30 years after its adoption, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the most ratified UN Treaty and has played a central role to improve the lives of children around the world.

The 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is a unique opportunity to put children’s rights, the Convention (along with its Optional Protocols) and its relevance for global peaceful development and co-existence high on the international agenda, to assess the status of child rights and take measures to strengthen awareness, understanding and the actual realisation of children’s rights worldwide.
It is our chance to take stock of progress until now and set in motion the further strengthening of the child rights movement in our changing global context where human rights are increasingly under threat!

Also, 2019 is the 5th Anniversary of entry into force of OPIC. This third Optional Protocol to the CRC is the first international complaints procedure giving children the possibility to claim their rights at international level. It is an important complement to the CRC to strengthen the status of children as rights holders, to ensure that children can seek redress if their rights are violated and broadening their possibility to be heard at international level. Child Rights Connect hopes for States commitments to the right of the child also translate in a wider ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure.


State parties have ratified the CRC
CRC sessions (as of July 2019)
State parties reports (1992-2018)
estimated NGOs reports (1993-2018)
estimated children’s reports submitted (1998-2019)
OHCHR and the CRC Committee’s initiatives

30th anniversary logo which our Children’s Advisory Team worked on in collaboration with the CRC committee

30th anniversary logo of the CRC Committee and OHCHR

The CRC Committee and OHCHR celebrated the 30th anniversary by organizing a series of activities throughout 2019 that aim to encourage States parties to renew their commitment to the Convention by putting children’s rights at the forefront of national agendas and supporting the various initiatives of its partners, as stipulated in the General Assembly Resolution on the Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Adoption of the CRC Convention:

  • A one-hour High Level Commemorative Event during the General Assembly on 25 September 2019
  • A one-day High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on 20 November 2019: Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV
  • The resolution calls forthe meaningful participation of childrenat these events; and,
  • Encourages Member States “to take action and to strengthen efforts for the advancement of the rights of the child.”
State pledges (January 2020)

The CRC Committee, together with OHCHR, called upon States to take up serious child rights commitments and actions, to resolve urgent issues hampering the realisation of children’s rights and advance positive and concrete changes to children’s lives. The Committee will monitor and follow-up on the 30th anniversary commitments in the framework of State reporting.
The States pledges are available online and were displayed in an exhibition at the Palais des Nations in Geneva in September 2019.

Child Rights Connect and the Convention: a shared story!

Our landmarks for child rights includes key milestones in relation to the UN and CRC Committee’s work, child participation and Child Rights Connect.

  • 2020

    First In-Country CRC Session

  • 2020

    All Initial State Reports Submitted Under The CRC

  • 2019

    Child-Friendly CRC Convention

  • 2019

    OPSC Implementation Guidelines

  • 2018

    Day Of General Discussion On Children Human Rights Defenders & Adoption Of Working Methods For Child Participation

UNICEF has also produced the timeline “Milestones in Children’s Rights” and called for States to sign a joint global pledge.

The former NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child – now Child Rights Connect – has extensively influenced the drafting of the Convention, its Optional Protocols, General Comments and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Working Methods, and since its adoption has successfully contributed and advocated for its proper implementation worldwide.

In 2013, the 30th anniversary of Child Rights Connect was an opportunity both to recognise the successes of the past and to propel the organisation forward to continued achievement.

This is EXACTLY what the UNITED NATIONS and all their under organizations have been doing since WWII… UNDERMINING NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY by using Non-Government Agencies, Corporations, and Billionaire “Philanthropists” to work behind the scenes.  Occultly, forming groups, committees, summits to create agreements, contracts and covenants that undermine our laws and override our governments.   IT is TREASON!  

Child Rights Connect steered a series of activities with the aim to:
  1. Make the CRC and its Optional Protocols more accessible to children so that they can better understand and claim their rights;
  2. Facilitate strategic and critical reflections about challenges and achievements of civil society child rights advocacy and engagement with the CRC Committee;
  3. Ensure that child participation is central to 30th anniversary celebrations to further strengthen commitments to and practice of child participation;
  4. Promote the universal ratification of the CRC and its Optional Protocols, in particular the Optional Protocol on a Communications Procedure (OPIC);
  5. Strengthen the historical identity of Child Rights Connect as the driver of the drafting of the CRC and the engagement of civil society in the reporting process.

30th anniversary celebrations around the world!

Child Rights Connect will leverage the multitude of activities that its members and partners will undertake at national, regional and international level, by increasing their visibility and by strengthening their impact through connections and advice.