enemy perverted the plan, occulted it and erased the truth from our minds.

WELL,  GOOD NEWS TODAY FOLKS!!  God has revealed his true Calendar to some very serious researchers.  I have a serious confirmation that what you are about to see is straight from the thrown.  Now, always remember that we are all just learning and God is continually revealing new truths to us.  So, we remain flexible and GO WITH GOD.

Take some time and really listen to the videos in this post.  Take notes, research for yourself and pray.  We are living in the last days.  THERE IS NO DOUBT!

I pray that this post will bring you great comfort and blessings.



Sep 20, 2021



The sacred calendar is a central part of the true Gospel, because it determines the true Sabbath days, which are crucial signs of Yahweh (Ex. 31:13; Ezk. 20:12, 20). By these Sabbath signs Yahweh shows who He has personally sanctified. True, we are forgiven when we repent and accept the offering of Yahshua the Messiah (i.e. His sacrifice; Heb. 10:10). But the evidence that we are in fact sanctified by Yahweh is that we keep Yahweh’s true Sabbaths (See again Ex. 31:13; Ezk. 20:12, 20). The restoration of Yahweh’s calendar system is, therefore, a top priority of the International Congregation of Yahweh.

Most professing Christians have been lead to believe all they have to do is “believe” in the Messiah and their eternal life is assured; that all the “Old Testament” observances of holy days have been “done away.” Nothing could be further from the clear teachings of Scripture. “Belief” without obedience to the Law of Yahweh is contrary to the true Gospel Yahshua came preaching (Luke 6:46; Matt. 7:23). He said “Repent.” So we must know the Law before we can repent. Breaking that Law is sin. This includes the weekly and annual Sabbaths.

Until the latter part of the 20th century, the true Biblical calendar had been lost in antiquity. In its place, various civil and evangelical calendar schemes have been substituted over the centuries.

The Hebrew calendar is accepted by many as the true Scriptural calendar, which it is not. A copy of this calendar is found in “The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar 1900-2000” by Arthur Spier (1952). In truth, the historical evidence shows beyond any reasonable doubt, the present Hebrew calendar is simply the ancient Babylonian calendar.

For example, the Hebrew calendar in use today uses the unscriptural Babylonian evening-to-evening day (or an equally unscriptural morning-to-morning day). It begins the month with the Babylonian first visible crescent of the moon following the conjunction. Although this is a widely used definition of the New Moon, among many religious groups, it has no Biblical basis whatever.

The true Biblical Calendar must be derived from the Bible itself – not tradition: “Sanctify them through thy truth; Thy word is truth” (John 17:17).


Our Almighty Father gave us a road map, a love letter, written in pictures to help us to stay focused and to rest in his promises.  The pictures in the sky, are available for ALL to see.  So that NO MAN could be without a witness to his plan.  He named the stars.  However, the enemy has obscured the truth and perverted the faith.  ALL pagan religions are perversions of the plan of GOD, with which all ANCIENT peoples were familiar.

If we were smart we would be teaching our children how to read God’s story in the sky and to recognize any signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars that might be forthcoming.  Believe me, the elite KNOW.  They follow the stars extremely closely.

This next article will help you to get a better understanding of GOD’s Astrology/Astronomy and how it has been perverted.


Astral themes

The sky is the most mysterious part of our everyday experience. Familiarity may make the amazing events going on at ground level seem almost ordinary. Plants and animals grow and die, rain falls, rivers flow. We feel we understand that.

But the sky is beyond comprehension. (THIS IS A LIE OUT OF THE PIT OF HELL, they have made it appear to be beyond comprehension in order to Lord over us, and make us feel inferior.) Two great objects travel through it, one hot and constant, the other cold and changeable. In the daytime it is moody; there may be blazing sun, or racing clouds, or darkness followed by thunder and lightning. And yet on a clear night the sky is the very opposite – predictable, if you look hard enough, with recognizable groups of stars moving in a slow but reliable manner.   (EXACTLY, GOD has SET the Sun, Moon and Stars in the Heavens above us and HE ORDERS their movement.  They are CONSTANT)

Man’s interest in the sky is at the heart of three separate stories – astronomy, astrology and the calendar.

Astronomy is the scientific study of sun, moon and stars. Astrology is a pseudo-science interpreting the supposed effect of the heavenly bodies on human existence.  (I trust you can see their deceitfulness in this statement. It is a very well established fact that the Sun, Moon and Stars effect life on earth. More importantly, they not only declare God’s plan, they are part of the fulfillment of that plan.)  In early history the two are closely linked. The sky is the home of many of the gods, who influence life on earth. (wait, what?  So, they are stating that the gods are real and influence life on earth??)  And the patterns in the sky must surely reflect that influence.

Days, months and years

Compilers of a calendar, attempting to record and to predict the passage of time, are offered an easy first step in the cycle of the moon.

The only two measures of time available to primitive people are the day (the space between two nights) and the month (the space between new moons). The month is a well adjusted length of time for recalling fairly recent events, and it has a magic significance through its loose link with the female menstrual period. (Who are these people??  They are talking about gods and MAGIC?)  A far more important slice of time is the year, a full circuit of the earth round the sun – crucial in human activities because of its influence on seasons and crops. But the length of a year is exceptionally hard to measure.

Primitive societies make do with a broad concept, counting the year as starting when leaves sprout on a particular tree or describing someone as having lived through a certain number of harvests.

The only simple yet accurate way of measuring a year is in relation to the stars (though structures such as the passage grave at Newgrange can record an annual position of the sun, at a considerable cost in effort). The stars appear in the night sky at different times and places depending on where the earth is in its orbit round the sun. (This is another LIE! The Sun, Moon and Stars move within the firmament while the EARTH remains “unmovable”. That is the WORD OF GOD.)  A star observed in a given place – on the horizon at dawn, for example – will be there again exactly a year later (Tell me how that could be, if the earth is moving and the Sun and Moon and Stars are constantly moving? Answer:  The earth does not move and the Sun, Moon and Stars are positioned above us and their movements are controlled by GOD!)

In Egypt the temple priests derive much of their prestige from close attention to the stars, enabling them to give the impression of predicting natural events.  (and why is that?  Because the Sun, Moon and Stars foretell God’s Plan)  The best example is their use of Sirius, the Dog Star. It rises above the horizon just before dawn at the time of year when the all-important flooding of the Nile is about to occur. Priests who can foretell this great event are powerful soothsayers. (Anyone who studies the Stars could do the same thing.  But, they withhold that knowledge from the people, so that they can maintain control.)

This observation of Sirius also enables the Egyptians to become the first people to move from a lunar to a solar calendar.

Lunar and solar years

In Mesopotamia, where the Babylonians are the leading astronomers, (so these folks consider the Babylonians to be “scientists” because remember they call astronomy science.)  the calendar is a simple lunar one. So probably is the first Egyptian calendar. And a lunar calendar is still in use today in Islam. But such a calendar has one major disadvantage.  ALL ORIGINAL CALENDARS WERE LUNAR!

The length of a lunar month, from one new moon to the next, is 29.5 days. So twelve lunar months are 354 days, approximately 11 days short of a solar year. In a lunar year each of the twelve months slips steadily back through the seasons (as happens now with the Muslim calendar), returning to its original position only after 32 years.

In some lunar calendars an extra month is inserted from time to time to keep in step with the solar year. This happens in Mesopotamia and in republican Rome, and it remains the case today in the Jewish calendar.

But the Egyptian priests’ observation of Sirius enables them to count the number of days in a solar year. They make it 365. They then very logically adjust (OR CHANGE) the twelve months of the lunar year, making each of them 30 days long and adding 5 extra days at the end of the year. Compared to anybody else’s calendar at the time this is very satisfactory. But there is a snag.  (ALWAYS A PROBLEM, WHEN YOU TRY TO OUTSMART GOD!)

The priests cannot have failed to notice that every four years Sirius appears one day later. The reason is that the solar year is more exactly 365 days and 6 hours. The Egyptians make no adjustment for this, with the result that their calendar slides backwards through the seasons just like a lunar one but much more slowly. Instead of 32 years with the moon, it is 1460 years before Sirius rises again on the first day of the first month.

It is known from the records that in AD 139 Sirius rises on the first day of the first Egyptian month. This makes it certain that the Egyptian calendar is introduced one or two full cycles (1460 or 2920 years) earlier, either in 1321 or 2781 BC – with the earlier date considered more probable.

Julian and Mayan calendars: 1st century BC

The Roman calendar introduced by Julius Caesar, and subsequently known as the Julian calendar, gets far closer to the solar year than any predecessor. By the 1st century BC reform in Rome has become an evident necessity. The existing calendar is a lunar one with extra months slipped in from to time in an attempt to adjust it. In Caesar’s time this calendar is three months out in relation to the seasons.

On the advice of Sosigenes, a learned astronomer from Alexandria, Caesar adds ninety days to the year 46 BC and starts a new calendar on 1 January 45 (Are you beginning to understand how our TIMES and SEASONS have gotten so far off.  There really is no way to be certain what year we are in currently.)

Sosigenes advises Caesar that the length of the solar year is 365 days and six hours. (says who?  GOD is the one who determine how long a day, week, month or year will be.  In fact, he cares not about those divisions made by man.)  The natural solution is to add a day every fourth year – introducing the concept of the leap year. The extra day is added to February, the shortest of the Roman months.

Spread through the Roman empire, and later throughout Christendom, this calendar proves very effective for many centuries. Only much later does a flaw yet again appear. The reason is that the solar year is not 365 days and 6 hours but 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. The difference amounts to only one day in 130 years. But over the span of history even that begins to show. Another adjustment will eventually be necessary.

While Julius Caesar is improving on the solar calendar of 365 days, a similar calendar has been independently arrived at on the other side of the Atlantic. Devised originally by the Olmecs of central America, it is perfected in about the 1st century AD by the Maya.

The Maya, establishing that there are 365 days in the year, divide them into 18 months of 20 days. Like the Egyptians (who have 12 months of 30 days), they complete the year by adding 5 extra days at the end – days which are considered to be extremely unlucky for any undertaking. An unusual aspect of the Mayan system is the Calendar Round, a 52-year cycle in which no two days have the same name.

The working week

Unlike the day, the month or the year, the week is an entirely artificial period of time. (NO, GOD established WEEKS!!  6 days shall you work and on the 7th day you shall rest.)  It is probably first made necessary by the demands of trade. Hunter-gatherers and primitive farmers have no need of such a concept, but commerce benefits from regularity. The original weeks are almost certainly the gaps between market days.

Weeks of this kind vary from four days among some African tribes to ten days in the Inca civilization and in China. In ancient China a five-day week sets the working pattern for the Confucian civil service, every fifth day being a ‘bath and hair-washing day’. Later this is extended to a ten-day week, with the three periods of each month known as the first, middle and last bath.

There are two possible sources for the seven-day week. One is the biblical creation story. From those times the Israelites have a week of this length, with the seventh day reserved for rest and worship (a pattern reflected in the Bible’s account of creation).

The other and more likely source is Rome, (Seriously, what hogwash. They love to create their own history.) where the equivalent of the modern week is adopted in about the 1st century AD – a time and a place where the Jewish tradition would have little influence. The number of days in the week derives probably, through astrology, from the seven known planets – which also provide the names of the days (see Days of the week).  (Planets in the WORD OF GOD, means wandering STARS.  There are no Planets as “Science” defines them.)

Jewish and Muslim calendars

The Jewish calendar combines lunar and solar cycles. It is given its present form in 921 after a great debate between supporters of two slightly different systems.  (So we see that the Jews are also part of the changing of the Times and Seasons.)

In origin the calendar goes back to the captivity in Babylon, when the Jews adopt the Babylonians’ calendar and their names for the months. They are lunar months of 30 or 29 days. In every second or third year an extra month of 30 days is added to keep the calendar in approximate step with the solar year. This constitutes a crucial difference between the Jewish and Muslim systems.

The Muslim calendar is the only one in widespread use to be based uncompromisingly on lunar months, with no adjustments to bring the years into balance with the solar cycle.

The twelve months are alternately 29 and 30 days long (the lunar cycle is approximately 29.5 days), giving a year of 354 days. There are two significant results. Muslim months bear no relation to the seasons, and Muslim years do not coincide with those of other chronologies. There are about 103 lunar years in a solar century. By the millennium there will have been 1421 lunar years but only 1378 solar years from the start of Muslim chronology in AH 1 or622. The year AH 1421 will be 2000.

Gregorian calendar: 1582-1917

By the 16th century the seemingly minor error in the Julian calendar (estimating the solar year to be 11 minutes and 14 seconds shorter than it actually is) has accumulated to a ten-day discrepancy between the calendar and reality. It is most noticeable on occasions such as the equinox, now occuring ten days earlier than the correct calendar dates of March 21 and September 23.

Pope Gregory XIII employs a German Jesuit and astronomer, Christopher Clavius, to find a solution. Calculating that the error amounts to three days in 400 years, Clavius suggests an ingenious adjustment.

His proposal, which becomes the basis of the calendar known after the commissioning pope as Gregorian, is that century years (or those ending in ’00’) should only be leap years if divisible by 400. This eliminates three leap years in every four centuries and neatly solves the problem. The result, in the centuries since the reform, is that 1600 and 2000 are normal leap years, but the intervening 1700, 1800 and 1900 do not include February 29.

Gregory puts the proposal into immediate effect in the papal states, announcing that the day after October 4 in 1582 will be October 15 – thus saving the lost ten days.

The pope’s lead is followed in the same year by Spain, Portugal, France and most Italian states. The German-speaking Roman Catholic states comply in 1583.

Other Christian realms drag their feet on the issue, reluctant to admit that the pope in Rome has a point. The Lutheran states of Germany change in 1700. Great Britain delays until 1752, by which time the gap is eleven days. Some of the British prove exceptionally dim over the issue, fearing that their lives are being shortened and in places even rioting for the return of the missing days. Imperial Russia never makes the change; it is introduced after the revolution, in 1918. (Potentially confusing dates, near the change-over years, are identified by historians with the codes OS or Old Style for the Julian version and NS or New Style for the Gregorian equivalent.)

More precise measurements in the 20th century have introduced a further refinement of the Gregorian calendar, though not one of immediate significance. As adjusted for pope Gregory, the present system adds one day in every 3,323 years. The accepted solution is that years divisible by 4000 will not be leap years.

February 29 will therefore be dropped unexpectedly in 2000 years’ time. In 4000, even though the year is divisible by 400, March 1 will follow February 28 in the normal way. Julius Caesar and Sosigenes would no doubt be impressed by this ultimate refinement of their system, making it accurate to within one day in 20,000 years.

French republican calendar: 1793

The calendar devised during 1793 by a committee of the republican Convention in Paris combines the rational and the impractical in a way characteristic of much French revolutionary activity. It is entirely logical and slightly ridiculous.

The intention is to celebrate the French introduction of a new world era and to sweep away the religious superstitions of the past. By a happy coincidence the first day after the abolition of the monarchy in 1792 is the autumn equinox (September 22), suggesting that even the planetary system recognizes a new beginning. This date now becomes the first day of Year I in the republican calendar.

The Gregorian reform of the calendar has established the necessary system of leap years, which the committee can only follow. However they are free to divide the 365 days of the normal year on a more rational basis than the traditional months and weekdays. They go for twelve months of 30 days, subdivided into three weeks of 10 days (with a day of rest on every tenth day rather than every seventh, implying a revolutionary increase in productivity) (BREAKING GOD’s COMMANDMENT)

The five extra days are grouped as holidays at the end of the year and are called sansculottides. (A sans-culotte, meaning ‘without knee-breeches’, is the contemporary phrase for a revolutionary – describing someone radical enough to wear the more informal trousers).

The ten weekdays are named unimaginatively by their numbers, but a great deal of effort is put into finding vivid names for the months. These are devised by the poet Fabre d’Églantine, a close friend of Danton‘s (they die together on the scaffold six months after the calendar is adopted).

Fabre d’Églantine’s names reflect the changing weather and crops of the year, with considerable effort being made to find verbal rhythms to suit the moods of the seasons. His months are Vendémiaire, Brumaire, Frimaire (the autumn), Nivôse, Pluviôse, Ventôse (winter), Germinal, Floréal, Prairial (spring), Messidor, Thermidor, Fructidor (summer).

A satirical version is immediately provided by George Ellis, an English poet deeply hostile to French revolutionary pretensions. He translates d’Églantine’s efforts (beginning in January 1 with Nivôse) as: ‘Snowy, Flowy, Blowy, Showery, Flowery, Bowery, Hoppy, Croppy, Droppy, Breezy, Sneezy, Freezy’.

The system is imposed by the French on all the sister republics set up in Europe from 1795 (though as a calendar for a new world era it is unfortunate that the names of the months only match the seasons in the northern hemisphere). However it is abruptly dropped by Napoleon in 1805, when he wants to improve relationships with the pope. France reverts to the Gregorian calendar on 1 January 1806.

DO you see how arbitrary and ridiculous all that is?  I would get into the spiritual aspect of each of those progressions, but it would take up too much time and space for this post.  So, let us look at the Hebrew Calendar which should reflect GOD’s plan and commandments.  Like it or not, GOD gave man language, letters, numbers, and TIME keeping.  He establish HIS form of a Calendar.  He has every right as CREATOR to make the rules.  Man is foolish to think that he can do better than GOD.

Hebrew Calendars

Ancient biblical calendars – understanding dates/times recorded in the Bible

Extraordinary Eighth Month in the Jewish Calendar

History of the Jewish Calendar

New Moon

The accurate determination of the new Moon was always of the utmost importance to the Hebrews, because if they were not precise with the exact time of the new moon it would upset their whole calendar, and the Lord of the calendar would be sought on the wrong days. If the Lord is indeed the Lord of times and seasons and designed a calendar, then it was their duty to observe it with accuracy and heart-felt passion.

Day and Night

Evening to Evening

The Jewish calendar reckons the days from evening to evening starting at 6:00 pm because of the Scripture:

“And there was evening and there was morning, one day” (Gen 1:5).

When it turns nighttime the day  ends and a new one begins. Therefore the day consists of two periods, the period of light (day) and the period of darkness (night).

Daytime to Nighttime

The transition from daytime to nighttime, from light to darkness, and vice versa, is very gradual. Daytime ends just before sunset, and continues until shortly after sunset. Daytime begins just before sunrise and continues until shortly after sunrise. The two periods of transition cannot be defined very accurately, and they are called “erev” and “boker” (evening and morning). There is also a word in the Hebrew “neshef” (dawn and twilight).

I believe that GOD intentionally did not define a day in the form of minutes and hours.  Man committed that abomination in order to control our time, our days, our labor.  This was to get us focused on the minute things and keep our minds off the things of GOD.

Beginning of Night

Nighttime, which we mentioned is the borderline between two consecutive days, is the moment when three stars of the second magnitude become visible (zet ha-kokabim). Thus the length of a day is “from the rising of the morning” (Neh 4:21) “until the stars appear.”

This puts everything in GOD’s control.  Which man has always tried to USURP!

The Day

The Jewish calendar reckons the days from evening to evening because of the Scripture:

“And there was evening and there was morning, one day” (Gen 1:5).

When it turns nighttime the day ends and a new one begins. Therefore the day consists of two periods, the period of light (day) and the period of darkness (night).  (HOW SIMPLE IS THAT?)

The Week

The Week consists of seven days, which are distinguished from one another depending upon their position in the week. (NOT BY NAMES, CERTAINLY NOT NAMES OF PAGAN gods) They are referred to as the first day, the second day, the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day, and the seventh day (Sabbath). The Sabbath was the most important day in the week and the term “Shabbat” means that week’s were regarded from Sabbath to Sabbath. The Sabbath also referred to longer periods of rest, the year was sometimes called a Sabbath, and this church age his referred to in the Bible as the Sabbath.

The Month

The Moon passes through her different phases

Ps 104:19 “He appointed the moon for seasons; The sun knows its going down.”

These phases of the moon serve as a measure of time and their period is one lunar month. In simplicity the months are determined by full days and set with the beginning of night.

The Year

Even though the Hebrews divided the year by lunar months, it was revealed by the Lord that the first month should be in the spring:

Ex 12:1-3 “Now the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, “This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak to all the congregation of Israel�”

The Leap Year

As the lunar year consists of 12 months, or 354 days, 8 hours, and 589 parts, it is shorter than the solar year by 10 days, 21 hours, and 204 parts, and so every two or three years the difference is equalized by the addition of a month (intercalary month), following the twelve-month. 

Three Periods of History

The history of a Jewish Calendar is divided into three periods: the Biblical, the Talmudic, and the post Talmudic. During the Biblical period the understanding of the Calendar was based entirely upon the observation of the sun and the moon. The Talmudic period rested upon observation and reckoning, and the post Talmudic period rested entirely upon reckoning. The Hebrews studied astronomy very carefully because of their intense need for accurate dates in keeping the festivals. The Lord gave the command in Deuteronomy 16:1:

“keep the month of Aviv,”

and made it necessary for the Hebrews to become very acquainted with the position of the sun. Also the command:

“observe the moon and sanctify it,

made it necessary for the Hebrews to study the phases of the moon.

Calendar Numerals

Originally, the Hebrews employed numerals to distinguish one month from another. The month by which the spring season (Aviv) commenced was the first month (Exod 12:2; Deut 16:1), the other months were referred to as the second month, the third month, etc. The Bible reveals some traces of names of months: Aviv is revealed as the first month; Ziv, the second month (1 Kings 6:1); Etanim, the seventh month (1 Kings 8:2); and Bul, the eigth month ( 1 Kings 6:38).

Note: In post exilic books Babylonian names are employed.

The Jewish Calendar in Ancient Hebrew History

Bible History Online



BibleAnd the ship rested in the seventh month, on the 17th day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.

“in the seventh month, on the 17th day of the month.” This is the same day of the year that Jesus rose from the dead! The day that humanity was safe because Noah’s ark touched down safely on the land was the same day that Jesus rose from the dead and human life was safe and assured that there would be a resurrection to everlasting life.

It is difficult to see the parallel between Noah’s ark and Jesus for two major reasons: God changed the order of the months in the Hebrew calendar at the time of Moses, and orthodox Christianity teaches that Jesus died on Friday and got up Sunday morning, which makes seeing the parallel between Noah and Jesus impossible. We will look at both of these reasons.

At the time of Noah, the first month of the year was Tishri, and the seventh month of the year was Abib, also called Nisan. But at the time of Moses, God changed the calendar and made Abib the first month (Exod. 12:1-2), which made Tishri the seventh month. So at the time of Noah, the ark touched down on land in the seventh month, which was Abib at that time and thus was the same month that Jesus died.

Furthermore, Genesis 8:4 tells us that Noah’s ark touched down on land on the 17th day of the seventh month. We know from the Law of Moses that the Passover lamb was killed on the 14th of Nisan (Exod. 12:3-6Lev. 23:4-5). Also, Jesus taught that just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, he would be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matt. 12:40). The orthodox church has fudged the counting of the three days and nights and asserts that Jesus was buried on Friday at sunset and raised from the dead before sunrise on Sunday morning, and yet orthodoxy teaches that that short time period is three days and three nights. But Friday at sunset to before sunrise Sunday morning is simply not three days and three nights. Furthermore, if Friday was the day Jesus died and was buried and was the 14th of Nisan, then Sunday would be the 16th of Nisan, whereas Noah’s ark landed on the 17th of Nisan, and thus there would not be any parallel between Jesus’ resurrection and Noah’s ark.

When we study the Bible carefully, we see that Jesus was crucified on the morning of the 14th of Nisan and died at 3 PM later that day, the same time as the priests were slaughtering the Passover lamb in the Temple. Then Jesus was put “in the heart of the earth,” that is, in the tomb, close to sunset. The year Jesus died, the 14th of Nisan was a Wednesday, and from Wednesday the 14th of Nisan in the evening to the evening on Thursday the 15th of Nisan was one day and one night in the heart of the earth. Then to Friday the 16th of Nisan at evening was two days and two nights, and to Saturday the 17th of Nisan at evening was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, and it was Saturday evening when Jesus got up from the dead. Thus Jesus got up from the dead on the 17th of Nisan, the same day of the year that Noah’s ark landed.

In the Bible, going under water was sometimes symbolic of being dead, which is why in baptism a person goes under water and thus symbolically dies, and then comes up out of the water, symbolically being raised from the dead into new life. That symbolism is certainly part of the Noah’s ark record. The flood put humankind in danger of everlasting death—if every person on earth died then no Savior would ever be born and so everyone would die and be dead forever. Furthermore, even while the ark was floating around in the water there was still a danger of it sinking and the eight people on board—everyone left on earth—dying. But when the ark touched down on the 17th of Abib humankind was safe—well, at least for the moment. But the Savior still needed to come and complete his work and fully conquer death in order for humankind to be truly safe from everlasting death. And Jesus’ conquest of death occurred on the evening of the 17th of Abib, when our Savior, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead and made everlasting life a true reality. When Jesus rose from the dead, it was obvious that humankind was truly safe.

Another parallel between Noah’s ark and Jesus Christ is that after the ark landed on the 17th day of the seventh month, Noah had to stay on the ark until the 27th day of the second month of the following year, a period of seven months and ten days, while he waited for the earth to dry up and be fit for human life. In a similar situation, like Noah waited on the ark, humankind is now waiting on earth with all its corruption and unrighteousness, waiting for Christ to return and set up his godly kingdom on earth, and at that time the earth will be truly fit for wonderful human life.

So the Noah’s ark record and the record of Jesus’ burial and resurrection have a wonderful parallel. The day that Noah’s ark touched down on the earth was the 17th of Abib, and the day Jesus rose from the dead was the 17th of Abib, and once again we can see the magnificent hand of God at work planning for the complete redemption of mankind and weaving the story of Jesus Christ through the Old Testament records.

[To see a much more complete explanation of the three days and nights between Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the 14th of Abib being on a Wednesday, see commentary on Matthew 12:40. For more on the chronology of the last week of Jesus’ life beginning with his arrest, see commentary on John 18:13, “first.” For more on Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus burying Jesus, see commentary on John 19:40. For more on Christ’s wonderful future kingdom on earth, see Appendix 3, “Christ’s Future Kingdom on Earth”].


We’ve learned about the Jewish year, and Hebrew calendar with all of it’s intricacies, precision and wonder. God is a stickler on timing, events, and their meaning. His calendar is marked in the stars, kept by the moon, observed by the sun, and ordered in the rotation of the earth. All of his important dates are written in advance, his feasts, celebrations, Sabbaths and epoch changing events. 

And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: (Dan 2:21)

Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. (Mat. 2:2)

“The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, `For we also are His children. (Acts 17:24-28)

He calls us to remember His past appointments. He knew the Hebrews would be in bondage for 400 years in Egypt, and the precise day His deliverer Moses would stand before Pharaoh, demanding that he let God’s people go. He let Daniel peek at His appointment book to see the great world empires that would arrive, each in it’s own season to rule the earth and govern it’s people. (Dan. 2) He appointed 70 weeks of years upon the Jewish nation divided into precise sequences, that foretold the rebuilding of Jerusalem, the death of Messiah, and the coming of anti-christ. He planned for the “fullness of times”, (Gal. 4:4) when His Son would manifest to the world, while the Jewish religious leaders were ripe with hardness of heart, during the height of the Roman Empire, with it’s technology, justice, roadways, culture and language.

What I find comforting, is that the Lord, has a calendar, not just for Israel and the nations, but for each of us. He knows your comings and goings, your rising up, and sitting down. He has special surprises planned for you, even still. Even after disappointments, devastations, and life changing seasons. Have you failed yourself? God will not fail you. Have you been lost in unbearable anguish? God grieves with you. Perhaps you’ve been hardened in religion, burned out and left empty, searching for that early passion which seems so unreachable now. God has a new beginning on His calendar for you. 

God knew there would be a woman waiting at the well at midday in Samaria, who needed relief from the shame that she felt for so many years. He knew there would be a tax collector named Zaccheus who would respond to the offer of fellowship and grace from the “Son of man.” He knew a man named Simon would deny Him three times in His greatest hour of need, but called Him anyway, because loving grace would transform him into Peter the rock. He came to seek and save that which was lost. And aren’t we all lost? Especially those of us with spiritual pride, who claim, “we see”. (John 9:41)

God has a calendar for the Jewish year, the nations, and for you. Are there any unfulfilled promises? They are still there, waiting activation, waiting pursuit, written on His calendar, and guarded by His sovereignty. They remain with His gifts and callings that are irrevocable. (Rom. 11:29) You’re days are carefully watched over, you’re never far from His thoughts, and never removed out of His plans. Pursue Him with renewed boldness and watch His calendar come alive with your divine destiny, full of His grace and good news for you and all those He’s called you to touc.

In recent times, many people have been inspired by GOD to seek HIS true Calendar.  Really, to seek His ways in every aspect of their lives.  Because of their desire to find the truth, many different versions of the Biblical Calendar have emerged.  This is due to the confusion that remains from all the deceit and deliberate perversion of the truth and changing of the Times and Seasons perpetrated by those who wish to maintain control over the masses.  Below are some of the websites that offer “restored” Calendars.