HEADS UP!! Possible Purge October 2021!!

TAGS: World Government, Zionism, Israel, Surveillance, Dissidents, Freedom, Control, Military, Genocide, Satan, God, Truth, Deception, Black Outs, Darkness, Prison Camps, Flu, Virus, Winter, Project Zephyr, Project POGO, Project on Government Oversight, David Goldberg Oh, how I hate OCTOBER!!  Thank GOD that HIS appointed Feasts are coming this month.  I am truly expecting that He will … Click Here to Read More


I pray that you will seriously look at the evidence and stop hiding your head.  You may think that this does not affect you…but you are wrong.  This affects all of us.  These poor children are tortured mercilessly for extended periods of time and then slaughtered inhumanely and sold for their blood and body parts.  … Click Here to Read More