La Palma – Where is the Money?

UPDATE:  12/04/2021; 11:06:26 AM As you know this volcanic disaster began on September 19, 2021.   So, for 70 days the helpless victims who lost their homes, their vehicles, their jobs and everything else they owned have been forced to find a way to survive.  With the winter rainy season settling in and no sign of … Click Here to Read More

Blood Red – Why There? Why Now?

TAGS: scheme to destroy Israel, Life in the Dead Sea, Dead Sea Drying Up, BLOOD RED DEAD SEA,  Yom Kippur Observance, Ammon, Moab, Edom, Jordan, Sink Holes, Salt Deposits, Tourism, Almighty God, Miracle, End-Time Sign, Day of Atonement, Feast of Trumpets, Feast of Tabernacles, Rapture, Jubilee, year 6001, Rebirth of Israel, Shemitah, Kingdoms of the East, EZEKIEL’S … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED and UPDATED 5/18/24 Take a little trip with me through the history of the Vatican Nativity Scenes.  It is a wild ride.  With a strange ending. >A short history of the Vatican Nativity The Vatican Nativity in Saint Peter’s Square is relatively new. It was started by Pope John Paul II in 1982. For … Click Here to Read More