I believe this is far more serious than the Left’s attempt to turn voters in time for elections. Though I am sure that was their immediate goal. They also knew it had much farther reaching consequences.
This coming year will be one that will make or break America. EVERY SINGLE BELIEVER needs to be on their knees or on their face on a daily basis, praying that our nation will not fall. Pray that the hearts of these maniacs will be changed by the power of God’s Spirit. Pray that those who KNOW HIM, will rise up in the spirit and do battle where it really counts! In Prayer, Praise, and Fasting. Let this be a rallying point for the body of Christ to come before the throne and SEEK GOD’s FACE.
We will NEVER win this battle with WORDS or ARGUMENTS, nor with THREATS or FISTS! We will NEVER be able to LEGISLATE MORALITY. The only thing that can save our NATION, and MANKIND is GOD!
The Democrats are playing on the emotions of men and women who feel that their FREEDOM to continue to practice unlawful sex with abandon and kill any issue that might come from it. They are like little children who don’t want to follow the rules. They want what they want, how they want it. When they don’t get their way, they throw fits, temper tantrums and make threats.
Freedom is an amazing and powerful thing. Those who have experienced know the power. But, freedom is not free. With freedom comes responsibility. That is a word that spoiled brats don’t want to hear. The Peter Pan generation, that has grown up getting everything their way, does not want to be ADULTS. They want the rights and privilege’s that goes with becoming Adults but they don’t want ANY responsibility.
OBiden’s Disinformation Gestapo does more to endanger ALL of our Rights than the reversal of Roe vs Wade. Because people are to lazy to read and research for themselves they believe the Democrats who are telling them that this Supreme Court Ruling would cause them to lose other rights and eventually their Freedom.
Women who have experienced oppression hear those speeches and immediately their old fears rise up and they are stirred to fight.
They fear:
- that women are being trod on, punished, unheard
- that women will have no recourse for unwanted pregnancy
- losing rights
NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE TRUE. The Democrats want women to believe it. The Democrats have an agenda. These women are being played. Democrats don’t care about the rights of women or anyone else.
If you really want to understand what is in the 75 page document, don’t listen to the blurbs being thrown at you by politicians. RESEARCH for yourself. The following video is a good place to start. This gentlemen breaks it down for you and brings some clarity. GOD KNOWS WE NEED THAT!

Miraculously, Kamala Harris recovers from COVID just in time to speak on the leaked document at a Pro-Abortion Activist Gala the day after it was leaked!

Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a fiery speech at a pro-abortion activist gala on Tuesday, calling all Democrats to fight for abortion rights.
The vice president spoke at the EMILY’s List gala in Washington, DC, referring to Monday’s leak of a Supreme Court justice’s opinion suggesting that justices were preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade.
She warned that if Roe v. Wade was overturned, women would lose access to abortion in 13 states as Republicans continue working to enact pro-life laws.
“Well we say, how dare they!” Harris said, raising her voice. “How dare they tell a woman what she can do and can not do with her own body! How dare they! How dare they try to stop her from determining her future!” (Women are in the position of being pregnant because they made choices that brought them there. The body they want to decide for is the infant, who is there because of their choices. That infant is innocent and has every right to LIFE!! The woman does NOT have the right to commit murder so that she can continue in her sexual escapades. Abortion is a MURDER for CONVENIENCE.)
Harris voiced solidarity with the activists in the room, pointing to a new phase in the fight for abortion rights.
“There is nothing hypothetical about this moment,” she said, urging Democrats to rally behind groups like EMILY’s List to defend abortion.
Harris said when she was in the senate, she once asked if there were similar laws for men.
“Can you think of any laws that give the government power to make decisions about the male body?” she recalled. “And the response, you’ll recall, was essential, ‘Can’t think of any.”
Well, I can! What about the draft laws?? Which, during times of war, demand that ALL men register for the draft and when called, surrender their bodies to the US Government. Where they become the property of the military and have no right to refuse any order. They are experimented on, sacrificed, denied proper food and shelter, put at risk in every possible way, so that those of us back home can continue to enjoy the life we have come to know. God love them, they do it willingly out of love for family, home, and country!!
Harris described Republicans as trying to use the law to “bully” abortion providers and continue working to punish women who sought abortions.
“We are not going back. We are not going back,” she repeated. “Because at our core is that the strength of our country, is that we fight to move forward.”
Harris echoed the false talking point that overturning Roe v. Wade would endanger all Americans’ right to privacy. (That is an outright lie.)
“Women’s issues are America’s issues and Democracies cannot be strong if the rights of women are under attack,” she said. (NO ONE is attacking women. Women are victims of abortion, whether they recognize it or not. This is not an attack, this is an attempt to right a wrong that should never have been allowed to happen.)
Harris called for action, urging them to stand with pro-abortion candidates for Congress.
“To all here I say, let us fight for our country and for the principles upon it was founded, and let us fight with everything we’ve got,” she concluded. “God bless you. And God bless America.”
This next video comes from a guy who states he from the LEFT. Let’s hear what he has to share it really makes a lot of sense.

In this episode, I address the growing evidence that the hit on the Supreme Court was a planned operation.
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an hour ago
What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like
Source: AP Photo/Tom Copeland, File
In similar fashion, I believe one likely spark for the Second American Civil War will be the result of a coup d’etat carried out by anti-America extremists. It will catch most Americans by surprise. The coup plotters will act quickly to seize the critical levers of power, before any opposition has a chance to react. And they will be aided and abetted by the kinds of people Lenin referred to, contemptuously, as useful idiots.
The shock troops will come from the ranks of Antifa and radical anti-white elements of the Black Lives Matter movement. These fascist stormtroopers will be augmented by the even larger numbers of veterans of Occupy and other far-left movements. And jihadists from across the globe will flock to support this coup. But the real power will be behind the scenes, in the hands of the bureaucrats of the American deep state, who will see such a far-left coup as their best chance to preserve and expand their far-reaching powers, but which President Trump threatens.
Much of the mainstream media will initially be warmly supportive. A few so-called conservatives at The New York Times may meekly protest that while the ends of the revolution are laudable, perhaps the means are a bit too messy. But most of the liberal media will fall into lockstep, in the belief that as long as they are supportive, the coup leaders will allow them to stay in business. Many Americans will believe their pro-coup propaganda and quietly submit, or at least refrain from overt resistance.
The faculties at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton will pass resolutions of fervent support, and their brainwashed students will rush to enlist in the revolution before all the excitement passes. Likewise, left-leaning foundations and oligarchs will promise financial support. And the Federal Reserve will flood the economy with debased currency.
Not all Democrat politicians will turn traitor, but there will be some prominent establishment “statesmen” who will betray our country. They will naively believe that they will be able to control the revolution and turn it to their own purposes. When their fig leaf of respectability is no longer required, they will get the fate they deserve. But their role will be critical, to give coup leaders the guise of “continuity of government” while they seize the critical levers of power.
America’s external enemies will not sit by idly. The new revolutionary government will offer generous terms in return for “foreign assistance” (meaning secret police), and troops if necessary. Expect a Treaty of San Antonio whereby Mexico “recovers her historic territories” of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California. Russia will expect a return of Alaska (and its oil) to the Motherland. China and the European Union will demand we surrender our economic sovereignty and become vassals of Beijing and Brussels. And, of course, the United Nations will offer to send in the “blue helmets” to “restore civil order.” North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran will all also want in on the spoils in return for “technical support.”
We know that the GLOBAL GOVERNMENT is the force behind what is happening in our World. Puppets like Obama, Zuckerburg, Gates, Musk, Biden, Harris, Bezos, yes and even Trump, get their marching orders from the Ruling Elite. The plan is to tear down everything that made America Great and bring us into submission to the DICTATORSHIP.

Alex Jones breaks down the details of the globalist puppet Joe Biden heading up the attack on US Citizens to stoke a new civil war and collapse the United States.
3 months, 2 weeks ago

The Democrats appear intent on instituting one-party rule in the United States.
They’re trying to use the U.S. Capitol riots as an excuse to criminalize dissent and banish conservative voices from the public sphere, and at the same time they’re hoping to use their temporary, razor-thin majority in Congress to rewrite the rules governing our elections in a way designed to keep the Democratic Party entrenched in power for decades to come.
In the House, Democrats have revived sweeping election reform legislation that died in the Senate during the previous session, perhaps hoping they can browbeat enough Republicans into going along with them. If that happens, the “Grand Old Party” of Abraham Lincoln might as well disband, because Republicans would never have any hope of regaining a congressional majority or controlling the White House under the rules that HR 1 would put in place.
Although the Constitution explicitly places state legislatures in charge of managing federal elections, HR 1 seeks to use the power of the purse to bludgeon the states into conforming to a centralized system pioneered in California and other deep-blue states. Congress can’t technically compel the states to change their voting laws, but seasoned politicians know that the states have become dependent on federal money to run their elections, and can’t afford to pick up the tab themselves.
To make matters worse, HR 1 declares that Congress possesses “ultimate supervisory power over Federal elections” — an extraordinary usurpation of governmental authority that the Founders specifically assigned to the states.
The 2020 election witnessed private interests dictating the manner in which the election was conducted in the nation’s urban cores. Mark Zuckerberg alone poured $419 million into this scheme.
The goal of centralizing power in the hands of the federal government has long been at the heart of liberal politics, and this legislation demonstrates why.
HR 1 would codify the very practices — many of them currently illegal in most states — that created widespread irregularities in the 2020 elections and contributed greatly to public mistrust of the electoral process. In 2020, state and local officials used the COVID-19 pandemic as justification to ignore or deliberately violate state election laws. If HR 1 is enacted, they won’t need any such excuse in 2022 because the states will have no choice but to implement policies such as legalized ballot harvesting, early voting, and universal mail-in voting, as well as repeal of voter ID laws, signature-matching laws, and other ballot security measures.
For example, HR 1 would allow ballot harvesting on steroids. Voters would — for the first time — have the ability to print out their ballots at home, creating a gaping security hole that could easily be exploited by either domestic or foreign interests. The legislation also allows third parties to collect ballots from an unlimited number of absentee voters and submit them through ballot drop boxes, dramatically increasing the risk that vulnerable Americans could be bullied, bribed, or blackmailed for their votes without the protection of election workers.
Under the rules outlined in HR 1, election observers wouldn’t even be able to challenge the legitimacy of ballots without written documentation, making it virtually impossible to document or detect election irregularities.
Nothing in this legislation could plausibly be interpreted as a means of restoring public confidence in our elections — but the reforms establish a clear roadmap to one-party rule. This is especially so when you consider the new proposals for the war on “domestic terror” aimed directly at the free expression of American citizens.
We can only hope that principled Republicans and Democrats will reject this direct assault on American democracy and individual freedom, and resist the institutionalists in both parties who believe the American people need them to protect us from ourselves.
The way to create one-party rule is to control information and control the way a nation selects its leaders. The political left has joined with Big Tech and government careerists in aggressively trying to do both.
The elite have preyed upon the emotions of those who feel oppressed to build their resentments and anger to a level of infuriation, where their brain is no longer thinking clearly, and they are unable to discern that they are being manipulated.
The answer to our problems is never violence and hatred. The answer to our problems is GOD. As individuals first, and as nations, we must turn our hearts back to GOD. HE is the ONLY ONE WHO CAN GUARANTEE OUR RIGHTS and FREEDOMS.
The reason that women feel that pregnancy is a punishment, is not because men are lording over them, or that the World is judging them, it is because GOD’s Spirit is convicting their hearts. God is trying to make them see that SIN is the problem in their life. God wants to heal them and set them free. But, they want to hold on to their SIN. Because SIN has pleasure for a moment. They are unable to see the full picture. The end of SIN is DEATH. They think by killing the baby they can be free from the sin and death will be satisfied. WRONG!! They are only compounding their sin with a darker sin…MURDER!
ONCE you commit murder… it is easy to murder again. Just like once you drink blood…you begin to crave it. Just as your sexual appetite just gets stronger and darker the more perversion you enjoy. Look at the women who BRAG and REJOICE in MURDERING BABIES!! I am sorry, but ANYONE who rip apart a tiny infant child and rejoice and take pleasure in it, is demonized!! No natural human being with a heart, soul, conscience could be that cold blooded and calloused.
It’s in The Blood – Part 10 of 11 – ABORTION
ABORTION TRUTH – IF you are not Pro-Life then you ARE PRO-DEATH
OBAMA – 2024
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