All over the world and in every culture there are tales of Sea Creatures. Scientists will tell you that they never existed, that people made them up in their heads out of fear of the unknown.
Growing up, I recall being taught that believing in sea monsters was utterly ridiculous and only fools believe.
However, in my research, I have found there have been numerous sightings of sea monsters even in our current times. Some have even been photographed. Some have even been captured or their bones have been found, only to be swept away by institutions like the government or the Smithsonian Museum. Hidden away and covered up, just like the evidence of GIANTS.
You can laugh if you want. Criticize, ridicule and intimidate those who are convinced that sea monsters exist. If you choose not to believe, no problem. But, hiding your head and ignoring the evidence seems ridiculously foolish to me.
The ancient people depended on the ocean. Most of the travel and transportation of merchandize was on the water. They did not have planes that could carry them high above. Ships and water craft, small and large were subject to wind, waves, and predator’s. It took tremendous courage for people to take to the waves. I would find it hard to believe that they were like frightened children.
There are many things that we don’t know about our Earth. There are many spiritual things we know nothing about.
The ancient peoples in many places believed in the gods of the sea. In fact, they believed that we came from the sea. To this day there are people who worship the gods and goddesses of the ancients. These “beings” were powerful, spiritual creatures. Many of them able to shapeshift. This should not surprise us because even today there are many people who practice shapeshifting. It is a power that comes from demonic entities.
Today we are seeing a rise in the number of sightings of sea “monsters”. I believe that is due to the increase in spiritism (relations with demons) and the return to power of the Fallen Angels and demonic spirits.
We are living in the last days. We will be seeing many frightening and dark activities, entities, powers and forces.
I think the increase in sightings of sea monsters is just another symptom of the rise of the forces of darkness.
We don’t have to worry though, it will be short lived. The Devil and his minions know full well they have but a short time.
You will find much more in-depth information on this topic at the following post. If you have not already viewed it, check it out:
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In the distant prehistoric past, the Black Sea was part of the giant Tethys Ocean, connecting the modern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans across the modern territory of Asia, but as a result of the formation of giant mountain ranges, the Tethys Ocean disappeared. What amazing sea creatures did not live in these waters. Perhaps some species are still preserved in the depths, because there are eyewitness stories about the Karadag snake, according to the description of the corresponding Sauropterygian reptile – plesiosaurus. Source
ANAPA – The Owner of the Sea. The Serpent is BACK!
Damn it, if you croak, the Karadag dragon will swim here
The Karadag Serpent Really Exists – underwater film

Karadag Serpent – is a relict animal of enormous size, representing one of the dinosaurs, which, according to local residents, living near the Karadag volcano in Crimea, Russia. Since the 18th century documented hundreds of cases of observation of Karadag snake, it is believed, that the activity of the Karadag volcano in the prehistoric era helped to keep the water around it warmer, than the rest of the Black Sea, because of this near Karadag volcano managed to survive one of the dinosaurs, which now…
There are a lot of legends about “Karadag monster”, local residents accuse the monster in the mass death of dolphins and missing people. Thus, in 2011 on the coast between Feodosia and Kerchabout 30 dead dolphins were found.
According to legend, the monster looks like a huge snake with a head of about 50 cm in diameter. Back in the 90’s people said that many of dead dolphins had traces of 16 teeth. The first reminder of the monster dates back to the XVI century, but then the serpent was land one, he attacked the sheep and sucked their blood like chupacabras. However, scientists often deny the existence of the monster, calling it a legend.
– In the Crimea, alas, dolphins are often killed, mainly by screws from boats, but people have long blamed their deaths on the mysterious monster – said in the museum of local lore.

What a beauty, not everyone is given the opportunity to see such a spectacle in reality, like in the movies, it’s good that I was kind
What a miracle! Yesterday the dragon swam to the shore. Today it’s a miracle! It’s like I found myself in a fairy tale. Thank you. Excellent production.
This year it’s not Anapa, but some kind of Jurassic Park! I’m crazy about you
Yes, everyone already knows him! He is practically tame.
We are looking forward to new monsters. Anapa is on fire
Scientists have had to acknowledge that evidences of sea monsters have been discovered all over the world. The following article is another one of their attempts to explain them away.