In this post we will dive deeper in the relationship between the three Rocketeers and the development of Scientology on the foundation of EVIL, and the birth of the Space Program on the foundation of pagan ritual, sacrifice and worship of demonic spirits.  How the world was launched into the BEAST TECHNOLOGY that MOLDS AND … Click Here to Read More

REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE – As Prophesied – Part 1

RESTORED: 8/12/22 It really is important to view this series in order.  The information revealed builds on itself, so that you cannot fully appreciate the posts individually.  Please view the entire Series from beginning to end.  The links are listed in order at the end of each post.  Thank you and God bless you.   In … Click Here to Read More


Truth seems to be the hardest thing to find in these last days.  Deception is the rule.  God’s Word is being diminished, slandered, re-written and mocked.  His LAND is being ravaged, bombed, cursed and divided. BUT, though the enemy is very good a fooling the world, he cannot fool the people of GOD.  REMEMBER THIS, … Click Here to Read More