Much like the USA is the strongest defense the world has against tyranny, Texas is the strongest defense that the USA has against it. That is why Texas is a TARGET.
All the snowflakes who believe that you can stop violence by taking away the guns from honest citizens better wake up really fast. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and you will come to a point when you will wish to GOD that you had a gun.
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. If someone wants to kill you and they don’t have a gun, they will use something else. The thing you need to fear the most is a government that wants to disarm the people. The fact that Americans have always had the right to bear arms has been the major contributor to our maintaining our freedoms. When there is a possibility of being met with force, those with evil intent are much more cautious.
Texas is the strongest example of the true American Dream. A place where people are free and supported in their efforts to maintain their self sufficiency. Standing for yourself, your family, your faith and your country, is what gives you self respect.
Snowflakes want the government to take care of them. Solve their problems, feed their children, and keep a roof over their heads. That is dependence on government. When the government is your caretaker, the government is your RULER. Let me tell you something, you cannot legislate morality. Good behavior comes from a good conscience. A good conscience only comes from GOD. God is the only one who can change a person’s heart.
The Feds want to beat Texas into submission, because Texas stands for what is right and true. If Texas falls…so falls the nation. IF the USA falls, so falls the WORLD!
I strongly believe that this SERIES OF WINTER STORMS is part of their plan to break the back of the American People. Texas seems to be the hardest hit… no surprise…
By the way… if you do not believe that the governments of the world are controlling the weather… I feel sorry for you. You are way behind…better start researching for yourself. There are plenty of articles on that topic here on this webpage. MANY, MANY MORE on the web. Better find them before they have all been CENSORED! It is no fantasy, the governments and corporations of the world state it in their own documentation, patents, advertisements and news releases. OPEN YOUR EYES! USE YOUR BRAIN! THE EVIDENCE IS ALL AROUND US.
Are we just going to swallow their BS hook line and sinker? This is not Climate Change caused by eating meat and cows farting! This is the MANIAC ELITE controlling the weather. This is a WEATHER WAR and we are the causalities! With everything that we know about their ability to manipulate weather, we know …Read More
Millions remain without power as another winter storm prepares to wallop North Texas Tuesday evening. Gov. Greg Abbott is calling for more accountability from ERCOT, the organization that manages the state’s power grid. Read more:…
People wait in line to fill propane tanks, in Houston, on Wednesday, February 17, 2021.David J. Phillip/AP
As winter storms walloped Texas this week, the state has been hit with one related crisis after another: first the snow, then the blackouts, then the loss of potable water, and for some, like Democratic state representative Shawn Thierry, the devastating fallout from burst pipes. Resilient Texans, already living through the COVID-19 pandemic, have been forced to hunker down in the dark under layers of blankets, or leave home entirely in search of power and warmth. The emergency continues to unfold, and as of Wednesday, February 17, almost three million households remain without power. More than twenty Texans have died.
The photos below show Texans across the state coping with disaster with barbecue grills, with iPhone flashlights, and inside hastily created warming shelters. The images paint a picture of a state let down by its leadership and, for many of us, in need of a lifeline. As we enter new stages of the crisis, the photos will serve as a reminder of this historic moment, and how Texans survived.
The view from above of a rarely seen blanket of snow covering Houston, as pictured here on Monday, February 15.
Houston Chronicle/AP
A Fiesta supermarket in Houston conserves energy by powering down its freezer section.
Go Nakamura/Getty
A man seeking relief from subfreezing temperatures paces through a makeshift warming shelter at Travis Park United Methodist Church in San Antonio.
Eric Gay/AP
A tale of two crises: a mass vaccination clinic at Ratliff Stadium in Odessa, covered in snow.
Odessa American/AP
A grounded United Airlines jet is deiced at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston.
David J. Phillip/AP
Houstonites, clad in whatever winter outerwear they could cobble together, stand in line in the cold to fill propane tanks.
David J. Phillip/AP
A Houston man sits on a couch inside a Gallery Furniture store turned temporary shelter.
David J. Phillip/AP
In Dallas, people collect firewood from a wood heap opened to the public.
LM Otero/AP
With the grocery store in darkness, Raul Alonzo of Dallas uses his phone as a flashlight to peer into the meat case.
LM Otero/AP
Austinite Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon stands on his kitchen counter to warm his feet over a gas stove.
Ashley Landis/AP
In Houston, Karla Perez and Esperanza Gonzalez use a barbecue grill as an emergency heat source.
In Houston, authorities are responding to more calls for possible carbon monoxide poisoning and the city is telling residents to boil water, if they have any, as the situation remains dire in Texas.
It’s not over. Anotherwinterstorm is heading towards Texas and it could impact much of the same areas as the previous storm. The people at are monitoring yet anotherwinterstorm which could impact West Texas around Noon on Tuesday before moving East and impacting NorthTexas all the way down to the Gulf Coast.
transcript. Millions in Texas Are WithoutPower After Storm After a deadly winterstorm made its way across parts of the United States this week, millions of Texans remained without power in …
Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.orgThe extremely anomalous surface cool-down in Texas and other parts of the world are not just random acts of Nature. Global climate engineering operations are not just a proposal, they have been an ongoing reality for over 70 years. Erratic and unprecedented weather is radically increasing everywhere. Though there are countless forms of human activity affecting the equation, the global climate engineering programs are by far the single greatest and most destructive factor. The geoengineers are manufacturing winter weather scenarios on a scale that can scarcely be comprehended, such operations are nothing short of winter weather warfare. Ecosystems are being decimated by the climate engineering onslaught. No habitat, no humans. What will it take to bring the geoengineering issue to light, once and for all?The photos below were just captured near Kerrville, Texas. The images clearly reveal the results and consequences of chemical ice nucleation operations. Patented processes of chemical ice nucleation for weather modification are a primary component of the climate engineering programs.Click images to enlarge:The climate engineers have also inflicted immense chemical ice nucleation damage to the forests of Northern California. In this third installment of “Into The Wild” , the consequences of engineered winter weather events are documented.
For those that have not yet seen our recent post on “The Dimming”, it is a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production. This documentary film will provide answers and proof of the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare operations. Below is a 4+ minute trailer on the upcoming film.
Hey, some of you probably thought I was dead. Well, sorry, Democrats, no such luck. Didn’t have another heart event, didn’t contract the ‘rona, the website isn’t down again. So yay on all of that.
What did happen, though, is we have no power at our home. Haven’t had any since 6:00 a.m. Monday, and it now looks like we won’t have any again until Friday at the earliest. In case you hadn’t heard, the entire state of Texas looks an awful lot like Alaska right now. Ok, well, West Texas looks more like South Dakota, but you get the picture. We’re covered up in snow and ice, the low temperature where I live near Fort Worth was -1 Fahrenheit this morning, we haven’t seen a temperature at my house above freezing since last Wednesday, and won’t see one until Friday. Again, that’s if we’re lucky.
Guess what? Texas does not do a good job of preparing for this kind of weather event. Which makes sense given that we don’t see this kind of stuff but about once a decade. However, we do see it. The last time we had a similar event was exactly a decade ago, in fact, on February 2-3, 2011.
So, while it is understandable, I suppose, that the folks at the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) admit that they simply do not have contingency plans for this kind of severe winter event, I can’t help wondering why not? After all, the rolling blackouts they implemented 10 years ago during that ice event caused a public uproar that resulted in a series of hearings and rulemakings that were supposed to help ensure the grid’s resiliency was fortified to withstand exactly this sort of weather.
Yet, here we are again, and no one at ERCOT or the state’s main infrastructure provider – ONCOR – appears capable of providing a coherent answer why. Frankly, I’m beginning to wonder if we shouldn’t just force ERCOT to take the “R” – for Reliability – out of its name to make it more properly descriptive of what it is the agency actually does. Or rename it “ERSCOT”, with the S standing for “semi-“.
Texans have in recent years made a sport out of making fun of California for its having faded into near-3rd world status where its power grid is concerned. Trust me, that’s a ton of fun. Rolling blackouts and brownouts have become a way of life for Californians as the Democrat policymakers there force their grid to rely far too much on intermittent energy sources like wind and solar at the expense of reliable baseload generation, which must be provided by fossil fuels like natural gas and coal, or by nuclear plants.
Unfortunately, and with little public fanfare, the Republican-led Texas government has also allowed wind power to take a steadily-growing role in the state’s power generation mix over the past decade.Last year, in fact, wind surpassed coal in terms of the percentage of electricity provided to the ERCOT-managed grid, delivering 23% of the total mix, coming in second only to natural gas power plants. (Well, everyone should clearly see where these blackouts were generated…at the point where we switched from coal to alternative energy like wind and solar. The globalists are creating their medieval times renaissance. Taking away our reliable energy and replacing it with energy sources only capable of supporting mnimal levels of technology and a population reduced to 500 million. )
That’s all great so long as you’re willing to pay the price, much of which becomes hiddenfrom ratepayers by ERCOT and the state’s electricity providers, so everybody can pretend to be happy about “going green.” It’s also not so great when well over half the turbines in the state freeze up in near-zero temperatures and 3-12 inches of snowfall.
In the wake of the 2011 event, which was caused mainly by coal-fired plants tripping offline as they froze up and ERCOT’s rolling blackouts including several very large natural gas compressor stations, which caused several natural gas power plants to also go offline, reforms were mandated to prevent ERCOT from denying electricity to those compressor stations. We do not yet know if those reforms worked or not, but several of the state’s natural gas pipeline companies have been experiencing deliverability issues over the last couple of days, so ERCOT’s silence on the matter does make you wonder.
Texas policymakers simply must act in the wake of this event to ensure that the state’s power grid is resilient enough to withstand this kind of severe winter weather event. It is an incredibly dangerous situation when more than 3 million Texans are without power as temperatures remain below freezing for a full week. Texas might look like Alaska and South Dakota right now, but Texans are simply not prepared to deal with this kind of weather for even a couple of days, much less for a week or more.
Californians have been conditioned by their Democrat policymakers to accept this sort of rolling blackout situation as their “new normal” so they can all virtue signal about how “green” they all are. Texans, on the other hand, would rather be warm and safe in their homesthan waste time virtue signaling about the environment. Again, trust me on this: Ain’t nobody in Texas ready to happily accept this crap as a “new normal” in their lives.
The state’s policymakers had better take advantage of this disastrous situation to act to really improve the resiliency of the state’s power grid, or there will be hell to pay in next year’s elections.
This situation is simply not acceptable, even if it only happens once a decade. Enough is enough.
I’ll post more when I can.
That is all.
Today’s news moves at a faster pace than is the only real conservative alternative to Drudge, and deserves to become everyone’s go-to source for keeping up with all the latest events in real time.
The power hungry, blood thirsty maniacs in power are creating a facist police state and enforcing total control. Texans don’t take to that kind of thing very well.
We are moving fast down that slippery slope to an authoritarian society in which the only opinions, ideas and speech expressed are the ones permitted by the government and its corporate cohorts.
In the wake of the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol, “domestic terrorism” has become the new poster child for expanding the government’s powers at the expense of civil liberties.
Of course, “domestic terrorist” is just the latest bull’s eye phrase, to be used interchangeably with “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist,” to describe anyone who might fall somewhere on a very broad spectrum of viewpoints that could be considered “dangerous.” (like “Conspiracy Theorists, and “Alternative Media” )
Watch and see: we are all about to become enemies of the state.
If this is a test of Joe Biden’s worthiness to head up the American police state, he seems ready.
As part of his inaugural address, President Biden pledged to confront and defeat “a rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism.” Biden has also asked the Director of National Intelligence to work with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security in carrying out a “comprehensive threat assessment” of domestic terrorism. And then to keep the parallels going, there is the proposed Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021, introduced after the Jan. 6 riots, which aims to equip the government with “the tools to identify, monitor and thwart” those who could become radicalized to violence.
Don’t blink or you’ll miss the sleight of hand.
This is the tricky part of the Deep State’s con game that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.
It follows the same pattern as every other convenient “crisis”used by the government as an excuse to expand its powers at the citizenry’s expense and at the expense of our freedoms.
As investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald warns:
“The last two weeks have ushered in a wave of new domestic police powersand rhetoric in the name of fighting ‘terrorism’ that are carbon copies of many of the worst excesses of the first War on Terror that began nearly twenty years ago. This New War on Terror—one that is domestic in name from the start and carries the explicit purpose of fighting ‘extremists’ and ‘domestic terrorists’ among American citizens on U.S. soil—presents the whole slew of historically familiar dangers when governments, exploiting media-generated fear and dangers, arm themselves with the power to control information, debate, opinion, activism and protests.”
Greenwald is referring to the USA Patriot Act, passed almost 20 years ago, which paved the way for the eradication of every vital safeguard against government overreach, corruption and abuse.
Free speech, the right to protest, the right to challenge government wrongdoing, due process, a presumption of innocence, the right to self-defense, accountability and transparency in government, privacy, press, sovereignty, assembly, bodily integrity, representative government: all of these and more have become casualties in the government’s war on the American people, a war that has grown more pronounced since Sept. 11, 2001.
Some members of Congress get it.
In a letter opposing expansion of national security powers, a handful congressional representatives urged their colleagues not to repeat the mistakes of the past:
“While many may find comfort in increased national security powers in the wake of this attack, we must emphasize thatwe have been here before and we have seen where that road leads. Our history is littered with examples of initiatives sold as being necessary to fight extremism that quickly devolve into tools used for the mass violation of the human and civil rights of the American people… To expand the government’s national security powers once again at the expense of the human and civil rights of the American people would only serve to further undermine our democracy, not protect it.”
Cue the Emergency State, the government’s Machiavellian version of crisis management that justifies all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security.
So you see, the issue is not whether Donald Trump or Roger Stone or MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell deserve to be banned from Twitter, even if they’re believed to be spouting misinformation, hateful ideas, or fomenting discontent.
This unilateral power to muzzle free speech represents a far greater danger than any so-called right- or left-wing extremist might pose.
The ramifications are so far-reaching as to render almost every American an extremist in word, deed, thought or by association.
Yet where many go wrong is in assuming that you have to be doing something illegal or challenging the government’s authority in order to be flagged as a suspicious character, labeled an enemy of the state and locked up like a dangerous criminal.
Eventually, all you will really need to do is use certain trigger words,surf the internet, communicate using a cell phone,drive a car, stay at a hotel, purchase materials at a hardware store,take flying or boating lessons,appear suspicious, question government authority,or generally live in the United States.
The groundwork has already been laid.
The trap is set.
All that is needed is the right bait.
With the help of automated eyes and ears, a growing arsenal of high-tech software, hardware and techniques, government propaganda urging Americans to turn into spies and snitches, as well as social media and behavior sensing software, government agents have been busily spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports aimed at snaring potential enemies of the state.
It’s the American police state’s take on the dystopian terrors foreshadowed by George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and Phillip K. Dick all rolled up into one oppressive pre-crime and pre-thought crime package.
What’s more, the technocrats who run the surveillance state don’t even have to break a sweat while monitoring what you say, what you read, what you write, where you go, how much you spend, whom you support, and with whom you communicate. Computers by way of AI (artificial intelligence) now do the tedious work of trolling social media, the internet, text messages and phone calls for potentially anti-government remarks, all of which is carefully recorded, documented, and stored to be used against you someday at a time and place of the government’s choosing.
In other words, the burden of proof is reversed: you are guilty before you are given any chance to prove you are innocent.
Dig beneath the surface of this kind of surveillance/police state, however, and you will find that the real purpose of pre-crime is not safety but control.
Red flag gun laws merely push us that much closer towards a suspect society where everyone is potentially guilty of some crime or another and must be preemptively rendered harmless.
This is the same government that has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.
For instance, if you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you could be at the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.
In other words, if you dare to subscribe to any views that are contrary to the government’s, you may well be suspected of being a domestic terrorist and treated accordingly.
Again, where many Americans go wrong is in naively assuming that you have to be doing something illegal or harmful in order to be flagged and targeted for some form of intervention or detention.
In fact, U.S. police agencies have been working to identify and manage potential extremist “threats,” violent or otherwise, before they can become actual threats for some time now.
In much the same way that the USA Patriot Act was used as a front to advance the surveillance state, allowing the government to establish a far-reaching domestic spying program that turned every American citizen into a criminal suspect, the government’s anti-extremism program renders otherwise lawful, nonviolent activities as potentially extremist.
Be warned: once you get on such a government watch list—whether it’s a terrorist watch list, a mental health watch list, a dissident watch list, or a red flag gun watch list—there’s no clear-cut way to get off, whether or not you should actually be on there.
You will be tracked wherever you go.
You will be flagged as a potential threat and dealt with accordingly.
This is pre-crime on an ideological scale and it’s been a long time coming.
The government has been building its pre-crime, surveillance network in concert with fusion centers (of which there are 78 nationwide, with partners in the corporate sector and globally), data collection agencies, behavioral scientists, corporations, social media, and community organizers and by relying on cutting-edge technology for surveillance, facial recognition, predictive policing, biometrics, and behavioral epigenetics (in which life experiences alter one’s genetic makeup).
If you’re not scared yet, you should be.
Connect the dots.
Start with the powers amassed by the government under the USA Patriot Act, note the government’s ever-broadening definition of what it considers to be an “extremist,” then add in the government’s detention powers under NDAA, the National Security Agency’s far-reaching surveillance networks, and fusion centers that collect and share surveillance data between local, state and federal police agencies.
To that, add tens of thousands of armed, surveillance drones and balloons that are beginning to blanket American skies, facial recognition technology that will identify and track you wherever you go and whatever you do. And then to complete the picture, toss in the real-time crime centers being deployed in cities across the country, which will be attempting to “predict” crimes and identify so-called criminals before they happen based on widespread surveillance, complex mathematical algorithms and prognostication programs.
Hopefully you’re starting to understand how easy we’ve made it for the government to identify, label, target, defuse and detain anyone it views as a potential threat for a variety of reasons that run the gamut from mental illness to having a military background to challenging its authority to just being on the government’s list of persona non grata.
There’s always a price to pay for standing up to the powers-that-be.
In this special report, Jakari Jackson breaks down what “Master the Human Domain” really means and how it will be put to use.
Jade Helm 15: a military exercise on an unprecedented scale.
The military claims the exercise is for overseas training, yet actual states have been listed as “hostile.”
The term, “Mastering the Human Domain,” reveals to us that Jade Helm 15 is more than just a military exercise, it’s also an exercise of the new field in geo-spatial intelligence using human domain analytics to map the politics and thoughts of any nation, state, city, right down to the individual.
In a recent report: “Master the Human Domain: The Domestic Plan Behind Jade Helm,” we break down what the motto which appears on the Jade Helm logo refers to.
In brief, a new discipline in intelligence has been at center stage for the past decade: Activity Based Intelligence or ABI.
In 2010, guidance papers on Surveillance for Irregular Warfare and Understanding the Human Dimensionwas released by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense.
According to Trajectory, “The Human Domain, or Human Dimension, which is a vital and integral part of ABI, is defined as the presence, activities (including transactions – both physical and virtual), culture, social structure/organization, networks and relationships, motivation, intent, vulnerabilities, and capabilities of humans (single or groups) across all domains of the operational environment (Space, Air, Maritime, Ground, and Cyber).”
This article goes on to say that the focus on “mastering the human domain” was born out of a merging of three already existing disciplines of intelligence. That may be the case for this branding of this idea for this specific program, but the exercise of the mapping of the human domain right down to the individual is a long standing institutionalized strategy that’s been going on for well over 100 years.
What reason would the United States government have to invest so much time, resources and money in order to pinpoint exact pockets of thoughtin a country founded on free thought, expression and most of all outspoken words against its own government? Perhaps there’s more here than meets the eye.
During his infamous farewell address, Eisenhower warned the American people of an eminent and internal threat: a ‘scientific elite.’ The title, “Scientific Elite’, to most Americans might seem like nothing more than ordinary intangible rhetoric typically thrown around by politicians during their speeches. This time however, Eisenhower was not using abstractions.There actually is a scientific elite, a group of people who believe that society should be ruled by scientiststhrough the use of the scientific method applied to the masses.
This report will map out this scientific elite from World War II up until the present. Jade Helm 15 is anything but the American way; it’s a domestic scientific control grid whose purpose is domination and control.A technological infrastructure for authoritarian political control is not the end goal, but a means to that end goal of eugenics.
The term Eugenics, coined by Charles Darwin’s half cousin, Sir Francis Galton in 1883 is a science dedicated to the engineering of the human genomeby selectively breeding those humans with ‘desirable’ qualities(such as intelligence, athleticism, etc.) and eliminating those humans without these attributes and eliminating all undesirable races of humans as well. Out of this, race theory and race science was born. Karl Pearson, a protégé of Galton, assembled a biometrics laboratory based out of the University of London in 1907 in order to collect data about people mostly based on race. As interest, in eugenics grew, Pearson’s journal entitled, “Biometrika,” became very influential with American and British scientists and financiers.
As this movement grew in popularity top American industrialists threw their money into the game. Carnegie, Harrimon and Rockefeller were among the top contributors. California became the eugenics capital of the world while on the east coast Cold Springs Harbor research facility located on Long Island N.Y.was collecting and storing biometric information on average Americans in order to begin the elimination of families, as well as entire races of people.
Through the efforts of the Californian eugenicists, mostly through written pamphlets, and endowments mostly from the Rockefellers and Harrimons, the eugenics movement found a second home in Germany in the Kaiser Wilhelm institute.
The then CEO of IBM, Thomas J Watson, worked hand in hand with Nazi Germany. In 1933, it was Watson who enthusiastically helped the Nazis plan and fund their national census, which according to historian Edwin Black in his 2001 publication ‘IBM and the Holocaust,’ the 1933 census with design help and tabulation services provided by IBM through its German subsidiary, proved to be pivotal to the Nazis in their efforts to identify, isolate, and ultimately destroy the country’s Jewish, Gypsy and other minority communities as well as single out political opposition. A similar and frighteningly more advanced version of this program is being tested right now under the name Jade Helm 15. The technology has finally caught up.
This pre-WWII, well-funded, international scientific community, based around the eugenics movement was cementing its place as a standard in human academia when World War II broke out in full scale. While much of the world was forever altered by the events of the war, this eugenics based scientific community remained together.
While the term “eugenics” is no longer used in the mainstream openly, the practice of eugenics is still around and stronger than ever. Jade Helm 15 exercises the next generation of technology in the arena of political domination. It is a technological leap beyond the Cold Springs Harbor Research facilities biometrics program or Thomas J Watson’s census of Germany. Jade Helm 15 exercises the new tech tools of political domination in order to facilitate the new eugenics.
We know that Jade Helm which is being called an “exercise” is being conducted on US soil with ten participating states. Actual states are deemed ‘Hostile Territory’. The exercise documents say that there will be troops on the ground with instructions to blend in as best they can with the civilian population. And again, we see on the Jade Helm logo the slogan “Mastering the Human Domain”
“The human domain encompasses the totality of the physical, cultural, and social environments that influence human behavior”, explained Admiral McRaven to the audience at an Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis-Tufts University Fletcher School conference. “Success in this domain won’t be achieved by traditional ground, naval or air forces, Instead, success in the human domain will depend upon understanding the human terrain and establishing trust with those humans who occupy that space.”McRaven continued by saying, “Building understanding of the human domain requires boots on the ground, feeding information into the network.”
With all of the tracking technology currently available, with the NSA openly collecting all of our data, and with all of our willingness to share our lives online, according to Adm. McRaven, special operation forces on the ground is the required added ingredient to bring all of this information together into a large accessible network; a living active map where human beings are movable real time landmarks and everyone’s personal thoughts, feelings, medical information, belief systems, history, basically every shred of information about the individuals in any region on that map will make up the terrain. When “mastering the human domain” the special operators are the masters. They are the key that turns this whole machine on.
And regardless of whether the military calls this project Activity Based Intelligence (ABI) or Geo-Spatial intelligence coupled with human domain analytics, what we are looking at is a nexus between private tech firms, Homeland Security and law enforcement domestic surveillance and domestic use of special forces.
During the 2012 GeoInt conference the concept of using the power of space and time and it’s ability to enable more accurate predictions. A tech startup, Recorded Future, that uses a system of filtering through and classifying open source data demonstrated their predictive analytics capabilityduring the 2012 conference. Trajectory magazine reports, “The concept is to find people who are talking about the future. Analysts can use that information, fused with their own data, to predict the future in recommendations to decision makers. Government officials can monitor protestsin other countries or meetings between other governments’ officials.” Vice president for Recorded Future, Matt Kodema says, “We can basically roll back the clock…We know this particular did happen in this time at this place. Now let’s go back a week before that and look at publications. Who was predicting that accurately? Who wasn’t?”
Add this layer of predictive analytics on top of the other “Human Domain Analytic” and you begin to get an idea of the scope and range of the overarching, inescapable control grid these scientific controllers are constructing.
At that same GeoInt conference in 2012, Jeff Jonas, the chief scientist for IBM Entity Analytics and an IBM fellow, talked about the potential for open source data utilization. He said, “So much of this data is out there and so much of this data is coming, and it’s going to be extraordinary what it’s going to do.” Jonas went on to add in typical IBM tradition, “Space-time-travel data is the ultimate biometric.” It seems that IBM and the scientific elite’s perspective shifted from “the master race” to “mastering the human domain.”
Just like Recorded Future’s ability to review open source data and determine who was saying what during the moments that lead up to a disaster, we too have this same ability, to go back through history and trace the events that took place leading up to a man-made disaster. One of the clearest cases in twentieth century history where a group of technocrats attempted to steer the course of human evolution through (what they felt were) scientific means, is of course Nazi Germany. So, if we take a few steps backwards from that point in history and look at what the groups involved in that humanitarian disaster were involved in, we’ll find that they too were setting up, as Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted in his 1970 publication, “Between Two Ages,” a grid to “assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”
So, we probably won’t see doors kicked in and military trucks shipping political opponents to their demise during this summer’s Jade Helm 15 military procedure. However, as Brzezinski also states in “Between Two Ages,” “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society.”
Just like Watson’s census was not the end sought by the Nazis, neither is Jade Helm 15 an end, but a means to a historically predictable end.
By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die
Called ‘the closest thing to actual combat’ for many soldiers, tells us about ‘Operation Iron Focus‘ in the 1st video below, a live-gunfire military drill going on right now at the US/Mexico border involving 6,500 troops training to get back to the ‘blocking and tackling’ of war fighting, just the latest massive military drill to take place in Texas ahead of the Jade Helm 15 exercises sweeping into the state and leaving many Americans deeply concerned about a possible martial law takeover plan for America as shared in the newly released 2nd video below from Gianluca Zanna. Zanna is joined by Christian Pastor Walt Mansfield at the 3:40 mark of the 2nd video.
Pastor Mansfield originally broke FEMA’s clergy response story, a story about Pastors being trained to brainwash, subdue, and herd their flocks into FEMA camps by FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security and in this new video, Pastor Mansfield exposes this evil and sinister martial law plan on the air for all of us to hear.We learn here that these plans have been in place at least as far back as 2006 according to Pastor Mansfield and sadly, most pastors have fallen for FEMA’s tactics and feel they are doing their duties to the government by following through on FEMA’s plans, not realizing that their actions are actually putting their followers in danger as the US government gets closer and closer to declaring ‘checkmate‘ against the American people. Fortunately, with Americansawakening en masse to the evil intentions of the ‘new world order‘ global government behind much of the evil we are now seeing across America, Zanna and Mansfield tell us that we do still have time and we should make our voices heard loudly and clearly while we still can while preparing for the absolute worst forthcoming possibilities.
Will the FEMA/UN style vans seen in the 1st picture below be used to round up American as seen in the 2nd picture below, after they are rounded up en masse as seen in the 3rd picture below?
Why the Feds Fear Texas: Texas has a very healthy and booming Economy
Texas produces more than $13 billion worth of wine each year
In 1980, Texas ranked No. 48 in terms of wine-producing states. Just under 40 years later, it is the nation’s fifth-largest producer of wine, with more than 400 wineries generating over $13 billion annually.
Texas is the largest producer of wind power in America
A genuine energy superstar, Texas not only produces more petroleum than any other state, but it also dwarfs other states in wind-power production. In 2017, Texas windmills produced 21,044 megawatts. Iowa, the second-largest producer, reached just 6,952 megawatts.
The richest city in Texas has a per-capita income six times higher than the poorest
In 2016, the total per capita income in Albany, TX, was about $162.3 billion dollars. In Hebbronville, TX, it was $27.3 billion, or about 5.9 times lower. Albany’s annual per capita income was about 3.3 times higher than the national average for metropolitan areas.
Most Texas exports go south to Mexico
In 2015, Texas exported $11.5 billion worth of goods to China and $25.5 billion worth of product to Canada. That same year, it sent more than $92.4 billion worth of exports down to Mexico.
There are about 28 times more businesses operating in Texas than in Wyoming.
As of the most recent data available from the United States Census, there are 579,168 employer establishments, or businesses, operating in Texas. Wyoming has 20,966, or 27.6 times fewer businesses.
Texas accounts for 10% of total manufacturing in the United States
In 2017, Texas’ manufacturing output topped $226 billion, meaning the state accounted for one-tenth of all manufacturing dollars generated in America. Manufacturing provided about 865,000 jobs in Texas that year.
Texas is home to nearly 1 million women-owned businesses.
Texas is a great state for women-owned businesses.
Texas has enough crude oil reserves to fill more than 1 million Olympic swimming pools
Texas has a 15.94 billion barrel crude-oil reserve, according to the US Energy Information Administration. That amounts to more than 669 billion gallons of oil. A standard Olympic-sized swimming pool holds just over 660,253 gallons of fluid, meaning Texas’ oil reserves could fill about 1,013,247 of the pools.
Why the Feds Fear Texas: Texans LOVE Texas and Take Great Pride in their State
In light of San Jacinto Day rapidly approaching (April 21), I set out to investigate the origins of Texans’ pride.When it comes to state pride, there’s really no questioning that Texans are unparalleled in their love for their state. I feel as though I’ve seen it all – from oversized Texas tattoos to a full set of longhorns on the front of a truck driving down the interstate. When they say “everything’s bigger in Texas,” Texas pride is included.
Where does this pride come from? I did a little digging, and here are my top five reasons that justify Texas pride:
1. History. This has to encompass the most substantial aspect of Texans’ pride. Though most are familiar with the phrase “remember the Alamo,” many are unaware of what the battle fought there really consisted of. Though it ended in a defeat for the Texans, the mere fact that the Texans persisted and that the battle raged on for nearly two weeks without surrender, fighting with only 100 troops combating Mexico’s 1,500 is a feat worthy of recognition. Colonel William Barret Travis’ words amidst the battle illustrate the men’s courage: “To the People of Texas and all Americans in the world,” “I shall never surrender or retreat,” and “Victory or Death.”
If there is one thing that could ignite a surge of bravery to suit-up for battle throughout the rest of Texas, it was seeing the unwavering valiance of the men who fought at the Alamo. Thus, The Battle of San Jacinto took place less than a month after The Battle of The Alamo in what is now the bay area of Houston, with much different results. In a battle lasting only 18 minutes, hundreds of Mexican soldiers were killed, injured, or captured, compared to a mere 35 Texans. General Santa Anna was captured, and negotiations were made for Texas to become independent from Mexico. What other state can boast of such gallant history?
2. All the landscapes you need in one place. When it comes to diversity of land, Texas seems to be a country unto itself yet again. This is in part due to the fact that, quite frankly, Texas is huge. Okay, our disjointed neighbors of the north (Alaska) may be the one state that has bragging rights on size bigger than Texas, but how often do you hear of people flocking to the tundra? Not when they find out that Texas has it all – from deserts and plains, farmlands and forests, to the rich urban culture of city life, there’s not much you can want landscape-wise that you can’t find in Texas... unless, of course, it’s tundra.
3. Southern hospitality and chivalry. There’s just something about the “yes sirs” and “yes ma’ams” down here that I just can’t get enough of. I’ve visited a great number of states, but few can hold a torch to Texas when it comes to the sweetness of the south. It’s no wonder that Frisco, TX made Forbes’ list of America’s Friendliest Towns, or that San Antonio was listed as #1 on NBC Today’s list of Friendliest Cities in America. It’s more than just a happenstance disposition; it’s a way of life that has been engrained in Texans for years. And with universities like Texas A&M bringing up men of honor in the corps, it’s not hard to see why southern gentlemen are still alive and well in Texas.
4. Texas continues to produce greatness. Starting from the top, three out of the last nine U.S. Presidents have been from Texas.Texas can also boast of having its very own cuisine: Tex-Mex,a sensation your tastebuds can never seem to get enough of. Speaking of tastebuds, Blue Bell ice cream, boasting with dozens of mouthwatering flavors, also originated in Texas.Texas has also produced a number of the world’s top musical talent including Willie Nelson, Beyonce Knowles, George Strait, Buddy Holly, Jessica Simpson, Miranda Lambert, Pat Green, and numerous others. But are any of these really as substantial as being able to boast of Chuck Norris, Texas Ranger? From the political scene to the music scene and more, Texas has been generating impressive talent since its inception.
5. The economy. In terms of gross domestic product, if Texas were its own country, it would rank 14th in the world – just below Australia and above Mexico, with a total GDP of $1.3 trillion (according to 2011 stats). Texaswouldhavethe10th-largest economy in the world. In 2017, Texas had an approximate economic output of $1.7 trillion, putting it slightly ahead of Canada and slightly behind Brazi
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I’d say that’s something to boast about. Along with that, Texas has maintained a significantly lower unemployment rate than the national average, escaped the foreclosure bust that crippled other states, and tapped into even greater oil money than before through a process called “fracking”. If ever there came a day when Texans felt the need to secede, combine the state’s self-sufficient economy with their love for guns and all I can say is, “don’t mess with Texas.”
Why the Feds Fear Texas: Texas is the Nation’s Biggest Energy Producer
Since the discovery of the Spindletop oilfield in 1901, Texas has embodied the production of energy. Texas’ geography and natural resources, excellent transportation systems, skilled labor force, and leadership in environmental research
give the state an energy advantage.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Texas is the leading state for overall energy production and consumption. With 27 petroleum refineries that can process more than 5.1 million barrels of crude oil per day, Texas leads the nation in crude oil-refining capacity.More than one-fourth of nation’s total refining capacity is located in Texas. Innovation in the natural gas industry has further solidified Texas’ role as the nation’s energy leader over the past few years.
The Lone Star State’s renewable energy potential is among the largest in the nation, with abundant wind, solar, and biomass resources found across the state’s geographically diverse regions. In recent years, the state has built upon its energy experience and trained workforce to take the lead in renewable energy production and services. As a result, Texas has become the top state in wind generation capacity and biodiesel production.
Texas produces more electricity than any other state, generating almost twice as much as the second highest-producing state. Electric energy costs are an average of 19 percent less per kWh than the rest of the nation. Commercial and industrial markets natural gas costs are 14.3 percent less per kWh on average in Texas.
The main Texas electricity grid is operated by the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). The ERCOT grid serves about three-fourths of the state and is largely isolated from the interconnected power systems serving the eastern and western United States.
This isolation means the ERCOT grid is not subject to federal oversight and is, for the most part, dependenton its own resources to meet the state’s electricity needs. Among the contiguous 48 states, Texas is the only one with a stand-alone electricity grid.
Key Texas Energy U.S. State Rankings
No. 1 total energy production
No. 1 crude oil production
No. 1 natural gas production
No. 1 electricity production
No. 1 wind energy capacity
No. 1 biodiesel production
No. 1 solar potential
No. 2 total renewable energy employment
No. 4 clean energy-related patents
25% More than 25% of the nation’s proved natural gas reserves are in Texas
5.1M As of January 2015, the 27 petroleum refineries in Texas had a capacity of over 5.1 million barrels of crude oil per day and accounted for 29% of total U.S. refining capacity
2X Texas produces more electricity than any other state, generating almost twice as much as the second highest producing state.
1/5 Texas leads the nation in wind-powered generation, with more than one-fifth of the U.S. total in 2014.
Texas ranks first in the country for both installed and under construction wind capacity, while supporting over 24,000 wind-related jobs. The wind energy industry in Texas has provided nearly $33 billion in capital investment and has thrived thanks to smart state policy, such as legislation that created Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ) for wind power transmission. The state is home to at least 40 manufacturing facilities, including tower manufacturer Broadwind Towers and numerous component suppliers.
Texas is rich in other renewable energy resources, including solar and biomass. High levels of direct solar radiation in West Texas give the state some of the largest solar power potential in the nation. As of March, 2016 there are more than 445 solar companies at work throughout Texas, employing 7,000 people. 131 MW of solar energy were installed in Texas in the fourth quarter of 2015. That was a 718% increase of the last quarter and a 332% increase over the last year. Industry (Industry Code) Employees Firms Oil & Gas Extraction (2111) 103,838 4,387
Drilling Oil & Gas Wells (213111) 46,571 656 Support Activities, Oil/Gas Operations (213112) 128,330 4,442 Power Generation & Supply (2211) 34,657 812 Electric Power Generation (22111) 10,280 305 Electric Power Transmission/Distribution (22112) 8,392 374 Natural Gas Distribution (2212) 8,392 374 2013 data, private employment only. Source: BLS Industry Private Workforce Averages
As winter storm blackouts roil Texas, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the nonprofit that operates Texas’ electrical grid, has gained sudden notoriety — as well as the simple fact that Texas has its own electrical grid.
The country is divided into three grids: one covers the eastern U.S., another the western states and then there is the Texas grid,which covers nearly the entire state.
The reasons Texas controls its own grid, the journalist Kate Galbraith observed in a Texplainer piece for the Texas Tribune in 2011 have to do with the same theme that colors so much of Texas’ history and public policy: a distrust of federal interference.
The predecessor for ERCOT was formed in the 1930s, after President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Federal Power Act, which charged the Federal Power Commission with regulating interstate electricity sales.
“Utilities in Texas were smart and made an agreement that no one was going to extend power outside of Texas,” Donna Nelson, who served as chair of the state Public Utility Commission, which oversees ERCOT, from 2008 to 2017, said in an ERCOT promotional video about the history of the grid.
“By eschewing transmission across state lines, the Texas utilities retained freedom,” Richard D. Cudahy wrote in a 1995 article, “The Second Battle of the Alamo: The Midnight Connection.”“This policy of isolation avoided regulation by the newly created Federal Power Commission, whose jurisdiction was limited to utilities operating in interstate commerce.”
The result was “an electrical island in the United States,”Bill Magness, CEO of ERCOT, said. “That independence has been jealously guarded, I think both by policy makers and the industry.”
Even today ERCOT, which was formed in 1970, remains beyond the reach of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which regulates interstate electric transmission.
Why the Feds Fear Texas: Texans LOVE GOD (as long as we stand for God, he will stand for US)
The numbers represented here only address people registered with organized religion. Let me tell you, there are millions more who do not “belong” to any organized church, but LOVE GOD with all that is in them. Texas is full of people who love God, Family, Country and TEXAS!! We are the Christians that scares the ENEMY most!
Texas remains one of the nation’s more “religious” states, even though a smaller proportion of Texans is affiliated with a congregation than ten years ago.
At the same time, the estimated number of Muslims in the state increased to 421,972, making it the fifth largest religious group in the state and making Texas first in the nation in number of Muslims.
Texas ranks in the upper half among the states in percentage of the population belonging to a denomination. According to the 2010 U.S. Religion Census, at least 56.0 percentof Texans are adherents to a religion.The national average is 48.8 percent.
The census, sponsored by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, is the only U.S. survey to report religious membership down to the county level, as well at the state level. The census, taken every 10 years, relies on self-reports from congregations for membership numbers.
But in the past, the African-American churches did not participate in the study, and in 2010 less than half of those congregations participated.
Only 345,998 black Protestants were counted in Texas in 2010. According to the U.S. Census of 2010, there were 2,782,876 blacks in Texas, which would mean 87.6 percent of black Texans, who are predominately Protestant, were designated as unaffliliated to any church. This probably leaves out some one million Texas church members.
In 1990, it was estimated that there were 815,000 black Baptists in Texas. An estimate of the membership in black Pentecostal churches was about 300,000. And, an estimate for black Methodists in Texas was approximately 200,000.
Carrying over those estimates into 2010 and adjusting for these additions, then the percentage of Texans that are adherents of a religion would be closer to 59.8 percent in 2010.[In addition, the religion census includes denominations that provide numbers of congregations, but who have not provided the numbers of adherents in each congregation. Even with factoring in an average congregation size of 100 persons for Protestant congregations, (a figure used by the census study) the total percentage would vary less than a one percent, to 60.7 percent.]
Although these percentage figures are higher than the 56.0 percent figure compiled from the reporting churches, still, the percentage would be down from67.1 percent twenty years ago and 61.7 in 2000, indicating a move away from religious affiliation in Texas.
The Religion Census says “Jewish congregations record their size in terms of ‘member units’ or entire households who pay membership dues.” To get the estimate of 60,645 Jewish religious adherents, the census multiplied the mean number of household members derived from the 2001 National Jewish Population Survey The same national survey estimated nearly 140,000 Jews, secular and religious, in Texas in 2011.
As seen in the chart above, many of the larger churches have a diminished portion of the population from what they had in 2000. The category of “non-denominational” Christian was added in 2010, so no comparison is available.
However, with the total state population booming, the churches still reported an increase of 2.17 million members, while the total population of Texas increased by 4.29 million from 2000 to 2010. During the same period, the number of Texans not attached to a religion rose by 2.13 million.
Thus, according to the Texas Almanac analysis from a variety of sources, there are 10.1 million persons in the state who are not claimed by a religious group and about 15 million who are congregation members. (The U.S. census counted 25,145,561persons in Texas in 2010.) — RP.
Texans are Generous and caring
Texans reported charitable contributions totaling more than $10.7-billion in 2008—third in the nation, behind California and New York. The state also scored well on contributions a typical household made as a percentage of discretionary income: 5.1 percent. Three of its cities rank high on the list of generous metropolitan areas: Dallas is No. 9, Houston (13), and San Antonio (19). 2012 Chronicle of Philanthropy
Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church in Schulenburg, Texas.
Texas is one of the territories included in the Evangelical Protestant Bible Belt, an informal region in south-central and southeastern US where socially conservative evangelical Protestantism assumes an integral role in both society and politics. Over 90% of Texans observe Christianity with the City of Lubbock having the largest number of churches per capita in the country. The Dallas-Fort Worth region hosts some of the nation’s mega-churches including Prestonwood Baptist and Potter’s House. Lakewood Church, the most gigantic of America’s churches, sits in Houston where Joel Osteen is the pastors.
Evangelical Protestant
64.4% of the residents of Texas adhere to Evangelical Protestantism. Only a handful of individual Protestant preachers had ventured into Texas before the Mexican province attained sovereignty. Protestantism gained ground in Texas from 1815 to 1817 in line with America’s Great Awakenings. Evangelicals believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God. The movement acknowledges that grace gains salvation through faith and it is not achieved by an individual’s achievement or effort. Adherents of the movement further believe that the death and resurrection of Christ signified the payment of human sin.Evangelical Protestantism has had a visible influence on the political, social, and cultural scene of Texas throughout the State’s history.
Roman Catholic
Roman Catholicism commands a 21.2% share of the population of Texas. The initial Roman Catholic missionaries first entered into Texas together with Spanish conquistadores who intended to claim the territory for the Spanish crown. These missionaries were Franciscans, and they were mandated to convert the native communities. Most missions featured fortified walls as a security measure because of the hostile Indians. Hispanic Catholicism dominated the religious scene in Texas until 1821, a period during which the Christianization of the Indians occurred. Immigration of Spanish priests ended with the Mexican war for independence and seminaries subsequently closed. The religion thus began declining making the territory ripe for the Revival Movement. The number of Catholic adherents has however been rising in the recent years triggering the construction of bigger churches. The Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart situated in Houston, for example, boasts a sitting capacity of 1,820 people. It was completed in 2008, and it serves over 1.2 million adherents in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
Mainline Protestantism
8.1% of the inhabitants of Texas adhere to Mainline Protestantism. Presbyterians and Baptists arrived in Texas in 1820. Joseph Bays was the first of the Baptists while Sumner bacon was the first Presbyterian. The Providence Church became the first Baptist Church to be organized in Texas when it opened its doors in Bastrop County in 1834. The Baptist denominations continued to grow, and in 1838, the first Episcopal services on Texan soil were held.
0.1% of the residents of the state observe Orthodoxy. Fr. Christos Angelopoulos made a trip to Houston in 1910 to found a Parish and he served as a priest at the Holy Trinity located in New Orleans. Fr. Christos ended up establishing a parish in Fort Worth called St. Demetrios since the area had attracted a significant population of Greekimmigrants to work in its stockyards. The construction of a church was however postponed during the 1st Balkan War. In 1917, Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston were able to build Orthodox churches. 17 Orthodox Parishes currently serve the Orthodox observes of Texas.
2% of the residents of Texas identify as either Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, or others. The Asian American community has been growing in Texas, most of whom are Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Korean Americans.
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. —The father of Texas Senator Ted Cruz delivered a speech on the Constitution in Massachusetts this past week, where he also discussed the biblical guidelines for voting.
Rafael Cruz, the 74-year-old North Texas pastor and director of Purifying Fire Ministries, was the featured speaker on Friday at a Foxborough dinner hosted by radio personality Jeff Kuhner. He gave a one-hour presentation to those gathered.
“[T]he Bible talks a lot about politics,” he said. “As a matter of fact, did you know that the Bible tells you exactly who to vote for? Very, very clearly the Bible tells you who to vote for. Let me prove it to you.”
Cruz then pointed to the account of Moses’ discussion with his father-in-law Jethro, as outlined in Exodus 18, where God spoke through Jethro in regard to how leaders should be chosen among the people.
“[H]e gives four qualifications: able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness,” he outlined.
Cruz defined each qualification in detail, focusing especially on the requirement that the candidate fears God and that they be a man of truth.
“If you fear God, you obey God’s precepts,” he said. “For example, you defend the sanctity of life. But beyond the moral code, that means you live a life of integrity, honesty, hard work, individual responsibility, the rule of law, and yes, free enterprise and limited government. The Bible has a lot to say about all those.”
“Haven’t we had enough of men and women of lies in government?” Cruz asked, speaking of the importance of being a man of truth. “Whether it’s Lois Lerner, or it’s Rahm Imanuel, or it’s our illustrious attorney general, or it’s our president, they go from lie to lie to lie to lie.”
“Jesus said, ‘Ye shall know them by their fruit,‘” Cruz stated. “Stop listening to [a candidate’s] rhetoric; look at their record. It won’t do you any good to listen to a politician that tells you, ‘Oh yes, I’m pro-life,’ and they’ve voted for abortion seventeen times.”
The Cuban-born pastor then noted that the biblical hierarchy of appointing rulers to oversee thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens was the “equivalent of federal government, state government, county government [and] local government.”He commented that as the people were only to take the most important cases to Moses, the lower-level government was to handle the majority of matters.
“That is Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution; that’s the Ninth Amendment and the Tenth Amendment,” Cruz stated. “The essence of federalism in two verses of Scripture.”
In addition to serving as a pastor, Cruz is also a professor of Bible and Theology and is the president of Kingdom Translation Services. He has been featured at a number of political, family-oriented and Christian events nationwide.
Why the Feds Fear Texas: Texans are FIRM Believers in the 2nd Amendment
Does that mean that TEXANS are VIOLENT?? HELL NO!! That means that Texans protect what is most precious to them. “The Kingdom of God suffers Violence, and the violent take it by force.” There are plenty of crazy people and forces in today’s world. People who mean only harm and NO GOOD. Anyone who loves their family, loves their neighborhood, loves their country, KNOWS that we must do what we must do to keep them safe. Anyone who thinks the GOVERNMENT is going to protect them, is an idiot! The GOVERNMENT is out to protect itself and the monetary interests of the elite.
Citizens of Texas are known to love their firearms. The state has an open carry law and allows guns to be carried on college campuses. A report by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives shows just how much Texans love guns – roughly 10.5 percent of all registered weapons in the United States are in Texas.
Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images
For Texans, the Second Amendment is first in their hearts. In a state known for open carry and campus carry, guns are for some a style statement.
Texans love guns enough that roughly 10.5 percent of all registered weapons in the country are registered in the Lone Star State.
And, Texas guns don’t just stay in Texas. The agency in 2015 traced 2,715 guns originating in Texas to other states, along with the 14,083 guns that originated in Texas and stayed in the state. The ATF didn’t have a similar statistic in the 2016 report.
The variety of guns owned by Texans spans the spectrum in size, caliber and style, too. From pistols to machine guns, it can be found in possession of a Texan somewhere.
Dumps New York to Reincorporate in Texas, Announces New Strategic Plan “This is a transformational moment in the history of the NRA,” says NRA CEO & EVP Wayne LaPierre. Visit for more info!
NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre released a letter about the move, which opened by saying, “Today, the NRA announced a restructuring plan that positions us for the long-term and ensures our continued success as the nation’s leading advocate for constitutional freedom – free from the toxic political environment of New York.”
He continued: “We are DUMPING New York, and we are pursuing plans to reincorporate the NRA in Texas.”
LaPierre noted that the plan includes filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy:
To facilitate the strategic plan and restructuring, the NRA and one of its subsidiaries have filed voluntary chapter 11 petitions in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division. As you may know, chapter 11 proceedings are often utilized by businesses, nonprofits and organizations of all kinds to streamline legal and financial affairs.
He then concluded:
What’s most important is leading the fight for Second Amendment freedom and serving our members. We will do that from anywhere that works best for you and for our cause.
All membership dues and financial donations will be fully dedicated to supporting our operations and public advocacy. This plan actually improves our business. It protects us from costly, distracting and unprincipled attacks from anti-2A politicians aimed at attacking the NRA because we are a potent political force. We know that the gun ban lobby will never stop – fueled by a hatred of your freedoms and by wealthy benefactors. Our plan is the best way to confront them.
We are now prepared for a better future. In fact, to me, it feels like the dawn of a new day.
We are revitalized, well-positioned, and steadfast in our commitment to fight for you.
AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him at You can sign up to get Down Range at
I’m beginning to feel like a broken record. I’ve had to say this after the mass shootings in Santa Fe, Sutherland Springs, El Paso, and now Odessa. We appreciate your sympathy, but if you aren’t from Texas or don’t live in Texas, then shut up about gun issues in Texas.
Every time Texans face a tragedy or catastrophic event, non-Texans seek to insinuate themselves into our lives. It’s as though you feel entitled to dictate how we govern ourselves and how we live our lives. I get why you feel your opinion is somehow equal or superior to ours. You’ve been conditioned to think that way by our continued voluntary participation in your federal system. Allow me to disabuse you of that wrong-headed notion now.
We do not want your policy demands nor are they welcome. The reasons are simple. They are ridiculous, hypocritical, and show that you have no idea who Texans really are.
If your policy demands, that would restrict lawful ownership and carrying of guns, were worth a damn then Chicago and other major metropolitan areas outside of Texas would be gun-free islands of peace and stability. They aren’t. Instead, they are slaughterhouses for the poor who have been deprived of the basic right to defend themselves using the same tools as the aggressors.
This fact alone shouts to the world your hypocrisy and your latent racism. Since the beginning of 2019, 319 people have been killed by a firearm in Chicago with another 1,568 shot and wounded. However, there have been no collective cries of outrage from the Hollywood elite and their sycophantic followers. There have been no protests from politicians and full-time activists demanding action on the part of the City of Chicago or the State of Illinois. It is proof that your outrage is manufactured and your compassion is phony.
It also points out your ideological inconsistency. You demand that we stand at our border with Mexico with arms wide open proclaiming “O come all ye faithful” and your signs that declare “no one is illegal” while you completely and utterly disregard the criminal cartels who operate on the other side of the border with impunity. Those criminal gangs have no shortage of firepower that would be illegal for the average Texan to own or possess.
If you have your way, the borders would be wide open and Texans would be absolutely defenseless from the cartels. Every Texan would then by vulnerable to the criminals who would purchase weapons from them on a black market that would inevitably explode. I’m fairly certain the cartels aren’t running background checks. In short, they want to turn every town in Texas into Chicago, Detroit, and Washington, D.C.
At a fundamental level, you also do not understand Texans. If you did, you’d understand that the centerpiece of our founding is an attempt by an out-of-control government to forcibly remove a means of self-defense from Texans. It was not a rifle nor was it a pistol. It was a cannon. That attempt was rebuffed and this seemingly small event lit the spark that led to fires of independence spreading across Texas where that fire burns to this day.
I understand that you do not face similar issues in your ivory towers. You are hundreds or thousands of miles removed from the challenge and, therefore, cannot even begin to comprehend it. Because of that, your opinion is as worthless as tears in the rain.
We cherish our right to keep and bear arms in defense of ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our community, and our Texas. We will not accept the politicization of our pain. We will not accept any policy that would reduces us to the status of defenseless prey.We will not listen to the ceaseless judgment from self-righteous and disconnected narcissists who love nothing more than to see Texans suffer. Be gone. You have no power here.
One year ago, a wave of Texas counties began declaring that they were “2ndAmendment sanctuaries.” Now Governor Greg Abbott has said that he wants the entire state to be a gun rights haven. “I want to make sure that Texas becomes a 2ndAmendment sanctuary state so that no government official at any level can come and take your gun away from
A federal law, including a statute, an executive, administrative, or court order, or a rule, that infringes on a law-abiding citizen’s right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 23, Article I, Texas Constitution, is invalid and not enforceable in this state.
Why the Feds Fear Texas: Texans don’t back down from a fight.
Texans value their freedom and independence very highly. There is no shortage of people in Texas willing to fight to keep their rights. spacer
Doesn’t the Texas Constitution reserve the right of Texas to secede?
This heavily popularized bit of Texas folklore finds no corroboration where it counts: No such provision is found in the current Texas Constitution[1] (adopted in 1876) or the terms of annexation.[2]However,it does state (in Article 1, Section 1) that “Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States…”(note that it does not state “…subject to the President of the United States…” or “…subject to the Congress of the United States…” or “…subject to the collective will of one or more of the other States…“)
Neither the Texas Constitution, nor the Constitution of the United States, explicitly or implicitly disallows the secession of Texas (or any other “free and independent State”) from the United States. Joining the “Union” was ever and always voluntary, rendering voluntary withdrawal an equally lawful and viable option (regardless of what any self-appointed academic, media, or government “experts”—including Abraham Lincoln himself—may have ever said).
Both the original (1836) and the current (1876) Texas Constitutions also state that “All political power is inherent in the people … they have at all times the inalienable right to alter their government in such manner as they might think proper.”
Likewise, each of the united States is “united” with the others explicitly on the principle that “governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed“ and “whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends [i.e., protecting life, liberty, and property], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government“and “when a long train of abuses and usurpations…evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” [3]
Didn’t the outcome of the “Civil War” prove that secession is not an option for any State?[BACK TO TOP]
No. It only proved that, when allowed to act outside his lawfully limited authority, a U.S. president is capable of unleashing horrendous violence against the lives, liberty, and property of those whom he pretends to serve. The Confederate States (including Texas) withdrew from the Union lawfully, civilly, and peacefully, after enduring several years of excessive and inequitable federal tariffs (taxes) heavily prejudiced against Southern commerce.[4] Refusing to recognize the Confederate secession, Lincoln called it a “rebellion” and a “threat” to “the government” (without ever explaining exactly how “the government” was “threatened” by a lawful, civil, and peaceful secession) and acted outside the lawfully defined scope of either the office of president or the U.S. government in general, to coerce the South back into subjugation to Northern control.[5]
The South’s rejoining the Union at the point of a bayonet in the late 1860s didn’t prove secession is “not an option” or unlawful. It only affirmed that violent coercion can be used—even by governments (if unrestrained)—to rob men of their very lives, liberty, and property.[6
It bears repeating that the united States are “united” explicitly on the principle that “governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed” and “whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends [i.e., protecting life, liberty, and property], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government“ and “when a long train of abuses and usurpations…evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” [7]
Didn’t the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Texas v. White prove that secession is unconstitutional?[BACK TO TOP]
No. For space considerations, here are the relevant portions of the Supreme Court’s decision in Texas v. White:
“When Texas became one of the United States, she entered into an indissoluble relation. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.
“…The obligations of the State, as a member of the Union …remained perfect and unimpaired. …the State did not cease to be a State, nor her citizens to be citizens of the Union.
“…Our conclusion therefore is, that Texas continued to be a State, and a State of the Union.” — Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700, 703 (1868)
It is noteworthy that documented support for the alleged “perpetual and indissoluble relation” or any requirement of “the consent of the States” for revocation (secession) weren’t produced by the court at that time, nor have they since been produced.
It is also noteworthy that two years after that decision, President Grant signed an act entitling Texas to U.S. Congressional representation, readmitting Texas to the Union.
What’s wrong with this picture? Either the Supreme Court was wrong in claiming Texas never actually left the Union (they were — see below), or the Executive (President Grant) was wrong in “readmitting” a state that, according to the Supreme Court, had never left. Both can’t be logically or legally true.
To be clear: Within a two year period, two branches of the same government took action with regard to Texas on the basis of two mutually exclusive positions — one, a judicially contrived “interpretation” of the US Constitution, argued essentially from silence, and the other a practical attempt to remedy the historical fact that Texas had indeed left the Union, the very evidence for which was that Texas had recently met the demands imposed by the same federal government as prerequisite conditions for readmission. If the Supreme Court was right, then the very notion of prerequisites for readmission would have been moot — a state cannot logically be readmitted if it never left in the first place.
This gross logical and legal inconsistency remains unanswered and unresolved to this day.
Now to the Supreme Court decision in itself…
The Court, led by Chief Justice Salmon Chase (a Lincoln cabinet member and leading Union figure during the war against the South) pretended to be analyzing the case through the lens of the Constitution, yet not a single element of their logic or line of reasoning referenced the actual text of the Constitution at all(!) — precisely because the Constitution is wholly silent on whether the voluntary association of a plurality of states into a union may be altered by the similarly voluntary withdrawal of one or more states.
It’s no secret that more than once there had been previous rumblings about secession among many U.S. states (and not just in the South), long before the South seceded. These rumblings met with no preemptive quashing of the notion from a “constitutional” argument, precisely because there was (and is) no constitutional basis for either allowing or prohibiting secession.
An objective reading of the relevant portions of the White decision reveals that it is largely arbitrary, contrived, and crafted to suit the agenda which it served: presumably (but unconstitutionally) to award to the U.S. federal government, under color of law, sovereignty over the states, essentially nullifying their right to self-determination and self-rule, as recognized in the Declaration of Independence, as well as the current Texas Constitution (which today stands unchallenged by the federal government).
Where the Constitution does speak to the issue of powers, they resolve in favor of the states unless expressly granted to the federal government or denied to the states. No power to prevent or reverse secession is granted to the federal government, and the power to secede is not specifically denied to the states; therefore that power is retained by the states, as guaranteed by the 10th Amendment.
The Texas v. White case is often trotted out to silence secessionist sentiment, but on close and contextual examination, it actually exposes the unconstitutional, despotic, and tyrannical agenda that presumes to award the federal government, under color of law, sovereignty over the people and the states.
Used to be we knew — and generally knew to dismiss— fringe, nonsensical, bellicose chatter when we heard it.
Then we had Jan. 6, the date when years of such rhetoric roiled into action via an attack on the U.S. Capitol, an attack we never thought could happen until it did.
So now we listen to such talk with an ear that says maybe we should think about the unthinkable. I had that notion during the Thursday night Zoom session in which state Rep. Kyle Biedermann, R-Fredericksburg, announced that on Tuesday he will file legislation calling for a statewide vote on Texas secession from the United States.
The four men on the “virtual town hall” talked of a peaceful movement. The chatter in the chat sometimes went in a different direction, though to be fair, the more militant talk was framed in response to perceived military action that could be taken by the U.S. to forcibly prevent Texas secession.
The movement calls itself Texit, like Brexit, the successful effort that led the United Kingdom out of the European Union. Texit, like Brexit, is a peaceful political movement, its leaders said on the call.But on the margins, in the chat, some of the talk was about a call to arms should the U.S. seek to stop secession:
“As a disabled veteran, if there was a snowball’s chance in hell of combat, Texas veterans WILL decide individually, but I guarantee there are millions that are willing to literally fight back. YES, I will go.”
“Do not worry about invasion, we have 10 million Texans who own guns.”
And this: “How is Texit even possible when all of TX major cities are heavily blue and entirely controlled by zionist-globalist usury gangsters.”
Some in the chat sought to tamp down talk of war: “You’re bringing harmful nonsense to this. This is a peaceful issue. Stop saying there’ll be war.”
The secession session began with David Thomas Roberts who self-bills on Twitter as a “renegade capitalist” and “unapologetic Texan,” offering this: “This will be maybe a sort of a bummer for you to hear this, but the republic as we know it is dead.”
“We all hoped that Trump would pull a rabbit out of his hat,” Roberts said. “We know the election was stolen.”
“We’re not advocating violence,” Roberts said. “We’re not advocating any such thing.”
The baseline grievance was voiced by Texas Nationalist Movement leader Daniel Miller, who’s been advocating secession for about 25 years but is convinced, with Biedermann’s backing, this is the year: “We want to re-assert our status as a self-governing, independent nation, free of 180,000 pages of federal laws, rules and regulations administered by two and a half million unelected bureaucrats.”
Tuesday, Biedermann said of his scheduled bill filing, will be “when the fireworks really begin.”
“It will be a referendum for a vote for the people of Texas to basically force the Texas Legislature to put a plan together for us to become an independent nation and put us on the road for that,” he said.
Don’t underestimate the opposition, he cautioned.
“There’s going to be so much money poured into Texas to try to kill this bill because they don’t want you people of Texas to have the greatest nation in the world. They want you to be in the United States, one state controlled by California, New York, all the liberals in Washington D.C. And then just steal your money, steal your oil,” Biedermann said.
Biedermann: “Well, there is nobody that’s more patriotic, that loves this country, loves America, loves our flag, loves our Constitution than us. But we don’t love our federal government. And we don’t love our Constitution being trampled or a flag being burned or desecrated or kneeling for our national anthem.”
Secession, he said, will go viral.
“Other states are going to want to be joining with Texas,” he said on the call. “I mean it’s going to be a huge movement.”
Roberts pointed to what he sees as a recent election abomination that exemplifies why Texit is so needed.
“We sat here a couple of weeks ago with the fate of Texas … contingent upon two Senate races in Georgia on voting systems that we know are corrupt,” he said. “We’re Texans and we’re going to let our fate be decided by two Senate races in Atlanta? You got to be kidding me.”
Just like the nonsense about the presidential election, similar claims about the victories by now-Sens. Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, both D-Georgia, were baseless.
“What happened to Trump is a travesty,” Roberts said. “But it’s a blessing in disguise, folks, because if this is what finally gets us to a point where Texas is again lifting its head above, with the other nations, then so be it.”
Roberts suggested tactics to support Biedermann’s to-be-filed bill.
Randy Council, another speaker on the virtual town hall, advised listeners that emails and texts to lawmakers are fine, “but there’s nothing like walking into their office unannounced.”
The anti-secession forces don’t stand a chance if the Texit forces can raise enough money and gather enough support, Council said.
“If they know that Kyle’s got 10 million people out of 28 million for this bill. OK. If he’s got 14 million people for this bill, I promise you, (Gov. Greg) Abbott is going to pay attention,” he said.
In his wrap-up, Miller said the Texas Nationalist Movement website answers many of the questions about the effort.
“Some of them I could on this webinar give you some really pat answers, like how will we defend ourselves. And I could say something like, well, we do own eight guns for every man, woman and child on the soil of Texas,” he said. “But that’s a pithy answer, and the real detailed answers are on the website.”
Biedermann wrapped up by saying he feels chosen for this particular mission.
“God bless everybody. God bless Texas. This is what it’s all about. And I’m just so grateful to be just being used by God in this respect. This wasn’t planned by me. This is all a movement that is necessary,” he said.
“I just love Texas. And I love our Constitution. I love our flag. I love America, the spirit. America is not the country, America is not the government. America is the embodiment of the people of this country. And that’s not who we’re against. We’re against a tyrannical government.”
One of my classmates told me that Texas is like it’s own country, with an elaborate constitution and some serious attitude toward the rest of the US. Is this accurate? I’m looking for some opinions here, not just a yes or no
Texas is more than a place to live…it is a state of mind.
We started as a territory of Mexico…then in 1836- after the Texas Revolution, we became our own country. The Republic of Texas. In 1845, we had lots of problems and were annexed by the US. So, yes we WERE our own country, but not now. The urban legend is our constitution is special…and sure their are some things in their that are different from other states, but it is probably b/c we were our own republic…not a territory.
There is a movement in Texas that does want to secede from the US and have us become our own country…and we probably could b/c we have our own resources and power grid, etc…but it won’t ever happen. After the Civil War, the constitution changed a bit …before we could secede, but I don’t think we can anymore.
I know most people hate Texas…we are obnoxious…but when you take out politics and religion, it is a great state, and we all agree on one thing here- that we are better. Seriously, we do think that…no offense to other states.
The attitude is that we are better, bigger, badder…but it is just that…an attitude. (we do have our own TX shaped waffle makers) Most of us do say Texas over the US, but it doesn’t mean we don’t love being Americans…we do…it is just a cultural thing.
PS- I travel all the time, statewide, US, the world…and I always say I am from Texas…why? B/c the stereotypes about Texans are funny to hear.
Hope this helps!
haha- Mr – “Don’t Mess W/ Texas” is just a litter campaign…or is it?
edit- fiance wanted input
…Show more
1 decade ago
Speaking as a Texan, the answer is yes. We like to think of our state as a republic, rather than a state. Perhaps the attitude comes from the fact that we still hunt, execute felons, and eat anything with more than two legs. It is my desire to one day, secede, alas it will never be.
“Never ask a an if he is from Texas. If he is, he’ll tell you; If he isn’t, why embarrass him.”
I am, and the tall Texan girl is correct. They have signs on their highways about every three or four miles that say “Don’t mess with Texas”, and most people heed those signs.
Texas pride is no well-kept secret; we display it for the world to see, because we just love our home to the ends of the Earth! Don’t mess with Texas, because we have quite a few reasons to be proud, and this list is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are 15 reasons why we are proud to live in Texas:
We’re aware that these uncertain times are limiting many aspects of life. While we continue to feature destinations that make our state wonderful, please take proper precautions or add them to your bucket list to see at a later date. If you know of a local business that could use some extra support during these times, please nominate them here:
1) We have some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.
Why else should Texans be proud of their state? Give us examples of Texas pride in the comments!
Address: Texas, USA
December 28, 2020
Jackie Ann
What is Texas known for?
The list is too long to count! Texas has a lot going for it. Not only is the Lone Star State the second largest state in the country (behind Alaska), Texas is also home to a few of the most populous cities in the United States, including Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Of course, you can’t mention Texas without thinking about Texas BBQ, as they’ve got some of the best in the world, not to mention some of the best chili in the country, too. Nature lovers will be delighted to learn that bluebonnets, Texas’ state flower, bloom in the spring, peppering the state with countless beautiful blooms every year.
SO, There you have it. The elite/globalists/nazis/facists/feds want to take Texas because it will crush the will of the American people and because it will greatly enrich their holdings and empower them to maintain control over the world.