This is a collection of articles, videos, and maps compiled to provide you with sufficient information to understand the TRUTH about AGENDA 21/AGENDA 2030/AGENDA 2050/THE REWILDING.
This article is not meant to bring fear but to educate and inform. At the end of this article, you will find information on things you can do to help turn things around. Be sure and check it out. You can make a huge difference!
I challenge you to clear your mind of all your current beliefs about this topic, review all the information provided here and use your analytical abilities to sort through it. I pray that GOD will lead you to the TRUTH by the power of HIS spirit. May GOD HELP US ALL!
Today we take a look at several Old Testament Scriptures revealing how God deals with people. Even though many prophecies were unique or specific for the nation of Israel, there are principles that we can learn and patterns of behavior we can avoid. We discuss idolatry in America, spiritual warfare including witches casting spells on President Trump, as well as the dangers of government spying on private citizens and its ability to hack any of our technological devices.
Carl Gallups discusses implications in his new book “When the Lion Roars”
Listen to the recording:
Audio PlayerProphecy expert and best-selling author Carl Gallups returns to SkyWatch TV to discuss some of the shocking implications in his new research. The return of Israel. Increased turmoil in the Middle East. The rise of ISIS. China and Russia’s presence in the Fertile Crescent. The exponentially increasing technological explosion. The “Trojan horse …
This is a very informative article. I recommend you visit the site and review it. What you see below are only excerpts.
The Final Wake Up Call: Agenda 21 converted into 2030
Despite many private initiatives by bloggers,independent journalists, truth seekers, revolutionaries, and alternative news sources that for many years are warning about dangers, the discrepancies, the out of control top-down financial and governmental corruption, all engineered by lies, and deception, the suffering of millions of people as result of the unnecessary austerity measures, culminating in today’s deliberately created economic crisis, etc. Too many people still are unworried and ignorant to see these warning signs. – If action is not taken NOW; we the people that live today are responsible for allowing the killing off of the human species in the billions, by not being alert and incompetent to undertake a significant proper engagement to stop this agenda.
Illuminati and the Agenda: AGENDA 2030
The Illuminati’s final objective is to obtain the planet for them, and being served by maximal 500 million people that are left alive to act as their serfs, the rest of the existing populace will be exterminated.
By recognizing what already is part of our daily live, you will be impressed how far they have succeeded.
- The creation of racism offenses
- Continual change to create confusion
- The undermining of schools and teachers’ authority
- The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
- Huge immigration to destroy national identity
- The promotion of excessive drinking
- The promotion of drugs abuse
- Emptying of churches – undermining any form of social cohesion
- Legal system with bias against victims of crime
- Dependency on the government or government benefits – and erasing these as is happening now
- Control and dumbing down of the media
- Encouraging the breaking down of the family
- Termination of national sovereignty
- State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forest, mountains, oceans, and fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring ‘equality’ – equal enslavement
- State define the role of business and financial resources
- Abolition of private property – as it is not ‘sustainable’
- ‘Restructuring’ the family unit
- Children raised by the State
- Telling people what their job will be and where to live
- Major restrictions on movements
- Creation of ‘human settlement zones’
- Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate their land; homes, where they currently live
- Dumbing down education – achieved
- Mass global depopulation in pursuit of the above.
Friday, September 04, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: 2030 Agenda, United Nations, global enslavement
Total enslavement of the planet by 2030
As the UN document says, “We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030.”
If you read the full document and can read beyond the fluffery and public relations phrases, you’ll quickly realize that this UN agenda is going to be forced upon all the citizens of the world through the invocation of government coercion. Nowhere does this document state that the rights of the individual will be protected. Nor does it even acknowledge the existence of human rights granted to individuals by the Creator. Even the so-called “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” utterly denies individuals the right to self defense, the right to medical choice and the right to parental control over their own children.
The UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme “sustainable development” and “equality.”
1984 has finally arrived. And of course it’s all being rolled out under the fraudulent label of “progress.”
Any of you brainwashed idiots who think this is a good thing and necessary for continued life on earth, you need to make use of the brain God gave you and do some serious research. This is not going to be the fairyland Utopia that you are being lead to believe. This is going to be more like life in Communist China on steroids! Why don’t you start by looking deeply into what is going on in China today? Seriously, when I hear people regurgitate the BS that they have been fed I just want to shake them! WAKE UP! Use your brain and really analytically review all the data that is out there. But, first, get right with GOD. You are more than likely under demonic influence, and that is why you cannot see the TRUTH.
NEW Enslavement of the Working Class (7)- Paul C. Roberts, Herland Report
Biosludged Full Documentary Movie
Published on Nov 30, 2018
Published on Oct 1, 2011
Thursday, Feb 25th 2021 12PM 61°F 3PM 60°F 5-Day Forecast
Nutrition experts have found a cheap way to help save the environment and solve the food shortage crisis.
They have found an abundant supply of food rich in calcium and protein, while low in fat.
But the squeamish might want to look away now – because the food source is insects.
Dinner’s up! A boy holds a bag of locusts, insects which could soon be used as an alternative source of protein
The European Union thinks creepy crawlies should start appearing on menus after experts in Brussels recommended that bugs could be a vital source of nutrition, The Sunday Times newspaper reported.
So scorpion soup and cricket casserole could soon be options, as the European Commission has now offered £2.65million into a project to promote eating insects.
They have also ordered the UK Food Standards Agency to investigate and potentially look at ways to make entomophagy – the eating of insects – a more popular choice.
One study found that grasshoppers offer 20 per cent protein with a tiny six per cent fat, compared to lean ground beef’s 24 per cent protein and 18 per cent fat.
Open wide: I’m A Celebrity… contestant Nicola McLean eats insects in a Bushtucker Trial
The research institute that offers the best proposal for investigating ‘insects as novel sources of proteins’ will be awarded the money by the commission.
They will have to research quality and safety, potential allergies and what sort of proteins the insects offer.
Professor Marcel Dicke, leading a team at Wageningen University, in Holland, is applying for the grant.
He told the Sunday Times: ‘By 2020 you will be buying insects in supermarkets.
‘We have already seen the introduction of eggplants, sushi, things people never ate here. I think it will start with ground-up insects in sauces and burgers.’
Snacking on silkworm moth larvae or adding blitzed bees to sauces could offer a much-needed solution to soaring costs of red meat.
More traditional sources of protein – such as beef – are not sufficient enough to feed the world’s rapidly growing population and are costly to feed, so their prices are soaring.
Alternatively insects emit fewer greenhouse gases than cattle, require less feed and are viewed as more environmentally friendly.
The Sunday Times reported that supporters claim that insects provide a minimum of 200kg of biomass – energy from biological material – because there is such a plentiful supply of them.
After television series including I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! in which contestants have to eat unappetising meals of different insects in ‘bushtucker trials’ there has been a swell of interest in eating insects.
Selfridges and Fortnum and Mason started stocking the insects to cater for the -as yet – niche taste.
Can Celebrities (and Celebrity Chefs) Help Us Overcome The Insect “Ick” Factor?
We all know that we should be eating insects. After all, bugs are a dietary staple for billions of people around the globe, and they have a significantly lower environmental footprint than meat. But Americans are still having a tricky time getting over the “ick” factor that comes with munching on crawling critters.
The concept is popular in theory. According to Meticulous Research, the global insects market is expected to be valued at almost $1.2 billion by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 23.8% from 2018. This increase is mainly due to a ballooning population, waning food resources, and a high demand for protein.
All logical arguments aside, a lot of people are still pretty grossed out when it comes to eating bugs. But some influencers — chefs, celebrities, and celebrity chefs — are trying to change that.
“Eating insects is intellectually popular right now, and it’s a great conversation piece,” said Meeru Dhalwala, chef at Vancouver restaurant Vij. “But more chefs need to experiment with insects.”
Some are certainly trying. Rene Redzepi of Noma fame has been known to make liberal use of ants on his menus. Alex Atala, who was on Season 2 of Netflix’s Chef’s Table, uses Amazonian insects on his menus. In the commercial sphere, Bitty Foodsdeveloped cricket flour cookies in tandem with celebrity chef (and smart kitchen enthusiast) Tyler Florence. Cricket protein bar company Exo, who just got acquired byAspire Food Group, partnered with chef Kyle Connaughton to develop their creations.
Celebrities are pushing the insect diet, too. Salma Hayek posted a video of herself sampling crickets on Instagram, and has been eating ants and grasshoppers since she was a child. Angelina Jolie cooked up a feast of tarantulas and scorpions in Cambodia for a video on BBC News. Questlove has shared a video of himself eating a cricket-topped salad. And most recently, Nicole Kidman caused ripples across the internet by eating a four-course meal of “micro-livestock” — also known as bugs — for Vanity Fair’s Secret Talent Theatre.
As she works her way through plate after plate of mealworms, hornworms, crickets, and grasshoppers, she points out that 2 billion people around the world eat bugs. “And I’m one of them,” she said.
Kidman genuinely seems to be eating the insects, and even enjoying them. She basically swoons when she opens up her serving platter to revel fried grasshoppers. “These are amazing,” she gushes. “I’d recommend them.”
I’d be curious to see if her performance — or other celebrity’s vocal support for bug consumption — translates to an uptick in ecommerce purchases of insects and insect products.
Personally, I think that insects could find their entrance into the mainstream through the health and exercise food market. Crickets, for example, are 65% protein(compared to beef’s 50%), packed with vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3 fatty acids, and are very low in fat. And when they’re roasted and milled into flour, crickets can be added to a myriad of dishes in a relatively under-the-radar way. A survey by PureGym in the U.K found that 35% of gym-goers were willing to try edible insects. I could see them being used in powdered drink supplements and expanding their presence in the energy bar sector.
As high-protein, low-carb diets grow in popularity, crickets (and other insects) may have found their time to shine. As long as people can channel their inner Nicole Kidman and get over the “ick” factor, first.
Angelina Jolie, Zac Efron and Justin Timberlake eat bugs, and so do 2 billion others – which celebrities munch crickets, spiders and locusts for health and protein?
Insects are a regular staple to more than 2 billion people across Asia, Africa, South and Central America, and are a good source of protein – and now even the A-listers eat them
Eat up your bugs, kids, or no ice cream – Angelina Jolie taught her kids how to love crickets and spiders. Photo: YouTube
What do
, Zac Efron and Justin Timberlake have in common? They love eating bugs. Hardly surprising, as insects are regular staples to more than two billion people worldwide in vasts areas across as Asia, Africa, South and Central America – and
. But which other A-list celebrities are fond of these creepy critters?
spacerAngelina and kidsFancy going to the Jolie household for dinner? Angelina Jolie
love eating insects and spiders and have been doing so for years. Angelina says that her boys love to eat crickets. And she told the BBC while making a docu-film in Cambodia in 2011 that after starting with crickets you then move up to tarantulas. Bugs are part of their regular household diet. She says that Maddox and Pax eat crickets like they are Doritos.
How Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman tackle mental health issues on screen3 Jan 2020
Nicole KidmanAnother frequent bug eater is actress Nicole Kidman who says she is one of the two billion people in the world that eats them. In Vanity Fair’s Secret Talent Theatre Kidman eats a four-course bug meal and is definitely not grossed out by it. She starts off with hornworms which she says taste chewy and moist. She also tries mealworms which she says taste fruity. Crickets she describes as “awesome” and she also recommends fried grasshopper.
View this post on InstagramZac Efron
In a new travel documentary Down to Earth showing on Netflix this July, High School Musical actor Zac Efron travels the world to discover “new perspectives on some very old problems” and the star is seen eating bugs in some episodes.
When he’s not playing serial killers, Zac Efron is vegan and off the grid24 Jun 2020But he is no stranger to eating creepy critters. In 2010 when he had mentioned he liked eating exotic food, he was put to the test on the George Lopez show when offered scorpion on toast. Efron said it was “really good” but admitted that Taiwanese crickets tasted better. The worst? A super worm cocktail served in a martini glass.
Justin Timberlake can’t stop the feeling for some ants in black garlic and rose oil. Photo: Sony Music Entertainment Hong KongJustin Timberlake
For the release of his album “Man of the Woods” in January 2018, Justin Timberlake’s exclusive launch party in New York City included menu items of ants coated in black garlic and rose oil and grasshoppers, made by one of the world’s best restaurants, Copenhagen’s Noma.
Shailene Woodley likes nothing more than some clay and bone in her broth. Photo: Courtesy of STXfilmsShailene Woodley
Shailene Woodley, famous for her roles in Big Little Lies, Divergent and Adrift, revealed in 2015 that she is a big fan of eating bugs and believes it is the future of food and the planet. Known for her inclusion of clay and bone broth in her diet, she has also tried and liked a few insects like ants and June bugs.
Going vegan: first steps – and why more of us are making the switch11 Jun 2020Salma Hayek loves fried ants with a little guacamole. Photo: EPA-EFESalma Hayek
Salma Hayek once told David Letterman that insects has been part of her diet since she was a child. She says that fried ants are amazing with a little guacamole and grasshoppers have a smoky flavour to them. The Mexican-American-Lebanese actress also likes locusts and crickets and says that fried insects are a traditional aperitif in Mexico.
This article is great all about sustainable meat.
People put fart bags on cows in order to keep from putting methane in the air to reduce the cows carbon footprint.
Published on Sep 26, 2016
The Home of BBC Science Focus Magazine
The artificial meat factory – the science of your synthetic supper
In 2013 the first lab-grown burger was served up, so where are our synthetic steaks now? We look at the cultured meat market and the race to mass-produce in-vitro meat.
But since then the cost of producing this high-tech meat has plummeted. In January 2016, a company called Memphis Meats produced a ‘cultured meatball’ for around $1,000, and today start-ups and non-profit organisations are working on other lab-grown animal products including pork, chicken, turkey, fish, milk, egg whites, gelatin, and even leather.
Dr Mark Post, the Dutch scientist who created the $300,000 burger, believes it would be possible to make improved versions of the patties for around $10 each if his technology could be scaled up to the level of an industrial food process.
Dutch scientist Dr Mark Post with his lab-grown burger © Simon Dawson/Bloomberg via Getty ImagesSo how long will we have to wait until we’re able to buy artificial meat like sausages and steaks in our supermarkets? Will they taste like the real thing, and will anyone actually buy them?
Cultured meat
Lab-grown meat comes in many other names; cultured meat, in vitro meat, synthetic meat, and is made by growing muscle cells in a nutrient serum and encouraging them into muscle-like fibres. Simpler animal products, such as artificial milk or hen-free egg whites, can be created by yeast that has been genetically altered to produce the proteins found in milk or eggs, which are then extracted and blended in the right amounts.
In fact, using ‘cellular agriculture’, there’s no reason why scientists couldn’t grow artificial meat with characteristics from a combination of animals, or enhance lab-grown meat with healthier fats, vitamins or vaccines. We could even taste the flesh of rare animals that nobody would dream of slaughtering for food. Panda burger, anyone?
For now, the race is on to make the first affordable cultured meat products. The need to find credible alternatives to traditional meat is urgent. Livestock farming takes up a huge amount of land and water per calorie of food compared to crops, and in terms of greenhouse emissions, is as bad as burning fossil fuels, according to the UN. Rising incomes in developing countries means that more people are eating meat than ever before, reducing the amount of land available for much-needed crops, and contributing to climate change. Of course, being able to grow meat artificially can only have a positive impact on animal welfare, too.
So when will we be able to buy animal-free meat? Both Memphis Meats and Mosa Meat, an offshoot of Post’s lab, hope to have competitively priced products by 2020. “In terms of commercial sales, I would say in four to five years,” says Post. “It will still be a somewhat expensive burger, around the $10 mark. Another few years of commercial production and the price will start to fall further.”
Manufacturing meat in vitro
The science behind growing meat without animals is fairly simple. Growing the cells that form cultured meat is not hugely different from other ‘cell culture’ methods that biologists have used to study cells since the early 1900s.
The process starts with a few ‘satellite’ cells, which can be obtained from a small sample of muscle taken from a live animal. These are stem cells that can turn into the different cells found in muscle. Just one cell could, in theory, be used to grow an infinite amount of meat. When fed a nutrient-rich serum, the cells turn into muscle cells and proliferate, doubling in number roughly every few days.
After the cells have multiplied, they are encouraged to form strips, much like how muscle cells form fibres in living tissue. These fibres are attached to a sponge-like scaffold that floods the fibres with nutrients and mechanically stretches them, ‘exercising’ the muscle cells to increase their size and protein content. The resulting tissue can then be harvested, seasoned, cooked and consumed as boneless processed meat.
The challenge facing Post and others in the field is upscaling the process. To grow cells industrially requires a large ‘bioreactor’ – a high-tech vat that can provide the perfect conditions for growth but also the movement and stimulation to exercise the cells. The largest existing bioreactor capable of doing this has a volume of 25,000 litres (about one-hundredth the size of an Olympic swimming pool), which Post estimates could produce enough meat to feed 10,000 people. It’s likely that many more of these would be needed to make a viable meat-processing plant.
An alternative idea is to encourage shops and restaurants to grow their own meat on a smaller scale. In September 2016, SuperMeat, an Israeli biotech company, launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise $100,000, which they more than doubled, to develop cultured-chicken-growing devices that could be “placed at grocery stores, restaurants, and ultimately in consumer homes”.
Another issue is the nutrient-rich ‘serum’ that feeds the cells. Successful serums have been a cocktail of sugars, amino acids and animal blood. Not only are blood-based serums a source of worry for vegetarians and vegans, but “there would not be enough serum in the world to grow all the cells you need to mass-produce,” says Post.
He and other cultured meat companies are working on blood-free alternatives – but it’s not simple. “We are working out which substances in blood are required for growth,” he says. “There are tens of thousands of different substances in blood and there are a few magical ingredients required for every different cell type.”
How good is a lab-grown burger?
Achieving a taste and texture that rivals real meat seems to be the easy bit. Following a comment from the critics who tasted his original burger and said it was a bit dry, Post has started to culture fat cells and tissue from cows, which add moisture when mixed in with the muscle fibres. He has also discovered that starving the cells of oxygen can increase the amount of flavour-giving proteins in the final product.
Marie Gibbons, a researcher from North Carolina State University working on cultured meat production, says there is no limit to what scientists could do with flavour. “There’s no doubt that [cultured products] can be manipulated to achieve good flavour – it’s just a case of what chemicals react with your taste buds,” she says. She thinks cultured meats could eventually be tastier than traditional meat, although she adds: “At the moment the priority is to produce edible protein on a large scale. Then you can work on flavour components.”
The first crop of cultured meat products will inevitably take the form of burgers, nuggets and other processed meats – unprocessed meat has a complex structure of bone, blood vessels, connective tissue and fat, and grows in specific shapes. Yet it should eventually be possible to grow complex tissue like this too, says Dr Paul Mozdziak, Gibbons’s colleague at North Carolina State University. He and scientists at various cellular agriculture organisations (such as New Harvest, SuperMeat and Future Meat) are keeping an eye on developments in regenerative medicine, the branch of biomedical science concerned with growing replacement organs and tissue for procedures such as skin grafts.
A beef burger created by stem cells harvested from a living cow © Simon Dawson/Bloomberg via Getty ImagesRegenerative medicine involves encouraging cells to grow on a scaffold so the resulting tissue mimics the precise layout of a living organ, with different types of cells in the right position, creating interconnecting, functional parts. However, the complexity of living tissue means that only relatively simple tissues like skin have been made with any success.
Still, a lab-grown pork chop or rack of ribs is perfectly feasible, says Mozdziak. “When the cultured meat and scaffolding worlds collide, then the industry will take off exponentially,” he says.
As well as animal parts for food, scientists could even grow organic items such as rhino horns in order to help prevent poaching.
What’s the beef?
In the shorter term, with more basic cultured meat products predicted to be ready by the turn of the decade, a bigger question may be whether people are ready to eat the stuff. Will consumers drink synthetic milk and eat lab-grown meat, or will they be put off? Genetically modified (GM) foods, for example, are still mistrusted by many.
Organisations such as the Modern Agriculture Foundation are already preparing the ground for the arrival of in vitro meat, educating people about why we need it. The Foundation’s director, Shaked Regev, believes that cultured meat won’t have the same problem that existing meat alternatives face because it is so similar. “It’s the real deal – you can’t differentiate this from traditional meat under a microscope,” he says.
Could these signs be seen in future butcher shops? © Fernando BarbellaPolls suggest there’s a willingness to give this modern meat a go. One survey of the Dutch population indicated that 63 per cent of people were in favour of the concept of cultured beef, and 52 per cent were willing to try it. Another survey by The Guardian found that 69 per cent of people wanted to try cultured meat. Whether people reach for the cultured burgers week in, week out at the supermarket is a different matter entirely, though.
People will always be extremely sensitive about what is on their plate. Despite the welfare and environmental justifications for cultured meat, the thought of your burger coming from a lab rather than a farm is a strange idea. But if artificial meat lives up to its promise and becomes the environmentally friendly, safer, cheaper, and even tastier way to eat meat, the concept of raising animals in their millions for slaughter could very quickly seem much stranger.
This is an extract from The Artificial Meat Factory in issue 298 of BBC Focus magazine – don’t miss out on the full feature by subscribing here.
What Is So Difficult To Understand About ‘They Are Killing Us?’
ENOCHERED’S BLOGA Call From The Garrigue. Standing Up For The Under Threat White Race.
In terms of the estimated population in 2025 they would rank in the following order: (population in 2010)
- Great Lakes: 60.7 million (55.5 million) – includes Chicago, Toronto, and Detroit
- Northeast: 58.4 million (52.3 million) – includes New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington
- Southern California: 29 million (24.4 million) – includes Los Angeles, San Diego and Las Vegas
- Texas Triangle: 24.8 million (19.7 million) – includes Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin
- Piedmont Atlantic: 21.7 million (17.6 million) – includes Atlanta
- Florida: 21.5 million (17.3 million) – includes Miami, Orlando, and Tampa Bay
- Northern California: 16.4 million (14 million) – includes San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland
- Gulf Coast: 16.3 million (13.4 million) – includes Houston and New Orleans
- Cascadia: 13.5 million (12.4 million) – includes Vancouver. Seattle and Portland
- Arizona Sun Corridor: 7.8 million (5.6 million) – includes Phoenix
- Front Range: 6.9 million (5.5 million) – includes Denver
Let me give you a few simple examples of the type of people who have bought control of our lives, either through the old-time gentry and aristocracy from the feudal past of Europe, or through the greed of the professional politicians of today.
It has always been understood that the end result of unchecked Capitalism, will mean that everything ends up in the same hands. The richest will come out on top. The richest are of course the Bankers. They have bribed their way to complete dominance of us all and indeed the planet.
This was done through their Agents whom have been planted in all of the major Political Parties, throughout what is still referred to as the “Democratic” West. Apparently everyone still has their price. Of course if you do not accept your mission, you will be eliminated. Fear still works miracles.
The Senate and Congress in the US is openly bribed and will vote for whatever they are ordered. The people whom pay this bribe are called ‘Lobbyists’ which means legal bribery and corruption.
In return for these bribes, the elected government of the US has sold America. The United States of America no longer exists. Anyone whom harbours doubts about this, need only check out america Take a look at the Map, above, all of these Mega Regions will have unelected Governors, Democracy is dead.
The vast interior of the US is now or soon will be out-of-bounds to human beings. Wild animals and snakes are being introduced in order to frighten people away, as to kill a Cougar or Mountain Lion will carry the penalty of a term of imprisonment in a private prison.
The people from the interior are being herded together in large towns and cities. Already 80% of the population live in Urban areas. City dwellers are totally dependent on the administration for food, water and power. Should the taps run dry, ask yourself, you city dwellers, where can you find drinking water? You will need water long before you die of starvation.
Huge chains of “Super Highways” are being built across the US. They link the areas of major resources with the Sea Ports for exportation of the US resources towards China or India and other countries with the availability of Slave Labour.
The “Super Highways” will have no exit points for towns along their route, which will strangle business, by design, driving the people into the cities. These migrations normally start with the young people, whom appear to relish the idea of living in a box, just so long as they have their I Pod and Facebook with them.
You do not need an above average level of intelligence to understand that this state of affairs cannot continue for long. If no investment is made to create jobs for the American People, what is their future?
Now try this for size and see what you make of it. The Federal Government is handing over thousands of square miles of the US to China. They will be constructing huge Industrial and Commercial Zones, which will be outside of US control. They will in effect be Chinese Territories. They will have the right to bring in their own labour force. They will in fact bring in whatever they like as they will have their own airfields.
This will give them easy access to US resources, without the higher cost of US labour. All the land which is being vacated by US Citizens, in the interior of the US, will be made available to foreign industry. The products will of course be available at your local Wal-Mart.
All of this is going while the American people sleep. Now allow me to explain why you are asleep.
When Russia invaded Afghanistan, they were preparing the ground for future events. They set up a Communist Government in Kabul, which the US set about bringing down. The CIA set up the mujahideen, to fight against the Russians, these were the fighters of the Tribal Chiefs, whom had control of the Opium production. They also had a dossier of people whom could be used for Special Operations, called Al Qaeda.
At the same time they set-up the Taliban which was to be the next Government in Afghanistan. Everything went according to plan and the Taliban came to power. However, just when the CIA thought that they would have complete control of the finest Opium in the world, the Taliban came to the US to discuss their cut in the Opium Trade.
The US refused to pay their price and so the first target after 911, was to attack Afghanistan, to deal with the Taliban, which had already started to destroy the Poppy fields. Their first act was to put Karzai, whose brother was the top Honcho in the Opium Trade, into power.
The Opiates, which are used in practically all of the Psychotropic drugs which are served out like sweets to a huge number of Americans and their children, are now safely back in the hands of Big Pharma.
Talks are opening with the Taliban, in order to put them back in power. The continued US atrocities are being used, as were the Russian atrocities, in order to convince the people of Afghanistan that even the Taliban are better than a continued US presence.
This will give the CIA control of the Opium Trade along with the control which they have already of the Cocaine Trade in Latin America.
These powerful drugs, along with GMO foods, vaccines and poisons in the water are the reasons for the lack of concern of the people. They are Anaesthetised and ready for the knife.
Even now, in order to hide the lack of effort to sort out Global economic problems, with the assistance of Iran, of all people, the increase in the price of oil, world-wide, has been blamed on Iran’s decision not to sell oil to Italy and the UK, which will cause a “Double-Dip” recession. This gives an excuse for the lack of recovery. The increase has nothing to do with the manipulation of the market, of course.
I am sorry to be the bringer of bad news, however ask yourself, what does it mean that everything can now be made in China. We in the West will soon be unable to buy these products, which we can no longer make for ourselves, we can no longer even grow enough food to feed ourselves. Countries which hold the record for annual rainfall, find that the private companies are going to limit the use of water because of shortages. How can this be? There were never shortages before ‘Privatisation.’
Well it can be, because it is by design. We The People, no longer have control of our own resources, everything has gone into private hands. What we have left is being given to the United Nations, which is just a front company for the Bankers and multi-national companies which set it up.
We are now nothing more than a plague of Locusts. We are useless eaters, ripe for the harvest. Make no mistake the culling is under way.
They are building highways with high walls designed so that you cannot even see what is on the sides of them. Even if you could spot something you would like to visit there are very few exits. You will never bother to turn around and go all the way back to that cute town or that shoe store. Soon, you will not even be allowed to exit anywhere but where you are directed. They are using the highway system to herd people or force people into the Megacities. Once they have fully established their agenda most of the country will be inhabited by wild carnivorous animals.
Sustainable Destruction – Exposing Agenda 21 in Rural America
Published on Oct 7, 2014
Dan Happel presents his outstanding Agenda 21 outline in Kalispell, MT
The original account was terminated but I found a copy of the video on BitChute and you can view it below:

Sustainable destruction – exposing agenda 21 in rural America
3 years, 3 months ago
Luciferian agendas: Part 1 – The sustainability movement, smart everything, and UN Agenda 2030
Some honest context to the sustainability movement is in order. It’s not just some nice movement about saving the earth as many would like you to believe. It’s actually a Luciferian movement intended to take people down a garden path to techno- / smart city-imprisonment. And just like Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”, the intent is for people to love and demand their own imprisonment, but this time because it’s oh so good for the planet and everyone on it as well as being so convenient.
Saving the planet or further empowering existing psychopaths
If you’ve been reading my recent posts on Luciferian symbolism in the cryptocurrencies, then you’ve likely seen my post on the 2030 project and it’s Pillar token sub-project. (If not, please do have a read of it to understand some of the context that I’ll be discussing here.) After posting this previous writeup on Pillar, I received far too many comments where I noticed that people really didn’t seem to understand how the Pillar token could fit to the UN 2030 Agenda. Now it’s time for me to clarify this and a whole lot more.
The stated goal of the UN 2030 Agenda is sustainability to save everything, from the whales to the snails. You name the topic, 2030 is going to fix it and save us all from our own demise in the process. (Just see the 17 development goals above to understand the full gamut they are trying to cover.) Now if you don’t already know that the UN has been funded and developed according to deep Luciferian principles by the Rockefeller family along with many other Luciferians, then I highly suggest you first check out a few interesting resources beforehand:
- A very short summary on the UN that calls out a number of salient points about the UN and its NWO and Luciferian connections
- A short selection of clips from a must watch, longer Aaron Russo interview about his relationship with Jay Rockefeller and the NWO plan to have the whole world chipped to regularly access their data from a global database (read “global blockchain” now)
- A brilliant web site that summarizes the green agenda, its connections to the UN, the Club of Rome, the Lucis Trust (read “Lucifer Trust”), and lots more interesting stuff on that you must know.
Just by digging into these above resources, you should get a better feeling of where the UN and the sustainability agenda are coming from.
Published on Sep 11, 2015
What does the 2030 target state look like
Under the guise of protecting everything from the whales to the snails, UN Agenda 2030 along with all their sustainability cohorts are creating “a technocratic utopia”.. Or at least this is what they want you to believe so that you buy into it hook, line, and sinker. A more accurate picture of this “utopia” is probably the best way to reveal its ultimate plan and goals, so that’s what I’ll attempt to do below:
- We must save energy and resources to save the environment and humanity
The sustainable energy and resources model is based upon the idea that energy and resources are scarce and that we don’t have enough. It’s also based upon the idea that we can’t distribute them everywhere without destroying the planet with carbon emissions. This is total horseshit. There are so many free energy technologies and patents out there that it would make your head spin if they were made broadly available. Carbon emissions are a total joke relative to what the earth itself produces. Regarding water, 70% of the planet surface is water and desalination is easily applicable with enough energy and new desalination technology. Food is another easy one to resolve with both free energy and water availability. The real reason this is being sold to you can be easily understood in a single Henry Kissinger quote: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls the money can control the world.” This is why you are constantly being told there isn’t enough energy and resources.. so that it can be controlled centrally across the globe.
- The Internet of Things (IOT) and the Smart Grid will help us save resources and run everything
The IOT and Smart Grid is for one purpose and one purpose only, total surveillance and control of society. It’s sold as a way to save energy and resources while making everything oh so convenient. How nice to have a smart home where the appliances save energy and are controlled by the grid. How nice to have a refrigerator with chipped milk bottles that orders more milk when it’s low. What?? We need to build out a massive global IOT infrastructure because people are too f**king lazy to manage some stuff at home and elsewhere? This makes no sense at all unless you realize that the infrastructure is not for you, but to control everything, including you. It also allows major corporations to continue to run everything by them providing the infrastructure for this. However, they will also control the software in your products and therefore you won’t truly own your products anymore because you won’t buy a product, you’ll buy a service – think the latest Microsoft Office “service” model. This will be the case for most everything you buy, whether it has a physical component or not.- You can share everything and don’t need to own anything
This is no joke, even Forbes published this article on the idea. Also notice there is an accompanying WEF session referenced in the article called “What If: Privacy Becomes a Luxury Good?” This should tell you very clearly what is being targeted. Watch the excellent video above from Aaron and Melissa Dykes as well for much more detail. The point is clear, if you have no resources and own nothing you can’t revolt. You are a total serf for good. Add in universal basic income, the tiny house movement, the sharing economy, and you’re not only going to own nothing, you will have no money except what is doled out as digital money from the government; you will sleep in a what is essentially a closet that you don’t own either; you’ll exist only in massive surveillance smart cities where you are monitored and controlled 24/7; and if you step out of line, they’ll just shut off your chip so that you don’t get any of these “free” and “shared” services anymore. But don’t worry, as Ida Auken says in her article, you’ll love the pure freedom of it all.
- Digital money / cryptocurrencies along with 5G and Big Data will make it all possible
In order to run the IOT, a few additional capabilities are needed: A way to pay for services between devices in an automated fashion; A ubiquitous, wireless network to connect everything; And a way to crunch all the data to keep track of it all. Well surprise, surprise, just by “coincidence” all this is already being prepared as well. The Luciferians running this are certainly thorough. They’ve planned all of this ahead of time including the development of all the key technologies that are needed to link it all together into a cohesive and manageable system. Of course everyone wants to believe that cryptocurrencies are from “the good guys” just as Bix Weir keeps proclaiming, but is that really the case? After looking at all of this in a more connected view, it doesn’t look that way at all. It’s not a coincidence that all PC devices are moving us away from personal storage to cloud. It’s not a coincidence that all products are moving towards provision as a services rather than as products. It’s not a coincidence that devices no longer have physical connections and require WiFi. And it’s certainly not a coincidence that there’s been a massive rise in cryptocurrency interest including Ethereum’s massive corporate commitment base. (Think of the Ethereum logo as two mirrored pyramids and this tells you much more about what they are up to.) All of these changes are sold either as as great conveniences or even as tools for technological freedom from the “banksters”, but in actuality they are all about getting us to choose for ourselves to move away from any personally-controlled resources that would allow us either privacy or autonomy.I’ll dive into more of this in upcoming posts since this is probably enough to digest for the moment, but it should hopefully be clear that there is a much bigger picture here. Only when you understand the scope and goals of this big picture do you become aware of the many pieces being put in place at the moment by stealth to get us there. These pieces are each individually sold to us as empowering new technology to make our lives easier and more convenient. Every time you hear this, the real question should be how this technology or change fits into a larger agenda picture. Hopefully this post helps to draw this big picture a little more clearly.
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Agenda 21 – Technocracy – New World Order – 5G | Sheena Alexandra and Patrick Wood discuss: Agenda 21 – Technocracy – New World Order – 5G To view this link again:
youtube.com8 months ago
The above video was censored. You better wake up and pay attentiontion NOW because they are shutting down ALL TRUTH. You soon will not be able to find it. I have added the following item in response to the censorship of the video.
5G: The Agenda for Total Control
Guest: Patrick Wood
The contents of this presentation are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This presentation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Josh: With us today on the summit is, Patrick Wood. Patrick, thanks so much for joining us today.
Patrick: You’re welcome, Josh. Good to be here.
Josh: Patrick is a leading and critical expert on sustainable development, green economy, UN Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, and historic technocracy. That basically means he’s one of the best researchers out there that in the past decades, has really helped to delve into the conversation around these topics and around how the dots connect behind the scenes. He’s the author of Technocracy Rising, and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, volumes 1 and 2, with the late Anthony C. Sutton. Wood remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements, and creating their self-proclaimed New International Economic Order, which is the essence of sustainable development on a global scale.
So we’re going to be diving into it today. We’re going to be kind of separatingout the truth from the lies and really distilling some dot connecting. We’re going to get into solutions. We’re going to get into really understanding the bigger picture here, in terms of technocracy. Technocracy is a word that you’rereally helping, Patrick, to bring forward into our lexicon; to understand how technology is intentionally being used to be the new control mechanism in our society. So let’s dive right in. Tell us about your perspective. What is 5G? What is the Internet of Things and how do they intersect? What’s the purpose here?
Patrick: Right, exactly. Just to lay a little bit of background. Technocracy originally was conceived at Columbia University in 1932. They got kicked out, the whole group got kicked out of Columbia for a couple of reasons. But they started a commercial operation called Technocracy Incorporated, where they had membership, people paid dues, and membership cards. And it was very popular in America, they had up to 600,000 card carrying members at one time. It was a pretty big deal. It pretty much fizzled out in the late 1930s.
But it was resuscitated in the late 1960s, early 1970s, with the foundation of the Trilateral Commission, 1973 in particular, with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzeziński. Brzeziński had written a book, while he was at Columbia University, by the way, called Between Two Ages, America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. That’s what started the modern iteration of technocracy
again. We could call it neo-technocracy. I just choose not to because nobody knows what technocracy is anyway. So I don’t have to really make that distinction.
But the Trilateral Commission fed the doctrine of technocracy to the United Nations in 1992, under the auspices of sustainable development. We hear this everywhere today, sustainable this, sustainable that; sustainable development. It’s a resource based economic system that depends on
allocation of resources. Not allocation by a price based economic system,
which we understand today but direct allocation of resources by the “managers” of those resources. And now, the UN has kind of got this idea of setting up a global common trust, where resources will be transferred to them.
They will manage the allocation and the licensing and so on of resources and
you and I will basically be excluded. The program completely wipes out private property, not allowed. The United Nations has sworn that they are going to uproot capitalism and free enterprise
altogether, for the sake of replacing it with sustainable development. All of this is baseline stuff and I cover all that in my book, so I’m not going to go into it a lot more; but this is kind of the background. In the original Bible, if you will, of technocracy, it was called the Technocracy Study Course, written by M King. Hubbert; mostly. That also was the guy that started peak oil theory, by
the way, in 1954. We’ve heard a lot about that too.
But Hubbert was a co-founder of the Technocracy Incorporated Organization. And in that, they described the criteria that were necessary for technocracy to take root. In that criteria, energy management was number one. They wanted to track every single erg of power that was used within the economic system. Secondly, they wanted to surveil and monitor everything in society, all consumption, all production, of where people were, what they were doing, and so on. They didn’t have the technology back then but we do today.
And I believe they saw the day when technology was coming, if for no other reason that when they were at Columbia, they were housed together in the same area, with the early iteration of IBM. Which was then making the first Hollerith computer, the tabulator. It was later used in Germany and Europe and so on for tracking statistics and things like concentration camps, and ugly stuff like that. Well, anyway, they were rubbing shoulders with visionaries, and they considered themselves to be visionaries anyway, because they were with Columbia University after all.
So that is the background. Technology now has matured greatly since 1973. We have things today that were barely even conceived of back then. As computers have advanced, as software technology has advanced, for instance, we now have artificial intelligence. This was not really a discipline back in 1973 at all. We now have the ability to transmit data in ways that we never conceived of, back in 1973, using wireless technology. This new body, this recent body of technology now, is being used to accomplish the original goals of technocracy.
That’s my point in this whole thing. The technology has advanced. Some people would say, “Well, it’s just people inventing things, after all,” and that’s probably true in a sense. But as soon as it’s invented, the technology gets hijacked by this group of technocrats, if you will, turned around, weaponized and used back against the people that it seeks to control.
That’s where we are today. We’re talking about 5G, I’ll just throw this out; 5G is not about cell phones. It’s being sold that way. “Your cell phones are going to be so much faster.” You can get the latest and greatest new iPhone, you could pay whatever. Probably by the time it comes out you’re going to pay $2,000 for a smartphone that will do 5G. And you can get your movies downloaded in three seconds, instead of three minutes.” They say, “Wow, what a benefit!” It’s not about cell phone speed up. I’ve listened to the speeches of the CEOs of Verizon, T Mobile, AT&T, and consistently, you can see them salivating. Not over voice communications or human communication on cell phones, but they’re salivating over the Internet of Things. And this is what they’re talking
incessantly about. That 5G is going to light up the Internet of Things that will allow all of the data collection, all of the devices out there that could be connected to the internet, it’s going to draw all that data back in real time.
And when I say real time, that’s hard for most people to understand what that means. The latest wireless technology, 4G, is fast, no doubt; but 5G takes it to a completely different level. Not only are the data transmission speeds higher, much higher but the other factor in internet communications, is called latency. Latency has to do with how long it takes that first little ping back and
forth, to say, “I’m ready to send,” and the other one says, “I’m ready to receive.” And so they have to go back and forth, back and forth all the time.
Determining, “Are you ready to receive it? Are you ready to send it?”
Now, this sounds like a miniscule thing. Typically, in a home situation where you have a Wi Fi router, your latency time can be something like 20 to 30 milliseconds and we say, “Ooh, that’s really fast,” and it is, but it’s not real time. 5G technology has gotten the latency period down to one millisecond or less. This is incredible, this is absolutely revolutionary. What this means is,
the sensors embedded in a city will be able to send data in real time back to the central computer. Where artificial intelligence will be waiting to analyze it, to model it; to extract all of the useful information out of it. This is what the biggest carriers are salivating over. They want that data.
We used to say in the 70s, Josh, follow the money; follow the power. That’s still true to some extent. Well, of course it is. Money always seems to come into it somewhere. But today, as far as technocracy is concerned, here’s how you watch this; follow the data, follow the power. Go where the data is. Look for the data flow. Look for who’s receiving… not first collecting, and then look
who’s receiving the data. And what are they doing to it? All of the people in the data world today are claiming that data is the new oil of the 21st century. And they’re absolutely right. The money and the value today, the income stream is in the data that these technocrats are able to extract from society.
So when you talk about smart city, implementing all these sensors around. Whether they be light poles with microphones and cameras and the 5G transmitters. Whether it be sensors in elevators and buildings and thermostats and smart meters on the sides of homes and businesses and
smart meters for the water and the gas, all that kind of stuff. Autonomous vehicles, by the way, driving around in the city and so on; all those things are going to be connected via the Internet of Things. By the time they’re done implementing 100%, smart city technology in one given area, a computer with sufficient resources will be able to literally model the city in real time. And to
rotate it and look into it in different areas they want to look at. This has never
been possible.
Josh: What are some of the applications of that? And before you answer that, I’ll just maybe say that I have a good friend who has coined this saying, “We scare because we care.” And so we’re going to go into a little bit of these, you know, potentially scary areas, to really look at, like what this technology is and or could be used for. So that we can deal with this, with what is actually
happening, bring the conversation forward, and intentionally change course, collectively. Like that’s what we’re talking about here, right? We’re talking about having a period of time in which we’re coming to terms with this reality. We’re investigating solutions. And we’re getting intentional about it. But let’s just go into this, Patrick. What are some of your deepest concerns? What are you seeing in terms of application here and in the future, with this technology?
Patrick: This whole body of truth we’re talking about here has to do with social control. That’s what technocracy was about in the first place. That’s what sustainable development is about today, with Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda and so on, from the United Nations. It’s about social control. This is what the Green New Deal is all about that AOC has introduced into our country, with a firestorm I might add. Everybody’s talking about it now. This is about social control; getting you to do what they want you to do. It takes away private choice, it takes away citizen choice, it takes away citizen concerns completely and says, essentially… this is such an
ego trip, “We know what’s best for you. You should trust us to make all your decisions for you.”
Your purchasing decisions, your medical decisions, your travel decisions, your consumption decisions; how many children you have decisions. Everything under the sun is envisioned right now, is on the table for them to exercise social control over you and I. This is not just by mistake or unintended. This is the way it was from the beginning. Now we’re really feeling the bite, Josh, is
the problem. Look at China. China has implemented the social credit scoring system over there that’s affected every person in their country. All 1.4 billion people have been enrolled into the social credit system, with their pictures, with biometric data, with all of the data. Everything that happens, they know; the government does.
They’re applying artificial intelligence now to rank and rate and sort all the people in the country. The outliers that are troublemakers, like you and me… the outliers are simply dropped out of the system; they’re excluded. There’s 13 million people right now in China on the blacklist that have been relegated to be second class citizens. They can’t travel the way other people do. They can’t
go to the same schools that other people want to go to. They can’t live in the same areas that other people want to live in. They can’t buy the same stuff that other people want to buy. This is so dystopian. It’s beyond dystopia. This is what’s coming to America, because this is the heartbeat of technocracy. This is the heartbeat of social control.
Josh: Wow. And I remember you writing on things like pre-crime; like that movie, Minority Report that probably a lot of people are familiar with. Do you want to touch on that and any other specific ways that you’ve been reporting on, on your website, technocracynews? Other specific ways that this
technology is sought to be implemented?
Patrick: Well, you have it, pre-crime is a pretty good example. You have, in our country today, in America today, a rollout of surveillance technology that’s very similar, if not identical, to what’s being used in China. Although American companies now have the technology and they’re selling it to police departments across America. Exactly the same concept and functionality of the software used in China, to be able to identify people walking down a street, using a public camera. Tracking people by name by, you know, a little box or whatever, a balloon over their head, saying, “There goes Josh del Sol.
He’s going down to get a coffee at his favorite coffee place,” or whatever. This technology in America is being sold to police departments across the country right now, by aggressive, pinstripe suit type, you know, not IBM salesman but that’s kind of the picture you have when you have professional
sales people. They’re going out to police departments to market this surveillance software. Police departments are gobbling it up at incredible rates. And a lot of people will say, “This isn’t legal,” or, “It isn’t right,” or whatever, that, “We don’t want that here.” But police departments come to
find out, Josh, there is no federal regulation, not one single federal regulation or law that prevents a local police department from implementing this ubiquitous type of surveillance software. And implementing any kind of AI software for pre-crime analysis that they can get their hands on.
It’s just a matter of money.
Now, police departments don’t have a lot of money. So as the price came down on this software, hardware combination, more and more police departments said, “We can afford that. Well, we can get rid of maybe a half a dozen patrolmen we don’t need anymore, but use their salary to pay for it.” That’s what they’ve done. So now this is sweeping America.
Americans individually, have not caught up mentally with what’s going on in police enforcement across our country. But when they use this pre-crime technique to try and predict where crime is going to happen, when it’s going to happen, and by who it’s going to be perpetrated, this goes into such a dangerous, dangerous ground.
Because to a technocrat mind, it’s perfectly acceptable to be 90% accurate. If they can get something that’s 90% accurate, well, they’re thrilled. “It’s wonderful. We have pre-crime analysis and we can go out now and do all this stuff.” But here’s what they just ignore; what about the 10%? What about the
10% that get busted for something they had nothing to do with? This is such dangerous, utopian like thinking; that Americans haven’t yet got their mind around. “90% is good enough,” that’s not the way America ever worked. Our legal system, the rule of law. Okay, it’s not perfect because maybe people aren’t perfect sometimes, but the rule of law applied the same law to everybody uniformly.
Not so with pre-crime analysis software or any other thing like that, that works on artificial intelligence. It’s not going to apply equally. It’s been proven to have biases, in other words, the bias of the programmer has been seen now to be reflected in the software. And 90% accuracy leaves the other 10% out in the cold to get busted for any cockeyed thing that somebody comes up with. And even if they are proven not guilty in the end, they’ve ruined their life in the meantime, by the mere accusation that they did something.
Josh: Yeah, I mean, thank you so much for painting that picture because this is obviously scary, to move from the rule of law to an AI system making assumptions that affect people’s rights, because that’s what we’re talking about here. It’s technocracy. It’s the potential for chaos. It’s the potential for complete and utter dependence on the system and loss of individual rights and common order. So thank you for that. Obviously it’s disturbing. So, Patrick, you’ve also been doing work on exposing smart region initiatives, smart cities, and smart region initiatives. Tell us about that.
Patrick: Well, okay. First, certainly we have the technology. We’ve talked a little bit about some of the things that go into smart cities. We’ve missed a lot of stuff too, it’s a very complex area, and it’s a big area; but we’ve kind of laid the groundwork. There are some really disturbing technologies out there that that these technocrats are trying to impose upon cities, to implement the data pump, to get data out of the cities. The money is in the data, remember. So when you hear these large companies like the AT&Ts of the world, talking about getting the smart city technology out to entire cities, they’re talking about creating a huge data pump within that city.
Now, there’s a problem in cities. A problem not to us, we are the city. The problem to them, is that there’s those pesky city councils out there that just continue to ask questions. And they continue to want to know, “Well, how is this going to really protect our citizens?” And there are representatives, right?
We elect them. We may not like some of them. I don’t like all of mine, but still, they’re on the front line to protect the people in the city and do things for the city, the way the city wants them to be done; the people. Technocrats hate…this entire smart city crowd hate city councils because there’s so many of them.
There’s thousands and thousands of cities across the country that are kind of woke, if you will, now. They’re watching for this kind of stuff. So, instead of trying to go directly to the cities to negotiate for smart city technology implementation, in Phoenix, Arizona, of all places, there’s a pilot program
going on right today that every other community in the country is watching like a hawk. And it’s called Smart Region Initiative. How it started here, Arizona State University, which bills themselves as being the most sustainable university in the country, they actually offer up to a PhD degree in sustainable development. So they’re really up on it.
They have risen up, gotten ahold of three other NGOs in the area. One is a chamber of commerce like organization. Another is just a new startup, kind of a data development management company. And they’ve all created this consortium together, called the Smart Region Initiative. This is very similar to the Council of Government concept that’s already implemented across the country. So a form of regional government, patently unconstitutional, by the way, but it’s out there. We have locally, councils of governments called the Maricopa Association of Governments. It also is concerned with 22 cities and 4.2 million people, something like that. And this Smart Region Initiative is working hand in hand with the Maricopa Association of Governments to develop smart city technology to be implemented across the region.
Josh: Without the consent or permission or approval of any city government. That’s the basis of this FCC law that basically is a power grab, right? I mean, they don’t want to have to ask permission anywhere.
Patrick: You’re absolutely right. So the cities have contributed no input to this group whatsoever. There’s no elected officials that belong to this particular group. In the case of the Maricopa Association of Governments, every city is supposed to contribute one council person to this larger Regional Council. But that does not give representation to the people in the cities. That’s a model of the European Union, for Pete’s sake, where each country gets to send one or two representatives to the EU Congress. They get two minutes to say something, once a year and they complain.
So, this form of regional governance is off the wall. But in the case of smart city technology, this little consortium, this little cozy consortium of academia, the ASU, along with these other nonprofit groups who have all kinds of different motives for being there in the first place; they have simply stood up and said, “We know what’s best for this region.” And they don’t know anything about this region, other than most of them may live here. They don’t know the 4.2 million people in this region. And this whole thing, the whole program, Josh, is absolutely bogus, as far as I’m concerned. It should be scrubbed off the face of the map.
However, because the cities and the Maricopa Association of Governments are involved in this, all of a sudden, they have this newfound authority in the eyes of people that live here. “Whoa, you mean the smart region initiative says we need to do it this way, huh?” Yeah, that’s what they said, “Well, I guess we’d better do it that way then.” They’re not even questioning these decisions that come down. In the meantime, this is an absolute goldmine for the AT&Ts, the T Mobiles and so on of the world, the Verizons that are coming in, setting up this data pump; because now they can get uniform deployment of technology across the entire region. And imagine how much more valuable that is to them than having 22 individual systems, having to be negotiated, implemented, etc. around. Now
they get everything in one fell swoop. They get it faster because it’s going to be done all at once across the entire region. And meantime, the region here in our area, I can tell you, knows nothing about this whatsoever. They’re completely oblivious. There’s been no publicity. Maybe just a couple of press releases send out but no publicity whatsoever.
And even worse, people from all over our country are looking at Phoenix as an example, waiting, saying to themselves, “If they do it, man, we’re on the bandwagon. We’re right behind them, we’re going to do it too.” There’s even people in Europe that are watching the Phoenix situation right now. They want to do the same thing. Set up these smart region initiatives, where they can just blanket the whole technology, the whole suite of things across an entire region. And in our case, in Phoenix, they’re going to catch 22 cities and 4.2 million people; bang, slam dunk.
Josh: Wow. So with smart meters, that has gone forward in the name of climate action. With 5G, that is being pushed forward in the name of convenience or keeping up with the progress of technology or competition with China. And it’s like a new Cold War, right? That’s been kind of propped up, perhaps, between US and China. Isn’t that what Trump is saying why he wants 5G, 6G and any kind of G?
Patrick: Well yeah, any kind of G. President Trump has said that the United States must win the 5G war. Whenever you have something complex like this, the way to get it done quickly is to turn it into a race. I’ve seen this so many times. In fact, I used to do this with my two young sons when they were young. All you had to do was suggest, “Let’s have a race. Let’s run,” or whatever. “Oh, yeah.” Well, they want to compete against each other. That was guaranteed to burn off some energy, if nothing else. Anytime, like President Trump says, “We have a race with China. We have to beat China,” everybody, all of a sudden, “That’s a challenge. That’s a challenge.” “Oh, you’re darn right,
we need to beat China.” “Why?” “You know, those people over there are doing all kinds of things to their citizens or whatever. We need to beat them to the punch and do it even worse…” I say this jokingly, “Do it even worse to our people.”
But this is the mentality, I believe, of the Trump administration, saying, “We need to beat China in this race.” They’re actually speeding up the implementation of 5G in our country. We’ve seen them work through the FCC, which you just alluded to, to take away the authority of cities to charge and do independent negotiations with carriers. So now, there’s a federal mandate from the top down to get this 5G stuff implemented. And it goes even beyond that because all of the smart city things we’re talking about, Josh, are part of a larger construct called infrastructure.
Infrastructure. We think of it as, “There’s a pothole in front of my house. I’d like to get it fixed.” Or, “There’s a bridge that is unsafe down the road. I’d like to see that fixed.” That’s not infrastructure to the technocrat mine.
Infrastructure is all of the electronic stuff that’s being implemented across the country, to connect people in cities together. And the data centers together to suck the data. This is infrastructure.
Just recently, President Trump emerged from a meeting with Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Nancy Pelosi, having concluded a deal for infrastructure spending in America. And Schumer came out of the meeting…he’s an arch enemy of Trump, he hates Trump’s guts, and I think probably vice versa… he came out of the meeting saying, “We had a great meeting with the President. Why, he even suggested more money than we suggested for infrastructure, and he upped the ante.” And so President Trump put on the table for infrastructure spending, $2 trillion.
Josh: Wow.
Patrick: Huge. Where will this $200 million go? Are they talking about bridges? Are they talking about potholes? Are they talking about repaving the freeways? No, they’re not. They’re talking about the infrastructure that we’re talking about here. To blanket our country with smart city technology, and everything that goes to shore it up, for the largest social engineering project in the history of the world.
Josh: Wow. I just want to confirm, is that two trillion or 200 million?
Patrick: Two trillion.
Josh: Two trillion, right, they’re two vastly different numbers. I just wanted to clarify that. Wow. I just want to kind of put this in context. I’m kind of struggling to do so right now, other than to say that this is the biggest thing that’s happening. What Patrick is talking about is 5G, and we need to
understand that it’s not just a one dimensional conversation. So this is going to be something that we encourage you to do your own research on and get educated about this aspect; this dot connecting aspect of 5g. I think Patrick perhaps could help people really understand the ‘why’. Really understand things in a big picture and really be able to then reach an even larger amount
of people with this information. So it’s not just about the health. That is a serious concern that this is going forward with no safety studies. Would you agree?
Patrick: I would agree.
Josh: But there’s a huge other conversation. So yeah, please continue. Help us to contextualize this and lead us to… you know, eventually we want to get to what specifically our best steps to take are.
Patrick: Right, let me just add on top of this, the philosophical idea which is prevalent with this whole technocrat crowd, going back to the 30s. Going through the United Nations, we see this everywhere. When we talk about resources. When we talk about resources, we’re thinking about timber, lumber, oil, food coming off the land, things getting mined out of the earth; resources. We think of water as a resource. To the technocrat mind, resources also include you and me. All humans are simply resources on the table, with all these other resources. That need to be worked and managed in concert with each other, to save the planet, so to speak. I say save the planet figuratively. That’s what they say. They’re not saving the planet, trust me.
But humans are reduced to being simply another resource on the face of the earth, no different than the cattle or the sheep, or the goats or any anything else. Even trees in the forest and the farmland growing cauliflower up on the farm. We’re just resources to be managed. In their mind, we’re no better than a cow or a sheep. So we’re just there to be managed. Now, when Americans or
when people concerned about the health effects of 5G, get all worked up and they go to wherever they go to protest… when they’re facing a technocrat, in the technocrats mind, “Why are you talking to me? Why should I care? You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.”
“So what’s the problem here? You’re just a resource, don’t you understand? You’re just a resource. The health issue, we don’t care about the health issues. Because you know what, if you’ve got 50,000 cattle in a feedlot, you obviously don’t want to lose the whole herd. That would be dumb. But you
know what, cattle die in a feedlot for all kinds of reasons. They pull up a tractor to put them in the bucket and they haul ’em off. They take them to the sausage grinder or something, I don’t know.” That brings up another bad thought about an old movie called [inaudible]. I didn’t mean it, folks.
But you see, when you reduce humanity to be just another animal, the mindset that comes out of that, Josh, is dangerous, and its anti-human, in my opinion. It’s flat out anti-human. So all of the health concerns, if you’re addressing technocrats, will fall on deaf ears. They won’t have anything to say to you, because they’re going to be looking at you and saying, “You guys are really crazy to be talking about this to us because there’s just nothing to be concerned about here. Who are you anyway? You’re just an animal, like all the other animals.”
Josh: Let’s talk about this sort of anti-human type mentality. I mean, perhaps in the microcosm, it can be that part that we struggle within. It could be the dissociative mind or the ego or whatever, right? But on the on the larger scale, it seems to be that yes, there is like this, whatever force or source it’s coming from, it is a collective unconsciousness that seems to have a death wish, let’s
say; or have a death wish, and then project that on to other people, in the context of control. So, this is something that, again, another aspect of this, I came across, perhaps when reading your work about the Club of Rome. When which they concluded… basically, they created the context for this battle.
What did the Club of Rome do or say, and what’s the takeaway?
Patrick: First, I’ll say there was a great overlap between the Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission. And we wrote about that in our book, Trilaterals Over Washington, back in the 70s. What the Club of Rome did is they threw up a kind of an Al Gore-esque panic attack, sky is falling. By saying that we have a radical shortage of resources in the world. And if we don’t allocate
those resources more wisely, that we’re all basically going to die. And humanity is going to come to a screeching halt. Well, their book, their work, called Limits to Power, was widely, widely circulated amongst the global elite especially. I doubt many people, even in this audience that we’re addressing
right now, probably have ever heard of that book before. But it had a huge impact on the global elite.
And so the Club of Rome prescribed, essentially everything that the United Nations is doing today with resource management. A resource based economic system; control all the resources. Myself and Sutton said this, by the way, even though we didn’t understand technocracy back in the early days, as I do now. We said that the goal of the global elite was to get their hands on the resources directly, not just on the money that comes out of them, generated from them, but get their hands on the resources directly. This makes sense. In a historical sense, this makes very good sense to them, not to me, but it does to them.
Because there comes a time when money runs out of usefulness, there comes a time when money becomes worthless, by definition, because they’re chipping away at it a little bit more every year. Since 1913, the dollar has lost like 99% of its value. There’s going to come a time when it’s 100% and money will meet nothing. We’re almost at that point right now, by the way. But when money
becomes worthless, and I think they saw this even back in ’73, when money becomes worthless, what do you do for an encore? Well, if you control and own the resources, it doesn’t matter what type of accounting system you put on top of it. If you’ve got the resources, and everybody else wants them, just wait for it to sort itself out. And you’re going to own everything again because
you’ve got the resources in your pocket.
This is why the United Nations has been busy gobbling up heritage zones and stuff around the world. This is why, in our country, in America now, the US government owns, I think 38% or 36% of the landmass of our nation. It’s owned by the government. And people go, “What? Our government owns that much property?” Yes, they do. “Are they allowed to?” Well, the constitution doesn’t say they can but they just went and did it. And that’s land that you and I can’t use for legitimate economic purposes.
And the United Nations has been doing this all around the world. So the global elite now are in a position to, I think one day, let the financial system go all together. It won’t matter to them anymore because they will have the actual resources behind everything to recreate themselves in any way they want to recreate themselves, when the time comes.
Josh: Wow. Some of your work has gotten into opportunity zones. What is that?
Patrick: Well, this is new. Again, I get shocked… people say, “How can you get shocked?” I get shocked at the stuff I run across; that I never saw coming. And I think my ear is to the ground on a lot of stuff but recently I discovered this whole opportunity zone concept. This was created by an act of Congress in December 2017, signed into law by President Trump. And it was called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. In that act was a provision to create opportunity zones. These are supposed to be low income designations within states that will achieve certain tax advantages, if people invest into these opportunity zones.
They’re self-certifying zones that the governors of every state were allowed to define. “Well, what do you want your state to be in an opportunity zone?” So they started drawing the maps, whatever, in every state. The President then sign an executive order one year later, in December 2018, that created a national administrative council, including some cabinet members; that will shepherd the opportunity zone initiative across America. So it’s actually been formalized within the government now. It’s a big thing. Today, Josh, there are 8,700 opportunity zones created across America and they’re all focused on investing money into these areas.
Now, here’s the thing about this. If you have an asset that has a very, very low tax base. In other words, you bought maybe for a penny, and now it’s worth 100 bucks. If you sell that asset, you’re going to pay through the nose, capital gains taxes. Big investors hate that because it just drives their income, and they pay the highest possible income tax rate on it. And so they want to avoid
capital gains taxes anywhere they can. Well, this opportunity zone setup allows for somebody to sell assets like that, reinvest the money into the opportunity zone, and defer their capital gains taxes for at least six years.
Now, that’s huge.
And what we’ve seen in practice so far, is that the biggest opportunity here is for public private partnerships to be created, where people can pool their money together in these opportunity zones, invest the money into the city on anything they want, including light poles, or sensors, or street sensors, or anything else. Invest the money in there and they can reap whatever benefits they can get out of it; and they defer their taxes for a long time. Now, what’s happened in practice so far, is that I found some opportunity zones early on, that said, “This is our opportunity to implement smart city technology in that area,” in that low income area.
Well, low income areas have no ability to really to fight anything like this because they’re low income and they don’t have the resources. They don’t have the political infrastructure, probably and they simply just don’t have the money. Maybe they don’t have the education. So it’s easy to get this
implemented. So here’s the big question; where did this legislation in 2017 come from? Who backed it? And what was it all about? This organization called the Economic Innovation Group that was kind of the primary NGO behind this legislation, the founder and executive chairman is, Sean Parker.
Now, for those who don’t recognize Sean Parker’s name, I’ll just read one line from his bio. He was a co-founder of Napster at age 19, and Plaxo at 21. In 2004, he joined with Mark Zuckerberg to develop the online social network,
Facebook. Has anybody ever heard of Facebook? And served as Facebook’s founding president. And the bio goes on. But you get the point. Here is a guy who is Mr. Data himself, right? And he’s pushing this, Now I can tell you what, this is all about the data. Remember, I said, “Follow the data; follow thepower,”? This is a data grab of epic proportions. We’ll see how it plays out.
Josh: Yeah. Before we get into actions, kind of moving towards wrapping up here, Patrick, I wanted just to touch into this. So 5G, linked with Internet of Things, linked with AI, linked with transhumanism. What’s your take on that?
Patrick: Well, it is and I’ve suggested this quite a bit. Both transhumanism and technocracy…
Josh: First, let’s define it. What is transhumanism?
Patrick: Well, transhumanism is the religious proposition that, through the use of advanced technology, man can escape the human condition. In layman’s terms that means, can become immortal. They want to escape death, that’s the bottom line. This philosophy, and the father of transhumanism, and the father of technocracy are the same person. It just so happens, it’s the
same person. You can check the books on it, if anybody doesn’t believe that; you can. His name is Henri de Saint-Simon. He was a French philosopher that lived around 1800. He wrote extensively on both topics, and he is now considered to be the father of both.
He developed the religious concept of scientism. That science was the solution to man’s everything. Got a problem? “You know, scientists can come in and save the day, because they’re better than everyone else. They’re smarter and they can predict the future.” Well, we’re not going to go into scientism right now, but there’s a lot been written about scientism. CS Lewis, by the way, wrote a number of papers against scientism, fighting it; debunking it, if you will. Transhumanism is based on the concept of scientism. We can use the technology to escape death. That’s the ultimate problem.
Josh: Merging man and machine.
Patrick: That’s right. And I describe it like this, technocracy is to the formation of society as transhumanism is to the people who will inhabit society, if that makes sense. Okay, so a technocratic society would be most perfectly filled by transhumans. The transhuman philosophy believes today
that by using this advanced technology, they will create humanity 2.0. They believe through genetic modification especially, that they can hijack literally, the forces of evolution.
Okay, now evolution is not a Christian biblical concept, of course, but to those who come from an evolution frame of mind in the first place, where they believe everything was just incidental and you know, just happened; they believe now that through science, they can take over the process of evolution and direct future evolution, themselves. This is really twisted, I hate to tell you. It really is just wow, these people are out on a limb. They think that they’re going to create humanity 2.0. Now, humanity 2.0 would be the perfect type of humanity to live within a purely technocratic society.
Josh: And when you say ‘they’, like the elite, you’re talking about the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, right?
Patrick: Anybody that adopts that philosophy; absolutely. I mean, there’s billions of people outside of those elite groups that you could look at and you can see them involved in scientism. You could them a technocrat, you could call them a transhuman; they may not have any idea what the global elite is doing. But the philosophy has permeated, the religion of it has permeated people’s thinking process, and it is a religion. Scientism is a religion.
Josh: It isn’t just materialism, it’s what can happen, the depths of depravity to which the human mind can go, when it ceases to see the essence, the value, or the spark of divinity or the soul in other human beings.
Patrick: Science becomes a god, bottom line. To a scientismist, science is the god. Science can do no wrong. Science is settled. Science is indisputable. Do what science says. Don’t be a denier or you’ll be punished. It’s a religious proposition all the way down the line. But science is set up as some kind of an immutable god that can provide answers for everything man wants to know;
all truth, it’s found in science. “Just listen to science. Don’t listen to God.
Don’t listen to ethics or moral discussion or whatever. Just listen to science.”
Josh: Wow, well you’ve given us a ton to think about today, Patrick, and thank you for helping to bring light to all of these topics. And really, just to explain the ‘why’, the bigger picture, the dot connecting around 5G. I really appreciate that, on behalf of the audience. Just as we wrap up here, what can you tell us in terms of solutions? From your perspective, where do you see it most effective for the people to put their energy, if we want a positive future outcome here?
Patrick: Absolutely. At this point, the only possible line of defense that we can put in place is at the local level; the city, and county level. And I encourage people to get active locally. To get to know their city council people. To run for city council. To run for all kinds of various offices around their city. And intercounty, get on any kind of board you can get on and get your seat at the table. Somebody, a liberal actually, suggested one time to a friend of mine, “If you don’t have a seat at the table, you are what’s for dinner.” Don’t do that anymore. You can get involved in your local civic matters and make a huge difference.
Case in point, of all places, San Francisco; San Francisco, the bastion of liberalness and progressiveness in America. And I was born there, I should know, there’s no city in America that’s more progressive and liberal and off the wall, than San Francisco. Their city council just banned facial recognition technology from the city.
Josh: Excellent.
Patrick: They’ve banned it. Okay, don’t tell me that the cities don’t have power; they do. But if the citizens don’t go and request the local city, magistrates, and the council members to take a stand on their behalf on these issues, they won’t do it. You have to go and get involved. That’s one reason, by
the way, that I created Citizens for Free Speech last year, in turn which created, as a social networking platform just for local activists to go after issues like this. And people are welcome to go there if they want to; and sign up.
And believe me, if you come in and you’re disingenuous, and you’re a troll or you’ve got some other idea that you’re going to crack the safe, we’ll throw you out faster than a country heartbeat. This is a private network for people like us that are really desiring to get in and set our country back straight again on a local basis. And you can check it out, and
Josh: Excellent. Patrick, thank you so much. I absolutely, to the highest level, recommend that people check out your book, Technocracy Rising. And also your previous work, which was, Trilaterals Over Washington. You just bring such a grounded, research based depth, without the conspiracy theory, and help us to really understand; and there it is.
Patrick: And my latest book, by the way, Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order. I’m not sure you’ve seen this one yet.
Josh: I haven’t seen that one. Thank you for letting us know about that.
Patrick: Absolutely. This is the more current iteration of how… kind of like what we’ve been talking about here, using current examples to demonstrate these initiatives and stuff. On how they’re implementing technocracy. So it’s worthwhile. I call it connecting the dots.
Josh: Absolutely, yeah. And just to everyone watching out there, I just want to… just from my heart, you heard Patrick’s message just right now, about how important it is to educate and communicate with your local officials right now. Not only your local officials, but local community members, and people both online and offline. This is off the cuff, I just wanted to… I’m just trying to figure out from a business standpoint, if this is even possible, but I’d want to somehow encourage you to share this talk and this series with your local governments. That’s one of the reasons why we’re putting on this summit. So, please… We’re going to make it more clear on how you can do that. But if you do purchase this series, at the end of the free period, you have my permission to take that video and put it on a zip drive or upload it privately and send a link to your local elected officials. Okay, this is really important that we understand that this is the type of research right here, being done by
Patrick and others on this summit, that can change minds and perspectives of those in positions of power and gatekeepers in local government. So, while we don’t have everything defined, we do know that our intention is to get this out to as many people as possible. And I, from my heart, want to support that as being as easy as possible. So, Patrick, thank you so much for your time today.
This has been an incredible conversation, and we look forward to keeping in
touch with you.
Patrick: Thanks for the opportunity, Josh. I really appreciate it.
LocalActivist Social Media Platform is a project funded and developed by Citizens for Free Speech. It is an exclusive social media platform designed to support local activists who want to make changes in their local communities.
Membership in is limited to those who are pro-U.S. Constitution and already engaged in local activity or those who are ready and willing to engage. Thus, it is not intended to be a replacement social media platform for any other network, including Facebook or Twitter.
The motto is: “LESS TALK, MORE ACTION“.
First, CFFS believes that the First Amendment only has value to the extent that it is acted out where we live. It is not an esoteric concept for free speech, freedom of the press, assembling together, etc. It is only seen and experienced through our actions.
Second, our local cities, towns and counties are overrun with a myriad of bad policies and government overreach. Much of this stems from United Nations-inspired policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, 2030 Agenda, Common Core Education Standards, environmental radicalism, etc.
These noxious weeds can only be removed and cleaned up by local citizens who are not only fed up, but are willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work. It’s more than just talking about the problems; it’s about creating and implementing solutions.
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