UPDATE: 8/30/22
What on earth is SAMA?
Samaveda is believed to be origin of Indian music. It gives us knowledge of various chants that have divine effect on our body, mind and soul according to different times of a day. Source
–Pagan Influences on American Society
Cynthia Pawl, December 11, 2015, updated 6/24/18
I work in the medical field. Yesterday, I received an email, from my facility’s education department. They were requesting that I sign up for a course, called SAMA Training. The email stated this was a recommended course, so it was not mandatory for me. The email also advised that attendees should wear pants, preferable workout clothes. Curious as to what the course was about, I asked around. I wanted to see if anyone else on my team had any idea. No one had a clue, though they were busy signing up. Not comfortable committing to something about which I knew nothing, I decided to search the internet for information.
UPDATE: 8/30/22
Well, well, well. Lo and Behold. In researching Wandering Stars, I found the following insight on SAMA. It is SUN WORSHIP. SAMA is the Ancient Name of the SUN God!! Which makes perfect sense as we know that YOGA is Sun Worship! Yoga is a discipline that teaches you to Breathe and pose your body in a manner that gives glory to the SUN. These Sama/Satori also are focused on teaching you breathing and using your body, but to control your emotion and gain control over others.
Classical planet From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Babylonian astronomy
Sumerian language | Akkadian language | English language | Presiding deity |
Bišebi | Šamaš | Sun | Šamaš |
Wow, it was not easy to find. It seemed almost like it was deliberately being concealed. I did finally find an article and here it is:
Here is SAMA According to their website: https://www.samatraining.com/
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Satori Alternative to Managing Aggression (SAMA)
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Training
Satori alternatives to managing aggression are an integrated system of how to:
- assist in preventing physical aggression
- contain a person when he is a danger to himself or others
- handle special situations like retrieving objects
- protect oneself or others from aggressive acts
Satori comes from a Japanese word which means clear understanding, and clear understanding is what people say they experience from this program. This program can and has been successfully applied to virtually any population.
This program teaches verbal de-escalation and physical protection skills. These crisis intervention principles are used to assist someone in the work or home environment who is in distress and may become aggressive. The program is used by many service organizations to support their risk management efforts. It is typically used by healthcare, residential care, childcare, and social services workers, and by foster/adoptive parents who may need to protect themselves and others in volatile situations.
Mild to moderate physical abilities are required
It can be used by:
- foster parents
- those working with the children, adolescents, or senior citizens
- law enforcement agencies, residential treatment centers, private homes
- those working with the mentally ill
- meets the requirements for TBSI (Texas Behavior Support Initiative)
The primary goal of the Satori method of behavior escalation is to prevent aggression from becoming physically harmful. The emphasis of the course focuses on verbal de-escalation in all interactions.
All staff at Texas NeuroRehab Center that interact with the children and adolescents are trained in Satori, and recertified every six months.
Safety is the most important element in managing behaviors with SAMA.
To learn more about the SAMA methods, please visit www.satorilearning.com
Well, that seemed harmless enough. However, it did not really tell me much. Something inside me was uncomfortable and needed to know more about this entire subject. They seemed to be evasive and deliberately deceptive. One thing they made clear is that this course is all about Satori. I decided to look up the meaning and origin of that word. The thing that struck me first was the Oriental symbol at the top of the page. I dug a little deeper into the subject of Satori and even found a website. You can check it out yourself. This website also was not to enlightening.. Off to Wikipedia…
Sama is believed to have originated from the Austronesian root word sama meaning “together”, “same”, or “kin”.
Sama (様【さま】) is a more respectful version for people of a higher rank than oneself or divine, …When used to refer to oneself, sama expresses extreme arrogance (or self-effacing irony), as in praising one’s self to be of a higher rank, as with ore-sama (俺様, “my esteemed self”). Wikipedia
Babylon Translation
Sama Translation On Other Language: English Romanian
Sama, Saman (Sanskrit) [from the verbal root sam to be quiet, calm, resigned] Tranquility, calmness, equanimity, absence of passion, emancipation from all the illusions of existence; the fifth of the eight bhava-pushpas (flowers of being) of Buddhism: self-restraint, charity, impersonal affection, veracity, meditation, patience, resignation, and selfless devotion. Through the practice of the eight flowers, sama secures the conquest and final delivery from all kinds of mental and psychological agitation.
Saman [from the verbal root Sam] has an almost identical meaning; also a particular kind of sacred text or verse intended to be chanted — one of the four kinds of Vedic composition. See also SAMA-VEDA
Dictionary source: YOGA
More: English to English translation of Sama
Satori (悟り?) (Chinese: 悟; pinyin: wù; Korean: 오 o; Vietnamese: ngộ) is a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, “comprehension; understanding”.[web 1]It is derived from the Japanese verb satoru.[1] In the Zen Buddhist tradition, satori refers to the experience of kenshō,[2]“seeing into one’s true nature“. Ken means “seeing,” shō means “nature” or “essence.”[2]
Satori and kenshō are commonly translated as enlightenment, a word that is also used to translate bodhi, prajna, and buddhahood.
D.T. Suzuki: “…. looking into one’s nature or the opening of satori”;[3] “This acquiring of a new point of view in our dealings with life and the world is popularly called by Japanese Zen students ‘satori’ (wu in Chinese). It is really another name for Enlightenment (“Annuttara-samyak-sambodhi”)”.[4][note 1]
Satori is often used interchangeably with kenshō.[2] Kenshō refers to the perception of the BuddhaNature or emptiness. According to some authors, kenshō is a brief glimpse, while satori is considered to be a deeper spiritual experience.[citation needed]
Distinct from this first insight, daigo-tettei is used to refer to a “deep” or lasting realization of the nature of existence.[2]
Importance of Satori
According to D. T. Suzuki, Satori is the raison d’être of Zen, without which Zen is no Zen. Therefore every contrivance, disciplinary and doctrinal, is directed towards satori.[6]
This view is typical of Rinzai, which emphasizes satori. The Sōtō school rejects this emphasis and instead emphasizes “silent illumination” through the practice of zazen.
Attaining satori
Satori is considered a “first step” or embarkation toward Buddhahood:
Ch’an expressions refer to enlightenment as “seeing your self-nature”. But even this is not enough. After seeing your self-nature, you need to deepen your experience even further and bring it into maturation. You should have enlightenment experience again and again and support them with continuous practice. Even though Ch’an says that at the time of enlightenment, your outlook is the same as of the Buddha, you are not yet a full Buddha.[7]
The student’s mind must be prepared by rigorous study, with the use of koans, and the practice of meditation to concentrate the mind, under the guidance of a teacher. Koans are short anecdotes of verbal exchanges between teachers and students, typically of the Song dynasty, dealing with Buddhist teachings. The Rinzai-school utilizes classic collections of koans such as the Gateless Gate. The Gateless Gate was assembled by the early 13th-century Chinese Zen master Wumen Hui-k’ai (無門慧開). Wikipedia
As stated in the definition above, the trainee should have refresher experiences over and over again. That is why the SAMA training has to be maintained by regular subsequent “refresher” training ongoing. “
Satori – noun. Zen Buddhism the state of sudden indescribable intuitive enlightenment.
Word Origin: Japanese Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition, © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Word Origin and History for satori
Satori – noun. 1727, from Japanese, said to mean literally “spiritual awakening.” Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
Zen – noun. a Japanese school, of 12th-century Chinese origin, teaching that contemplation of one’s essential nature to the exclusion of all else is the only way of achieving pure enlightenment. (modifier) of or relating to this school Zen Buddhism. Word Origin: Japanese, from Chinese ch’an religious meditation, from Pali jhāna, from Sanskrit dhyāna
Buddhism – [boo-diz-uh m, boo d-iz-] – noun. a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through enlightenment that enables one to halt the endless sequence of births and deaths to which one is otherwise subject. (In other words, it is a religion that teaches salvation by your personal achievements, and teaches a continuous cycle reincarnation.)
WOW, certainly I had learned enough to know that this is not something I would participate in voluntarily. I decided to share my discovery, with my workmates, who were all happily completing their registration. One lady asked what the course was about, and someone laughingly responded: “it is your ninja training”. I said, “Don’t laugh, that is pretty accurate”. They all turned and looked at me like I was crazy. When I tried to share what I had learned, they just shut me down. They did not want to hear it. One lady said that, since I did not have patient contact, I could excuse myself, but for them it was mandatory! Whoa… that is disconcerting.
I was happy not to have to attend the course, but something inside me just could not leave it at that. I had an opportunity to meet with the instructor for the course. He claims to be a Christian and he told me that I had no clue what I was talking about. He dismissed me as crazy and walked away. I sent him a copy of what I had discovered so far.
I continued to investigate and found even more that I am convinced is related or at least possibly related. Through my investigation, I have found that SAMA seems to be a base or core for a lot of words and/or practices, beliefs or teachings. I know that for this ‘Program” the letters stand for “Satori Alternative to Managing Aggression”. I am certain that they struggled hard to find an acronym that allowed them to get folks to call it SAMA without having to give a clear disclosure of the spiritual aspects of what they are teaching. It is just a ruse to get you to speak the name.
This next bit that I uncovered, may or may not apply to this SAMA course. Whether it does or not, we have already seen enough to know whatever they are teaching it is totally, and deeply rooted in Zen Buddhism.
Ok, I can already hear your protests… “but I don’t practice the religious aspects, I am only using the physical exercise, or the mental exercise, or the therapeutic relaxation methods.” Well, you will probably not accept this, but the TRUTH is that you are participating in the “Spiritual” aspects whether you know it or not. The demons don’t care whether you ‘know’ what you are doing. In fact, they prefer that you remain ignorant. It makes their job much easier. But there is the reality of guilt by association. Believe me the designers of the course, or the program or the ‘training’ you are actively partaking in, KNOW full well that these are SPIRITUAL/Religious rituals/activities. So, besides the fact that you are opening yourself to demonic activity, you are WORSHIPING FOREIGN gods! Every move, every sound, every breath, every meditation, was designed thousands of years ago, to conjure spirits and to worship them. When you join in these activities you are turning your back on the TRUE AND LIVING GOD, and giving yourself over to serve demonic beings. That is the TRUTH, plain and simple. Deny it all you want, it won’t change a thing.
Samadhi: The Height of Divine Consciousness
Samādhi ( Sanskrit: समाधि, Hindi pronunciation: [səˈmaːd̪ʱi]), also called samāpatti, in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and yogic schools refer to a state of meditative consciousness. It is a meditative absorption or trance, attained by the practice of dhyāna. [1] Insamādhi the mind becomes still. It is a state of being totally aware of the present moment; a one-pointedness of mind [web 1]. When someone dies in India, it is not uncommon to say, that person has gone to ‘Samādhi’. The tombstone area is also referred to as a place of ‘samādhi’.
At first, it takes all your effort, then you find your inner rhythm, and once you do, it’s as if the mountain itself lifts you up and carries you. Upon reaching the summit, you find yourself filled with great delight and a sense of fulfillment. When you return home, it takes almost a month to recuperate. But you remember the exquisite joy you felt when you reached the peak. That sublime feeling stays with you like a sweet whisper calling you to return to your inner Self. That’s what this progressive threefold practice entails: first comes concentrated effort, known as dharana; second, the effortless flow of being there with full awareness of yourself and your entire surroundings, known as dhyana; and third, becoming one with that state of experience brought about by this effortless flow. This is known as samadhi.
The Hindu Tradition of Breath Meditation
02/17/16 at 4:41 PM Ministry of Truth – The spiritual deception of Yoga
This is an excellent site. Very clearly lays out what his happening in our schools, the chakras, sexual aspects of yoga.
This type of thing has been a major contributing factor to the downfall of our nation. Mysticism, witchcraft, eastern religion, Satanism and a whole host of pagan practices have become so commonplace in our nation that people just accept them as normal. We see people embracing martial arts, meditation, yoga, astral projection, voodoo, spell casting, animal sacrifice, cutting, piercings, tattoos, magic, channeling, child sacrifice (abortion), bestiality, every kind of sexual perversion, torture, UFOlogy, and who knows what else.
SAMA – Part 2 of 2 – The Pagan Influence on Society