![]() Psalms 127:3 “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” The word “heritage” comes from the root meaning “to get or inherit.” It is an honor and responsibility to be entrusted with a little one from God. We stand beside him to shepherd their growth and development, to advocate for them, and provide for their needs while they’re in our care. |
We have no more right to advocate our authority to any ruler or governing body than they have any right to usurp our authority. We will be held responsible before GOD for what we did and did not do with and for the children that he entrusted to us.
NO governing body has ANY right to decide whether we are fit to be parents or whether we are raising our children properly. That is, unless we are putting their lives are in danger. Even that leaves them too much leeway. Putting their lives in danger is open to interpretation. The government may rule that not giving them a vaccine is putting their lives in danger. But, that is a matter of great contention. The parents have a right to make all decisions regarding the child’s medical care and treatment. WE are the one who are answerable to GOD.
This whole issue of Child’s Rights is a strategy being used by the godless elite to take our rights, and more importantly our children away from us. And, why is that? Because the children are the future… yes. But more importantly the CHILDREN belong to GOD.
OH how the devil and his servants love to get their hands on God’s children. The younger the better. In order to debase and defile them, torture and abuse them, to turn them from GOD and bring them to eternal damnation.
ANYONE who thinks for one moment that the United Nations cares at all about protecting children…needs to do their research. It is not hard at all to find evidence to the contrary, unless you are just to blind to see it.
Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and
delivery for sustainable development
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represents the highest aspirations for a bright future for the world’s children and is a crucial opportunity to realize the rights of the child worldwide. It provides a clear framework for implementation and aims to improve children’s lives through a universal agenda with clear goals and targets. Fulfilling children’s rights is a prerequisite for realizing the 2030 Agenda. (read the entire PDF: click here)
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Title : Depopulation by Vaccination: The Final Solution
After seven decades of population control by chemically and covertly subverting human reproduction with endocrine disruptors, half the world has reached the last stage of the demographic transition / depopulation program, characterized by inverted population pyramids, has by too many old and not enough young people to bear the old age burden and by a median age over 40years. In response to this un sustainable demographic situation, governments and the UN system have begun a program of rapid depopulation through mandatory immunizations and have unleashed a lab-engineered pneumococcal virus in China and are spreading it globally in order to have the pretext necessary to force vaccinate adults across the world with cancer causing vaccines designed to bring the global population down to sustainability, but purportedly administered to protect public health. By 2023 the vast majority of adults will have been infected with cancer and 80% of the global population will die of cancer over the coming decades, as planned by our own governments and the UN’s World Health Organization. It is hoped that through this engineered global genocide that will prematurely kill at least half the world’s population, human civilization will reach a stable and sustainable population structure.
Author’s Biography:
Kevin Galalae is the world’s foremost independent authority on the depopulation/globalization axis around which the international system revolves since the inception of the United Nations in 1945. He is the founder and director of the Center of Global Consciousness, the People’s Protection Force, OM, and Freedom in Education, four NGOs with global reach focused on reforming the international system. He is a historian and political activist who has published ten books on geopolitics and hundreds of articles and has changed policy both nationally and internationally.
Bill (WILLIAM COOPER/an extraordinary hero) talks about the United Nations plan for world gun control and reads from S.R. 70, H.R. 15 & the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Bill also touches on counterfeiting of the new money and also reads a report summarizing “smart cards” and their “infrastructure” that will be used by every citizen & government in the future… pretty much describing our IMMEDIATE future: what we now call immunity passports, RFID/QuantumDot tattoo implants, cashless society & social crediting. Originally broadcast May 24, 1994.
“Listen to EVERYONE, read EVERYTHING, believe absolutely NOTHING… unless you can prove it in your OWN research.”
-Milton William Cooper
Convention on the Rights of the Child:
To hear this on BitChute: Click Here

1989-2019: 30th Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
30 years after its adoption, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the most ratified UN Treaty and has played a central role to improve the lives of children around the world.
The 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is a unique opportunity to put children’s rights, the Convention (along with its Optional Protocols) and its relevance for global peaceful development and co-existence high on the international agenda, to assess the status of child rights and take measures to strengthen awareness, understanding and the actual realisation of children’s rights worldwide.
It is our chance to take stock of progress until now and set in motion the further strengthening of the child rights movement in our changing global context where human rights are increasingly under threat!Also, 2019 is the 5th Anniversary of entry into force of OPIC. This third Optional Protocol to the CRC is the first international complaints procedure giving children the possibility to claim their rights at international level. It is an important complement to the CRC to strengthen the status of children as rights holders, to ensure that children can seek redress if their rights are violated and broadening their possibility to be heard at international level. Child Rights Connect hopes for States commitments to the right of the child also translate in a wider ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure.
196State parties have ratified the CRC81CRC sessions (as of July 2019)796State parties reports (1992-2018)4800estimated NGOs reports (1993-2018)73estimated children’s reports submitted (1998-2019)OHCHR and the CRC Committee’s initiatives
30th anniversary logo of the CRC Committee and OHCHR
The CRC Committee and OHCHR celebrated the 30th anniversary by organizing a series of activities throughout 2019 that aim to encourage States parties to renew their commitment to the Convention by putting children’s rights at the forefront of national agendas and supporting the various initiatives of its partners, as stipulated in the General Assembly Resolution on the Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Adoption of the CRC Convention:
- A one-hour High Level Commemorative Event during the General Assembly on 25 September 2019
- A one-day High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on 20 November 2019: Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV
- The resolution calls for “the meaningful participation of children” at these events; and,
- Encourages Member States “to take action and to strengthen efforts for the advancement of the rights of the child.”
52State pledges (January 2020)The CRC Committee, together with OHCHR, called upon States to take up serious child rights commitments and actions, to resolve urgent issues hampering the realisation of children’s rights and advance positive and concrete changes to children’s lives. The Committee will monitor and follow-up on the 30th anniversary commitments in the framework of State reporting.
The States pledges are available online and were displayed in an exhibition at the Palais des Nations in Geneva in September 2019.Child Rights Connect and the Convention: a shared story!
Our landmarks for child rights includes key milestones in relation to the UN and CRC Committee’s work, child participation and Child Rights Connect.
UNICEF has also produced the timeline “Milestones in Children’s Rights” and called for States to sign a joint global pledge.
The former NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child – now Child Rights Connect – has extensively influenced the drafting of the Convention, its Optional Protocols, General Comments and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Working Methods, and since its adoption has successfully contributed and advocated for its proper implementation worldwide.In 2013, the 30th anniversary of Child Rights Connect was an opportunity both to recognise the successes of the past and to propel the organisation forward to continued achievement.
This is EXACTLY what the UNITED NATIONS and all their under organizations have been doing since WWII… UNDERMINING NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY by using Non-Government Agencies, Corporations, and Billionaire “Philanthropists” to work behind the scenes. Occultly, forming groups, committees, summits to create agreements, contracts and covenants that undermine our laws and override our governments. IT is TREASON!
Child Rights Connect steered a series of activities with the aim to:
- Make the CRC and its Optional Protocols more accessible to children so that they can better understand and claim their rights;
- Facilitate strategic and critical reflections about challenges and achievements of civil society child rights advocacy and engagement with the CRC Committee;
- Ensure that child participation is central to 30th anniversary celebrations to further strengthen commitments to and practice of child participation;
- Promote the universal ratification of the CRC and its Optional Protocols, in particular the Optional Protocol on a Communications Procedure (OPIC);
- Strengthen the historical identity of Child Rights Connect as the driver of the drafting of the CRC and the engagement of civil society in the reporting process.
30th anniversary celebrations around the world!
Child Rights Connect will leverage the multitude of activities that its members and partners will undertake at national, regional and international level, by increasing their visibility and by strengthening their impact through connections and advice.
ANY MATURE ADULT KNOWS…when we are children, we are totally wrapped up in ourselves. We haven’t got a clue what is going on in the world. We are just beginning to understand what is going on in our immediate area. We have not had enough life experience to be able to make judgements about anything. It takes years for us to grow emotionally, to the point where we are serious, rational, adults able to deal with stress and make hard choices. Or even to recognize when that is necessary. For some of us, it takes much longer than others. Sadly, for many in today’s Peter Pan Generation, that day will never come.
No one in their right mind would expect a child to make adult choices. It would be unreasonable, but more than that it would be immoral to put that kind of pressure on a child. Children should be given the opportunity to experience their childhood. To grow at their own pace, to experience life in a nurturing and protective environment. They are not equipped to deal with world crisis, or climate issues, or sexuality, or UN resolutions. ANYONE putting children in that position ought to be prosecuted for child abuse. Talk about Child Rights… EVERY CHILD has a right to remain a child as long they can. INNOCENCE is gone fast enough.
Satan knows that children are born selfish. That is why he wants control of them now, before they have the opportunity to develop character and learn morals and ethics.. He wants to feed their flesh unrestrained
A future for the world’s children? A WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission excerpts only
Executive summary
Invest in children’s health for lifelong, intergenerational, and economic benefits
The evidence is clear: early investments in children’s health, education, and development have benefits that compound throughout the child’s lifetime, for their future children, and society as a whole. Successful societies invest in their children and protect their rights, as is evident from countries that have done well on health and economic measures over the past few decades. Yet many politicians still do not prioritise investing in children, nor see it as the foundation for broader societal improvements. Even in rich countries, many children go hungry or live in conditions of absolute poverty, especially those belonging to marginalised social groups—including indigenous populations and ethnic minorities. Too often, the potential of children with developmental disabilities is neglected, restricting their contributions to society. Additionally, many millions of children grow up scarred by war or insecurity, excluded from receiving the most basic health, educational, and developmental services.
Sustainability is for and about children
The Commission
This Commission reports on urgent and actionable agendas for our children’s future. First, we make the case for putting child wellbeing at the centre of SDG policies. Second, we describe what needs to be done: the package of entitlements that governments and other stakeholders should ensure each child receives, and the equity-focused investments and social mobilisation required to make it happen. Third, we describe how global, national, and subnational governance must be reconfigured to provide strong multisectoral solutions. Fourth, we address the enormous challenge of commercial regulation in keeping our children safe and healthy, and suggest new approaches to protect them. Fifth, we review how countries can build accountability through child-centred SDG measurements, and the immediate top-down and bottom-up action required to track progress. Finally, we offer 10 key recommendations to build a new global movement for the health and wellbeing of children and adolescents (panel 1). Although the scope and scale of our recommendations might seem daunting to rich governments of high-income countries (HICs), let alone those that struggle to provide their citizens with basic services, we believe positive change is possible at every level.
Recommendations for placing children at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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Heads of state should create a high-level mechanism or assign one overarching department to coordinate work with and for children across sectors, create an enabling environment to enact child-friendly policies, and assess the effect of all policies on children
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Heads of state and governments should create or designate a monitoring system to track budget allocations to child wellbeing, using this process to mobilise domestic resources, by means of fiscal instruments that benefit the poorest in society, for additional investment
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Government officials at the relevant ministry, national academics, and research institutions should develop strategies to improve data reporting for SDG indicators measuring child wellbeing, equity, and carbon emissions, using country information systems and citizen-led data and accountability
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Local government leaders should establish a cross-cutting team to mobilise action for child health and wellbeing, involving civil society, children themselves, and other stakeholders as appropriate
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UNICEF child-health ambassadors and other global children’s advocates should mobilise governments and communities to adopt child-friendly wellbeing and sustainability policies, and advocate for rapid reductions in carbon emissions to preserve the planet for the next generation
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Leaders in children’s health, rights, and sustainability should reframe their understanding of the SDGs as being for and about children, and the threat to their future from greenhouse gas emissions, mainly by high-income countries
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Children should be given high-level platforms to share their concerns and ideas and to claim their rights to a healthy future and planet
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Country leaders on child health and child rights should push for the adoption of new protocols to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to protect children from harmful commercial practices
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Country representatives to the UN should work together to create a simplified, effectively multisectoral UN architecture to reduce fragmentation and siloes, and to put action for children at the centre of the SDGs
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WHO and UNICEF leadership should meet with heads of other UN agencies to plan coordinated action to support countries to enact focused, effective policies to achieve the SDGs, and work with regional bodies to help countries to share progress and best practices
Looking to the future, we emphasise the importance of humanitarian responses, safety from violence and displacement, and protection of children’s and human rights in all contexts.
Children are speaking out about their world, and we share their concerns (panel 3). Children’s concerns about their wellbeing focus on feelings of family togetherness, feeling safe, and enjoying healthy environments. These principles must guide us when building a world for this and the next generation of children. The consequences of not meeting our sustainability goals will fall upon children and young people—our most precious resource—and individual citizens who deserve health, wellbeing, and a planet capable of sustaining life into the future.
Children’s wellbeing in their own words
U.S. ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
The United States has signed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), but is the only United Nations member state that is not a party to it.[1]
The UNCRC aims to protect and promote the rights of all children around the world. It was the first international treaty to integrate all human rights in reference to children, allowing them to participate in family, cultural, and social aspects of life. It emphasizes the right to survival, development, and protection against abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It also addresses issues with education, health care, juvenile justice and the rights of children with disabilities.[2]
Constitutional requirements
Under the United States Constitution, the ratification of treaties involves several steps. First, the president or his/her representative would negotiate, agree and sign a treaty, which would then be submitted to the U.S. Senate for its “advice and consent“.[3] At that time the President would explain and interpret all provisions in the treaty. If the Senate approves the treaty with a two-thirds majority, it goes back to the President who can ratify it.
History and status
The United States government contributed to the drafting of the Convention. It commented on nearly all of the articles and proposed the original text of seven of them. Three of these come directly from the United States Constitution and were proposed by the administration of President Ronald Reagan.[4][5] The Convention was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1989 and came into effect on 2 September 1990.
On 16 February 1995, Madeleine Albright, at the time the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, signed the Convention. However, though generally supportive of the Convention, President Bill Clinton did not submit it to the Senate.[6] Likewise, President Bush did not submit the Convention to the Senate. President Barack Obama has described the failure to ratify the Convention as ’embarrassing’ and promised to review this.[7][8] The Obama administration said that it intended to submit the Convention to the Senate, but failed to do so.[9] As of June 2019, the Trump administration has not submitted the convention for Senate ratification.[10]
States may, when ratifying the Convention, ratify subject to reservations or interpretations. Besides other obligations, ratification of the Convention would require the United States to submit reports, outlining its implementation on the domestic level, to the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child, a panel of child rights experts from around the world. Parties must report initially two years after acceding to (ratifying) the Convention and then every five years.[11]
Many organizations in the United States support ratification of the Convention, including groups that work with children such as the Girl Scouts and Kiwanis.[12] The Campaign for U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child argues that criticisms mentioned by opponents of the convention “are the result of misconceptions, erroneous information, and a lack of understanding about how international human rights treaties are implemented in the United States”.[13]
The Campaign for U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is a volunteer-driven network that includes attorneys, child and human rights advocates, educators, members of religious and faith-based communities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), students and other concerned citizens.[14] They help to promote the ratification of the UNCRC. This campaign began in 2002 and works through a National Steering Committee, campaign meetings, youth advisory council and special events with many different partners involved. Its campaign is guided by its mission statement: “Our mission is to bring about ratification and implementation of the CRC in the United States. We will achieve this through mobilizing our diverse network to educate communities on the Convention, thereby creating a groundswell of national support for the treaty, and by advocating directly with our government on behalf of ratification.”[15]
Opposition to ratification comes from some religious groups. These, along with many political conservatives, claim that the Convention conflicts with the United States Constitution because in the original language of the Constitution “treaties” referred only to international relations (military alliances, trade, etc.) and not domestic policies. This has apparently played a significant role in the non-ratification of the treaty so far.[16] Senator Jesse Helms, the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, described it as a “bag of worms,” an effort to “chip away at the U.S. Constitution.”[17]
Some Americans oppose the CRC with the reasoning that the nation already has in place everything the treaty espouses, and therefore it would make no practical difference.[18]
Sovereignty and federalism
Legal concerns over ratification have mostly focused on issues of sovereignty and federalism.[19] Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that to some significant degree, no government—federal, state, or local—may interfere with the parent-child relationship.[20][21] The Heritage Foundation sees the conflict as an issue of international control over domestic policy: “Although not originally promoted as an entity that would become involved in actively seeking to shape member states’ domestic policies, the U.N. has become increasingly intrusive in these arenas.[22] They express concern about “sovereign jurisdiction, over domestic policymaking” and “preserving the freedom of American Civil Society”,[23] and argue that the actual practice of some UN Committees has been to review national policies that are unrelated, or are marginally related to the actual language of the Convention.[24]
Convention supporters point out that, under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, the Convention cannot override the Constitution because no treaty can override the Constitution (Reid v. Covert 354 U.S. 1 (1957)). In addition, as a “non-self-executing treaty”, the convention does not grant any international body enforcement authority over the U.S. and/or its citizens, but merely obligates the U.S. federal government to submit periodic reports on how the provisions of the treaty are being met (or not). The sole enforcement mechanism within the Convention is the issuing of a written report.[citation needed]
Death penalty and life imprisonment
Article 37 of the Convention prohibits sentencing children under 18 years old to death or life imprisonment with no opportunity for parole. The United States does not comply with this article in its entirety. Three successive Supreme Court decisions have moved toward compliance:
- In 2005, 22 U.S. states allowed for the execution of juvenile offenders. This ceased after the 2005 Supreme Court decision Roper v. Simmons, which found juvenile execution unconstitutional as “cruel and unusual punishment“. The decision cited the Convention as one of several indications that “the United States now stands alone in a world that has turned its face against the juvenile death penalty”.[25][26][27]
- The 2010 decision Graham v. Florida prohibited the sentencing of juveniles to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for non-homicide crimes. As of the Graham decision, six U.S. states prohibited such sentences in all cases.[28]
- The June 2012 Supreme Court decision Miller v. Alabama held that mandatory sentences of life without the possibility of parole are unconstitutional for juvenile murderers. The ruling did not prohibit courts from imposing a considered life sentence.[29]
Parental rights
Some supporters of homeschooling have expressed concern that the Convention will subvert the authority of parents.[30][31]
One of the most controversial tenets of the Convention is the participatory rights granted to children.[32] The Convention champions youth voice in new ways. Article 12 states:
Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child … the child shall, in particular, be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child …[33]
David M. Smolin argues that Article 29 limits the fundamental right of parents and others to educate children in private school by requiring that all such schools support the principles contained in the United Nations Charter and a list of specific values and ideals. He argues that “Supreme Court case law has provided that a combination of parental rights and religious liberties provide a broader right of parents and private schools to control the values and curriculum of private education free from State interference.[16]
Smolin, otherwise a proponent who urges U.S. reservations to the convention, argues that Article 5, which includes a provision stating that parents “provide, in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child, appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the present Convention”,[34] “is couched in language which seems to reduce the parental role to that of giving advice“.[16], pages 81 & 90 The Campaign for U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child argues that the Convention protects parental responsibility from government interference.[13]
The Campaign for the U.S. Ratification of the CRC provides information rebutting this and other proposed conflicts. The CRC does not outline any specific interference with school curriculums, nor would ratification prevent parents from homeschooling their children. In addition, it recognizes the family “as the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all its members and particularly children …” (Preamble to the CRC) and repeatedly underscores the pivotal role parents play in their children’s lives. (Particularly with regard to Articles 3, 5, 7-10, 14, 18, 22, and 27.1) Under the Convention, parental responsibility is protected from government interference. Article 5 states that Governments should respect the rights, responsibilities, and duties of parents to raise their children. There is no language in the CRC that dictates the manner in which parents are to raise and instruct their children.[35]
Geraldine Van Bueren, the author of the principal textbook on the international rights of the child, and a participant in the drafting of the Convention, has described the “best interest of the child standard” in the treaty as “provid[ing] decision and policy makers with the authority to substitute their own decisions for either the child’s or the parents’ “;[36]
Issues within parental rights
- The treaty addresses parental discipline and discipline in schools. There is a concern that it will eliminate parents’ right to discipline. The UNCRC does not specify what discipline can be used but enforces parents to provide guidance and direction to children instead of punishment. Educational discipline is addressed by eliminating mental or physical abuse and violence. Dress codes and singing the national anthem are not addressed and left to the school officials and governments to determine if either should be protected.[37]
- The age of children and their ability to understand the UNCRC and the rights they get are an issue as well. Parents’ decisions on how they address the UNCRC will help the development of children. Parental guidance should help children evolve and teach them to respect their own and others rights.[37]
- Another concern is whether or not the UNCRC will give the children more rights than parents. Parents still have control over their children; for example, they can expect children to help around the house. The Convention only prohibits work that is harmful to their health or interferes with education. This concern, however, seems to show a lack of awareness that children are more vulnerable than their adult parents and thus require special protection.[37]
Other arguments
David Smolin argues that the objections from religious and political conservatives stem from their view that the U.N. is an elitist institution, which they do not trust to properly handle sensitive decisions regarding family issues.[16] He suggests that legitimate concerns of critics could be met with appropriate reservations by the U.S.[16], page 110

![]() America Prepares for the Parental Battle of the DecadeFrom: http://www.oregonobserver.com By Betty Freauf (Excerpts from the Fall 1993 Colorado Eagle Forum Newsletter) |
Under the guise of a “child’s rights” measure, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child may be ratified by the U.S. Senate. If passed, this wolf in sheep’s clothing could substantially undermine the authority of parents to exercise vitally important responsibilities toward their children if these responsibilities infringe on the child’s “right” to autonomy and self-expression as defined by a panel of “experts” appointed by the United Nations.
The CONVENTION would redefine the Family Law in America. In 1994 Oregon had a Task Force on Family Law. It’s purpose was to craft a new system to resolve relationship and children’s disputes. Bills were submitted to the 1995 Oregon legislature.
The impact of the CONVENTION is particularly ominous in light of the fact that the United States Constitution declares treaties to be the law of the land. Under the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause of Article VI, all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution of laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.
The CONVENTION would give children the “right” to disregard parental authority. Although several of the treaty’s provisions offer generally positive, non-offensive platitudes, a substantial portion of this charter undermines parental rights. The U.N. CONVENTION would: (1) transfer parental rights and responsibilities to the state. (SB 1051-B passed by the 1993 Oregon legislature), (2) undermine the family by vesting children with various fundamental rights which advance notions of the child’s autonomy and freedom from parental guidance; and (3) establish bureaucracies and institutions of a national and international nature designed to promote “the ideas proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations and to investigate and prosecute parents who violate their children’s rights. The state will determine the child’s “best interest” (SB 1051-B from the 1993 Oregon legislature and SB 689 from the 1997 Oregon legislature).
All children must be immediately registered after birth. Severe limitations will be placed on the parent’s right to direct and train their children. Section 1 of Article 13 declares a child’s right to “seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.” Article 14 says children have a legal right to object to all religious training. Alternatively, children may assert their right against parental objections to participation’s in other religions.
Parents could be prevented from forbidding their child to associate with people deemed to be objectionable companions, i.e. gangs, cults, racist organizations, etc.
Article 18 says the state must assist parents in the raising of children (SB 1051 and SB 689). It calls on the State to co-parent by rendering “appropriate assistance to parents and legal guardians in the performance of their child-rearing responsibilities and shall ensure the development of institutions, facilities and services for the care of children”, i.e. Parent training, Family Resource Centers, etc. Corporal punishment is prohibited. Article 43 says international experts will parent our children (SB 689).
UN Rights of the Child: the UN owns and controls the children, not parents.
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According to a recently published report from the United States Committee for UNICEF, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has been ratified by 191 countries. “The remaining two countries which have not ratified the Convention are Somalia and the United States,” the document observed. Since Somalia has descended into Hobbesian anarchy, the United States is the only nation with a functioning government to withhold ratification of the Convention.
Ratification of the Convention requires national governments to eschew “incremental” child and family policies in favor of “comprehensive and integrated” policies, continued Verhellen. As one workshop participant noted without a hint of disapproval, a less euphemistic term to describe such “comprehensive” national policies would be “socialist” – the “womb to the tomb” policies typical of both Scandinavian welfare states and Soviet-style despotisms.
But the Convention embodies another radical principle, according to Verhellen: Parens Patriae, or the “parenthood of the state,” a principle whose triumph will result in nothing less than the “deconstruction and the reconstruction of the concept of the family.” “By recognizing children as the bearers of rights that the state must protect, the [Convention] makes family relationships more equal,” Verhellen explained to The New American. “This process will eliminate the hidden inequalities that are found in the older concept of the family.” Invoking the UN slogan that the family must be “the smallest democracy at the heart of society,” he insisted that “the family in this new society must serve as a kind of mediator, preparing its members to be part of the larger democracy.”
This is because the Convention is not intended to protect children, but to enhance the powers of the United Nations. Hillary Clinton, honorary chair of the Children’s Rights Congress, claims that “it takes a village” to raise a child. Through the Convention, the new world orderites hope to become the chieftains of a global village in which the UNICEF slogan “Every child is our child” will be realized. It is to the credit of America that it has thus far refused to enlist in this cynical and destructive enterprise.
So, you can see that Education is the third weapon in the UN’s arsenal. They will control the parents via ecology and medicine, but they will gain control of the children through education. This they have already accomplished.
YOU better wake up and realize that they have been implementing this agenda for YEARS (Since at least 1959)!! 35years ago, my kids came home from school and told me that in school that day they were taught that NO ONE can tell them what to do! NO ONE, and if they don’t like the way they are being treated they can call CPS! That is what they learned at school that day. I handed them the phone, and told them that before they make that call, they better listen to what I have to say. I told them that if they call CPS, a representative that they don’t know is going to come and take them away and place them with a family they don’t know. And it will probably be a family with several other foster kids that they don’t know, because they get money for taking in children. Then I told them that if they think for one minute that those people are going to treat them better than their mother who loves them more than life itself, they better think again!!
Now that was 35 years ago, the education managed to poison my kids against God, and convince them that it is perfectly normal for people to have sex changes and/or homosexual relations. The system managed to teach them that parents are idiots and not worthy of any respect. They managed to teach them that there are no absolutes, no right and wrong. It is all based on individual interpretation.
I warn you that GOD takes this very seriously. If you don’t believe that Modern Science is a religion, you have not been reading my articles. They are serving their gods with great earnestness and vigor. You had better believe that they know that this is a fight against the GOD of the Bible. You would do well to wise up before it is too late. These people have one goal and that is all… COMPLETE AND UTTER DOMINATION. TOTAL CONTROL. They will not stop until the CONTROL YOU BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT.
It is YOUR JOB to protect and nurture your children. It is YOUR JOB to teach them morals and ethics. It is your job to point them to the way of SALVATION. YOUR HEAD IS ON THE BLOCK. Will you serve GOD or SCIENCE? CHRIST OR THE ANTICHRIST? THE UN is trying to do something to you that GOD would NEVER DO, take away your FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. GOD gave you authority over your own life. WILL YOU SURRENDER IT TO THESE GLOBALISTS?