The world has been convinced either that there is no God in Heaven, or that even if he does exist humanity has no need of him.  After all, WE HAVE “SCIENCE”!

Now that the majority of the world feels that way…they have taken to make levity at God’s expense.  If he doesn’t exist what does it matter if we mock him?  We certainly don’t need to obey him, being no longer afraid of judgement or retribution from his hand.

So everywhere we see both Our Heavenly Father and His Precious Son becoming the butt of jokes and memes.  At the same time, we see Satan/The Devil EVERYWHERE, portrayed as some kind of hero.  He is seen in children’s programs, books, videos, games, toys and movies.   He is seen in teen movies, games, online videos, social media shorts, in music videos and concerts.  Adults are seeing him everywhere as well.  People are becoming so familiar with the sight of him it seems normal to them.  Socially acceptable.  

This first short video states that the greatest trick Satan every pulled off was not getting people to believe that he does not exist, but that he is not Lucifer.   Jesus is Lucifer.   Well, in case you did not know that the biggest promoter of that idea is none other than the Pope himself.  At the Easter Sunday Service, where Francis presided they sang a song unto Lucifer, stating that Lucifer is undefeated and Christ is his son, who came back from HELL, shed his peaceful life and is alive and well and reigns in a world without end.


Satans Greatest Trick


I understand that people are confused about the Identity of Lucifer.  Is it Jesus is it the devil?  The GREATEST trick Satan ever pulled off seems to me to be convincing the World that GOD does not exist.  If people thought that their was even the tiniest chance that the CREATOR of ALL THINGS/ALMIGHTY GOD exists, they would not be so stupid as to condone the kind of shenanigans that you will see here in this post.  

This post does certainly not contain all the ridiculous and repulsive ways the world is mocking GOD.  It is just a small sample to give you an idea of what is happening. 


Face Timing with Satan


If you create a google search for  “Jesus vs Satan” you will find hundreds of videos.  All of them disgusting.  I find this one to be particularly offensive.

The fact that this things are allowed to be posted and that they go viral is a sad commentary on the state of the world.  

It is nothing to laugh at or to take lightly.  God is not mocked!!!  Believe me he sees…and is holding people accountable.  There will be recompense.

It is frightening that people have so little reference for ALMIGHTY GOD.  They had more respect for the Queen of England who was a Wicked Reptilian Shapeshifter that ate babies…. what does that tell you?   HE IS THE KING OF ALL KINGS.  HE IS THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS.  HE HOLDS THE WORLD IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND.   HE IS THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD.  EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE COMES FROM HIS HAND.  HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS THE POWER AND THE AUTHORITY TO GIVE LIFE AND TO TAKE IT AWAY!

Jesus Vs Satan: Jesus dodging all attacks!


Satanic Parade Carnival in Brazil 




Satanic temple sets up  display in Iowa State House

Demonic Depictions Shown in Media and Popular Culture