UPDATE 10/17/2022; UPDATE ADDED 6/24/24

TAGS: Sun Simulator, Artifical Sun, Fake Moon, Manmade Clouds, Nuclear Fusion, NASA,

The object of this post is to bring you enough information on what the controllers are doing to our atmosphere to make you a believer.  There is a lot of information covered in this post to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are terraforming our environment and have been for years.

There is a lot of information here.  I understand that people are used to getting their data in little bytes.  I understand that the average attention span is very short.  However, there is so much that you really need to know.

The wealthy controllers keep so much information from you.  They mock those of us who are trying to bring you truth.  They deny, deny deny and they call us “conspiracy theorists” and fear mongers.  Sadly, most of the public, afraid to allow their comfort zone to be threatened by truth… buy the lie.

Let me tell you, IGNORANCE is NOT BLISS.  If you had listened to us years ago, all this may have been avoided.  Now, it is too late.  It is here.  FOR YOU,  knowing the truth is more important now than ever.  FOREWARNED IS FORE ARMED.  Not as in weapons.  ARMED with knowledge, ARMED with FAITH, ARMED with the POWER that they will never know… THE POWER OF THE ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  The TRUE POWER from GOD.  The same power that created this world and raised JESUS from the DEAD!   That power can be inside you, and that is the only power that can defeat the works of the EVIL ONES.

Try to at least LOOK at this entire post.  Skim through it first, read/watch what appeals to you.  Take it in small doses if that works best for you.  But, don’t CHEAT YOURSELF.  Digest it all at your leisure.  I spent many hours going through videos and articles and refining it down to what you see here.  I understand, it is work.  But, knowledge is power.  Ask GOD to show you what you need to know.

This first video blew me away.  There was not a dry eye… it is powerful.  I know that if you take the time to watch it, you will be blessed.



Here are the lyrics.  I typed them up so that you could SEE them clearly.

For all my life 

Oh Lord, I will praise you. 

For my air is your life 

And I will never get tired  

I can hear your voice 

It is sweeter than honey 

That pulls me out of this cave 

And it takes me to Heaven 

I’ve seen fire and earthquakes 

Strong wind that blew on me 

I have lived so many dangers 

But your voice then calmed me 

You give orders to the stars 

And the sea you put your limits 

I feel so secured 

In your hands Oh Almighty 

There are no bolts or gates 

That close in front of your voice 

No more pain or guilt 

Remaining standing before us 

And the storm subsides 

In the voice of him who created all 

For your word is pure 

A shield to those who believe in him 

There are no bolts or gates 

That close in front of your voice 

No more pain or guilt 

Remaining standing before us 

And the storm subsides 

In the voice of him who created all 

For your word is pure 

A shield to those who believe in him 


In 1970, two Soviet astronomers had been studying the satellite and theorized that it was likely a hollow moon put in place by a highly-advanced extraterrestrial race. Their theory was based on these observable anomalies, claiming the Moon was an artificial shell that had been inhabited internally for years.


by Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov

July 1970

from TheForbiddenKnowledge Website

Spanish version

It is indeed the creation of an intelligent being.  THE MOST INTELLIGENT BEING EVER.  THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS!

Oct 18, 2011
·NASA confirms the Hopi Blue Star Kachina and a brave trader on a BBC interview warns everyone to prepare for the next 12 months. Mirror from Envylife904: htt…

A new type of light may not sound that exciting, but when you watch the video above, you’ll see why people are getting pretty hyped over this new type of artificial sunlight, developed by Italian company CoeLux. It seriously looks just like real daylight streaming through a skylight. It even has the blue sky to prove it.

But despite the incredibly natural look of the light source (and no, none of these photos have been photoshopped), it’s actually completely artificial. Developed by Italian scientists, the LED skylight uses a thin coating of nanoparticles to recreate the effect that makes the sky blue, known as Rayleigh scattering.

This means that the sunlight doesn’t just light up a room, so to speak, it also produces the texture and feel of sunlight. In fact, it’s so good, it really tricks the brain into thinking you’re outdoors – even if you’re kilometres underground.

Speaking in the video above, one of the scientists who worked on the device, Paolo Di Trapani, believes that this light source won’t just make environments such as hospitals, offices, gyms and below-ground spas more pleasant, it will also have a far bigger impact. Like inventions such as the elevator before it, he believes the skylight will allow developers of the future to not just build up, but also far down below the ground – without any of the dinginess that currently keeps us above ground.

The CoeLux skylight could also be used in photography studios to recreate that natural sunlight effect, 24/7. Of course, right now, the technology is a little too expensive to be adopted widely – it costs around US$61,000 to buy and then around US$7,000 for installation, as Michael Zhang reports for PetaPixel. But in the future, the developers hope to find a way to drop the cost, and also want to make the position of the sun in the “sky” variable, as well as the dynamic colour temperature of their light.

Just imagine how good the skylights would look shining down on this underground park in New York.

We’re excited that, in the future, when the human race is driven underground like mole people in order to survive the spoils of nuclear war, we’ll still be able to feel the sunlight on our faces.


Scientists are intending to use nuclear fusion to create the world’s first man-made star

IT WILL be ten times hotter than the sun, three times heavier than the Eiffel Tower and scientists think it will solve one of our most pressing problems.

The answer to our ills?Source:Supplied

SCIENTISTS and engineers are trying to create a giant star to replicate the chemical reaction which occurs on the sun in order to produce energy in the most insane way imaginable.

A super-hot cloud of hydrogen will rotate faster than the speed of sound while being bombarded with surges of electric current which will leave the hydrogen ten times hotter than the sun’s core.

The project is called ITER, or the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, and if all goes according to plan, could provide a large chunk of the world’s energy requirements in the future.

The mind-boggling effort which the New Yorker called “the most complex machine ever built” will weigh 23,000 tons and will be as big as 60 football fields.

ITER is currently being built in the south of France by a small legion of countries including the US, China, Russia, Japan and the EU.

Inside the monolithic building will be a nuclear reactor which its creators hope will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Construction is under way for the planet’s first man-made star.

Construction is under way for the planet’s first man-made star.Source:Supplied

According to the organisation’s website, ITER is based on the tokamak concept of magnetic confinement, in which the plasma is contained in a doughnut-shaped vacuum vessel. The fuel, which is a mixture of two isotopes of hydrogen, will be heated to temperatures in excess of 150 million degrees, forming a hot plasma.

By scorching it with concentrated waves of radiation, scientists believe they will be able to harness the energy (in the form of photons) which are created when atomic nuclei collide with each other. It is the same process of nuclear fusion which occurs on the sun.

The project was first conceived in 1987 but has run into a number of obstacles causing the expected end date to be pushed back.

We are now entering into manufacturing and preparations for assembly (in 2015) ,” said Bernard Bigot in a March interview when he became Director-General of ITER.

According to him, the scientific theory is all but bulletproof, it’s just a matter of building the facility. “I am well aware of the difficulties, but these difficulties are more industrial and organisational than technological or scientific,” he said.

Scientists are hopeful the earliest operations will commence in the 2020s

A drawing of what the process will look like.

A drawing of what the process will look like.Source:Supplied


UAE plans manmade mountain to increase rainfall

The United Arab Emirates is considering proposals for an artificial mountain that could help increase the country’s rainfall.Researchers are exploring different approaches to creating more rain in the country, according to reports. One option is to construct an artificial mountain, which would increase cloud production and make it possible to create rain on demand.A team at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in the US are understood to have received a $400,000 grant towards a detailed study exploring whether it would work.“What we are looking at is basically evaluating the effects on weather through the type of mountain, how high it should be and how the slopes should be,” explained NCAR lead researcher Roelof Bruintjes, speaking to Dubai news site Arabian Business.”We will have a report of the first phase this summer as an initial step.”Mountains are a major factor in rainfall as they force warm, moist air to rise and cool, and thus create clouds.Increasing the number of clouds provides more options for seeding a process where chemicals such as silver iodide or potassium iodide are added to clouds in the form of ice crystals, boosting rainfall.No location has yet been set for the mountain, as the NCAR team is exploring various options.”Building a mountain is not a simple thing,” Bruintjes told the website. “We are still busy finalising assimilation, so we are doing a spread of all kinds of heights, widths and locations.”

The UAE country is no stranger to ambitious construction projects. It is currently home to the world’s tallest building, the SOM-designed Burj Khalifa.

There is also no indication yet as to how much it would cost, but Bruintjes admits the project will only go ahead if they can develop a proposal that isn’t too expensive for the government.

“This gives them an idea of what kind of alternatives there are for the long-term future,” he said. “If it goes through, the second phase would be to go to an engineering company and decide whether it is possible or not.”

The UAE government spent a reported $558,000 (£400,000) on cloud seeding last year (2015). The experiments are believed to have played a part in last month’s record rainfall, which was also accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds.

But the Arab country is no stranger to ambitious construction projects. It is currently home to the world’s tallest building, the SOM-designed Burj Khalifa, and an artificial island shaped like a palm tree.

Other major projects in the works include a colossal observation tower, an underwater hotel and a revolving skyscraper powered by wind turbines.

Mr Cox, a presenter for the respected online Slooh Telescope channel, which broadcasts live shows to coincide with significant astronomical events, made the comments as Mercury was filmed as a tiny dot passing over the surface of our sun.

Nibiru, or Planet X, is an alleged huge planet with a vast orbit, that conspiracy theorists claim will one day pass so close to Earth that its gravitational pull could break havoc on our planet, triggering earthquakes and other catastrophic events.

Believers of the conspiracy claimed they were right earlier this year after NASA announced there was a new planet, nine times the size of Earth, lurking at the edge of our solar system.

Now, Mr Cox’s remarks have added to the belief it is real.

Strange: Paul Cox questioning the existence of Nibiru on the Slooh channel. YouTube•SLOOH

Strange: Paul Cox questioning the existence of Nibiru on the Slooh channel.

CGI image of the fabled planet Nibiru, destroying Earth.GETTY

CGI image of the fabled planet Nibiru, destroying Earth.

Speaking about the view from the telescope, which showed the Sun and Mercury to the left, and part of another large glowing shape to the right, which some viewers thought was just the sun being reflected, he said: “You can see there, the sun is on the left.

“You can see the small black dot…that is Mercury.

“Now you may be asking yourself what is that large round thing to the right of our sun.

“That’s our second sun. I don’t know if you knew that we had a second sun but there it is.

“It’s normally hidden from view. NASA and other organisations, they usually hide that stuff away from us, but there it is. It is true.

A subtitle also appeared saying “second sun?” Another added “NASA cover up?”

Later, speaking about another frame which showed just a glow to the right of the sun, he added: “Oh wow, can you see that mysterious glow on the right hand side?

Fact or fiction? Was Paul Cox just messing with us?YouTube•SLOOH

Fact or fiction? Was Paul Cox just messing with us?

That’s our second sun. I don’t know if you knew that we had a second sun but there it is. It’s normally hidden from view. NASA and other organisations, they usually hide that stuff away from us.

Astronomer Paul Cox

“Do you think it is the mysterious planet Nibiru, maybe appearing in these live shots.

“We don’t cover up stuff like NASA does.”

Some viewers suggested Mr Cox and the channel were just joking with them, but others saw him as having a “David Icke moment”, like when the former BBC1 Grandstand presenter came out as “The son of Godhead” on chatshow Wogan in 1991.

Regardless of how he made the remarks, it has prompted a flurry of conspiracy theory YouTube videos suggesting Nibiru is about to make its pass.

One video was made by blogger Jacob Israel, who claims not to be a conspiracy theorist, but is investigating the existence of Nibiru after “having dreams about it”

Mr Israel said: “Was he slipping that in, when he says NASA covers stuff up is that whats going on?

“Coming from somebody who is credible in the field and professional when you say stuff like that, it is meant to be taken seriously, it’s not a joke.”



Jaw-dropping photos taken above CERN’s Large Hadron Collider lead to wild new conspiracy theories and ‘prove portals are opening’

The images were taken as scientists began a new experiment called Awake to change the way particles are smashed together

THESE incredible photos taken above CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have provoked dramatic conspiracy theories and stoked fears that “new portals” are being opened.

The images were apparently taken on June 24, the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment to change the way it smashes particles together.

 The images were apparently taken on June 24, the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment

The images were apparently taken on June 24, the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment

The film in question – What Portal did CERN open now? Strange Clouds Hover Above the LHC – raises “major concerns” about what the LHC is being used for.

The narrator asks viewers: “How much energy did CERN pull into itself?

“Is this why the weather is so crazy all over the planet?

There are many other colliders all over the world.”

The video showed the CERN schedule for the LCH which included an experiment called Awake, due to commence on June 24.

 They have been seized upon by conspiracy theorists and led to suggestions of "new portals"

They have been seized upon by conspiracy theorists and led to suggestions of “new portals”

“This insane ball of energy was directly over the LHC.

“Some people reported seeing faces in it.


“What is in the cloud – some say it is lightning or a massive ball of energy.

“The amount of energy pulling from nature into the collider itself, you can actually see it.

“What portals are doors being opened in this cloud?”

 In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds but have not affected the weather

In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds but have not affected the weatherCredit: Getty Images

Other theorists suggest CERN is being used as a portal to allow Satan to return to Earth.

The LHC, near Geneva, Switzerland, is the world’s largest particle collider and the largest single machine in the world.

It was built between 1998 and 2008 and allows physicists to test various theories.

In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds to better understand global warming.


Synlight may brighten researchers’ chances of creating carbon-neutral solar fuel. (DLR)

 Keeping you current

This New Man-Made Sun Is 10,000 Times More Intense Than Sunlight on Earth

It’s a bright idea that just might help humans create solar fuel


Hot. Radiant. Bright. Our nearest star is many things, but you’re lucky that it’s 93 million miles away—if you got too close, you’d incinerate in its 9,940°F heat. How, then, are scientists supposed to study ways to create solar fuel? As Hannah Devlin reports for The Guardian, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has an answer: a gigantic artificial sun. And they just powered up this massive device earlier this week.

The man-made star isn’t quite as powerful as the one we orbit, and that’s a good thing. It still manages to pack quite a punch in terms of light generation and heat. On its website, the DLR boasts that it produces 10,000 times more light than the surface radiation detected on Earth’s surface and heats up to 5,432°F—all with the help of an array of 149 gigantic spotlights. Appropriately, it’s called Synlight, and it cost a whopping $3.8 million to build, reports Laura Mallonee for Wired.

Recreating the star we orbit sounds fun, but this is serious business.  Already under construction are solar power stations that use the sun’s radiation to turn water into steam, which then produces electricity. And scientists have long been in search of ways to develop solar fuels—synthetic fuels that use the heat of the sun to turn chemicals into clean energy sources. Right now, clean-burning hydrogen is the most attractive candidate, but it’s nearly impossible to turn it into fuel without using huge amounts of energy.

That’s where the sun comes in. If scientists are able to harness its heat and radiation, they could use the sun as the ultimate free, endlessly powered battery. But Europeans struggle with cloudy skies, so scientific work on such fuels is often hampered by rainy days.

Advances toward artificial photosynthesis—breaking water into oxygen and hydrogen—and solar fuel have been made, but as Richard Martin reports for the MIT Technology Review, it’s taking a long time. Synlight is another step on that road, one that scientists hope could one day remove carbon-releasing fuels from roads and make powering our lives inexpensive and carbon-neutral. Solar fuels have even been produced already, but as the DLR notes, the processes must be scaled up and taken out of the lab if they’re going to be of any use to humankind.

Perhaps with the help of a fake sun that doesn’t care about clouds and can operate at any time, solar fuel for all will become a reality much more quickly. Researchers certainly have bright hopes for a future that uses a far-off star to fuel human activity—and with the help of Synlight and similar tools, they just might turn that sunny dream into a reality.


Synlight,” as it’s called, puts out light 10,000 times as intense as that of the sun.
An employee in front of the 149 lamps that form the worlds largest artificial sun at the German Aerospace Center in...
An employee in front of the 149 lamps that form the “world’s largest artificial sun” at the German Aerospace Center in Juelich, Germany.GETTY IMAGES/BARCROFT MEDIA


Is a Sun Simulator in the Sky? – Awakened-UK

;f=1″ alt=”Nibiru planet X cloak ISS Hex LED Sun moon STAR shine NASA …” width=”365″ height=”537″ />

Artificial Sun Simulator for PV Module Analysis (Patent ... The Sun Simulator | Barry Littleton

 “Sun Simulator” (small prototype?)


OCTOBER 19, 2018 5:33 AM EDT

The night skies might soon have company: Chinese scientists are planning to launch an artificial moon into orbit by 2020 to illuminate city streets after dark.

Scientists are hoping to hang the man-made moon above the city of Chengdu, the capital of China’s southwestern Sichuan province, according to a report in Chinese state media. The imitation celestial body — essentially an illuminated satellite — will bear a reflective coating to cast sunlight back to Earth, where it will supplement streetlights at night.

Scientists estimated that it could be eight times more luminous than the actual, original moon. It will also orbit much closer to Earth; about 500 km (310 miles) away, compared to the moon’s 380,000 km (236,000 miles).

But the ambitious plan still wouldn’t “light up the entire night sky,” Wu Chunfeng, chief of the Tian Fu New Area Science Society, told China Daily. “Its expected brightness, in the eyes of humans, is around one-fifth of normal streetlights.”

Wu estimated that new moons could save the city of Chengdu around 1.2 billion yuan ($173 million) in electricity costs annually, and could even assist first responders during blackouts and natural disasters. If the project proves successful, it could be joined by three more additions to the night sky in 2022, he said.

Read moreScience: Space Mirror

But much more testing needs to be done, Wu said, to ensure the plan is viable and will not have a detrimental effect on the natural environment.

“We will only conduct our tests in an uninhabited desert, so our light beams will not interfere with any people or Earth-based space observation equipment,” he told the Daily.

China’s space goals are not unprecedented. In the 1990s, Russia experimented with using an orbital mirror to reflect sunlight on some of its sun-deprived northern cities, according to the New York Times. The project was abandoned in 1999 after the mirror failed to unfold and was incinerated in the atmosphere.

In January (2018), American firm Rocket Lab launched an artificial star into space, the Times reported. But scientists criticized the “Humanity Star,” as the reflective mini-satellite was dubbed, for contributing to artificial light pollution and cluttering in Earth’s orbit.


Guangzhou CBD in Moon Night


In a move that is certainly not the first step towards an Elysium-type society where the haves rule the stars and the have-nots blunder about below, China is launching an artificial moon into the sky. Made from a satellite coated in reflective material, the moon will glow in the night, illuminating the streets and cutting down on electricity used by street lights, Chinese state media reports. If all goes according to plan, the first moon will launch above the city of Chengdu in the Sichuan province in 2020. More moons will follow.

There are concerns the man-made moon will affect people and animals with light pollution, or impede scientific equipment. But the satellites will be tested in the desert first, Wu assured, and not launched until fully approved. Whether it will look totally eerie in the night sky or not remains to be seen.

Back in ’90s, Russia tried to do a similar thing with a giant mirror to reflect sunlight on super cold Russians cities. That failed due to the mirror malfunctioning. Here’s hoping China’s fake moon plan doesn’t turn into a sci-fi horror story situation.



After fake moon, China trying to create an artificial sun 
ET Online
Read more at:


Bill Gates, Harvard, To Begin Blocking Sun In Spring Of 2019


Harvard scientists intend to block out the sun’s rays from earth as a way to help stave off climate change. The geoengineering project is an attempt to cool the earth’s overall temperature.

The name of the project is SCoPEx, or, Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment, and it will cost roughly $3 million for initial testing. By “testing,” that’s to say that this is no longer a concept, it’s a real thing.

If you are wondering where all the money for this project is deriving from, look no further than Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

We reported on Harvard’s ambition to throw shade at our sun months ago.

UPDATE (June 29, 2019): 2020 Presidential candidate, Andrew Yang, unveils massive geoengineering funding plan that supports blocking the sun.

Harvard Blocking Sun Concept Uses Balloon

The Harvard scientists will launch a maneuverable balloon into the stratosphere above the United States southwest region. The balloon will then programmatically release calcium carbonate into the stratosphere. The initial test is slated for the spring of 2019 (so yes, within a year).

Scientists are basing the working concept on past volcanic eruptions, namely, the massive eruption of Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991. Pinatubo’s eruption blew 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere. As you likely guessed, that sulfur dioxide formed a coating around the earth and caused a universal lowering of the earth’s core temperature (specifically, the earth cooled 0.5 °C as a result of the sulfur dioxide coating).

Climate Change Is Propelling Geoengineering

Let’s be honest, evolution based on science isn’t always bad. Pharmaceutical drugs save lives. Doctors inappropriately prescribing and over-prescribing pharmaceutical drugs damage our society (see the antibiotic collapse, the opioid addiction issue, and SSRI medications and Ritalin being linked to mass shootings).

Geoengineering has good features, like helping to produce rain for drought-stricken farmers.

But some feel blocking the sun may backfire.

As it stands, blocking the sun is now an acceptable concept by world leaders.

Most world governments are zoned in on reducing greenhouse gas emissions or extracting CO2 from the atmosphere.  That’s what the entire the Paris Agreement  involves. The concept of blocking out the sun is newer to the spectrum of powerful solutions to help slow climate change.

Pictured below is one of Harvard’s illustrations of our evil sun being blocked.

harvard block sun climate change

Computer Models May Not Understand The Consequences Of Blocking The Sun

Computer models may not understand what happens if scientist block the sun for longterm. Hence, the “controlled experiment” using calcium carbonate particles.

Will this result in more rain? Less rain? Dearth farmlands? More fires? A zombie apocalypse? Who knows?

A recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report estimates for the reduced price of $10 billion per year, we can reduce the global temperature by 1.5 degrees Celcius.

Jan 17th, 2019
KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. – U.S. Air Force adaptive optics researchers are ready to approach industry for a new high-power sodium laser to create artificial stars for a variety of optical research at the Air Force Starfire Optical Range at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M.

KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. – U.S. Air Force adaptive optics researchers are ready to approach industry for a new high-power sodium laser to create artificial stars for a variety of optical research at the Air Force Starfire Optical Range at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M.

Officials of the Officials of the Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate at Kirtland Air Force Base issued a notice last week (FA9451-19-9-0001_Presolicitation) for the Brighter Sodium Beacon project.

This project will ask industry to develop a sodium beacon laser more powerful than 75 Watts to generate artificial stars. Researchers will issue a formal solicitation for this project between now and the end of March, Air Force officials say.

The powerful sodium laser will project an image in the atmosphere that looks like a bright artificial star that is within the field of view of the Starfire Optical Range’s main 3.5 meter telescope. This telescope will detect any change in the shape of the artificial star due to atmospheric turbulence. The telescope then compensates for any turbulence using adaptive optics.

Related: Adaptive optics blends the best of electronic and optoelectronic technologies

Disturbances in the Earth’s atmosphere cause minor distortions in beams of light. This phenomenon causes what appears to the human eye to be the twinkling of stars at night. Ground-based astronomical observatories compensate for atmospheric turbulence with adaptive optics, which act like flexible mirrors to counteract the effects of atmospheric turbulence.

The make the right corrections, however, adaptive optics need a reliable very bright star to measure atmospheric turbulence. Most natural stars aren’t bright enough for this job, or are not in the Starfire Optical Range’s field of view. This is where sodium laser-projected artificial stars come in.

Adaptive optics use this kind of a guide star as a wavefront reference source of light. The sodium laser creates the artificial guide star by shining a laser into the atmosphere. Light from the beam reflects off components in the upper atmosphere back into the telescope.

Sodium lasers for this purpose are tuned to 589.2 nanometers to energize atoms in the sodium layer of the mesosphere at an altitude of around 56 miles above the Earth’s surface. The sodium atoms then re-emit the laser light, producing a glowing artificial star.

Related: Boeing to help Air Force develop space superiority technologies for the control of space

The Air Force’s Starfire Optical Range helps scientists perfect adaptive optics not only for astronomical observations, but also to sharpen the focus of powerful lasers for high-resolution satellite imaging, anti-satellite weapons, and relay mirror systems.

Last May the Air Force Research Lab issued a request for information on breakthrough research in sodium beacon lasers stronger than 50 Watts. Since then, planners have increased the desired laser’s strength to more than 75 Watts.

Companies interested in this project can submit questions by email to the Air Force’s Kimerie Smith at Copy email questions to the Air Force’s Greg Davis at

More information on the Brighter Sodium Beacon project is online at

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First published at 13:49 UTC on March 14th, 2019.

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Dr. Brian Tinsley – University of Texas at Dallas – Speaking at OTF2019

The mechanism of electromagnetic coupling works through the global electric circuit, directly adding/changing joule energy in the atmospheric columns. e- current creates heat, pressure change, and chemical changes when moving through a resistive medium (the atmosphere).
by our friend Suspicious0bservers    2 years, 3 months ago

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Artificial Sun – A Weapon of Mass Destruction?
First published at 12:15 UTC on June 22nd, 2019.

This is not for show… not to save lives, not to preserve life. If you can control the Earths sunlight, you have absolute power over humanity.. NOT GOOD!
This is a Directed Energy Weapon.. High powered lasers can do a lot of damage… and also project images in the sky… But why would they do that you may ask yourselves…

This footage was captured by a dear valued friend and fellow researcher. I Added HDR, some exposure, contrast and sharpening. The still shots were enhanced further to aid visual perspective on the subject.

Free music:
Cepheid Stellardrone
Eternity (Reprise) Stellardrone

Note: These are my opinions only, and not written to induce fear, but to apply reasoning based on over a decade of research into the things the average person has no courage to face. Through my research I have enhanced recent weather events and so called natural fires,,, and in ALL of them I have found anomalies which point to advanced man made technologies.   2 years ago


video image 

Moving Manmantis Clouds, New Cloud Types & cloud systems-Plane Buzz Update & Original Artificial Sun Pics Found showing structures in our sky Also,
Gina Maria Sun Grid Video:    2 years ago


But NOW they only Block the SUN… they rain and snow on EVERYONE! Part 1Part 2


How Bill Gates-funded solar geoengineering could help stop global warming

Fires burning across the Amazon rainforest have renewed the debate about solutions to climate change. Bill Gates is backing the first high-altitude experiment of one radical approach called solar geoengineering. It’s meant to mimic the effects of a giant volcanic eruption. Thousands of planes would fly at high altitudes, spraying millions of tons of particles around the planet to create a massive chemical cloud that would cool the surface.

“Modeling studies have found that it could reduce the intensity of heat waves, for instance, apparently it could reduce the rate of sea level rise. It could reduce the intensity of tropical storms,” said Andy Parker, project director at the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative.

The technology is not far from being ready and it’s affordable, but it could cause massive changes in regional weather patterns and eradicate blue sky.

“These consequences might be horrific. They might involve things like mass famine, mass flooding, drought of kinds that will affect very large populations,” said Stephen Gardiner, author of “A Perfect Moral Storm: The Ethical Tragedy of Climate Change.”

Watch the video to learn how it would work and hear the debate around the ethics and efficacy of solar geoengineering.


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Awesome show from 2016: A.I. take-over in the U.S., China and the failing dollar, dark age approaching Earth and man-kind, American women vote Hillary only because she is a woman.    1 year, 9 months ago


solar startup

Secretive Energy Startup Backed by Bill Gates Achieves Solar Breakthrough.

Finding clean energy sources is a hot topic nowadays. As pollution intensifies and the need for sustainable energy increases, many entrepreneurs and activists have worked to create more planet-friendly resources. Then Heliogen stepped onto the scene, a top-secret startup backed by Bill Gates. Heliogen is a clean energy company that announced itself in November 2019, claiming they have discovered a way to optimize artificial intelligence and a field of mirrors to produce enough sunlight to generate over 1,000-degree heat (Celsius).

In summary, Heliogen has manufactured a solar oven that can reach temperatures that are about a quarter of what you would find on the surface of the sun.

In terms of sustainable energy, this means that concentrated solar energy can generate the heat required to produce steel, glass, cement, and other material. This process could help take the place of fossil fuels and large carbon emissions in these industries. [1]

We are rolling out technology that can beat the price of fossil fuels and also not make the CO2 emissions,” Bill Gross, Heliogen’s founder, and CEO. “And that’s really the holy grail.

Bill Gates isn’t the only billionaire backing Heliogen; Los Angeles Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong also supports this startup. He believes that the patented technology will be able to reduce greenhouse gases for these industries. Take cement, for example; according to the International Energy Agency, it accounts for seven percent of global carbon dioxide emissions.

Bill and the team have truly now harnessed the sun,” said Soon-Shiong, who also sits on the Heliogen board. “The potential to humankind is enormous. … The potential to business is unfathomable.

A New Kind of Solar Power

While traditional solar uses panels on rooftops to capture the sun’s energy, Heliogen is creating what they call concentrated solar power using mirrors to reflect the sun.

Concentrated solar power isn’t a new creation; it has been used previously to make electricity, and sometimes heat for manufacturers. It’s used in Oman to generate power for drilling for oil. However, this kind of concentrated solar power couldn’t support temperatures hot enough to produce steel and cement.

You’ve ended up with technologies that can’t really deliver super-heated systems,” said Olav Junttila, partner at Greentech Capital Advisors — a clean energy investment bank that has aided concentrated solar companies previously.

Heliogen improved the concentrated solar power method since then using their mirror system, but there is another large component of their process.

Artificial Intelligence Fighting Climate Change

The world is always in need of materials like cement and steel. For example, cement is needed to build anything from homes to schools to hospitals. However, these industries produce over one-fifth of global emissions without much growth into renewable energy sources — until now. This is why this startup has caught the attention of the co-founder of Microsoft (MSFT) and one of the world’s richest people, Bill Gates.  (Cause BILL LOVES NUMBERS, especially the ones with the dollar sign before them.)

Today, industrial processes like those used to make cement, steel, and other materials are responsible for more than a fifth of all emissions,” said Gates. “These materials are everywhere in our lives but we don’t have any proven breakthroughs that will give us affordable, zero-carbon versions of them. If we’re going to get to zero carbon emissions overall, we have a lot of inventing to do.

I’m pleased to have been an early backer of Bill Gross’s novel solar concentration technology. Its capacity to achieve the high temperatures required for these processes is a promising development in the quest to one day replace fossil fuel.” [2]

This is where the other component of this concentrated solar system comes in: artificial intelligence.

Instead of doing what other concentrated solar systems do — padding the technology with steel to make it stiffer — Heliogen optimizes computer vision software, automatic edge detection, and other kinds of precise technology to cause the field of mirrors to reflect sun rays to a more pinpointed area.

If you take a thousand mirrors and have them align exactly to a single point, you can achieve extremely, extremely high temperatures,” Gross said. He added that Heliogen made its breakthrough on the very first day the plant was turned on.

Heliogen claims to be generating so much heat, this technology can one day be used to produce clean hydrogen at scale. Carbon-free hydrogen can be the future fuel for vehicles like airplanes and trucks.

If you can make hydrogen that’s green, that’s a gamechanger,” Gross said. “Long term, we want to be the green hydrogen company.” [3]

Until then, the company is focusing on its innovative solar energy production.

Read: Scientists Create Liquid Fuel That Can Store The Sun’s Energy For Up to 18 Years

An Existential Issue

Solar energy has its obvious limitation; namely, it cannot be harnessed when the sun isn’t shining, yet industries need constant heat to manufacture their materials. Heliogen stated they would create storage systems to rely on during these time periods, quite literally “saving it for a rainy day.”

For now, Heliogen is demonstrating this technology for large-scale applications, such as using it in large industries like cement. After this application, Heliogen would most probably be ready to go public.

We’re in a race. We just want to scale as fast as possible,” Gross said.

All of this requires funding, and Soon-Shiong plans to invest more in the company. Heliogen hasn’t publicized how much money they have raised so far.

This is an existential issue for your children, for my children and our grandchildren,” said Soon-Shiong.

The biggest issue Heliogen has yet to face is persuading companies to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy and making the large financial investment involved. Heliogen has been talking to potential customers behind the scenes and will hopefully reveal the first customer soon.

If we go to a cement company and say we’ll give you green heat, no CO2, but we’ll also save you money, then it becomes a no-brainer,” Gross said on CNN Business[4]


Secretive energy startup backed by Bill Gates achieves solar breakthrough

Updated 11:04 AM EST, Tue November 19, 2019

This energy startup has made a solar breakthrough
New York CNN Business —  

A secretive startup backed by Bill Gates has achieved a solar breakthrough aimed at saving the planet.

Heliogen, a clean energy company that emerged from stealth mode on Tuesday, said it has discovered a way to use artificial intelligence and a field of mirrors to reflect so much sunlight that it generates extreme heat above 1,000 degrees Celsius.

Essentially, Heliogen created a solar oven — one capable of reaching temperatures that are roughly a quarter of what you’d find on the surface of the sun.

The breakthrough means that, for the first time, concentrated solar energy can be used to create the extreme heat required to make cement, steel, glass and other industrial processes. In other words, carbon-free sunlight can replace fossil fuels in a heavy carbon-emitting corner of the economy that has been untouched by the clean energy revolution.

“We are rolling out technology that can beat the price of fossil fuels and also not make the CO2 emissions,” Bill Gross, Heliogen’s founder and CEO, told CNN Business. “And that’s really the holy grail.”

Heliogen, which is also backed by billionaire Los Angeles Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, believes the patented technology will be able to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industry. Cement, for example, accounts for 7% of global CO2 emissions, according to the International Energy Agency.

Bill and the team have truly now harnessed the sun,” Soon-Shiong, who also sits on the Heliogen board, told CNN Business. “The potential to humankind is enormous. … The potential to business is unfathomable.

Heliogen, backed by Bill Gates, has achieved a breakthrough that could allow cement makers to transition away from fossil fuels. The company uses artifical intelligence and an array of mirrors to create vast amounts of heat, essentially harnessing the power of the sun.
Heliogen, backed by Bill Gates, has achieved a breakthrough that could allow cement makers to transition away from fossil fuels. The company uses artifical intelligence and an array of mirrors to create vast amounts of heat, essentially harnessing the power of the sun.

Unlike traditional solar power, which uses rooftop panels to capture the energy from the sun, Heliogen is improving on what’s known as concentrated solar power. This technology, which uses mirrors to reflect the sun to a single point, is not new.

Concentrated solar has been used in the past to produce electricity and, in some limited fashion, to create heat for industry. It’s even used in Oman to provide the power needed to drill for oil.

The problem is that in the past concentrated solar couldn’t get temperatures hot enough to make cement and steel.

“You’ve ended up with technologies that can’t really deliver super-heated systems,” said Olav Junttila, a partner at Greentech Capital Advisors, a clean energy investment bank that has advised concentrated solar companies in the past.

Using artificial intelligence to solve the climate crisis

That means renewable energy has not yet disrupted industrial processes such as cement and steelmaking. And that’s a problem because the world has an insatiable appetite for those materials. Cement, for instance, is used to make the concrete required to build homes, hospitals and schools. These industries are responsible for more than a fifth of global emissions, according to the EPA.

That’s why the potential of Los Angeles-based Heliogen attracted investment from Gates, the Microsoft (MSFT) co-founder who recently surpassed Amazon (AMZN) CEO Jeff Bezos as the world’s richest person.

“I’m pleased to have been an early backer of Bill Gross’s novel solar concentration technology,” Gates said in a statement. “Its capacity to achieve the high temperatures required for these processes is a promising development in the quest to one day replace fossil fuel.”

Heliogen, founded by Bill Gross, must convince industrial companies it's worth the investment to switch over to its solar technology.
Heliogen, founded by Bill Gross, must convince industrial companies it’s worth the investment to switch over to its solar technology.

While other concentrated solar companies attacked this temperature problem by adding steel to make the technology stiffer and sturdier, Heliogen and its team of scientists and engineers turned to artificial intelligence.

Heliogen uses computer vision software, automatic edge detection and other sophisticated technology to train a field of mirrors to reflect solar beams to one single spot.

“If you take a thousand mirrors and have them align exactly to a single point, you can achieve extremely, extremely high temperatures,” Gross said, who added that Heliogen made its breakthrough on the first day it turned its plant on.

Heliogen said it is generating so much heat that its technology could eventually be used to create clean hydrogen at scale. That carbon-free hydrogen could then be turned into a fuel for trucks and airplanes.

“If you can make hydrogen that’s green, that’s a gamechanger,” said Gross. “Long term, we want to be the green hydrogen company.”


For now, Heliogen is squarely focused on solar. One problem with solar is that the sun doesn’t always shine, yet industrial companies like cement makers have a constant need for heat. Heliogen said it would solve that issue by relying on storage systems that can hold the solar energy for rainy days.

Now that it has made this breakthrough, Heliogen will focus on demonstrating how the technology can be used in a large-scale application, such as making cement.

We’re in a race. We just want to scale as fast as possible,” said Gross.

After the large-scale application, Soon-Shiong said Heliogen would likely be ready to go public.

In the meantime, Heliogen will require a healthy dose of capital to scale and it’s working with investors on a private round of funding. Soon-Shiong signaled he plans to invest more in Heliogen. Heliogen declined to provide information on how much money it has raised so far.

“This is an existential issue for your children, for my children and our grandchildren,” Soon-Shiong said.

Heliogen’s biggest challenge will be convincing industrial companies using fossil fuels to make the investment required to switch over. Gross said the company has been talking to potential customers privately and plans to soon announce its first customers.

“If we go to a cement company and say we’ll give you green heat, no CO2, but we’ll also save you money, then it becomes a no-brainer,” said Gross.

Its biggest selling point is the fact that, unlike fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas, sunlight is free. And Heliogen argues its technology is already economical against fossil fuels because of its reliance on AI.

“The only way to compete is to be extremely clever in how you use your materials. And by using software, we’re able to do that,” Gross said.













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China’s Artificial SUN, CERN, ITER and Time Travel
First published at 07:24 UTC on December 1st, 2019.

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First published at 16:30 UTC on December 1st, 2019.


China has unveiled the world’s first “artificial sun” which is capable of reaching 100 million degrees celsius – a staggering six times hotter than our own Sun.

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First published at 00:55 UTC on January 13th, 2020.


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First published at 08:40 UTC on October 3rd, 2020.


⭐MUSIC: Crix & Maverick Soul – Like Water


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ESA’s Next Space Mission Will Create An Artificial Solar eclipse

Following the successful launch of the Solar Orbiter, the European Space Agency (ESA) unveiled the details of its next mission that will study the Sun. According to the agency, its upcoming mission will fly in formation to create an artificial solar eclipse.

The future mission is known as Proba-3. It consists of two satellites that will be launched sometime in mid-2022.

Once the satellites have been deployed in Earth orbit, the two will position themselves at less than 150 meters apart. The two satellites must maintain this formation for a certain period of time during the duration of the observation process.

The Proba-3 satellites will then line up in between the Earth and the Sun to cast an artificial solar eclipse for about six hours. According to the ESA, blocking out the solar disc would allow the agency’s scientist to get a clear and sustained view of the Sun.

According to the system’s engineer Damien Galano, the mission requires a high level of accuracy.

“To achieve this, the satellite pair must achieve an unprecedented precision of flight control,” he said in a statement. “They must align along an average distance of 144 m apart, maintained to an accuracy of a few millimeters.”

The main objective of the mission is to study the Sun’s atmosphere, which is known as the corona. Extending millions of kilometers from the massive star’s surface, the corona is the main source of solar events that threaten Earth. Some of these solar threats include solar winds and coronal mass ejections, which are known to disrupt electricity, satellite communication and GPS navigation.

As explained by the ESA, creating an artificial solar eclipse would allow scientists a rare opportunity to directly study the corona. Doing so would provide valuable information regarding the nature of solar magnetic eruptions and how they evolve as they leave the surface of the Sun.

“Up until now, the best way to see the corona is briefly during a solar eclipse on Earth, or else using a ‘coronagraph’ instrument incorporating one or more blocking—or ‘occulting’ – discs to blot out the Sun’s disc,” Andrei Zhukov, a principal investigator for Proba-3 explained.

Proba-3Due to launch together in 2020, the two satellites making up Proba-3 will fly in precise formation to form an external coronagraph in space, one satellite eclipsing the Sun to allow the second to study the otherwise invisible solar corona. Photo: ESA


China Just Turned On Its Artificial Sun

It’s go time for the Far East’s most formidable fusion reactor.

industry, factory, pumping station, engineering, naval architecture, steel, machine, metal,
  • China has switched on its HL-2M EAST tokamak for its first planned full-strength fusion.
  • EAST, an “artificial sun,” is global peers with ITER and hopes to reach some of the same milestones.
  • No tokamak reactor (or fusion reactor, period) has yet reached net productive energy.

China has switched on its record-setting “artificial sun” tokamak, state media reported today. This begins a timeline China hopes will be similar to the one planned by the global International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project.

☢️ You love nuclear. So do we. Let’s nerd out over nuclear together.

The HL-2M tokamak has been iterated since 2006, but today’s switch-on represents the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) team’s road to true fusion ignition after years of planning and work.

In 2018, EAST made news when the tokamak reached 180 million degrees. In 2019, EAST pushed the boat out further and announced plans to double that temperature in 2020—reaching the tokamak’s prime operating temperature of 360 million degrees. This hasn’t happened yet, but there’s still time in 2020, and COVID-19 has affected all the world’s scientific progress this year. If the EAST team is a few months late, we’ll still count that as a win.

This content is imported from {embed-name}. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Like many of the world’s tokamak experiments, EAST has reached fusion before. As a refresher, inside the donut-shaped (or, sometimes, more spherical) containment of a tokamak, sun-hot plasma swirls in a circle that’s held in place by supercooled electromagnets.

This magnetic field is the only thing floating between 360-million-degree plasma and a bunch of human-made materials that obviously can’t sustain that temperature. The plasma results from smashing different nuclei together, fusing them rather than splitting them.

When EAST was built in 2006, the team’s researchers began an escalating series of experiments. Part of this is simple proof of concept, because the temperatures inside tokamaks are almost unprecedented on Earth, period—at least on the surface during the Anthropocene.

As temperatures climb, the magnetic containment must also increase, and this has been a key point of failure (or at least “challenge”) for these reactors. Pushing each experimental run a little bit hotter and bigger has let researchers continue to shore up the external parts.

This means the outside chambers of these tokamak reactors are usually cryogenically cooled masterpieces in their own right, able to withstand conditions that would buckle almost anything else in the world. And even with the best minds in the world working on this idea for decades, scientists still haven’t made productive plasma.

EAST reached plasma for 10 seconds in 2018, which is a major milestone. But it’s just the very, very beginning . . . of the beginning.

china's artificial sun nuclear fusion reactor

Now that EAST has switched on for what its makers say is the real deal, the project has a lot to prove. It costs a huge amount of energy input to bring a tokamak reactor’s entire assembly up to speed. If a fusion reactor can’t easily outpace that input, it will never produce power, let alone the dream of virtually limitless power that fusion proponents have sold for decades.

ITER and EAST work closely together, and China is part of the groundbreaking ITER collaboration in addition to its own fusion projects. Is that cooperation worth tens of billions of dollars before the first megawatt of power is ever produced?

We’ll find out very soon—or at least in five years. Okay, 10 tops.



China’s ‘artificial sun’ Reactor
First published at 00:46 UTC on December 16th, 2020.
6 months, 3 weeks ago


Korean artificial sun sets the new world record of 20-sec-long operation at 100 million degrees

The Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR), a superconducting fusion device also known as the Korean artificial sun, set the new world record as it succeeded in maintaining the high temperature plasma for 20 seconds with an ion temperature over 100 million degrees (Celsius).

On November 24 (Tuesday), the KSTAR Research Center at the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) announced that in a joint research with the Seoul National University (SNU) and Columbia University of the United States, it succeeded in continuous operation of  for 20 seconds with an ion- higher than 100 million degrees, which is one of the core conditions of nuclear fusion in the 2020 KSTAR Plasma Campaign.

The KSTAR began operating the device last August and plans to continue its plasma generation experiment until December 10, conducting a total of 110 plasma experiments that include high-performance plasma operation and plasma disruption mitigation experiments, which are joint research experiments with domestic and overseas research organizations.

In addition to the success in high temperature plasma operation, the KSTAR Research Center conducts experiments on a variety of topics, including ITER researches, designed to solve complex problems in fusion research during the remainder of the experiment period.

The KSTAR is going to share its key experiment outcomes in 2020 including this success with fusion researchers across the world in the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference which will be held in May.

The final goal of the KSTAR is to succeed in a continuous operation of 300 seconds with an ion temperature higher than 100 million degrees by 2025.

KFE President Suk Jae Yoo stated, “I am so glad to announce the new launch of the KFE as an independent research organization of Korea. The KFE will continue its tradition of under-taking challenging researches to achieve the goal of mankind: the realization of nuclear  energy,” he continued.

As of November 20, 2020, the KFE, formerly the National Fusion Research Institute, an affiliated organization of the Korea Basic Science Institute, was re-launched as an independent research organization.


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posted now JAUNUARY10,2021.   5 months, 1 week ago


First published at 03:36 UTC on February 6th, 2021.
Richie from Boston

Original video is here Press down on video and menu pops up, choose download to save it.
Laboratory sun simulator
Solar simulator
Jesus Christ Loves You. No matter who you are or what you have done in your life. Jesus will forgive you. Jesus was crucified on The Cross and rose from the dead 3 days later so that whoever believes in him could have eternal life with him in Heaven. To accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, from your heart say Jesus, I am a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. I accept you Jesus Christ as My Lord and Saviour. Help me to live a better life through you. Thank You for your Sacrifice on The Cross so that I could be saved. Amen 5 months ago


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Proof of Artificial Sun February 22 2021 Faa Weather Cam ester dome Southwest Camera
Artificial Sun is used to hide what is going on with our real sun, when artificial sun is obstructed by a small pole or a thin object, it disappears and The real sun doesn’t disappear behind small objects often times our real sun is eclipsed by other planets and The artificial sun keeps us from seeing them!!! You can research this yourself here
The Final Days Youtube Channel is excellent to learn more about things in the sky being hidden from us
and Universal News Media YouTube Channel
Jesus Christ Loves You. No matter who you are or what you have done in your life. Jesus will forgive you. Jesus was crucified on The Cross and rose from the dead 3 days later so that whoever believes in him could have eternal life with him in Heaven. To accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, from your heart say Jesus, I am a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. I accept you Jesus Christ as My Lord and Saviour. Help me to live a better life through you. Thank You for your Sacrifice on The Cross so that I could be saved. Amen     4 months, 2 weeks ago


With interests in science and nature, I explores topics from a unique and sometimes controversial perspective.

Is there another sun in our solar system, a death star called Nemesis that could one day destroy the Earth?

Is there another sun in our solar system, a death star called Nemesis that could one day destroy the Earth?

The Nemesis Theory

Nemesis is a theoretical second sun in our solar system, a dwarf star named after the Greek goddess of vengeance. In the English vocabulary, the word nemesis has come to mean downfall or ruin, and surely nothing good can result from a celestial body bearing this moniker. According to one theory, Nemesis will indeed bring about our ruin one day by setting in motion an extinction event that will wipe us off the face of the Earth.

Proponents of the Nemesis theory say it has happened before. In fact, every twenty-six million years the Earth has a little problem. Some horrible and mysterious catastrophe brings about mass extinction, destroying a large percentage of life on the planet and altering the balance of nature.


One Sun is NOT Enough—This NASA Patent Describes The …

The REAL sun is also visible in the background, and usually has much smaller proportions than the artificial one. The entire concept is based on the schematics from this NASA patent: the real sun powering this huge reflector in the sky from behind, allowing the sunlight to be reflected through it.
video image 20215:44
First published at 10:57 UTC on February 27th, 2021.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.  4 months, 1 week ago





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Artificial Sunlight (Urban Sun) Can Reduce ‘Coronavirus’ 🙄
First published at 00:53 UTC on March 10th, 2021.

I mirrored this video from ‘TruthVideos1984’ here –

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. ✡️” -Revelation 2:9

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan ✡️, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” -Revelation 3:9

☣️ ☢️

Beware of the devil offering free gifts…

“Wherein the King granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would assault them, both little ones and women, and to take the spoil of them for their prey.” -Esther 8:11

“Study to show thyself approved unto God.” -2 Timothy 2:15

Contact me here –

The Freedom Ministry on GoyimTV here –  4 months ago


Chinese ‘artificial sun’ hits new mark in fusion energy mission

  • Facility in country’s east maintains extreme temperatures for five times longer than its previous benchmark
  • Similar endeavours are under way in the United States, Europe, Russia, South Korea
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak in Hefei has set a new benchmark. Photo: Xinhua
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak in Hefei has set a new benchmark. Photo: Xinhua

China has reached another milestone in its quest for a fusion reactor, with one of its “artificial suns” sustaining extreme temperatures for several times longer that its previous benchmark, according to state media.

State news agency Xinhua reported that the

Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak

 (EAST) in a facility in the eastern city of Hefei registered a plasma temperature of 120 million degrees Celsius for 101 seconds on Friday.

It also maintained a temperature of 160 million degrees Celsius for 20 seconds, the report said.

Last year, EAST achieved a plasma temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius for 20 seconds.

Friday’s experiment means Chinese scientists have sustained the extreme high temperature for five times longer.
China’s another “artificial sun” project in Chengdu, the HL-2M Tokamak apparatus

, operated at 150 million degrees Celsius for up to 10 seconds in an experiment late last year.

Similar endeavours are under way in the United States, Europe, Russia, South Korea. China is also among 35 countries involved in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) megaproject in France.

Direct comparison of the experiments in different countries is difficult as the devices are designed differently.


This next video is in Spanish, but don’t let that stop you from viewing it.  Turn off the sound if you like, the images are fantastic!


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China Turns On Artificial Sun at 120 Million Degrees For 101 Seconds, New World Record   1 month ago


Isaiah 13:10
Verse Concepts
For the stars of heaven and their constellations
Will not flash forth their light;
The sun will be dark when it rises
And the moon will not shed its light.

Job 9:7
Verse Concepts
Who commands the sun not to shine,
And sets a seal upon the stars;

Job 3:9
Verse Concepts
“Let the stars of its twilight be darkened;
Let it wait for light but have none,
And let it not see the breaking dawn;

Joel 2:10
Verse Concepts
Before them the earth quakes,
The heavens tremble,
The sun and the moon grow dark
And the stars lose their brightness.

Amos 8:9
Verse Concepts
“It will come about in that day,” declares the Lord God,
“That I will make the sun go down at noon
And make the earth dark in broad daylight.

Ecclesiastes 12:2
Verse Concepts
before the sun and the light, the moon and the stars are darkened, and clouds return after the rain;

Ezekiel 32:7
Verse Concepts
“And when I extinguish you,
I will cover the heavens and darken their stars;
I will cover the sun with a cloud
And the moon will not give its light.

Joel 3:15
Verse Concepts
The sun and moon grow dark
And the stars lose their brightness.

Matthew 24:29
Verse Concepts
“But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Mark 13:24
Verse Concepts
“But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light,

Joel 2:31
Verse Concepts
“The sun will be turned into darkness
And the moon into blood
Before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.

Acts 2:20
Verse Concepts
‘The sun will be turned into darkness
And the moon into blood,
Before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come.

Revelation 6:12
Verse Concepts
I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood;

Luke 23:45
Verse Concepts
because the sun was obscured; and the veil of the temple was torn in two.

Ezekiel 32:8
Verse Concepts
“All the shining lights in the heavens
I will darken over you
And will set darkness on your land,”
Declares the Lord God.

Luke 21:25
Verse Concepts
“There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves,


Matthew 24 and Mark 13

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

