But NOW they only Block the SUN… they rain and snow on EVERYONE!

– Bows and flows of Angel hair, and ice cream castles in the air, and feathered canyons everywhere. I’ve looked at clouds that way.  –  Joni Mitchell — When I was a child, back in the “OLDEN DAYS” when things moved at a slower pace, we had a game we used to play.   We would lie … Click Here to Read More

Get that ELF off your shelf!

RESTORED: 8/18/22; RESTORED 12/3/23 We are living in the endtimes.  Everything has been turned upside down.  Mankind has fallen for the lie of the enemy that says GOD DOES NOT EXIST.  If you have not fallen for that one, perhaps you have chosen to believe an alternate version that says LUCIFER is GOD,  or that … Click Here to Read More

EVIL OVER GOOD – Shape of Water -Maleficent- Beauty and The Beast

RESTORED 5/24/23 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!   Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! ”  Isaiah 5:20-21 Back in 1986, when GOD really got … Click Here to Read More

CRISPR – Part 4 – Unleashed

I am going to lead this article, not with the Headline Story, but with some historical items.  I wanted to show that this is not a big surprise, as they would like us to believe.  The “Scientific” community has no ethical or moral compulsion.  They are interested in only two things, FAME, and MONEY.   Money … Click Here to Read More

Get Your Head Out of the Sand or Watch Your Children Go into SLAVERY

RESTORED 3/11/22 Ok, folks, enough is enough.  Yes, I know you just want to enjoy your life.  You think that if you speak only positive and exude love, everything is going to be alright.   YOU ARE DEAD WRONG!!   Our WORLD IS GOING TO HELL, in a handbasket.  You are going to wake up one morning … Click Here to Read More

What are we doing to the CHILDREN?

RESTORED: 4/5/22; RESTORED 10/23/22 RESTORED 3/19/23 I spent a week with a family near and dear to my heart.  I love them all.  The four-year-old child of the family was clearly displaying some very destructive behavior.  She had learned to be extremely selfish and manipulative.  I did my best to bring the parents attention to … Click Here to Read More

Satan’s Latest Weapon in the Battle for Your Mind – THE GOD GENE

RESTORED: 07/30/2021; 2:54:05 PM TAGS: VACCINE TRUTH, FUN-VAX, ANTI GOD VACCINE, I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU LISTEN TO THE FUN-VAC VIDEO before they delete all the copies!  It sure looks like this may be the fulfillment of their madness.    You know there are so many tools the Devil uses to keep us from a relationship … Click Here to Read More


CATHEXIT:  A CALL FOR AN EXODUS!!! by Jon Watkins   10/28/18 #CATHEXIT = Exit Catholicism and RUN from the Catholic Church! First, there was BREXIT Brexit is the impending withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. In a referendum on 23 June 2016, 51.9% of the participating UK electorate voted to leave the EU, … Click Here to Read More

Halloween A Matter of Life or Death – FOR YOU!

HALLOWEEN –             A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH By Cynthia Pawl, Originally Posted: 10/31/15 – Updated 10/31/2018 What are you celebrating? During the month of October, it seems the entire nation goes insane and outrageously giddy about the celebration of DEATH. Yes, that is what HALLOWEEN is all about. … Click Here to Read More


I have, for the sake of space, posted excerpts here from several very interesting articles that will shed some light on the topic of PALMYRA and the recent deluge of propaganda and promotion of Syria by way of SYRIAN Heritage.  The people of the world are being brainwashed by forces that are controlled by the … Click Here to Read More

AI GOD – Part 2 – And He had POWER to give life to the IMAGE

Pepper’s Ghost: How Dead Celebrities are Being Recreated as Realistic Holograms – May 10, 2018 – WIRED UK Whether it’s Tupac, Michael Jackson or some other revered artist, dead celebrities reincarnated as holograms are big business – and, for two startups looking for fame and fortune, a source of untapped millions. The two companies, Pulse … Click Here to Read More

AI God – Part 1

RESTORED 10/23/22 “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence,” Musk said recently at the M.I.T. AeroAstro Centennial Symposium. “If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, … Click Here to Read More


Video Link: Queen of Islam: Elizabeth II related to Prophet Muhammad In light of what we have discovered has been happening, it is important for us to take a look at the forces behind the events.  This is just another article in a series.  The truth is very complicated and there are so many layers.  … Click Here to Read More