This post is about the Gender issues that have been brought to the forefront by what was exhibited at the 2024 Olympics in Paris.  But, first I want to address the root of the gender issue in general.

I never have been and never will be a “FEMINIST” as Feminism has been presented over the past 80 years.  I do believe that women should earn equal pay for equal labor.  But, that is not really what “Feminism” is all about.  Neither is it about equality.

It is ridiculous to say that men and women are EQUAL.  Feminists have been doing all they can to be what they consider EQUAL to men.  They have become just as self centered, just as belligerent, just as vulgar, just as drunken, just as abusive, just as lascivious, just as heatless as the men they profess to hate.  Not that those types of men represent manhood, just as the FEMINAZI’s do not represent Femininity.   All those kinds of behaviors are fruits of spiritual decay.

God created Male and Female of every species.  Each one designed for specific purposes.  Males and Females have different natures and qualities that make them perfectly suited for the roles for which they were designed.  God’s plan for men, women, children and families is perfect.  When we live according to his plan, when all parties are submitted to GOD all things work together for our good.

The devil and his minions changed everything.  They taught humanity the skills and knowledge that have been destroying our world from the beginning.  If it were not for the knowledge of technology, warfare and cosmetology this world would not be in this mess.  Add to that the fact that ALL DNA has been tampered with since the Fallen Angels entered in unto the daughters of men.

You may not want to hear all that…but it is the truth.  Everything that is happening in our world today flows from the interference of the Fallen.  The Devil hates women.  Why?  Well, most of all because GOD told him that it would be the fruit of the woman that would be his downfall.  Of course, God was talking about the Messiah.  But, the devil hates ALL WOMEN and MEN as well.  Why?  Because he and the angels that followed him  were condemned to burn in HELL forever.  No forgiveness was allowed for them, because their sins against DNA were so heinous.  And the offspring of the Devil and his followers, because their spirits were not as ours, were condemned to remain trap on earth without a body, to roam in anguish and the Fallen have to watch their offspring suffer.

If the Fallen had not taught humanity abortion, cosmology, lasciviousness, perversion and cosmetic surgery… this crazy GENDER madness would not even be a thing.  Without the means to change their body, there would be no transgenders.  Without the way to alter their appearance with makeup, jewelry, and tattoos who could they fool???

GIFTS FROM THE FALLEN – PART 1 ; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8; Part 9; Part 10

Image- Probably the most important word in your life! Part 1; Part 2; Part 3

I used to read the scriptures that say that men should not dress in women’s attire and women should not dress like men… it made me laugh.  I could not figure out why anyone would want to do that.  But, evil spirits creep in and cause people to desire that which is not good.

What we do outwardly, affects our inner being.  You must be careful what you allow your mind to entertain.  As I have said before, clothes have a strong affect on our emotions.  When we dress properly, we think and behave properly.  When we wear sloppy, casual clothes it changes our behavior.  We become more loose with our thinking.  And when we put on clothes that are meant for the opposite sex…it begins to work on our minds and bodies and brings confusion.

As stated above, this post is related to the 2024 Olympics and the related gender issues.

It appears that there have been gender issues in many of the events at this year’s Olympics.  In this post we will be primarily focused on the boxing matches which caused such a strong reaction from the public.

There are two main characters in the midst of the media storm.  Imane Khelif an Lin Yu-Ting.  As usual I wanted to know the root and meaning of each of their names.  We will start there.


Imane Khelif

Imane  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Imane (Arabicإيمان) is a unisex given name