Restored 6/4/23
Now we are getting to the bottom of the reality of why WWI and WWII were fought. Antartica is a place that holds a lot of secrets. Obviously, they do not want those secrets getting out. Hitler was the first to delve in and benefit. We will have to keep watching to learn what all will be discovered and recovered there. The following excerpts are presented here just for consideration. Just because their material is shown here, does not necessarily mean that I endorse or promote these folks. I do believe that there are aspects of history that have been covered up and that there is a spiritual side of life that is being completely ignored. I, personally, am a believer in the One and Only True and Living Creator God, and his Only Begotten Son, who is the Living WORD. I also believe that we are living in the Endtimes, and that all things that have been hidden are being revealed!
Operation Paperclip: how the US recruited Nazis after WW2
– What was the fate of the scientists that performed such abhorrent experiments as mutilation and testing on humans during the war?
– Why were these particular files classified?
Welcome to the ANTARCTICA Page of Myths and Legends
The Piri Reis Map
Piri Reis was a famous 15th-century Turkish naval admiral. His navigational map was discovered by historians in 1929 and it shows the Antarctica landmass the way it is beneath the ice. A copy of his map was given to the U.S. Hydrographic Institute who were amazed at its accuracy, considering it had been drawn 300 years before Antarctica had been discovered. They even used it to correct some of their own maps. Piri Reis himself stated that his map was created from even earlier maps called portolans. What astounds scientists is how these maps were created in ancient times without the benefit of aerial or satellite survey facilities. See the history of maps. These questions have given rise to a number of theories about life on earth for the past 12,500 years.

The Egyptian Connection

Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Archeology
From ancient history and the occasional archeological discovery, we gain tantalising glimpses of civilizations that flourished and died, tales of vast wealth, hidden treasure and impossible accomplishments, – from the Phoenicians, Sumerians, Hebrews, Mesopotamians, Egyptians and ancient Greeks – They all talk of at least one civilization with phenomenal wealth and power, special knowledge and extraordinary abilities.
This ancient culture may have undergone a cataclysmic event, perhaps an earthquake or a flood, even the ‘Great Flood’ of Noah, causing the destruction of the civilization, or perhaps, this culture endured a slow decline over the centuries of forgotten time. They certainly have disappeared from our world altogether. One possible explanation suggested is that of continental drift, violent or gradual. Is it possible that Antarctica might have been somewhere else 10,000 years ago, with a different, more temperate, climate? Some scientists believe that the actual position of the South Pole itself may have shifted significantly in time gone by. Antartica was also once part of an ancient supercontinent, Gondwanaland, see Geophysics.
The South American Connection
The ancient Mayan civilization that existed as far back as 1200 BC on the Yucatan peninsula in Central America, had a complex writing system based on hieroglyphs. They were proficient in mathematics and art, their astronomy was astoundingly accurate, and they built massive pyramids throughout Central America.
The Incas are associated with huge drawings known as geoglyphs that exist in the Nazca desert of Peru which can only be viewed from space or extremely high altitudes (see picture).
These ancient cultures are currently being researched on a massive scale and new discoveries are being made on a regular basis. Writers have speculated that the ancient Mayans were Phoenicians, or the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, or even survivors from the lost continent of Atlantis.
The legend of Atlantis describes an ‘island’ in the Atlantic ocean that sank beneath the sea thousands of years ago. The story of Atlantis was recorded by Plato around 360 BC, as related to Plato by Critias, whose great-grandfather had traveled to Egypt and heard the legend there from an Egyptian priest called Solon. The priest, translating from hieroglyphs inscribed on a pillar, told him that Atlantis had existed 9,000 years before the time of Plato and that it was a utopian island inhabited by a supposedly advanced race of beings, the Atlanteans. Plato said that the Atlantean empire was originally founded by the sea-god Poseidon who wedded Cleito, a mortal nymph also known as Asia. They had ten sons and the continent was divided amongst them into ten kingdoms. The eldest son and overall king was Atlas, who gave his name to the island and surrounding sea. Atlantis, in fact, literally means daughter of Atlas.
On the mountain where Poseidon and Cleito had mated, the kings built the capital of Atlantis, digging a channel deep enough for ships to pass through to the harbor. The land around the metropolis was sculpted into defensive concentric rings of different-colored stone, overlaid with metals, and circular water channels, roofed over so that the sea-way was subterranean. At the very center was the temple of Poseidon surrounded by a wall made of solid gold. The outside of the temple was coated with silver and the roof was made of ivory decorated with shiny metals and precious gems. Inside were statues of the kings and queens of Atlantis made of pure gold, and dwarfed only by a gigantic statue of Poseidon, said to be 300 feet tall, and also made of gold. This was the Royal City and capital of Atlantis, but there were nine other great cities each ruled by its own king. The army of the Royal City alone had 60,000 captains, a fleet of 1200 triremes and a chariot force 10,000 strong. The empire of the Atlanteans extended across the sea and reached into the Mediterranean, including North Africa as far as Egypt and Europe, as far as Tuscany in Italy.
Recent aerial photographs have shown a clearly circular structure or pyramid formation, that lies beneath the ice of Antarctica.
For more information, see
The Island of Atlantis and The Lost City of Atlantis
The famous author, Jules Verne, wrote a story entitled “The Sphinx of the Ice Fields”, also known by the title, An Antarctic Mystery.
Other Myths & Legends
The Book of Enoch
According to the Bible, angels once walked upon the surface of the earth. Speculation also exists that they are the missing ‘master’ race. In 1773, a British explorer, James Bruce, discovered a scroll in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) that was a full copy of the Book of Enoch, which appeared to be a Book of the Bible, written in the 2nd century BC. This text had existed in fragmentary form, written in Aramaic, in Europe for centuries, but had been rejected by the Catholic Church as heresy. The text itself deals with a group of angels on Earth called ‘The Watchers’, who dwelt in a high place.
King Arthur was a sixth century King of Britain, educated and assisted by Merlin, a scholar, engineer, musician and magician who had many prophetic visions. It has been suggested that Merlin created the megaliths at Stonehenge by transporting the stones from Ireland and creating a replica of their original layout, an impressive engineering feat. At that time, England was ruled by Vortigern, a usurper who had stolen the crown. Merlin showed Vortigern a vision in which a White Dragon slew a Red Dragon, presaging the onslaught of Uther Pendragon, the rightful king. Uther landed with a large army and Vortigern was burned in the castle he had constructed. Arthur was the son of King Uther Pendragon and Ygraine, a Welsh princess. Merlin used magic arts to arrange meetings between Uther and Ygraine, as Ygraine was married to the Duke of Gorlois, one of the king’s allies. They were married after the death of the Duke.
Merlin was closely associated with Viviane, the Lady of Lake, a famous mythical figure, possibly part of a Druidistic (Celtic) religion which dominated parts of Britain at that stage. Legend has it that the Lady of the Lake delivered a sword to Merlin, who then implanted it in a rock. The sword, called Excalibur, could only be withdrawn from the rock by the true-born King of England. When many others could not, Arthur drew the sword from the rock with ease and was made king, at a meeting of the nobles. Arthur was, at that time, only 15 years of age.
The young King Arthur united England in a way never before accomplished by espousing noble and chivalrous deeds, and by giving religious freedom to the Celts and Roman Catholics of the time. He successfully defeated the Saxons hordes who threatened England and united all the feudal armies of England and Wales. He married Guinevere, a beautiful princess, and created the Knights of the Round Table at his castle in Camelot. There were 12 knights of the Round Table, including, inter alia, Lancelot, Gawain, Gareth, Kay, Bedivere, and Percival.
Another knight, Mordred, was born of an unwitting union between Arthur and his half-sister Morgawse, making Mordred both his son and his nephew. Later in life, consumed by guilt, King Arthur had his knights search for the Holy Grail, reputed to be a silver cup or chalice, which contained the blood of Christ, possibly buried with a great treasure of gold and silver. He foreswore violence and bade Sir Bedivere cast his sword Excalibur back into the lake from whence it came. The sword was caught by the outstretched arm of the Lady of the Lake and sank back into the water.
In a final conflict between Arthur and Mordred at Salisbury Plain, Arthur killed Mordred but received a fatal blow in the process. The wounded Arthur was borne away on a barge to the Island of Avalon, presided over by the enchantress Queen Morgan le Fay, his other half-sister. Legend says that King Arthur, magically healed of his wounds, lies asleep in a cave in Glastonbury and that he will return to defend England if it is ever invaded.
What is this fort doing in Antarctica? Motte and bailey castle remains emerge from icecap
A GIANT fort-like structure has just revealed itself in deepest Antarctica, sparking claims of an ancient civilization once roaming the polar region.
This mysterious dome structure hints at an ancient civilization dwelling in Antarctica
What appears to be the remains oval-shaped “building” is 400ft across and appears to have all the hallmarks of being a sizeable, man-made construction – similar to a medieval motte and bailey castle.
If true, it would reshape everything scientists thought they knew about humanity’s past as it would prove people inhabited what was previously thought to be a desolate region.
Satellite imagery clearly shows the structure, which closely resembles the ruins of a once giant building.
It is so symmetrical it has raised questions as to whether nature alone could have designed it.
This is the map drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, showing Antarctica
Scientists initially thought the discovery could be a sastrugi – a natural phenomenon formed by years of being battered by strong, freezing winds and heavy snowfall.
But sastrugies always form a distinctive shape based on the direction of the wind and rarely appear as a distinct oval, such as the mystery formation in the satellite image.
Ancient civilizations in Antarctica have long been rumored to have existed, with people pointing to a map drawn in 1513 by Turkish admiral Piri Reis as a clear sign of historic life.
Mystery pyramids resembling Giza found in Antarctica
This dome-like structure is not the first discovery to raise questions about advanced ancient civilizations living in the area.
A pyramid also appears to have been discovered poking out of the snow, with its distinctive triangular, symmetrical shape are clearly at odds with its surrounding environment.
This is the ‘pyramid’ in Antarctica that has conspiracy theorists excited
These are clearly features of some sort of human-made structure
Leading archeologist, Ashoka Tripathi, of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Calcutta, believes the images show clear evidence of an ancient human settlement beneath the ice sheet.
He said: “These are clearly features of some sort of human-made structure, resembling some sort of pyramidal structure. The patterns clearly show nothing we should expect from natural geomorphological formations found in nature. We clearly have here evidence of human engineering.
“The only problem is that these photographs were taken in Antarctica under 2km of ice. That is clearly the puzzling part, we do not have any explanation for this at the moment.
“These pictures just reflect a small portion of Antarctica’s total land mass. There are possibly many other additional sites that are covered over with ice. It just shows us how easy it is to underestimate both the size and scale of past human settlements.”
‘Snow pyramid discovery’ in Antarctic could change the course of HUMAN HISTORY
STUNNING images of what appears to be a pyramid in Antarctica are baffling scientists around the world.
Mysterious pyramids discovered in Antarctica
Images on Google earth have revealed the existence of the four-sided structure, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the famous Egyptian pyramids built thousands of years ago.
Covered by snow on each side, the find has prompted theories that what is now the snowy caps of the earth was once inhabited by humanity.
Three structures have apparently been found, two roughly 10 miles inland and the other close to the coast.
Evidence from the surrounding area indicates the climate was not as cold as it is today.
The most famous pyramid, Egypt’s Giza, was built around 2500BC
In 2009 scientists studied samples taken from the frozen continent and discovered pollen, suggesting the temperature was much higher than the frosty -49c, around 20c.
Three years later in 2012, scientists from Nevada’s Desert Research Institute identified 32 species of bacteria from Lake Vida, east Antarctica, lending further proof the climate was entirely different to the frozen tundra that it is today.
Images on Google earth have revealed the existence of the four-sided structure
As climate change continues to transform global environments, historical spots around the globe also suggest a very different temperature and eco-system thousands and millions of years ago, further proof that Antarctica could have been a lush, tropical land.
The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica… Revealed

Missing U-boat fleets possessing the most advanced submarine technology in the world left many wondering if the Nazis had escaped with yet more secrets or even with Hitler himself. Behind all of these mysteries was an even deeper element: a secret order known to initiates as the Order of the Black Sun, an organization so feared that it is now illegal to even print their symbols and insignia in modern Germany.
It’s roots stem from The Vril Society that began around the same time as the Thule Society, when Karl Haushofer founded the “Bruder des Lichts”, which means Brothers of the Light, sometimes referred to as the Luminous Lodge.

– The Black Knights, of the Thule Society
– The Black Sun, the elite branch of the SSWhen the German secret societies came into being after World War One, the world’s leading authorities on archeology and linguistics, especially regarding ancient Sumer and Babylon, were primarily German.
A local medium named Maria Orisc began getting messages in an unknown language and couldn’t transcribe them, so began meeting with key members of these societies, along with other mediums. The messages supposedly came from the star system of Aldebaran, an orange giant located about 65 light-years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus, which they believed has two planets which form the ’Sumerian Empire’.
In the Sumerian empire were said to exist two classes of people – the Aryan or original “pure” race, and a subservient race which had devolved, or developed in a negative fashion, as a result of mutation from climatic changes likely due to nuclear fallout. From Peter Moon’s book The Black Sun:
“A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran’s became uninhabitable. Marduk, existing in what is today the asteroid belt , was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians.”
Members of the Vril Society believed that Aldebaranians landed on Earth following global cataclysms when the planet became slowly habitable again in the region of Mesopotamia. Re-establishing civilization they formed the dominant ruling nobility of the Sumerians and various other early societies, governing through an elite bloodline and segregated caste system; interracial inter-breeding (mixing blood) was strictly taboo.

In common with the legendary inhabitants of Atlantis, the Hyperboreans engaged in war with neighboring civilizations. This escalated into the use of atomic weapons, resulting in a pyrrhic victory for the Hyperboreans, who, as well as defeating their enemies, virtually destroyed themselves in the process.The surviving Hyperboreans were soon faced with the prospect of mutated and otherwise radiation damaged offspring. Showing remarkable resolve, those who had not sustained any apparent genetic damage, banded together and effectively removed themselves from the gene pool by relocating underground, a variety of self-imposed quarantine.

In the run up to World War II, German secret societies and the Nazi SS were guided to three large caverns in Antarctica by Reptilian extraterrestrials, according to former U.S. Navy intelligence operative William Tompkins. In his latest ExoNews TV interview, released today, Tompkins describes how the Reptilians helped the Germans/Nazis build underground bases in remote Antarctic caverns, which were located next to even larger caverns controlled by the Reptilians.
According to Tompkins, the U.S. Navy learned of the existence of these secret Antarctic bases from their spies embedded in Nazi Germany, who found that the Nazis/Germans used these remote bases to launch space missions to the Moon, other planets in our solar system, and, most remarkably, to distant interstellar locations.
Tompkins says that the Germans began moving equipment and supplies to Antarctica as early as 1913, which coincides historically with the Second German Antarctic Expedition from 1911-1913. This period also coincides with the increasing role of German secret societies in exploring remote global locations for occult knowledge.
The movement of equipment accelerated in the lead up to World War II. In his interview, Tompkins cites 1934 as the beginning of this acceleration, even though historical records point to 1938 as the launch of the Third German Antarctic Expedition:
The move from Germany to Antarctica was in operation from 1934 way before the war started. In fact some of the stuff went down in 1913.
In last week’s ExoNews TV episode, Tompkins revealed that secret agreements had been reached between Hitler’s regime and Draconian Reptilians. In this week’s episode he discussed one of the major elements of this agreement:
Large portions of equipment were sent down there. But right next to them were three tremendous size caverns which the Reptilians had. Not Grays, but Reptilians. Germany got two more, about a tenth the size of the big Reptilians [cavern]. They were able to … [go] down, usually by submarine. They built these flat submarines, these regular class, so they could ship all this stuff down.
Tompkins remarkable information is consistent with Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz who referred on three occasions to an impregnable fortress being built for Hitler in a remote location using Germany’s advanced submarine fleet:
In 1943, Donitz is reported to have stated:
… the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress.
The second occasion was in in 1944, when he revealed how plans were in place to relocate Hitler so he could launch new plans for his thousand-year Reich:
The German Navy will have to accomplish a great task in the future. The German Navy knows all hiding places in the oceans and therefore it will be very easy to bring the Führer to a safe place should the necessity arise and in which he will have the opportunity to work out his final plans.
Finally, Dönitz’s remarks at his Nuremberg war crime trial clearly suggest that it was Antarctica where Germany’s most advanced technologies had been secretly relocated by his submarine fleet. At the trial he boasted of “an invulnerable fortress, a paradise-like oasis in the middle of eternal ice.”
Donitz’s remarks were made plausible in 1966 by cartographer and artist Heinrich C. Berann for the National Geographic Society. In Berann’s depiction of an ice-free Antarctica, he shows underwater passageways that run throughout the Antarctic continent. This provided a plausible way in which submarines could travel under the ice for considerable distances to Nazi Germany’s “invulnerable fortress”.

Donitz’s claims are further supported by documents provided by an alleged German submarine crewman after the war, which described the instructions for U-Boat Captains to reach the Antarctica bases through the hidden passage ways. Below is an image of the document with the translated instructions.

In today’s interview, Tompkins describes simultaneous flying saucer programs that had been developed by the Nazis. One was in Germany, while the second was in Antarctica. In his response to a question about where Germany’s antigravity craft were being built, he said:
They built the prototypes in Germany. They built pre-protype, something which is ready for production, in Antarctica. They put this stuff in production in the countries all over Germany [Occupied Europe], and they continued to build similar vehicles in Antarctica.
Tompkins then shares one of the most astonishing secrets gained by the Navy spies embedded in Germany. With the help of the Reptilians, the Nazi’s Antarctica program had successfully launched manned missions to the Moon, planets, and even other star systems.
Now the question was asked whether did we ever get to the Moon? You see it was in some way, it was well known that the Germans had a number of vehicles that flew out and came back. One of the first ones, they got into trouble, they crashed and the whole group died. But that was almost all coming from Antarctica. Way before, four years before, the war ended, they were always moving all of this stuff out. And so the flights, almost everything came from Antarctica with the same people. … I don’t know if it was true or not, but it was stated by some of those fellows [Navy spies] that they had gone to other stars and come back.
Tompkins remarkable claims corroborate the testimony of secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, who claims that from 1987 to 2007, he had access to smart glass pads, which described the successful Nazi space program that operated out of Antarctica.
Goode said the Antarctica program was controlled by German secret societies rather than the Nazi SS:
As explained, the Nazi remnants that were made up mostly of Secret Societies that created a “Break Away Civilization,” kept the most advanced technology secret from even their highest Military and Political leaders, setup enclaves in South America and Antarctica. The locations in Antarctica were some ancient civilization ruins that had remained occupied by certain groups in thermal area’s that cause area’s similar to lava tubes and domes under the glaciers.
Goode goes on to corroborate Tompkins claim that the Nazi bases were built adjacent to caverns controlled by another advanced civilization, the Reptilians:
There was an underground and under glacier city complex that was already occupied and setup in a couple of locations and the NAZI’s renovated an area that was mostly crushed above the surface but had plenty of room under the domed ice, thermal underground energy and caverns (accessible via U-boat under the ice flows and openings that made it ideal for a hidden multipurpose base) that were perfect for them to secretly build out during the entire Second World War
What makes Tompkins claims difficult to dismiss are documents he has published in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, supporting his main claim that he participated in a covert Navy Intelligence program that disseminated Germany’s advanced aerospace secrets to selected U.S. aerospace companies, think tanks and universities.
Furthermore, documents, and statements by Admiral Donitz, support Tompkins claims that Nazi Germany had succeeded in locating and building underground facilities under the Antarctic continent. The long route under the Antarctic ice sheets, which the German submarine fleet allegedly took to reach these hidden caverns, gives credence to Tompkins claims that Reptilian extraterrestrials had provided the Nazis with the information necessary to locate the hidden Antarctic caverns, and the under-ice passage ways to reach them.

It is a historical fact that Nazi Germany devoted significant resources to the exploration of Antarctica, and established a prewar presence there with its first mission in the Antarctic summer of 1938/1939. According to a statement by Grand Admiral Donitz in 1943, “the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La land, an impregnable fortress.”

If the fortress was in Antarctica, was it built by the Nazis, or discovered there? After the defeat of Nazi Germany, according various sources, elite Nazi scientists and leaders escaped to this impregnable fortress by Uboats, two of which experienced difficulties and surrendered in Argentina.
Admiral Byrd ‘tells all’ in archived interview, ‘the hollow Earth is real’
By ◊ – December 27, 2014 | 5:23 pm
By Shepard Ambellas
(INTELLIHUB.COM) — Admiral Richard E. Byrd, one of the greatest U.S. explorers of all-time, traveled to both the North Pole and the South Pole during his former service with the U.S. Navy.
The ballsy Admiral, full of courage, once talked with a race of people from inside the center of the Earth, as the story goes, allegedly documented in his personal diary which was released years after his death.
It’s “for science”, Byrd said, “It’s an untouched reservoir of natural resources”.
“Strangely enough, there is an area left in the world today an area as big as the United States that’s never been seen by a human being.”, Byrd stated, referencing it as the land “beyond the South Pole” during the show.
Suddenly, broadcasters, changed the course of Byrd’s presentation several times, even going as far as to talk about the “need” for “frozen food” companies in Antarctica. While Byrd vaguely mentioned how well the South Polar region preserves food over time, due to its extremely cold temperatures, it’s likely not the reason for the increased militarized interest globally.
During the broadcast Byrd also corrected an earlier statement of his, downplaying the existence of “uranium” in Antarctica as if it was of unimportance to the militarizes worldwide.
Later on, in the interview, Byrd broke down, admitting that many nations, including Russia, Australia, Britain, Chile, and Argentina, were looking into Antarctica for its “vast resources” at the time. It almost seemed like a race to the pole.
Although Bird said he thinks Antarctica “is the most peaceful place in the world”, he went on to say that it won’t be “for long.”, before pointing out a few of the extremities one may encounter.
“The South pole is set on a plateau 10,000 feet high […] in some places about 14,000 feet up”, far different from the North Pole, Byrd said, downplaying the governments upcoming expedition as he carried on building up the adrenaline factor. I mean, you truly had to be a great explorer to endure such travels, with the technology and resources they were allocated. It really was a ‘no man’s land’.
“Loyalty was by far the most important thing”, Byrd maintained fiercely, carrying on, in an intense manner about his previous manned missions and their importance. A
At the peak, the height, of Admiral Byrd’s career every asset in the U.S. Navy’s inventory was leveraged to Byrd for his use if need, during his exploration of the South Pole. This should give you an idea, a glimpse, into the vast scale and the amount of resources at his disposal during the Navy’s “Operation highjump“, in which Byrd headed up.
After a long hard, cold, losing battle with the icy conditions, and in most cases the ice itself, Byrd and his team found a place in Antarctica where the waters ran warm, an “oasis”, as reported previously by Intellihub.
However, make no mistake, this was an unusual move for the American military at the time as people, nations and even world economies were still volatile from the previous war.
Why would the U.S. military be seeking to expend so many resources at risk of great loss to explore such a harsh region of the globe as Antarctica? What was the rush? What did they know?
A lot of the details regarding Operation Highjump have been carefully tucked away over the years. Wikipedia explains little about the mission officially titled “The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-1947″, reading:
A United States Naval operation organized by Rear AdmiralRichard E. Byrd Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68. Operation Highjump commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and multiple aircraft. The primary mission of Operation Highjump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.
Highjump’s objectives, according to the U.S. Navy’s report of the operation, were:
- training personnel and testing equipment in frigid conditions;
- consolidating and extending United States sovereignty over the largest practicable area of the Antarctic continent (This was publicly denied as a goal even before the expedition ended);
- determining the feasibility of establishing, maintaining and utilizing bases in the Antarctic and investigating possible base sites;
- developing techniques for establishing, maintaining and utilizing air bases on ice, with particular attention to later applicability of such techniques to operations in interior Greenland, where conditions are comparable to those in the Antarctic;
- amplifying existing stores of knowledge of hydrographic, geographic, geological, meteorological and electro-magnetic propagation conditions in the area;
- supplementary objectives of the Nanook expedition. (The Nanook operation was a smaller equivalent conducted off eastern Greenland.)
Interestingly enough, many of the actual mission details were shrouded by secrecy, hidden from the American public. In fact, an excerpt from a report entitled “The Antarctica Enigma” reads, “Little other information was released to the media about the mission, although most journalists were suspicious of its true purpose given the huge amount of military hardware involved.
The US Navy also strongly emphasized that Operation Highjump was going to be a navy show; Admiral Ramsey’s preliminary orders of 26th August 1946 stated that,“The Chief of Naval Operations only will deal with other governmental agencies” and that “no diplomatic negotiations are required. No foreign observers will be accepted.”
Not exactly an invitation to scrutiny, even from other arms of the government.
Admiral Byrd, was a strategic choice as he was a national hero to the Americans. He had pioneered the technology that would be a foundation for modern polar exploration and investigation, had been repeatedly decorated and had undertaken many expeditions to Antarctica and was also the first man to fly over both poles.
However, the task force itself, remained strictly under the military command of Rear Admiral Richard Cruzen
Unfortunately, the ships central group entered the ice pack off the Ross Sea on 31st December 1946 and found conditions as bad as had been noted for over a century.
Cebreakers such as the USCGC Burton Island, a ship that had only recently been commissioned and was still undergoing sea trials off the Californian coast when Operation Highjump was launched, fought to cut a way through the ice to help the men land.”
Richard Cruzen, was one of a few men to have located at several “oases” now secret areas of the Antarctic, touching on the real reason the expedition team was sent there. However, only people in-the-know with special clearance would truly know the intended purpose of the expedition.
An excerpt from the Daviess County Historical Society reads, “According to a Navy report, 1,000 miles of new coastline was discovered on exploratory trips by the Bear and Byrd’s sea plane. Commended by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox for his “superior seamanship, ability, courage, determination, efficiency and good judgment in dangerous emergencies,” Cruzen was one of the 16 members of the 1939-41 expedition who received the Antarctic Expedition Medal, presented in November 1946.
On Dec. 2, 1946, Cruzen once more set sail for the Antarctic continent. This time, as Task Force Commander under Admiral Byrd of the Navy’s Antarctic Developments Project also known as “Operation Highjump” Cruzen led a force of 13 ships carrying some 4,000 men, including meteorologists, zoologists, physicists and experts from oceanography institutes into the adventure of a lifetime.
Besides looking for new scientific data, another purpose of the expedition was to train Navy personnel and to test standard Navy ships and other equipment in cold weather operations.
Cruzen navigated through an ice pack of several hundred miles before reaching Little America. Icebergs and unpredictable weather were formidable foes during the course of the expedition.
Among the discoveries made during the 1946-47 expedition was the sighting of two “oases,” one a region of ice-free lakes and land. More than 300,000 square miles of unpathed territory were charted on aerial mapping operations. Their observations proved that radical changes would have to be made on existing maps of the Antarctic.”
Why would warm spots, with warm water exist in the Antarctic? What does this mean?
The Hollow Earth Theory
Researchers such as Dr. Brooks Agnew and others have deeply considered the possibility that the earth itself could be hollow, or egg-like.
Although this theory seems hard to comprehend as you have been told exactly opposite your entire life, entertain the idea for a moment.
What if the earth was hollow?
Would that be possible?
Is there evidence to back this up? The answer is yes.
Evidence shows that the earth rings like a bell after an earthquake for a period of up to about 60 minutes and that’s why some scientists and researchers say that this is due to the fact that the earth is hollow.
If the earth had a solid core, when and earthquake happened it would likely absorb all of vibration and not resonate it. This is just one detail that should open your mind to the possibility that a hollow planet is a possibility.
Famous author and lecture, David Icke, explains in his book, Moon Matrix, exactly how the moon is likely hollow as well. While Icke has been received lately harshly with criticisms, an article points out how, “Icke believes that the moon is an inter-dimensional, intensity portal for entities and energies from other dimensions. He believes that aliens use the moon as a home base for hijacking signals from the universe so that our bodily forms that are experiencing this virtual reality on Earth, can’t fully experience what our creator meant for it to be. These aliens are the same reptilian shape-shifters that Icke claims are responsible for much of suffering on our planet. Reptilians want to filter anything beyond our five senses so that it manipulates what kind of world we can experience.”
In the following clip, Icke explains how he believes the moon is rather too large to be orbiting earth.
If that is just too much for you, let’s bring you back down to earth.
History in virtually every culture and civilization across the planet and throughout time, has documented what appears to be the existence of a hollow earth.
According to Dr. Brooks Agnew, who I have personally interviewed many times, a hollow earth is a very real possibility. Agnew has focused his studies to the North Pole region, as him and his team plan to one day locate a documented “polar depression” thus launching test overflights from a “nuclear powered icebreaker”.
Brooks and his team plan a scientific expedition to the brim of the hollow earth, which proves to been unsuccessful at this time due to a lack of funding.
Brooks plans to use a “sun compass” and a “gyroscope”above the 60th parallel to get accurate measurements of the oceanic depression. If the rate of change begins to increase than likely you would be entering the longed elusive polar depression, reported by the ancient Vikings and modern-day seamen alike.
During an interview on Red Ice Radio, Agnew talked about the formation of planets, Sir Isaac Newton, and the difference between “thick” and “thin” crust physics, zero gravity and more. The episode is very interesting to say the least. Essentially what Agnew is talking about is a rather large “Graviton”. You know, those rides at the county fair that spin real fast, sticking you to the wall as the floor lowers. I can smell the funnel cake and the cotton candy now.
The interview Agnew, continues to get into the possibility of a hollow earth, questioning the possibility of advanced life within. Agnew explains how migration patterns of birds could be proof that something to the nature of a hollow earth exists, as birds are migrating north for winter in some cases, retreating to a warm area.
It was also rumored that the U.S. Navy encountered UFOs during the Antarctic expedition. A brief clip of this was allegedly caught on film.
Some also speculate that mermaids and other rare creatures may derive from the inner earth, sometimes making their way into the upper waters divided by the firmament.
We’ve all heard tales of Nazis exploring the southern extremities of the globe and even setting up bases in Neuschwabenland. Some have also heard of Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd’s altercation with entrenched German forces that overpowered them with amazing flying craft.
A video (below) has recently surfaced which shows a 1944 map from the Third Reich detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain but also a complete map of both hemispheres of the inner realm of Agharta!
(I know that this following video is blurry and the language is foreign, but watch it very closely! You will see the actual battle between Byrd and the German forces. You will also see the German flying saucer!)
ADMIRAL BYRD AND OPERATION HIGHJUMP ...In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica (Operation Highjump and follow-up), but encountered heavy resistance from Nazi 'flying saucers' and had to call off the invasion. A Rear-Admiral who was in that invasion has retired in Texas, and said he was shocked when he read the *Fire From The Sky* material. He knew there were a lot of aircraft and rocket shoot-downs but did not realize the situation was so bad. The invasion of ANTARCTICA consisted of three battle groups from Norfolk, VA, on Dec. 2, 1946. They were led by Byrd's command ship, the ice-breaker *Northwind,* and consisted of the catapult ship *Pine Island,* the destroyer *Brownsen,* the aircraft-carrier *Phillipines Sea,* the U.S. submarine *Sennet,* two support vessels *Yankee* and *Merrick,* and two tankers *Canisted* and *Capacan,* the destroyer *Henderson* and a floatplane ship *Currituck.* A British-Norwegian force and a Russian force, and I believe some Australian and Canadian forces were also involved. On March 5, 1947 the *El Mercurio* newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article "On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas" which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta: "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defence measures against hostile regions. The admiral further stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. (Earlier he had recom- mended defence bases at the NORTH Pole.) Admiral Byrd repeated the above points of view, resulting from his personal knowledge gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service."
When Byrd returned to the States, he was hospitalized and was not allowed
to hold any more press conferences. In March 1955, he was placed in charge
of Operation Deepfreeze which was part of the International Geophysical
Year (1957-1958) exploration of the Antarctic. He died, some have suggested
he was murdered, in 1957...
You don’t want to miss this next video! May be the most important video you ever will see. It clearly shows Nazi flying saucers defeating our Navy. This single event likely changed our world forever and was the end of freedom for the people.
JEFF RENSE – Now TWO Stunning Films SHOWING German Flying Discs!
Jan 21, 2009
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Hollow Earth and Mundus Subterraenus – not in any way factual or scientific but based on scientific theories of the past. We live inside, drop in and see us! Classification – ArchiveArticle Entartic Shelf Festival: 23 June – 3 July, 1995 Several quotes from books, describing the idea that inside the Earth is another, inner Earth. A work in progress. “Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961) compares the poles to the active (North) and passive (South), or male and female principles. Commenting on ancient symbolism, he depicts the movement from one to another as literally as the circulation of Kircher’s oceans: Let us note something not generally known: that is, that the North Pole and the South Pole repels, with respect to the masses of these rotating bodies (planets, etc.) Our North Pole hollows out the earth and it can be said to absorb the continents, whereas the South Pole extrudes earth and it can be said to create the continents. The entire mass of our continents is projected in a spiral motion toward the North Pole. R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, The Temple in Man, Autumn Press, 1977. “As a young man in 1926, Giannini had been wandering through a New England forest when he had a vision. Guided by “his extrasensory perception” he suddenly realized that the earth was not round, but sort of spindle-shaped, and that the North and South Poles were illusory points. The earth’s surface, he perceived did not end at the points of the spindle but continued into space and curved back over our heads. What looked like stars, planets, galaxies and comets were actually “globular and isolated areas of a continuous and unbroken outer sky surface.” This meant that these seemingly ‘heavenly’ bodies weren’t heavenly at all, but points of the vast land surface of the universe, part of which was the earth’s surface. There was no need to develop rockets to explore space, wrote Giannini for ‘space’ was an illusion created by the refraction of the lenses of our eyes, telescopes and cameras. All we needed to do to reach Mars or Venus was to climb into an airplane (or amphibious vehicle) with a very large tank of gas and fly (or drive) there. When Admiral Byrd flew beyond the poles he had proven Giannini correct — the earth did not end at the poles, but continued into ‘vast new lands’.” Walter Kafton-Minkel: Subterranean Worlds, 100,000 years of dragons, dwarfs, the dead, lost races and UFOs from inside of the earth, pp. 195,198. “In would-be scientific theories of the Earth’s internal structure, beginning with the seventeenth-century treatise Mundus subterraneus (1665) of the German Jesuit scholar Athanasius Kirchner. Having visited Mt Etna in 1637 Kirchner devised a model in which chambers and channels of fire extended through the body of the Earth, along with a parallel system of internal rivers and seas. When the water and fire interacted earthquakes, volcanoes, springs and storms resulted. Kirchner’s view of Earth’s interior was thus one of violent convulsions — certainly no place for habitation. It had a clear appeal, however, for living-at-the-edge adventures, exemplified in Verne’s Voyage au centre de la terre (1864). An alternative structure was proposed by the astronomer Edmund Halley in 1672 to account for the magnetic variations observed by mariners. By analogy with the planet Saturn surrounded by its rings, Halley proposed that the Earth consisted of an inner nucleus suspended in a fluid medium within the outer sphere of our experience and went on to deal at length with potential objections to his theory. In its time, and for more than a century afterwards, this hollow Earth theory was regarded as a serious scientific attempt to explain observed phenomena such as variations in magnetism. However, fiction writers like de Plancy reversed the process and used magnetic fluctuations to justify an alleged hollow Earth. An amusing remnant of this association with magnetism survives in Verne’s novel”. |
German Submarine U-209 Made It To Our Hollow Earth! I first learned about German U Boats attempting to reach our hollow earth from a German living in Canada. The book I ordered was from Samisdat Publishers, Ltd, owned and operated by Ernst Zundel. He wrote a book about Hitler sending an expedition to Antarctica. I ordered his book. It was titled, Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions, published in 1978. It related how the Germans had taken a ship with a small airplane on it that they launched from their ship after reaching the ice near Antarctica. It flew over the ice to Antarctica and then back to the ship. But the book didn’t say anything about the hollow earth. Then in 2006 I received an email from Dianne Robbins, author of several books she has channeled from a person she says is Mikos that lives in the hollow earth. The person Dianne emailed me about was Joe Watson of Talkeetna, Alaska, who had just contacted her saying that he had a copy of a letter written in the German language from a German submarine crewman named Karl Unger, that made it to our hollow earth soon after World War II. The submarine name was U-209 with Captain Heinrich Brodda. Joe’s original email to Diane was, —– Original Message —– “Hi, I have in my possession a copy of a letter written on 2 March 1985 from a gentleman named Karl Unger to Mr. Woodard concerning the submarine u-209 commanded by Heinrich Brodda. Given certain coordinates their mission was to travel to the center of the earth, which they did. The letter is written in German and translated into English. Interested? JW” I wrote back asking Joe to send me the letter. This is the letter Karl Unger wrote from the Hollow Earth that Joe sent me in the original German language and the translation into English. The letter is from Karl Unger, crew member of the German U-209 submarine. Karl says in his letter that he had reached the hollow earth in the German U-209 submarine. The letter was sent to his friend here on the surface world who gave a copy of it to a Mr. Woodard, who gave a copy to Joe Watson. On July 29, 2009, I received an email from a person named Patrick from Germany who speaks German. He said he researched the German archive website at looking for information on the missing U-209 German submarine. He says the submarine was indeed reported missing. On July 5, 1943 was it’s last reported position between Greenland and Iceland at coordinates 52°00’N-38°00’W. The report said the Commander of the submarine was Heinrich Brodda. The Mr. Woodard that Joe Watson referred to in his email I later found out was Ret. Col. Billie Woodard. This is what Joe wrote about him in another email: —- Joe <> wrote: Sorry I haven’t got back to you, have had massive rain, flooding, power out phones down, etc. Dianne Robbins e mailed me back saying the letter was unreadable on her end. Maybe you can try it on your end as you now have a copy. As to how I have a copy of this letter, well here’s the story. In 1986 or 87 this gentleman Woodward came into this town of Talkeetna Alaska, but I don’t know why. He met a guy I know named Terry Barber who told me what he was planning on doing. After meeting him he told me the following. His Dad had read all the Hollow Earth books had maps and ocean current directions for different times of the year. He died and his son took up where he had left off. He had it figured out that if you flew to Norway and floated on these currents with large rubber rafts you would be taken into the center of the earth. He gave his car away here in Talkeetna flew to L. A. Calif where he was to meet the rest of his team, from there to Norway where all of the gear was waiting. I asked him how he thought he could get away with this without the Feds picking up on it with their satellites, his reply was they were going in under the pretense of a scientific team doing research. He offered to let me go with them and if I hadn’t had two boys to raise I would have. Apparently the letter was to his Dad but I don’t remember how all of that came about. Having read many of the Hollow Earth books I always believed it was possible. He also claimed to have the original diary of Admiral Byrd describing his 1700 mile journey into the earth. Anyway he let me get a copy of the letter which you now have. As to why now after all these years, hell I don’t know I was cruising the net and ran across a link about the Hollow Earth and it brought up old memories of that letter. Give it to anyone you want I want nothing in return, maybe a little info if you will share it. If you send me your address I will make copies of the German and English version and send them to you. The same for Dianne . Any other questions will be happy to oblige if I can. Joe Watson POB 643 Talkeetna I learned about Ret. Col. Billie Woodard in 2006, but at that time I did not follow up on him. I had received an email from our expedition organizer, Steve Currey. It said, June 9, 2005: “Rodney: I have had a retired colonel Woodard call me a couple of times today about our Thanks, Steve” Although I did not follow up on this referral from Steve, Mr. Woodard called me in the fall of 2008. We visited over the phone and later visited him at his home in Pahrump, Nevada where he had moved to since he contacted Steve. It turns out that Ret. Col. Billie Woodard WAS the “Mr. Woodard” that had gone to Alaska in 1986 as Joe Watson said in his email, and had given him copies of the German letter send from our hollow earth to Woodard’s contact. Subsequent to Woodard’s visit to Talkeetna, he made his flight to the North Polar Opening in a Grumman Albatross seaplane that you can read about in Billie’s biography here. I asked Billie where he got the German letter. He told me he got it from Tawani W. Shoush, International Society for a Complete Earth, Rt 1 Box 63, Houston, Missouri 85483. In the early 80’s, Hollow Earth Researcher, Bruce Walton had sent me a copy of the Secret Diary of Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd that he had obtained from Tawani Shoush with the above contact information on it. Billie told me that Tawani told him that he had received the letter from his friend Karl Unger sent by Karl after he had reached the hollow earth. Karl had sent the letter from the hollow earth through a German colony in Brazil that had found a cavern that reaches to the hollow earth many years previous. Billie says that Tawani left for Brazil soon after he had obtained a copy of Karl Unger’s letter, and may have gone to the hollow earth through that communicating cavern. This German colony in Brazil is documented in Genesis For a New Age, and how they discovered the cavern back in the 1500’s. I find it interesting that before I was contacted by and met Ret. Col. Billie Woodard, I had received Joe Watson’s email which confirmed Mr. Woodard had visited his town in Alaska in 1986, and that Joe had a letter Mr. Woodard had received from Tawani Shoush whom I had learned about from Bruce Walton when I was writing my ebook, World Top Secret: Our Earth Is Hollow! back in the early 1980’s. Billie confirmed to me that he had contacted Tawani Shoush before going to Alaska, and this before Billie knew that I had been contacted by Joe Watson of Talkeetna, Alaska in August, 2006, and this before I learned about John Leith’s book, Genesis for a New Age, the manuscript of which Diane sent me in the summer of 2008, through a friend of hers, which documents the German settlement in Brazil, that Billie told me Tawani Shoush moved to after Billie had received the letter from Karl Unger. These incidents confirm to me the truth of Karl Unger’s letter – that he reached Our Hollow Earth in a German submarine, the U-209, in 1943 after World War II had destroyed Germany, and who wrote back to his friend here on the surface world confirming that the Hollow Earth does exist, and is REAL.[ |
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The map to the left clearly shows the continent of Antarctica without its cover of ice.
The intriguing detail here is that there are underwater passageways that run nearly the entire length of the continent and seem to converge at the exact location identified as the opening into the deep inner or subterranean earth.
Below is a translation of the Top Secret instructions and specific detailed directions left for the Nazi U-boat Captains to follow in order to reach the inner-world kingdom of Agartha (click to enlarge).
If that seems too unbelievable, compare with those maps, this map was done by the famed Tyrolean cartographer and artist Heinrich C. Berann for the National Geographic Society beginning in 1966. (Map shown above) It clearly shows the continent of Antarctica without its cover of ice. The intriguing detail here is that there are underwater passageways that run nearly the entire length of the continent and seem to converge at the exact location identified as the opening into the hollow earth!
The Hollow Earth: “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t.” – Mark Twain
(Check out this next link. It contains a lot of information on Admiral Byrd’s expeditions to Antartica.)
Hollow Earth: Agartha – Complete!

UPDATE: I found this awesome post online. What a great bit of research! Praise God that it was found and made available by Barry Taylor. Please visit his webpage:
by Barry Taylor original French Version from TheOZFactorUFOResearch Website At first sight, the Vril Society should not be brought into the scope of our subject which is more concerned with politics, but it is one of the most interesting secret societies which has ever existed. That is why it is absolutely necessary for us to mention it. There is not a single book in German on this Vril Society and every other document which could have given a cross-reference to the name has been well and truly obliterated by the Allies. But, as you will see, not everything about it has disappeared. And it is a special pleasure for me to unveil this matter to you here. In effect, you are going to verify which of the non-German power circles keep secret the truth about the Germans. Karl Haushofer founded, before 1919, a second order, the Brothers of the Light, which later took the name of the Vril Society. In this were united also the Masters of the Black Stone (DHvSS), a new founding of the Templars, from the order of If we compare the Vril Society to the Thule Society, the difference can be summarized thus:
However, they had some points in common. Both studied Atlantis, Thule, the Island of the Fortunate of Gilgamesh, the original relationships between the Germans and the Mesopotamians as well as the ancient sanctuaries like Stonehenge with its towering stones. In December 1919, a forest house was rented in the Ramsau, near Berchtesgaden, where some people from the Thule, DHvSS and Vril Societies met. Among them were the mediums Maria Orsitsch and Sigrun. Maria had received some information in a secret script of the Templars – a language completely unknown to her – with technical data on constructing a flying machine. These telepathic messages were transmitted, according to the written records of the Vril Society, from the solar system of Aldebaran, in the constellation of Taurus. We wish to present to you a summary of the messages which were received for some years by the Vril Society telepaths, which were the basis of the further actions taken by that Society.
The inhabitants of this solar system are subdivided into masters, White God-like people (Aryans) and other different human races. These latter developed because of climatic changes on the individual planets, and were the result of a degeneration of the God-like people. These mutants came to have a spiritual development inferior to the The more the races mixed together, the more their spiritual development was degraded. Consequently, when the sun (Aldebaran) began to expand, they were no longer able to make interplanetary voyages like their ancestors; it had become impossible for them to leave their planets. Thus the inferior races, totally dependent on the masters, came to be evacuated in spaceships and taken to other habitable planets. In spite of the differences, there was respect between these two races, they did not encroach upon each other’s living space (in contrast to Earth). The race of the masters, the White God-like people, had started to colonize other planets similar to Earth 500 million years ago, following the expansion of the Aldebaran sun and the growing heat resulting from it, which made the planets uninhabitable. It was said that they colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk, or Phaeton by the Russians) in our solar system, which existed at that time between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroids are found today. After that, Mars, of which the great pyramid cities and the well-known Martian face, photographed in 1976 by the Viking probe, bear witness to the high level of development of its inhabitants. From there, in that era, it was assumed that the God-like people of Sumeran Aldebaran came to Earth for the first time. Old traces of a petrified shoe about 500 million years old, with a trilobite petrified together with the sole of that shoe, bear witness to it. That primitive fish lived on Earth then, and disappeared 400 million years ago. The Vril Society members thought that the Aldebaranians landed later on, when the Earth became slowly habitable, in Mesopotamia, and that they formed the dominant caste of the Sumerians. These Aldebaranians were called White God-people. Moreover, the Vril telepaths received the following information: the Sumerian language was not only identical to that of the Aldebaranians, but it also had tones similar to German, and the frequency of the two languages was almost identical. Does this correspond with reality? Let us say simply that the construction drawings and the technical data received by the telepaths – no matter where they came from – were so precise that the most fantastic idea ever conceived by man was born: the building of a machine for flight to the beyond! The concept of an “other science” mentally matured (today one would use the term “alternative forms of energy”). It was three years before the project got under way. In that first phase of an “other technology” or an “other science” Dr W. O. Schumann, a member of the Thule and Vril Societies, gave a lecture at the Faculty of Science in Munich.
Everywhere, two principles determine events: light and darkness, good and bad, creation and destruction, like the positive and negative in electricity. It is always Either – Or!
Implosion Technology He was using the teaching of Johannes Kepler who was in possession of the secret doctrine of the Pythagoreans, held and kept secret by the Templars. This concerned knowledge of implosion (in this case, meaning the utilization of the potential of inner worlds in the outer world). Hitler and all the other members of the Thule and Vril Societies knew that the divine principle is always creative, that is to say, constructive. A technology which, by contrast, relies on explosion is therefore destructive, opposed to the divine principle. So one would wish to create a technology relying on implosion. Schauberger’s oscillation teachings (the principle of the harmonic series = monotone) is part of the understanding of implosion. Put very simply: implosion instead of explosion! By means of the energy trajectories of the monotone and implosion technology one can penetrate into the domain of antimatter and in this way one can dissolve gravity.
It consisted of a disc of 8m diameter, surmounted by a parallel disc of 6.5m diameter, with another disc of 6m diameter underneath. These three discs had a hole of 1.80m through their centers, where the 2.40m high propulsion unit The lower and upper discs turned in opposite directions to create a rotating electromagnetic field. The performance of this first flying disc is unknown. It was experimented on for two years before being dismantled and stored at the Messerschmidt works at Augsburg. The financing for this project can be found in the accounts of several industrial companies, mentioned under the code JFM. It is certain that the Vril mechanism is descended from the machine for flight to the beyond but it has been indexed as the Schumann SM levitator. In principle, the machine for flight to the beyond had to engender an extremely strong field around itself and its immediate vicinity which made all of the surrounding space, comprising that of the machine and its occupants, a microcosm completely independent from our cosmos. At its maximum power, this field would be completely independent from all the forces and influences of our Universe, such as gravitation, electromagnetism, radiation, as well as any kind of matter. It could move at will in any gravitational field without one sensing it, or feeling forces of acceleration. In June 1934, Viktor Schauberger was invited by Hitler and the highest representatives of the Vril and Thule societies and worked, from then on, with them. The first German UFO was developed in June 1934. Under the direction of Dr W. O. Schumann the first experimental circular aircraft RFZ 1 was developed at the Arado aircraft factory in Brandenburg. Even though its first flight was also its last, it rose vertically to a height of about 60m but then started to tumble and dance in the air for several minutes. The Arado 196 tail unit which was supposed to guide the device proved to be completely ineffective. With great difficulty the pilot Lothar Waiz succeeded in bringing it back to the ground, escaping from it, and getting away in time, because the device started to spin like a top before it overturned and completely broke into pieces. That was the end of the RFZ 1 but the beginning of the VRIL flying machines. The RFZ 2 was finished at the end of 1934, it had a Vril drive and a magnetic impulsion flying system. Its diameter was 5m and had the following characteristics: the contours of the device became blurred as it gained speed, and it lit up with different colors, a well known characteristic of UFOs. Depending on the propulsive force, it became red, orange, yellow, green, white, blue or violet. It was able to operate, and it had a remarkable destiny in the year 1941. It was used as a long range reconnaissance aircraft during the battle of England. The standard German ME 109 fighters had proved themselves unfit for transatlantic reconnaissance flights because of their short range. It was photographed at the end of 1941 over the south Atlantic while on the way to the auxiliary cruiser Atlantis which was in Antarctic waters. It could not be used as a fighter aircraft for the following reason: because of its impulsion flying system, the RFZ 2 could only make changes in direction of 90º, 45º, or 22.5º. Unbelievable, some of you will think, but it is exactly these right-angle flight changes that are characteristic of UFOs. After the success of the small RFZ 2 as a long range reconnaissance aircraft, the Vril Society acquired its own testing ground in Brandenburg. The VRIL 1 Hunter, a lightly armed flying disc, flew at the end of 1942. It was 11.5m in diameter, had a single seat, and it had a Schumann levitation drive and a magnetic field impulsion flying system. It reached speeds of 2900 to 12,000 km/h, could accomplish right angle direction changes at full speed without harming the pilot, was unaffected by the weather, and was perfectly capable of spaceflight. Seventeen examples of the VRIL 1 were built, there were also several variants with two seats, equipped with glass domes. At the same time, a V-7 project was developed. Several flying discs carried this name but they had conventional jet propulsion. According to Adreas Epp the RFZ 7 was created, which combined a levitating flying disc with jet propulsion. The firms of Schriever-Habermohl and Miethe Belluzo worked on it. It was 42m in diameter but it crashed while landing in According to Andreas Epp, it was to be equipped with nuclear warheads to bomb New York. In July 1941, Schriever and Habermohl built a circular aircraft which took off vertically, with jet propulsion, but which had, however, some severe deficiencies. However another electrogravitational flying spinning-top with tachyon drive was developed which was more successful. Then came the RFZ 7 T, built by Schriever, Habermohl and Belluzo, which was fully functional. However, compared to the Vril and Haunebu discs, the V-7 flying discs were children’s toys. Within the SS there was a group working on the production of alternative energy: the Research Group IV of the Black Sun = The SS-E-IV developed the Thule mechanism, later called the Thule Tachyonator from the Vril mechanism and from the tachyon converter of Captain Hans Coler. In August 1939 the first RFZ 5 took off. It was a fairly heavily armed flying spinning-top with the strange name Haunebu 1. It had a crew of eight men, measured 25m in diameter, at first reaching a speed of 4800 km/h, and later, up to 17,000 km/h. It was equipped with two long range 60mm cannons (KSK) mounted in rotating turrets, and four MK 106’s and had a moderate ability for spaceflight. At the end of 1942, the Haunebu II was likewise ready. Its diameter varied from 26 to 32m, its height was from 9 to 11m. It could transport a crew of 9 to 20 persons. Driven by a Thule Tachyonator, it reached 6000 km/h in the periphery of Earth. It was suitable for spaceflight and had a range of 55 flying hours. Plans already existed for the large 120m diameter space craft Vril 7, able to transport entire companies. Shortly afterwards, the 71m diameter Haunebu III was constructed, the most splendid example of all. It flew and was even filmed. It could transport 32 persons, its flight duration was more than eight weeks and it reached a speed of at least 7000 km/h (and according to documents from the secret archives of the SS, it could reach 40,000 km/h). Virgil Armstrong, ex-member of the CIA and former Green Beret, states that German flying machines during World War 2 could land and take off vertically and fly at right angles. They reached 3000 km/h and were armed with laser cannons (probably the KSK, a long range cannon) which could penetrate 4 inch thick armour plating. Professor J. J. Hurtak, ufologist and author of The Keys of Enoch, said that the Germans were in the process of constructing what the Allies designated miracle weapons systems. Hurtak had in his hands documents mentioning..
The CIA and the British Secret Services already knew, in 1942, of the construction and deployment of such flying objects, but they did not appreciate their true merit. In fact the Allies designated under the name foo fighters all kinds of luminous German flying craft. Two inventions correspond particularly to what were called foo fighters: the “flying turtles” and the “soap bubbles.” The two had nothing to do with each other, but the Allies wrongly associated them. The “flying turtle” was conceived by the research group SS-E-IV at Wiener Neustadt. Its shape was reminiscent of a turtle’s shell. It was an unmanned flying probe which would upset the electrical ignition systems of enemy armaments. This probe was also equipped with sophisticated weapons, Klystron tubes called death rays by the SS. But this sabotage by cutting off ignition did not work perfectly at first. Development of this technique continued later. Anyone who has already seen a UFO can confirm that this ignition cutting, i.e. the shutting down of electrical systems, is one of the typical characteristics of UFOs when they appear. Wendell C. Stevens, a US Air Force pilot during World War 2 said that the foo fighters were sometimes grey-green or red-orange, that they approached up to 5m from the aircraft and that they stayed in that position. It was not possible to get rid of them, even when shot at from underneath, and sometimes the flights were obliged to turn back or to land. As for the “soap bubbles” often called foo fighters, these were in fact simple balloons, in the interior of which were fine metal spirals to jam the radars of the enemy aircraft. Their effectiveness was probably minimal, apart from psychological intimidation. At the beginning of 1943, planning began for a spaceship in the shape of a cigar, the Andromeda craft (click below image), which was to be built at the Zeppelin works (139m long). It would transport several saucer shaped spacecraft for (interstellar) long duration flights. click image to enlarge The Andromeda Craft An important meeting of the Vril Society took place around Christmas 1943 at Kolberg, a seaside resort by the North Sea, which the mediums Maria and Sigrun attended. The principal subject was the Aldebaran Enterprise. The mediums had received precise information about the inhabited planets orbiting the Aldebaran sun, and a voyage was planned to go there. On 2 January 1944, Hitler, Himmler, Künkel and Dr Schumann (both of the Vril Society) met to talk about this Vril project. According to Ratthofer, the first test flight in a dimensional channel took place in winter 1944. The craft must have avoided a disaster by a narrow margin, because from photos of the Vril 7 taken after its return, it looked as though it had been travelling for a century. The exterior surface of the cabins appeared very worn and there was damage in many places. On 14 February 1944, the test pilot Joachim Roehlike test flew at Peenemünde the supersonic helicopter built by Schriever and Habermohl under the name of project V 7 which was fitted with twelve BMW 028 turboprop engines. Its speed in vertical climb was 800m per minute, it reached a height of 24,200m and its speed in horizontal flight was 2200 km/h. It could also be propelled by non conventional energy. However, it could never be used, because Peenemünde was bombed in 1944 and its transfer to Prague proved to be of no use since that city was occupied by the Americans and the Russians well before the flying discs could be used. When they occupied Germany at the beginning of 1945, the British and the Americans discovered in the secret archives of the SS, among other things, photos of the Haunebu II and the Vril I as well as the Andromeda craft. In March 1946 President Truman acted so that the Naval command of the USA gave permission to collect German material in order to experiment with this high technology. Under Operation Paperclip German scientists were brought secretly to the USA. Among then were Viktor Schauberger and Wernher von Braun. Here we summarize briefly the developments which should be given in a series:
There were plans for the Andromeda craft (see above image), a 139m spaceship which could contain one Haunebu II, two Vril I’s and two Vril II’s. Furthermore, there are documents attesting that the large version of the Vril-7 was finished at the end of 1944, and after testing, it made several flights within the Earth’s orbit, which were kept secret:
In 1938 a German expedition to the Antarctic took place, led by the aircraft carrier Schwabenland. The Germans claimed 600,000 square kilometers of territory which they named Neuschwabenland. It was a region free of ice, with mountains and lakes. Later, entire fleets of type 21 and 23 submarines travelled to Neuschwabenland. To this day, more than a hundred Among other things, they were equipped with the Walter snorkel which enabled them to remain submerged for several weeks. One may suppose that they went to Neuschwabenland with flying discs in separate pieces, or at least with the construction drawings. One may suppose also, since the test flights were successful, that directly after the end of the war the flying discs were produced there. This supposition may appear daring, but many important indicators allow us to imagine that this is what happened. The question arises: Why did the Allies under Admiral E. Byrd invade the Antarctic in 1947? If it was only an expedition, why did Byrd have at his disposal 4000 soldiers, a warship, a fully equipped aircraft carrier and a full re-supply system? He had eight months available, however he was forced to withdraw after eight weeks, after having suffered large losses of aircraft. The exact number was never made public. What had happened? Admiral Byrd later explained to the press:
He also let it be known that there was an advanced civilization down there which, together with the SS, was served by an advanced technology. In his book Time Machines where he asks, among other things, what happened to the Haunebu, Norbert Jürgen-Ratthofer writes:
A year later, in 1946, innumerable luminous objects of unknown but obviously artificial origin were seen above Scandinavia, provoking great agitation amongst the Allies in the East as in the West. Another year later, in 1947, and continuing into the 1950’s, a constantly rising number of luminous flying objects suddenly appeared above North America. Certainly they were piloted by intelligent beings, most often they were round, disc or bell shaped. There were also sometimes unidentified flying objects in the shape of cigars. There are writers who say that usually these UFOs do not resemble those made by the German Reich. Well documented photographic material proves that particularly the Haunebu II version was seen, and even very often, since 1945. If you have become interested in the technical world of UFOs you will be able to verify that among the cases where there has been personal contact with UFO occupants, there is a particularly high percentage of very attractive beings of the Aryan race, blond with blue eyes, who spoke either fluent German or another language with a German accent (for insiders we mention the cases of Adamski in 1952, Cedric Allingham in 1954, and Howard Menger in 1956). We also recall that color photos exist of a manned flying disc which landed and immediately took off again, and which was marked with two crosses, a Balkenkreuz and a swastika. These photos were taken in the 1970’s by a night watchman in West Germany. A very good dossier of photos and films exists on the flying machines mentioned above, as for example the 60 minute documentation ” UFO Secrets of the Third Reich”; (MGA Austria/Royal Atlantis Film GmbH). Likewise the dossier of the American Vladimir Terziski who, during the UFO conference in September 1991 in Phoenix Arizona showed slides for three hours and showed photos of German saucers, drawings of their construction, and of subterranean German bases. The Italian Air Force Commander Renato Vesco’s book is also very interesting, as is that of Rudolf Lusar:
Do you now understand why the mass media dismisses everything about UFOs as fraud? Taking this German background into account, the world of the press and the media controlled by the Illuminati, by means of the Anglo-American-Zionist lobby is prepared to invest enormous sums to prevent citizens from investigating in this area. The question that arises now is: from where did the German secret societies Thule and Vril get the indispensable knowledge for the construction of these flying machines? From where did they get their understanding of genetic engineering, in which the Germans were likewise well ahead of other nations? According to the statements of Herbert G. Dorsey and other researchers, they were helped not only by the telepathic contacts with extraterrestrials in providing construction drawings, but also by studying the intact drive of a non-terrestrial saucer which crashed in the Black Forest in 1936. But there is practically no evidence of that event, nor any eyewitnesses still alive. However, evidence exists in the USA, even a lot of it. Because at the same time the Americans recorded a series of objects which crashed to the ground, and which could not be kept completely secret. We shall revisit these later. Returning to the political, while I.G. Farben supported Hitler, its cartel partner Standard Oil (Rockefeller) aroused the people against the Nazis. Similarly, the Ford Motor Company made armaments for the American Army, but at the same time built military vehicles for the Nazis in Germany. Ford and Opel (a branch of General Motors which is controlled by J. P. Morgan) were the two largest tank manufacturers in Hitler’s Germany. No matter who won the war, the multinationals were winners from the start. Many enterprises operated on the same principle during World War 2. Why is there nothing about this in the schoolbooks or encyclopaedias? One of the reasons is as follows: in 1946 the Rockefeller foundation distributed USD139,000 to present an official version of World War 2 to the public, which concealed all aid given by American bankers for building the Nazi regime, and which was also silent about the mystical and occult ideology of that regime. One of the principal donors was Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Corporation. |