School leaders have warned that AI poses a “real and present” danger to education, leaving teachers “bewildered” by the pace of change.

And they have cast doubt on the ability and willingness of both governments and technology companies to regulate the technology effectively to protect the interests and well-being of students.

Developments in artificial intelligence have gripped the public imagination since Open AI released ChatGPT in December last year, but there is growing disquiet at the potential impact on education.

Now a group of school leaders in the U.K. has outlined their fears in a letter published in today’s London Times.

The letter warns of the “very real and present hazards and dangers” presented by AI, alongside the potential to benefit students and staff.

And while much attention has focused on the risk of students using AI to cheat in coursework and assessment, there are also concerns about the impact on children’s mental health as well as on the teaching profession.

The school leaders, led by Sir Anthony Seldon, the head of Epsom College and biographer of former prime ministers Boris Johnson and Tony Blair, also announced the creation of an advisory body to help teachers navigate developments in AI.

Schools are bewildered by the very fast rate of change in AI and seek secure guidance on the best way forward, but whose advice can we trust?,” the letter said.

We have no confidence that the large digital companies will be capable of regulating themselves in the interests of students, staff and schools and in the past the government has not shown itself capable or willing to do so.”