Updated; 07/27/2021; RESTORED 3/15/22
TAGS: Satanic Ritual; Public Ritual, Abortion Ritual; Planned Parenthood and Satanists; Pagan Worship; Milk Baptism; Eugenics, ISIS, Washington State
We have been dumbed down through the foods we eat, the air we breathe, wifi and the medications prescription and non that we take. Now that they have us prepared we are being programmed to accept the new WORLD ORDER. Which is totally pagan, and actually is the ancient worship out of Egypt and directed by the fallen angels.
The state of Washington has permission for a Satanic ritual which should not surprise anyone. Washington State is a very dark place. They have been embracing occult ideas for years. That is where NIKE (god of victory) and Starbucks (with the Mamiwata Mermaid) are based.
Washington State is not alone in this, as you will see below. I am not surprised at all because Paganism has been booming around the world. This is not by accident. In my opinion, it may as well be out in the open. It has been going on since the dawn of man in secret. People refused to believe truthers when we shared that fact. Now, they cannot deny it anymore. Though these liars still practice their really dark rituals in secret, at least people are faced with the reality that they are out there. GOD/THE CREATOR/YAHOVAH is still in CONTROL and STILL GREATER and WILL ALWAYS BE GREATER. SO, there is no reason to FEAR. Realize though that this is a sign of the times in which we are living. This is another sign that the end is near. It is time to get right with GOD. Don’t try to defeat evil on your own. YOU WILL LOSE. Only God can save and protect you.
Mugged By Reality: Invoking Satan on the Steps of Washington State’s Capitol
On March 6, 2020, at the Washington State Capitol in Olympia, the Satanic Temple of Washington (STW) solemnly invoked Satan as part of a ceremony that was authorized by the state’s elected officials.
After marching in to the beat of a bass drum, some twenty STW members in full satanic ceremonial regalia invoked Satan, who the Bible calls the father of lies (John 8:44), on the steps of the state capitol building. Crying out three times and raising their hands in a gesture forming the horns of the devil, they conspicuously made the invocation. Such ceremonies are part of their efforts to mainstream Satanism in America. They have already secured their “legitimization” by obtaining recognition from the Internal Revenue Service as a “religion.”
Why Satanism Is Now on the Center Stage in the Culture War
Following the pathetic display on the Capitol steps, they filed inside to form a circle in the main hall and make the same demonic gestures and invocation. Such antics can aptly be termed “pathetic” since as an angel who fell from grace because of his prideful revolt against God, all Satan’s efforts are futile. Satan is the eternal loser.
Fortunately, scores of America Needs Fatima members, friends and supporters were there to protest this infamous act. While the satanists were invoking Satan, the protesters were calling upon the names of Jesus and Mary, Saint Michael and the Holy Angels and Saints against this outrage in the sight of God. They prayed the rosary to make prayerful reparation on behalf of the nation.
At no time in American history have government officials allowed such dark ceremonies in legislative buildings. These invocations are so contrary to American values, institutions, religious convictions and family life. The satanist philosophy aims to eradicate all vestiges that remain of Christian heritage. In so doing, these efforts would remove all hope for a return to sanity for the nation.
The mainstreaming of Satanism is growing as those who follow the dark sect appear in the public square. Catholics cannot turn a blind eye to such outrages, hoping they will go away. This would only be cowardice and an offense to God.
The reaction must be in proportion to the evil. When satanists invoke Satan on the steps of a state Capitol, it is a wake-up call to protest and do something about it. The policy of ceding a little in order not to lose all is short-sighted. Those who embrace such a policy end up losing everything.
This Is How Saint Michael Cast Out Satan From Robbie Mannheim
The kind of noble reaction needed, calls to mind the commentary of Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira in his great work Revolution and Counter-Revolution who wrote:
“When men resolve to cooperate with the grace of God, the marvels of history are worked: the conversion of the Roman Empire; the formation of the Middle Ages; the reconquest of Spain, starting from Covadonga; all the events that result from the great resurrections of soul of which peoples are also capable. These resurrections are invincible, because nothing can defeat a people that is virtuous and truly loves God.”
Satanists Descend on Washington Capitol – Christians Counter with Prayer

Republicans held off some of the really bad stuff for a number of years even when Democrats held a narrow majority.
However, once the radical left took over the statehouse in Olympia, the state saw a dramatic increase in government regulations.
Gun rights are under attack. Spending is increasing. Additionally, environmental regulations are being shoved down the throats of Washingtonians.
The battle between good and evil is in full stride.
Sadly, with permission from the Washington state government, the group was allowed to perform their “ritual” on the statehouse.
This is no joke.
Our friends in Washington state are under attack from every direction you can possibly imagine. Is there anyone who will fight back?
You can see the Christians in the image below surrounding the Satanists. They sang and prayed against the Satanists.
Good for them in standing up against this evil.
This scene seems like something out of a movie, not something that would take place on the grounds of a state capitol.
Will we see this kind of activity in Idaho’s capitol someday?
Unfortunately, there is no telling what Idaho’s future holds.
What we do know is that if you don’t stand up for what’s right, eventually we will lose our beautiful state.
If you saw a group of Satanists “casting a spell” on Idaho’s capitol grounds what would you do?
Let us know in the comments below.
After begging legislators in Washington state to give them an opportunity to open the legislature in a satanic prayer, the Washington Chapter of the Satanic Temple, they were given permission instead to perform a bizarre ritual on the steps of the capitol.
Their statement reads, “The Satanic Temple of Washington has received final approval from the state to perform an infernal ritual Friday, March 6, on the Capitol Building grounds in Olympia.
We now invite fellow Satanists and allies of religious pluralism to come join our unholy invocation event.”
BREAKING: The Satanic Temple of Washington to Give Invocation at the State Capitol
The Satanic Temple of Washington has received final approval from the state to perform an infernal ritual Friday, March 6, on the Capitol Building grounds in Olympia.
We now invite fellow Satanists and allies of religious pluralism to come join our unholy invocation event.
In 2019, TST WA members and our allies had sought an invitation to perform an opening invocation inside the chambers at any of the 40 legislative calendar sessions, but no legislator contacted was willing to do so.
We believe that it is important that Satanism gets equal representation in our government, particularly now that The Satanic Temple has been federally recognized as a religion.
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BREAKING: The Satanic Temple of Washington to Give Invocation at the State Capitol The Satanic Temple of Washington has received final approval from the state to perform an infernal ritual Friday, March 6, on the Capitol Building grounds in Olympia. We now invite fellow Satanists and allies of religious pluralism to come join our unholy invocation event. In 2019, TST WA members and our allies had sought an invitation to perform an opening invocation inside the chambers at any of the 40 legislative calendar sessions, but no legislator contacted was willing to do so. We believe that it is important that Satanism gets equal representation in our government, particularly now that The Satanic Temple has been federally recognized as a religion. Full press release: Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/189035962321968/ |
We now invite fellow Satanists and allies of religious pluralism to come join our unholy invocation event.”
Protesters witness satanic ritual at Detroit Planned Parenthood
DETROIT, August 22, 2015 (ChurchMilitant.com) – As protesters gathered outside of Planned Parenthood in downtown Detroit, a satanic milk bathing ritual took place right across the street.
Just after 10:00 a.m. this morning, a group of satanists dressed as Catholic priests began unloading a trunkload of milk onto the sidewalk of Cass Avenue.
As the curious crowd gathered, two of the female satanists, their hands bound with rope, knelt down on the sidewalk as gallon after gallon of milk was poured onto their heads, while the rest of the group shouted “Hail Satan“ along with obscenities. The ritual lasted nearly 10 minutes.
Satanic Ritural at Planned Parenthood Protest
Published on Aug 25, 2015
In this video we go over one of the most controversial topics about abortion!And I will prove without shadow of a doubt that it is a Satanic illuminati agenda.And that Planned Parenthood is 100 percent proven for depopulation,eugenics and selling baby body parts!
We also show the Satanists Crash Planned Parenthood Protest and do a Satanic ritual for the masses!
This must see video please share this with everyone!
Friday, September 10, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: abortion, babies, child murder, child sacrifice, child sacrifices, death cult, demonic, evil, infanticide, murder, Planned Parenthood, ritual, rituals, Satanic, Satanic Temple, satanism, Satanists, Twisted, unborn, Women’s rights

(Natural News) One of the biggest supporters of Planned Parenthood and the “right” of women to murder their unborn children is the Church of Satanism, which recently admitted that abortion must remain legal if the religion is to continue having access to the babies it needs for ritual child sacrifices.
Over the years, Satanists have held demonstrations in Michigan, Missouri, and elsewhere to scream and howl about how legal abortion is a critical component of the religion’s sacraments. If abortion was outlawed, there would no longer be any legal way for Satanists to offer sacrifices to their god.
Back in 2015, Satanists held a fundraiser to support a Democrat-led effort to provide abortion-on-demand to whoever wants one. Two years later, Planned Parenthood joined the Satanists to try to expand the abortion business in Missouri, which thankfully failed.
In 2019, Virginia Gov. Ralph “blackface” Northam openly promoted infanticide, calling on live-born babies that did not die in abortion to be murdered after leaving the womb.
In 2020, Satanists confirmed that abortion is, in fact, a “satanic ritual” that they want to remain protected as part of the Satanic religion. In early 2020, The Satanic Temple of Texas filed a lawsuit to try to designate abortion as a “religious right.”
Now, in response to the new Texas law prohibiting abortions after six weeks, the Satanists are once again rallying the troops to demand that free and open access to baby murder be allowed at all stages of babyhood so Satan can receive the sacrifices he demands.
“Abortion laws in TX violate our religious rights and TST (The Satanic Temple) has taken legal action,” The Satanic Temple tweeted.
“If TX judges abide by the Constitution and legal precedent, then those who share our deeply held beliefs will be exempt from the state’s inappropriate efforts to restrict access to abortion services.”
To Satanists, murdering babies is like taking communion
In other words, abortion is a sacrament to Satanists, much like how taking communion is a sacrament to Christians. The difference is that abortion is an evil act of worship to the evil one himself.
Jack Posobiec tweeted a document – see below – that explains what a “Satanic abortion ritual” entails. Read it at your own risk because the contents are both disturbing and heartbreaking.
Rosary Extremist Poso
![]() @JackPosobiec
Satanists have announced they are making child sacrifice through abortion an official ritual of the Satanic Temple
It is apparently no longer taboo to talk about and admit these types of things in public. The Satanists of old would have had at least some restrain in making known their true beliefs, but now the Church of Satan has basically merged with the Democrat Party to try to normalize baby murder as just another “constitutional right.”
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that murdering one’s own children or the children of another is a “right,” of course. But Democrats and Satanists, which are now one and the same, believe otherwise.
“Satanists are politically aligned with Democrats,” wrote one commenter at The Gateway Pundit.
“Planned Parenthood and Satan are in cahoots, so the sooner the Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade, the better,” responded another.
“Satanists and Democrats: both groups are passionately defending the butchery of the unborn. The only difference: the Satanists know they are Satanists,” added yet another.
On and on the comments go, reading much like the others: Being a Democrat and being a Satanist are basically the same thing. And to those who claim to be Christian Democrats, well, you had better reflect on what it is you actually believe because your religion certainly does not align with your politics.
To keep up with the latest news about the Satanist push for legal baby murder at every stage of babyhood, visit Abortions.news.
Planned Parenthood caught on tape admitting to selling body parts
Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods
Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Buyer StemExpress Wants “Another 50 Livers/Week”
4 powerful quotes from abortionists who became pro-life
1) “And as I brought out the rib cage, I looked and I saw a tiny, beating heart.”
2) “I began to feel like a paid assassin. That’s exactly what I was.”
3) “I realized that what I’d done up to that point was not helping people. I was compounding their problems.”
4) “Sometimes the babies were alive when they were born…We just left them to die.”

Several common vaccines are made by growing the necessary viruses in fetal embryo fibroblast cells. These cells originally came from tissue obtained from two fetuses that were legally and electively aborted in the early 1960s. The same cells have continued to grow in a laboratory and are still used to make vaccines today. The first licensed vaccine made with the use of a human cell strain was the adenovirus vaccine used by the military in the late 1960s. Later, other vaccines were developed in human cell strains, most notably the rubella vaccine developed by Stanley Plotkin, MD, at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia.
2 years ago

Kraft, PepsiCo, Nestle, work with Senomyx, a California-based company that uses aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavoring chemicals. The aborted human fetal cell line is known as “HEK-293,” and it is used to see how the human palate will react to synthetic flavors. Since most of today’s processed food lacks flavor, companies like Senomyx are hired to develop flavors on their own.
“What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 — human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors,” said Debi Vinnedge of the pro-life group Children of God for Life. “They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors.”
2 years, 2 months ago

The left now openly admits that abortion can bring feelings of arousal as more evidence of the evil and vileness of the act of abortion. Alex explains how this has always been the agenda of the globalists that even is promoted in satanic rituals. 2 years, 1 month ago

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https://lifedynamics.com/abortion-satanism-and-occult/ 1 month ago
The Satanic Temple’s Fight to Protect Your Abortion Rights
milk ritual starts at minute 14:03
The ritual of milk bathing has ties to many different occult and Eastern mystical traditions.
In some occult writings, a relationship and ritual is drawn by using milk as a symbol of a lactating mother and the milk bathing as a sign of worship to a Mother Earth goddess (Gaia). Similar to the Christian understanding of water baptism, milk bathing is symbolic of purification for worship.
Milk bathing is considered to be lower level occult magick. In higher echelons of satanic ritual worship, bathing in or sprinkling human or animal blood is commonplace. There are even accounts of these rituals being conducted after hours in Planned Parenthood abortion chambers using the blood of aborted babies.
Zachary King, a former satanist, reported to the Lepanto Institute that he conducted nearly 150 abortions for satanic rituals during his time as a high wizard, more than 20 of which took place in Planned Parenthood abortion chambers.
At another Planned Parenthood protest in the metro Detroit area, the ChurchMilitant.com crew was shown another side of the occult underworld as wiccans showed up with signs advocating for abortion.
Planned Parenthood currently receives more than a half billion dollars a year from taxpayer money, but as the videos exposing the sale of baby parts gain more attention, a number of states have cut off funding to the abortion giant, and there are calls on Capitol Hill to do the same on the federal level.
Obama and Hillary Clinton have both come out in defense of Planned Parenthood, and Obama has even threatened to retaliate against states that cut off Medicaid funding for the outfit, which performs close to 400,000 abortions in the United States each year.
Milk & the Magic of Isis

You may recall that, to the ancient Egyptians, bodily fluids could be a way of moving magic or heka. Written spells could be licked from the papyrus in order to be taken into the human body. Magic could be eaten or swallowed. And we human beings know deep in our bones the magic and life power of both blood and semen.
Multiply the power of these magic-containing fluids to the nth degree when it comes to the Deities. Atum created His children, Shu and Tefnut, by spitting. The tears of Re created human beings. The Tiet, the Knot or Blood of Isis, protects the dead in the otherworld.

Yet of all these magical bodily fluids, it may be that milk, especially divine milk, is the queen of them all. To us at least, milk is the most pleasant—and palatable—of the magical body fluids. It is, after all, our first food. In fact, it is the perfect food and it gives us an intimate connection with our mothers. A child nursing at the breast of her mother is drinking Life Itself. No death has ever touched this pure milk. It comes from the mother alive. It is drunken alive. It becomes part of a living being.
Milk is indeed magic.
As Great Divine Mother and a Cow Goddess, Isis is the Egyptian Milk Goddess from a very early period. The Pyramid Texts say to the deceased, “Take the breast of your sister Isis the milk-provider.” Throughout Egyptian history, Isis is the mother and nurse of kings. A scholar who as studied the images of Isis Lactans (“Milk-Giving Isis”) observed that the idea that milk from the breast of the Goddess (Isis as well as other Goddesses) not only gives life, but also longevity, salvation, and even divinity is one that exists “in the mentality of the populations of the Delta from the earliest antiquity, and manifests itself in the official imagery of the Pharaohs.” (Tran Tam Tinh, Isis lactans: Corpus des monuments greco-romains d’lsis allaitant Harpocrate, Leiden: Brill, 1971.)

Egyptian art shows the king drinking this holy milk of the Goddess three important times: at birth, at his coronation, and at his rebirth. The symbolism is clear. Goddess milk provides life to the babe, royal power—and perhaps wisdom and a touch of divinity—to the new king, and renewal after death for the deceased king.
A daily ritual conducted in the temples at Thebes, Memphis, and Abydos was designed to confirm the power of the king. Pharaoh (or more likely, his representative) received the sa en ankh, life-energy, from his Divine Father, Amun-Re, by means of magical gestures. Then he received the power of the Goddess from his Divine Mother, Amunet, by means of drinking Her milk. Carved on temple walls, the Goddess invites the king to suckle the milk from both Her breasts. In Hatshepsut’s temple, Hathor’s milk gives the young Pharaoh “life, strength, health.” The Pyramid Texts have Isis bring Her milk to the deceased Pharaoh to assist in his rebirth: “Isis comes, she has her breasts prepared for her son Horus, the victorious.”

But the king wasn’t the only one to benefit from the divine life magic of milk. Milk was also used for healing. The “milk of a woman who has borne a son” was a fairly common ingredient in Egyptian medicines.
Archeologists have recovered a number of small vessels in the shape of a woman pressing her breast to give milk or, as in the case of the vessel on the left, a woman nursing. They were designed to hold human milk, perhaps for making medicine, perhaps for later feeding of a child. The milk of the Divine Mother was also directly invoked for healing. In a formula for the relief of a burn, Isis says that She will extinguish the fire of the burn with Her milk. By applying Goddess-milk to the body of the sufferer, he will be healed and the fire will leave his body. In a New Kingdom myth, the Goddess Hathor uses gazelle’s milk to heal the eyes of Horus that had been torn out during one of His battles with Set. A spell from the Berlin Magical Papyrus instructs that if one takes milk with honey at sunrise, it “will become something divine in your heart.” Isn’t that just beautiful?
With all its magical properties, milk was common among the supplies buried with the dead and it served as a valuable offering to the Deities. At Isis’ Philae temple, wall carvings attest that milk was offered to all the Deities worshipped there. To help renew Osiris, milk was poured upon His tomb at Biggeh, a small, holy island visible from Philae. Every ten days, Isis Herself made these libations.

The whiteness of milk also added to its sanctity in the eyes of the ancient Egyptians, for white was a color they associated with purity and joy. In tomb paintings and funerary papyri, Egyptians are usually shown wearing pure, white clothing. This also carried over into the later Isis cult where the wearing of white marked one as an Isiac initiate. Ritual implements were often made of white alabaster. Sacred animals were described as being white; and actual white animals—like the White Buffalo Calf of modern Native Americans—were exceptionally sacred.
The magic of milk was also understood in the wider Mediterranean world. The Greek Kourotrophoi, (“Child-Carrying” and Nurturing Goddesses), could confer hero status on a mortal by feeding him on Their milk. Mysteries, such as the Orphic-Dionysian Mysteries, envisioned a kind of baptism in milk.
It is widely understood that the Isis Lactans images of late Paganism became the models for the mother-and-child images of the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus. Possibly as a result, early Christianity also had the concept of the blessings bestowed by divine milk. Eventually, it is Christianity’s male God Who becomes the Divine Nurse of worshippers, however. The 19th Ode of Solomon says,

“The Son is the cup; the Father is he who was milked; and the Holy Spirit is she who milked him; because his breasts were full and it was undesirable that his milk should be released without purpose.”
Sigh. Yet this adoption of a Goddess power by a God of monotheism simply points, once more, to the potency of the symbol of milk—for all of us.
Milk IS magic. It is life, health, healing, resurrection, renewal, and salvation. For me, this holy, holy milk is always the milk of Isis, the Milk Provider, the Great of Magic and the Great of Milk.

Daily News
Satanists conduct ritual, draw praying protests at state Capitol
- Wednesday, March 11, 2020 1:30am
WNPA News Service
OLYMPIA — Congregants from the Seattle-based Satanic Temple of Washington drew a crowd of prayerful onlookers Friday as they hoisted their pentagram and conducted a satanic ritual at the state Capitol.
Christian groups showed up to sing and pray in the name of Jesus. Some held a sign that read “Satan has no rights.”
Satanic Temple affiliates, such as Justin Harvey-John Ashby, said their event was about promoting religious plurality. He said he believes satanic beliefs have been misunderstood and viewed as “grossly perverse,” and that their primary values are empathy, reason, bodily autonomy and justice.
Because no legislator would allow Satanists to deliver an invocation inside the Capitol to open a session, members of the Washington state chapter of The Satanic Temple held an “infernal ritual” just outside the building on Friday.
Hail Satan?’ Documentary Shows Rise of Satanic Temple
Catholics pray while satanic statue unveiled at State Capitol
Ten Commandments monument on grounds opposed by rally
Catholics and other Christians attended a rally at the State Capitol Aug. 16 to protest the presence of a satanic statue and its organization’s wishes to have it permanently installed on the Capitol grounds.
About two dozen Christians carried signs, prayed and sang during the afternoon “Rally for the First Amendment,” where an 8-1/2-foot bronze statue of Baphomet was displayed on a flatbed truck.
The reason for the rally was to oppose the state’s Ten Commandment monument that is located behind the Capitol. The Satanic Temple believes that the state should allow other religious statues placed on the lawn if they are allowing a Judeo-Christian symbol. The Ten Commandments were installed in 2017 by the state but destroyed by a protester only a few days later. In April the monument was reinstalled, but during the rally it was fenced off and blocked from view with black mesh fencing.
The Satanic Temple of Salem, Mass., which hosted the rally, also asked for a statue of a winged, goat-headed creature being adored by children to be installed at the Oklahoma State Capitol, but its Ten Commandments monument was removed following a state Supreme Court ruling.
The Satanic Temple calls itself “a non-theistic religious organization dedicated to Satanic practice and the promotion of Satanic rights.”
Drew Clarke of Memphis attended the rally at the urging of America Needs Fatima, a national Catholic group promoting a campaign to end Satanism in the U.S.
“I grew up in Arkansas and I’m not going to stand for it,” Clarke said.
America Needs Fatima organized its own “rally of reparation” Aug. 15 at the State Capitol.
Jack Burnham, media director for America Needs Fatima, said about 275 people attended the rally on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
“We say the rosary, we sing hymns, asking our Lady to make reparation to God for this thing we couldn’t stop,” Burnham said.
America Needs Fatima also delivered 25,000 signatures to Gov. Asa Hutchinson to protest the satanic statue.
Holding his wooden rosary and a sign reading “Pray the rosary daily,” Jim Bourne of St. John the Baptist Church in Cabot watched silently and prayed during the rally.
“I think every Catholic should be out here today,” he said.
“I just wanted to be there because sometimes presence can touch a heart … You can just tell in their voices that they were hurting,” he said of the Satanic Temple speakers.
Lisa Hayes, a member of Immaculate Conception Church in North Little Rock, said, “I just felt the need to pray over people who worship Satan and give support where needed for our faith.”
The statue of Baphomet can’t be installed under a 2017 state law that requires legislative sponsorship for consideration of any monument. The Satanist group removed the statue later Thursday.
The Ten Commandments monument at the Arkansas Capitol was sponsored by Republican Sen. Jason Rapert and installed quietly in 2017. Less than 24 hours after its installation, a man drove his car into the monument, smashing it to pieces . The same man also destroyed a Ten Commandments monument outside Oklahoma’s state Capitol.
The Satanic Temple ended its campaign to install Baphomet there, after Oklahoma’s Supreme Court ruled the Ten Commandments monument was unconstitutional and it was taken down.
Rapert said in an online statement that he respects the protesters’ First Amendment rights, but also called them “extremists” and said “it will be a very cold day in hell before an offensive statue will be forced upon us to be permanently erected on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol.”
There was a significant police presence at the peaceful rally. A small group of counter-protesters holding signs with Bible verses stood quietly nearby, occasionally singing Christian songs.
One speaker – a Christian minister – was interrupted by a yelling counter-protester, but police escorted the man who was holding a large wooden stick away from the stage.
The Satanic Temple wants to join a religious discrimination lawsuit against Arkansas brought by the American Civil Liberties Union. A judge has to yet rule on whether the Satanists can join the case.