TRUSTING… Americans have been so trusting of our government for so long we did not even recognize that it had been taken over by those who hate FREEDOM. Freedom, which has been guaranteed to US citizens for so long it was taken for granted.
When computers were introduced, with the internet highway, trusting Americans just hoped on board. At first we appeared to be in control. We decided what was allowed on our computer. Suddenly we started having to “agree” to ToS and conditions of Use contracts. If you did not sign or signify your agreement, then of course you could not use the product. And we all wanted to use the product.
Mar 21, 2023 — Legally speaking, there is no difference between terms of service and terms of use. Both are legal contracts that define the relationship …
People saw these things as “cover your ass” legaleeze that corporation found necessary. We looked at them in the same way we looked at the paperwork that comes with prescription drugs. Nobody read them. We clicked and moved on.
This was a very BIG mistake. This gave them the inroads that lead to where we are today. They had access now to our home, to our data, to everything in our world. They began to collect data like it was going out of style. Now it has come back to bite us!
Concordance… agreement. What people failed to acknowledge is that these online documents are legal and binding. Signing off on something without fully understanding what it means for you is dangerous. These people are very clever and they deliberately made these documents long and difficult to understand. Reading documents online is difficult anyway for people who are new to the internet. NO MATTER… if you sign or signify your compliance or agreement…. you are legally bound.
That is why we are to avoid oaths, contracts, written agreements. God warned us!
CONCORDANCE – that is their goal. To get the WHOLE WORLD to sign on, to commit themselves and SUBMIT to their CONTROL!!
They are bringing everything under their control and the WORLDWIDE WEB was designed for that purpose from the beginning. It is the tool they will use to take away your rights, your body, your mind and your spirit. The day is coming very soon when the TRUTH will not be allowed on the WEB. They will determine what you are allowed to believe as truth. THEY will decide what is misinformation, what is allowed and what is not allowed.
You may soon have to make a decision, just how important is it to you to be able to use their Technology? Is it worth your SOUL?
USE the internet while you can to reach as many souls as possible. You know that is how we used to be referred to, as SOULS. Humans were called souls. Now they call us persons.
person – Wiktionary, the free dictionaryEtymology. Ultimately from Latin persōna (“mask used by actor; role, part, character”). Probably through English and Old French persone (“human being”) |
This is interesting.
The THREE TRUSTS of the “HOLY SEE”The Trusts claim all the property on the planet, all the people (chattel) and all their souls. The “Holy See” is salvaging the souls lost at sea, and so they administer their Maritime Law. These are the three Trusts you and your property are owned under:
1.) ROMANUS PONTIFEX was created by Pope Nicolas V in 1455. It is the first testamentary deed and will and crown over the land. It deprives you of all of your real estate, land titles and titles to your property. In the system you do not own your titles, you never will. You don’t own anything. What you have is right of use. That’s what a title means.
2.) AETERNI REGIS came in 1481, from Pope Sixtus IV. It means “The External Crown”. This takes away your personal property and makes you a slave. The Commonwealth was born here. In the Incipit of the Papal Bull, it says: “For a perpetual remembrance”.
3.) CONVOCATION, the third Trust, came in 1531, which claims your soul. We have all been baptized into the Catholic Church, via the Birth Certificate. It’s a ritual. This ritual they perform in hospitals, because since around 1870’s to 1931 owing to Abraham Lincoln and the bank$ters, hospitals are military facilities. You are born on a hospital “ward”; you are in their eyes a “ward of the State”. Unless you rebut this stands and they get away with it.
This trio of Trusts all correspond to the Tiara that the Pope wears since the time of Pope Boniface in 1302.
The Cestui Que Vie Trusts apply around the world through the UN, through the Rothschild’s, through the Geneva Convention and all the conventions that they say make us “free”. Pope Boniface first wore the double crown. The Triple Crown that came along was the Tiara that stands for the three Trusts that STEAL your estate, property and soul.
“Cestui” is Latin for the number SIX = THREE TRUSTS= 666 the Mark of the Beast
Anyone care to re-butt?
has quietly updated their TOS to include fines for content they don’t agree with. Beginning on January 1, 2024, they will be fining users who commit perceived violations on their bandwidth. Who knew in America that the phone providers would now be policing the content of your text messages to fine you. S.H.A.F.T. is an acronym that stands for Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, and Tobacco. It outlines the categories of text messages specifically regulated due to moral and legal issues and is monitored and enforced by the Cellular Telephone Industries Association (CTIA) and the mobile carriers. Who gets to determine what is and isn’t “hateful”? Will political text messages be censored now as well going into 2024? This is what @comcast did to me in 2019/2020 when I ran for Congress.
Far right candidate Laura Loomer, banned from most social media, suspicious of Comcast glitch
I warned people that it would happen to others when nobody did anything to stop this when it happened to me as a congressional candidate! Nice TOS date change! Just in time for the GOP primary and 2024 presidential election! Nothing to see here!

OCT 4, 2022
If you share content on Facebook or Instagram that’s rated by one of our independent third-party fact-checking partners, we apply penalties to the content and, if you do it repeatedly, to your account, Page, Group, or website. These penalties are separate from strikes for violating our Community Standards or Community Guidelines system. We don’t remove content just because it was fact-checked.
If you post content that one of our independent fact-checkers rates False, Altered or Partly False, we’ll move the post lower in Feed on Facebook, or on Feed and Stories on Instagram. For this content, as well as content fact-checkers rate Missing Context, we’ll also apply a notice with more context, filter it from recommendation surfaces such as Explore, Suggested Posts and Reels, and not allow it in ads.
If you repeatedly post content rated False or Altered, we’ll take several actions that will last for a subsequent 90 days. For example, we’ll move all of your posts lower in Feed on Facebook or Feed and Stories on Instagram so people are less likely to see them. If you continue to post such content, we’ll move your posts even lower. Pages, groups and websites will lose their ability to earn money and advertise, and Pages will lose their ability to register as a news Page. We also take steps to inform other people about your status; for example, we won’t recommend your Page, group or Instagram account to others and we may display a warning when someone tries to follow your Page. Pages and Groups can see how fact-checks are affecting them through Page Quality or Groups Quality.
There are rare occasions when we may not apply a penalty. For example, if you post the same or very similar content repeatedly, and an independent fact-checker rates it False or Altered within a short period of time, we may only apply one penalty to your account. We do this to make sure you have enough notice that your post was rated.
New Paypal Policy Lets Firm Fine Users $2,500 for Spreading ‘Misinformation,’ ToS Condemned and Called an ‘Abomination’

Editor’s note: This article was updated to reflect that Paypal has retracted the user policy information after the social media backlash. The company said: “An AUP notice recently went out in error that included incorrect information.” The last paragraph in this article contains the full statement from Paypal concerning the user policy.
Paypal’s New User Agreement Clause Says It Can Pull $2,500 in Funds From Users That Spread ‘Misinformation’
The payments services corporation Paypal reportedly plans to update its user agreement with a new clause added that fights against so-called “misinformation.” A new update added to the restricted activity section of Paypal’s user agreement shows that people who post or publish hate speech or misinformation “may subject you to damages, including liquidated damages of $2,500.00 U.S. dollars per violation, which may be debited directly from your Paypal account.” The Daily Wire first discovered the upcoming terms of service (ToS) agreement.
The prohibited acts include “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that “promote misinformation,” the payments company warns. Of course, the news wasn’t taken too kindly by the general public, and a significant number of social media posts critized Paypal’s decision to implement the new user agreement. Canadian lawyer David Anber wrote: “[Hey Paypal] you have 30 days to explicitly renounce this abomination of a policy or I am permanently closing my account as will millions of others I am sure. Your subjective views on ‘misinformation’ or ‘discrimination’ don’t entitle you to your clients’ money.”
Moreover, the Paypal news caught the attention of Tesla executive Elon Musk. When an individual wrote that the new ToS news was “worrying” and “that’s why we need the X platform more than ever,” Musk responded “100%.” Bitcoin supporters, of course, took to their Twitter handles and exclaimed that “bitcoin fixes this.” A great number of people on social media begged others to “close their Paypal accounts” and “boycott” the payment services company.
A new PayPal policy update appears to authorize the company to pull up to $2500 from the accounts of users who spread “misinformation.”
That’s theft surely.
— Sophie Corcoran (@sophielouisecc) October 8, 2022
“Paypal’s new policy lets it pull $2,500 from user accounts for promoting ‘misinformation,’ the Biden administration made easier for the government to spy on Americans, the FBI is acting like the KGB,” Pedro Gonzalez wrote on Saturday. “Venmo is owned by Paypal which is owned by Ebay. Pull away from all 3 ASAP,” another person tweeted. A number of individuals asked how Paypal decides what information is “misinformation” or not, and people many said current times are akin to a communist regime. One person wrote:
And who decides what “misinformation” is? Why, Paypal, of course. I am sure they will be fair. Twitter will restrict your account if they don’t like what you post. Paypal has authorized [itself] to assess monetary fines for bad behavior. Welcome to the Soviet Union.
Paypal’s Long History of Holding Back Funds and Censoring Financial Transactions
Paypal has been accused of censorship for a long time now and picking and choosing sides based on the firm’s own subjective valuations and of course, state orders. At the end of July last year, Paypal revealed it partnered with the nonprofit organization the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and said it planned to study financial transactions that funded extremism and anti-government groups.
In 2010, Paypal and a number of other financial giants blocked Wikileaks from getting donations, and it pushed Julian Assange and the non-profit toward bitcoin. In 2019, Paypal shut off ties to sex workers leveraging the adult web portal Pornhub, and at the time 100,000 adult performers were left stranded. In 2020, Paypal merchants who sold products associated with the eight-legged micro-animals called tardigrades or “moss piglets” had issues with the payment processor because the name tardigrade was used by a Balkan arms dealer.
According to Eric July, owner of Rippaverse comics, two months ago Paypal gave him significant issues when he sold Rippaverse comics using Paypal and credit cards. At the time, $1.2 million was put on hold by Paypal and on October 6, July said that after making an erroneous error of only paying him back half of the funds, “the other half was released,” and “there was no official statement from Paypal as to why.” After a huge hassle, July got back “all of the initially held funds” and he further stressed that his firm would “never be using Paypal again.”
The Rippaverse comics owner added:
It’s a piece of sh*t company and I recommend that small business owners especially avoid using them.
Paypal Claims New User Policy Went Out in Error
On October 8, a Paypal spokesperson explained to the National Review that the user policy notice shared wildly on Twitter and publications, was a mistake. “An AUP notice recently went out in error that included incorrect information,” the Paypal spokesperson insisted. “Paypal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy. Our teams are working to correct our policy pages. We’re sorry for the confusion this has caused.”
What do you think about the controversy surrounding Paypal’s upcoming ToS agreement that says it can fine accounts for spreading misinformation? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
TOS Violations: Everything You Need to Know
TOS violations describe contract breaches by a single party. 3 min read
TOS Violations
TOS violations describe contract breaches by a single party. For many, the internet is an easy place to get information and take advantage of certain conveniences in the form of online banking and shopping. Shopping websites allow us to find goods to buy and most banks have online banking systems that allow customers to keep track of their money. Other websites focus on social affairs in the form of Twitter and Facebook. Many people go to Youtube to search for various entertaining and informative videos to watch.
Other websites allow the selling of music via iTunes or MP3 storage. Online services have been around since the early days of the Internet and searching online has become a part of everyday life for many people. With that, you may have a feeling that you’re not doing something right when going online. Nearly all websites have a terms of service agreement, or TOS. The terms vary by website, but it comprises an agreement between the website and user regarding how users can take advantage of the website. It also establishes rules and boundaries that users must adhere to when using the website.
When visiting a website, you usually agree to the TOS by default when clicking the agree button. It also conveys certain rights that users have when accessing the site and how they can contact the property administrator in case something goes wrong.
In addition, it contains warranty protections and disclaimers, including vendor liability pertaining to damages or infringements when using a service. The primary aim is to safeguard vendors, and a TOS is a legally-binding contract that can be enforced in a court of law. It is only a legal contract if it abides by local and federal laws, and TOS authors have some leeway in drafting the contract. For instance, they are free to change the service terms at any point, but they must notify users within a reasonable time of the changes.
- Note: Websites only giving information or selling a product may not have a TOS.
ISPs and TOS
With that, internet service providers (ISPs) and all sites storing personal data are usually involved in social media, financial transactions, or online auctions. Court cases involving TOS violations are more common than you think. You should know your rights and obligations before using a website, and though reading the TOS may seem like a tedious process, the terms are easier to read than you think, and it generally does not take long to comprehend.
TOS Drawbacks
A TOS is designed to foster transparency and rules for a website, but major problems can arise. For instance, TwitPic’s controversy surrounding its TOS, which caused the company to walk back from an aggressive TOS that stopped users from reselling pictures they uploaded to the platform, is an example of how you must read the TOS before uploading or using a website. The fact is that you have little recourse in court if you agree to the terms of service. This also happens when users fail to understand the TOS or never read and simply clicked the agree button.
- Note: Hitting the agree button comprises an official signature on your end, and you are bound to the terms of the agreement.
TOS Commonalities
The following are essential traits that you’ll find in almost all TOS agreements:
- Legally Binding: In all TOS agreements, your agreement is an official acknowledgment of the TOS, and electronic signing makes your adherence to the TOS much more official. For instance, clicking the agree box comprises an official signature. In court, you must prove that the TOS contained unreasonable terms, or the agreement is not valid in some way.
- TOS and Copyright Law: When creating images, works or properties of any kind, you are the copyright owner.
To learn more about TOS violations, you can post your job on UpCounsel’s website. UpCounsel’s lawyers will provide more information if a user violates your terms and must seek legal recourse in court. In addition, they will assist users if they were taken advantage of by service providers.
Criminalizing ToS Violations
Many of us question whether sneakwrap agreements like the Terms of Service (ToS) of most websites should be considered a binding contractual agreement. But several stories in the news have shown a disturbing trend that goes even further — treating a ToS violation not just as a breach of contract, but as a criminal act.
Certainly the story getting the most attention right now is the tragic cyberbullying case in which a 49-year-old woman is alleged to have harassed a teenage girl into suicide using a phony MySpace account. Lacking appropriate laws covering cyberbullying, federal prosecutors have brought charges against the woman — in Los Angeles, MySpace’s headquarters, rather than Missouri, where the woman and the teenager resided — for violating MySpace ToS provisions. As many observers have noted, it’s a real stretch to use the federal anti-hacking statutes in this way, and a very slippery slope.
Earlier this month, World of Warcraft (WoW) publisher Blizzard sued MDY, Inc., maker of a program called Glider that automates WoW play. Using a program like Glider undeniably violates the WoW EULA and terms of use, but Blizzard is also suing the company for copyright infringement, arguing that the copy of WoW loaded into RAM when using Glider is illegal, just because it violates the EULA. In other words, they’re saying that using a product you’ve paid for can still be a copyright violation if you don’t follow their fine-print rules.
And since copyright infringement can carry criminal as well as civil penalties, another piece of news that might be relevant is the “Copyright Czar” bill that the House of Representatives recently passed. With thousands of ordinary Americans falling victim to identity theft, phishing scams, etc., Congress wants to create a cabinet-level position to fund and marshal federal law enforcement resources to protect … not us, but the motion picture and music industries. Terrific.
So what does all this mean? Well, think of some of the many overreaching and even unconscionable provisions we’ve seen in some of the ToS documents we’ve examined recently. If you read and you’re not precisely 13 years of age, are you guilty of illegally accessing a protected computer under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act? What about when the Comcast use policy or the Verizon ToS requires you to check back frequently and re-read all their legalese to see if there’s been any changes — will White House staffers be sending the FBI to knock on your door if you forget to do so? And consider all those people who’ve been reporting that Windows XP SP3 causes endless reboots of their system — aren’t they guilty of criminal copyright infringement for not getting Microsoft’s written permission to publish such performance benchmarks, as various Microsoft EULAs demand?
Virtually every ToS has a mix of terms, some of which might be considered reasonable in the context of that business and others so stupid or outrageous that no court would enforce them even under contract law. So for law enforcement officials to accuse someone of a crime because they breached a ToS term is more than problematic. And to equate ToS violation with copyright infringement is to render the Copyright Act useless except as a tool of large corporations.
Post your comments about this story below or write Ed Foster at
You’ll soon not get within 50 miles of your government buildings. You’ll soon not get within 50 miles of your politicians or media. You’ll soon be experiencing full blown Communism and it won’t matter what nation you live in. Keep being silent. If you don’t take your parliament and national broadcaster back soon you’ll wish your were dead.

This video has been CENSORED. However, the person who posted it included text content that is well worth the read.
They don’t care about social media posts like YouTube, Facebook, etc., because Shadow Government Supercomputers, sitting on top of every Tier One Server in the world, control all DISTRIBUTION & VISIBILITY OF CONTENT.
It is done to prevent credible information developing from credible online sources and reaching legitimate victims or the public at large. It is called ‘FILTERING’!
Only if the general public do a direct search for the data or information posted by the activist, whistle blower, etc., even be seen, nor can the data or information posted by the whistle blower or activist even be seen by the general public, because they can’t search for you if they don’t know you exist.
Even if these directed energy attacks really happened, these media news casts are just another example of ‘INDIRECTION’.
Do you think that the Shadow Government (U.S. DoD & Intelligence Agencies) would ever allow such evidence of their atrocities to be broadcast over live so-called main stream media for the world to see?
Such news casts of these directed energy attacks are a form of disinformation (lies) and misinformation (half-truths) called ‘INDIRECTION’ which is essentially pointing the finger of blame at others but using third persons or parties to do it instead of pointing the finger yourself, to divert attention or blame from yourself. Here the Shadow Government is using INDIRECTION to diver attention and blame away from CIA DIA Contractors who are responsible for these human rights atrocities on American citizens, to the Russians and Chinese. Directed energy attacks and no touch torture is used for various reasons including training research and development in artificial super intelligence technologies.
It is Nonsense. Just More Cyber theater, nothing more.
CIA Trauma Based Mind Control involves the use of constant disruptions of the victims communications, financial transactions, etc., at regular intervals to solicit emotional responses from the Mind Control victim which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data while simultaneously portraying the victim as delusional, crazy, etc., to discredit the victim. This is called the HYPER GAME THEORY.
It is based on the mathematical model known as the Hyper Game Theory. The process is endless and can be activated at will by the supercomputer which has remotely hijacked all mt computers, tablets, smartphones, etc
Hyper Game Theory basically is a mathematical model applying Game Theory to Decision Tree Modeling proving, mathematically, that by perpetually and constantly altering any value in the model one can perpetually and constantly alter that models expected outcome. In CIA DIA Trauma Based Mind Control the model is the Mind Control victim.
Trauma Based Mind Control involves the use of constant disruptions of the victims communications, financial transactions, etc., vandalism and theft of property, etc., even directed energy torture, etc., all at regular intervals to solicit emotional physical and psychological responses from the Mind Control victim which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data while simultaneously portraying the victim as delusional, crazy, etc., to discredit the victim. This is called the HYPER GAME THEORY
Hyper Game Theory is achieved by PERPETUALLY basing ones next move off the opponents last move, meaning the game never ends because there is always a next move to be made. Always a higher optimum to choose from
The idea is to force victim into a never ending series of responses (electromagnetic emission patterns of the brain) which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data
They have a whole bag of tricks to kill, menticize and/or set up and frame the victim and have him thrown into a mental institution
It’s all a deadly game of deception and manipulation nothing more. Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not accept anything the RNM system interrogates you about as truth. The system is designed to remotely capture random bits of your senses and then to fabricate stories based on whatever it captures injected back into the subconscious of the trauma based mind control victim at speed of light to interrogate and harass the victim with no other intention than to distract and torture the victim into submission to the systems influence

Hyper Game Theory is a deadly game of ‘Eugenics’ based on the mathematical model known as the NON-COOPERATIVE GAMING THEOREM using two things:. DECEPTION & MANIPULATION. ‘Hyper Game Theory’ is just a moniker to describe that model
By ‘deadly’ I mean they need to walk you to your death: physical death, social death, emotional death and psychological death.
There are only two ways to defeat the Hyper Game Theory: 1. Refuse to play the game to begin with (Ignore Them). 2. Place the opposing party in a position where they can no longer better their own position against you (Nash Equilibrium)
Since you are dealing with a Conscious Supercomputer programmed with Hyper Game Theory algorithms and because the CIA/DIA teams have far more resources (time, money, manpower, etc.) than you do their is really no possiblity to use the NASH EQUILIBRIUM, meaning you cannot – for the most part – place the government in a position where it can no longer better it’s position against you
So the only way for Targeted Individuals to defeat the Hyper Game Theory tactics they use against you daily is to refuse to play the game to begin with (IGNORE THEM)
In order for Trauma Based Mind Control to work they must force you to continually respond to their Street Theater (Situational Scenarios & Conversational Scenarios), meaning they must constantly employ specific tailored script sets against you, such as a group of people taking pictures of each other, arguing with each other, etc
These abnormal and aberrational scenarios are crucial to force you into a set of responses to determine coherent patterns of thought. Do not try and constantly adjust and counter the chaos they engineer. Just ignore them. Get up from your desk and walk away from the computer, office etc., and come back later – much later, AFTER the conversation or situation (chaos, trauma, etc.) they just used against you has been pushed out of your short term active memory. Do and think something else, immediately, to push the Chaos and Trauma from your Active Memory and Thought Process
The Hyper Game Theory model of Deception and Manipulation employed against Mind Control victims is endless because there is always a HIGHER OPTIMUM to choose from
So, because there is always a higher optimum to choose from there is always a NEXT MOVE to be made by the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., and, specifically, the Conscious RNM [Supercomputer] System of Remote Neural Networks that is basing directed energy torture on that model (start torture…stop torture…start…stop…start..stop…etc.). The process is endless
Hence, the game never ends because the system must constantly provoke you into sensory and neural responses to engineer patterns of multiple synaptic responses
One response is not enough. They need multiple responses of the same behavior, etc., to determine coherent patterns of thought (VERIFICATION). Only then can those synaptic responses be integrated back into RNM data as the Conscious Supercomputer continues to build a cognitive model of your WILL, INTELLECT & EMOTION for training research and development
So the Hyper Game process is endless and can be triggered at will by the attackers and many times you will only notice the remote neural attacks are happening if you learn to read Active Memory
In order for the Hyper Game Theory to work, meaning for the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams to make a next move, they must force the mind control victim to move or respond first. The objective being to force the victim into an endless series of synaptic responses each day meaning to place the victim INTO and keep the victim INSIDE a PSYCHOTRONIC CONCENTRATION CAMP which is sort of a combination of the two movies ‘The Exorcist’ & ‘The Truman Show’
This is why the victim is surrounded and boxed in constantly, for as soon as the victim is chosen for this technology, all available apartments, homes, hotel rooms, etc., next to and around the victim are sublet and the CIA/DIA Trauma Based Mind Control Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., move in and training research and development begins, culminating in the cold blooded murder or incapacitation of the victim once training research and development ends
What I mean is they trigger or engineer chaos torture and trauma in the victims daily life and daily activities and then wait for the victim to respond to that fabricated torture trauma and chaos which the victim must do to function and survive, thereby forcing the victim into an endless series of counter moves throughout the day just trying to function and survive inside a Psychotronic Concentration Camp because of the physical and psychological trauma and torture
Each counter move is an evoked potential which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data
This was to have been a promo video featured on my heavily censored YouTube channel. But now like the impertinent child that they are over losing the censorship wars….YouTube cherry picks when to block copyright material that others who don’t own it can freely use.
Yuri Bezmenov, a.k.a. Tomas Schuman, soviet KGB defector, explains in detail his scheme for the KGB process of subversion and takeover of target societies at a lecture in Los Angeles, 1983.Yuri Alexandrovitch Bezmenov is a former KGB propagandist who was assigned to New Dehli, India, defected to the West in 1970, and was interviewed by Edward Griffin in 1985. Bezmenov explains his background, some of his training, and exactly how Soviet propaganda is spread in other countries in order to subvert their teachers, politicians, and other policy makers to a mindset receptive to the Soviet ideology.
He also explains in detail the goal of Soviet propaganda as total subversion of another country and the 4 step formula for achieving this goal. He recalls the details of how he escaped India, defected to the West, and settled in Montreal as an announcer for the CBC.
Everything these people do involves censoring others and manipulating information to allow ONLY their agenda.
Flemmings is upset that she no longer has someone ‘to call up at Twiiter’ and immediately get to censor or control the flow of information SHE doesn’t like. These people are poison to free society, to truth, and to anyone’s freedom but their own. Its MORE than the ADL, and they have to go.
What she is in fact advocating and trying to do—suppress free speech wihich she calls ‘disinformation’, should be punished with severe prison sentences. NOT meeting with social media execs.
UN/WEF Globalist Melissa Flemings is furious Elon Musk has fired all the people they would to call to censor/suppress, and suspend accounts on Twitter…
———————————————-Posted for educative purposes under THE FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (© )material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.
Dr Malone is interviewed by US political commentator, radio presenter and producer Glenn Beck. He discusses exposing the ‘young leaders’ and influencers coming out of the World Economic Forum and is looking into how many jobs they’ve been given. He says that the United States and Western democracies are becoming client states of the WEF. “Transhumanism is the belief… it is the technology suite around the idea of mechanical and biological modification of humans,” says Malone.
URGENT! For everyone’s sake, share these videos amongst family and friends, since we are in grave danger, being subject to medical and social tyranny, which is striving to destroy humanity.
Frans Timmermans’ far-reaching climate plans have been definitively approved. In concrete terms, this means paying even more at the pump, for airline tickets and the energy bill. Effect on climate = 0.0 Effect on prices = HUGE
This is pure capital destruction. This madness must stop once!
Klaus Schwab Hire Millions of ‘Information Warriors’ To ‘Seize Control of The Internet’
Klaus Schwab Hires Millions of ‘Information Warriors’ To ‘Seize Control of The Internet
Designed to police “disinformation” under the false premise of saving us from “National Security Threats”. Penalty = 20 Years JailFrom: The People’s Voice.TV
WEF Wants to Track Your Spending & Control Your Speech On The Internet In a Digital Prison
The American Journal (Commercial Free) – Dec 30th, 2022
◄ Fighting to keep us FREE from Tyranny. Share all posts, and give the
to the globalists. I record daily, edit/upload in real-time. commercial-free! – Please subscribe to help me continue to provide truth commercial-free on multiple banned platforms.
The Trudeau Bill C-11 is an authoritarian law that will tell Canadians what they can watch on the Internet. It regulates user content and hides content it doesn’t like on YouTube, Rumble, and other platforms. It forces streaming services to serve up content the government likes and shadow-ban services it doesn’t like. Every service becomes the CBC. These rules will be applied to Facebook too.
The unelectable and unaccountable would have unprecedented power.
The proposed Misinformation Bill will enable faceless bureaucrats to police what all Australians say, and ultimately think. It will be done in collusion with Big Tech, itself a purveyor of misinformation during Covid that indirectly led to the injury and deaths of thousands of Australians. “This crosses a threshold that we cannot cross!” Nick Cater tells Alan Jones.
It’s totally not because they constantly lie to you or anything, honest!
Background from Tearmoon Teikoku Monogatari