RESTORED: 3/11/22
Woodstock cairns may contain links to the ancients
“These structures relate to the three worlds of the Native Americans,” he explained. “The solar system and the constellations and planets are the gods above. The stones are part of the world we walk in. And the ancestors are associated with the underworld — their spirits travel through the earth along the water pathways.”
In addition, he said, water provided a means of communication between the people of this world and the ancestors, and the cairns and walls were probably settings for conducting rituals and honoring the dead.
A Tribal Preservation Officer of the Stockbridge Munsee band of Mohicans visited Overlook and said she thought the six large, rectangular cairns were burial sites. Kreisberg hopes to interest the tribe in studying the large cairns with underground radar technology, which would not detect bones but would reveal space or disturbance of soil underground.
At one of the smaller cairns, Kreisberg pointed out two rocks, one of white quartzite and another of reddish hematite, that were unlike all the other rocks in the assemblage, neatly stacked on a small boulder. “These kinds of non-local stones were used as offerings by the Native Americans,” he said, demonstrating how the reddish rock can slide in and out of a niche built into the side of the cairn.
Surely you recognize that there are very real, tangible, spiritual, ritualist aspects to stone structures. There is also very real spiritual aspects to the stones themselves; their type, their shapes, the locations where they originate. When you bring these things into your life, home, environment, you are bringing spiritual repercussions as well as inviting demonic spirits. They probably have curses on them that wear uttered or prayed by the people who created them. BEWARE!
cairn (n.)
“large, conical heap of stone,” especially of the type common in Scotland and Wales and also found elsewhere in Britain, 1530s, from Scottish carne, akin to Gaelic carn “heap of stones, rocky hill” and Gaulish karnon “horn,” perhaps from PIE *ker-n- “highest part of the body, horn,” thus “tip, peak” (see horn (n.)).Dictionary Entries near cairn :
Cairn’s ash
Cairngorm Mountains
Smoky quartz
Carbon footprint – Wikipedia
A carbon footprint is historically defined as the total emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.

Can you see the tetrahedrons in the quartz above?
This article was most recently revised and updated by John P. Rafferty, Editor.
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quartzQuartz, widely distributed mineral of many varieties that consists primarily of silica, or silicon dioxide (SiO2). Minor impurities such as lithium, sodium, potassium, and titanium may be present. Quartz has attracted attention from the earliest times; water-clear crystals were known to the ancient Greeks as krystallos—hence the name crystal, or…

By Strange News
Though we generally think of coal or oil when discussing natural resources, silicate minerals are a natural resource we can’t live without on our planet, and not just because of our increasing reliance on computers. Without quartz, there would be no glass. Without the clay minerals, we would have no ceramics or pottery. We use silicate minerals in the manufacture of many building materials, including bricks and concrete. The weathering of silicate minerals on the surface of Earth produces the soils in which we grow our foods and the sand on our beaches. The properties of the minerals that are important to us are based on the versatility of the silicate anion in combination with other elements.
Rocks and Minerals
The Silicate Minerals
The variety and abundance of the silicate minerals is a result of the nature of the silicon atom, and even more specifically, the versatility and stability of silicon when it bonds with oxygen. In fact, pure silicon was not isolated until 1822, when the Swedish chemistJöns Jakob Berzelius (see the Biography link in our Resources section) finally succeeded in separating silicon from its most common compound, the silicate anion (SiO4)4-. This anion takes the shape of a tetrahedron, with an Si4+ ion at the center and four O2-ions at the corners (see Figure 1); thus, the molecular anion has a net charge of -4.

The Tetrahedron (also called the Triangular Pyramid). It contains 4 faces, 4 vertices and 6 edges. Each face is triangular. The Tetrahedron represents the element of Fire and is linked to the Solar Plexus; the center for personal power and acceptance. It creates the natural balance between the physical and spiritual. Each side sits flat, no matter how it is turned, making it the perfect symbol for balance and stability
What Does ‘Merkaba’ Mean?
The word Merkaba can be broken down thus: MER: rotating fields of light, KA: spirit, and BA: soul (this is taken from an 18th dynasty Egyptian translation, and in Hebrew it means ‘chariot’). Therefore, Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit or energy body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, or spirals of energy (as with a strand of DNA), which transport spirit or consciousness from one dimension to another.The MerKaBa (excert from this site. I found this to be the clearest and most concise explanation of the MerKaBa)
The Merkaba is an extremely powerful symbol. It is a combination of two star tetrahedrons – one pointing up to the heavens, channeling energy down from the Universe to the earth plain, and one pointing downwards, drawing energy up from the earth beneath. The top, or upward pointing tetrahedron is male and rotates clockwise, with the bottom or downwards pointing one being female, which rotates counterclockwise.
Left: The Merkaba activated around a person.
What is a Merkaba?
The MekaBa is the Light Body vehicle, and it is the key to understanding how to move from one dimension or level to another. It is the divine light vehicle supposedly used by Ascended Masters to connect with, and reach those in tune with the higher realms. When this shape is activated around your body, you are in a place of complete protection, with the surrounding energy being generated from pure Divine Love. It is believed that with practice, using the energy and shape visualization of a Merkaba, you can activate an energy field around you which is capable of carrying your consciousness directly to higher realms.
Tetrahedron Hexahedron Octahedron Icosohedron Dodecahedron also called the Triangular Pyramid). It contains 4 faces, 4 vertices and 6 edges. Each face is triangular. (called the Cube) the second of the five shapes. It has 6 square faces, 8 vertices and 12 edges.
Each face is square.8 faces, 6 vertices and 12 edges. contains 8 triangles, formed by placing two square based pyramids base to base. 2 faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges. Each face is in the shape of an equilateral triangle. 20 faces, 12 vertices and 30 edges. Each face is shaped in the form of a Pentagon.
Fire 3rd Solar Plexus
Earth 1st Root
Air 4th Heart
Water 2nd Sacral
Ether (Universe or Heaven)
Platonic Solids are shapes which form part of Sacred Geometry. They were first catalogued by the ancient philosopher, Plato (hence their name), although evidence of these most magical of shapes has been found around the world for in excess of 1,000 years prior to Plato’s documentation.
They are made up of the ‘Five Convex Regular Polyhedra’: hexahedron (cube), octahedron (double inverted pyramid), tetrahedron (pyramid), Icosohedron and dodecahedron. The names are derived from the number of sides each shape has: 4, 6, 8, 12, and 20 respectively.
The first four shapes correspond with the elements: earth (hexahedron), air (octahedron), fire (tetrahedron) and water (Icosohedron), with the fifth, dodecahedron, representing heaven, ether or the Universe.
The shapes that form the five original Platonic Solids occur naturally in nature, and indeed in the crystal world. Working with them individually is said to help with our connection to nature and the higher realms of the cosmos; to find the common pattern which links us all at a molecular as well as at a spiritual level.
The Quartz Crystal Guide – Smoky Quartz
Meditating with Smokey Quartz can bring information from other realms into the physical. Many people who work with Smokey Quartz have reported unusual sightings of spiritual entities. Smokey Quartz is great for manifestation programs and grids, and body layouts, due to its slow and methodical way of pulling higher energies down into third dimensional reality. Protective Smokey Quartz is an important mineral for one’s medicine bag.
This article was most recently revised and updated by John P. Rafferty, Editor.
Septarian: Meaning, Properties and Powers Silicon will teach you to trust your intuition, because it’s what will give you the answers when you don’t know which information to trust. It will encourage you to go with your gut whenever you’re not sure about what to do or what to say.
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Moissanite Image. The gray shading in the BSE mage consists mainly of pure silicon (Si metal). The brighter areas are composed of Fe-silicide. (AmMin, 88:1818). Location: Found in a cobble at a beach along the Turkish coast of the Mediterranean Sea, around 150 km NW from Izmir, and is most likely derived from Tertiary volcanic rocks outcropping in…
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The mineral was discovered in an iron meteorite (Canyon Diablo) in Arizona. It was later named “moissanite” in honor of Dr. Moissan. More than a century later, Cree (a North Carolina-based R&D lab) developed a process for producing large, single, crystals of synthetic moissanite.
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I have been saying for years that I DO NOT BELIEVE that humans have created a machine that can think and out think humans! I believe and always have that technology comes from the Fallen Angels and their progeny. Sophia, and all the intelligent AI is not about science, it is about spirits! Everything I have seen during this research just confirms my belief. If you don’t see that yet… YOU WILL!