I have, for the sake of space, posted excerpts here from several very interesting articles that will shed some light on the topic of PALMYRA and the recent deluge of propaganda and promotion of Syria by way of SYRIAN Heritage.  The people of the world are being brainwashed by forces that are controlled by the … Click Here to Read More

AI GOD – Part 2 – And He had POWER to give life to the IMAGE

Pepper’s Ghost: How Dead Celebrities are Being Recreated as Realistic Holograms – May 10, 2018 – WIRED UK Whether it’s Tupac, Michael Jackson or some other revered artist, dead celebrities reincarnated as holograms are big business – and, for two startups looking for fame and fortune, a source of untapped millions. The two companies, Pulse … Click Here to Read More

AI God – Part 1

RESTORED 10/23/22 “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence,” Musk said recently at the M.I.T. AeroAstro Centennial Symposium. “If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, … Click Here to Read More


Video Link: Queen of Islam: Elizabeth II related to Prophet Muhammad In light of what we have discovered has been happening, it is important for us to take a look at the forces behind the events.  This is just another article in a series.  The truth is very complicated and there are so many layers.  … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED AND UPDATED: 1/11/2023 The original video that was posted here was CENSORED.  The above video is a replacement.  Not the same but on topic. THE TRUTH is we have all been duped!!  They have been acting in SECRET to take away ALL of our RIGHTS!  IT TURNS OUT IT IS MUCH WORSE THAN ANY … Click Here to Read More


The Hague – International City of Peace and Justice  – Oct 7, 2015 The Hague is international city of peace and justice, were people are working hard towards a better world. A hundred years ago an iconic new building was constructed in The Hague: The Peace Palace. This palace marked the beginning of the city’s … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates and Mermaids – Part 9 -TIT FOR TAT Fighting Pirates with Privateers??

Fighting Fire with Fire.  Is that really the answer.  Or is this just how far we have fallen?  Isn’t this how things escalate?  Is Piracy just a symptom of Poverty?  Is there an answer? I was just looking up Corsair which is another name for a Privateer or Pirate.  I was really curious if it … Click Here to Read More

Climate Change Agenda

YOUR LIFE WAS CHANGED IN SEPTEMBER 2018! HAVE YOU FELT IT YET? IF NOT, YOU WILL WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! – Time to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!! WORLD, YOU ARE BEING PLAYED!  I told you in the Pirates and Mermaids series that this whole Pirate Mermaid thing was not organic.  It is being orchestrated to advance an … Click Here to Read More

Temple of BAAL – Part 16 – WASHINGTON DC

RESTORED: 08/14/2021; RESTORED 10/7/22; RESTORED 7/20/23; FULLY RESTORED 10/17/23 BABYLON HAS FALLEN!  Understand that when they erected the TEMPLE OF BAAL ARCH in the heart of our Nation, in the center of our Capital, it was an ominous sign of the END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT!  Paganism has so overtaken the earth … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 8 – They’re Back!

This last article is really just a group of videos, but very important and very related to the subject at hand.  You can believe whatever you like, but there is a direct correspondence between the growing interested in these spirits and their increasing activity.  Please understand that though pirates are actual people, the force behind … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 7 – For Children

It is amazing how in recent history the image of fairies, elves, and pixies, have made a total turnaround. If you could speak to anyone who actually had experiences with these entities, you would find that they are not trustworthy and can be very cantankerous. Suddenly, people are bringing them into their homes and inviting them … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 6 – Why the Obsession with Merfolk?

Fairies, mermaids, gnomes, trolls, jinn, brownies, leprechauns  – all of these all do exist.  They are spiritual entities that can manifest in physical form.   We are not to interact with these beings.  That is why GOD put a protective veil between the spiritual realm and the natural realm.  Some of them even today, have physical … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 5 – Glamorizing Mermaids

The Whole world seems to be losing their minds over Merfolk!  It is some kind of absurd phenomenon.  I am sure you will think I am crazy but I am telling you that it has a lot to do with the Global Agenda, the One World Religion and Goddess worship.  There is a so much … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates & Mermaids – Part 4 – What is the Fascination?

Well, now you have probably seen much more Pirate information than you would care to know. I trust you have seen enough to make you realize that Pirates are not role models.  They are not anything or anyone we should be emulating.  We should certainly not be filling our minds and our lives with images of … Click Here to Read More