Folks this is very serious. Much worse than our worst nightmares. The New World Order is HERE, and it is much more sinister than we thought. Through the new technology (which really isn’t new) the coming World Ruler (Antichrist) will have COMPLETE CONTROL of every aspect of your life and every function of your body… including your mind, heart and soul. Where possible your spirit.
Anyone who is not under the blood of Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMaschiach will be subject to the reign of the antiChrist and under his dominion. THAT my friends is what is coming into focus. THAT is what these progeny of the fallen have been working for all these thousands of years. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. YOU CANNOT STOP IT. WHY? BECAUSE THE WORD OF GOD SAYS IT IS COMING. Nothing will stop it.
“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:36
10 The bloodthirsty hate the upright: but the just seek his soul.
They are turning all humans into cannibals through the food that we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. By that same means, they are turning us into unredeemable TRANSHUMANS. Part flesh, part machine, part fallen angel hybrids, controlled in everyway by the AI/Demonic Entities.
I am hoping to instill FEAR in you today. Now, before you jump all over that, please hear me. Some FEAR in our lives is a good thing. If you have ever been a parent, you understand that a child cannot comprehend the dangers connected with the street. The only way to keep your child from danger, if you live on a busy street, is to instill a certain amount of fear connected to going into the street. Not because you are a mean and hateful parent who wants to terrorize your child. Because you love your child and want to protect them immanent danger, perhaps even death. THAT is what I am trying to accomplish today. To instill in you a certain amount of fear, enough to save you from the immanent danger of spending eternity in HELL! Though you have been conditioned to believe that Hell does not exist… let me assure you, IT DOES!
Here is a little video testimony that may help solidify in your mind what Hell is like and what sins qualify one to spend eternity there:
So my aim today is to bring Godly fear into your consciousness. Not fear of what the elite, or the fallen, or the Antichrist, or the Devil or other humans or transhumans can do but the FEAR of spending eternity in a hell of your own choosing. That will be the worst part. Though you are suffering horribly at the hands of demons, you will be remembering that you CHOSE not to accept the SALVATION of GOD. There will be no one to blame, but yourself, and that will torment you forever. AT that point in Eternity, for TIME is no more, there will be no more chances, no Do-Overs. IT IS FINISHED!! Those condemned to HELL are there forever. That is why the DEMONS hate you so much. Because right now you still have an opportunity to repent and be restored to right relationship with the Creator. But they (the fallen and their progeny) are already condemned with no hope of reprieve.
SO, I am hoping that you will be moved, by what you find here, to turn away from your wicked ways, REPENT and SEEK THE LORD. PLEAD the Blood of JESUS/YESHUA, and pray that you be found worthy to ESCAPE!
GOD has provided an ESCAPE for those who LOVE him. Some will die before the Tribulation, some will be Raptured. The rapture is real. and it can happen at any moment now. I hope you will not miss it.
Scientific Breakthrough for Animal Lovers!
The Global Diet – A Matter of Life or Death
Cannibal Zombie Apocalypse is FORMING
spacer you
11Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:12 “People will stagger from sea to sea And from the north even to the east; They will go to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, But they will not find it. Amos 8:11
I beseech you all to spend time in the WORD OF GOD, NOW while you still can. When this NEW WORLD ORDER is officially declared, they will make it illegal for you to study the Word or even have it in your possession!! The WORD of GOD is a gift that was given to us, to strengthen and encourage us. The WORD OF GOD is the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, and one of our most valuable weapons in this spiritual WAR. Without it, it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to stand. Most importantly, it is when the WORD of GOD has the opportunity to become personal to YOU, that it is most powerful. When you spend time in His WORD, he makes it come to life for you!! When that happens, NO ONE CAN TAKE IT FROM YOU!!

Celeste Solum worked for FEMA and Homeland Security. But she had to leave HS after discovering what the plans were for our global future. It’s very detailed and shows the inner workings of the World Economic Forum site. Artificial Intelligence will have the same equality rights as humans, no more natural food. It’s detailed country by country. Some sections are 200 pages deep. They have a subsection for everything you can think of, even arts and crafts. Be imprisoned, or be put to death if you don’t go along.
Stick with it until the end. You won’t be disappointed. Babies born in 2030 will all be designed or enhanced or augmented.
Update, she is now saying there is a plant virus in some people that got covid killing plant life and that the WEF’s website on the corona virus is 250 pages deep, an addition of 50 pages.
1 year, 8 months ago
Apr 6, 2022
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