The evil that the elite are capable of doing is sometimes mindboggling and horrifying. What is saddest of all is that all the money that has been spent and all the knowledge that they have accumulated could have really made a difference. It is encouraging to see more and more people waking up to the truth.
” a toxic brew that includes toxic heavy metals including barium, chromium, cadmium and nickel, and other pollutants like mold spores, mycotoxins, polymer fibers, and ethylene dibromide. These toxins are absorbed through the skin, inhaled, ingested from contaminated water, and foods.” Source
Lithium (Li) is the softest of all metals and is an alkali metal. It is relatively inexpensive to mine as it is fairly common. Lithium, refined, is highly reactive and flammable. Lithium will ignite and burn in oxygen when exposed to water or water vapors. It is HIGHLY conductive of both heat and electricity, which is why it is used in batteries. Source
spacerThe BIGGEST Coverup in USA History : What Obama and NASA don’t want you to know! The following video has captured a NASA employee stating that Lithium is being sprayed in the atmosphere in order to conduct a specific type of testing. He readily admits that lithium is a highly inferior medium to use for the ongoing testing. SourcespacerIf you did not enjoy “traditional” chemtrails raining down on you, you are not going to like the new version, which the United States Air Force promises will feature aerial dumps of programmable “smart” molecules tens of thousands of times smaller than the particles already landing people in emergency rooms with respiratory, heart and gastrointestinal complaints.
Under development since 1995, the military’s goal is to install microprocessors incorporating gigaflops computer capability into “smart particles” the size of a single molecule.
Invisible except under the magnification of powerful microscopes, these nano-size radio-controlled chips are now being made out of mono-atomic gold particles. Networked together on the ground or assembling in the air, thousands of sensors will link into a single supercomputer no larger than a grain of sand.
Brought to you by the same military-corporate-banking complex that runs America’s permanent wars, Raytheon Corp is already profiting from new weather warfare technologies. The world’s fourth largest military weapons maker bought E-Systems in 1995, just one year after that military contractor bought APTI, holder of Bernard Eastlund’s HAARP patents. SOURCE
Raytheon also owns General Dynamics, the world’s leading manufacturer of military Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
She is not the only one affected by this phenomenon. Here is what a couple quick searches produced. I am certain this does not represent the full number of cities, areas, farms and ranches that are experiencing the same problem.
If indeed it is in the RAIN, how can we possibly resolve this problem? And how did it get into our ATMOSPHERE??
Still believe these are condensation trails from jets?
Have you ever wonder why this is suddenly the case. For thousands of years rain water was pure and washed everything clean. What do you think people have done all these centuries without water treatment chemicals?
Bear in mind that not only do they want to kill us with diseases and their “cures”, but they want us to give up meat…all meat. So they have to convince us that it is bad for us and bad for EARTH.
DNA fingerprinting is performed on bacteria using a method called whole genome sequencing (WGS).
WGS showed that bacteria from sick people’s samples are closely related genetically. This suggests that people in this outbreak got sick from the same food.
Unknown E. coli Outbreak: Public Health is investigating a new outbreak of people infected with Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (also known as STEC) in King County. All but one case has been reported since June 26, 2022. Currently all of the cases are among people are from East African communities.
Torero’s Mexican Restaurant E. coli Outbreak: Public Health is investigated an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli(also known as STEC) associated with diarrhea and abdominal pain at Torero’s Mexican Restaurant in Renton.
Since September 5, 2022, 3 people from 3 separate meal parties reported becoming ill after eating food from Torero’s Mexican Restaurant in Renton on September 3, 2022 and September 7, 2022. All of the people developed one or more symptoms consistent with STEC, including diarrhea (often bloody), abdominal cramping, nausea, and vomiting. We did not identify any ill employees.
Seattle Area hit by Mystery E. coli Outbreak
Public Health is investigating an outbreak of three people infected with Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O157:H7 (also known as STEC). Between October 4 – 16, 2022, 3 people from 3 separate households reported becoming ill. Cases have been among people ranging in age from 18 to 36 years old. Symptoms reported include diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Falafels sickens 20 with E. coli
The CDC reports that as of October 7 2022, 20 people infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O121 have been reported from 6 states. Illnesses started on dates ranging from July 13, 2022, to September 13, 2022.
Sick people range in age from less than 1 to 71 years, with a median age of 31, and 79% are female. Of 14 people with information available, 5 have been hospitalized, including 1 who developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a serious condition that can cause kidney failure. No deaths have been reported.
The true number of sick people in this outbreak is likely higher than the number reported, and the outbreak may not be limited to the states with known illnesses. This is because some people recover without medical care and are not tested for E. coli. In addition, recent illnesses may not yet be reported as it usually takes 3 to 4 weeks to determine if a sick person is part of an outbreak.
Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli is an organism that can cause foodborne illness in a person who eats a food item contaminated with it. Symptoms of infection may include stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. The illness primarily impacts elderly individuals, children, and people with weakened immune systems. Most healthy adults and children rarely become seriously ill.
Ground Beef from HelloFresh linked to E. coli Outbreak
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is issuing a public health alert due to concerns that ground beef products in HelloFresh meal kits may be associated with Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7 illness. A recall was not requested because the products are no longer available for purchase.
Wendy’s E. coli Outbreak nears 100
According to the CDC’s latest report:
97 Sick with E. coli O157:H7
43 Hospitalized
10 with Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)
Age range 3 to 94
45% Female and 55% Male
We are representing 36 of the folks sickened and have filed 6 lawsuits in Ohio and Michigan so far. We have identified the grower and the shipper of the lettuce. We are working on the processor.
Since the last update on August 25, 2022, 13 more illnesses have been reported to CDC. As of August 31, 2022, a total of 97 people infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 have been reported from six states – Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania and Kentucky.
Note: The State of Ohio is reporting 24 cases, but Wood County alone is reporting 23, so the actually number for Ohio is likely 48.
Note: The State of Michigan is reporting 58 cases though the CDC, but earlier it reported at least 98, so the actual number in Michigan is at lease 100.
The CDC is reporting confirmed cases (by WGS) as follows: Indiana (11), Kentucky (1), Michigan (58), New York (1), Ohio (24) and Pennsylvania (2).
Illnesses started on dates ranging from July 26, 2022, to August 15, 2022.
Michigan E. coli Outbreak nears 100
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and three local health departments – Kent, Ottawa and Oakland – are investigating a recent increase in the number of illnesses related to E. coli bacteria.
MDHHS had received reports of 98 cases of E. coli infection in August, compared to 20 cases reported during the same time period in 2021. The current investigation is in the early stages. Laboratory results have linked some of these cases to each other.

Some kinds of E. coli cause disease by making a toxin called Shiga toxin. The bacteria that make these toxins are called “Shiga toxin-producing” E. coli, or STEC. The most commonly identified STEC in North America is E. coli O157:H7. STEC has been connected to the recent increase in infections.
Ohio E. coli outbreak brewing – appears linked to Bowling Green Restaurant
Ohio: According to Wood County Department of Health, sixteen people in Wood County, Bowling Green, Ohio area have come down with E. coli in the past week, prompting the health department to begin investigating. From 2016 to 2020 the county only saw twenty-seven cases altogether. Those who have fallen ill range from ages 13 to 60 years old and those who contract the virus can experience different levels of sickness and gastrointestinal symptoms. Out of the 16 people who have contracted the virus in Wood County, five are currently in the hospital. One woman who I spoke to tonight was just released and indicated that the health department seems to be focusing on a local restaurant. The Wood County Health Department has sent lab samples to the Ohio Department of Health to learn whether the illnesses are connected. Results, and more information, are expected early next week.spacer
Michigan E. coli outbreak brewing
Michigan: The Ottawa County Department of Public Health in Holland, Michigan is alerting the public to The Ottawa County Department of Public Health in Holland, Michigan is alerting the public to increasing cases of Shiga-toxin producing E. coli infections in the community. The Department is currently monitoring twelve cases of STEC, which is significantly higher than the typical number of cases reported at this time of the year. The Department is working with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) to investigate possible links between the cases. Five of the twelve cases (two children) have been hospitalized for their symptoms.spacer
E. coli Outbreak linked to Pennsylvania Pool
On June 7, 2021, the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PADOH) received multiple complaints of gastrointestinal illness from patrons of a community swimming pool. Two patrons reported positive Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Clostridioides difficile from stool specimens. PADOH issued pool closure orders and initiated an outbreak response to identify a source and prevent additional illnesses.
Confirmed cases were defined as isolation of E. coli O157:H7 or detection of Shiga toxin or Shiga toxin genes from stool specimens of persons who visited the pool during May 31–June 7, 2021. Probable cases were defined as three or more loose stools in 24 hours with nausea, vomiting, fever, or cramps in persons who visited the pool during the same time frame. C. difficile results were deemed incidental upon consultation with experts (LC McDonald, MD, CDC, personal communication, June 2021) and were not included in the case definition.
Fifteen cases (nine confirmed, six probable) in persons aged 4–14 years were identified; 10 patients were male. All persons reported swimming at the pool on May 31, 2021, the seasonal opening date, and had no other common exposures. The total number of pool visitors on this date is unknown. Symptom onsets occurred during June 2–June 4, 2021. Thirteen patients sought medical evaluation, and six were hospitalized. Four received antibiotics for C. difficile. None developed hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Early findings suggested an unusual association between exposure to a chlorinated swimming pool and infections caused by two pathogens susceptible to chlorine. Pool inspection revealed an automatic chlorinator malfunction. Record-keeping was inconsistent with local requirements, and the few available records demonstrated at least one instance of no detectable chlorine. The pool reopened following chlorinator repair, after which no additional cases were identified.
Goat contact in Virginia linked to E. coli illnesses
The Loudoun County Health Department is notifying the public of the exposure to a specific type of bacterium, called Shiga Toxin Producing E. coli (STEC), by several people who came in contact with goats at Georges Mill Farm in Lovettsville between March 6 and April 20, 2022. Several individuals experienced diarrhea and other symptoms of illness. The bacterium was isolated and identified by the Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services.
Coming into direct contact with animals, particularly livestock, presents a risk for illnesses. People should remember that, while animal interactions can be fun and educational, it’s always important to practice healthy habits around pets and other animals, such as washing your hands after being in contact with animals. The Loudoun County Health Department is communicating directly with those who are known to have come in contact with goats at Georges Mill Farm. Anyone who had contact with these goats during this time frame and has not yet communicated with the Health Department should:
This series of articles deals with the “science” and technology known as Genetic Manipulation. The first video is very informative. It was presented at an Open Mind Conference, on January 10, 1983. It was hosted by a gentleman named Richard Heffner and is comprised of his interview with a gentleman named Lewis Thomas, Chancellor of the Cancer Institute and Dean of the Medical Schools at NYU and Yale University. They are discussing the topic and concerns the public had raised about the safety and ethics of this technology and its ramification for the future. Please click on the Title to view it. Below the video, you will find a recap of the interview, written by me. Due to the fact that the video was already hard to get and may disappear altogether, I felt I needed to document what was presented. The recap also contains some of my feedback and comments. I beg your indulgence. The rest of this article is made up of articles, excerpts, and videos that will hopefully bring you up to snuff on what is happening in this area of technology. Be sure and watch the video. It is very interesting to observe the two gentlemen, their body language and the interaction between them.
Genetic Manipulation – THE OPEN MIND
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Special | 27m 46s Host: Richard D. Heffner
Guest: Thomas, Lewis Chancellor of the Cancer Institute and Dean of the Medical Schools at NYU and Yale University
Aired: 01/10/83 – 35 years ago. You have to click the link on the title “Genetic Manipulation” to view this video, it is owned by the program and cannot be copied. Don’t miss it. It is very important!
The guest speaker begins by pontificating about the dangers of Nuclear Warfare and minimizing the concerns regarding Genetic Manipulation, in comparison. He then tells us about the beginnings of the Genetic Manipulation technology/research and how E-coli is the base they use for their experimentation.
Wait a minute, E-coli is the organism they have been using for Genetic Manipulation? The scientists were concerned that this ubiquitous (present, appearing, or found everywhere) bacteria might if it’s own machinery were altered, escape the lab and acquire disease making capacity that it did not have before and produce some kind of epidemic.? Do you understand that they have been playing around with the Ecoli vaccine for “35 YEARS” experimenting with creating new bacteria for weaponization? Check out this extensive list of links from Steve Quayle, related to Ebola and tell me you don’t think that Science has been working to create methods of destroying us. Now, they are selling do it yourself kits to anyone who wants to ‘experiment’ at home. I think they are doing this to cover their tracks and have someone to blame for what they are releasing on the clueless public) So, lol lol, he claims, the scientists themselves declared a moratorium on the research until it could be carefully reviewed and some guidelines put in place. HA HA HA! Ya, we believe that one. Suddenly scientists developed a conscience and set aside their goals for our sake. ha ha ha. Is that why suddenly we have E-coli on all of our food? It seems to me that this likely had already happened and they had to find another tool to use to throw suspicion off themselves. He states there is a lot of money that can be made from products that can be produced. He, not very convincingly assures us that the scientists were not interested in profits. I contend that they took their work underground until they could find the most profitable way to present it to the public. He also states that this is THE MOST IMPORTANT
development that has happened in Biological Science in this CENTURY. Possibly the Most important thing that has happened in biology since DARWIN!! I go along with that. They both have the same aim, to remove GOD. Then comes the sales pitch… about how it will only be in the hands of GOOD SCIENTISTS who are NOT INTERESTED in selling products, they only see it as a technique to find out how things work. They want to penetrate more deeply into the MACHINERY of life that has ever been conceivable before.
I find it interesting that his opening remarks included that he felt that the society at large should place all there apprehensions for the future on Nuclear Bombs. Ya, whatever you do, don’t watch the man behind the curtain… pay no attention to him. Keep your focus on the BIG SCARY BOMBS over there. His primary interest, he states is that Biological Science should be fostered and encouraged. He states: ” I don’t want a lot of regulation of a research technology that has such immense promise for the future.” lololol He says that the overseeing of this technology should be carefully scrutinized by the bodies in government that are responsible for the funding of this kind of science. He is quick to say, only primarily responsible, the funding is and must be supplemented by the public. He says that he does not foresee “cloning of eminent politicians or anyone trying to change human behavior by modifying genes. He states that the majority of the restrictions placed on this work were placed there by the scientists themselves, in the beginning, as a precaution. But, much of their concern they found to be unfounded so a lot of the restrictions have been removed. So, hmm, I
thought they were concerned enough to place a moratorium until further study could be done and guidelines put in place? Is this not the ultimate double talk? He states very clearly that he believes the changing or altering the apparatus of bacteria would be very dangerous. Yet he then remarks “There really aren’t any questions about nature that can be asked by science, that should not be asked because of dangers to humanity that might come from those questions.”
He says in his WILDEST imagination he cannot picture a way this technology could be weaponized or even do any harm… Apparently, he does not have a very good imagination! He says “In a world that contains as many nuclear bombs as this world contains, at the moment, all ready to go… I just can’t worry about biological science.”
Once again, distract the public with concerns about the Nuclear threat which they have convinced people is imminent. The old magician’s sleight of hand. Keep their attention over here, while the real deception is manifesting over here.
I don’t believe that this man is stupid, ignorant, or naive. I believe he was selected very carefully to speak to the concerns that were rising regarding Genetic Engineering. He was given very specific directives and phraseology to use in his responses. You can tell by his body language that he is being deceptive.
- E-coli is the organism they have been using for Genetic Manipulation?
- I don’t want a lot of regulation of a research technology that has such immense promise for the future.
- He states there is a lot of money that can be made from products that can be produced.
- Possibly the Most important thing that has happened in biology since DARWIN!!
- He states very clearly that he believes the changing or altering the apparatus of bacteria would be very dangerous.
The genteman goes on to talk about the great strides that they had suddenly made in relations to the cells of our body and how they work, in our DNA how it is structured and how it can be altered and triggered, in disease, especially viral diseases. Now remember, this video was made 35 years ago!!
The 3 Domains of Life and their CharacteristicsArchaea Domain: Archaea are prokaryotic cells which are typically characterized by membranes that are branched hydrocarbon chains attached to glycerol by ether linkages. The presence of this ether containing linkages in Archaea adds to their ability of withstanding extreme temperature and highly acidic conditions. Extreme halophiles – i.e. organisms which thrive in highly salty environment, and hyperthermophiles – i.e. the organisms which thrive in extremely hot environment, are best examples of Archaea. Bacteria Domain: Even though bacteria are prokaryotic cells just like Archaea, their membranes are made of unbranched fatty acid chains attached to glycerol by ester linkages. Cyanobacteria and mycoplasmas are the best examples of bacteria. As they don’t have ether containing linkages like Archaea, they are grouped into a different category – and hence a different domain. There is a great deal of diversity in this domain, such that it is next to impossible to determine how many species of bacteria exist on the planet. Eukarya Domain: As the name suggests, the Eukaryote are eukaryotic cells which have membranes that are pretty similar to that of bacteria. Eukaryote are further grouped into Kingdom Protista (algae, protozoans, etc.), Kingdom Fungi (yeast, mold, etc.), Kingdom Plantae (flowering plants, ferns, etc.) and Kingdom Animalia (insects, vertebrates, etc.). Not all Eukaryotes have a cell wall, and even if they do they don’t contain peptidoglycan as bacteria do. While cells are organized into tissues in case of kingdom Plantae as well as kingdom Animalia, the presence of cell walls is only restricted to the members of kingdom Plantae. |
Each of these three domains recognized by biologists today contain rRNA which is unique to them, and this fact in itself forms the basis of three-domain system. While the presence of nuclear membrane differentiates the Eukarya domain from Archaea domain and Bacteria domain – both of which lack nuclear membrane, the distinct biochemistry and RNA markers differentiate Archaea and Bacteria domains from each other. |
Alongside the three-domain system, there exists a six kingdom system of life, i.e. Archaebacteria (comprising ancient bacteria), Eubacteria (comprising true bacteria), Protista (comprising one-celled organisms), Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. While Archaebacteria and Eubacteria constitute the Archaea and Bacteria domains respectively, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia together form the Eukaryote domain of life. |
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The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, F. William Engdahl
Bioniche E. coli 0157 Vaccine Shows Further Promise in Controlled Challenge Study
Bioniche Life Sciences Inc., a fully-integrated human and animal health biopharmaceutical company, today announced that a controlled challenge study, performed at the Vaccine & Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) at the University of Saskatchewan, has again demonstrated the efficacy of the E. coli 0157 cattle vaccine developed by the Company’s Food Safety division in partnership with VIDO, the University of British Columbia, and the Alberta Research Council. Two commercial scale vaccines were evaluated in the study: one using the Bioniche manufactured vaccine and the other using a vaccine produced by the Alberta Research Council – Biologics fermentation facility.
Seventy-two (72) animals were vaccinated three times each, at three-week intervals, followed by a single, orally-administered challenge with 1×10(9) or one billion E. coli 0157 bacteria two weeks following the last vaccination. Vaccine efficacy was evaluated by observing the total bacteria shed in manure and the number of animals shedding the bacteria following vaccination. Both vaccines demonstrated significant effectiveness and the most effective commercial-vaccine formulation resulted in a 99.56% or 2.35 log reduction in the amount of bacteria shed, and a 70% reduction in the number of animals shedding.
“These results are very encouraging,” said Dr. Dragan Rogan, Vice-President, Research and Development at Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. “This challenge model uses a far greater number of bacteria than would ever be encountered by cattle in the farm or feedlot situation. For the vaccine to reduce shedding of E. coli in the manure after such a high dose of bacteria is further confirmation of the commercial potential of this technology. These results confirm previous vaccine efficacy feedlot field challenge studies completed by the University of Nebraska over the last two summers.”
Feedlot cattle vaccinated with the E. coli 0157 vaccine in research studies during the summers of 2002 and 2003 showed a significant reduction of the deadly bacteria in their manure. Vaccination of cattle in the University of Nebraska research feedlot reduced E. coli prevalence an average of more than 80% compared with unvaccinated cattle.
Bioniche is the commercialization and marketing partner in a strategic alliance with the University of British Columbia, the Alberta Research Council, and the Vaccine & Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan. “This strategic partnership has developed an E. coli 0157 vaccine candidate that is consistent, efficacious, and commercially viable,” said Martin Warmelink, President of Bioniche Food Safety. “These new data will be submitted to the regulatory agencies in both Canada and the United States as part of our ongoing regulatory and commercial development process.”
USDA OKs cattle E. coli vaccine – excerpts –A Willmar start-up’s product could be both a lifesaver and a boon to meat producers.
The bacteria, which live in intestines of cattle, infect humans who inadvertently consume animal feces found in finished products such as ground beef. E. coli O157 causes stomach cramps, bloody diarrhea and vomiting and can lead to kidney damage and death. There are few, if any, direct treatments for patients; antibiotics have proved largely ineffective, the CDC says.
After a decade of declines, E. coli cases have been on the rise since 2005. In 2007, companies recalled more than 30 million pounds of ground beef. At least 65 illnesses, but no deaths, were linked to those recalls. Last year, Westland/Hallmark Meat Co., based in Chino, Calif., pulled 143 million pounds of beef off the market, the largest beef recall in history.
Preventing E. coli from seeping into the human food supply has long vexed the $74 billion beef industry. Until recently, beef producers focused on rigorous monitoring, cleaning and testing of animal parts, as well as consumer education. Some companies have developed more high-tech solutions, including feeding cattle “good” bacteria to neutralize the E. coli pathogens and the use of vaccines to protect humans and cattle.
In 2006, Bioniche Life Sciences in Canada introduced the world’s first vaccine against E. coli 0157 in cattle but has not yet received approval in the United States.
Ecoli Victim helped push for change in USDA Rules – exceprts –
By JoNel Aleccia, Health writer,; updated 9/13/2011 /12:26:23 PM ET
The mother of a 10-year-old girl critically sickened by an outbreak of a rare strain of E. coli bacteria welcomed the news this week that the government will soon start screening for that bug and five other new pathogens in the nation’s beef supply.
“By classifying these dangerous pathogens as adulterants, the USDA is adopting a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy toward E. coli in meat that we have long fought for,” said Jean Halloran, Director of Food Policy Initiatives at Consumers Union. “These strains of E. coli have been identified for years as causing serious illness and even death. This higher standard will help to ensure that disease-causing food is kept off store shelves and out of consumers’ homes.”
It’s not clear what kind of food caused the 2008 restaurant outbreak of E. coli O111 that sickened Shiloh Johnson and 340 other people in Oklahoma. Shiloh ate a range of foods including chicken, boiled egg, bread and olives, her mother said. State health officials were never able to identify exactly how the E. coli bacteria entered the facility or the food at the Country Cottage restaurant in Locust Grove, Okla.
So, even though they could not find any evidence that meat was even involved, they now have the right to place even stiffer regulations on the meat industry, costing them millions of dollars, and adding more chemicals into our already overloaded with chemicals meat supply. Which they are now radiating to boot?? Unbelievable. Zero tolerance means they can put the meat industry out of business on a whim.
“There was speculation that it came through the well water,” said Belinda Johnson. She and Shiloh’s brother, Gabe, who was 7, became only mildly ill.
Johnson, a divorced mom who works as an office manager, said testing for E. coli O111 in meat would be a first step toward detecting and preventing the organism in one type of food. That may prevent other children from developing E. coli infections like the one that sickened Shiloh, leading her to develop hemolytic uremic syndrome, a severe complication that can cause kidney failure and death.
However, meat industry officials said the move was not based on sound science and that the testing already in place for E. coli O157:H7 was adequate to protect against the other pathogens.
“Imposing this new regulatory program on ground beef will cost tens of millions of federal and industry dollars — costs that likely will be borne by taxpayers and consumers. It is neither likely to yield a significant public health benefit nor is it good public policy,” James H. Hodges, executive vice president of the American Meat Institute, said in a statement.
Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157: H7 Infections Linked to Romaine Lettuce (FINAL UPDATE) – excerpts – Posted March 23, 2012
As of March 21, 2012, 58 persons infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 were reported from 9 states. The number of ill persons identified in each state was as follows: Arizona (1), Arkansas (2), Illinois (9), Indiana (2), Kansas (2), Kentucky (1), Minnesota (2), Missouri (38), and Nebraska (1). Two cases were removed from the case count because advanced molecular testing determined that they were not related to this outbreak strain. Among persons for whom information was available, illnesses began from October 9, 2011 to November 7, 2011. Ill persons ranged in age from 1 to 94 years, with a median age of 28 years. Fifty-nine percent were female. Among the 49 ill persons with available information, 33 (67%) were hospitalized, and 3 developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). No deaths were reported
I have to inject something here. This may be the reason why GOD had me drive a semi truck for a few months. I drove a refrigerated Semi cross country and on one occasion I had to go to California and pick up a load of lettuce. I was held over at that pick up point for a long time. When I got anxious and started asking why it was taking so long, a man who worked at that facility told me that we were waiting for them to finish “gassing the lettuce”. I said what? He said they gas all the vegetables to help them to stay fresh longer. Hmmm, how curious. Now, I am wondering if they are contaminating all of our food before it goes to market.
Just When Did E. Coli Start Showing Up in Flour?
This story begins May 31, 2016, when General Mills recalled flour due to potential contamination with E. coli. The company expanded the recall three times, on July 1, July 11 and July 25. In total, General Mills recalled about 45 million lbs. of the product, representing about 2% of its annual output.
Federal officials have matched E. coli O121 from a sample of General Mills flour recovered from a sick person’s home to the outbreak strain that has sickened at least 38 people since December. The discovery is the smoking gun investigators have been looking for since late April when patient interviews revealed that raw dough made with flour was a common denominator among outbreak victims.
“On June 10, FDA whole genome sequencing on E. coli O121 isolates recovered from an open sample of General Mills flour belonging to one of the consumers who was sickened was found to be closely genetically related to the clinical isolates from human illnesses. The flour came from a lot that General Mills has recalled,” according to an update from the Food and Drug Administration this evening. As of 10:45 p.m. EDT, General Mills had not updated the recall and outbreak information on its website. The most recent information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has not been updated since June 1, showed that 10 of the 38 confirmed victims had such severe symptoms they had to be admitted to hospitals. Outbreak victims were spread across 20 states as of May 3, which was the most recent illness onset date reported by CDC last week. The first confirmed victim became ill Dec. 21, 2015. Prevention Branch said consumers should check packages they have on hand and throw the flour away if the label codes match those of the recalled products.
Ok, so first they said they Federal Officials had found “a MATCH, the smoking gun investigators have been looking for since late April when patient interviews revealed that raw dough made with flour was a common denominator among outbreak victims.” just a few sentences below that, when describing the culprit they say: “flour belonging to one of the consumers who was sickened was found to be closely genetically related to the clinical isolates from human illnesses. Typical double talk. So they have no true evidence.
CDC’s standing warning about raw dough. “It is very important for people to never eat raw dough or batter,” Neil said, explaining that there is the inherent possibility for raw flour to be contaminated because it is made from wheat, which is grown outdoors, and not subjected to a kill step during production.
Oh really? Thousands of years our food has been grown outdoors. I don’t know where else you could grow it. Never been a problem until recently. Kids have been licking the bowl and betters from cakes and cookies forever. That was one of the joys of childhood. Kids used to compete for the privlege. Hmmm.. and we never had to have a KILL STEP to treat our food before we eat it either.
Five dead, nearly 200 sick in E. coli outbreak from lettuce. And investigators are stumped. – excerpts – Posted Jun 3, 2018, at 5:10 PM
Why were the investigators “STUMPED”? Because no one ever heard of this before. We NEVER had any reason to be afraid of poisoning when eating vegetables or a salad. Who EVER heard of that?? Of course now, that is the norm. Recalls happen quite often of all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Seems like NOTHING is safe to eat anymore.
Five people have died and nearly 200 people from nearly three dozen states have been sickened by E. coli in a growing outbreak that has so far stumped federal investigators.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the death tally Friday, more than two months after the first illnesses occurred in mid-March. Although investigators have determined that E. coli came from contaminated romaine lettuce that were grown in Arizona’s Yuma region near the border to Southern California, the Food and Drug Administration has not been able to link the outbreak to one farm, processor or distributor, Scott Gottlieb, the agency’s commissioner, and Stephen Ostroff, the deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine, said in an update Thursday.
The CDC said 197 people have been sickened, nearly half of whom were hospitalized. Some told officials that they did not eat romaine lettuce but became sick after close contact with someone who ate contaminated vegetables, the CDC said. Twenty-six developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a type of kidney failure that can be life-threatening to people with weak immune systems, such as young children and the elderly.
A majority of those who have been affected come from California, where one death was reported, and Pennsylvania. The four other deaths were reported in Arkansas, Minnesota and New York, according to the CDC.
Last month, the Canadian government announced that six of its citizens were also sickened with Escherichia coli with “similar genetic fingerprint” with those reported in the United States. Two of the six told officials that traveled across the border before they became sick. Three became infected in Canada. Canadian officials, though, said that the risk to their citizens are low.
FDA Discloses New E. Coli Romaine Outbreak After It Ends
CR believes the agency waited too long to alert consumers
By Kevin Loria
November 01, 2019 (Except Only – New Addition 11/2/20)
The announcement came more than a month after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began investigating the cluster of cases Sept. 17.
This strain of E. coli produces a toxin that in some cases can lead to serious illness, kidney failure, and death. Eleven of the victims in this latest outbreak were hospitalized as a result of the infection, but there were no deaths reported.
There have been no new illnesses related to this current outbreak since the CDC began its investigation, and the FDA’s announcement states that this latest outbreak appears to be over.
“Not all foodborne illness outbreaks are announced by the FDA or CDC, but after the severity of 2018’s outbreaks, it’s surprising that the FDA waited more than a month to inform consumers after discovering the outbreak,” says Michael Hansen, Ph.D., a senior staff scientist at Consumer Reports.
E. Coli Outbreaks Fast Facts – Click to view the Article in html – CNN Library, Updated 3:01 PM ET, Mon June 4, 2018