WAR on the HORIZON? or much CLOSER

UPDATE ADDED 7/30/23 For decades now we have hd wars and rumors of wars.  At times we seemed to be so close to World War III we were sure it had arrived.  This seems to go on and on endlessly… however, there will be the day when it comes to fruition.  We don’t know when … Click Here to Read More

Is This Plan B for the East Coast?

TAGS:  Hurricane, Category 5, Category 6, New York, Forecasts, New Jersey, Hurricane SAM, Computer Model, Hurricane Sandy, Predictions, Preparations UPDATE: 09/29/2021; 1:23:27 PM –  Round and Round and Round she goes, where she’ll stop, No ONE knows.  Sam Cat4, VICTOR is a One Eyed Demon! I will continue to monitor this storm and post updates. … Click Here to Read More


It is still Earthquake Preparedness Week.   Be sure you are Prepared for Earthquakes, as well as any other disaster that might come your way.  Prepare as best you can.  Then Pray.  And then STAND.  Below you will find some very helpful information.   DISCLAIMER: In my posts I normally collect a number of written articles and … Click Here to Read More