My Dear Friends and Brothers and Sisters in Christ We are living in some crazy times. There is no doubt. Getting crazier every minute. Why? Because DARKNESS is growing by leaps and bounds. Who would have ever believed that the world would return to the pagan ways ans we would be seeing these horrendous acts committed out in the open in our streets??
Nov 1 | Satanist High (Holy Day related to Halloween) |
blood | human sacrifice | any age (male or female) |
Nov 2 | Dia de los Muertos Day of the Dead | conjuring dead ancestors | gifts and sacrifices, including blood | |
Nov 4 | Satanic Revels | sexual | oral, anal, vaginal | 7-17 (female) |
But, never fear, for where darkness abounds, GRACE DOTH MUCH MORE ABOUND! We are seeing the power of the enemy manifest, and you know what that means… THE POWER OF GOD WILL MANIFEST MUCH MORE! HalleluYAH!
I wanted to get this out to you all today because the time for the featured events is getting close. We are coming into the season of the Jewish High Holy Days. GOD’s Appointed Feasts which hae not yet been fulfilled. Do not think of these days as Jewish, they ARE HIS Appointments with US!!
Keep watch, get to know about the meanings and symbolisms associated with these appointed times. They are very relevant to you and to your future.
First, let me offer a brief break down of the Appointed Fests for September/October, 2022.
Ends nightfall of Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Ends nightfall of Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Ends nightfall of Sunday, October 16, 2022

Hoshanah Rabbah – October 16, 2022
The seventh day of Sukkot is called Hoshana Rabbah, and is considered the final day of the divine “judgment” in which the fate of the new year is determined. It is the day when the verdict that was issued on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is finalized.
In addition, on Sukkot we are judged regarding how much rain will fall in the upcoming year.3 Thus, on Hoshana Rabbah, the final day of Sukkot, this judgment is finalized. Considering how much our wellbeing and economy depend on bountiful rainfall, it is clear how important this day is.
The Day of the Willow
The primary observance of Hoshana Rabbah is “the taking of the willow.” In addition to the Four Kinds taken every day of Sukkot, it is a tradition, dating back to the times of the prophets, to take an additional willow on the seventh day of Sukkot. This commemorates the willow ceremony in the Holy Temple, where large eighteen-foot willow branches were set around the altar every day of Sukkot. Every day of Sukkot the altar was circled once, to the sounds of supplications for divine assistance; on Hoshana Rabbah, the altar was circled seven times.
The 7th Day of Sukkot – The Symbolism of Hoshana Rabba and Water Libation
The Meaning of Hoshanah Rabbah
Hoshana means “save” and is the recurring refrain of the Hoshaanot ceremony performed every day of Sukkot. Hoshana Rabbah, “the great Hoshana,” was thus named because we repeat this ritual, during which we solemnly circle the Torah, seven times on this day, instead of just once as we had done in the previous days.
The name can be read to mean “great salvation.”
Ends nightfall of Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Now that you know what is going on in the spirit realms during these months. Let’s take a look at what is expected o happen in the natural.

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ANTICHRIST REVEALED ON a Sabbatical Year? Shemitah ends September 26th, 2022 With USA Falling
6 months, 2 weeks ago
5 days, 3 hours ago

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LESSCategory EducationSensitivity Normal – Content that is suitable for ages 16 and overThe owner has disabled comments on this video.Get BitChute MembershipPLAYING NEXTvideo imageplay 98032:31The Pope is calling in all assets by October 1st. What does it mean? Mark: Christopher
Jim Crenshaw
13 minutes ago

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What in the world are they planning to do on September 24th, 2022? A member of the German legislature is openly warning that September 24th will be a day when everyone will remember “exactly where he or she was”. Needless to say, those days don’t come along very often. For those that were alive at the time, the death of John F. Kennedy was one of those days. And certainly 9/11 was one of those days. Are the global elite planning an event of biblical proportions? We ask Laura Eisenhower. Dr. James Fetzer breaks down the decay of our society into a totalitarian regime. Two former members of the Heaven’s Gate cult return to defend it. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost!
1 day, 19 hours ago
CALLING OUT All WATCHMAN and WATCHWOMEN on the Wall – September 26

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According to Prophecies, September 2022, might be a big month with big changes coming. Some say that we will see the financial bubble pop, and that September will be known for the month that World War 3 has officially started.
00:00 – WWIII Has Officially Started04:39 – Era of Fake Money is Gone12:49 – CornerStoneAsset Metals13:13 – Joseph’s Kitchen16:43 – Hunger Stones20:54 – Russia’s Secret Weapon23:23 – The Great Unraveling25:36 – Berkey Water System26:53 – Watchmen Package27:48 – EMP Shield
Berkey Water Filters Call: (785) 266-1112
2 weeks, 2 days ago
North America’s Worst Disaster Ever Is FINALLY About To Happen!
Argentina moves to pay farmers a black market exchange rate to bring grain to market as all vessels leaving from Ukraine need to be insured minimum $50 million per cargo, few firms can afford that cost. River, Rail and Road deliveries all time high fuel surcharge. Terraforming a world.
#famine #foodprice #gold #adapt2030
1 month ago

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…jan van helsing’s statement on the internet …the page “the incorruptible”
A video excerpt from the Federal Chairman of the CDU, Friedrich Merz, from February 27, 2022 has been circulating through the internet for a few weeks, in which he says: “This September 24, 2022 will remain in our memories as a day that we will talk about later become: I remember exactly where I was…”Since then, there has been speculation as to whether the video is real and what he might have meant by it. A brief search revealed that he got the date wrong and meant February 24, the day the war began in Ukraine. So all hot air again…Or not? Well, regardless of this Merz statement, I also got this date from an intelligence source, and I was advised – since I am currently on La Palma – to extend my stay on the island and not around September 24th stay in Germany or east of it.
What should I or should you do with this information now? It is not known what is supposed to take place or at what exact location, and how severe it could be. In addition, over the past few years, dates have repeatedly been mentioned when something special should have happened: a blackout, a system crash, the liberation of Germany, an atomic bomb being dropped……