Something very grievous and frightening has been perpetrated on humans across the globe without their knowledge or permission.
We the people are being manipulated, steered and controlled on every level and in regard to every aspect of our lives. Today, we are going to address the issue of FOOD. The UN Global Sustainability Plan includes an entirely new way of fueling your body. The sustainability diet will not resemble ANYTHING to which you have been accustomed.
Management and Orgnizations for Sustainable Food Systems We consider our food-research to be a trans-disciplinary challenge toward a sustainable future, in social, economic, and environmental terms. We therefore aim to contribute toward a better understanding of managerial, organizational and behavioural issues in food systems for sustainable change.
The Globalist will show you pictures of the luscious and delicious bounty of life from God’s green earth. They want you to believe that they are merely moving you away from being Carnivorous to a more plant based diet – implying Fruits and Vegetables. NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH! They want to move you away from the LIFE GIVING foods that GOD intended for your well being, into the lifeless and destructive diet that they have designed and created for you.
If you are not familiar with the method of argument known as the Hegelian Dialect, you need to look into it. The Establishment has this method down to a science, as they say. The basic premise goes like this: If there is something that you want to create or establish and you need to move the masses, you create a problem, so that you can offer the solution. That is how they have been manipulating us for decades.
There is no real shortage of food, land, space or oxygen. God created earth with an inexhaustible table. GOD CREATED ALL THINGS and is still in CONTROL, no matter how things appear.
Fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear Him lack nothing. Psalm 34:9 (CSB)
“Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)” You are what you eat, and you cannot live long if you are not eating life giving food. 2 Corinthians 9:10
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6&7, and 19
Europeans will soon be joining the Chinese in chowing down on bugs and insects, with the European Union set to permit the sale of locusts, crickets, grasshoppers, and mealworms as “food” for human consumption in the EU.
The European Food Safety Authority is expected to announce the new law within the next few weeks, granting bugs a “novel food” classification that will allow the mass production of insect-based food items for humans later this year.
“These have a good chance of being given the green light in the coming few weeks,” the secretary-general of the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, Christophe Derrien, toldThe Guardian.
“We reckon these authorisations will be a breakthrough for the sector so we are looking for those authorisations quite impatiently. They are taking the necessary time, they are very demanding on information, which is not bad. But we believe that once we have the first novel food given a green light from EFSA that will have a snowball effect,” Derrien added.
Breitbart report: In 1997, the EU passed a law requiring a “novel food” classification for products that did not have a history of being consumed as food by Europeans.
The United Kingdom, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands all decided that the law did not apply to animals and therefore continued to permit the sale of bugs as food. Countries like France, Spain, and Italy decided to ban the sale of insects as food as a result of the law.
The eating of insects has long been touted by climate change activists as a possible replacement for meat, which they claim negatively impacts the environment. However, eating bugs has remained a niche practice in the West.
The most popular insect, the adult H. parallela, is rich in protein and several vitamins and minerals. They can be dry roasted or used in recipes (with the head, arms, and legs removed).
Industry experts hope that the loosening of restrictions will open up market opportunities for the edible insect business, with companies in Spain, France and Switzerland ramping up production.
“We are expecting the next few years will be very interesting ones and obviously the novel food authorisations will definitely help,” Derrien said.
“The sort of foods ranges from whole insects as an aperitif or as snacks to processed insects in bars or pasta or burgers made out of insects,” he added.
“We believe that insects for food is one solution for some of the biggest challenges we are facing on the planet. In the context of scarce resources, and insect production is not too demanding, you have the capacity to produce high-quality protein. That is a very promising solution,” Derrien concluded.
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”—2 Corinthians 9:8
We have turned away from God’s plan for HIS creation. THAT is what is wrong with the Earth today. Satan has lead humans away from GOD. We are looking to SATAN’S kingdom for solutions and don’t even recognize that is the reason why things just keep getting worse. SATAN COMES TO KILL STEAL AND DESTROY. He KNOWS God’s Law! He wants us to break every law so that we come under his dominion.
This Global Government that is bludgeoning it’s way onto the scene is a force beyond human ability. The changes that have already taken place and those that are coming very soon are truly Earth SHAKING. The world has been turned upside down. Life as we have known it is coming to an end. The World will never be the same again. In order to bring humans under the Global Authority they had to convince the people that they WANT to participate. They had to convince you that the changes are not only urgently needed and necessary, but that they are for your benefit and something to be desired.
Just as Satan did in the garden of Eden, when he caused the first humans to turn their back on God and obey his words instead. He convinced them with the same arguments… His tactics have not changed.
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Genesis 6
Though the Powers behind the Global agenda have created crisis situations in every area of our life, they have convinced us that WE are the problem. They have exploited our good nature and desire to be good stewards of our earthly home and the natural resources we all enjoy. They have been playing physiological games with our minds and manipulating our emotions. Many of us are willing to sacrifice our own comfort and well being and even go against our better judgement to meet their requirements based on what the Globalist want for our future.
The globalist’s have convinced us that Science and Technology can create a much better dietary plan for our well being. This just absolutely amazes me. I have never even understood how people were convinced that oleo/margarine is better for you than butter. How does anyone ever accept that something made from chemicals will be better assimilated into the miraculous system that is your body, than what was created by the Creator?? Are we really that stupid? Or are we just so arrogant that we believe we know better than GOD? Or, do we hate the governance of the Creator that much, because we find HIM so demanding and his rules so confining?
Let’s take a look at what the Globalists are touting as the best diet for our future.
Despite the enhanced public awareness on the impact of food choices both on health and the environment, convincing people to change their eating habits still faces many barriers. These may include individual differences in sociocultural and psychological backgrounds that shape food choices and consumption. For example, food consumption plays an important role in the symbolic and social aspects of people’s lives, as people express individual preferences, values, identities and cultural meanings through it. Even when these barriers are eventually overcome, there frequently remains a strong discrepancy between people’s beliefs and intentions, which may prevent them from choosing more sustainable diets. Thus, there is a need for novel approaches aimed at enhancing people’s motivation towards more sustainable food habits.
SO they want to take away your individual rights to choose, your individual tastes and preference, your individual beliefs and convictions. Feel manipulated yet? They are spending billions of dollars to study your mind and develop tools to CONTROL it. Remember that the battle ground is your mind. That is where we defeat the enemy or we surrender our souls to Satan.
The complex mixture of beliefs, ethics, norms, and personal features makes the understanding of the underlying factors that drive food choices a fascinating and multidisciplinary challenge. Thus, the psychological, social, cultural, and epidemiological dimensions are key points to find the answer to the following two fundamental questions. What are the main psycho-socio-cultural factors that prevent or favor the choice of sustainable food products? What are the most effective strategies to promote them?
Within the general domain of how these dimensions interact, the present Research Topic welcomes new insights into the ways today’s researchers are challenging conventional theories, methodologies and applications for explaining and encouraging sustainable eating behaviors. Authors are particularly encouraged to address directly the ways in which their work promotes an enhancement of new theories, methodologies and communication strategies, which could accelerate advances in the field of Food Psychology.
We will consider and welcome both qualitative, quantitative or mixed analysis and case studies. We welcome different article types contributions, including, Original Research manuscripts, Methods, Opinion Hypothesis & Theory papers, etc.
Keywords: food choice, promotion of food sustainability, sustainable diet, health and environmental communication, eating behaviour change
Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.
So, they have been working us toward “plant based protein” for years already, unbeknownst to us. They have been substituting this protein for our meat products especially in the fast food industry, and processed food products. Much of this occurred once they released the chemical methods for flavoring foods that enabled them to disguise/mask the taste of anything and cause it to taste like whatever they choose. These processes were created using cells from aborted fetuses. Once they began stem cell research they found they were able to grow body parts in laboratories from human and animal cells, suddenly they began to manufacture artificial meat. These fake meat products are also grown in laboratories and this has already become a huge business.
If you just can’t believe that companies would put human cells in your food…
Rat And Human DNA Found In Hamburgers | BlackDoctor Rat and human DNA was found in many of today’s burgers that we eat on a daily basis. … Clear Labs tested 258 samples—ground beef, frozen patties, fast food burger products, and veggie burgers—from 79 … Sickle Cell warriors unite!
May 13, 2016 … Turns Out Your Burger Has Rat Meat and Human DNA in It … burger samples has found many of them contain stuff like rat DNA, human DNA, and … frozen patties, vegetarian pea ‘n’ potato pucks and fast food samples – came … you usually need to have millions of cells in the food in order to cause illness.
Report: Human DNA found in hot dogs – USA Today Oct 26, 2015 … Hot dogs are considered one of the most American foods. … which uses “genomic technology” to examine foods by ingredients, found human … in a beef product, this could also be from a single cell and even result from very …
Meat Re-Imagined: The Global Emergence of Alternative ProteinsLink Here
The rise of alternative proteins, from humble and ancient (*Romans and Greeks would dine on beetle larvae and locusts. Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle even wrote about harvesting tasty cicadas)beginnings to the modern technological advances of plant-based meat alternatives and cellular agriculture, has enormous potential as a tool for addressing today’s food system challenges – especially given the extent to which these innovations are being embraced by consumers of all dietary habits.
*Well that explains a lot. Everything about our culture is Roman, they are bringing us back to the PAGAN Roman roots. Just because ancient people did it, does not make it right. Most of the world was PAGAN back then. UNGODLY. The link shows God’s list of “clean insects” which people are allowed to eat. Familiarize yourselves with it. You will need it later.
Check out our new innovation facility where over 50 scientists and engineers are cracking the code on building meat directly from plants. Learn more here:
Does it seem like it’s difficult to keep track of all the news in the plant-based space?
From plant-based burgers to chick’n nuggets, companies have launched a variety of new products in recent months and acquired brands to get prime products in the alternative protein space. Investors have also poured more than $16 billion into U.S. plant-based and cell-based meat companies in the past 10 years — $13 billion of it in 2017 and 2018.
Have you noticed, in your Supermarket lately, the plant based butter and dairy products? If you read the ingredients on other products carefully, you will be surprised to find how many foods you currently purchase already contain these chemically produced ingredients. That’s right, I said chemically produced. They use the term “plant based” to make you feel all warm and cozy. The truth is there is no way for you to know what is in these products. Or where they came from. Sewer sludge can be called “plant based” according to Globalists. It can also be called “alternative protein”. Gotta love those epithets, don’t they just Sound ecologically righteous?
The numbers show that trend continuing. Growth of plant-based protein and meat alternatives is projected to increase from $4.6 billion in 2018 to a whopping $85 billion in 2030, according to investment firm UBS.
With consumers pushing for both healthier and more sustainable diets, (ya, I don’t know about you, but I don’t know anyone who is pushing for sustainable diets!) the space is primed for continued growth. A recent study from DuPont Nutrition & Health found that 52% of U.S. consumers are eating more plant-based foods and they believe it makes them feel healthier.
Plant-based products are shaping some of the biggest companies’ portfolios as many are trying to get into the red-hot sector.(meaning:money making, profitable) Click on company names, product types or business action to see which products, investments and controversies are going on. This tracker will be continually updated.
Our nations Farmers have been forced out of business using government programs that paid farmers not to grow, confiscated/federalized farmland, prosecuted farmers for bogus reasons, and made funding for farms and private farm agriculture impossible to obtain. Corporate farms made raising livestock inhumane by the methods they employed and created artificial shortages by controlling what crops were planted.
Our modern society is so far removed from our agricultural beginnings that people have forgotten that something has to die for humans to live. They are so offended by raising animals for food because they have been convinced that there is no greater value to human life than that of animals, since they see mankind as animals. Which of course made them so accepting of the idea of meat without killing of animals. The products, chemically engineered and grown in laboratories have been dubbed “clean” meats by the Globalists. A term applied after much effort, money and research, including multiple psychological studies on what term would be best received by the masses. You can learn more about the naming process in the following article:
Personally, I think there was demonic influence behind the selection of this name. It is just another slap in the face of GOD. Because NONE of this meat is CLEAN according to God’s Commandments.
There’s a famous Gandhi aphorism about how movements progress: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” That was actually written by the Workshop on Nonviolence Instituteas a summary of Gandhi’s philosophy, but regardless, it’s remarkable how often it accurately describes the evolution of causes, from legal cannabis to gay marriage. I’ve been thinking about that quote since I wrote my first piece about plant-based meat (or alt meat, as I like to call it) for Outside *in 2014. Back then, we were firmly in the “laugh at you” stage. Beyond Meat, the first of the Silicon Valley startups to use advanced technology to produce extremely meat-like burgers, had been ignored for its first few years, but in 2014, it released its Beast Burger, which was treated by the press and public as a slightly off-putting curiosity. What was this stuff? Would anyone actually eat it? Ewwww.
*So, back in 2014 it was already being marketed and available to the public. Don’t kid yourself, they would not be manufacturing this stuff if there was not a market for it and people were not already buying it. Who? Where was this meat being sold to the unsuspecting public? Fast food?
That product wasn’t very good—I compared it to Salisbury steak—and when Ethan Brown, Beyond Meat’s founder, announced his intention to end livestock production, you could almost hear the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association laughing in the background.
But I didn’t laugh. I knew it would keep getting better and beef wouldn’t. And I thought the bar was pretty low. Sure, steak is great, but ground beef makes up 60 percent of beef sales, and most of it is more Salisbury than salutary, a greasy vehicle for the yummy stuff: ketchup, mushrooms, pickles, bacon, sriracha mayo. I knew I wouldn’t object if my central puck came from a plant, as long as it chewed right and tasted right. I suspected others might feel the same.
Well, my friend, if it truly came from plants (as in fruits and vegetables) there would be barely an reason to object. HOWEVER, this epithet plant-based is a lie! A deliberate deception. And all their romancing of the public will end once they have control, then the gloves will come off and they will push the boundaries beyond anything you could imagine. That is what they ALWAYS do.
This is the world we live in. We have become so accustomed to artificial EVERYTHING, that most people don’t even care what is real and what is fake, in fact they seldom can tell the difference. They will eat anything as long as it looks good and tastes good (even if they know it is bad and damaging their body), they will have sex with anything as long as it looks good even if there is NOTHING real about the appearance, and they prefer to live in a fantasy world than face reality. ALL this is leading humans to embrace the VIRTUAL World that Satan has prepared for them. Not realizing that everything that is NOT REAL is a facade, a lie, a cover up. Satan is leading humans into a trap. Once the trap shuts tight around you… then reality will be revealed. THEN YOU WILL KNOW THERE IS A HELL, and IT IS FOREVER!!! If you think Satan is creating a paradise for you…think again!
In the following years, Beyond Meat was joined by Impossible Foods, a more sophisticated startup with even more venture capital. Its Impossible Burger was way better than Salisbury steak. All the cool cats started serving it, from David Chang in New York to Traci Des Jardins in San Francisco.My conviction grew.
Part of the appeal of the new burgers is their smaller environmental footprint. Beef is the most wasteful food on the planet. Cows are not optimized to make meat; they’re optimized to be cows. It takes 36,000 calories of feed to produce 1,000 calories of beef. In the process, it uses more than 430 gallons of water and 1,500 square feet of land, and it generates nearly ten kilograms of greenhouse-gas emissions. In comparison, an Impossible Burger uses 87 percent less water, 96 percent less land, and produces 89 percent fewer greenhouse-gas emissions. Beyond Meat’s footprint is similarly svelte.
THIS IS ALL BS, HYPE. The truth is that corporate farming and agricultural development is totally flaud and counter productive to God’s plan and that is why the land is being destroyed. Farmers who have returned to God’s plan for their farm found that it restored their land at an amazing rate. At the same time, you could not eat enough fake food and bugs to equal the benefit to your body gained by eating beef or chicken. They were created by GOD with everything that you need and where to these animals gain the life giving nutrients? From the plants they eat which obtain their nutrients from the EARTH. The process is a perfectly designed factory… each actor plays their part in the production of FOOD. The plants get the energy from the sun and the nutrients from the soil and turn it into matter that is eaten by the cows or chickens whose bodies are designed to break it down and assimilate it into tissues that render the nutrients required for life. This flesh is eaten by the other animals and HUMANS to build their bodies up and make them healthy. The unused portions of the plants and the waste from the animals, gets broken down by bacteria and recycled back into the soild. In the process the land is kept clean and neat and aesthetically beautiful. God created the garbage creatures to clean up all the unusable waste…pigs, shrimp, etc.. bottom feeders. When God’s plan is followed nature flourishes. Even the Carbon gas is part of the NATURAL flow of life and is NOT harmful to our environment. GOD knows what he is doing. ANY MAN who thinks he knows or can know more than GOD is an idiot!
Yes, a good argument can be made that small-farm, grass-fed beef production (in places that can grow abundant grass) has a very different ethical and environmental landscape, but unfortunately, that’s just not a significant factor. America gets 97 percent of its beef from feedlots. And feedlots are irredeemable.
By 2018, sales of both the Beyond Burger and the Impossible Burger were surging, and the companies began to ink dealswith restaurant chains. Beyond Meat got Carl’s Jr. and A&W (as well as supermarket chains like Food Lion and Safeway), while Impossible got White Castle.
Food Lion, aren’t they the chain that got thrown out of Texas for scamming people with their past expiration, masked and remarketed meat?
“ABC broadcasted a report on “PrimeTime Live” alleging that Food Lion’s meat department at those stores required employees to engage in unsafe, unhealthy or illegal practices, including selling old meat that was washed with bleach to kill odor, selling cheese that had been gnawed by rats and working off the time clock.” Food Lion argued that the investigators had no persmission to film or interview employees, but they did not argue the validity of the charges. SOURCE and Analyst: Food Lion never recovered from food-bleaching investigation–No feeding frenzy for Food Lion’s market share
I tracked down a White Castle shortly after the Impossible Slider arrived in the spring of 2018. I’d never been to a White Castle, so I ordered an Impossible Slider and a regular slider. The Impossible was…fine. About what you’d expect. White Castle steams all its meat, which is hard to get past, but with plenty of cheese, it went down easy.
The regular slider, on the other hand, was horrific. I peeled back the pasty bun and stared at the fetid shingle inside. It was appallingly thin and grimy. It made the Impossible Slider look lush and juicy. The bar for fast-food burgers is even lower than I thought. Nobody will miss these shitty little brown things when they’re gone.
Perhaps this explains why the chains are latching on to plant-based burgers as if they were life rings. White Castle initially tested its Impossible Slider in just a few locations in New York, New Jersey, and Chicago in April 2018. It was such a hit that the company quickly expanded the program to all 380 outlets. “People are coming back for it again and again,” White Castle’s vice president, Jamie Richardson, said with a touch of astonishment.
They’re coming back at Del Taco, too, which launched a Beyond Meat taco in April. Within two months, it had sold two million, one of the most successful product launches in its history, so it decided to add Beyond Meat burritos as well.
And then there’s Burger King. The second-largest fast-food chain in the world rattled big beef’s cage by testing an Impossible Whopper in St. Louis in April. Resulting in foot traffic was so strong that Burger King decided to serve the Impossible Whopper in all 7,200 restaurants, marking the moment when alt meat stopped being alt.
That was enough to get the meat industry to snap to attention. “About a year and a half ago, this wasn’t on my radar whatsoever,” said Mark Dopp, head of regulatory affairs for the North American Meat Association, to The New York Times.“All of a sudden, this is getting closer.”
The strategy, predictably yet pathetically, was to engage in an ontological battle over the term meat itself. Big beef successfully lobbied for a labeling law in Missouri banning any products from identifying themselves as meat unless they are “derived from harvested production livestock or poultry.” (But this is wrong; the word simply meant sustenance for the first thousand years of its existence.) Similar labeling laws have passed or are pending in a dozen more states, most of them big ranching ones.
Obviously there is a difference between meat being the flesh of animals and meat being anything that provides sustenance. Though, I highly question whether these fake products can provide any sustenance. But, my point is if there was no particular aspect of MEAT FROM ANIMALS than God would not have had to give special permission for humans to consume the flesh of animals after the flood, when ALL Life had become polluted by the fallen ones and their progeny.
“And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall on every living creature on the earth, every bird of the air, every creature that crawls on the ground, and all the fish of the sea. They are delivered into your hand. Everything that lives and moves will be food for you; just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you all things. But you must not eat meat with its lifeblood still in it. And surely I will require the life of any man or beast by whose hand your lifeblood is shed. I will demand an accounting from anyone who takes the life of his fellow man: Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man his blood will be shed; for in His own image God has made mankind. But as for you, be fruitful and multiply; spread out across the earth and multiply upon it.” Then God said to Noah and his sons with him, “Behold, I now establish My covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth—every living thing that came out of the ark.” Genesis 9:1-11
Meat From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A selection of uncooked red meat and poultry
Meat is animalflesh that is eaten as food.[1] Humans have hunted and killed animals for meat since prehistoric times. The advent of civilization allowed the domestication of animals such as chickens, sheep, rabbits, pigs and cattle. This eventually led to their use in meat production on an industrial scale with the aid of slaughterhouses.
Meat is mainly composed of water, protein, and fat. It is edible raw, but is normally eaten after it has been cooked and seasoned or processed in a variety of ways. Unprocessed meat will spoil or rot within hours or days as a result of infection with and decomposition by bacteria and fungi.
Obviously, none of this has stemmed the rise of alt meat. But it did make me think again of Gandhi (a staunch vegetarian, FYI). They ignored, they laughed, and now they were fighting.
This stuff, I thought, just might win.
This year is shaping up to be the inflection point when this becomes obvious to everybody else. Beyond Meat’s products are in 15,000 grocery stores in the U.S., and its sales have more than doubled each year. On May 2, it held its IPO, offering stock at $25, which turned out to be a wild underestimation of what investors thought the company was worth. It immediately leaped to $46 and closed the day at $65.75. That one-day pop of 163 percent was one of the best in decades, putting to shame such 2019 IPOs as Lyft (21 percent) and Pinterest (25 percent), to say nothing of Uber (negative 3 percent). In the following days, it kept ripping, climbing above $150, where it has stayed. The market currently estimates Beyond Meat’s worth at close to $10 billion.
Not to be outdone, that same month, Impossible Foods raised an additional $300 million dollars from private investors (for a running total of $740 million and a valuation of $2 billion) and announced it would be joining Beyond Meat in America’s grocery stores later this year. These companies are no longer little mammals scurrying around the feet of the big-beef dinosaurs. And they are gearing up for an epic head-to-head battle.
Both Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods recently released new, improved versions of their meat. For the past week, I’ve subsisted on little else. It feels great. Both have the same amount of protein as ground beef (about 20 grams per quarter-pound serving) and less fat. Being plant-based, they also provide a healthy shot of fiber. Both get their unctuousness from coconut oil.
But the core of each formula is very different. Beyond uses pea protein, while Impossible uses soy. Beyond gets its bloody color from beet juice; Impossible uses heme—the same molecule that makes our blood red—to achieve its meaty color and flavor. This is its killer app. Beef gets its beefiness from heme. When you cook heme, it produces the distinctive savory, metallic flavor of meat. Since heme is normally found in blood, no veggie concoction has ever used it. Soy plants do make microscopic amounts of it, but not enough to ever use. Impossible Foods’ breakthrough was to genetically engineer yeast to produce soy heme in a tank, like beer. This GMO process is a deal breaker for some people, but it makes all the difference. The Impossible Burger is incredible, the Beyond Burger merely passable.
The Beyond Burger comes as two premade four-ounce patties (packaged in a plastic tray wrapped in more plastic—strike one). They don’t quite pass as hamburgers. They’re too wet and too pink. They almost resemble finely ground salmon burgers. They cook to a satisfying toothinesson either a grill or a griddle, but there’s an inexplicable cellulose quality to the texture. (This is even more pronounced in the Beyond Sausage.) The flavor is also slightly off. There’s a hint of fake smoke and an earthiness I’m guessing comes from the beet juice. (My wife would argue that it’s more than slightly off; she has to leave the room when the Beyond Burger is cooking. But she also hates beets.) It’s not an unpleasant experience, just don’t expect the burgergasm you get from a quarter pound of USDA prime.
Impossible Foods, on the other hand, has delivered burgergasm after burgergasm. It’s shine-up-the-Nobel-Prize good. Not only does it taste like ground beef, it looks and acts like it, too. It’s truly plug and play.
That wasn’t true for the previous version. When I first wrote about Impossible Foods three years ago, I had to beg the company to send me one patty. It was hesitant. Back then, the burger was fussy. It didn’t work well on a grill, so you had to pan-fry it just right. The company made me do a Skype tutorial first, and when the micropatty arrived in a refrigerated box, with a special bun and special sauce, it was accompanied by pages of printed instructions. The burger was good, certainly the most meat-like plant patty up to that point, but it still tasted like a lite product—a little cleaner, a little less decadent, a little bit like filler.
This time, when I asked the company to send me a burger, a five-pound block of meat—clearly what it normally ships to food-service companies—arrived on my doorstep. No instructions, no hand-holding. It looked identical to ground beef,(Danger Will Rogers! This makes it easy for you to purchase unwittingly) so that’s how I treated it. And that’s how it performed. I made sliders, kebabs, nachos, chili, Bolognese sauce, even a little tartare (note: the company frowns hard on this).
If I’m being honest, I find that I slightly prefer it to real beef. It’s rich and juicy, more savory, but still somehow cleaner and less cloying. Now when I go back to regular beef, I notice a whiff of the charnel house in it, something musty and gray that I don’t like and don’t need.
In the coming years, expect a lot of other omnivores to have similar epiphanies. Impossible Foods has performed more than 26,000 blind taste tests on its burger, which is on track to surpass ground beef in those tests in the near future. What happens then? Impossible has been laser focused on creating the perfect simulacrum of ground beef. But why? The cow never had a lock on gastronomic perfection. It was just the best we could do given the limitations of the natural material. Firelight was fine until electricity came along. Then things got really interesting.
Look for something similar to happen with alt meat. For now, it’s necessary to make people comfortable with the familiar, the way Steve Jobs loaded the early iPhones with faux felt and wood grain. But once people stop expecting burgers to refer to a hunk of flesh, the brakes on deliciousness will be released.
This will be generational. All change is. Most Baby Boomers are going to stick with their beef, right up to the point where their dentures can’t take it anymore. But Gen Z will find the stuff as embarrassing as Def Leppard and dad jeans.
As this shift accelerates, the beef industry will lose its last advantage—price. Most offerings made with Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are about a buck a burger more expensive. But it’s inherently cheaper to make a burger directly out of plants than it is to feed those plants to an animal first. Beef is currently cheaper because of scale. Big food companies can negotiate tremendously reduced prices for feed, and gigantic factories and supply chains are much more efficient to run.
But the playing field is leveling fast. Last week, Dunkin’ announced a new Beyond Sausage breakfast sandwich that will be just 14 cents more than the meat version. But more than anything Beyond Meat or Impossible Foods has accomplished, the true death knell for the cattlemen is how the mainstream food industry has embraced alt meat.Whole Foods just announced it will start selling burgers from the UK-based startup the Meatless Farm in all of its stores. Nestle is launching its Awesome Burger this fall. Tyson Foods, America’s largest meat producer, just debuted its own plant-based nuggets, with more products to come.Tyson CEO Noel White said he expects Tyson “to be a market leader in alternative protein, which is experiencing double-digit growth and could someday be a billion-dollar business for our company.”
If that quote isn’t enough to send chills down the spine of any meat producer, try this one from Perdue Farms chairman Jim Perdue: “Our vision is to be the most trusted name in premium protein. It doesn’t say premium meat protein, just premium protein. That’s where consumers are going.”
And that’s where these companies will go. Beef is a headache. It comes with a lot of baggage to worry about: *antibiotic resistance, E. coli outbreaks, animal welfare, climate change. It’s the kind of icky biological variable that corporate America would love to leave behind—and as soon as beef becomes less profitable, it will.
*All those problems mentioned were manufactured by the Globalists to build the support for change. NONE of those issues are natural.
Recent projections suggest that 60 percent of the meat eaten in 2040 will be alt, a figure I think may actually be too conservative. An estimated 95 percent of the people buying alt burgers are meat-eaters. This is not about making vegetarians happy. It’s not even about climate change. This is a battle for America’s flame-broiled soul. Meat is about to break free from its animal past. As traditional meat companies embrace alt meat with the fervor of the just converted, making it cheap and ubiquitious, it’s unclear if Beyond Meat or Impossible Foods can survive the feeding frenzy (though Impossible’s patents on its core IP may help), but at least they’ll be able to comfort themselves with a modern take on Gandhi’s wisdom:
First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they sue you.
Then they try to buy you.
Then they copy you.
Then they steal your shelf space.
Then they put you out of business. Then you’ve won.
This Global Government is not only wanting you to give up meat and replace it with their fake version, they also want to feed you GARBAGE:
“We’ve seen steady growth in the number of organizations developing upcycled products and the types of ingredients being used,” says Chris Cochran, the organization’s executive director. The majority of these companies launched within the last five years.
The startups making new food from wasted ingredients typically focus on waste from farms and food processing plants. Some of the startups are still early-stage and only sold online or in a few stores, but others, including Wtrmln Wtr, have gone mainstream. Large food companies, like Tyson Foods, have also launched new products with ingredients that would have been discarded in the past—in Tyson’s case, it made a protein crisp called Yappah from chicken trim, vegetable puree, and spent grain from Molson Coors.
In some cases, companies have found that it makes the most sense to create an ingredient to sell to other manufacturers rather than a new consumer product. Renewal Mill, a company that raised a $2.5 million seed round in early 2019, creates a nutritious flour out of a by-product of making tofu and soymilk. The company currently makes a chocolate chip cookie that serves as a proof of concept, but plans to focus primary on selling to other businesses. “We see a larger opportunity to move larger volumes of the byproducts and make a larger dent in the food waste problem by selling to large CPG companies,” says Caroline Cotto, the chief operating officer for the startup.
Byproducts…aren’t you tired of being force-fed Corporations byproducts? Definition:1. a secondary or incidental product, as in a process of manufacture. 2. the result of another action, often unforeseen or unintended. Ya, like chlorine, fluoride? “There are some byproducts that can be harmful or hazardous. In certain chemical reactions such as nuclear fuel processing, the resulting byproducts cannot be marketed as part of the main product and are too dangerous to be marketed individually. Disposing them in their original form can result in pollution or other harmful effects. Thus they must be processed and disposed of in a proper, safe way.Where this treatment process is not possible, companies need to find a way to contain these byproducts.“ Source
So when corporations find themselves burdened with disposing of byproducts, especially ones that they cannot market successfully due to their risks, they MUST find a way to dispose of them. When proper disposal is not an option… they are faced with the dilemma of what to do with them. Well, they would much rather find a way to profit from them than to effectively store them somewhere.
Believe me, companies already do everything in their power to profit from every bit of material. They don’t throw anything away unless it is unsalvageable. That is where you get things like hotdogs. NOW, they want to use the materials that were absolutely without value and turn a profit. IT is an extra bonus to them that they can get you to eat it. Remember the old saying in the schoolyard…”Eat my dirt!” or “Eat my S___!” Kinda like a declaration of VICTORY!
Innovations in labeling expiration dates…hmmm you mean like Food Lion was doing? An “invisible coating that helps produce last longer?” I am convinced they have already been using this one for some time. I used to drive a truck cross country and when I would stop at the loading docks in California to pick up produce… I had to wait for hours. One day I asked the guard what was taking so long. He said, “they have to finish gassing all those vegetables”. Gassing them? What the heck? Were they applying this “invisible coating”? I don’t know if you have noticed, but over the past year, the produce in the market seems like it is not really fresh. Like it looks like maybe it would be, but it rots really fast and it tasteless.
A 2017 study suggested that consumers might also pay more for foods with “upcycled” ingredients.
Insectivorous is a word that applies to those who feed mainly or even exclusively on insects; Entomophagy applies to those having edible insects in their diet.
The term entomophagia exists only in cultures where the practice of eating insects is still unusual. But for us, what with our edible insects snack pots, the cooked meals and the protein bars made with cricket flour, it isn’t unusual at all! Source: ENTOMOPHAGY, ENTOMOPHAWHAT? THE PRACTICE OF EATING INSECTS | EDIBLE INSECTS & Co
Wasps, beetles and other insects are currently “under-utilized” as food for people and livestock, the report says. Insect farming is “one of the many ways to address food and feed security”.
“Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly, and they have high growth and feed conversion rates and a low environmental footprint,” according to the report.
Nutritional value
The authors point out that insects are nutritious, with high protein, fat and mineral content.
They are “particularly important as a food supplement for undernourished children”.
Insects are also “extremely efficient” in converting feed into edible meat. Crickets, for example, need 12 times less feed than cattle to produce the same amount of protein, according to the report.
Most insects are are likely to produce fewer environmentally harmful greenhouse gases than other livestock.
The ammonia emissions associated with insect-rearing are far lower than those linked to conventional livestock such as pigs, says the report.
The report calls for insect dishes to be added to restaurant menus
Insects are regularly eaten by many of the world’s population, but the thought may seem shocking to many Westerners.
The report suggests that the food industry could help in “raising the status of insects” by including them in new recipes and adding them to restaurant menus.
It goes on to note that in some places, certain insects are considered delicacies.
For example some caterpillars in southern Africa are seen as luxuries and command high prices.
Most edible insects are gathered in forests and serve niche markets, the report states.
It calls for improved regulation and production for using insects as feed.
“The use of insects on a large scale as a feed ingredient is technically feasible, and established companies in various parts of the world are already leading the way,” it adds.
Bugs are sustainable food, but how do you convince people to eat them? Jan 10, 2019 … Bugs are sustainable food, but how do you convince people to eat them? … “We have an innate response to things that might make us sick by … bug-eating experience, perhaps by showing celebrities eating them, might be …
Celebrities Eat Insects | Entomo Farms Jul 28, 2016 … Shailene really believes that eating insects is the future of food here in North America and other regions that have been opposed to such …
How to convince the world to get over the ‘yuck factor’ and eat insects May 6, 2014 … But in the west, the idea of eating insects fills us with disgust; they are fed to squirming celebrities on our reality TV shows. … Maybe to convince the world to eat insects, a bit of reverse psychology needs to be employed.
As usual, the solutions that science and technology come up with most often not only are unsuccessful at resolving the problem, but actually create new and bigger problems in the process.
It is impossible in today’s crazy world to trust anything you see, hear, taste, touch or feel. Technology has made it possible to create convincing facsimiles of just about everything. Already their are companies who have been creating FAKE FOOD that can fool anyone. Many of them could kill you if not immediately, eventually. Certainly, they are not good for you. They cannot nourish your body. Foods made from chemicals and plastics contain NO LIFE. You cannot build life from dead material.
Chinese newspaper alleges that district in Tianjin is a base to produce huge amounts of counterfeit food products, including sauces and seasonings labelled as well-known brands
Though there have been repeated denials of the voracity of this story, I never believed them. There were too many things about the original story that rang true including: the expense involved in creating the video, the names and faces that were identified, the equipment and documents that were featured in the video, and the fact that the Japanese are already creating fake food.
1 Timothy 4:4 is a verse often cited to support the typical understanding that God has abolished some of His commandments, specifically in this case, the dietary instructions. This appears to be a valid claim when the verse is examined in isolation. However, as soon as we employ sound hermeneutical principles by incorporating surrounding context, we find that 1 Timothy 4:4 actually teaches us that God’s dietary instructions are not abolished at all. In fact, we find that 1 Timothy 4 actually proves that we should still be keeping God’s dietary instructions. This 30 minute teaching is essential to anyone still struggling with Paul’s letters and his teachings on the law.
And the Lord spake unto Moses and to Aaron, saying unto them, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, These are the beasts which ye shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth. Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat. …
One of my favorite obscure biblical commands is from Deut. 23:12-14 (v. 13-15 in the Hebrew). Right after God gives rules concerning how to deal with wet dreams (i.e., nocturnal seminal emissions – the answer, btw, is to leave the camp, wash with water, and not return until sunset), God issues commands dealing with human waste disposal.
Now, disposal of human waste is a necessary, albeit unsavory, part of urban life (or in this case, desert nomadic life in a camp). We must have rules that govern how to dispose of human excrement in order to help combat diseases that may arise from contact with human waste. Everyone acknowledges this.
Thus, the Israelites are commanded to cover their poo when they, well…poo. This makes obvious sense. It helps cover the smell, which while odious to humans, is also detected by unwanted animals and insects. Covering your poo also assists in avoiding everyone’s pedestrian nightmare: stepping in poo.
Deut. 23:12 You shall have a designated area outside the camp to which you shall go. Deut. 23:13 As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement. Deut. 23:14 For the LORD your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you. Your camp must be holy, so that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you.
(Bobcargill wrote this article to mock and make light of God’s commandments, I only posted excerpts from the article because it clearly states the commandments regarding POO in the bible. God is making the point that he takes these laws very seriously. Defiling ourselves with what is unclean has consequences. God is always present with believers. He will not remain where there is uncleanliness or sin. He CANNOT.)
Or if a soul touch any unclean thing, whether it be a carcase of an unclean beast, or a carcase of unclean cattle, or the carcase of unclean creeping things, and if it be hidden from him; he also shall be unclean, and guilty. Leviticus 5:2
Or if he touch the uncleanness of man, whatsoever uncleanness it be that a man shall be defiled withal, and it be hid from him; when he knoweth of it, then he shall be guilty. Leviticus 5:3
And the flesh that toucheth any unclean thing shall not be eaten; it shall be burnt with fire: and as for the flesh, all that be clean shall eat thereof. Leviticus 7:19
Moreover the soul that shall touch any unclean thing, as the uncleanness of man, or any unclean beast, or any abominable unclean thing, and eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which pertain unto the Lord, even that soul shall be cut off from his people. Leviticus 7:21
And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean; Leviticus 10:10
Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.
And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.
And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.
And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.
Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you. Leviticus 11:4-8
And for these ye shall be unclean: whosoever toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean until the even.
And whosoever beareth ought of the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even. Leviticus 11:24-8
The carcases of every beast which divideth the hoof, and is not clovenfooted, nor cheweth the cud, are unclean unto you: every one that toucheth them shall be unclean.
And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of beasts that go on all four, those are unclean unto you: whoso toucheth their carcase shall be unclean until the even.
And he that beareth the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: they are unclean unto you.
These also shall be unclean unto you among the creeping things that creep upon the earth; the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoise after his kind, Leviticus 11:26-29
These are unclean to you among all that creep: whosoever doth touch them, when they be dead, shall be unclean until the even.
And upon whatsoever any of them, when they are dead, doth fall, it shall be unclean; whether it be any vessel of wood, or raiment, or skin, or sack, whatsoever vessel it be, wherein any work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the even; so it shall be cleansed.
And every earthen vessel, whereinto any of them falleth, whatsoever is in it shall be unclean; and ye shall break it.
Of all meat which may be eaten, that on which such water cometh shall be unclean: and all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean.
And every thing whereupon any part of their carcase falleth shall be unclean; whether it be oven, or ranges for pots, they shall be broken down: for they are unclean and shall be unclean unto you.
Nevertheless a fountain or pit, wherein there is plenty of water, shall be clean: but that which toucheth their carcase shall be unclean. Leviticus 11:31-36
But if any water be put upon the seed, and any part of their carcase fall thereon, it shall be unclean unto you.
And if any beast, of which ye may eat, die; he that toucheth the carcase thereof shall be unclean until the even.Leviticus 11:38-39
Agriculture is the original career/industry. Cain was a farmer and Able was a rancher. VERY HONORABLE and Godly pursuits. MEAT (flesh of animals consumed as food) and Vegetation (Fruits, Vegetables, herbs and spices) are the food God designed to nourish the bodies he created. Agriculture has been the backbone of society since time began, with little change. There is NOTHING evil or cruel or unclean about the way God told us to eat. He even gave commandments on how to kill the animals in the most humane manner, as well as how to raise the animals and crops to best maintain the ecology/environment and to treat the animals with care and dignity.
The ranchers that I know, love their animals. They are part of the family. The provide warmth, protection, food, exercise, and space for them. They are sad when they have to sell or kill an animal, but they accept it as part of life.
Let me ask you this… Throughout history, people lost in the wild have been able to survive by catching fish or killing animals. If you found yourself lost in the wild, how many bugs do you think you would have to catch and eat in order to survive?? Or, would you simply eat your poop?? (in the winter, bugs are no where to be found)
Just remember… YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Nothing dead or unclean can ever bring life and vitality to your body!
Humans that think they can slaughter babies and consume their body parts, eat every unclean thing mentioned in the bible and make a mockery of the Word of GOD and His Commandments, is about to learn their lesson.
Posted Nov 11, 1996 by Roger Foster est reading time: 17 Min
We Are Not Pigs; Part 1, Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6 This is my series if you have not viewed it in entirety I hope you will take the time to do so