The Satanic Temple has declared that Abortion is their Religious Ritual. Which of course declares it to be CHILD SACRIFICE to Satan. Something that truthers have been saying for a long time and Satanists have denied, saying they don’t believe in Satan. Apparently, this is not the first time they have made this claim in courts of the USA.
Well, I must say that it is good to see them coming right out in the open with it. The world is beginning to see that those they call Conspiracy Theorists have been right all along. They are also coming to realize that “Satanic Panic” is another term created by the evil ones to deflect legitimate concern and avoid exposure. Our parents and grand parents had legitimate cause for their protests and their fears. The devil has been very busy and pretty successful at recruiting.
I say, if they are saying that abortion is child sacrifice and therefore entitled to religious freedom, than it is not a healthcare issue and should not be covered by medical insurance for which the public would be forced to pay. They have no right enforce their religious practices on the rest of us.
It should have been obvious long before now that Satan and his demons are behind abortion. Feminists clearly display obvious evidence of demonic possession. They behave in appalling and horrific ways when they are declaring their rights publicly. I find their behavior to be so highly offensive I am embarrassed to be a woman. WOMEN were not created to be so violent and deranged. Only a woman demonically possessed can rejoice in murdering her baby. Only women demonically possessed could call for the killing of all men.
Now, the Satanists are coming right out and telling you what is going on. OPEN YOUR EYES.
The following webpage is full of information and enlightenment on the topic of abortion. I highly recommend you visit it. There was not room to include it on this post but it is all worth reading:
The ‘Beautification’ of Ritual Child Slaughter
Newsletter – Tuesday, 5/10/2022
Finally, Satanists have confirmed a teaching which Cutting Edge has been preaching for 25 years:
NEWS BRIEF: “Satanists to Make Legal Argument in Favor of Abortion as a Religious Ritual”, American Greatness, May 10, 2022
“The Satanic Temple of the United States (TST) plans to file legal challenges against any states that restrict or ban abortions, claiming that such procedures constitute religious rituals for its adherents.”
“TST has long considered abortion to be one of its ‘religious’ rituals, with one of their main beliefs being that “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.”
Former Black Magick Satanist, Doc Marquis, was taught by his Coven leader, that numerous organizations were committed to the proper shedding of blood from many sources that would be necessary to stage Antichrist on the world scene.
Wars count, as do suicides, murders, and especially, abortion. Satanists regard abortion to be most powerful of all blood sacrifices! (Read details at “I Witch”)
When you understand the reason that only the United States of America is listed in this New World Order Organization Chart, you will be amazed to the point of denial. You will then understand why God must judge this former Christian Nation the most severe.
Satanists lie to convince people Satan does not really exist and that they are just about freedom. Anyone who believes that is a fool. If they do not believe in Satan, why do they pray to him and perform rituals, commit murder to please him? Why do they erect Statues in his image and dedicate them to him using rituals? IF they have indeed they have fooled themselves into believing it is all a game…they are in for a very rude awakening.
Former Satanist: ‘I Performed Satanic Rituals inside Abortion Clinics’

In light of the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of the organs and tissues of preborn babies (here and here), the Lepanto Institute interviewed former satanic High Wizard, Zachary King.Zachary, a normal boy who grew up in a Baptist home, began practicing magic at age 10, joined a satanic coven at 13, and had broken all 10 Commandments by the time he was 15 years old. From his teen years to adulthood he worked his way up to High Wizard in the coven and took part in ritualistic abortions.
Through the Miraculous Medal and the mercy of Our Lady, King had a life changing experience in January 2008. In May 2008 he entered the Catholic Church.
The fact that King is allowed to go public as a Catholic with these shocking revelations seems to us to confirm the increasingly brazen attitude of Satanism. It is showing itself more and more, with no fear of reprisals. This is only possible with the widespread Catholic acceptance of religious liberty promoted by Vatican II. – TIA
L.I. – Tell me about the first abortion you ever did as a satanic ritual.
King – The first one I did was about 3 months before turning 15. It took place in a farm house that was surprisingly more sterile than many of the other abortion clinics I had done abortions in. There was an abortion doctor and an abortion nurse. There was a woman in stirrups about to have a baby who was surrounded by 13 top members of our coven, which were all high priests and priestesses.
The woman in the black cap at right admits she had an abortion to become a millionaire
I was inside the circle with the woman and the abortion doctor. All the adult members of my coven were there. There were several women kneeling on the floor, swaying back and forth chanting “our body and ourselves” over and over again. Off to the side were several male members of our coven all chanting and praying.
The ritual started at 11:45 at night, and the spell began at midnight, which is the witching hour, and the actual death of the child happened at 3:00 am, which is called the devil’s hour. My whole role in all of this was to insert the scalpel. I didn’t necessarily have to do the actual killing … what was important was that I get blood on my hands.
So, I had to get somebody’s blood on my hands, whether the woman’s or the baby’s, and then the doctor finishes out the procedure. In that particular one, which was probably one of the more heinous abortions I had ever done, the doctor reached in, ripped the baby out and threw it onto the floor where these women were swaying.
The women looked like they were possessed, and when the doctor threw the baby out to them, they cannibalized the baby.
L.I. – What would happen when doing these ritual abortions? What general events would take place during these rituals?
King – There are kids that come to these events, but they’re generally not in the room when the abortion is taking palace. They’re in a separate room and they have contests to see which one of the kids can stay up until 3:00 am, and the kid that can stay up that late gets a reward.
Satanists convene for a ritual at the World Church of Satan; the same satanic air pervades rock concerts like WATAIN’s, below
The men who are not a part of the top 13 are doing spells and chanting. They also are casting spells to protect them against anyone who might be praying against them, like a Christian praying against them. Also, whoever we have in our pocket for protection, so if we’ve paid off a sheriff’s deputy or cop or something like that, then no one is investigating us at that time. There are women chanting and swaying.
The 13 members are surrounding the woman about to have the abortion, and they are the ones conducting the actual magick spell. In one instance, the one asking for the spell was the mayor of the town. He came to us because he wanted to pass some ordinance for his town, and he had tried it two or three times and it never went through. He had been a member of the coven for quite some time. He had tried every legal avenue to get this thing through, and it never worked, so he got somebody to agree to have an abortion and for it to happen at our satanic coven and during a night where we could do the abortion and do the spell at the same time.
Generally, in a small-town coven, which is what that was, everyone would show up to the event. In a bigger place, like when I was a member of the World Church of Satan, you would get the high wizard, the people who want their spell to take place would be there. There would be the abortion doctor and his nurse.
Many times, at [high profile abortion facilities], there’s a whole lot of them because a lot of the people that work at those places are witches or Satanists. So, you’ll get a lot of the people there willing to participate in the satanic event.
Satanists to Make Legal Argument in Favor of Abortion as a Religious Ritual
The Satanic Temple of the United States (TST) plans to file legal challenges against any states that restrict or ban abortions, claiming that such procedures constitute religious rituals for its adherents.
As Fox News reports, TST released a statement declared that “in states that outlaw abortion but grant exceptions for instances of incest and rape, members should be permitted a religious exception to perform TST’s religious abortion ritual.”
“States that outlaw abortion and do not grant exceptions present more significant challenges, but TST has a number of plans that we will be undertaking quite soon,” the statement continued. “First, we will be suing the FDA to permit TST access to Mifepristone and Misoprostol for use under medical supervision as part of our religious abortion ritual.”
To this end, the Satanists plan to file their lawsuits under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), a 1993 law that made it illegal for state governments to interfere in religious practices without first demonstrating a “compelling interest” in doing so. (CERTAINLY SAVING THE LIVES OF UNBORN BABIES or BABIES about to be or already delivered is a “compelling interest”). TST claims that under this law, “unfettered access” to the aforementioned abortion drugs is necessary to ensure that its followers can perform ritualistic abortions without government interference.
TST has long considered abortion to be one of its “religious” rituals, with one of their main beliefs being that “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” The ritual in question, as described by TST’s website, involves a member reciting two of its tenets along with a personal affirmation that is “ceremoniously intertwined” with the act of the abortion itself.
“Because prerequisite procedures such as waiting periods, mandatory viewing of sonograms, and compulsory counseling contravene Satanists’ religious convictions,” the website says, “those who perform the religious abortion ritual are exempt from these requirements and can receive first-trimester abortions on demand in states that enacted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”
The move by the Satanists represents just another example of backlash from radical elements of the United States in response to the news last week that the Supreme Court is preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. The news was leaked to Politico, with a draft of the ruling written by Justice Samuel Alito, with the support of four other justices, which would completely overturn Roe and the 1992 ruling Planned Parenthood v. Casey. If the Court does indeed make this ruling official in June, then the issue of abortion would be returned to individual states to decide.
Satanic Temple Sues Texas for “Right” to Practice a Kind of Child Sacrifice
New American
Photo: Liliboas/E+/Getty Images
The Satanic Temple has what it calls an “abortion ritual” — and it’s now suing the state of Texas for the right to perform this “religious” ceremony unimpeded.
Filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division on behalf of Satanic Temple member “Ann Doe,” the suit alleges that “certain state-mandated abortion regulations violate the religious liberty of its members,” reports the Dallas Observer. “They say regulations, such as those that require women seeking an abortion to undergo a sonogram and examine the results, read about abortion and sit-out a mandatory waiting period, violate the temple’s religious teachings.” (Naturally, they don’t want anything like this to happen, I mean, if the women/girls should have to look at the truth, and recognize abortion for what it is and how the baby suffers, and then take time to think about it…they would likely NEVER go through with it.)
“It’s legal to get an abortion in Texas,” the site continues. “But the procedure is banned after 20 weeks unless a life-threatening medical condition is involved or the fetus has a severe abnormality. If a person is eligible, the state requires them to get a sonogram and receive paperwork about medical risks, adoption alternatives and developmental stages of the fetus.” (All important information for a person to make an informed, intelligent decision.)
“The state then requires a woman to wait 24 hours after receiving the sonogram and paperwork before she can go through with the abortion,” the Observer further informs. “The day-long wait is not required if for those who live 100 miles or more away from the nearest abortion provider.” (Again, totally reasonable and responsible. This gives anyone considering an abortion time to evaluate the information and make peace with their decision or change their mind.)
The Satanic Temple claims that these restrictions interfere with its “abortion ritual,” which it says Ann Doe performed. At its website (no, I won’t provide the link), it calls the ritual “a ceremonial affirmation of self-worth and bodily autonomy that integrates the abortive process.” (So it is a child sacrifice to the god of SELF.. Satan, and a direct act of defiance and rebellion against The Creator of all life.)
Prior to filing its suit, the Satanic Temple’s attorney had “sent a letter to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission” demanding “an exemption from the abortion restrictions on behalf of Ann Doe,” the group’s website also relates.
The “requirements are a precondition to Ms. Doe’s ability to participate in a religious ceremony,” the group further claims. “It is a substantial interference per se for the state to place a regulatory hurdle — one that costs money — in front of a religious exercise. The state might as well tax and regulate Mass.” (Actually, it had already regulated Mass, at least on a temporary basis, via COVID-19 restrictions.) (I say, if it is a ritual sacrifice, it does not qualify for medical expense to be paid by the government.)
As for the “abortion ritual,” the Satanic Temple writes that it “(1) requires an abortion; and (2) affirms her [the mother’s] religious subscription to TST’s [The Satanic Temple’s] Third and Fifth Tenets.” These tenets state, respectively, “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone”; and “Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.” Science is a religion. For those who KNOW the CREATOR NOTHING comes before Him and His Commandments.
When performing the ritual, a Satanic Temple member “will look at her reflection, be reminded of her personhood and responsibility to herself, take deep breaths, focus on her intent and make herself comfortable,” writes the Observer. “When ready, she will say the third and fifth tenet of the temple aloud.”
After the baby is killed, the Satanic Temple member “would return to her reflection and cite her personal affirmation: ‘By my body, my blood. By my will, it is done,’” the Observer also relates.
(WOW..WOW..WOW. This is so outrageously EVIL. This definitely leaves the person having the abortion with NO EXCUSE. She is literally affirming and declaring that she is taking full responsibility before GOD for the MURDER of her child. Looking right at her own reflection, and speaking it out by her own hand she is killing the child. One day she will stand before GOD, and have no defense.)
The report includes the developmental and legal history of RU-486, how it works, its adverse effects, who has supported its development and is “pushing to deregulate” it, and the legislation passed to protect the preborn and their mothers from its effects. This article summarizes some of these topics.
The Satanic Temple had filed two lawsuits in Missouri in recent years that were similar to its Texas effort and had lost. Yet the group’s co-founder and spokesman Lucien Greaves claims that “it wouldn’t be accurate to say we lost in a way that would have challenged the legitimacy of our legal arguments.”
While I don’t know if this is accurate, there are, lamentably, dark parallels between the Satanic Temple’s beliefs and mainstream prenatal infanticide advocates — and our law itself.
Consider that the Satanic Temple emphasizes the woman’s will, “By my will, it is done,” while prenatal infanticide advocates proclaim “My body, my choice!” — even when that choice is murder. But since a “choice” is made via exercise of will, “pro-choice” is another way of saying “pro-my will.”
Then consider our schizophrenic prenatal infanticide law. A man may be charged with a double-murder if he kills a pregnant woman. Yet if that woman had lived and decided to kill her unborn baby, it would be considered her right and might be called “termination of an unviable tissue mass.”
This irrationality isn’t hard to understand: Much as with the antebellum constitutional provision deeming a slave three-fifths of a person, our prenatal infanticide laws reflect political compromise, not moral principle. And compromise often leads to contradiction. For rightness and rationality aren’t determined by majority vote.
The point, however, is that our law also deifies the woman’s will. When she’s with child and wants the baby, he’s considered human and wholly inviolable; when she doesn’t, he’s considered something subhuman (like a slave) that can be discarded. Her will be done. Thus is “deifies” not too strong a word, for such power over life and death is to be reserved to God.
But transferring it to man is a Satanic Temple goal. “Thyself is Thy Master. Hail Satan!” is the group’s apparent motto, prominently displayed on its website. Oh, the Satanic Temple claims to be “non-theistic” and thus, ostensibly, considers Satan a sort of metaphor. It’s said, however, that the “Devil’s cleverest wile is to convince us he doesn’t exist.”
For being “thy own master” may suffice to advance evil. As we sometimes learn in life if touched by wisdom, after all, following our own will invites disaster. This is often because when we do so, we’re not actually following our will — it’s just that we’re not following God’s, either.
When we sin, we are following the leading and or dictating of demonic spirits. Knowingly or unknowingly we are serving Satan. Whether the people in the Satanic Temple want to admit it or not…they are worshipping Satan. When they do as he does, when they call on his name, when they rebel against the Creator they are Worshipping Satan.
What to Know About Abortion Pill Dosing, Side Effects, and Risks
Published on September 20, 2021
Since abortion pills were first FDA approved in the U.S. in 2000, there’s been a shift as more people started choosing medications (called a medical abortion) over surgical procedures to end a pregnancy. In fact, almost 40% of all abortions in 2018 were medical abortions — a 120% jump since 2009.
Key takeaways:
Two medications — mifepristone – RU486 (Mifeprex) and misoprostol (Cytotec) — are taken together to end a pregnancy during the first 10 to 11 weeks.
Cramping and bleeding are common side effects that usually start within 2 to 24 hours of taking misoprostol.
Heavy bleeding, stomach pain, and fever can be signs of something more serious that requires medical attention.
The pills are taken over the course of 2 to 3 days, starting with mifepristone. The FDA-approved regimen is as follows:
Take 200 mg (1 tablet) of mifepristone by mouth on the first day. This is usually supplied by your healthcare provider, typically in a clinic, medical office, or hospital setting. Depending where you live, telehealth options might be available.
Wait 24 to 48 hours, then take 800 mcg (four 200 mcg tablets)
If you’re 71 to 77 days gestation, you’ll typically repeat the same misoprostol dose again 4 hours later.
After you’ve completed the medication regimen, you’ll need to follow up with your healthcare provider after about 1 to 2 weeks.
How long does the abortion pill take to work?
After you’ve taken both medications, it usually takes about 2 to 24 hours for the pregnancy to be removed from your body.
In some cases, you may still be pregnant or you haven’t completely passed all of the tissue from your body. This is why following up with your healthcare provider is important. If this is the case, they’ll discuss your options with you, which may include another medication dose or surgery.
You should expect to experience cramping, especially after taking misoprostol. This is because it causes strong uterine contractions to help your body pass the pregnancy.
Your healthcare provider may recommend an over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription pain reliever to help you feel more comfortable, but you should avoid taking aspirin, since it can cause more bleeding.
Vaginal bleeding
You should also expect vaginal bleeding — sometimes heavier than your normal monthly bleeding — as the pregnancy leaves your body. It may also contain clots and tissue. Your healthcare provider may recommend that you use sanitary pads for a few days to keep track of your bleeding.
Together with cramping, these side effects usually mean that medications are working, but there are some exceptions that we’ll cover later. Although uncommon, some people may need to have surgery to stop the bleeding if it’s too heavy.
Over the next week or two, you may notice some bleeding or spotting — this is also normal. Sometimes it can even last up to a month. Because of this, you may need to wear sanitary pads during this time.
Other side effects
Within the first 24 hours after taking misoprostol, you may experience some additional side effects, including:
However, if these side effects are severe or don’t go away, this could be a sign of something more serious — more on this next.
While side effects are expected after taking these medications, there are also a few serious side effects and risks to know about.
Incomplete abortion
Even though medical abortions are very effective at terminating a pregnancy, sometimes they don’t work — even if you experienced the expected side effects. There’s a small chance that you may still be pregnant and require a surgical procedure to complete the process.
If the pregnancy continues without surgical intervention, there may be the potential for birth defects — but that risk is unknown. However, birth defects have been reported.
Heavy bleeding that requires surgery
Although bleeding is normal, there are certain situations that may require medical attention. For example, if you’re bleeding through two full-size sanitary pads every hour for at least 2 hours — or if you’re concerned about how much you’re bleeding — contact your healthcare provider right away.
In some cases, you may need to have a surgical procedure to remove anything remaining in your uterus. This is usually rare, affecting 1 out of every 100 people going through a medical abortion.
Surgical procedure options may include:
Surgical aspiration: A type of surgical abortion that uses gentle suction to remove a pregnancy.
Dilation and curettage (D&C): A surgical procedure that uses a scraping or suction tool to remove tissue from the uterus.
Blood clots in your uterus
As mentioned above, you may see some blood clots as you bleed. This is normal, unless they’re large (e.g., larger than a lemon) or you’ve been passing them for 2 hours or more. In this case, contact your healthcare provider right away.
Serious infection
If you’re feeling sick (e.g., nausea, stomach pain, weakness) — with or without fever — more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol, this could be a sign of something more serious, like an infection. In this case, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Similarly, call them right away if you’re experiencing a fever of 100.4°F or higher for more than 4 hours.
Although rare, there have been some reports of sepsis — a life-threatening response to an infection in your body. This is thought to be due to a certain toxin-producing bacteria found in the vaginas of about 10% of women.
You may not always develop a fever from a serious infection or sepsis after a medical abortion, so it’s best to pay attention to how you feel throughout the process and afterwards. As mentioned above, you should seek medical attention if you’re not feeling well more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol.
Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancies — pregnancies outside of the uterus — can’t be treated with a medical abortion. In fact, mifepristone shouldn’t be given to someone with a confirmed or suspected ectopic pregnancy for this reason.
As mentioned above, you shouldn’t have an IUD in place during a medical abortion — it needs to be removed before you take the medications. It’s also important to know that getting pregnant with an IUD in place raises the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy.
Although your healthcare provider may perform tests in advance of a medical abortion, sometimes ectopic pregnancies are missed on an ultrasound. However, ectopic pregnancies in people obtaining medical abortions are rare, with 97 reported cases between 2000 and 2018.
Ectopic pregnancies can also cause a fallopian tube (a tube connecting the ovaries to the uterus) to rupture, leading to severe or life-threatening internal bleeding. And the symptoms you might experience — like stomach pain — can overlap with medical abortion side effects.
It’s important to seek medical attention right away if you experience sudden, severe stomach pain or shoulder pain, weakness, or fainting, as this could be a sign of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
I share this information because it is clear that those seeking abortions will not receive the necessary information at the hands of the abortion promoters. I pray that these women/girls will seriously look at the risks involved, and consider that having a medical abortion at home is far from easy and certainly NOT SAFE.
What is mifepristone, and what is it used for?
Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid that is categorized into two drug classes, antiprogestins and cortisol receptor blockers.
The Mifeprex brand of mifepristone is an antiprogestin, used to terminate intrauterine pregnancy in its early phase, up to 70 days of gestation. Mifepristone causes pregnancy termination by:
- Blocking the activity of progesterone, a natural hormone that prepares the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, for implantation and continuation of pregnancy.
- Increasing the concentration of prostaglandin, a natural compound in the body that promotes contraction of the uterine muscle wall (myometrium), which results in menstrual bleeding and termination of pregnancy.
The Korlym brand of mifepristone is a cortisol receptor blocker, used to manage and treat high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) in people with Cushing’s syndrome, a disorder that leads to excessive levels of cortisol, a natural steroid hormone. Mifepristone helps lower blood sugar levels by:
- Blocking cortisol from binding to its glucocorticoid receptors, mitigating hyperglycemia caused by excess cortisol levels. Mifepristone, however, does not reduce cortisol levels.
Mifepristone is approved by the FDA for the following uses:
- Pregnancy termination: Termination of pregnancy up to 10 weeks of gestation, in combination with misoprostol, a drug that induces uterus contraction. Mifepristone is typically administered as a single dose followed by misoprostol 24-48 hours later.
- Cushing’s syndrome: Management and treatment of hyperglycemia secondary to hypercortisolism in adults with endogenous Cushing’s syndrome who have type 2 diabetes mellitus or glucose intolerance and have failed surgery or cannot have surgery.
- Ovarian cancer: Orphan designation
- Serious and sometimes fatal infections and bleeding occur very rarely following spontaneous, surgical, and medical abortions
- Atypical presentation of infection reported; patients with serious bacterial infections (eg, Clostridium sordellii) and sepsis can present without fever, bacteremia or significant findings on pelvic examination following an abortion; very rarely, deaths have been reported in patients who presented without fever, with or without abdominal pain, but with leukocytosis with a marked left shift, tachycardia, hemoconcentration, and general malaise
- Prolonged heavy bleeding may be a sign of incomplete abortion or other complications that requires prompt medical attention
- Should be used only with strict adherence to recommended dosages by medically trained personnel who can provide immediate intensive care in acute surgical facilities
Contraindications for mifepristone include:
- Hypersensitivity to mifepristone, misoprostol, other prostaglandins, or components of mifepristone
Mifeprex contraindications
- Confirmed or suspected ectopic pregnancy, undiagnosed adnexal mass, or intrauterine device (IUD) currently in place
- Chronic adrenal failure or concurrent long-term corticosteroid therapy
- Hemorrhagic disorders inherited porphyrias or concurrent anticoagulant therapy
What are the side effects of mifepristone?
Common side effects of mifepristone include:
This is not a complete list of all side effects or adverse reactions that may occur from the use of this drug. Call your doctor for medical advice about serious side effects or adverse reactions. You may also report side effects or health problems to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
Pregnancy Termination
Mifeprex is indicated for the medical termination of intrauterine pregnancy through 70 days gestation in combination with misoprostol
- Day 1: 200 mg of mifepristone orally as a single dose under physician supervision
- Days 2-3: 800 mcg of misoprostol in the cheek (buccally) once as a single dose; must be administered a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 48 hours following mifepristone dose on day 1
- Days 7-14:
- Must return for a follow-up visit to confirm complete termination has occurred by medical history, clinical examination, hCG testing, or ultrasonographic scan
- If complete expulsion has not occurred, but the pregnancy is not ongoing, women may be treated with another dose of misoprostol 800 mcg in the cheek (buccally) with follow-up in approximately 7 days
- Lack of bleeding following treatment usually indicates failure; however, prolonged or heavy bleeding is not proof of a complete abortion
- Surgical evacuation is recommended to manage ongoing pregnancies after medical abortion
Generic name: misoprostol [ mye-so-PRAH-stole ]
Brand name: Cytotec
Dosage form: oral tablet (100 mcg; 200 mcg)
Drug class: Miscellaneous GI agents
What is misoprostol?
Misoprostol reduces stomach acid and helps protect the stomach from damage that can be caused by taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), celecoxib, diclofenac, indomethacin, meloxicam, and others.
Misoprostol is used to prevent stomach ulcers during treatment with aspirin or an NSAID.
Misoprostol may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Before taking this medicine
You should not use misoprostol if you are allergic to misoprostol or other prostaglandins.
To make sure misoprostol is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:
- inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or other intestinal problems;
- heart disease; or
- if you are dehydrated.
FDA pregnancy category X. Misoprostol can cause birth defects, premature birth, uterine rupture, miscarriage, or incomplete miscarriage and dangerous uterine bleeding. Do not use misoprostol if you are pregnant. Use effective birth control to prevent pregnancy while you are using this medicine, and for at least 1 month after your treatment ends.
RU486 becomes a “killer pill” also in the United States …
Fourteen women struck down by RU486 in the United States alone, 336 bleeding, 256 infections of which 48 serious, 612 emergency hospitalizations, 58 cases of ectopic pregnancies and more generally 2,207 women who reported harmful effects. This says the new report of the Food and Drugs Administration (Fda) , the US government body that monitors the correct use of drugs
They are five more deaths than those recorded by the most authoritative research so far, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, therefore at least one in three death cases had been kept secret and it is obviously very likely that there are many others. Up to now, 1 million and 520 thousand American women have used mifepristone, the active ingredient of RU486.
Leo Aletti , Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Melegnano Hospital, argues that “when a drug causes death it must never be administered. The medical code of ethics, moreover, explicitly states this » . In the past, other drugs (such as thalidomide) that have caused alterations have been eliminated from the drug list. However, beyond the lawfulness or otherwise of abortion, “from a statistical point of view the comparison to be made is between pharmacological and surgical abortion: in Italy from 1978 to date six million abortions have been performed in hospital , and mortality among women was close to or zero. Given the due proportions, this therefore means that the RU486 is deadly “.
Commenting directly on this research, the head physician states: «the FDA report denies that RU486 is a quiet way to apply abortion, so two or three tablets are enough even at home. And it calls into question the safety of drug abortion. Where pharmacological abortion is applied there is the clinical abandonment of the user of this therapy, and what is lacking is the clinical reference point for the patient. If you prescribe a drug that even led to the deaths of 14 women, after we abandoned drugs for much less in the past, it is clear that it is a political choice. As also highlighted by the fact that, in the Italian Medicines Agency, Romano Colozzi voted against RU486, for the same reasons highlighted by the FDA “.
We recall that Silvio Viale , the radical gynecologist, incredibly declared in 2009 : «RU486 is absolutely not dangerous. And 29 deaths are nothing . They are not a problem for any drug » . It would be nice to send this profound reflection to the families of all women who have died as a result of drug abortion.
The list of women who died from RU486 is growing
Two more women died after having an abortion with Ru486: three experts from the Cdc (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in Atlanta tell us about it, in the latest issue of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. The deaths are from septic shock from “Clostridium sordellii”, the fatal infection that has already killed six women so far, while for a seventh the shock was due to another type of Clostridium, the “Perfringes”. All after medical abortion. A sad accounting, continues Avvenire, tells us that in general after the administration of Ru486 19 women who had abortions died, and 12 people who had taken the drug for “compassionate use”, ie outside established protocols, for a total of 31 victims. We should then remember two other women who died after a pharmacological abortion, for which, however, only the second drug, prostaglandins, was administered. Unfortunately, these news confirm the opinion of the president of the World Association of Reproductive Medicine, the layman Severino Antinori , who a few months ago in Il Giornale declared: “No more lies, that drug is intolerable torture. Enough of this hypocrisy. Enough with false information. Let’s stop saying that the Ru486 pill increases women’s freedom. It only increases her freedom to harm herself. RU486 raises the risk of mortality for mothers and increases cases of infertility. It is like a noose around the neck of the fetus and it takes five days to asphyxiate it “ (see Ultimissima 4/4/10 ). But it is abortion in general that increases a woman’s mortality. For example, Unicef demonstrates this in a 2005 Report. In countries where abortion is limited, fewer women die, unlike in those where, on the other hand, voluntary termination of pregnancy is more de-regulated and accessible (see also Latest 30/5/2010 ).
Excerpts only. Read the full pdf: HERE
Claiming the Abortion Pill is Safe
While the number of PPFA clinics performing surgical abortions is decreasing, the use of chemical abortifacients is on the rise. According to the Guttmacher Institute, “[m]edication abortions accounted for 31% of all nonhospital abortions in 2014, and for 45% of abortions before nine weeks’ gestation.”
In 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Mifepristone (RU-486) to be used as an abortion pill. To date, it remains the only FDA-approved drug for the purpose of abortion. Mifepristone is categorized as a selected progesterone receptor modulator (SPRM), and works to block progesterone, thus depriving a developing baby of necessary proteins to survive its first ten weeks of development. SPRMs also suppress the mother’s immune system, making her more prone to infection and bleeding.
The FDA approval process for RU-486 was rushed, flawed, and politicized. The FDA deviated from its normal approval process and used inferior clinical trials to gain the approval. By April of 2011, ten and-a-half years after the abortifacient was made available in the United States, the FDA acknowledged 11 deaths, nine life-threatening incidents, 612 hospitalizations, 339 cases involving the need for blood transfusions, and 256 cases of infections. A total of 2,207 adverse events were reported.
March 2010, a Planned Parenthood clinic in Iowa reportedly began to prescribe RU-486 over Skype, rather then relying on an in-person doctor visit. In May 2010, PPFA announced its five-year plan to begin “telemed” abortions nationally.
Telemedicine, or telemed, is the use of electronic communications to relay medical information between the patient and her doctor. In a telemed abortion, the doctor prescribes and directs the woman to take the RU-486 pill to initiate a chemical abortion, even though he is physically absent from the patient. Given the drug’s normal side effects and frequent complications, telemed abortions pose a serious threat to the mother’s health.
As the plan began to be implemented, however, state legislatures took steps to ban dangerous telemed abortions. In April 2012, the state of Wisconsin passed a bill outlawing telemed abortions and requiring a doctor to be present when a woman administers a chemical abortion pill.
In spite of widely reported dangers and adverse effects reported by the FDA, Planned Parenthood still continues to tell women that “the abortion pill—is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy.” They even encourage women to “have your medication abortion at home or in another comfortable place that you choose. You get to decide who you want to be with during your abortion, or you can go it alone” with no physician supervision.
In a recent update, the FDA reported 1,445 more cases of adverse effects from 2012 to 2017, ranging from blood loss requiring transfusions, infections (with a substantial amount categorized as “severe”), hospitalizations, and at least 22 women who died.
Planned Parenthood claims to be an advocate for women’s health. However, it has shown a consistent indifference to the ramifications and complications posed by chemical abortions. By failing to warn clients about potential complications and minimizing the medical attention and professional supervision of the chemical abortion regimen, Planned Parenthood continues to show outright disregard, not merely for the unborn child, but also for the health of the mother.
Planned Parenthood’s carelessness and inability to perform quality services has plagued several facilities and led to the death of several women. If they really cared about the quality of life of young women, they would inform them of these risks instead of spreading disinformation
planned parenthood is not pro-woman
by patrina mosley
© 2018 family research council
all rights reserved.
printed in the united state
Years ago, I happened to pick up a book on RU486 at a garage sale. It was written back in the 1980’s by those who were working to get out. It was amazingly candid and actually shared the true motives behind their creation. I don’t remember much about it. I wish I had kept it. I have not been able to find it again. The motives behind the creation and promotion of this chemical are far from humanitarian. It was created by people who are for Eugenics and Population Control among other things. It is part of the plot to create a new race. The pill is dangerous not only for the babies who will suffer and die, but for the women who are also victims in this agenda, and for society as a whole. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL.
The Evil Origins of The Abortion Pill RU 486
RU-486 Hoechsts Connection to the Jewish Holocaust
The two companies most actively involved in the distribution of RU 486 are Hoechst A.G. of Frankfurt, Germany, and Paris’ Roussel Uclaf.
Hoechst is a huge multinational conglomerate with 224 subsidiaries in 124 countries. It does $23.7 billion in sales each year.
Hoechst is the parent firm of Roussel, the company which actually produces and markets this lethal drug. Hoechst owns 100% of Roussel stock.
But Hoechst has a historical reason for keeping a low profile in the RU 486 debate. It is Hoechst’s infamous relationship to the I.G. Farben Chemical Company.
Farben aided the Nazis in waging aggressive warfare and perpetrating crimes against humanity by manufacturing Zyklon B, the cyanide gas used in the Nazi death camps. At Nuremberg, in 1947, 24 Farben executives were charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity.
At Auschwitz Farben exploited slave labor to build the world’s largest synthetic rubber and oil facility. This installation dubbed “I.G. Auschwitz” was so huge that it used as much electricity as did the entire city of Berlin. Over 25,000 inmates were worked to death in its construction.
Farben also produced poisonous solutions for use in aggressive warfare and in human experimentation. At Nuremberg, Judge Paul M. Hebert focused on Farben’s extensive contributions to chemical warfare “research, development and production of mustard gas, tear gas, nitrogen mustard gas, adamsite (throat irritant) and phosgene.” Another segment of the Nuremberg indictment revealed that “poison gases and various deadly pharmaceuticals manufactured by Farben were used in experimentation upon, and the extermination of enslaved persons in concentration camps throughout Europe.”
Farben produced the stabilizer for Zyklon B and owned 42.5% of Degesch (the “German Vermin-Combatting Corporation”), developer of this highly virulent weapon.
“When the Final Solution added Jews to the SS extermination plans, Degesch profits reflected the new prosperity,” concluded Joseph Borkin in The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben. “I.G.’s dividends on its Degesch investments for the years 1942, 1943, and 1944 were double those of 1940 and 1941.”
Because of its extensive involvement in such a vast array of destructive activities, the name Farben came to epitomize the ultimate in corporate evil incarnate. Josiah DuBois, chief prosecutor at the Farben Trial, considered the defendants and their crimes so malevolent that he wrote a book about them titled The Devil’s Chemists: 24 Conspirators of the International Farben Cartel Who Manufacture Wars.
The complete dissolution of Farben was therefore considered an indispensable means of assuring the peace after World War II. In 1947 a plan was formulated by the American Military Government to break up Farben into 47 independent units.
However, this never materialized. Concern over the Cold War with Russia and ongoing corporate maneuvering proved to be formidable obstacles. Ultimately, Farben was only divided into three companies: Hoechst, Bayer and BASF. (BASF the largest chemical producer in the world.)
Since Hoechst has not put the brakes on Roussel Uclaf’s worldwide ambitions to distribute this deadly abortifacient, it is imperative that the alarming kinship between Farben and Hoechst be subjected to widespread public scrutiny. This consciousness-raising process should highlight the following parallels:
1. Farben was the largest chemical corporation of its time. Hoechst, according to the business journal Long Range Planning (June 1990), has become “the world’s biggest chemicals business” and intends to maintain this position through an ambitious program of global expansion.
2. Farben was a prominent participation in the chemical war against Jews during the Nazi era. Hoechst is a major participant in the chemical annihilation of the unborn today.
3. Farben made a momentous contribution to the science of chemical warfare by testing its deadly products on victims selected for extermination in Nazi gas chambers. The contribution of Hoechst’s subsidiary, Roussel, to the field of chemical warfare consists of lethal experiments on and the direct killing of unborn children.
4. Farben was the parent company of Degesch, developer of the Zyklon B gas used in the extermination of millions at Auschwitz. Hoechst is the parent firm of Roussel Uclaf, manufacturer of the deadly drug RU 486 capable of destroying millions of unborn children throughout the world.
5. Farben controlled Degesch’s policies, including the decisions to use Zyklon on death camp inmates. Hoechst plays a major role in the policies of Roussel, including the development and distribution of RU 486 for use against the unborn.
6. Farben owned 42.5% of stock in Degesch. Hoechst owns 54.5% of the shares in Roussel.
7. Farben earned enormous profits from its investment in Degesch during the period when Zyklon became the primary means of eradicating the “postnatal expendables” of the Third Reich. Hoechst should derive a considerable payoff from its investment in Roussel if RU 486 ever becomes a widespread method of exterminating today’s “prenatal discards.”
Life Issues Connector, March 1995.
Has anyone noticed the increase in bloodshed, rebellion and murder since the BAAL ARCHES were erected across the earth?? The fact that the Worship of BAAL was condoned and lifted up in our National Capitols and Centers of Justice and Commerce has given Satan and his minions ground, power and worldwide acceptance.
“Before I FORMED (capitals mine) thee in the belly I KNEW (capitals mine) thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I SANCTIFIED (capitals mine) thee, and I ORDAINED (capitals mine) thee a prophet unto the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5
Let’s be totally honest! The Word of God, the Holy Bible, makes it extremely clear that before God ever FORMED the baby in the womb, He personally KNEW the baby as an individual, not some nameless, lifeless entity. Before the baby was ever born, He SANCTIFIED and ORDAINED that child of His with a very specific purpose in life. He then instructs us with the fifth Commandment which says “Thou shalt not kill”. The Bible goes even further, listing the killing of innocents something God HATES! “These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed INNOCENT BLOOD (capitals mine).” – Proverbs 6:16-17. I am personally offended when a person stands up and says “I am a Christian but I also support a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion!” Whether we are Republican or Democrat, pro-life or pro-choice we are all knowingly and willfully disobeying the very Commandment of God IF we allow the killing of an unborn child through abortion, or as they did thousands of years ago, through child sacrifice to the god of Baal as described in the Old Testament.
Who in the world is Baal?
“And Jehu went, and Jehonadab the son of Rechab, into the house of Baal, and said unto the worshippers of Baal, Search, and look that there be here with you NONE OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD (capitals mine), but the worshippers of Baal only.”
2 Kings 10:23
Baal was a FALSE god promoted by Jezebel, the Phoenician, non-Jewish wife of Jewish King Ahab. Because of her total influence on him and her personal worship of Baal, he had his kingdom leave the basic tenets of Judaism and instead worship the false god Baal. She also ordered the execution of all the Jewish prophets to ensure her beliefs, not theirs, were followed. For these sins, she was eventually punished by God by being thrown out of a window and her body was eaten by dogs (which event by the way had also been previously prophesied by Elijah). What does all this have to do with abortion today?
“And say, HEAR YE THE WORD OF THE LORD (capitals mine), O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I WILL BRING EVIL UPON THIS PLACE (capitals mine), the which whosoever heareth, his ears shall tingle. Because they have forsaken me, and have estranged this place, and have burned incense in it unto their gods, whom neither they nor their fathers have known, nor the kings of Judah, and have filled this place WITH THE BLOOD OF INNOCENTS (child sacrifice, capitals mine); They have built also the high places of Baal, TO BURN THEIR SONS WITH FIRE FOR BURNT OFFERINGS UNTO BAAL (capitals mine), which I COMMANDED NOT (capitals mine), nor spake it, neither came from it unto my mind: Therefore, behold the days come, saith the Lord, that this place shall no more be called Tophet, nor The valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter.”
Jeremiah 19:3-6
The worship of the false god Baal required the ritual sacrifice of their first born. Of course at that time, abortions were not medically feasible so the parents waited until after birth and then sacrificed the child to Baal by throwing them into the fire. Their total disdain for the life of a God-created child was dictated by their following of a false god and false religion which went in a totally different way than that ordained by God’s commandment to not kill. As a result of this sin the people who worshipped Baal were utterly defeated in what was called “…the valley of slaughter.”
Recently, a law was passed in New York allowing abortions up to the ninth month and a similar bill was closely defeated in Virginia which would have allowed a baby to be “aborted” (killed) AFTER it had already been born!! Do you think this is crazy? It has been allowed for years in the Netherlands to have a child UP TO ONE YEAR OLD killed by a doctor if the baby has medical issues! I encourage you to read The Party of Death by Ramesh Ponnuru for more info. Can you imagine the outrage if a woman has the right to choose to have an abortion, that a man could then also have the right to sacrifice a newborn child to the god of Baal!! What is the difference?
To be totally candid, I am a male and pro-life. Many may say as a male I have no right to decide what a woman does with her body. I must instead abide with what God told us directly in Hebrews 10:26-27: “For if we sin willfully after the truth we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth NO MORE SACRIFICE FOR SINS (capitals mine) But a certain fearful looking for of judgement and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.” Some readers of this blog may themselves have had an abortion. I can not condemn them but I will not condone the abortions either! Take a look at my previous post Don’t condemn, but DO NOT condone either! on this subject. We all sin! The issue here is whether we repent of our sins and ask for forgiveness.
Prior to the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision by the U.S Supreme Court upholding a woman’s right to “privacy” (aka abortion), ONLY two countries in the entire world (the Netherlands and Great Britain) allowed legal abortions and only then in the case of serious, life-threatening medical problems for the mother. Of course, for many years previously there were back alley abortions done illegally to end the life of an unwanted, unborn child. But, they were infrequent and relatively rare compared to this new form of “birth control” which has manifested itself now throughout the entire world and has been actively promoted by the U.S.! Just in the U.S. it is estimated there have been almost 60 million babies aborted since Roe vs. Wade was decided by a liberal court. 60 million!!! That is 10 times greater than the number of Jews massacred during the Holocaust.
Planned Parenthood, the main instigator behind the promotion of “abortion on demand” was founded by Margaret Sanger, a racist individual who saw legal abortion as one way to reduce the number of black children being born. What is amazing to me is Planned Parenthood then started the International Planned Parenthood Federation in 1948 to promote “women’s rights” internationally. 1948? Wasn’t that the year Israel was finally re-founded as a nation exactly as prophesied in the Bible, also starting the countdown to the Last days? Want more info? Take a read of my previous post Did 1948 Start the Last Days as Prophesied in the Bible? Sadly, while it is estimated 3,446 African Americans were killed last year in racial violence, Planned Parenthood aborts 247 black lives EVERY DAY! That is over 90,000 unborn African American babies aborted every year.
“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are the children of the youth.”
Psalm 127:3-4
God created life and from the very moment of conception, the child is a child created by God. And, that child was ORDAINED by God with a purpose. I don’t know if you have ever heard this story but there was a young couple doing Christian missionary work in the Philippines. She became pregnant and was advised because of her serious illness to have an abortion, even though at that time it was illegal there to abort a baby. They instead decided to trust in God and later their son was born healthy. His name? Tim Tebow! A Heisman trophy winner, former NFL player now playing professional baseball. Mr. Tebow has never backed off of his Christian faith and has publicly expressed the Word of God on many, many occasions. He was FORMED, KNOWN, SANCTIFIED and ORDAINED by God with a purpose! How many others out of the 60 million aborted babies, with God’s Ordination, could have gone on to do many miraculous things?
My primary purpose with this post is not to POLITICIZE abortion but rather to equate the murder of the unborn today with the “sacrifices” the followers of Baal did to their children thousands of years ago. Basically, there is absolutely no difference to killing a child FORMED, KNOWN, SANCTIFIED and ORDAINED by God, whether the child is two weeks from being born or two weeks after being born. As God said above, “I will bring evil upon this place.” We simply can’t accept the murder of 60 million babies in the U.S. and NOT realize the coming ultimate wrath of God!
“And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.”
Deuteronomy 8:19
As a Believer and follower of Jesus, it is concerning the coming Wrath which will come on the U.S. Since our country is NOT ONCE mentioned in the Bible, we can only speculate as to why the greatest country in the history of the world is not portrayed at all in End Times Biblical prophecy, but instead a new global, one-world government will arise out of Europe. Is it because the U.S. for some reason will no longer exist? The Rapture of the Believers in Jesus IS foretold and those unbelievers who are left behind and continue Satan’s work WILL suffer the Wrath of God. However:
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom (from whom) thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to MAKE THEE WISE UNTO SALVATION (capitals mine) through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
2 Timothy 3:13-15
He is Coming! Believe in Him and Follow His Law! If you do, you will be saved and spend eternity with Him. This world is getting so bad and yet we have all been given comfort in knowing His Plan for us! If you agree, please share this message, not out of despair or disgust, but of hope and expectation for the future. We can all do this by doing what He asked us to do and that is to “…therefore comfort one another with these words.”
May God Bless you!