It is hard for people to understand and accept but the truth is there is an AGENDA to bring a GLOBAL DICTATORSHIP. They have had to postpone their plans multiple times and they are not willing (or able) to postpone them any longer. THE DEADLINE is 2030. IF MUST BE ACHIEVED BEFORE THAT TIME! They have smaller goals along the way. THEY HAVE VERY SPECIFIC GOALS for 2020! 2020 is a milestone. You will see some earth shaking changes by the end of this year! We have already seen mind blowing changes to our Nation. Changes we would have never thought possible.
Let me state very clearly that what we are seeing not only in our Nation but around the world right now is completely orchestrated. This phenomenon is not organic. These folks are organized, they are following a very specific plan, they have support of those in power as well as the media, they are funded and they are deceived.
The Powers that BE created the monster (Militarized Police Force) so that they could CREATE the Problem (Police Brutality) so that they could offer you the SOLUTION (Rebellion and Defunding). But that is all BS to get you to a place of Helplessness where they can make their move to bring about the Technocratic Dictatorship. They don’t care in the least about YOU. You will be left defenseless, hungry, homeless and unable to stand. The UN TROOPS are already on your soil (wherever you live) standing at the ready to move in and overtake you.
You are mad to think that you can police yourselves or count on the good nature of those around you. That is NOT POSSIBLE with the world in its current condition. All you will manage to accomplish is ANARCHY and CHAOS.
The best thing that you could do ban together in your own individual communities and develop a new police force made up of people who live in your community and have a vested interest in seeing it prosper. Then you must watch over their administration and keep them accountable for any behaviors that are unjust or inappropriate.
We do not want to be like the third world countries around the world that are in constant upheaval and at the mercy of rogue gangs and dictatorial maniacs.
Sadly, Generation Z, has lived their lives glued to their technology, many of them on some type of mind altering drugs, music, yoga, meditation, out of bod experiences. They have no goals other than “self-realization” and entertainment. Addicted to virtual reality and running from Festival to Festival they have been invaded by demonic forces they have unwittingly invited. They cannot think rationally let alone critically.
And this is how far we have fallen:
Hal Turner Show – Nation
Leftists “Seize” 6 Blocks of Seattle . . . . this is priceless ! ! !
On the Hal Turner Radio Show last night, it was reported that Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and a variety of society’s other misfits, malcontents, losers, and Ne’er-do-wells, “seized” a six square block area of Seattle, repelling police and evicting same from the local police precinct. These idealistic losers then erected cement barriers across streets to secure the border of what they are calling “Capital Free Hill.”
Today, these kids, who actually think THEY know what’s best for the REST OF US, quickly found out about reality:
The homeless people they allowed in to their new homeland . . . took all their food!
Moreover, these kids, who truly think they’re really smart . . . much smarter than the rest of us . . . . were asked “Why did you set up borders when just a few weeks ago, you were marching through the streets chanting “No Border, No Wall, No USA at all?” Why the new border? DUUUUUUUUUUUUH. no answer.
So guess what these dumb little freaks, most of whom have never married, or raised children, or paid a mortgage (or even held a job) did next?
They appealed for International Aid!
When asked, to what Treasury Routing Number should the aid be wired . . . . they have none. When asked to what bank account aid should be sent . . . . they have none.
aaaaaaaaaaa HA HA HA HA HA HA ! Dimwits; each and every one of them.
So then they decided to appeal to the public . . . the very public FROM WHOM they just “seized” their new land. Get a load of this:
(WOW! They went from the ‘Communist revolution’ stage to the ‘help we don’t have food stage’ in record time!)
Are they asking for SOY????
OMG, turns out these BLM, ANTIFA and the like, are actual Soy Boys! ! ! ! !
For those who may be unaware of the meaning of this urban slang, here’s help:
Oh, this is priceless. These kids are finding out first hand, they don’t know shit about anything.Which is precisely why we don’t pay much attention to them, no matter how loud they protest.
We’re not changing America to suit their ideas.
We’re not doing away with Capitalism to suit their ideas.
We’re not becoming a Communist country, to suit their ideas.
To all those who seek the things mentioned above, here is the answer:
NO. You can’t have any of that.
Because we said so.
Now go get a job, go to work, earn money and learn about life.
And while you’re doing that, shut the hell up. Nobody cares what you think.
SUGGESTED ACTION: People who reside nearby this joke “autonomous area” should bring a charcoal barbecue grill, some burgers, hot dogs, maybe even baby-back ribs, buns, and Coca-Cola, and position the grill JUST OUTSIDE THE PERIMETER of these folks, and start grilling hamburgers. Hot dogs. Baby-back ribs. Make sure you set up in a place which is upwind from them, so the smell of the cooking food wafts down toward the commies. Let them smell the beef cooking . . . .
When the burgers are ready, put them on buns and eat them . . . slowly . . . . savoring every bite in front of the commies.
I lay odds more than a couple of them will come and ask for food, to which you respond: “Sorry, this is CAPITALIST food. We worked to earn the money to buy this. It’s not for commies who want everything free.”
Really rub it in, too. “Boy oh boy this beef sure tastes good.”
June 11, 2020
Twitter @MarfoogleWe are so small In Perspective.#change #healamerica #SeattleAutonomousZone
— MARFOOGLE NEWS (OFFICIAL) (@Marfoogle) June 11, 2020
Where’s the outrage?
— Matt Couch – Parler @RealMattCouch (@RealMattCouch) June 10, 2020
MARFOOGLE NEWS (OFFICIAL)@MarfoogleI was too far to see what Kind of flag this was? Any body know what that is for?
Hal Turner Radio Show – Nation
The information in this story is from my former colleagues during my years working with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) handling national security, terrorism, and foreign counter-intelligence. It deals with the ongoing “seizure” of 6 city blocks in Seattle, WA, by communist ANTIFA and useful idiots from “Black Lives Matter.” Their days as “rulers” of the so-called “Autonomous Zone” are severely numbered, as are the days of the city’s Mayor, Jenny Durkan, and the state Governor, Jay Inslee, if those officials continue to fail to take lawful action against these violent communist criminals.
“Treason” is the _only_ crime specifically defined in the Constitution for the united States. Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution states:
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.”
Over the past few days, the country and the world have witnessed ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, seize by force, a 6 block area of Seattle and declare it “no longer part of the United States.” They used force, fire bombs, and the threat of additional force, to repel lawful, constituted police, out of their police precinct.
They then erected barriers, stationed men — armed with guns — at the “border” of the area they seized, which they now call their Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. They placed signs informing the public “You are now leaving the USA”
Taking by force, the physical territory of a sovereign country is, on its face, “an overt act of war.” Using physical violence, fire bombs and threats of additional force to achieve that seizure of territory, is an”overt act of war” by any definition and these acts were witnessed by many, many, people personally — and via video recordings.
What we have taking place in Seattle is actual, book-definition, “Treason.”
The duly constituted Mayor of Seattle, Washington, Jenny Durkan, appears to have actually facilitated part of this seizure, by allegedly ordering police to retreat from their own police station. Some people believe the Mayor thus “acted in concert” or “aided and abetted” the Treason by “giving aid and comfort” to the enemies perpetrating it.
Moreover, here we are, almost 72 hours after the Treason began, Mayor Durkan has completely failed to take any action to stop this over act of war, or to re-establish the lawful, constituted authority of the people of Washington, over the area which was seized. This failure to act makes it appear to some people, as continued aiding and abetting.
The duly Constituted Governor of the state of Washington, Jay Inslee, also appears to have failed to take any action at all, to re-establish legitimate, constituted authority over the area involved. Whether his failure to act is misfeasance, malfeasance, or criminally giving aid and comfort, remains to be determined.
If you are not convinced that this is a WORLD WIDE PLANNED AGENDA, stay with me. Let’s just do away with the police? What? And who ever thought that in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA we would see such rebellion and anarchy with whoe sections of cities taken over by rebels??
This did not “just happen”. Lets take a look at some of what is behind this agenda.
Imagine a world without police.
For many people, the police are such a constant presence that it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without them.
We can’t know exactly what a police-free world will look like. But we see the possibility for a better future in the efforts of groups across the world to check police powers, strip police of their weapons, and disband police units and whole departments. Here people are already working together to solve social problems, while rolling back the institution that is killing us.
Join the movement for a world without police, by discussing and developing strategies, joining local campaigns, deepening your knowledge through study, and following the latest developments.
So, they are organized worldwide!! Not only organized they have action plans and financial support! But, keep reading, becasue they not oly want to completely abolish ALL Police forces, they want to abolish Capitalism!
Imagine a world without police.
No copyright. Share and distribute.
A World Without Police, 2016.We live in a society where almost every social problem–from noisy neighbors to broken
taillights–has become a point of police intervention. The result is an epidemic of harassment
and violence. But what if we found other ways to solve our issues? What if we rolled back
police power, and abolished the institution entirely? Here you are invited to think and act
with other visionaries, and find ways to achieve a police-free world.
Police officers arrest a demonstrator during a march held for
Kimani “Kiki” Gray in East Flatbush, Wednesday, March
13, 2013, in New York. The 16-year-old was shot to death by
plainclothes police officers. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)I. the problem
Police brutality activists often say that police are supposed to protect and serve, and then denounce them for not doing so. But these assumptions about the purpose of the police are mistaken. From their inception down to the present, police forces have protected and served the wealthy few against the many, and the white against the rest. Unequal enforcement and violence aren’t aberrations: they are a necessary part of the job. Historically, police forces were created to protect the property of businesses and the wealthy and enforce white supremacy. In cities they formed to repress the growing numbers of poor people that accompanied the rise of industrial capitalism, while on plantations and in agricultural colonies they formed in response to the threat of slave revolt.
In England, the first police force was funded by wealthy merchants to prevent theft on the commercial docks of London. This effort laid the basis for the establishment of the London Metropolitan Police, the first modern police force in the world, in 1829. In the U.S, police departments were established in the mid-1800s in the urban Northeast to control the riots and disruptive street culture of the immigrant poor, protect the property of the middle class, and enforce fugitive slave laws. In the South police evolved out of slave patrols, and focused on preventing slaves and free black people from aiding escapes or carrying out insurrections.
In every case, the police were invented to defend the property and interests of the white ruling class. They prevented the exploited from disrupting capitalist society, whether through antisocial behaviors or conscious rebellion.
Today, despite the diversification of police services, the main activity of police remains street patrol. Street patrols enforce a range of ordinances to manage the poor and other populations seen as disorderly or insubordinate. They use race–and especially blackness–as a key identifier for potential targets. Police rarely focus on workplace abuses by bosses or “white collar” crime by the wealthy. Instead they protect commercial areas, and to a lesser extent, the property of the middle classes. Crucially, the most
widespread form of oppression in capitalist society is not policed at all: our exploitation on the job, where the value we create for employers is stolen as profits. Exploitation of this kind is considered entirely normal and lawful, a crime hidden in plain sight.
Today as in the past, police protect the living, working and commercial arrangements that keep capitalism running, and those who
benefit from them Because the fundamental role of the police is to defend this unequal system, it is impossible for police to protect and serve everyone equally.
Police departments direct their attention toward the racialized poor and away from the wealthy, and leave everyday capitalist exploitation untouched.
Tompkins Square police riot, New York City, 1874. Police attacked an unemployed
people’s demonstration demanding public works programs.As exploitation continues, the rich are made richer, and elites acquire even more power to direct police attention. “Equality under the law” is an empty phrase in this kind of society, much like “freedom of speech” when airtime is bought and sold by corporations.
Because police work for the government rather than any particular capitalist, policing appears to serve the public as a whole, and those targeted by police appear to be enemies of the public. Everyday policing vilifies the poor and nonwhite, and invites better-off workers to seek protection from the police alongside the ruling class. In the U.S. police this process of division has always been racist. Slave patrols united poor white yeomen with wealthy slave masters, while enforcing the subjugation of black slaves. In the same way, contemporary policing divides first-class citizens from second-class ones, in the name of universal rights.
Because the police maintain capitalist inequality, policing always requires the threat and use of violence. This is what sets the police role apart from all other state institutions. Unlike other bureaucracies, police have the authority to take away individual rights by force–including taking your life. Regardless of the legal limits placed on them, the police role requires the power to detain, beat, imprison and kill in the service of law and order.
Police are also violent in a second sense: as long as they do their job, everyday exploitation continues. When police enforce “equality under the law,” poor people are paid starvation wages while their bosses profit, they get evicted by the landlords who
Community policing officers partner with nonprofit organizations, Philadelphia, 2011.
own their homes, and so on. No matter hownonviolent police forces become, this systemic violence will always remain. No amount of training, legal oversight, or reform can alter the fundamental violence of the police institution. The only way to end police violence is through a revolutionary transformation of society, making wealth and resources freely available to all. Far from reforming the police while maintaining their current role, this aim requires abolishing the police altogether.
Police patrol skid row in Los Angeles, July 2014.
Eight months later LAPD officers would shoot and kill “Africa,” a skid row resident,
while attempting to evict him from his tent.
(Los Angeles Times / Jabin Botsford)
Protesters rallying against police violence block both directions of Interstate 80 in Berkeley,
California. December 9, 2014. (Photo: Noah Berger, AP)II. The strategy 8
Cops don’t just kill. They patrol schools, hospitals, and public transit. In most cities, they roam the hallways and walkways in housing projects and apartment complexes. They are stationed in the welfare office, the Walmart, the movie theater and the park. In all these spaces, they enforce white supremacy and protect property and commerce over human life. In fact, they carry out
a vital task for capitalism: disciplining poor, Black, queer, indigenous, trans, non-white and disabled people into accepting deteriorating living conditions, reproducing their social difference and isolation, and punishing any and all dissent against this status quo of alienation and exploitation.
You can’t reform a landmine, but you can dismantle it, destroy the factories that made it, and dissolve the governments and businesses that profit off of its existence. In the same way, we’re not fighting for a new police–nicer, more diverse, with better training than their predecessors–nor even a new justice system. We’re fighting for a world without police. We’re working to disempower, disarm and disband police units and entire agencies wherever they operate, and revolutionize society as a whole.If, as the case of rapist Oklahoma cop Daniel Holtzclaw demonstrates, our bodies are not our own; if, as the cases of Eric Garner and Alton Sterling demonstrate, everyday survival in a capitalist world is punishable by humiliation, assault and death, then the struggle can not be one to get a more diverse, “softer” or more “community-based” policing. The absolute and unanswerable power the police have over our lives is directly proportional to the power we lack. This reality can only begin to change when we disempower the police in all the spaces they operate.
How can we disempower the police and empower ourselves? This is a long-term project, which will involve rebuilding community relationships to solve social problems and oppose police violence, and replacing capitalist fragmentation with free association.
A cop body slams a teenage girl before dragging her across the classroom
at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina, Oct. 2015.
First, we can rely on each other rather than the police. Anytime we call the police for help, we risk someone we know being hurt or killed. But if we develop lines of communication, opportunities for self-education, and collective conflict resolution in many different settings, we can start to exclude police from our lives. Instead of police mediating our conflicts, we can begin resolving them ourselves.
Second, we can build fighting organizations against police violence. These could include groups specifically geared toward monitoring police conduct or challenging their legitimacy in our communities. At the same time, community, school and workplace groups of all types can oppose the expansion of police powers and respond to police violence when it happens.
Third, we can develop “cop free zones” in our communities, once we are strong enough to solve social problems ourselves and confront police impunity. This will involve reclaiming public spaces to air grievances, imagine alternatives and socialize, while challenging the fragmentation that capitalism produces and police enforce. They could begin as temporary “No Cop Zones,” and expand as semi-permanent occupations that a community holds, supports, and defends.
Here are some concrete ideas for how to begin disempowering the police:
At Home
• Develop community “phone trees” and rapid response networks to relay important information, alert folks to police checkpoints, raids or surveillance, and respond to threats from the police in real time. Record police conduct, take collective action to stop police violence when it is happening, and care for those victimized by it.
• Study and share conflict mediation skills, so that minor beefs like noise complaints can be settled between neighbors without involving the police. Begin building these skills in neighborhood and tenant associations.
• Build survivor-led groups to defend against domestic violence and sexual assault. People turn to the cops when they have no other
way to address violence in private spaces, but alternatives like support networks, crisis centers and self-defense groups can begin to leave police intervention behind.
• Fight against eviction, whether from a house, an apartment, or a tent. Police exist to protect the property of landlords and bosses and enforce their ability to make working class folks pay for access to it. Build tenants’ unions, solidarity networks, eviction defense groups, or other organizations that can defend a neighbor’s access to keeping a roof over their head, regardless of their ability to pay for it. When the police get called in to enforce an eviction, be there to keep them out and keep a neighbor in their home.
In the Streets
• Encourage neighbors to refuse to talk to the police when they come snooping around the neighborhood. Protest and discredit police programs that incentivize neighbors to snitch and thus contribute to each others’ criminalization and incarceration.
• Build neighborhood networks to intervene in police activity wherever it happens. Forms of this are already popping up around the U.S. and can be activated through existing lines of communication from going community, workplace or housing organizing. Draw examples om copwatch on how to record police interactions, but don’t stop monitoring the police. Create a collective culture of resistance that intervenes and deters police from using force and arresting vulnerable targets.
• Build women, queer and trans led groups to defend ourselves against street harassment and queer bashing. When we are able to defend ourselves, we won’t have to rely on the same police who harass us in times of crisis.
• Organize campaigns to repeal repressive police policies at local, state and federal levels, like Stop-and-Frisk in New York City or Civil Gang Injunctions in Houston.
• Prevent the construction of police stations and other facilities through protests and blockades. Set up informational tables outside of police stations and storefront locations to raise awareness about attempts to expand heavily policed areas.
• Support a militant protest culture to stop police from controlling and undermining demonstrations, and prevent arrests in the streets.
At School
• Wage campaigns to remove police from schools, including elementary, secondary and higher education institutions. These efforts can be led by student groups, teacher’s unions, or parent associations, on their own or in coalitions.
• Protest and shut down police recruitment campaigns, for example at job fairs or career days.
• Oppose police institutions using schools for their own purposes, whether through research partnerships that “reform” police while
rebuilding their legitimacy, or efforts to house riot police during major protests.
Graffiti covers part of a police message that encourages
snitching in New York City.On the Job
• Join with co-workers to disrupt material support for police departments or refuse service to cops, like the UPS workers who
carried out a Hands Up, Don’t Ship action in Minneapolis. Remember, there is strength in numbers! Coordinate with co-workers to minimize the bosses’ retaliation for these kinds of actions.
• Demand that labor unions disaffiliate from police unions, like teaching assistants in California recently demanded of the AFL-CIO.
• Within existing job-related organizations, develop the collective’s capacity to defend against police repression. Study and develop strategies & tactics for out-maneuvering the police when you need to defend picket lines, building occupations, or other protest actions. Bosses and cops work hand in hand to keep workers from winning any power on the job.
• Organize Know Your Rights workshops to minimize the legal impact of police interactions, whether on strike or at any other time.
The BLM movement was born out of violence. The list of Black and Brown people that have been murdered by police is longer than many of us would like to acknowledge: in 2015, the police murdered 1,146 people nationally, and 2016 is shaping up to be just as deadly with 611 killed by the month of July.
Out of all the victims of police terror, only a handful make headlines or become active martyrs in our struggle. Slogans such as “I can’t breathe” or “Hands up, don’t shoot” serve as reminders of the violence we endure. And the violence continues when we stand up and fight back: millions watched as protesters from Baltimore to Baton Rouge were brutalized by the police.
Police are granted an immense array of weapons that many of us have experienced first hand. The Ferguson rebellion offered a
A woman holds a sign during a demonstration in Union
Square, New York City. May 2015.perfect example: in Ferguson, police showed out in force with armored vehicles, LRAD systems, stun grenades, short barreled assault rifles, camouflage and military grade body armor. As if this weren’t enough, police still carried standard weapons such as handguns, tasers, batons, handcuffs and pepper spray, and they were trained in hand to hand combat to “subdue” civilians.
Surveillance and cyber technology are also major weapons in the hands of law enforcement agencies. An assortment of equipment such as stingray devices, license plate scanners, facial recognition and behavioral analytics software assist police in monitoring our actions and anticipating our next moves. They monitor social media and arrest people for daring to express anti-police sentiment. There have already been documented cases of the Department of Homeland Security surveilling BLM activists.
Police armaments are used every day to injure and kill poor people and people of color, and are further employed to repress protests and resistance. The only way to end police brutality and murder is to disarm the police entirely.
Disarming the police involves more than taking away officers’ deadly weapons. It also includes removing the “less than lethal” weapons, and cyber and surveillance tools, that police departments use to repress us. Ultimately it requires a revolutionary transformation of society as a whole, since removing their ability to inflict violence prevents police from maintaining capitalist
exploitation and oppression. However, every effort to disarm the police provides our movement breathing room to survive, grow, and work toward this ultimate goal.
Here are some ways to begin disarming the police:
• Close the pipeline between the military and the police, by shutting down programs that sell military equipment to police departments, provide military training to officers, or find veterans jobs in the police force.
• Expose and denounce political repression, including the use of paid informants, undercover officers, and social media monitoring of activists by police departments.
• Study and share security techniques for activists, including practical methods of preventing internet surveillance and decreasing the likelihood and effectiveness of infiltration.
• Launch campaigns to remove police weapons in specific settings, such as schools, hospital, and ultimately on street patrol.
• Protest local, city and state budget appropriations for police forces and work to defund the police. This will disrupt departments’ ability to buy weapons, hire more officers, and make the job desirable by providing pay incentives.
We’re not the first to envision a world without police. Residents of Marinaleda, Spain have lived for 30 years without municipal police. In Mexico, indigenous communities in Guerrero developed their own security in 1995 to replace the corrupt police force, while Zapatista communities in Chiapas have resolved conflicts autonomously since driving out state authorities in
1994. All these efforts seek to disband police institutions and replace them with forms of collective, democratic power and conflict resolution. None of them is perfect, but they all indicate a way forward. Achieving police free communities is not a question of “if,” but how.
Disbanding the police means more than the creation of “community peacekeepers” who will continue to enforce capitalist exploitation, oppression and inequality through other means. Along with disempowering and disarming, disbanding police institutions aims at a larger goal: the abolition of police and policing entirely.
As police murders continue and superficial reforms prove unable to stop them, more and more people are recognizing that the problem is not within police institutions–it is the institution of policing itself. As we stated in “The Problem” section, the only way to end police violence is to transform society, and make wealth and resources freely available to all. Far from reforming the
policing while maintaining their current role, this aim requires abolishing the police altogether.
In other words, we’re not fighting for a new police–nicer, more diverse, with better training than their predecessors–nor even a new justice system. We’re working to disempower, disarm, and disband individual police units and entire agencies, and transform society as a whole. We’re fighting for a world without police.
Here are some steps to disband the police:
• Transform how we think about crime, conflict and identity. We can break the association between crime and violent punishment, justice and jail cells, and criminality and certain kinds of people. We can expose how “crime” talk is used to dehumanize black, indigenous, NBPOC, poor, queer, unruly and rebellious people. When we don’t think in terms of punishment, control and division, we can begin to imagine what real justice might entail.
• Fight to disband particular police units when they are involved in scandals or otherwise politically vulnerable, as happened to the NYPD Street Crimes Unit that murdered Amadou Diallo in 1999.
• Decommission police precincts when they’re threatened by funding shortages, demographic changes, or challenges by popular protest.
• Organize to drive police forces out of specific institutions, such as schools or hospitals. Instead of replacing them with private security, develop community safety teams that are democratically elected and directed by those they protect.
• Demolish the political power of police unions, including lessening their influence in local governments, and ultimately decertifying and disbanding their unions entirely.
Protester holds a disarm HPD sign at a Baltimore solidarity
rally in Houston, TX. May 2015.• Once our movement is strong enough, disband police forces entirely in democratic self-governing areas, and replace them with systems of community safety and conflict resolution. The fight to disempower, disarm and disband the police will be long and
complex. Strategies will vary from place to place depending on conditions. Do you have ideas for campaigns in your community, or are you already involved in one? Follow and contribute to A World Without Police to stay connected with the fight for a police-free world.References
1. On the origins of the police in England and the U.S, see Miller, Wilbur. (1977). Cops and bobbies: Police authority in New York and London, 1830-1870. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; Williams, K. (2004). Our enemies in blue: Police and power in America. Brooklyn, NY: Soft Skull Press; and Hadden, Sally. (2001). Slave patrols: Law and violence in Virginia and the Carolinas. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
2. See Neocleous, Mark. (2000). The fabrication of social order: A critical theory of police power. London: Pluto Press.
3. Mike Davis provides a historical look at this changing landscape in the context of Los Angeles. Davis, Mike. (2006). City of Quartz. New York: Verso Press. March For Our Future, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. January 8, 2016.ABOUT US
A World Without Police is maintained by a collective of organizers from across the U.S. and internationally. We work to connect people struggling against the everyday violence of the police, and to provide practical, organizational and theoretical tools for use in our movement. We believe police violence and exploitation cannot be ended through reforms (better trained, better monitored, more friendly cops) but only with the total abolition of the policeas an institution. As we explained in this pamphlet, this is because police forces maintain the inequalities of capitalist society, and will continue to be violent and racist as long as they exist.
At the same time, we know police abolition is only possible as part of a broader revolutionary project to abolish the state in its entirety, along with capitalism, white supremacy and patriarchy. The struggle against the police cannot be divided from the broader movement or treated as a single-issue campaign.
This is because “the police” is more than just a group of men and women who wear badges: it is also a historical project of division, upholding a social order where the lives of black, POC, poor, queer and trans people’s lives are forfeit. If we only disband police departments, without fundamentally transforming our social relations. A world without police–not simply as police exist now, but as a form of division–requires revolution.
For these reasons, we build our movement with police abolition as a goal, while recognizing that our struggle includes the total abolition of the state and capital. Local campaigns can work toward these ends by degrading the power and effectiveness of police forces on the ground, and building the capacity of our coheir role could be replaced by non-uniformed security guards, white supremacist militias and patriarchal family networks communities to govern themselves and keep themselves safe.Instead of providing police new tools and legitimacy through reform, this strategy lays the basis for a truly free society.
Contact Us:
Twitter: @No_Cop_Zone
Facebook: @AWorldWithoutPolice
Instagram: @AWorldWithoutPolice
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