Ever hear of “Sovereign Immunity”?
Sovereign immunity, or crown immunity, is a legal doctrine whereby a sovereign or state cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune from civil suit or criminal prosecution, strictly speaking in modern texts in its own courts. State immunity is a similar, stronger doctrine, that applies to foreign courts.
We all know that Barry Sortoro aks Barack Hussein Obama is not now nor ever has been KING or Sovereign though that is the way the he perceives himself. That is the way he was treated while he was in office, and for some very strange reason, continues to be treated even though it has been seven years since he was in the office of President.
He continues to be afforded the luxury of freedom to reign as he pleases and full protection from any harm from any source. That apparently includes exemption from our laws and in fact the freedom from all moral standards. He is free to commit any crime he pleases, including it appears…MURDER!
Anyone who can look at the circumstances and evidence of the Tafari Campbell case without recognizing that everything about it is HIGLY SUSPICIOUS, has lost their ability to reason.
If this same set of circumstances happened on any other residence the entire thing would have developed completely differently. This is just another example of the EVIL ELITE getting away with MURDER. I have said before and I will say it again… THERE IS NO JUSTICE. The ELITE have full control of the medical Industry, the Corporate World, Science and Technology, the Education System, the Media, the Courts, the Government and the Military. AND THEY KNOW IT! POWER CORRUPTS and ULTIMATE POWER CORRUPTS ULTIMATELY.
Here are a couple of my posts on this same topic. If you have not seen them, check them out.
Another Sick Satanic Human Sacrifice Ritual!
On July 23, 2023 The Personal Chef For Barack Obama Was Reported Missing After What Is Being Reported As A Paddle Board Accident. The Chef Was Later Found Dead From An Apparent Drowning The Following Day.
In This Episode We Will Take A Look At The Details Of This Event In Order To Uncover The True Hidden Meaning Behind This Satanic Human Sacrifice Ritual.
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Police Confirm Barack Obama Was on the Scene During Chef’s Death

Massachusetts State Police have confirmed that former President Barack Obama was on the scene during the time of his personal chef’s suspicious death.
“The Massachusetts State Police responded to our FOIA request and released their report, with some redactions. According to the report, Obama was on the scene shortly after Campbell went missing. The report also states an unnamed female staffer jumped into the water when Tafari fell off his board,” Fox News host Jesse Watters said in a video.
“It was already too late. He disappeared. We also now know that Secret Service has surveillance footage of Campbell from Obama’s compound moments before he entered the water,” Watters continued.
New information in the drowning death of Obama's personal chef, Tafari Campbell pic.twitter.com/Tv2JRyUWra
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) October 21, 2023
“Judicial Watch announced today that it received 40 pages of records from the Massachusetts State Police that indicate the presence of Barack Obama for a witness interview in the death investigation of the Obamas’ personal chef Tafari Campbell,” Judicial Watch said in a statement on Friday.
100percentfedup.com reports: “The records, which are heavily redacted, indicate Barack Obama and a direct witness to Campbell’s drowning arrived at the emergency response scene via motorcade. The next morning, the eyewitness was interviewed in the Obama residence, again with Barack Obama present. The records also detail the existence of a Secret Service video of Campbell and his paddleboarding companion entering the water, and the Secret Service emergency response in the immediate aftermath of the drowning,” Judicial Watch added.
“The State Police records show they concluded ‘no foul play’ in Campbell’s ‘accidental’ death.”
![]() ![]() Judicial Watch
Per Judicial Watch:
The documents were produced to Judicial Watch in response to a July 25, 2003, Massachusetts Public Records Law request for all records relating to the death of Campbell.
The documents show Campbell’s family told police that he had taken swimming lessons in 2019 but described his ability as “not a great swimmer.” The drowning occurred in Edgartown Great Pond, which Massachusetts Environmental Police estimated “to be approximately seven to eight feet deep.”
The records also show a female eyewitness, an Obama employee whose name is redacted, told state police that she saw Campbell “fall off his paddleboard, began splashing and became extremely panicked, yelling for help and subsequently went underwater very quickly.” By the time she reached his paddleboard, the witness said Campbell had “disappeared into the extremely murky” water.
The records include a July 24, 2023, homicide/death report written by Mass. State Trooper Dustin Shaw that lists the details of the investigation into Campbell’s death.
Review the Massachusetts Department of State Police records obtained by Judicial Watch HERE.
ACCORDING TO OFFICIALS: Water of 8ft depth does not start until 300 ft from shore in that part of the Edgartown Pond. The depth of water at 100 ft is only 2 to 3 ft deep.
Tafari was found approximately 100 ft from shore. Here are some things that are 100 ft long to give you an idea of how close he was to Obama’s backyard.
1/3 Of A Football Field
2/3 of Olympic Swimming Pool
1 – 100 Ft extension cord
3 Medium Sized School Buses
Seven Standard Cars
When it comes to swimming, salt water offers some notable pros, the salinity that makes it taste salty also makes it easier to stay afloat. The higher the salt content of the water, the more buoyant you’ll be.
Below I have posted the basic narrative from the Massachusetts Department of State Police records, of what occurred during the investigation, as well as some maps to help you get a better visual.
Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.
1. On Sunday, July 23, 2023, at approximately 7:58 PM, I, Trooper Dustin Shaw #4036, assigned to the Massachusetts State Police-Cape and Islands State Police Detective Unit (SPDU) was notified by the Dukes County Regional Emergency Communications Center of a possible drowning incident that originated from a 911 call at XXXXXXXX in the Town of Edgartown, on Martha’s Vineyard, at 7:46 PM. The 911 caller was identified as XXXXX, who identified himself as a United States Secret Service Special Agent. I am aware that XXXXXXXXXXX in Edgartown is a residence owned by (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX ) . I was informed that two (2) people on paddleboards had entered the water at Edgartown Great Pond, from the shore of XXXXXXXXXXX , and one person was unaccounted for after being witnessed in distress going under the water and never resurfacing. I was informed that a search and rescue operation was underway. I contacted Massachusetts State Police-Cape and Islands State Police Detective Unit Commander, Detective Lieutenant Richard Cosgrove # 2330, and advised him of the situation. Also notified of the incident were personnel from the Massachusetts State Police-Oak Bluffs Barracks.
2. At approximately 8:15 PM, I arrived on scene in the area of Edgartown Great Pond and was directed to the Incident Command Post (ICP), located at Wilsons Landing. Wilsons Landing is a dirt parking lot that allows boat access to Edgartown Great Pond. Edgartown Great Pond is an approximate 890-acre, brackish pond, located on the South Shore of Martha’s Vineyard. The pond currently did not have open access to the Atlantic Ocean and has a maximum water depth of approximately 10-15 feet in some portions of the pond. Many residential homes abut the shoreline of the pond, and there are several coves and inlets throughout.
3. Upon my arrival at the ICP, I observed a large fire department, search and rescue, and EMS presence. I began speaking with Edgartown Police Sergeant William Bishop, who informed me that a search and rescue mission was currently underway for a missing paddleboarder in Edgartown Great Pond. Sgt. Bishop informed me that Officers from the Edgartown Police Department were conducting a door to door and shoreline search of the vicinity. Sgt. Bishop directed me to the incident commander, Edgartown Fire (EFD) Chief Alex Schaeffer. I located EFD Chief Schaeffer, and he informed me that two (2) paddleboarders launched two (2) separate paddleboards from the shoreline at XXXX XXXXXXX in Edgartown. Tafari CAMPBELL (DOB ) was identified as the missing paddleboarder, and XXXXX (DOB ) XXXXXX was identified as the surviving paddleboarder. I was informed that CAMPBELL is the personal Chef of XXXXXX XXXXX and his family, and XXXXX, is a staff member of XXXXXX XXXXX, thus the reason they were both at the XXXXX residence prior to the incident.
4. EFD Chief Schaeffer went on to explain that CAMPBELL and XXXXX were paddleboarding together when XXXXX observed CAMPBELL on the board, in the standing position and suddenly lose his balance and enter the water, and struggle to stay above water. Chief Schaffer informed me that XXXXX observed CAMPBELL go under the water, and never resurface. XXXXX reportedly subsequently paddled back to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX shore to and alerted a member of the U.S. Secret Service at a nearby security post. I was informed that USSS Special Agent XXX called 911 and Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.————–■ reported the incident to the Dukes County Sheriff Department Regional Emergency Communications Center. Simultaneously, U.S. Secret Service Rescue Swimmers immediately deployed from the shore at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and began searching the immediate area and underwater for CAMPBELL, subsequently not locating him.
5. CAMPBELL was described to me as a black male, approximately 40 years of age, and was reported to be wearing a black tee-shirt, black shorts, and a black baseball cap at the time he entered the water. I was informed that neither CAMPBELL, nor XXXXX were wearing personal flotation devices (PFD) at the time of the incident. I was informed that both CAMPBELL and XXXXX paddleboards had been recovered in separate locations along the shoreline on Turkeyland Cove, approximately several hundred yards from one another. EFD Chief Schaeffer informed me that fire department personnel and boats from the towns of Edgartown, Oak Bluffs (dive team), West Tisbury (dive team), and Tisbury were currently being deployed in the pond, and that a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter was en route to the scene. I offered all the assets and capabilities of the Massachusetts State Police to EFD Chief Schaeffer and EPD Sgt. Bishop, who requested MSP Airwing respond to the scene to assist. Also present on scene at the ICP was US Secret Service Assistant Special Agent XXXXX In Charge ( Protective Detail), Special Agent XXXXX and Special Agent XXXXX (Boston Field Office).
6. At approximately 8:25 PM, I contacted the Massachusetts State Police Troop D Duty Office-Middleboro and spoke with Lieutenant Christian Theodore #3056 and advised him of the incident and requested the MSP Airwing respond to the scene. I was informed a short time later that the MSP Airwing would be en route from the Plymouth MSP Airbase to assist in the search efforts.
7. At approximately 8:40 PM, XXXXXX XXXXX’s motorcade arrived at the ICP and I was introduced to XXXXXX XXXXX . I (Trooper Dustin Shaw), along with EFD Chief Schaeffer briefed XXXXXX XXXXX on the situation thus far, as well as the search and rescue efforts currently underway. A short time later XXXXX, arrived at the ICP and I was introduced to her. I observed that XXXXX was visibly emotional and was shaking from being cold and wet. I provided XXXXX with a jacket to warm up. In a preliminary conversation I had with XXXXX and XXXXXX XXXXX, XXXXX informed me that when she initially observed CAMPBELL fall off his paddleboard, began splashing and became extremely panicked, yelling for help and subsequently went underwater very quickly. XXXXX stated that she immediately discarded her paddleboard and swam over to CAMPBELL as fast as she could in attempt to rescue him. XXXXX explained that by the time she reached CAMPBELL’S paddleboard, she was “too late”, and he had disappeared into the extremely murky, very low visibility water. XXXXX stated that she then utilized CAMPBELL’S paddleboard and returned to the shore at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX to alert the Secret Service and activate emergency help, as neither she, nor CAMPBELL had cellular phones with them at the time of the incident. XXXXX stated that she left CAMPBELLS paddleboard on the shore and ran to the nearest U.S. Secret Service security post and reported the incident to the first USSS Special Agent XXXX she saw (Special Agent ). Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.—–~———-
8. XXXXXX XXXXX informed me that he and XXXXXXXX XXXXX, were not present at their residence XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ( Edgartown) at the time of the incident and had been out for dinner, therefore, CAMPBELL would not have been working for the evening. XXXXXX XXXXX thanked us for our efforts and departed the ICP a short time later.
9. At approximately 8:58 PM, I (Tpr. Dustin Shaw), along with XXXX boarded a U.S. Secret Service boat, along with US Secret Service Rescue Swimmers; Special Agent XXXXX and Special Agent XXXXX began responding to the area XXXXX identified as her last known location, where she had observed CAMPBELL go underwater, in attempt to locate CAMPBELL. XXXXX XXX identified an area of the Edgartown Great Pond, approximately several hundred yards from the shore at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX . This location was shared with personnel at the ICP. I also observed the two paddleboards, as identified by XXXXX that she and CAMPBELL had utilized. One of the paddleboards was on the shoreline/grass in front of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (CAMPBELL’S), and the other had washed up on the shore in front of 89 Turkeyland Cove (XXX XXXX ). See attached scene map. I observed both paddleboards to be “SIC Maui Tao Fit” brand, 11’ foot x 34”, multicolored (white, blue, grey, black, red), rigid, standup style paddleboards. CAMPBELL and XXXXX paddleboards appeared to be the same make, model, and size. One paddle appropriately accompanied each of the paddleboards, and neither paddleboard or accompanying paddles appeared to have sustained any damage.
10. At approximately 9:47 PM, several divers from local fire departments entered the water in the immediate area of the location, identified by XXXXX, and began searching the water with negative results.
11.MSP Airwing (Air 4; Sgt. Gregg Spooner #3514, Tpr. Justin Grigg #3443) and USCG Jayhawk Helicopter (CG 6023) had arrived on scene and began their search efforts from the air. The visibility of the search area had become extremely dark due to the time of night and overall visibility of the pond had extremely diminished, requiring handheld spotlights and overhead helicopter spotlights/FLIR to be utilized in attempt to see into the water.
12.At approximately 10:35 PM, the US Secret Service boat that I was on, transported XXXXX back XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXX returned to shore at this time.
13. At approximately 11:16 PM, I was transported back to the ICP on the US Secret Service boat, at which time the decision was made by Incident Commander, EFD Chief Schaeffer to suspend the search efforts for the remainder of the night. EFD Chief Schaeffer informed me that the search would resume the following morning (Monday, July 24, 2023) at 5:00 AM. EFD Chief Schaeffer also requested MSP Airwing return to assist with the search. EFD Chief Schaeffer informed me that two fire department dive boats would remain on scene in the Edgartown Great Pond and continue searching for CAMPBELL on a rotating basis throughout the overnight hours.
14. I cleared from the ICP at approximately 11:30 PM. Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.——— ■ — ■ —-
15. On Monday, July 24, 2023, at approximately 5:00 AM, I returned to the ICP at Wilsons Landing. Upon arrival, I was met by EFD Chief Schaffer and local multiagency fire/dive team members and EMS personnel. I was also met by USSS ASAIC XXXX and SA who introduced me to US Secret Service Special Agent XXXX in Charge (SAIC) of the Boston Field Office, SAIC Andrew Murphy, and US Secret Service Special Agent in Charge (SAIC) of the XXX Protection Detail, SAIC Ben Murray. I briefed both SAIC Murray and SAIC Murphy on the situation and search efforts thus far.
16.Arrangements were made for me to conduct an interview of XXXXX at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in Edgartown at approximately 8:00 AM.
17. At approximately 7:15 AM, MSP-DIS Major Michael Farley #2352, MSP-DIS Detective Captain Eric Benson #3389, and Cape and Islands SPDU Commander Detective Lieutenant Richard Cosgrove arrived on scene at the ICP and were briefed by me, and EFD Chief Schaeffer on the incident, search, and recovery efforts up to this point.
18.Throughout the morning, local fire department dive team members arrived on scene. Also assisting with the search and recovery was MSP Underwater Recovery Team (Lt. Andrew Popovich #3165, Tpr. Zachary Bolcome #3538, Tpr. Robert MacAleese #3635, and Tpr. Scott Viscardi #3898), MSP Airwing (Air 4; Sgt. Gregg Spooner #3514 and Tpr. Mason Oliveira #4579), Massachusetts Environmental Police, and US Coast Guard Jayhawk Helicopter (CG 6023). I contacted MSP Crime Scene Services Lieutenant Peter Bengston and requested a member of Crime Scene Services respond to the ICP. I was informed that MSP CSSS Trooper Jon O’Loughlin #3677 would be en route to Martha’s Vineyard and respond directly to the ICP.
19. At approximately 7:50 AM, I (Tpr. Dustin Shaw), along with Major Farley, Det. Capt. Benson, and DLT Cosgrove departed the ICP at Wilsons Landing, en route to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in Edgartown.
20.At approximately 7:55 AM, we arrived at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX accompanied by SAIC Murray and SAIC Murphy. Upon arrival at the residence, we were introduced to XXXXXX XXXXX. XXXXXX XXXXX invited us into his residence, and we were directed into the office of XXXXXX XXXXX, which was to be utilized to conduct the interview.
21. I began conducting the interview of XXXXXX XXXXX at approximately 8:05 AM. Present during the interview was me (Tpr. Dustin Shaw), XXXXXX XXXXX , XXXXX , Major Farley, Det. Capt. Benson, DLT Cosgrove, SAIC Murray, SAIC Murphy.
22. XXXXX explained that on Sunday, July 23, 2023, she began her day at approximately 8:00 AM, helping CAMPBELL in the kitchen at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in Edgartown. Throughout the day, and into lunch time, XXXXX said it was a quiet day, and she was helping CAMPBELL design his Instagram page. Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.——–
23. XXXXXX XXXXX explained to me that he and XXXXXXXX XXXXX were scheduled to attend a dinner at a local restaurant on the evening of Sunday, July 23, 2023, and wouldn’t be eating dinner at their residence, therefore, CAMPBELL would have had the evening off.
24. XXXXX explained that at approximately 6:10 PM, on July 23, 2023, she asked CAMPBELL if he wanted to go paddleboarding in Edgartown Great Pond, to which he agreed. At approximately 6:50 PM, XXXXX and CAMPBELL walked from the residence to the shoreline of Edgartown Great Pond and obtained two paddleboards and two paddles from the XXXXX property. XXXXX identified that CAMPBELL was wearing a black baseball hat, black t-shirt, and black workout style shorts. XXXXX stated that he was not wearing any shoes. XXXXX explained that CAMPBELL noticed that there were no leashes attached to either of the boards, however, he felt that they weren’t necessary, and continued getting the paddleboards.
25. XXXXXX XXXXX explained to me that CAMPBELL was an inexperienced swimmer, and that CAMPBELL had been attempting to teach himself to swim at the pool at the residence over the years. XXXXX also stated that CAMPBELL had told her in the past that he couldn’t swim.
26. XXXXX explained that when she and CAMPBELL began paddleboarding, they both remained on their knees while they paddled in Edgartown Great Pond. XXXXX continued to say that at one point, she stood up on the paddleboard, and then saw CAMPBELL attempting to stand up on his board shortly thereafter. XXXXX stated that after approximately 30 seconds of standing, she observed CAMPBELL lose his balance on the board and saw him fall into the water. XXXXX stated that she yelled to CAMPBELL to grab onto the board in front of him, however, she observed quickly begin to panic while yelling for help. XXXXX stated that she left her board and attempted to swim to CAMPBELL to help him, however, she said by the time she reached CAMPBELLS board it was “too late”, and he went under the water. XXXXX stated that once she immediately couldn’t locate CAMPBELL above or under the water, she returned to shore at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX using CAMPBELL’S paddleboard, and ran to the nearest Secret Service security post at the residence and yelled for help. XXXXX reiterated that neither she, nor CAMPBELL had their cell phones with them while paddleboarding. XXXXX stated that Secret Service Rescue Swimmers immediately entered the water and were unable to locate CAMPBELL, however, XXXXX observed his hat floating in the water nearby. XXXXX stated that neither she, nor CAMPBELL consumed any alcohol or drugs prior to paddleboarding.
27.XXXXX recollected that she saw CAMPBELL wearing his Apple Watch when they were paddleboarding and suggested to investigators that it could be used to possibly locate him. SAIC Murray confirmed that option had been explored and revealed CAMPBELL’S Apple Watch was producing an error type signal, as if it were damaged and/or not producing a signal.
28. I concluded the interview by answering any questions that XXXXX and XXXXXX XXXXX had as it pertained to the investigation. The interview concluded at approximately 8:27 AM. Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.——–■ —————-
29. At approximately 8:32 AM, agreed to again board a fire boat to assist with the recovery effort in attempt to provide a more precise location as to where she last saw CAMPBELL in the water, now that it was daylight. XXXXX, XXXXXX XXXXX, investigators, and I departed the residence and walked down a long white boardwalk, to the shoreline of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, to the edge of Edgartown Great Pond. Once there, a Fire Department boat arrived and picked up XXXXX, who boarded the boat accompanied by several members of the fire department. XXXXXX XXXXX, fellow investigators, Secret Service personnel, and I remained on the shore.
30. XXXXX directed the fire boat to a location that she provided, to the best of her recollection as where she saw CAMPBELL go underwater. This location was marked with a buoy. XXXXX was transported by boat back to the residence a short time later.
31.MSP Airwing (Air 4; Sgt. Gregg Spooner #3514 and Tpr. Mason Oliveira #4579) and USCG helicopter (CG 6023) had arrived on scene and were overhead conducting search patterns at this time as well.
32. At approximately 8:56 AM, all investigators departed XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in Edgartown and returned to the ICP. Upon our arrival back at the ICP, we were informed that the Massachusetts Environmental Police (MEP) had arrived on scene and deployed Side Scan Sonar equipment to the area XXXXX identified and were searching that area, which was approximately 100-200 yards from the shore at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
33.At approximately 9:10 AM, I was approached by West Tisbury Fire Department Lieutenant Stephen Serusa, who, while searching for CAMPBELL in Edgartown Great Pond, on board a WTFD boat, he recovered a black, “Under Armour” brand baseball hat that he had observed floating in the marsh area of Turkeyland Cove and provided Lat/Long coordinates: 41° 22’02.9″N/ 70° 32’45.8″W. (See attached scene map). Lieutenant Serusa transferred possession of the hat to me. I observed the hat to be all black, with a silver reflective “Under Armour” logo on the front. The hat was very waterlogged and had small pieces of what appeared to be sand and seaweed throughout. The hat matched the description of CAMPBELL’S (hat) that he was last seen wearing. I took custody of the hat and secured it in a Massachusetts State Police evidence bag. The hat was later confirmed by witnesses to be CAMPBELL’S. Hat submitted as evidence (2023-102-251.1).
34. At approximately 9:45 AM, I was informed that an area of interest had been identified by the MEP Side Scan Sonar, directly in the vicinity of where XXXXX identified last observing CAMPBELL. I (Tpr. Dustin Shaw) along with MSP Underwater Recovery Team members Tpr. Bolcome and Tpr. Viscardi boarded a Tisbury Fire skiff and responded to the area identified by MEP.
35.At approximately 9:58 AM, we arrived on location as outlined by MEP. MSP dive team members deployed into the water.
36. At approximately 10:00 AM, within minutes of entering the water, MSP divers recovered the body of a black male, fully submerged in the water at Lat/Long: 41’ 21.682N/ 70’ 32.968’W (See attached scene map). Divers estimated the water depth to be approximately seven to eight feet deep. I Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.——-observed the body of a black male removed from the water and placed onto the deck of the boat. The body showed obvious signs of death to include XXXXXX . I observed the male to be approximately 6’ feet in height and weighed approximately 220 lbs. I observed the male to be wearing a black t-shirt, black workout style shorts, and an Apple Watch on his left wrist, and a wedding band style ring on his left ring finger. The body appeared to be extremely waterlogged and showed signs of XXXXXX. I observed XXXXXX and XXXXX emanating from the mouth and nose areas. I did not observe any signs of injury or trauma to the decedent. I believed this to be the body of CAMPBELL. CAMPBELL’S body was secured in a body bag.
37. At approximately 10:15 AM, I contacted the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) and reported the death to In-Take Specialist Jennifer Forde. IT-Specialist Forde accepted jurisdiction and provided OCME Case# 2023-10316.
38.We transported CAMPBELL’S body back to the ICP at Wilsons Landing and was met by MSP Crime Scene Services Tpr. O’Loughlin. At approximately 10:15 AM myself and DLT Cosgrove rolled CAMPBELLS body and did not observe any trauma or injuries. Tpr. O’Loughlin took all necessary digital photography of CAMPBELL’S body, overall scene, and paddleboards.
39. At approximately 10:25 AM, US Secret Service Special Agent, ASAIC XXXXXX made positive identification of the body recovered to be that of CAMPBELL. ASAIC XXXXX, and other members of the USSS confirmed that CAMPBELL’S (XX) XXXX, XXXXXX, had been notified of his death, and was en route to Martha’s Vineyard.
40. Arrangements were made through the OCME Operations to transport CAMPBELLS body from the ICP to the US Coast Guard Station Menemsha (Chilmark, MA). From the CG Station Menemsha, travel by USCG vessel to the US Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England, CG Station Woods Hole, where OCME transport would be waiting to accept CAMPBELLS’ body. The decision was made that I would accompany CAMPBELL’S body throughout the entire process until transfer to OCME was complete.
41. The Chapman Funeral Home arrived at the ICP and removed CAMPBELL at the request of the OCME and transported the decedent to the US Coast Guard Station in Menemsha (Chilmark). Upon arrival at Station Menemsha, CAMPBELL’S body was transferred on to US Coast Guard vessel 47236.
42.At approximately 12:26 PM, I boarded US Coast Guard vessel 47236, en route to Sector Southeastern New England-US Coast Guard Station Woods Hole. At approximately 12:56 PM, CG 47236 returned to Station Menemsha to speak with the who had arrived at the dock. CAMPBELLS body remained on board CG 47236. I met with CAMPBELL’S (XX) XXXX, XXXXXX and other family members and representatives on the CG dock in Menemsha. XX XXXX explained that CAMPBELL had taken swimming lessons in 2019 that consisted of one lesson a week, for six weeks and described his swimming ability as “not a great swimmer”. At approximately Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.–■■ 1:33 PM, I reboarded CG 47236 and departed CG Station Menemsha, en route to CG Station Woods Hole, with CAMPBELL’S body onboard, arriving at approximately 2:09 PM.
43.At approximately 2:21 PM, I transferred custody of CAMPBELL’S body to OCME technicians. CAMPBELL’S body was subsequently transported to the OCME-Sandwich Facility where a postmortem examination was to be conducted. I boarded CG 47236, en route back to CG Station Menemsha.
44. At approximately 3:09 PM, I arrived back on Martha’s Vineyard, all assets secured.
45.On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at approximately 9:00 AM, Cape and Islands SPDU Trooper Timothy Shield #4618 traveled to the OCME-Sandwich Facility for the purposes of attending and observing the autopsy of CAMPBELL. See Tpr. Shields attached report (2023-102-251/1). I was informed that a toxicology sample was obtained from CAMPBELL’S body and was submitted for analysis.
46.On July 25, 2023, at approximately 1:08 PM, I submitted a written request to the Dukes County Sheriff’s Office-Regional Emergency Communications Center to obtain all audio 911 calls and CAD log notes pertaining to the drowning death of CAMPBELL. Upon receipt of a USB containing the requested audio files, the audio was reviewed by me and the USB drive was subsequently secured into evidence (2023-102-251.2).
47.On Friday, July 28, 2023, at approximately 11:59 AM, I interviewed US Secret Service Special Agent XXXX who made the original 911 call to the Dukes County Regional Emergency Communications Center. SA XX informed me that on Sunday, July 23, 2023, at approximately 7:45 PM, he was on duty, working the evening shift, as a Secret Service Special Agent, assigned to the Protective Detail (XXX). SA XX informed me that he was stationed in the USSS-Command Post at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX when he abruptly received the following radio transmission from US Secret Service Special Agent XXXXXX “Drowning XXX, XXX, ”. SA XX identified “Tafari” as CAMPBELL, and “XXX” as XXXXX.
48.SA XX informed me that upon hearing that transmission, he immediately called 911 at 7:46 PM on July 23, 2023, and began speaking with a dispatcher at the Dukes County Sheriff’s Office Regional Emergency Communications Center. SA XX identified himself and informed the dispatcher of a male drowning at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (See attached DCSO audio files).
49.SA XX explained that he observed SA XXX on the surveillance cameras running toward the water on the backside XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Approximately three (3) minutes later, SA XX stated that SA XXX ran to the USSS-Comand Post and obtained the keys to the US Secret Service boat.
50.SA XX informed me that he remained at the USSS-Command Post for the duration of the incident and stayed in communication and updated the Dukes County Regional Emergency Communications Center until first responders arrived. Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.-■ ————
51.I then interviewed US Secret Service Special Agent XXXX SA XXX informed me that he is a US Secret Service Special Agent-Rescue Swimmer and EMT. SA XX explained that on Sunday, July 23, 2023, he was on duty, working the evening shift, assigned to a security post at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, on a two-week temporary assignment on the Protective Detail (PD). SA XX informed me that at approximately 7:45 PM, he observed XXXXX run towards his post from a nearby path on the property that accesses Edgartown Great Pond. It should be noted that I am aware of the exact location of this post, however, for the purposes of this report as it pertains to the safety and security of a US Secret Service protectee, I have not included its exact location in the body of this narrative. SA XX explained that he observed XXXXX to be very frantic, extremely emotional, waving her arms, and yelling “help, help, he drowned, the chef (CAMPBELL) drowned”. SA XX informed me that XXXXX said to him “it’s too late he’s already drowned”. SA informed me that he notified the USSS Command Post via radio.
52.SA XX stated that he then ran down the shore at Edgartown Great Pond along with XXXXX, entered the water, and began searching for CAMPBELL, however, was unable to locate CAMPBELL in the water. Upon SA XX not being able to immediately locate CAMPBELL, he ran to USSS CP and obtained the keys for the US Secret Service boat and directed other Agents to get STAT kit (Medical Bag) and AED. SA XX informed me that he, Special Agent XXXXXX, and XXXXX boarded the boat and drove to the location that XXXXX identified and continued their search for CAMPBELL by boat.
53.SA XX also informed me that when he entered the water, he began diving and swimming attempting to locate CAMPBELL, however, was unable to locate him. SA XX stated that he observed a black baseball hat floating in the water and confirmed with XXXXX that CAMPBELL had been wearing a black baseball hat prior to, and while paddleboarding.
54.SA XX stated that he, SA XXXX and XXXXX remained on the USSS boat in Edgartown Great Pond searching for CAMPBELL, subsequently picking me up at Wilsons Landing at approximately 9:00 PM to continue with the search and recovery efforts.
55.On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, Cape and Islands SPDU Trooper Shield obtained one envelope from the MSP Crime Lab that contained two MSP-CSSS disks of CSSS Tpr. O’Loughlin’s digital photography. Envelope containing disks secured into evidence (Victim/Scene Photos #2023-102-251.3 and Autopsy Photos #2023-102-251.4) Tpr. Shield transferred the envelope to me on Thursday, August 3, 2023.
56.On Friday, August 18, 2023, I (Tpr. Dustin Shaw) was notified that the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) determined that Tafari J. CAMPBELL’S cause of death was a result of a drowning (submersion in a body of water), and the manner of death is accidental, as determined by OCME Dr. Anand Shah. According to Forensic Toxicologist Meaghan Ringel, she noted the presence of the following substances in CAMPBELLS toxicology report; Caffeine. I obtained the autopsy and toxicology reports, see attached. Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc. .,. I —–• -■ ——–
57.Upon speaking with OCME Dr. Shah, I was informed that as part of CAMPBELL’S autopsy he observed XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dr. Shah also explained that XXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, and XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, all of which is evident and consistent with drowning. Dr. Shah did not observe any trauma or injuries to CAMPBELLS body, except for a small, ½ centimeter abrasion on his upper lip.
58.On Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at approximately 4:45 PM, I traveled to XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX in Edgartown and met with U.S. Secret Service SAIC Ben Murray for the purposes of viewing Secret Service surveillance footage of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Edgartown, from Sunday, July 23, 2023. My attention was drawn to a specific section of surveillance camera footage, beginning at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX approximately 6:54 PM on Sunday, July 23, 2023, that captures a vantage point of the property of in Edgartown, that displayed an expansive lawn landscape that consists of a boardwalk, shrubbery, grasses, and the shoreline of Edgartown Great Pond (in the background). It should be noted that I am aware of the exact location of this camera, however, for the purposes of this report as it pertains to the security of a US Secret Service protectee, I have not included its official title or exact location in the body of this narrative.
59.The following is a summary of my observations of the video footage provided to me from this specific vantage point and is not intended to be an exact depiction of the overall entirety of the surveillance footage from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On Sunday, July 23, 2023, at approximately;
6:54 PM; two (2) individuals identified as CAMPBELL and XXXXX are observed walking on the boardwalk from the area of the residence, toward the shoreline of Edgartown Great Pond. Both CAMPBELL’S and XXXXX‘s appearance and clothing are consistent with prior descriptions. Once near the shoreline, it appears that CAMPBELL and XXXXX obtain paddleboards and paddles from a small alcove near the shoreline, and subsequently enter the water.
7:40 PM; Secret Service Agent XXXXXX (Resue Swimmer) is observed running from his assigned post towards the shoreline of Edgartown Great Pond, utilizing his handheld radio.
7:42 PM; Agent XX observed running from the shoreline of Edgartown Great Pond, towards the area of the Command Post. Obtained via MA PRL by Judicial Watch, Inc.——
7:43 PM; Agent XX observed running back to shoreline of Edgartown Great Pond.
7:50 PM; USSS boat launches
7:57 PM; USSS vehicle/first responder vehicle arrives to the area of the shoreline of Edgartown Great Pond.
7:58 PM; First Edgartown Police vehicle arrives to the area of the shoreline.
7:59 PM; Second Edgartown Police vehicle arrives to the area of the shoreline.
60.A request has been made to obtain a copy of the above-described video and is pending its release as of the time of this report.
61.Based upon my above outlined investigation, observations, interviews, and review of all logs, audio files, and reports as it pertains to the death of Tafari CAMPBELL, in addition to the autopsy and toxicology results provided to me by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, it is my investigative opinion that the death of Tafari J. CAMPBELL is a result of an accidental drowning in Edgartown Great Pond, and is not criminal in nature, and foul play is not suspected. I respectfully request this case be classified as closed, pending any future information that would warrant it being re-opened
Where Tafari’s Body was found!
Tpr. Shaw on board Tisbury FD dive boat along with MSP Dive Team, at which time the body of a black male, matching the description of CAMPBELL was recovered from the Edgartown Great Pond at 41’ 21.687N, 70’ 32.967W. Body transported to CP at Wilsons Landing.
79 Turkeyland Cove Rd, Edgartown, MA 02539

Now, naturally, Obama would love to have MICHAEL in the oval office. Better, certainly than Biden who has lost his marbles. With Michael in the White House, Barack can continue his reign and maintain control.
These people have made utter fools of the entire population of the United States. They would not be able to speak a word of truth if their life depended on it. Their hearts are too dark and their LORD would not allow it.