Oh how it breaks my heart and fills me with righteous indignation when I think about the horrible, unspeakable things that are being done to helpless children.  My heart cries out to GOD for them every morning.  I pray everyday for God’s protection, provision and deliverance for EVERY SINGLE CHILD from the tiniest babies in the womb and all the children inbetween to the young people stepping out into adulthood.  I pray that GOD will rip them out of the hands of anyone who would do them harm and place them where they are protected, loved and blessed.

Every time these sick pedophiles are exposed the lamestream media comes out full force to “fact check” and “debunk” those who have worked so hard to expose them.  That is because nearly all those in power both financially and politically ARE pedophiles.

But, God’s word says there is NOTHING that is done in secret that will not be brought to light.  GOD is exposing these sick, disgusting, deviates.   DON’T BELIEVE the lying media.

Anyone who does not love GOD loves death.  These sick Pedos are demon possessed.  They have no feelings, no heart, no respect for life.  They see their prey as less than themselves.  They see their prey as animals.  And they care not two twits for animals.

I understand this is not a topic normal people even want to look at… Those who are empathizers like me, find it extremely upsetting, sickening and heart-wrenching.  But this is a topic that needs to be exposed.  People must be made aware of what is happening because it HAS TO STOP!!   Only complete monsters can do these things to anyone let alone innocent little children.  Please don’t turn your head.  LOOK AT WHAT IS HAPPENING and DO SOMETHING!!!  Even if all you can do is PRAY for these children.  PRAYER WORKS!!  Prayer is the BEST THING YOU CAN DO.  GOD CAN PUT A STOP TO IT!!  GOD CAN BRING THE CHILDREN HOME.  There have already been huge numbers of children found.  LET US NOT STOP UNTIL ALL THE CHILDREN ARE SAFE!!


Here are some of my posts that are related to the topic for today.

Who is really in a PANIC?

IMPORTANT UPDATES ADDED: 7/17/23 Once again, I am so encouraged to see how many people are standing up and fight back.  Now is the time.  It is NOW or Never!  The thing that we all need to remember is that WE ARE NOT ALL CHILDREN OF GOD!  There are very EVIL people in this world.  … Click Here to Read More

Ray and Friends – CLUES that cannot be denied!

Additions: 12/9/22 Ok, this is a topic that obviously is touching on a lot of other areas that GOD wants to shine a light on.  That is why he had me working on the last two articles.  The Epstein Story is far from over.  It is a spring board that is causing so many rats … Click Here to Read More

3,982 Subscribers
242 Views – 3 months ago
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Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris has wasted no time attempting to divide the nation for the benefit of the Democrat party by campaigning on race lines. But as her own family line up to expose her lies and reveal the truth about her sordid history, it is worth asking who Harris is really serving and why the elite have been so desperate to select her as their new puppet president. Could it have anything to do with the fact she is deeply implicated in the pizzagate conspiracy against the children of our country, along with Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, the Podesta brothers, and some of the most depraved pederasts and creeps in America?
694 Subscribers
485 Views – 2 weeks ago
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“If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.” – H.W. Bush June 1992 to Sarah McClendon (White House Press Corps) Jessie Czebotar was a victim of satanic child x abuse and have often told her story and what goes on in elite circles, especially amongst Harvard’s private club members. Statements by Czebotar are filed with the United States District Court, U.S. Military, Office of the Texas Governor, and other law enforcement. Former truth and taxation judge Randi Lynn Erickson, Minnesota, escrowed some of Czebotar’s affidavits to protect the integrity of the evidence and prevent the federal court from ordering the evidence destroyed. ———- Frazzledrip (sometimes called is a rumored dark web snuff film showing Hillary Clinton and longtime aide Huma Abedin sexually assaulting and murdering a young girl, drinking her blood and taking turns wearing the skin from her face as a mask. The video was allegedly discovered on former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop (Weiner is Abedin’s ex-husband) in a folder labeled “life insurance,” and police officers who’ve reportedly seen it were so horrified that they were driven to suicide.
1,516 Subscribers
1115 Views – 3 weeks ago
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Please join my group on Telegram channel , there will be much more interesting educational information to save your life during these turbulent, insane times my main channel is on Instagram and Bitchute, so as Youtube is heavily censoring valuable info about the pokemonisation, and turning this beautiful world into a #killzone #zombieland Please join me on Bitchute, Insagram, Internet Archives, all of the links are listed below Please, Join the protest ,we need you ,Evil paedophiles have got all of the money, we have got all of the people, they use all of the money, we need to use all of us to stop them, Internet Archive : BitChute : Instagram : LiveJournal : YouTube : Последние свободные месяцы на планете земля, перед тем, как наступит полное затмение, человеческое затмение. Когда все увидят, что к Богу, так и никто не приблизился, большинство людей, 99% предпочли оставаться на коленях в рабском положении, прося милостыню у Сатаны Мой предыдущий канал Ютьюб уничтожил за инфрмацию о пландемии, поэтому начинаю новый канал, к сожалению на этом канале я не смогу загружать все , что я хочу, из-за жесточайшей цензуры, поэтому часть видео я буду грузить на другие платформы: Одноклассники: Internet Archive : BitChute :… Instagram : LiveJournal : My NEW YouTube channel :… MeWe:
The JD Rucker Show
635 Subscribers
133 Views – 3 weeks ago
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We know about the 320,000 illegal alien children who have been lost by the Biden-Harris regime. How many more are there? What’s happening to them now? What can we do to fix this? The great folks at have a story to tell, and JD has thoughts.

Reminder: Pizzagate is real!

At this point I just want whatever cosmic or divine entity you may believe in to do a hard reset here…

Just to remind everyone that John Podesta is a Senior Advisor to President Biden, and has been in the White House since Biden was elected…

He is also an advocate for UFO disclosure if you want to go down another rabbit hole



Member since Mar 2009
125288 posts

Slade Sohmer, editor-in-chief at The Recount and friend of former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, was arrested last month for raping multiple toddlers and babies.

For those who missed the most explosive pedophilia exposé to-date, The People’s Voice broke the news back in 2016 that there was evidence of pedophile “code words” used in emails from John Podesta released by WikiLeaks.

Numerous emails from the Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign incongruously referred to food items such as pasta, cheese pizza, and ice cream in ways the FBI warned are used as code-words by pedophiles.

Since then, despite the mainstream media attempting to downplay the story as a “conspiracy theory”, numerous mainstream journalists and figures connected to elite pedophiles have been arrested for the very crime they attempted to “debunk.”

According to investigative reporter Liz Crokin, one of the Slade Sohmer’s last posts before he was arrested is a retweet from fellow Pizagate denier Ben Collins:

The former editor of a left-leaning political news site reportedly has been charged with possessing and distributing child pornography, according to authorities in Massachusetts.

Slade Sohmer, 44, who until last month was editor-in-chief of the video-driven news site The Recount, was released on $100,000 bail on Monday after he was charged in Massachusetts court with possessing and disseminating “hundreds of child pornography images and videos,” according to The Berkshire Eagle.

Sohmer — who also has worked as a camp counselor for a New York City-based nonprofit — was arrested at his home in Otis, Mass. on Friday, weeks after law enforcement officials confiscated his electronic devices after obtaining a search warrant, the newspaper reported.

He has pleaded not guilty to two counts of possession of child pornography and two counts of dissemination of child pornography.    Of course when caught…deny, deny, deny   Number 1 strategy of any ABUSER!

If convicted, Sohmer faces minimum mandatory sentences of 10 years in state prison if convicted of dissemination of child pornography and five years if convicted of possession of child pornography.

Authorities in Massachusetts released Slade Sohmer’s booking photo after he was charged with possessing and disseminating child pornography.

Assistant District Attorney Marianne Shelvey said this was one of the most “egregious” cases of its kind that she has come across.

A spokesperson at The Recount’s parent company The News Movement told The Post has Sohmer “is no longer editor-in-chief” of the site “following a company restructure exercise in early October to focus on our editorial and commercial plans.”

Slade Sohmer, 44, who was editor-in-chief of the online news site The Recount, has been charged with possession and dissemination of child pornography.Slade Sohmer/Facebook

The Post has sought comment from Sohmer.

According to Sohmer’s LinkedIn page, his resume includes stints at SiriusXM Radio, HyperVocal, Mic, and Beme, the now-defunct video news company that was once bought out by CNN.

His LinkedIn page also indicates that Sohmer since 2010 has worked as a co-director at Camp Power, a nonprofit which “provides kids from New York City’s most underfunded and underserved neighborhoods with freedom and encouragement that are often lacking in their communities back in the city.”   MANY PEDOPHILES and their SUPPLIERS work with children’s charities and non profits.  Best places in the world to gain access to children.

Officials at Camp Power couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.

Court documents cited by The Berkshire Eagle allege that Sohmer’s phone contained disturbing video clips showing boys believed to be as young as three years of age being raped and forced to perform sex acts by adults.

Authorities were tipped off to Sohmer’s alleged proclivities by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, which reportedly informed the Massachusetts State Policy Cyber Crime Unit that somebody sent a suspicious video on Snapchat in late September of last year.

Sohmer was freed on $100,000 bail by a Massachusetts judge on Monday.Ryan Kobane/BFA/Shutterstock

The video is alleged to have shown a boy around 11 years of age masturbating, according to court documents cited by The Berkshire Eagle.

Authorities later traced the video to an IP address that allegedly originated from Sohmer’s home internet account, The Berkshire Eagle reported.

On Oct. 18, Berkshire police seized electronic devices from Sohmer’s home in Otis. Investigators alleged that one of Sohmer’s phones was used to send 53 videos which contained child pornography, according to the report.

Prosecutors also allege that Sohmer was filmed instructing a minor to perform sex acts. The child has since been identified, according to The Berkshire Eagle.

Sohmer will likely face additional charges as a result of the child being identified, it was reported.

We went from just dissemination of child pornography to production of child pornography,” Shelvey told Judge Danielle Williams of Southern Berkshire District Court on Monday.


Former Editor in Chief of Political News Site The Recount Arrested for Child Pornography

Sharon Knolle
3 min read

Slade Sohmer, the now-former editor-in-chief of the left-leaning publication The Recount, was arrested on Friday on charges of possessing more than 1,300 images of child pornography including images of toddlers, according to court documents.

Sohmer was released on $100,000 bail on Monday, after being charged with two counts of possession and two counts dissemination of child pornography.

Berkshire Assistant District Attorney Marianne Shelvey told TheWrap on Tuesday that Sohmer’s collection of images and videos, some involving children as young as 3 or 4 years old, was “one of the most egregious cases” she had ever seen.

In addition to the imagery, authorities obtained text chats, also allegedly from Sohmer, sharing how to kidnap and rape a child. Shelvey said the disturbing chats added “a level of extreme cruelty” to the case.

Sohmer, 44, was dismissed from his job as editor last month, around the time the Berkshire District Attorney began an investigation into allegations of child porn.

He faces between five to 10 years if convicted on the charges. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. He is due back in court on Dec. 21.

“Unfortunately, the nature of these charges do not allow them to ask that he be held without bail,” Shelvey said. Sohmer was ordered not to contact minors under 18 and was forbidden from accessing the internet, although he is allowed the use of a cell phone.

A cyber tip to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in June led to the Oct. 18 search of Sohmer’s home in Otis, Massachusetts, where officials found the images and videos of child pornography, the D.A. told TheWrap.

Local paper The Berkshire Eagle first reported that prosecutors claim Sohmer not only possessed and disseminated, but produced the content.

In a statement to TheWrap, The Recount said that Sohmer was no longer editor-in-chief of the political site specializing in video and social media journalism. His departure came “following a company restructure exercise in early October to focus on our editorial and commercial plans,” the statement said. A company spokesperson had no further comment.

Sohmer has a longstanding journalism career at a number of New York City-based digital outlets. In addition to The Recount, where he served as editor-in-chief for four years, he was the managing editor for news and video at Mic, a political news radio host at SiriusXM, and was cofounder of the internet news site Hyper Vocal.

The charges against Sohmer additionally cast Sohmer’s time as a summer camp counselor and director in a different light. The journalist also went mildly viral for his dealings with young children in 2018 after posting a Twitter thread about visiting his mother’s fourth grade class.

2014 Instagram post from Summer 365 — who advise and advocate for sleepaway camps and summer programs — featured a picture of Sohmer with several young campers in the background. The caption identifies him as “camp legend Slade Sohmer.” Sohmer’s LinkedIn lists him as a codirector a Camp Power since 2010.

Summer 365 did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment.

Buzzfeed ran the story about visiting his mother’s fourth grade classroom in 2018. Via a series of tweets, he said he was worried about telling the class of 10 year-olds, who peppered him with questions, that he lives with his boyfriend.

“It’s not like I misjudged these kids or had any preconceived notions,” he told BuzzFeed at the time. “I just don’t know what today’s fourth graders know about love and sexuality and gender and all its modern permutations. I’m glad it went down the way it did, but it’s not like I expected them to throw tomatoes at me after the big reveal.”

The post Former Editor in Chief of Political News Site The Recount Arrested for Child Pornography appeared first on TheWrap.


434 Subscribers
220 Views – 4 days ago
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We can only hope and pray that what I have been discussing is actually happening. I don’t care about the $$ coming back to us, I am happy that the EVIL is ENDING Copy/ Paste from Telegram: Fri. 25 Oct. 2024 is the launch date of Med Beds in the US. · On Sat. 26 Oct. 2024 the EBS Emergency Broadcast System will activate in every country of the World, while President Trump and the Global Military Alliance execute the largest Sting Operation in history. · On Sun. 27 Oct. into Mon. 28 Oct. 2024 Project Sandman (US Dollar crash) was expected to kick off. · Starting around Sun. 27 Oct. or Mon. 28 Oct. the EBS will be broadcasting documentaries 24/7 on the state of the Global Military Alliance Mass Arrests. · Tues. 29 Oct. 2024 “No more time. No more games”. …Julian Assange · Thurs. 31 Oct. 2024: Q Clock will strike the 00 Marker. · On Wed. 20 Nov. 2024 Nuremberg Trials 2.0 to begin.


4,184 Subscribers
656 Views – 1 week ago
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PizzaGate Interview They Want You To Forget 🍕 thanks 🔥🫎 87K views · 1.3K reactions | WATCH: Three elk try to escape flames in Montana fire 🫎🔥 Wyoming Wildfires: Elk Fire Grows to 79,000 Acres, Pack Trail Fire at 69,000 As fires spread to around 100,000 acres in Wyoming, conspiracy theories grow Yellow Lake Fire: NO DIDDY – The Story of the Diddler SURVIVING P.DIDDY (PART 1) Ally Carter – Diddy underground cities (SINCE HIS FEDFAG-BUTTIES ARE ON FUSCO SHIFT TONIGHT ) FAFO Street Fight Edition – Commentary by Steve Inman ⏏️ Stick Figure – "Above the Storm" What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? 🎸🎵🎶⌛ Muse – Time Is Running Out (Official Music Video)⌛🎵🎶🎸 Dan Scavino Post | 👀👀 👀👀 Muse – House of The Rising Sun intro + Time is Running Out live 15 YEAR OLD JUSTIN BIEBER DRUGGED UP AT DIDDY FLAVA CAMP , TRIPPIN BALLS HARD 50 CENT’S DIDDY DOCUMENTARY LEAK – SATANIC WEIRDO RITUALS , LOCKS TO KEEP THEM THERE DIDDY RAPED LITTLE KEVIN McCALLISTER McCULLY CULKIN REAL STARS SIRIUS IN THE WATERS ABOVE THE FIRMAMENT FLAT EARTH Flat Earth Our Local Moon Below the Horizon 🌙🌑🌙🌑🌙 🌙🌑🌙🌑🌙 Flat Earth The Moon is Self Luminescent and Local 🌙🌑🌙🌑🌙 🐸 #DDK 10/10 Panic all assets deployed – don’t FEAR THE REAPER 🎶 1987 – Full Metal Jacket – One of the Greatest Anti-War Movies Ever Made NCSWIC – Resignations Timestamp 1203 -1-2-3+++ Dan zooms in on Edward X Young aka JFK JR wearing his GREEN🟢 hat AC DC – Thunderstruck Hurricane Milton devastates the Manasota Key and Grove City, Florida – Drone 🎶📼🎥 Kanye West – Jesus Walks – ScottyFilms Music TRUMP🎶📼🎥 AND WE KNOW AWK 10-11-24 Timing is EVERYTHING, Trump NY case Notice RESIGNATIONS, Kamala teleprompter, OBAMA up Full Metal Jacket 4K | I Am Your Drill Instructor Mashup | Full Metal Jacket – Gunnery Sergeant Hartman FULL METAL JACKET RIFLE PRAYER – Q ANON FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT WE ARE THER PLAN Born to Meme – DONALD TRUMP FULL METAL JACKET THANKS ARIC The Top 10 Gunnery Sergeant Hartman Insults from Full Metal Jacket Full Metal Jacket – Drill Instructor Best Scenes 4K HERE COMES THE SON – PAIN IS COMING – AND THE FROGS SHALL DESTROY THEM DONT DRINK THE KOOL AID – JFK JR STILL ALIVE – HELLO GEORGE 🐸 #DDK JFK JR GREEN HAT GUY- Trump Plays FULL METAL JACKET Video @ PA Rally ON LGBTQ+ Inclusion In Military JFK JR – GREEN HAT GUY EDWARD XAVIER X YOUNG: JFK JR Q – I DONT BELIEVE AMERICA IS FULL OF STUPID PEOPLE – REPORTER TRIES TO MAKE ED CUCK, DENIED GREEN HAT TRUMP RALLY GUY ED YOUNG LQQKS LIKE THE NEW VINCENT FUSCA BUT EVEN MORE LIKE JFK JR EDWARD X YOUNG – BUY THIS BOOK📘 ‘IF YOU RESPECT WHAT I SAY, &YOU KNOW WHO I MIGHT REALLY BE’- JFK Jr EDWARD X YOUNG – ‘ NO JFK JR ‘
The Imagination Podcast
935 Subscribers
573 Views – 2 weeks ago
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Today I’m honored to introduce you all to: Multi-generational sexual abuse and trafficking survivor, technology sales extraordinaire, aspiring singer and songwriter who dreams of bringing to life music to help empower other survivors, animal and child rescue advocate, whistleblower of what I will be referring to as ‘The Original Pizzagate’ scandal involving a suspicious pizza delivery company called Cyber Slice, and a modern day Katniss Everdeen: Madison Clares Madison was born a twin to a father who was the co-founder of the first online pizza delivery service company called Cyber Slice – and who would also allege that he was an ex-CIA assassin – and she and her twin sister spent their first 6 weeks of her life being hospitalized after being born prematurely. Madison discovered through her investigations since waking up to her abuse that her family line is laden with occult, military and CIA influences and connections, and that the oddities and abuse in Madison’s family date back at least a few generations – tracing back to her great grandfather who was a Freemason and trickling down the family line to her and her twin sister. Madison recalls her abuse starting as early as age 4 where she can remember memories of her father and his business partner, Tim Glass, in their joint company called Pizza Slice having her strip naked while they sexually molested and abused her. Cyber Slice was the first online pizza delivery service and Madison’s father would often be absent from home on business trips, catering to high-end clientele like his biggest client, Bill Gates. Madison recalls how it was interesting how her father could go from being playful to violent so quickly. When he’d assault her, he always did it with so much joy that sometimes Madison would forget that he was a monster – although her father was not a joyful person. Her father would also would force her and her sister to do sexual acts to each other and he would record and use those recordings to lure in other predators to Cyber Slice. He would offer free videos and photos of Madison and her sister in exchange for them using the Cyber Slice platform. His platform was for online pizza ordering but – as Madison discovered: ‘pizza’ was actually her father’s code word for little girls – and is a proven code word for little girls according to the FBI. And the rabbit hole goes even deeper: Inspiration for Cyber Slice began with a movie called ‘The Net’ starring Sandra Bullock, and in an interesting chain of events, Apple Inc Founder, Steve Jobs, was the first person to place an order for online pizza using CyberSlice’s online platform after helping develop the app during a brief hiatus from Apple in the late 1980’s through the early 1990’s. Madison’s repressed memories of her abusive childhood began surfacing around the age of 14 and ever since, she has been working on putting together the pieces of the mysterious events of her life that flew under the radar of her and her siblings as children. Madison hopes that going public with her story will help her to get custody of her 12 year old brother as the FBI, police, and CPS have been useless despite the evidence Madison has presented. Madison also hopes her testimony and public disclosure helps other survivors to come forward, helps shed a light on what’s going on in our world right now, and helps brings justice to all of the victims. The first time Madison was on, we did a deep dive into the inception of CyberSlice, the founders of the company – including her father, and how this company operated as a cover for more nefarious things behind the scenes to take place – like child trafficking. This time around, we are going to do an even deeper dive into Madison’s life and CyberSlice and what she has discovered and what has transpired since her last appearance on the show. Madison’s ability to be fearlessly loud has garnered her quite a bit of attention online as the P Diddy scandal has brought public attention – and shock – to the fact that people in high places are capable of doing very dark things to and with children. Madison’s story is a testament to this. Madison has been doing a ton of research since her last appearance, and you are going to be absolutely shocked at what she’s dug up. Rife Technologies: 15% Code: 420 CZTL Methylene Blue: Free Shipping Code: IMAGINATION CONNECT WITH MADISON: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION: EMAIL: My Substack: BUY ME A COFFEE: All links:
208 Subscribers
502 Views – 2 weeks ago
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We need to keep this in the spotlight. Many victims remain without justice. Remember that every day new people are waking up and don’t know about this. Pizzagate is a crucial piece of the puzzle and as time goes on it won’t sound like such a “conspiracy.