It has only been in the last twenty, maybe thirty years that GATEWAYS, DOORS and PORTALS have been a topic of discussion, let alone top story online and in the media.  The reason they have come to the forefront is because of the uptick in spiritual activity.  Gateways, Doors and Portals have ALWAYS been majorly important in relation to spiritual matters.  Sadly, most people did not have a clue.  Many still do not understand the relevance to what is happening in their lives on a day-to-day basis.

Temple of Baal – Part 8 – COMING THROUGH

Originally Posted 09-04-2016, 07:01 AM  Update 2/27/19 spacer THE FINAL NEPHILIM–PART 15: Traversable Portals and Gateways in the Bible August 9, 2022 by SkyWatch Editor Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. —Psalms 24:7 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder … Click Here to Read More


StarGate San Francisco

Photo Credit: Golden Gate  Bridge –  Gateway to the Heaven’s Gateways are very important in the realm of the heavenlies.  God is the one who set things in order.  He sets the boundaries for everything.  He commanded the Sun, Moon and stars to follow their set paths.  If you would like to read how God … Click Here to Read More

You know who does know about Gateways, Doors and Portals and has known all along??  People who are into Occult Practices.  Witches, Pagans, Shamans, Gurus, The Roman Catholic Church, NASA, CERN Scientists, New Agers, Alien Worshipers, etc…   They not only know about them, but they also make a regular practice of using them.

Whether you recognize it or not, we are in the final days of earth as we know it.  Lots of major changes are already happening and will continue in intensity and frequency.  Why?  Because there is a set time for things to come to a close and the Devil and all who work for them are fully aware that it is at the door.  They have a long-term plan they have been working for a very long time.  They are about to fully manifest and implement it.  So, they have been preparing you to comply.

They inviting/summoning their legions of demonic entities.  Are world is already being flooded with demons, but you haven’t seen anything yet.

It is not by accident that the elite are beginning to let you in on some of their secrets.  They are beginning to allow you to see the truth, a little.  Not enough that you will recognize who they really represent, not enough to turn you back to the TRUTH OF GOD.  Just enough to show you some hocus pocus they think will mesmerize you.  They had to show you something to help explain away a lot of the INSANE things that we are seeing manifest in our world.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.  1 John 4

MODERN SCIENCE is nothing more or less than WITCHCRAFT!  Life on EARTH has ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE FORCES OF GOOD AND EVIL.  Satan and his minions are all striving to steal your soul from GOD forever.  God has always been working things together for your good, if you don’t get in your own way.  Every choice that we make, EVERY DAY affects our spiritual life. Every choice that you make tells GOD on which side you want to be.  GOD has given you authority over your own life.  He does not want robots.  He wants people who choose HIM because they love HIM.  He cannot and will not move in your heart if He is not invited or wanted.  He will send people to minister truth to you, and he will put things in your path to help you make the right choices.  BUT the choices are yours.  He will not and cannot come into your heart to cleanse you and bring you into right standing with Him, unless you invite Him in.  Please, for your own sake.  For your eternity, INVITE HIM IN TODAY!!!



Well, what do you know???  What a surprise this morning!!

Amazon’s Stargate Reboot: A New Era for the Iconic Sci-Fi Franchise Without Roland Emmerich

Story by August Roberts
Amazon Prime Video announced a “Stargate” reboot in 2023, aiming to revive the beloved sci-fi saga. However, Roland Emmerich, director of the original 1994 film, has made it clear he will not be involved in the project. His departure raises questions about the future direction of this iconic franchise.
Stargate Franchise Set for a Reboot, but Without the Original Director© Provided by Ever-Growing

The 1994 movie “Stargate,” directed by Roland Emmerich, was a massive box office success and introduced audiences to a universe-spanning adventure. Starring Kurt Russell and James Spader, the film’s story of intergalactic exploration through a mysterious portal captured imaginations worldwide. It also launched one of the most enduring sci-fi franchises in television history, beginning with Stargate SG-1, which ran for an impressive 10 seasons.

Over the years, the franchise expanded with spin-offs like Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe, as well as animated series and direct-to-DVD films. Despite its success, “Stargate” has been absent from the big screen for three decades, a surprising gap given its cinematic origins and devoted fan base.

A New Chapter for Stargate

The Stargate franchise remains a cultural touchstone for sci-fi enthusiasts, with its legacy of interstellar adventure and exploration. While the reboot moves forward without Emmerich’s involvement, it opens the door for fresh creative voices to bring new life to the series. Whether this revival can recapture the magic of the original remains to be seen, but fans eagerly await its return.

The Stargate reboot offers an exciting opportunity to reinvigorate a beloved sci-fi franchise for a new generation. While Roland Emmerich’s absence marks a significant shift, it allows for fresh creative perspectives to shape the series’ future. If executed well, this revival could honor the original’s legacy while exploring bold new directions in intergalactic storytelling.

What are your hopes for the “Stargate” reboot? Can a fresh approach breathe new life into the beloved franchise? Share your thoughts in the comments.


After briefly touching on this in 2020 I wanted to go back and get a better look at the damaged Star Gate at Karnak Temple. This time I had the eyes of a professional geologist with me and confirmed yes there is indeed a mystery afoot.


Do You Believe in Magick? Part 16 – Science is MAGICK/WITCHCRAFT


Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 8/2018 “(Magick’s) fundamental conception is identical with that of modern science; underlying the whole system is a faith…”  Aleister Crowley Magick From Thelemapedia Belief in various magical practices has waxed and waned in European and Western history, under pressure from either organized monotheistic religions or from skepticism about the reality of magic, … Click Here to Read More

Science – The MagicK that will DESTROY Mankind


I apologize for the length of this post.   The subject matter is vital to our immediate situation.  I hope you can find the time to look over the entire post and digest it.   These next four posts that I have been working on are all interrelated and all significantly related to what is happening in … Click Here to Read More

SCIENCE – The Deception is designed to destroy our faith in the WORD of God

The WORD of GOD is a precious gift, a love letter from our Creator.  EVERYTHING that we need to know is in there.  Why?  Because God wanted us to take comfort in KNOWING.  Knowing that He is in Control, in KNOWING that he sees all and Knows all, in Knowing that he has our back, … Click Here to Read More

Magic Sword of the Elite

More and more information, more and more revelation, more and more understanding is being poured out on God’s people everyday.  Things are happening very fast and we need this information.  We are walking in the GREAT DECEPTION.  Only those who harken to the voice of God will avoid falling under the spell of the Fallen.   … Click Here to Read More


Photo Credit UPDATES ADDED 4/7/23 EUdict dictionary: Latin – English translate Italian detected – Concedere  to  English  – grant What does numquam mean in Latin? – mix2.wordhippo.com What does numquam mean in Latin? English Translation. never. More meanings for numquam. never adverb. nunquam, nusquam, nequando. concedere‎ (Latin, Italian): meaning, definition – WordSense concedere ( Italian) Origin & history From Latin concēdere, present … Click Here to Read More


The Bards of the Druids/MAGI  were the original masters of the MAGICK of theater.  They would weave the tales of the heroes of old and of their day.  They did not ever write anything down.  They were the keepers of what they called truth and history.  The people were only told what the Druids wanted … Click Here to Read More


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If you would like to pray to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior… Click this link: https://www.thinkaboutit.online/want-jesus-christ-now/ … Share and Subscribe… Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/h7CP5VPJqf48/?list=notifications&randomize=false … I am not a content creator … I merely find good information and share it , Some of the things I share may not come to pass… I may not even agree with all of it but what I do share I find to be interesting, NOBODY gets it 100% right but I do try… My hopes are to create a site where you can find a wide range of good information at one location… This is the latest detox protocol I’ve come across … to remove spike protein from your body… Number 1… NO MORE BOOSTERS… Nattokinase 2000 FU’s twice a day, Bromelain 500 mg a day, Curcumin 500 mg 3 times a day, for at least 3 months to detox, For people who took multiple shots take for at least 12 months… also Chlorine dioxide, fenbendazole and ivermectin will help as well especially for cancers… I created this channel on 1/1/2020, My first post was on 8/20/2021, I watch everything I share… My only wish is for YOU to wake up and share the truth… Any content creator not wanting me to share their work, let me know… For God’s sake do your own research… The Test Swabs Are Not A Test… It’s a Delivery System https://www.bitchute.com/video/39RSJ6vhwPDP/ Vaccines Create a Triple Helix On Your DNA https://www.bitchute.com/video/qqD7YdgLaRjx/ Your DNA Carrys The Name Of Your Creator https://www.bitchute.com/video/gemJMrN7fx4K/ What Is Your DNA https://www.bitchute.com/video/FJqp6LuqDAo8/ GENETICALLY TRANSFORMED FOREVER [2023-05-28] – DR. SUCHARIT https://www.bitchute.com/video/wzcId8mkN34u/ The vaccine is the mark… https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ie1gcdsyCPSt/ A DEMON SPILLS THE BEANS ABOUT COVID JABS, SUDDEN DEATH, AND THE SOUL_1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/qporzlm013TR/ SECRET OF THE 144,000 AND MARK OF THE BEAST THIRD DNA STRAND https://www.bitchute.com/video/EU8iLdtBbSiU/ What is the Unforgiveable Sin? What is Blasphemy against the Spirit? https://www.biola.edu/blogs/good-book-blog/2021/what-is-the-unforgiveable-sin-what-is-blasphemy-against-the-spirit What’s Really Coming A Counterfeit Beast System and a Real Great Deception (FULL SERIES) https://www.bitchute.com/video/BOP42myaCtj6/ The Mysterious Force and The Hammer – Mysticism, Kabbalah, Freemasonry SCUM ✡ False jews of today https://www.bitchute.com/video/hsT5NtI3LT6c/ The Real Israelite Were White ~ Synagogue Of Satan & Identity Theft by Ashkenazi & Kazarians ~ part1 … https://www.bitchute.com/video/i10h174ixgfy/ The Real Israelite Were White ~ Synagogue Of Satan & Identity Theft by Ashkenazi & Kazarians ~ part2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/9NTUFKO6ghWY/ The Real Israelite Were White ~ Synagogue Of Satan & Identity Theft by Ashkenazi & Kazarians ~ part3 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8MmWyxhbx2YM/


LIGHT is LIFE – But They Are Using it to KILL US!

This post is about light and how our lives are currently being impacted by light in ways about which we are totally unaware. We should not be surprised as just about every issue we are facing is in some way connected with ENERGY.  LIGHT is probably the biggest source of energy that exists. Those of … Click Here to Read More

The Ancient Mystery Religion – The MAGI(CIANS)

This topic is hugely overwhelming.  So much information to review, sort through, gather together and put into a format that is easy to view and enlightening.  I pray that I am a faithful servant and have followed God’s leading.  Only when He speaks are lives changed.  Stay with me through this series.  We will dig … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE: 10/11/2021; 10:34:18 PM “Science” really serves Satan.  They are seeking to create eternal life for humanity without GOD.  Satan has always wanted to be GOD.  Everything he does is to kill, steal and destroy.  That is what the Bible tells us.  He wants to USURP GOD.  To become GOD, and rule everything, to reshape … Click Here to Read More
