It really blessed my heart to see and hear all those young people (generation Z) singing praises to Our Heavenly Father.  Anyone who claims to know what is in the hearts of all those in attendance needs to repent.  Naturally, there are those in the crowd who are insincere or have ulterior motives, but all … Click Here to Read More


— When I first posted about the Chrislam Center opening this year in Abu Dhabi it was the first time I had seen anything on the topic, and they made it sound like it was the first one in existence..  Since then I learned of the House of One in Berlin and the Center for … Click Here to Read More

You Won’t Believe This

Dear Friends and Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is a moment of rejoicing for the people of La Palma, who have been suffering so greatly over the past few months.  The Volcanos reign of terror seems to have come to a halt.  The can rest a little easier.  But, PLEASE, continue to PRAY for … Click Here to Read More

It Won’t Stop HERE!!

TAGS:  AntiVax, Censorship, Muzzles, FREEDOM, Slavery, COVID, VACCINES, TRUTH, DECPTION, TYRANNY, Salvation, Founding Fathers, History, Lies, Demonetized, Fake News, Alternate News Source, Internet, Bigotry, Christians, Sacred Rights, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Movement, Choice, Change, Global Government, Dictatorship, Hatred, Love, Prejudice, Opinion, Opposition, Independent Media, Corporate Media, Politics, Media Bias, Book Burning, Bible, Witness, Proselytizing, … Click Here to Read More


UPDATES: 09/29/2021; 2:40:59 PM TAGS: Blood Red Water, Israel, Utah, Wyoming, Moran, Moab, Gabby Petito, Brian Laundrie, murder, double murder, missing, fugitive, investigation, Online Sleuths, FBI, Police, Ancient Moab, Commitment,  Judgment, Grace, Redemption, Salvation, Repentance, Pride Humility, Moab’s Curse, Isaiah, Sodom and Gomorrah, Kylen and Crystal, There is a news story that has captured the … Click Here to Read More

Many Will Come

TAGS: Hybrid Robots, NanoTechnology, Ray Kurzwell, Priest Simulator, Another Gospel, Another Jesus, Becoming God, False Messiahs, False Christs, St. Paul, Kanye West, YESUS, Neville Goddard, grandiose delusion, Son of Man, Sons of God, Salvation, Transhumanism, Return of Jesus, Satanic Deception, Imagination, Jesus Impersonators, It’s been 2000 years since St. Paul wrote his letters to fellow … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE: 09/30/2021 TAGS:  Endtime Timeline, Rapture Alert, Revelation, Eschatology, Christ’s Return, Tribulation, Great Tribulation, Signs in the Heavens, Endtime Events, Fig Tree Prophecy, Salvation ENDTIME REVELATION!  Very difficult to understand.  Even for folks who have studied it for years.  There are a couple reasons for that 1) If you knew when Christ was coming, you … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED and UPDATED 5/18/24 Take a little trip with me through the history of the Vatican Nativity Scenes.  It is a wild ride.  With a strange ending. >A short history of the Vatican Nativity The Vatican Nativity in Saint Peter’s Square is relatively new. It was started by Pope John Paul II in 1982. For … Click Here to Read More

Let’s Talk RFID – It’s Time to Get REAL

There are many voices telling you that it is OK to take the Coming Injection.  I am here to tell you, IT IS NOT!  Hear me folks.  Since we are all at home, locked down, nowhere to go and nothing to do.  NOW IS THE BEST TIME FOR YOU TO HEAR GOD!  Everyone is always … Click Here to Read More

AI GOD – Part 4 – A DEEPER Understanding

We live in perilous times.  There is so much that is working against us.  It seems at times that the enemy is winning.  But, WE KNOW that GOD is in Control.  He warned us about all that was coming.  So we can take great comfort in knowing.  I am convinced that we are not suffering … Click Here to Read More

Mt Hermon Part 1 -GOD’s CREATION or PAN’s EVOLUTION?

People today are being lead down the path that leads to eternal damnation and HELL FIRE.  I know no one believes in that anymore.  The reason you don’t believe is because you do not understand TRUTH.  You do not understand TRUTH because it has been kept from you.  You have not learned TRUE History.   Those … Click Here to Read More

God’s Commandments – So Much More Than Laws

“So Let it be Written, So let it be done!” Originally posted by Cynthia Pawl, April 9, 2017; Updated 8/2018 One of my favorite lines from arguably the best movie ever made, Cecil B DeMille’s Ten Commandments. When the Holy season arrives each year, watching this movie is one thing I love to do to celebrate … Click Here to Read More