Rise of the Indigenous People

UPDATE ADDED 2/23/24; UPDATE 2/25/24
Each February, Anti White Racism Awareness Month.  Did you know that?  I certainly did not.
While it is still February, do something to acknowledge Anti-White Racism Month. Yes, there is a movement to steal, kill and destroy all Whites.  Isn’t that something?  It is scary and it is REAL!  I hope by the end of this post you will see that.

I grew up in the 60s and 70s.  From that time until now we have been nudged and “encouraged” to blend the races.  They really were pushing the idea that if we would just intermarry we could put an end to racial tension.  Eventually we would just all become one.   You may be familiar with the song below,  it is a perfect example of what I am talking about.
We have been duped…   The animosity in the hearts of the blacks and native American people runs too deep and too strong. They don’t want equality…they want revenge.  They want to RULE over the White’s and ultimately annihilator us.  Never mind that MOST OF THE WHITES living today, NEVER HAD A SLAVE.  No One I know is even related to anyone who had slave owners in their family line.  My family was never disrespectful of anyone of any race.  We were taught to judge a person by their personal behavior, not their race, creed or color.  Each person should rise or fall by their own merit.
Now, certainly, I understand that there are many people who have suffered greatly just because of their race, nationality, or the place where they live.  I think that most Americans would agree that is unfair and destructive to our society as a whole as well as the individuals.
At the same time, the government policies and the choices made by world leaders, are not in the control of the people.  Where we are born and to what family is not in any human control either.  But, I do not believe that the Agendas of the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, or the Ruling Elite will solve anything.
The TRUTH of the matter is the entire world is a mess, and it is a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM.  Bringing the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to the Indigenous peoples and under developed nations will not solve the problem.  TAKING what belongs to the citizens of the developed nations is not any more fair than the things that have been suffered by the undeveloped nations.  TECHNOLOGY is destroying the whole world!  People need to turn back to GOD and live the way that he designed for us.  There is NO LACK WITH GOD.  He can provide all that we need.
Meanwhile, hatred, strife, death, destruction, racism, communism, socialism, and all other animosities are being stirred up deliberately by the powers that be.  That want us to be afraid.  They want us in CHAOS.  They want us to become violent toward our neighbors.  The want to DIVIDE US…because that gives them power and an opening to bring in their NEW WORLD ORDER.
The White Race is in danger.  MANY OF THEM GOD’s PEOPLE.  This will be a very sad, scary, dark place when we are gone.


The anti white agenda could hardly be more obvious…

Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for February 22, 2024…

As already reported a few days ago, Google will pay Reddit $60M a year to use its content for AI…

LOL! Google AI is going to get real dumb real fast…

Real dumb real fast… Yep! Here are the first indications: Google AI “Gemini” REFUSES to make images of white people …

The anti white agenda could hardly be more obvious…

Meanwhile, this is what I get now when I try to recreate the promps: “We are working to improve Gemini’s ability to generate images of people. We expect this feature to return soon and will notify you in release updates when it does.” LOL!

Are you embarrassed Google? The company even apologized

What about Vikings?

And popes?

I would be more than embarrassed to work for Google right now! LOL!

Again and again and again: The anti white agenda could hardly be more obvious…

Did a “Black History Month” activity at a local high school go too far? Teachers at West Charlotte High School decorated their classroom doors and doors in the school halls in theme. One represented Motown, another had the message from chains to change with an image of two hands in chains. Another one depicting a “white” and “colored” entrance is causing some controversy…



Each February, Anti White Racism Awareness Month serves as both a celebration and a powerful reminder that anti white racism still exists in American, anti white culture is destroying American culture, and anti white stories are essential to expose anti white subversive frauds. Shining a light on anti white racism today is as important to understanding ourselves and growing stronger as a Nation as it has ever been. That is why it is essential that we take time to celebrate the immeasurable contributions of white Americans, honor the legacies and achievements of generations past, reckon with centuries of justice, and confront those anti white racists that lie cheat and steal today.

#awram #AntiWhiteRacismAwarenessMonth #antiwhiteracism #february #white #european #caucasian #celebration #powerful #culture #contribution #honor #achievement #america #usa #truth #justice #americanway #history #realhistory #americanhistory






The Jewish nation is already one of the wealthiest nations in the world, and yet they keep fund raising.  They keep requesting assistance from everyone, especially little old ladies.  The United States has been supporting them for years, since their rebirth as a nation.  You would think that at a time when we are overwhelmed and drowning in debt we could stop sending them aid as a Nation.  There are still millions of individual American people who send support to Israel.  Especially Christians.  Yet, in Israel these days, the Christians are spit on and physically attacked by the Jews.  I am not saying we should turn our backs on Israel.  We should love God’s people and pray for them.  If they are in danger, we should send military support.  I love Israel, I love Jerusalem, I love all the people of the land, Jew and Gentile alike.  I pray for them everyday.  But, as a nation, I think, as a Jew would put it “enough already!”.   God will look to the Hebrews.  He will bless them and provide for them.  

The Jews are the indigenous people of Israel

According to JNS editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin, the problem is that so much of educated opinion today is actively supporting efforts by Palestinian Arabs and anti-Zionists to erase Jewish history and to deny the rights of Jews to live in their homeland. This effort is at the core of the century-old war Palestinian Arabs and their allies have been waging against Zionism and Israel.


When I was working on the La Palma Volcano and possible Tsunami, i learned about the Carnival in La Palma.  At this Carnival, called the Los Indianos, the natives (and now anyone else who wants to join) get all dressed up in colorful outfits from a specific period, and they THROW TALCOME POWDER ALL OVER EACH OTHER until the are covered an d appear WHITE from head to toe.  I have read the story of the history of this event…but still it strikes me that the indigenous people are participating in sympathetic magic.  Calling in that which is not.  INDIGENOUS PEOPLEs replacing the WHITES.   Just my opinion…and I am entitled.


The Los Indianos Carnival


Around the same timeframe, I was researching another topic and I came across something that I had not seen anything about online.  To this day, I have not seen any mention of this project.


Innompics  to view my post

Innompic Games − the younger intellectual brother of Olympic Games − is a civilizational breakthrough that couldn’t wait any longer.
Olympic Games are beyond politics. Innompic Games are above politics.
Olympic Games are for athletes who stretch their physical capabilities.



In an increasingly globalized society, is it any wonder that identity and nationality are fluid? Sports, after all, can be a great unifier of national identity — but also an expansive instrument for welcoming or attaining belonging.

While the Olympics profess to eschew politics, almost every facet of them is inherently political.

If you’re wealthy enough, you can also buy citizenship or at least a visa with a fast track to citizenship in some cases. Countries sometimes actively recruit, too — like China with its hockey team, though the details of that are a mystery.

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Hosts: Tim @Timcast (everywhere) Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)Serge @sergedotcom (everywhere)

Guests:Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson (X)Charlie Kirk @CharlieKirk11 (X)James O’Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII (X)Seamus Coughlin @FreedomToons (YouTube)Luke Rudkowski @LukeWeAreChange (X)

Podcast available on all podcast platforms!

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3 years, 3 months ago

On today’s show, Glenn talked about the background behind the “United Nations Earth Summit, Agenda 21” which aims for sustainable development. Though it sounds innocent enough, a document from the summit with the headline “Social & Economic Dimensions” discusses the redistribution of wealth as a means to providing shelter for all. So who’s responsible for this message and why should it matter to you? Because it could be happening in your community right now.



In time, we will simply disappear: Racial demographic shift ...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)

by A Stefaniak2022Cited by 4 — Due to higher birth rates in minority and immigrant groups (compared to White people) as well as increased immigration from non-White countries (Kaufmann, 2018) …
Sep 3, 2000 — At present 72 per cent of the US population is non-hispanic whites; the US Census Bureau predicts they will become a minority between 2055 and …
Aug 23, 2021 — Majorities across demographic and political groups have neutral views about the changing racial makeup of the U.S. population.

The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects

BrookingsMar 14, 2018 — New census population projections confirm the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, ..