Ready for the 3rd TEMPLE

Let me ask you a question: If the plan of REDEMPTION was God’s plan from the beginning (and it was) and as the Bible reveals in the book of Isaiah the Redeemer was to be crucified…  then there had to be a Rome, there had to be a Sanhedrin, there had to be a Pontius … Click Here to Read More

You Won’t Believe This

Dear Friends and Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is a moment of rejoicing for the people of La Palma, who have been suffering so greatly over the past few months.  The Volcanos reign of terror seems to have come to a halt.  The can rest a little easier.  But, PLEASE, continue to PRAY for … Click Here to Read More


CHOSEN OF GOD Originally Posted 9/5/15; updated 9/10; Updated 9/24/18 This article has been on my heart for a long time. It breaks my heart as I know it breaks God’s heart to see the anti-Semitism that is still raging around the world and getting worse every day. Hear me, believe me, it is imperative … Click Here to Read More