Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 8 – They’re Back!

This last article is really just a group of videos, but very important and very related to the subject at hand.  You can believe whatever you like, but there is a direct correspondence between the growing interested in these spirits and their increasing activity.  Please understand that though pirates are actual people, the force behind … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 7 – For Children

It is amazing how in recent history the image of fairies, elves, and pixies, have made a total turnaround. If you could speak to anyone who actually had experiences with these entities, you would find that they are not trustworthy and can be very cantankerous. Suddenly, people are bringing them into their homes and inviting them … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 6 – Why the Obsession with Merfolk?

Fairies, mermaids, gnomes, trolls, jinn, brownies, leprechauns  – all of these all do exist.  They are spiritual entities that can manifest in physical form.   We are not to interact with these beings.  That is why GOD put a protective veil between the spiritual realm and the natural realm.  Some of them even today, have physical … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 5 – Glamorizing Mermaids

The Whole world seems to be losing their minds over Merfolk!  It is some kind of absurd phenomenon.  I am sure you will think I am crazy but I am telling you that it has a lot to do with the Global Agenda, the One World Religion and Goddess worship.  There is a so much … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 4 – What is the Fascination?

Well, now you have probably seen much more Pirate information than you would care to know. I trust you have seen enough to make you realize that Pirates are not role models.  They are not anything or anyone we should be emulating.  We should certainly not be filling our minds and our lives with images of … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates and Mermaids – Part 3 – More Gory Details

I may be testing the limits of your interest in more information on Pirates, but I wanted to provide more details on their true nature and behavior so that we can come to some clear conclusions about what they represent and the values they convey.  Because believe me, if your children see you walking around in … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates and Mermaids – Part 2 – Brief History

RESTORED 3/22/22 Rest assured that as long as there have been ships on the ocean there have been pirates!  What follows is a very limited sampling of Pirates throughout history.  It is not meant to be all-inclusive.  I just wanted to bring to your attention the truth about Pirates and hopefully stir you to more closely … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids? – Part 1 – Pirates, What FUN!!

RESTORED: 3/22/22 This is a topic that has been on my heart for a long time. What lit a fire under me, to get this article written, was a visit to a  little store right down the street from me. Across from that store is a local church, on their property was a huge sign … Click Here to Read More


CHOSEN OF GOD Originally Posted 9/5/15; updated 9/10; Updated 9/24/18 This article has been on my heart for a long time. It breaks my heart as I know it breaks God’s heart to see the anti-Semitism that is still raging around the world and getting worse every day. Hear me, believe me, it is imperative … Click Here to Read More

It’s in the Blood – Part 8 – Who Wants SUPER POWERS.continued

Why Super Powers? We are living in a world that gets more and more scary every day.  Violence is out of control, bullying, child abuse, animal abuse, spousal abuse, murder, mayhem, rape are rampant.  Every day we hear wilder and wilder stories about ghosts, aliens, demons, witches, vampires, even werewolves and changelings, black-eyed children and voodoo.  … Click Here to Read More

The TRUTH ABOUT SAMSON – So Much More Than You Think

THE TRUTH about Samson Originally Posted 12/27/16; updated 8/18 While I was a children’s pastor, the curriculum the church was using came to the story of Samson. When I read the teaching for that session, I had a talk with God. I was convinced that what was written and preached about Samson could not be the … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 2/26/22 It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that playing around with DNA is a HUGE RISK even under the very best of circumstances and with strict oversight. The very fact that “Science” has decided to release this technology to the world is insane.  The fact that the world at large seems … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED This series of articles deals with the “science” and technology known as Genetic Manipulation.  The first video is very informative.  It was presented at an Open Mind Conference, on January 10, 1983. It was hosted by a gentleman named Richard Heffner and is comprised of his interview with a gentleman named Lewis Thomas, Chancellor … Click Here to Read More


Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Read more here: Source __ You may not have heard about CRISPR, but you need to educate yourself. This technology is a very evil instrument that is about to bring about some very horrific changes in your WORLD!  Explainer: How CRISPR works CRISPR Gene-Editing Might Cause 1,000s of Unintended … Click Here to Read More

The BEGINNING OF THE END – Part 8 – The Unbelievable and Inconceivable

Our world was transforming all around us, so rapidly our heads were spinning.  Folks were, and many still are, in total denial.  The things we were seeing and hearing were so foreign to us.  They were so unbelievable and so horrendous.  What was happening?  I remember an America so safe that people did not even … Click Here to Read More