Temple of Baal – Part 2 – Coming to a City Near You!

ANNOUNCING THE TEMPLES OF BAAL Coming to a City Near You! The following nine articles are a compilation of other peoples’ videos and articles. Each one was carefully selected and contains its own piece of the puzzle. Watch for the links and be sure to click on them, you will be glad you did. I … Click Here to Read More

Temple of Baal – Part 1 – RE-ESTABLISHING PAGANISM

The original of this series of articles was posted in 2016.  Updates  8/2018  The Temple of Baal  RE-ESTABLISHING PAGANISM AS THE WORLD RELIGION By Cynthia Pawl 08-14-2016, 08:40 AM In April of 2016, plans were made to recreate life-sized models, of the Temple of Baal, in New York City, London England, and reportedly 1000 other … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 32 – Leviathan

SPACER “Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through its nose or pierce its jaw with a hook? Will it keep begging you for mercy? Will it speak to you with gentle words? Will it make an agreement with you for you to take it as your slave for life? … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe in Magick? Part 31 – DRAGON/SERPENT Worship

DRAGON/SERPENT WORSHIP UPDATED: 12/7/18; Restored and Updated: 4/10/23 Revelation 12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 30 – The Reptilian Race

     THE REPTILIAN RACE RESTORED 3/1/22 WOW… I know exactly what you are thinking if you are new to this concept. I felt the very same way the first few hundred times I heard this one. No kidding, it sounds so absolutely bizarre. TRUTH is stranger than fiction. I am not going to go … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 29 – Satan/Lucifer in the Vatican

Satan/Lucifer in the Vatican Updated: 3/7/19; RESTORED 2/22/22; RESTORED 10/17/2023 Blatant Satan worship is now rampant within the Catholic Church. High-ranking churchmen are guilty of this heinous crime against God. According to one reliable source, the smoke of Satan has entered the very sanctuary of St. Peter’s Cathedral in the Vatican. Mind-boggling though it may … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe in Magick? Part 28 – Aliens in the Vatican

RESTORED 4/10/20 With all the screaming about separation of Church and State, I am always amazed that the Vatican seems to have so much to say about what goes on in a world where most people don’t even believe in God. It seems like all the heads of state are so concerned about the approval of the … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe in Magick? Part 27 – A Device Named Lucifer

A Device NAMED Excepts from: #20 (Photo Credit: Facebook) Why Is the Vatican the Largest and Longest Owners of Telescope Observatories, Including the Newest Named L.U.C.I.F.E.R.? “Early Masonic magicians like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, along with their modern Masonic astro-notcounter-parts like Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, hand-in-hand with NASA and world Freemasonry using everything from books, magazines, and television to … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe in Magick? Part 26 – Worship of Aliens

WORSHIP OF ALIENS   Growing up in the 60’s was a wonderful experience. Such a simpler time. I was truly blessed to be born in the USA at that time. There was a hidden danger though, we did not detect. The wave of eastern philosophy and western theosophy were making tremendous efforts to warp our … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 25 – ALIEN AGENDA

     Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 8/31/2018; Updated 10/14/20    Certainly, we are all aware that there are plenty of things flying around up there that we cannot identify. The only thing we don’t know is what is real and what could be a hoax? Are they fallen angels manifested as space ships? Are they … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 24 – YOU Shall Become GODS

Originally Posted 1/30/86; Updated 3/4/19; 2020-05-27; Restored: 8/15/22 The following clip presents a quote from Richard Seed, Physical Human Cloning Researcher: “We are going to become GODs, period” “We are going to become Gods period. If you don’t like it, get off. But, if you are going to interfere with me becoming God, we’re gonna … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe in Magick? Part 23 – NEW AGE – The Magical Mystery Tour

Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 12/16/18; RESTORED 2/24/22  The Magical Mystery Tour Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness, Brotherhood Promises, promises, promises. ALL empty. There can never be peace on earth until the Prince of Peace brings it. Man’s heart is wicked and evil. And mankind has an adversary that is working diligently to deceive and destroy all … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 22 – SECRET SOCIETIES

RESTORED: 09/07/2021; RESTORED 2/26/22 Tags:  Secret Societies Mind Control,  Rituals, Magic, Alchemy, Rosicrucians,  Masons,  Illuminati, Demonic DNA, GIANTS,  Fallen Angel Bloodline, SERPENT Bloodline, Egypt, Babylon, Druids, Hidden Knowledge, Ruling Elite, Alien Technology, Astronomy, Astrology, Mathematics, John Todd, Witchcraft, Jesuits, Vatican, New World Order, Bilderberg, Science, Craft Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 12/22/2018 Secrets. What is the … Click Here to Read More


Updated and Restored: 4/8/22;  RESTORED 10/12/23 Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 3/25/19; 2020-05-27; 8/7/21 Tags:  CERN, ALICE, ATLAS, PORTALS, Demonic Entities, Antimatter, World Destruction, Human Sacrifice, Shiva, Kahli Strange Stuff Happens Around CERN EERIE Video Captures STRANGE Event In Skies Over Large Hadron Collider Posted on January 7, 2016 by Sean There’s been much debate over the … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 20 – CERN EXPERIMENTS continued

CERN EXPERIMENTS continued Updated: 2/5/19 ICARUS The ICARUS program concerns the usage of Liquid Argon (LAr) detector for studies of neutrinos from CNGS beam.    Follow the fantastic voyage of the ICARUS neutrino detector June 6, 2017 Into the heart of ICARUS LHCb   The LHCb experiment will shed light on why we live in a … Click Here to Read More