Children are not just tiny adults!!  They are brand new to this world.  They arrive totally dependent on the adults around them for food, water, shelter, education and preparation for the world they will one day face on their own. It takes years for them to develop physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  It is our job as parents and as a society to protect their innocence and provide a safe and healthy environment in which they can develop.

Children do not and cannot grasp adult concepts.  They don’t have the mental capacity to evaluate a situation and formulate a response.  They just live as life presents itself.  We have to teach them not to touch the hot stove, or run into the street.  We have to teach them how to dress themselves and use the toilet.  VERY BASIC everyday things.

Their little bodies carry all that will someday serve them in their adult life, but they don’t understand how it all works or why.  We have to be very careful in how we handle our children and what kind of things and people they might encounter.

Children who are neglected and/or abused have no means of coping.  They don’t have the ability to express what has happened to them, let alone process it.  They are at the mercy of whatever adults do to them, for them, or with them.  Thought their private parts do contain the physical ability to respond to sexual stimuli, they are not prepared physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually to deal with the corresponding emotions, or process the thoughts that follow, or deal with the pain and physical aftermath of the act.

Most often, children who have been neglected and abused keep all that inside, not knowing how else to cope.  Especially if they have been threatened with repercussions for failing to keep the predators secrets.  Children don’t want anything bad to happen to their parents or siblings.  They especially don’t want to be responsible for such a thing.  Their family is their only protection and provision.  They don’t understand all that, they just instinctively feel the need to avoid it.

Children held in a facility or placed in foster care are so seriously at risk.  Power corrupts, and ultimate power corrupts ultimately.  If you give total strangers complete control over anyone they will abuse it.  But, this is especially true of children.  Children have no way to fight back.  No way to escape.  No where to turn.  THEY ARE HELPLESS!

Children all over the world are being abused in such horrendous and unspeakable ways.  I know it is hard for people to accept and believe.  Especially the things that happen to children in witches covens or royal castles.  But, if you don’t KNOW that children are being trafficked and abuse, you just don’t want to know.  Over the decades, there have been so many brave and caring people who have risked their lives and/or livelihoods to expose what is happening.

The mainstream media always manages to cover the truth, ease your minds with denials and accuse the truthers of making up stories, fear mongering and conspiracy theories.

WAKE UP!!!  MILLIONS of children have and are suffering outrageous acts of slavery, torture, abuse, mutilation, rape and murder/sacrifice.


Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
    defend the rights of the poor and needy.


There are so many ways these predators are getting away with what they do.  There are so many variances on the age and sex involved.  From the tiniest infants to young adults and everything in between.    In orphanages, or the foster system, or nursery schools, or private schools, or reform schools, on private islands or in ocean submarines, children are transported from place to place for the amusement and pleasure of sick, nasty pedophiles and murderous, demon possessed, blood thirsty rapists and murders.

The things that happen to these children are unimaginable and unspeakable amongst normal people.  If you ever have to hear the reports of some of them you will be so disgusted and shocked you will want to cry, vomit and scream at the same time.

You cannot just keep telling yourself these things don’t happen.  Have the guts to at least admit it to yourself.  By letting the denial continue you are joining in with the perpetrators.  Abusers all count on silence.

If all you can do is PRAY for these children, that is a lot!!  Speaking TRUTH always makes a difference in the world.  Even if you don’t see it.  Aligning yourself with evil…gives evil power.  Shine a light on the darkness wherever you can.  Speak about what is happening.  Pray for the perpetrators to meet the LORD!  Those who can be changed will be saved and those who cannot…GOD WILL DEAL WITH.

If you still don’t believe it is happening… I dare you to listen to the following videos!

FBI Uncovers International Satanist Pedophile Cult

The Crime Report
https://thecrimereport.org › 2023/09/28 › fbi-uncovers-…
Sep 28, 2023 —
The FBI has uncovered an international pedophilic, Satanist extortion cult after arresting a single 23-year-old in Queens on gun possession charges, reports Ali Winston for The Guardian. The cult, known as 764, has allegedly victimized dozens if not hundreds of minors, according to law enforcement. On September 12, 2023, the FBI issued a public warning about 764, noting the group is “deliberately targeting minor victims on publicly available messaging platforms to extort them into recording or livestreaming acts of self-harm and producing child sexual abuse material”. The group appears to target children between the ages of eight and 17, the advisory notes, and particularly focuses on young people of color, youth identifying as LGBTQ+ or youth who struggle with mental health issues. The group uses wildly popular games like Roblox or gaming communications platforms like Discord and Twitch, as well as curated playlists on the streaming service SoundCloud. The group is also an offshoot of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A), which has been labeled a terrorist organization by American authorities and combines Hitler worship, Satanism and Wiccan tenets.
Dozier School for Boys, Part 1: “The White House Boys”

Aired: 11/12/15  / Special | 58m 45s | Video has closed captioning

The first of a multi-part Aware series on Florida’s Dozier School for Boys, a Panhandle reform school notorious for brutality and inmate deaths.

These Boys Went Through Hell: The Dozier School of Horrors   

Last year the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children reported their numbers shown above.

SO now the media having to admit there are organized trafficking rings, want to give you the impression that this is all under control.  Nothing to see here folks.   If you allow your brain to accept the fallacy that trafficking of infants, children, minors an adults is all under control or nearly non-existent… you are deliberately fooling yourself.



U.S. Marshals rescue 39 missing children in Georgia sex trafficking raid

