Please people, bear in mind always, that GOD CHOSE ISRAEL. ISRAEL is a major part of God’s plan for the salvation of the people of the world. Certainly they are not walking according to God’s word at this time. But, that is because he has them blind for the sake of the Gentiles. So, that every gentile who can be saved will be saved. BUT THEN, God is turning back to ISRAEL. We already see that change beginning to take place.
HE told us to keep our eyes on the FIG TREE – ISRAEL.
Looks like things just keep moving closer and closer to the end at breakneck speed. SIGNS are appearing everywhere. So you should certainly expect BIG THINGS to be happening in and around ISRAEL! spacerspacer
The month of Tishrei holiday season has ended on a high noteas thousands of Jews ascended, prayed, sang, bowed down, brought their Sukkot arba minim (four species), and were blessed by kohanim on the Temple Mount, unlike any holiday season since Israel liberated the Temple Mount in 1967!
We will be posting the actual number of holiday ascenders, as well as the grand total of Temple Mount ascenders throughout the outgoing Hebrew year of 5784.
Meanwhile, wishing everyone a shavua tov – a good week ahead!
We are sharing a video of last week’s Water Libation Reenactment, prepared by Temple Mount activist and Israeli journalist, Arnon Segal.
The reenactment which took place during the intermediate days of Sukkot was led by the Temple Mount. Kohanim led the assembled crowd down to the Shiloach (Siloam) spring at the foot of the City of David, where a kohen gathered up water in a golden flask and brought it back up to the Davidson Center Archaeological Garden at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount, where the reenactment was performed. The Temple Institute’s Levitical choir performed at the event.
a new replica of the ark of the covenant has come to Jerusalem. At the same time something BIG just happened on the temple mount that hasnt happened in over 2000 years, Kohen priests went on it. Lets look at the prophetic significance of both of these things. If you’d like to support my channel/ministry you can by becoming a member here on YouTube or by joining over on Patreon. You’ll get access to exclusive videos, posts, and weekly livestreams (Friday’s 7pm CST). Thank you for the support! / slingandstone You can also support the channel/ministry by getting merch Sling and Stone LIVE Channel: / @slingandstonelive Join My Discord Server to Connect With Like Minded People! / discord Instagram: / sling_and_stone TikTok: sling_and_stone Donate: Music: Savfk – Rounding Channel – / @savfkmusic
“Now we can see with our own eyes something which we have missed for 2,000 years,” said Israeli scholar Lt. Col. (res.) Mordechai Kedar of Bar-Ilan University.
By Alex Traiman
A replica of the Ark of the Covenant, painstakingly constructed, its creators say, to the Torah specifications of the sacred vessel that was the First Temple’s central fixture, was displayed in Jerusalem on Sunday evening, during the intermediate days of the Sukkot holiday.
The ark described in the Torah, which housed the Ten Commandments tablets among other holy objects, was hidden after the destruction of the First Temple, per rabbinic tradition. At Jerusalem’s King David Hotel, the replica shown in the hotel’s sukkah contained a refurbished Torah scroll, which survived the Holocaust, from Thessaloniki, Greece.
Several members of the Knesset and Israeli activists were on hand at the hotel for an event and festive meal—a stop on the replica’s journey retracing the steps of the biblical prototype.
Earlier in the day, it was fitted with the Greek Torah at Jerusalem’s City of David. It was later displayed—with some difficulty and via a Schweppes pallet jack—on a rooftop overlooking the Western Wall plaza and Temple Mount.
The replica ark stopped in Jericho, the first Israeli city inhabited by Jews after the biblical Exodus from Egypt,and in Shiloh, the site that served as the Jewish capital for 369 years after Jews settled in Israeland the location of the Tabernacle before the building of the First Temple.
‘Process of discovery, mystery’
It took 17 volunteers, who live in several countries, three-and-a-half years to build the replica ark,which is made out of donated gold and some three tons of Egyptian Acacia, according to “Jake” the project’s chief architect, who prefers to remain anonymous, and Lewis Topper, its principal financier.
Project financier Lewis Topper displays a replica Ark of the Covenant at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on October 20, 2024. Photo by Alex Traiman.
Although the Torah delves into extensive detail about the construction of the Ark and its dimensions and materials, it leaves out a lot of critical information that a builder would need to create the sacred vessel.
“It was really a deep process of discovery and a mystery. It’s not a question of just reading the descriptions literally and building the device,” Jake said at the event. “You have to do some heavy research, you have to immerse yourself and you have to go on a journey.”
“Building the Ark is the ultimate journey,” he added. “It’s the ultimate pilgrimage to discover God and discover the Jewish people, and that pilgrimage was both horrifying and very satisfying.”
Each step raised new questions about how such a complex object was constructed before the advent of modern manufacturing.
“We went with the highest purity of gold available to the Egyptians,” Jake said at the event. “The purity used for royal artifacts is around 23.75 carats, so we went with 23.75.”
The volunteers also drew on a “tremendous amount of math” to build the ark, according to the project’s chief architect.
“A lot of the concepts or motifs that we used follow up either Kabbalistic or some other concept by way of numerology,” Jake said. “The math parallels the ones found both in the Tabernacle and the First Temple. They used the same kind of numerology.”
He added that the Golden Ratio—a relationship between values that has been seen as beautiful since ancient times and which appears in nature, including human anatomy—played a “very important part in the design.”
“That’s one reason why the art is so aesthetically appealing,” Jake said.
Designing a functional replica
Illustrations of four biblical stages of the Exodus from Egypt are displayed on the exterior of the ark replica: Moses’s prophecy at the burning bush, the parting of the Red Sea, the clouds and pillar of fire that protected and guided the Jews in the desert and the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.
“The ark by itself is a book,” Jake said at the event. “It’s a book that tells the story of the Exodus. It’s the ultimate manifestation and illustration of our Exodus and our relationship to God.”
The project architect told attendees that the replica had to be both beautiful and functional.
“The ark weighs around 85 pounds, so it is pretty heavy,” he said. The structure’s legs and poles, “need to sustain the load for extended periods of time.”
The replica of the sacred Temple object also “is exposed to a high degree of torsion—the twisting of the structure—because it’s carried by four individuals.” Due to that twisting force, “if the joint is not strong enough, you’ll eventually break it apart,” he said.
To construct a replica that withstands the tests of time, the volunteers who worked on the project studied arks that were constructed in ancient Egypt.
“The Egyptians were prolific ark builders,” Jake said. “They had many, many types of arks that they constructed during that period.”
Following the group’s initial research, the volunteers built a full-size, low-cost, “proof of concept” plywood model before building the golden replica.
“We took it for walks,” Jake said. “We figured out what the joints should be and how the mechanical connection should work.”
Since Egyptians didn’t know what mechanical fasteners were, the ark replica has no screws or nails.
“We had to come up with really creative ways to solve the mechanical fastening,” Jake said. “It may look trivial to actually build a wooden joint, but the Egyptians used very specific techniques when they created the wooden joints.” They also used a fastening technique called mortise and tenon “that can practically last forever,” Jake said. “We had to analyze a lot of those.”
Divine ‘communication device’
The crown jewel atop the golden box, which required painstaking detail, is the pair of male and female cherubs—winged angels with child-like features that face each other.
“It’s very difficult to hammer gold to a high degree of precision, so a lot of the techniques have to be invented and discovered,” Jake said.
“Scripture tells us that God spoke to Moses in between
the cherubs,” he said. “The purpose of the Ark was to have a communication channel between Moses and God, so it’s the communication device.It certainly wasn’t an electronic communication device.”
It was also a sacred object with military implications.
In biblical times prior to the Temple, there were likely two Arks—one housing the Ten Commandments that was always in the Tabernacle—and the other which led the Jewish army in battle—according to Jake.
“The Ark of the Covenant was the weapon that was taken into war,” he said.
Several attendees said that it was meaningful that the ark replica was built and brought to Jerusalem amid Israel’s seven-front war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and all of the latter’s other terror proxies.
“There is a very deep connection, believe it or not, between the Philistines and the Ark,”said Simcha Rothman, a member of Knesset and chair of its Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.
Rothman noted that when the Jews misused the Ark in the Bible, it was taken away from them and held temporarily by the Philistines before it reverted to its rightful owners.
“People thought that the Ark by itself wins the wars. The Ark by itself does not win the war,” Rothman said. “The Ark by itself represents the connection between the people of Israel and Hashem, and this is what wins the wars.”
Ohad Tal, another Knesset member, discussed the symbolism of the replica ark’s delivery in wartime.
“How can we know if we are actually winning this war or not?” he said. “The first stage is first of all to understand what we are fighting about.”
When Hamas terrorists penetrated Israeli villages and kibbutzim on Oct. 7, 2023, and murdered and raped civilians, they shouted, in Arabic, that “God is great,” according to Tal, “as if they are fighting for God.”
The terrorists called the war, which they launched, “Al Aqsa Jerusalem Flood.”
“They didn’t do that in order to expand their backyard or to improve their education system,” Tal said. “No. They did that for Jerusalem, for the Temple Mount. They wanted to prevent the unity that this ark represents.”
The Jewish people “are fighting not just against Hamas, not just to bring back security to Gaza or the northern border in Lebanon or against Iran,” Tal added. “We are fighting to bring back to the world the unity that the Ark, the Temple and Jerusalem represent.”
Jake told attendees that the replica ark might be providing some symbolic military assistance already.
“We brought it to Israel to get it reattached to all of the places it was before.We actually visited Shiloh,” he said.
Jake hopes the replica ark can be used more formally in the current war.
“We would like to bring it to a number of military camps,” he told attendees. “The original idea was to actually bring it physically into Gaza, but we are running into some administrative challenges.”
‘Peace and kindness’
Topper, a businessman and philanthropist who lives in New York and Florida and who funded the project, told attendees that the replica ark is “a passionate task that was performed that encountered construction, engineering and architectural difficulties every step of the way.”
“When you’re doing something good and you’re finding that you’re making progress in an unexpected way, you almost know that you’re operating in line with the goodness and the essence of the Creator,” he said. “That’s what this project is, and I am thrilled to be able to be a facilitator.”
“It was a project designed to bring peace to the world and to bring victory to the Land of Israel,and to bring peace and kindness to America again,” he said. “The project was so dearly received by Hashem that he personally greased the wheels of every obstacle that we came across.”
The rewards of the three-and-a-half-year journey were amplified for Topper when the replica ark arrived in Jerusalem.
“When we finally got the Torah delivered to us, it was this morning and it was at the City of David,” he said. “When that Torah was put in, this ark became weaponized.”
Topper anticipates that the project will yield major benefits.
“There is going to be a force that is absolutely so powerful that it’s going to be something that we’ve seen in the movies—but for good,” he said.
Lt. Col. (res.) Mordechai Kedar, a research fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University, told attendees that the Ark is a concept in other faith traditions, including Islam.
“The Ark is mentioned in the Quran in the second chapter,” the scholar, who is one of Israel’s leading cultural experts, told attendees. He added that some researchers have made what he considers a “false comparison” between the Kaaba, the holy stone in Mecca, and the Ark.
The symbolism of an ark replica approximating the return of the Ark to Judaism is significant, according to Kedar.
“Now we can see with our own eyes something which we have missed for 2,000 years,” he said. “We have never seen such things. We heard about them. We learned about them. We see pictures, but we have never seen them in real life.”
“It is very important for us to see how these really were—to touch things, to see them, to measure them, to stand near them. We haven’t done so for 2,000 years,” he added. “We can see, we feel, we can touch and we can take pictures with them.”
‘The covenant remains valid’
It wasn’t clear if the replica ark would remain in Jerusalem long term or return to the United States, where it was mainly constructed, to tour and inspire individuals.
The replica has already visited Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach, Fla. home of former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee.
Completion of the project and the replica’s delivery to Jerusalem has special significance to Jake.
“What the ark represents is the fact that the covenant is still valid.It was never abrogated, and the covenant is still strong,” he told attendees. “God’s commitment to His people is as strong as it was 3,500 years ago when the Ark was built.”
“It should be the weapon that walks in front of the army,” he said. “We truly believe that it should be both a weapon and inspirational too.”
The project, he said, was among the most difficult and demanding upon which he has ever worked.
“It’s drained a lot of my psyche working on it and it’s put tremendous stress on everybody,” he said. “The end result, I think, it speaks for itself.”
A kohen, (a modern day descendant of Aharon, brother of Moshe, the first Kohen Gadol), wearing completely kosher bigdei kehunah(priestly garments, produced by the Temple Institute), ascended the Temple Mount last week, where he administered the priestly blessing, (birkat kohanim, Numbers 6:22-26), alongside his fellow kohanim, blessing his fellow Jews. The times, they are-a-changing!
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A Fully-Dressed Kohen (descendant of Aaron – yes a priest) was Sighted on Temple Mount and that sighting was real!!! The most extraordinary part ofd this story isn’t what actually happened, it’s what DID NOT Happen!!! This is a BIG Deal!!! ****For Exclusive Unrestricted Content, Support Pastor James Here****
The next few items were written/created by Muslims/Arabs. Naturally, they present the story in a manner that is completely biased and untrue. But, I had trouble finding any articles on the Sukkot prayers on the Temple Mount. So, I posted the Muslim/Arab articles. You can see and hear for yourselves the lies they propagate. spacer
Some 1,390 illegal Israeli settlers entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, according to a Palestinian agency.
1,390 illegal Israeli settlers enter Al-Aqsa Mosque complex during Sukkot celebrations
They like to paint the picture in a way that makes it sound like the Jews are violently forcing their way onto the mount with the intent of doing violence to the Arab Mosque. The pictures tell a different story. Take a look for yourself. Do these people look violent??
All these photos were taken from the Muslim/Arab news stories.
Fanatic Jews continue to openly perform religious rituals during their raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem on June 24, 2024 [Stringer – Anadolu Agency]
Hundreds of extremist Jewish settlers desecrated Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday to mark the seventh day of the Sukkot holiday in its courtyards, the Palestinian Information Centre has reported.
According to local sources, hundreds of settlers defiled the mosque in different groups under police escort on Wednesday morning. A large number of settlers also rallied in Al-Aqsa Mosque’s western wall area while carrying Israeli flags and performing different Jewish prayers.
Since the one-week Sukkot holiday started last Thursday, the Israeli police have closed many roads and neighbourhoods in Jerusalem and intensified their presence within and around the city. Several Palestinians have been banned from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque, and others have been summoned for interrogation.
All of Israel’s settlers and settlements are illegal under international law. On 19 July, the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion reiterating that settlers and settlements contravene Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and are “unlawful”. Although advisory, legal experts have points out that the laws upon which such opinions are based are binding.
Hundreds of Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex for the second day, marking the Sukkot holiday. This incursion, supported by Israeli police, raises tensions over access to the site.
The UN’s latest anti-Israel resolution calls for expelling Jews from the Old City of Jerusalem, exposing the blatant hypocrisy of its proponents.
By MOSHE PHILLIPSUpdated: SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 00:31
JEWS RECITE morning prayers at the Western Wall. The most notable part of UN General Assembly Resolution 12626 was its demand that all Jews be expelled from the Old City section of Jerusalem within one year, the writer asserts.(photo credit: Florion Goga/Reuters)Death, taxes, and anti-Israel resolutions at the UN are pretty much the only three constants in this world. Nonetheless, some lessons can be learned from the latest screed issued by the nations gathered in Manhattan’s Turtle Bay.
The most notable part of UN General Assembly Resolution 12626 was its demand that all Jews be expelled from the Old City section of Jerusalem within one year.
The text also threw in expelling all Jews from Judea-Samaria, withholding military equipment from Israel that might be used there or in Gaza, and boycotting all Israeli products from beyond the 1949 Armistice lines. All of this, of course, is outrageous and despicable. But it’s the Jerusalem section that warrants the most attention.
The countries that voted in favor of the resolution claim to oppose “apartheid.” But then they insist on what is, in effect, an anti-Jewish apartheid system for what they call “East Jerusalem.”
A general view picture shows the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan June 19, 2017. (credit: AMMAR AWAD/REUTERS)
A place of all faiths
They say that Jerusalem should be a city for all faiths. They then demand the expulsion of members of one faith from the area of the city where their holy sites are located.
Anybody who knows even a little of the history and geography of the region knows that “East Jerusalem” does not exist. That’s because in Israel, “East” and “West” are not simple geographic terms as they are in the United States. Northeast Philadelphia, the Upper East Side in Manhattan, and East LA are names that are used to denote neighborhoods and sections of a city.
Arab propagandists and their media sympathizers invented the term “East Jerusalem” to downplay Jerusalem’s Jewish identity.
By “East Jerusalem,” they mean the heart of Jerusalem, the walled Old City section where the Western Wall and the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, are located; the part of the city where the Jordanians destroyed 58 synagogues and desecrated thousands of Jewish gravestones in the Mount of Olives cemetery; the area where Jordan practiced real-life apartheid by preventing Jews from entering for 19 long years.
‘East Jerusalem’ is just Jerusalem
Every mention of a specific location in Jerusalem in the Christian Bible refers to an area that the UN wants Israel to surrender. The term “East Jerusalem” cannot be found in a Christian Bible because “East Jerusalem” is about as real as The Twilight Zone.
The words “Next Year in Jerusalem!” that Jews the world over will proclaim at the end of the Yom Kippur service, which is also a highlight of the Passover Seder, refer to the ancient parts of Jerusalem that the UN includes as part of the mythical creation of “East Jerusalem.” In Judaism, there is no such thing as “East Jerusalem.”
Wikipedia may not have all the answers, but its entry on the subject acknowledges the basic fact that “East Jerusalem” actually refers to the portion of Jerusalem that Jordan held after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, while Israel held “West Jerusalem.” In other words, “East Jerusalem” is Jerusalem’s Old City and its surrounding neighborhoods; the original and oldest parts of Jerusalem are in “East Jerusalem.”
Lessons to be learned
WHAT LESSONS can we learn from this? Here are three:
First, Israel’s Jordanian “peace partners” are rank hypocrites. They occupied, despoiled, and desecrated Jerusalem’s Old City for 19 years and barred Jews from entering, and now they sponsor a resolution demanding that Jews again be barred.
Second, the hypocrisy of the American Jewish Left is equally appalling. J Street claims to support a united Jerusalem, but it failed to issue even a single measly press release challenging the UN’s attempt to divide Jerusalem.
Third, perhaps it’s time for American Jewish tourists to reconsider their upcoming travel destinations. Many countries that voted “yes” are eager for Jewish tourists. Yet the resolution they supported would prevent any American Jewish parent from organizing a bar or bat mitzvah ceremony at the Western Wall – because the Wall is in “occupied East Jerusalem.”
American friends of Israel should note the names of those countries and think twice before spending tourist dollars there: Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and New Zealand.
The writer is national chairman of Americans For A Safe Israel, a pro-Israel advocacy and education organization.
Of all the falsehoods promulgated about the Middle East – and they are many – one of the most dogged and pernicious of all is the assertion that an immutable status quo exists on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Indeed, whenever Jews seek to exercise their fundamental right to freedom of worship on the Mount, as they did last week, the same tired platitudes are paraded about by the media and various world leaders to denounce such activity as a violation of the status quo.
Well, I hate to break it to them, but the Temple Mount status quo is nothing more than a myth, as anyone with access to Google can easily verify.
Here are the unvarnished facts.
The facts of the Temple Mount
It was 57 years ago this summer that Israel liberated the Old City of Jerusalem and restored the Temple Mount to Jewish control – after 1,900 years.
ISRAELI SECURITY FORCES stand guard as Jews visit the Temple Mount, on Tisha B’av, in 2021. (credit: JAMAL AWAD/FLASH90)
Then-defense minister Moshe Dayan, fearful of offending the Arabs, agreed to grant the Muslim Wakf, or religious authorities, the right to administer the site, and certain understandings about its administration were put into place.
The ostensible goal was to ensure that the Temple Mount’s immense religious, cultural, and historical significance would be preserved, along with maintaining a delicate balance between Muslims and Jews.
At the time, in June 1967, there was just one mosque operating on the Mount – al-Aqsa.
Today, in 2024, there are five.
In other words, for the past several decades, while everyone was busy focusing on whether Jews were allowed to prostrate themselves, recite a blessing, or pray on the Mount, the Palestinians were actively creating facts on the ground to change the status quo.
NADAV SHRAGAI, a senior researcher at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs who has authored a number of books on the Holy City, has pointed out that “The status quo on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, as formulated by Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan in 1967, no longer exists.”
“Since the Six Day War,” he noted in a JCPA paper published two years ago, “changes in the status quo have greatly improved the Muslims’ hold on the Temple Mount.”
Chief among those changes, he wrote, was the illegal and unauthorized opening of the four additional mosques, most recently in 2019 when the Gate of Mercy (Golden Gate) prayer area was turned into one.
Needless to say, much of the Muslim construction on the Mount was done with the deliberate aim of erasing the historical Jewish presence at the site by destroying archaeological treasures from the First and Second Temples.
In other words, through their actions, the Muslim Wakf essentially trampled on the status quo, stripping it of its original intent and meaning.
Additional steps were taken to erode the status quo put into place in 1967. Initially, Jews were free to ascend the Mount through two gates, but today only one is allowed to them. The hours and areas on the Mount made available for Jewish visits are far more restricted than they were in the first decade or two after the 1967 war. And while the display of flags on the Mount was barred under the status quo, the Arabs regularly unfurl Hamas and Palestinian banners while objecting to the Israeli flag.
SO IT is no surprise that after the Palestinians wantonly and systematically eviscerated the status quo, Israel decided a decade ago to counter the Muslims’ creeping occupation of the site by taking steps to soften the restrictions imposed on Jews.
As a result, for years Jewish visitors to the Mount have, for the most part, been allowed to pray quietly and undisturbed. And the number of Jews from all walks of life making a pilgrimage to the Temple Mount has surged, more than doubling in the past three years to over 30,000 since the start of 2024.
Indeed, on Tisha B’Av, which fell on August 13, over 3,000 Jews visited the Mount in a single day.
So when National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir announced last week that the status quo had changed, he was not saying anything new. It was merely a public acknowledgment of the reality on the ground, which has been shifting for many years.
And that is what makes the fallout from Ben-Gvir’s statement so absurd. The US State Department, UN officials, and European leaders rushed to denounce what they described as Israel’s “unilateral steps” to undermine the status quo.
But these steps are not at all unilateral, and thanks to the Palestinians, the status quo was emptied of meaning long ago.
For the media and world leaders to berate Israel for violating the status quo after they have studiously ignored the Palestinians’ unilateral behavior for decades is breathtakingly hypocritical.
Furthermore, it is so obvious that it shouldn’t need to be said, but apparently it does require repeating: Freedom of religion applies to everyone, including Jews. And especially on the Temple Mount, our holiest site.
So let’s stop perpetuating the myth of the status quo, which is now just another tool that is used to bash Israel, and start recognizing reality for what it is.
Jews have every right to freedom of worship on the Temple Mount – and no amount of deceit or dissembling can or will prevent them from doing so.
The writer served as deputy communications director under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
MinutesOfHorror News coming out of Israel now suggest we are a lot closer to the red heifer ritual being completed. Photos have spotted the red heifer sacrifice practice being conducted near the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. This is a major biblical prophecy of the red heifer ritual.
The suspects, ages 13 to 21, were arrested by detectives, in possession of goats that were hidden and intended to be used as sacrifices on the Temple Mount. The police warned: “We will not allow extremists and criminals of any kind to violate the existing practice on the Temple Mount and the holy places.” 13 suspects aged 13-21 were arrested today (Monday) on suspicion of planning to sacrifice goats on the Temple Mount as sacrifices for Passover. The arrests were made after YMR detectives operating in Jerusalem identified suspects who carried goats in bags and even hid them in a baby carriage. After the arrest, the suspects were transferred for further investigation by the police and the captured animals were transferred for veterinary treatment. The attempts to sacrifice Passover victims were carried out against the background of publications distributed in recent days, with the aim of encouraging extremist elements to implement the ancient custom, which is against the law. A goat found in the suspect’s vehicle A goat found in the suspect’s vehicle Photo: Police spokeswoman The police said: “The Israel Police is working in Jerusalem and in the other sectors with all the security agencies, on the overt and covert level, against any person who tries to break the order and act contrary to the law and the practice that exists in the holy places in the city of Jerusalem. We call on the public not to give a platform or expression to extreme fringes who try or call for a break the order and the law. The existing practice on the Temple Mount and in the other holy places in the city of Jerusalem will be preserved and will continue to be preserved at all times, and we will not allow extremists and criminals of any kind to violate it
Right-wing activists praised National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir for intervening to release three suspects detained for intending to slaughter goats on the Temple Mount as a Passover sacrifice, despite the High Court prohibiting him from interference in operative police decisions
Right-wing Israeli activists who were arrested on Monday for trying to sacrifice a goat on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem gloated that National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir
YOU CANNOT LOVE GOD and hate his Chosen People. There is no such thing as REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY. If you believe that somehow the Jews have been rejected and replaced, than you do not understand GOD and His WORD. If you do not understand the WORD, than you do not know JESUS CHRIST/Yashuah HaMaschiach, because HE … Click Here to Read More
The world cannot understand the things of God to them it is nonsense. God has given them over to a reprobate mind. All they can think or do is evil. Only the Spirit of GOD can reveal TRUTH to anyone. Anyone who is without GOD is without hope, and subject to sin and death. We … Click Here to Read More
For centuries there have been those who hoped, dreamed and prayed for the Third Temple to be built. For generations there have been people and groups laboring to raise the money and build political support for the Temple. For decades now artisans have been creating the articles, the furniture and the decorations for the Temple … Click Here to Read More
Let me ask you a question: If the plan of REDEMPTION was God’s plan from the beginning (and it was) and as the Bible reveals in the book of Isaiah the Redeemer was to be crucified… then there had to be a Rome, there had to be a Sanhedrin, there had to be a Pontius … Click Here to Read More